CAMPUS SAFETY SERVICES Resources Temple University Services • Campus Police (215) 204-1234 • Sexual Assault Counseling and Education SACE (215) 204-7276 • Student Health Services (215) 204-7500 Philadelphia Referrals • Philadelphia Police 911 • North Central Victims Services Counseling Services (215) 763-3282 • Women in Transition Counseling Office (215) 763-1111 (215) 564-5301 • Women Organized Against Rape Hotline Office (215) 985-3333 (215) 985-3315 Websites • PA Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) • The National Center for Victims of Crime • National Organization of Male Sexual Victimization Campus Safety Services (215) 204-1234 PREVENTION PA R T N E R S H I P P R I D E Responding to Sexual Assault If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual assault... You are not alone – We are here to help. Every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.* What is sexual assault? Sexual assault is generally defined as unwanted sexual contact through physical force, threat or intimidation. Sexual assault can also occur when individuals are unable to consent to sexual activity, such as when a person has been drinking, using drugs or may be unconscious. Sexual assault is a criminal act, which may subject the perpetrator to criminal and civil penalties under federal and state law, and in some instances, the accused may face University disciplinary procedures. Sexual assault can have severe emotional, physical, social and physiological effects on the victim. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN):* 1 in 4 College women will be sexually assaulted during her academic career 1 in 10 Males will be a victim of a sexual assault, though he is less likely to report it or seek support 1 in 6 American women will be the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime 1 in 33 American men will experience an attempted or completed rape in his lifetime Sexual assault not only impacts the victim, it also affects those connected to him or her. At Campus Safety Services, we are committed to providing you with the services and support that you need. This publication has been compiled to serve as a resource and reaffirm that you are not alone. Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants. *RAINN: c am p u s safety services • 2 If you are the victim of a sexual assault… • Find a safe place Get away from the attacker. Stay with a trusted friend for moral support. • Preserve evidence of the attack The following methods are suggested: u • Consider reporting the attack It is your decision to report the attack to police by dialing 911 (or on campus dialing 215-204-1234). All formal complaints will be treated confidentially and consistently with applicable legal requirements and customary law enforcement practices. Complainants will be advised of available support services, as well as legal and administrative options. u u u Reporting the incident does not mean that you have to prosecute. Don’t wash, shower or brush your teeth. If you have to change clothes, keep the clothing you were wearing in a paper bag. Don’t launder items from the area where the assault occurred, e.g. bed sheets. Write down all the details you can recall about the attack and the attacker. • Get medical attention Even with no apparent physical injuries, it is still important to get medical care. The hospital will complete pregnancy and STD testing. To preserve forensic evidence, the hospital will conduct a rape kit exam. If you suspect you may have been drugged, ask that a urine sample be collected. • Get counseling support Realize that you have experienced a traumatic event, and each person will react to it in a unique manner. It is recommended that you obtain support to help you through this difficult process. Whether you seek services on campus or in the community, remember that self-care is an important part in coping with the trauma. Give yourself the time you need. Know that what happened was not your fault. 3 • T e m p l e U n i ve r si t y c am p u s safety services • 4 How can you help a friend? Keys to Prevention • Remember, alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to make decisions. • Be alert! • Don’t be afraid to communicate your sexual desires and boundaries. • Be assertive. State what you really want and are feeling. When you say “no,” make your message clear. • Be supportive – not judgmental. • Let your friend know the assault was not his/her fault – the responsibility lies with the perpetrator, not the survivor. • Encourage your friend to seek medical attention and offer to accompany him/her. • If you want to hug or touch your friend to show your support, ask if this is okay first. Remember, the survivor was violated and did not have control over what was done to his/her body. • Allow your friend to make his/her own decisions about whether or not to report the assault, whom to tell, etc., but offer options. • Be careful when inviting someone to your residence or accepting an invitation to his/hers. Acquaintance rapes often occur in a residence. • Trust your instincts – believe your inner feelings. When you get uncomfortable about a person or situation, leave! • Don’t drink a beverage you did not open, leave your drink unattended or drink from a punchbowl at a party. Avoid secluded places where you are in a vulnerable position. • Allow the survivor to share what he/she wants when he/she wants. Don’t pressure your friend to share information before he/she is ready and don’t judge his/her actions. • Offer resources. Your friend is entitled to support. Ask if he/she would like to speak to an advocate, mental health professional or other person(s) they trust. • If the survivor thinks that he/she may want to report the assault, or at least keep that option open, it is important to preserve all evidence. 5 • T e m p l e U n i ve r si t y c am p u s safety services • 6