Esocrmno am) a o: I fiencydesgcherge Nam: m; mm 1: nym. FnucyAn .11 um See endured Privacy MI 3 Farm swan-mud my ww- an [am A EEOC 250-2005015394 Tennessee Hyman Rights and EEOC swan-mum Army, Illny um (Indie-lo Mr. ML. m; am all am. Mr. Dexter F. Rush Named Is Ihe Empluyur, lear Employmenl Agency, Apprenfloeshle commas, ar Slaw or Local Government Agency The! I Behave ulwimrnam Agalnsl Me or 0mm ("more 1m Mo, Maw.) No 2mm. amt-u Phone No, "new. Am com 15 - 100 (901) 361-8388 Nam- Plume no, 12mm Am coda) any, sex. .m cod- PARAMOUNT STAFFING 0W. Slal- 5300 East Ralnes, TN 38118 Name No, Emmy-u Member: SIN-Medan cm, stars .mzw ow. amen 0N (cum WWII-lawful) name. DISCRIMINAYIDN max mes amen mm FACE sow>>? IX sex I: RELIGION mam 06-30-2005 09-01 4005 CI AGE Wm) commqu union we PARTICULARS ARE "WWI/awf- mm, man annual): -urlng my employment, I was subjected to race In lwes told none hlre Black employees. As a result of my Black ampleyeel, I we: Ior alleged not gelling: report completed. Also durl ng my employment, I wlmessed the fact that the company sed terms "hoe/vies" when referring to Jobs that theywanted male to perform and "lltes" when they referred Io jobs that flley wanted females to perform. I bellow that because I did not nlve In to acts 01 race but not Blacks, Iwae agalnn because of my race, Black, In vlolatlcn of Tltle VII of the Olvll Act of 1964, as amended. mm min churns mm Mm Dell! Inc EEOC Ina mo em or local Agency. II any Ide awlu IM agenda II I change my warm or phem number and I will comm. any van Ihemln Ihe army-chums In Imam wilru mew plume-use NDYARV - wn-n nmuvy Iersmn emu: Iswear ur ill'lrm lhal I have mm cm above auras arm Ihal In: Irue In In beat of my kmwledue. immauon and ballet SIGNAYUREOF Wu AM ESCRIB AND on>> 70 same: ME ms TE Sop 06V 2005 (mama-y. om 7 ID 99 EmmfiafiarloscWZOZO newt} haunt]? e'ofissfir 920" Page NOTICE OF RIGHT TO Sue (CONCILIATION FAILURE) To: From: Omce 1401 Union Avenue Sullc I01 TN 3310' On Mhellalparxonft) aggrieved who" Is CONFIDENTIAL (2v CFR gusme EEOC Chums No. EEOC ND. norm L. 250-1005413394 Senlor Trial Attorney (901) 544-0140 TO THE PERSON AGGRIEVED: nolloe concludes the EEOC's prowesalng 01 the above-numbered charge. The EEOC found reasonable cause to belleve that viotatlona of the statute") occurred with respect to some or all oflhe matters alleged In the charge but could not obtaln a settlement the Respondent that would provide relIel for you. In the EEOC has decloed that It not sult malnet the Respondent et lIrne band at charge and wlIl close Its In thlo case. This does not mean that the EEOC ls oertIfying that the Respondent Is In oompllancs the law. or that the EEOC will not sue the Respondent later or Intervene taller In your lawwlt it you declde to sue on your own hehall. - NOTICE OF SUIT RIGHTS - (Son me measure w: roan) . ltlo VII. the Ant, nndlor the Age In Employment Act: be the only nmlee of dlemlssel and of your right to sue that we wlII send you. You may a Iawsult against the respondenqa) under federal law based on charge In federal or state court, Your lawsult must he mod of your neolpt of nollcl; or your to sue based on charge be lost. (The tlrne (or fling sult based on a slate claim may be dllferenl. Equal Pay Act (EPA): EPA aulte must be filed In tederal or state court 2 years (3 years for wIIlful vtoletlone) of the alleged EPA underpayment, means that blokpoy due tor any vlelatlon: that occurred more mm 2 my: (3 mm] bolero you me sult may not he eollootlhle. It you file suit. based on charge, please send a copy of your court mmplalnl to onloe. On banal! or the mm". Li (or 1 9 m1 Kotharlne W. Korea, (Date Director cc: hm Mendy of Oporatlons PMOUNT STAFFING sano Eur Ralnu Road Momphla. TN um