U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration - 405 Capitol Street, Suite 407 Charleston, WV 25301- Telephone: (304) 347-5937 Fax: (304) 347-5275 April 3, 2015 The Charleston Gazette Attn: Ken Ward 1001 Virginia Street, East Charleston, WV 25301 Dear Mr. Ward: RE: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) report No. 773307 for OSHA records regarding the investigation of Eagle Natrium dba Axial] Corporation. In response to your FOIA request dated March 30, 2015 for related records from the Charleston Area OSHA Of?ce. An investigation was initiated by my of?ce on October 1, 2014. It has been determined that because this ?le is still considered to be Open, we can only release a portion of the requested information at this time. The information from the case ?le has been determined not to be disclosable under the (U SC 552) and departmental regulations implementing these provisions (29 CFR 70). The reason for not disclosing the information is as follows: - 1. Information may not be released in accordance with 5 USC 552(b)(7)(a) which exempts from discloSure information that if released ?would interfere with? or ?could reasonably be expected to interfere wi enfOrcement proceedings. The requested inspection is still under investigation and the Citations and Noti?cation of Penalty, should they be warranted, have not yet been mailed to the employer. Once the investigation is ?nalized and the results are mailed and received by the company, they have ?fteen (15) business days to contest. If after the ?fteen (15) business days the company chooses not to contest, and adequate abatement has been received, the ?le will be considered releasable and you may resubmit your reguest. If the company does choose to ?Contest?, the ?le will remain in ?Open? status until it makes it through the Judicial Process. You may check with our of?ce from time to time to determine the status of the ?le or if you have internet capabilities you can conduct an establishment search for this information. The address is wanna-aoshagov. In the centerof the web page under ?Data and Statistics? you may search by establishment and enter the company name. When the investigation has been concluded and the contest period is over, please request the information by resubmitting your request in writing. Additionally, you can track the status of your FOIA request by logging on to and entering the FOIA report number listed. You have the right to appeal this decision with the Solicitor of LabOr within 90 days from the date of this letter. The appeal must state, in writing, the grounds for the appeal, including any supporting statements or arguments. The appeal should also include a cepy of your initial request and a copy of this letter. If you appeal, you may mail your appeal to: Solicitor of Labor, US. Department of Labor, Room 2420, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC. 20210. Alternatively, you may email your appeal to foiaappeal?dgdolgov. or, fax your appeal to (202) 693?5538. The envelope (if mailed), cover email (if emailed), or fax cover sheet (if faxed), and the letter indicating the grounds for appeal, should be clearly marked: ?Freedom of Information Act Appeal.? If you have any questions concerning this response or have any additional information to share, please do not hesitate to contact me and reference FOIA No. 773307 and Inspection No. 997653. Sincerely, Prentice Cline Area Director U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 405 Capitol Street; Suite 40?? Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: 3104-3476937 Fax: 304?347?5275 03/19f2015 Eagle Nattiurn, LLC, dba Axiall Corporation PO BOX 191 New Martinsville, WV 26155 Dear Employer, Enclosed you will ?nd citations for violations of the OccUpationai Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the Act) which may have accompanying proposed penalties. Also enclosed is a booklet entitled, ?Employer Rights and Responsibilities Following an OSHA Inspection?, (OSHA 3000) revised 1990, which explains your rights and reSponsibilities under the Act. If you have any questions about the enclosed citations and penalties, 1 would welcome further discussions in person or by telephone, You will note on page 6 of the booklet that, for violations which you do not contest, you most (1) notify this Of?ce by letter that you have taken appropriate corrective action within the time set forth on the citation; and (2) pay any penalties assessed; Please inform me of the abatement steps you have taken and of their dated together with adequate supporting documentation; drawings or photographs of corrected conditions, purchase/work orders relatedto abatement actions, air sampling results. This infomation will allOw us to close the case. I As indicated on page 8 of the booklet, you may request an informal conference with. me during the lS?workingw day notice of contest period. During such an informal conference you may present any evidence or views which you believe would support an adjustment to the citation or the penalty. . If you are considering a request for an informal conference to discuss any issues related to this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty, you must take to schedule it early enough to allow time to contest after the informal conference, should you decide to do so. Please keep in mind that a written letter of. intent to contest must be submitted to the Area Director within 1-5 working days of your receipt of the citation. The running of this contest period is not interrupted by an informal conference. Yea must take care to schedule it?early enough to allow time to contest after the informal conference, should you decide to do so. lfyoo decide to request an informal conference, please complete the attached notice at the bottom of this letter and post it heat to the Citations as soon as the time, date and the place of the informal conference. have been determined. Be sure to bring to the conference with you any and all supporting documentation of existing conditions as well as of any abatement steps taken thus far. If conditions wah'ant, we can enter into an informal settlement agreement which amicably resolves this matter without litigation or contest. You should be aware that OSHA pubiish-es infomatioo on its inspection and citation activity on the Internet wider the provisions of Electronic Freedom of Infomai?ion Act. The information related to these alleged violations will be posted when our system indicates that you have received this citation. You are encouraged to review the infoimation concerning yen: estabiishme?t at Wesha?gov. if you have any dispute with the accuracy ofthe information displayed, piease contact this office. Sincerely, a. Area Director Enclosures US. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 405 Capitol Street smite 407 Charleston, 25301 - Phone: 304?347?5937 Fax: 304-3476275 Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Inspection Number: 997653 Inspection Date(s): 10/01/2014 10/10/2014 Issuance Date: 03/19/2015 To: Eagle Naeium, LLC, dba Axial! Corporation and its successors PO Box 191 New Mart-ineville, 26155 Inspection Site: Fig described this cream and - 156% Energy Road State Route 2 I alleged to have Proctor, WV 26055 on the'fnspec?on was mad? was mama's indicatedtv?kz?n the description - Sivan below, 5- II 3 This Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty (this Citation) describes violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 035-1970. The penalty?es) listed herein is. (are) based on these violations. You must abate the violations referred to in this Citation by the dates listed and pay the penalties proposed, unless within 15 working days (excluding weekends and Federal holidays) from your receipt of this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty you either call to schedule an informal conference (see paragraph below) or you mail a notice of contest to the 13.5. Department of Labor Area Of?ce at the address shown above. Please refer to the enclosed booklet (OSHA 3000) which outlines your rights and responsibilities and which should be read in conjunction with this form. Issuance of this Citation does not constitute a ?nding that a violation of the Act has occurred unless there is a failure to contest. as provided for in the Act or, if contested, unless this Citation is a?irmed by the Review Commission or a court. Posting The law requires that a? copy of this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty be posted immediately in a prominent place at or near the location of the violation(s) cited herein, or, if it is not practicable because of the nature of the employer?s operations, where it wiil be readily observable by all a?ected empioyees. This Citation must remain posted until the Violation(s} cited herein has (have) been abated, or for 3 working days (excinding weekends and Federal holidays), Whichever is longer. Informal Conference - informal conference is not required. However, if you wish to have such 'a conference you may request one withthe Area Director during the 15 working day centeS-t period. During such an informal conference you may present any evidence or Views which you believe would support an adjustment to the citation(s) andfor penalty?es). Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 1 of 12 lfyou are considering a request for an infOrmal conference to discuss any issues related to this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty, you must take care to schedule it early enough to allow time to contest alter the informal conference, should you decide to do so. Please keep in mind that a written letter of intent to contest must be submitted to the Area Director within 15 working days ofyour receipt of this Citation. The running of this contest period is not interrupted by an informal conference. ifyou decide to request an informal conference, please complete, remove and post the Notice to Employees need to this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty as soon as the time, date, and place of the informal conference have been determined. Be sure to bring to the conference any and all supporting documentation of existing conditions as Well as any abatement steps taken thus-far. If conditions warrant, we can enter into an informal settlement agreement which amicably resolves this matter without litigation or contest. Right to Contest Yeu have the right to contest this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty. You may contest all citation items or only individual items. You may also contest proposed penalties andfor abatement dates without contesting the underlying violati ons. Unless you inform. the Area Director in writing that you intend to contest the citationt?s) proposed pertain/fies) Within 15 Working days after receipt, the citatiom?s) and the proposed penalt?ieslwill become a ?nal order of the Occupational Safety? and Health Review Commission and roarr not be reviewed 113 311V court or agency". PenaltyPaymeot Penalties are due within 15 Working days of receipt of this noti?cation unless contested. (See the enclosed booklet and the additional information provided related to the Debt Collection Act of 1982.) Make your check or money order payable to Please indicate the Inspection Number on the remittance. You can also make your payment electronically on Wpaggov. On the left side of the paygov homepage, you will see an option to Search Public Forms. Type and click Go. From the results, click on QSHA Penalty Ferment Form. The direct link is: 09033 4. You will be required to enter your inspection number when making the payment. Payments can be made by Credit card or Automated Clearing House (ACTH) using your banking information. Payments of $50,000 or more require a Transaction 1D, and also must be paid using ACH. If'you require a Transaction 1D, please contact the OSHA Debt Collection Team at (202) 6930.170. OSHA does not agree to any restrictions or conditions or endorsements put on any check, money order, or electronic payment for less than the full amount due, and will process the payments as if these restrictions or conditions do not exist. Noti?cation of CorrectiveAction Per-each violation which you do not contest, you must provide abatement certi?cation to the Area Director oftiie OSHA office issuing the citation and identi?ed above. This abatement certi?cation is to be provided by letter Within 10 calendar days after each abatement date. Abatement certi?cation includes the date and method of abatement. if the citation indicates that the violation was corrected during the inspection, no abatement certi?cation is required for that item. The. abatement certi?cation letter must be posted at the location where the violation appeared and the corrective action tool: place or employees must otherwise be effectively informed about abatement activities. A Sample abatement certi?cation letter is enclosed with this Citation, In addition, where the citation indicates that abatement documentation is necessary, evidence of the purchase or repair of equipment, photographs or Video, receipts, training records, etc, verifying that abatement has occurred is required to be provided to the Area Director. Employer Discrimination Unlawful The law prohibits discrimination by an employer against an Citation and Notification of Penalty Page 2 of 12 OSHA-2 . employee for ?ling a complaintor for exercising any rights under this Act. An employee who believes that herhe has been discriminated against may ?le a complaint no later than 30 days after the discrimination occurred with the US, Department of Labor Area Of?ce at the address shown above. Employer Rights and Responsibilities The enclosed booklet (OSHA 3000) outlines additional employer rights and responsibilities'and should be read in conjunction with this noti?cation. Notice to Employees The law gives an employee or hisfher representative the opportunity to object to any abatement date set for a Violation if he/she believes the date to be unreasonable. The contest must be mailed to the US. Department of Labor Area Of?ce at the address shown above and postmarked .within 15 working days (excluding Weekends and Federal holidays) of the receipt by the employer of this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty. Inspection Activity Date You should be aware that OSHA publishes infomation on its inspection and citation activity on the Internet under the provisions of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act; The information related to these alleged violations will be posted when our system indicates that you have received this citation. You are encouraged to review? the information concerning your establishment at moshagov. If you have any dispute with the accuracy ofthe information displayed, please contact this of?ce. Citation and Noti?eation of Penalty Page 3 of 12 OSHA-2 a; US. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration NOTICE TO EMTPLOYEES OF INFORMAL CONFERENCE An informal conference has been scheduled with OSHA to diseess the eitation(s) issued on 03/19/2015. The conference will be held by telephene or at the OSHA of?ce loeated at 405 Capitol Street, S?ite 407, Charleston, WV 25301 on at . Employees andz?orrepresentatives of employees have a right to attend an informal coaference. Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 4 of 12 OF CORRECTIVE ACTION WORKSHEET I?-Spec??n. Nam her: 997653 Company Name: Eagle Natrium, LLC, be Axial] Corporation Inspection Site: 15696 Energy Road State Route 2, Proctor, WV 22605 Issaance Date: 0311919015 List the speci?c method of correction for each item on this citation in this package that does not read ?Corrected During Inspection? and return to: ES. of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 405 Capitol Street, Suite 467, Charleston, WV 25301 Citation Number and Item Number was corrected on . By (Method ofAbatement): Citation Number and item Number was corrected on. By (Method of Abatement): Citation Number and Item Number was corrected on By (Method of Abatement): Citation Number and Item Number was corrected on By Method ofAbatemeot): Citation Number and Item Number was corrected on By (Method of Abatement): Citation Number and Item Number was corrected on By (Method of Abatement): I certify that the information contained in this document is accurate and that the affected employees and their representatives have been informed of the abatement. Signature Date [Title I Typed or Printed Name certification in any application, record= plan or NOTE: 29 USC 6660;) whoever imowingiy makes any false statements, representation or be punished by? a ?ne of not more than other documents ?led or required to be maintained pursuant to the Act sh all, upon conviction, $10,000 or by imprisonment of not more than 6 months or both. A copy of completed Corrective Action Worksheet be posted for employee review OSHAQ Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 5 of 12 Inspection Number: 997653 Inspection Betas): 1010 1120} 4 10/10/2014 Issuance Date: 03/19/2015 Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Citation and. Notification of Penalty Company Name: Eagle Nati'ium, LLC, dba Axiall Corporation Inspection Site: 15696 Enexgy Road State Route 2, Proctor, WV 26055 The alleged violations below have been grouped because they involve similar or related hazards that may increase the potential for injury or illness. Citation I Item 1 a Type ofViolation: 29 CFR The employer did not ensure that eaeh affected employee uses appropriate or face protection when exposed to or face hazards from ?ying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or. potentially injurious light radiation: Department: The employer did not ensure that employees (maintenance) were wearing Caustic corrosive liquids such as 70 percent face shields While breaking into lines and equipment containio caustic solution as determined on or about October 10, 2014. ABATEMENT CERTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED. ABATEMENT DOCIMENTATION REQUIRED FOR THIS 1? Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: Proposed. Pe?alty: 03/31f2015 $7000.00 See pages I through 4 ofthiS'Citatioo and Noti?cation of Penalty for information on employer and employee rights and responsibilities. Citation and Noti?cation ofPeoalty Page 6 of 12 OSHA-2 mapection Number: 997653 dministga?on InSpection Bate(s): 10ft) 1/2014- 101?10/2014 Issuance Date: 032?191?20 1 5 HS. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health A Citation and Notificatibn of Penalty Company Name: Eagle Natrium, LLC, dba Axiall Corporation InSpectio'n Site: 15696 Energy Road State Route 2,-Prootor, 26055 Citation 1 item 1 1) Type of Violation: 29 CPR The employer did not letrain employees when inadequacies in the affected employee?s use of PPE indicated the employee had not retained the requisite understanding: Caustic Department: The employer did not conduct retraining of employees and supervisors on the equipment to wear in that company documentation showed that maintenance for selecting the PPE for a job, were oonsisteotly instructing gles while breaking into lines and equipment containing corrosive lution as determined on or about October 10, 2014. proper personal protectiv supervisors, who are responsibie employees to wear only monogog liquids such as 70 percent caustic so ABATEMENT CERTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED. ABATEMENT DOCUNLENTATIGN REQUIRED FOR THIS ITEM Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 038 1/2015 See pages 1 through 4 ofthis Citation and No??cati on of Penalty for information on employer and empioyee rights and resoonsibiIi-ties. Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 7 of 12 . Inspection Number: 997653 Inspection Date(s): 10/01/2014 7 10/10f2014 Issuance Date: 03/192205 ILS. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administratio Citation and Notification of Penaltv Company Name; Eagle Na?ium, LLC, dba Axial! Corporation Inspect-ion Site: 15696 Energy Road State Route 2, Proctor, WV 26055 Citationl Item 2 'I?ype ofViola?on: Serious 29 CFR Protective equipment was not used when necessary whenever hazard; capable of causing injury and impairment were encountered: Caustic Department: The employer did not ensure that employees (maintenance) Were wearing protective clothing that was resistant to corresive liquids while breaking into lines and equipment containing comosive liquids such as 70 percent caustic solution as determined on or about October 10, 20 14. CERTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED. ABATEMENT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR THIS ITEM 03/31/2015 Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: $7000.00 Proposed Penalty: See pages 1 through 4 of this Citation and Noti?cation ?of Penalty for information on employer and employee rights and Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 3 of 12 oer-me (11. US. Department of Labor - Inspection Number: 997653 Occupational Safch and Health Administration 13*5Pec?on Datqs): 10/01/2014 - 10H 012014 Issuance Date: 03/19/2015 Citation and No tifieation of l?enalj}: Company Name: Eagle" Nat?om, LLC, dba'AxiaIl Corporation Inspection Site: 15696 Energy Road State Route 2, Plectol', WV 26055 The alleged Violations below have been grouped because they involve similar or related hazards that may increase the potential for injury or illness. Citation 1 Item 3_?a Type ofViolation: Serious 29 CFR The energy control procedures did not clearly and speci?cally outline the requirements for testing a machine or equipment to determine and verify the effectiveness of lookout devices, tagout devices, and other energy control: Caustic Department Tank Farm: Prior to rerrtovzing a valve and line blank from a 70 percent eaustic loading line, clear and Speci?c energy isolation'proeedures were not developed, documented, and utilized to include how employees would verify that isolation and desenergization of the ?ne had been accomplished, as determined on or about September 19,2014. ABATEMENI CERTIFICATION AND I ON REQUIRED. ABATEMENT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR THIS ITEM- 03/310015 Date By Wl?ch Violation Must be Abated: $7000.00 - Proposed Penalty: See pages 1 through 4 of ihis Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty for information or: employer and employee rights and Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 9 of 12 OSHA-2 I-nspeetion Number: 997653 Inspection Date(s): - 10/10/2014 Issuance Date: 03/19/2015 - U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Citation and Notification of Penaltv Company Name: Eagle Nauium, LLC, dbaniail Corporation Inspection Site: 15696 Energy'Road State Route 2, Proctor, WV 26055 Citation 1 Item 31:1 Type ofVioIation: Serious 29 CF The energy control procedoree did net clearly and speci?cally outline the steps for shutting down, isolating, blocking and securing machines or equipment to control hazardous energy: Caustic Department Tank Farm: On or about September 19, 2014, a clear and speci?c energy isolation procedure was not developed, documented, and utilized, prior to the maintenance job of removing a who and line blank from a. 70 pereeot caustic loading line, that described how the isolation valves would be secured and how all energy wOuld be released from the lines_that would. be opened. ABATEMENT CERTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED. ABATEMENT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR THIS ITEM Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 03/3 1/2015 all ath .3 55 Prentice . Area Director . See pages 1 through 4 of this Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty for information on employer and employee rights and responsibilities. Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page ll) of 12 OSHA-2 US. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 405 Capitol Street Suite 40'? Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: 304?347?5937 Fax: 30443476275 INVOICE DEBT COLLECTION NOTICE Eagle Natrium, LLC, dba Axial} Comoration Company Name: 15696 Energy Road State Route 2, Proctor, WV 26055 Inspection Site: Issuance Date: 03/19/2015. Summary of Penalties for Inspection Number 997653 Citation 1, Serious $21000.00 TOTAL PROPOSED PENALTIES $1000.00 To avoid additional charges, please remit payment to this Area Office for the total amount ofthe uncontested penalties summarized above. Make your check or money order payable to: Please indicate Inspection Number (indicated above) on the remittance. You can also makeyour payment electronically on On the left side of the paygov homepage, you will see an option to Search Public. Forms. Type and click Go. From the results, click on OSHA Penalty Pavment Form. The direct link is You will can be made by credit card or be required to enter your inspection number when making the pageant. Payments Automated Clearing House (ACHlusing your banking information. Payments of $50,000 or more require a Transaction ID, and also must be paid usingACI?L If you require a Transaction ID, please contact the OSHA Debt Collection Team at (202) 693-21?0. restrictions or conditions or endorsements put On any check, money order, or OSHA does not agree to any ash the check or money order as if these electronic payment for less than the full amount due, and will 0 restrictions or conditions do not exist. . If a personal check is issued, it will be, converted into an electronic fund transfer (EFT). This means that our account information on it to electronically debit your account for the bani: will copy your check and use th amount of the check. The debit from your account will then usually occur within 24 hears and will be shownon your regular account statement. You will not receive your original check; back. The bank will destroy your original check, but will keep a copy of it, If the EFT cannot be completed because of insu?icient funds or closed account, the bank will attempt to make the narrator up to 2 times. I Citation and Noti?cation of Pcnaity Page Ii of ?2 Pursuant to the Debt Collection Act of 1982 (Public Law 97865) and regulations of the US. Department of Labor {29 CFR Part 20), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is required to assess inteiest, delinquent charges, and administrative costs for the collection of delinquent penalty debts for violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Interest Interest charges will be assessed at an annual rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury on all penalty debt amounts not paid Within one month (3i) calendar days) of the date on which the debt amount becomes due and payable (penalty due date). The current interest rate is one percent Interest will accrue from the date on which the penalty amounts (as proposed or adjusted) become a ?nal order of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (that is, 15 Working days ??om your receipt of the Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty), unless you ?le a notice of contest. Interest charges will be waived if the full amount owed is paid within 30 calendar days of the ?nal order. Delinquent Charges: A debt is considered delinquent if it has not been paid within one month (30 calendar days) of the penalty due date or if a satisfactozy payment arrangement has not been made. If the. debt remains delinquent for more than 90 calendar days, a delinquent charge of six percent per annum will be assessed accruing from the date that the debt became delinquent. Administrative Costs: Agencies of the Department of Labor are required to assess additional charges for the recovery of delinquent debts, These additional charges are administrative costs incurred by the Agency in its attempt to collect an unpaid debt. Administrative costs will be assessed for demand letters sent in an attempt to collect the unpaid debt. . i-q?ZC?r?ig 9: 5f Prentice Cline Date Area Director Citation and Noti?cation of Penalty Page 12 of i2. OSHA-1 {i US. Department of LabOr - Occupational Safety and Health Administration Inspection Report ?5.331196: 0316400 0134'? 9923653 1178 Axiall Corporation Balng Natrium, LLC 2 325180 5_ Private Sector i Corporation 3 (304)?455- (304)455?5335 :2200 . Sit?'Ad?k?si?s 15595 Energy Road 3th . . . IE R?llte 2 . 15696 Energy Road State (3 5 1304-4556885 Chlarine Manufacturing I 325130 61260242 Sit?? ha? 0100112014 "o??i?fihg g? 01?ocT-2014 11:45 AM walkagagig?rg m-ocr-zom 01:30 PM 11:00 AM mom-2014 11:30 AM Inspectiqn Fatality/Catastrophe "1222 Comprehensive Fe?efai Nati?niai-Et?ipb?gige {L?galf??ibha?i Pi?iin?iztji'; -- 500 500 2900 TKCAT pkmr?- . Both Safety 8: Health 1 121112 91i963 $033? . . . :Inlspi?si?tiqazNyi US. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Investigatio? Summary I 0316400 63309 911968 09! 1913014 02:45 PM Eagle Natrium, LLC Axiail Corporation Site Information ??i?etae?eae?? MARSHALL . PROCTOR ?66an Event Replacing a valve in a ptocess?line used to transport 70 perCent mastic?sciatica from storage tanks to leading rack. While the employees were removing the valve and a stopper plate that had been previously inserted into the line the employees were sprayed with the caustic solution that had built up behind the stopper plate. Wang-31am I ct Sodium hydroxide. Chemical burns to outer body and lungs. Victim 1 lxjtu'ed/Deceased Name Thomas Zalmow Gender MALE Age 50 Victim Injury Fata?ty?OSHA covered Cause Inhalation Nature of Injury Bum(chemica1) Next ofKin 1 Next cf Reiati Mailing. Mailiag