at o1 ?um? to, . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 8: HUMAN SERVICES Voice - (215) 351-4441, TDD (215} 361-4440 (FAX) (215} 3514431 MW ?Fire ?a ?mm. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Of?ce for Civil Rights, Region 150 Independence Melt West Public Ledger Building, Suite 372 Philadelphia. PA 191 06-3499 March 6, 2012 Mr. Burton Zaslow, President Gladwyne Pharmacy 352 Righters Mill Rd. Gladwyne, PA 19035 {bli?libliilicl 0111' Transaction Number: 1-129028 Dear "Mr. Zaslow: {bli?llbliilicl On July 29, 201 l, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) received a complaint alleging a violation of the Federal Standards for Privacy of Individually Identi?able Health Information (45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164, Subparts and E, the Privacy and Seem-ity Rules . - eci?cally, the complainant, {blimiblmicl alleges that protected health infonnation intended fo of?ce was faxed to her home fax. This allegation could re?ect violations of45 can. ?164.502 and 164.530, regarding unpermissible discloSures and safeguards of protected health information. OCR enforces the Privacy Rule, and also enforces Federal civil rights laws which prohibit discrimination in the delivery of health and human services because of race, color, national origin, disability, age, and under certain circumstances, sex and religion. OCR noti?ed Gladwyne Phannacy of the complaint. On September 12, 2011, Burton Zaslow, Pharmacy President, provided OCR with written documentation of the actions taken as follows: (in receipt of notice, an investigation was initiated. The fax logs were audited and although the computer system printed the correct fax number, the covered entity determined the disclosure to be human error. As corrective action the covered entity reviewed the disclosure with pharmacy staff. The covered entity provided OCR with con?rmation that preper steps had been taken in training the staff in policies and procedures for safeguarding individuals?protected health information capecially when faxing this information. All matters raised by this complaint at the time it was ?led have now been resolved through the voltmtaiy compliance actions of Gladwyne Pharmacy. Therefore, OCR is closing this case. determination asstated in this letter applies only to the allegations in this complaint that were reviewed by OCR. Under the Freedom of Information Act, we may be required to release this letter and other information about this case upon request by the public. In the event OCR receives such a request, we will make every e??ort, as permitted by law, to protect information that identi?es individuals or that, if released, could constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. If you have any questions, please contact please contact Diana E. Vincenzo, Investigator, at (215) 861-4217. Sincerely, Marlene Rey Acting Regional Manager