Fi?e?nth Judicial Circuit Sauth (Emmy Branch Of?ce Guardianship Division 2500 West Atlantic Avenue FL - fr?f?r??uwith? ?annual Guardianship R?p?iin?? ?lud on March I gm: vuus. MAIL ?rm mpmsems Kenn-em and Mary Ann Davis. in the. above-referenced and EI- June 6, 2013 S-heri'Paige, Deputy Clerkauditor . ?fcwendafyn Batson, an Im'apacitated Person I N0. 50 GA 000038 LUCYSB Palm Beach Chung}. in response t0 y??ur May 23?, 2013 correspondence. Your halter In} LN #013, but {an March .. the: rim-Ended Annual Awn?htiilng was on bchaif?af Mr. and Mrs. Davis. To am: rclativ?c mm: Amended Accuumi and your i?qml?it?f? as: follaws: hrder far Attorney fees (Sheri Hazettine) {Print}? is; no Order for MS- Hazcltine?s altumey?s I'd-cs. Ma. HazelIin-s gem-mi :13, Thriller it?unsC-l to Mr. and Mm. Davis in (use; Mr. and Mm. Dania 52.1%: gapp?'imcd :13: Emergency Tempurary (ijdiaw: of ward can Jzzr'zuaz?y HHS (DE. ff}. The $1.500 paid 011 2-"1 ls?'H'j as re?ected an the Amen-act? was; paid 21116:? thrir zippmimmsn: by the Court. A cat-p3,: 01' the Emmi a?rvicrc? ?manic: him wn Mr. 21ml Mrs. [Maria and ?x-Ia. Handling.- Tm M?Hihihkr m- J??quest. Order fur Bets} Savif {Check #93 and 143} 'i'i?ter?? is no (ertr 1hr Huts)" Saw-it. E152. Mann's?- wen: retains-Li x1' i med Mm. rams; 5139.81 than v. E13: {11: guard?umhip uric: of Inc xa-?gru. . A came uf Sung?? bWiriLi Ia.? Mr: and Mm. flat". is wither-.ul ?113' is the ward paying for 1] car tag and nil changea- whc-n an auto is?. nut iisted as an asset? Thy ward?! m! H.115 murer h} {12" twat- .l lam-rte? i3?: car we?: .?1?lah2c iri- and in. Elm.- xuird'm {Jim-gr: um] wim'rs In my '??iird Eh: wanted or TlCL?dt'tE 1H I Order for legal support has I I is far?legal support fees. Check #168 (in the amount of $250} paid. mg Ward?s guardianship account, for swearing in Dr, Asian-i311 [6(fmft?ephmg trial), and. Skendcr Hoti's deposition, during the A mpy of the invoice: from US. chaISupport (mutt ?le does nut? have. an arder did. {Wi?t'i?2rn??fee'? . i filed I in the relaied ?lm the 2am . 1 A enclosed far the As. is gvi?gm I"er any the paid from thmugh my: hair" ultimate =I1C?m?t'he residuary ameum {mm I haw any further to the mutt-ctr. MNKAUSM - Mlimn?. S?b?ci?k? LincMsurc-s Cit?. MI- and Mrs. Davis. m2: c-nmu? uni? unis}? I Betsy Savitt Professional Guardian Billing Period from 1/26/ 12 -- 3/14/12 I?bate Description . -. ii 1" 03?: ?Hull?, 8'128 Ol initial telephon? Call from g?eri Hamltine aboul Mrs. Eamon Cave 1 5.4 Til. Mrs. Davis about the history of case 0-5 moi-'12 .T..C. Davis. after thegi?rrii?reain Florida 7 6.3 Travel to Hotel and meet with Kenneth, Maryann and Brenda. Will! 13 E-mail and response Mrs. Davis. Concern for her physical am memai he .9: CA 7 :1 Her property is in danger of being taken. Evidence that one has been fair: n. I advantage of by Skender Hoti. LC. Locksmiths. T.C. Mm. Davis. lo coordinate: of Mrs, ,aisor- . Travel to Little ltaly restaurant to secure iocation of W. oe?ue P'czte? 1 - Iva-Jeni; to house. .5 Hi. from Mrs. Davis, Gwen is not home. Stay area and 2.19 ran i local drug store. 'f Travolta Mancebo home. Meet DEWIS group an: gr: ta; a; . Eamon and convince her that she has to pack a few tr. i: . 4.- Stay with Maryann while she i5 packing bags fo' Gwen. an: ?imriortont ?amers and valual?iles to put into the: rum ,r-a Drive the Toyota home and store in home 5. a Willi? TLC. Sheri llazeltz?ne. Go 331-? 7* Return to house will": Sher: Hazeltme am: do 5 nor": ire?- - 7 take pictures. Go a more exterioive search ?or we - 3 Place in Ulf/{ik of Toyota, 39m: vaiuasie a; 1 3 i! T.C. iMaryAnn Bows, weighs-:2. -5 - - a i Locksmith for - .. ii?l" and hire?e'xtra hands for mini-1;; *i i {:Inthesa-s. file-2:. Moot faker-{1m Hot 331cc 3 Read and respond 7: ?ea-magi 4 ?If??a?i-E Evl?fl?i's "He??hm {m CED?arri?raea'u t? gm Lov- m, - .r i Caramel tit-hot Ticbci?. it: Li: Hi3 l? mam; fro-r1" lilijr?r? 7 FlurcnaselC-?y??la. drlt?. rum 'T'Jl?ll'l" -- +435. i .- - i STATEMENT US- has] Support. Inc. One 50mm Third Avenue - Suite 1250 R4583 ?snow Miami FL 33131 Mone??S?JB-mm Fax??S-Zisa? 142? - Cutrent 30933? 600375 $0.00 sum bays no days a 0m foul one Amounts Payal?: ?00 .00 375 on Sheri Halelim-BLMsodates, PA. $0 300 Palm Tran Hm 5mm 3 0th Beam 3348] Page 1 of . . lm?? 1mm Balance 30!) Dan: Witness Case me I .. Ibwr?i?nu- 1,3xzojzm?w* '903523} doddu Ii . Mm. 1! I Smeanrn in Br. Gregory Asiannan In re: Gwendolyn Eamon fur him I l? Birm?i?? 90H 15 150.00 3J?9.f2012 ?an In rat Gwmdoh10; 351-243-4655 931 351-543 -: Mrn-um .21. am!- rr'nw; 112A Arrny?mm P3$Wlh 1-: Thu-?If Pl" 133.1 far-2r! Haselr; m. 81. k?t?jf-ilit?, PA Late . ml: 937m "'ds Plaza cu; fir Irkufdy p! 12433 DUE 2 $~395mi w?n??nt .nmII?n in: P: Language English