Case 1 Document 422 Filed 12/04/15 Page 5 of 18 PagelD 243 Russell Taylor Page 4 of 17 Trauma Mr. Taylor was asked to describe the discipline he experienced as a He recalled that his father would spank him but would "warn twice and the third time I got hit." In contrast, Mr. Taylor described his mother as "very aggressive. She would give me scissors to go out and cut my own switch. she would hit me with whatever she had, a shoe, Mr, Taylor recounted a time where his mother hit his sister with the side ofa butcherkniie while cooking when asked iithe physical abuse he experienced was ever reported to 015, Mr, Taylor stated, ~l had marks all over irom the switch. Everybody had marks back then. We lived in the country, nobody called cps." ln recalling his relationship with his steolather, Mr. chestnut, Mr. Taylor described him as "a kindrheaned man, he has always been nice to me, He loved my mom since the minute he met her." He denied that Mr. chestnut was everabusive to him, although Mr. Tayloracknowledged that prior to the current interview, he had never considered his mother to be abusive to him either. Beyond the physical abuse he experienced by his parents, Mr. Taylordescribed very traumatic experiences oi sexual abuse he experienced at the hands of an older neighbor boy and his father from the ages oi 5-3. As a child living in the country, he reported that his iamin was isolated and there were no other children in close proximlly except for his neighbor,- who was approximately 1-3 years older than Mr. Taylor. He recalled that his first experience of sexual abuse occurred whe return, he would offer to play with Mr. Taylor. This grooming progressed to the point that --. Mr. Taylor reported that he never told anyone about the sexual abuse because tatherthreatened to my family in told. One time he shot me in the back with a pelletgun. I had no reason not lo believe them. was so stressed [at the time] it gave me an ulcer."