xL?ma-a .2 A - g, Elmgr?mmi Elf f1 - (MATERIAL MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM OR ADDED To THIS . - I. w\ FEDERAL UREAU \l ?ll mm {I?ll mu MIMI WI ?1 ququ 1% K. 1? . A DECLASSIFIED SCREENED RD 42423 RD 42423 2 By; -, (URTS 12819) - *Date: 8/5/2015? By: MTM . Date: 8/5/2015 HME ?23855 am?mcm 1A 15;" f1 FBI 5/21/71 wear? 3A3, ?i?war\ . ?ar ?ne :gka-am? llfaapieg rcf'a? ?egar?ing ?&ptiene? ambient. far Bufi%?$ an an? far tarmant*a fila. 7 wh?.?su??e in - furni?he?v?h?"infbu a?manfaaf??f?a?ag 8. 43?H~en~ -8/16/71? ?In??rman? a?viae?w?hab ai?h?mg? ha had met . *Es gain bafmra,.tha fram.a as fa?lee?? invea?iga?i?aybf a ?bwiet ?a?immaljtha d?licata natura a? which aegni?EE.State.??par?ment clearange. .1 u. 24 E71 Ks?a?z?) /1 New Yark Rew- ?fark . /?a?awak? @3353? 759:9 2 a ?5:7 J. .l {g 3:4- . .r?xham-rn. 4.14114 - - 46?; (VITED STATES DEPARTMENT f" JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION New Ybrk, New York August 17, 1971 In Reply, Please Refer to File No. - Vitaliy Lvovich Beloborodko A confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, supplied information set forth below regarding Vitaliy Lvovich Eeloborodko and Aleksey V. Vbronin. Vitaliy Lvovich Beloborodko is a Soviet national assigned to New City as a correspondent for Moscow Television and Radio. Based upon available information he is suspected- of being connected with the Soviet Intelligence Services. . Aleksey v; Veronin is a Soviet national a .assigned to New York City_as a correspondent i - for Tass News Agency, the official Soviet - The source advised that he observed the above two Soviets on the evening of August-6, 197l, in the Times Square area of New York City. They were covering a peace rally being conducted on the anniversary of the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima, Japan., - (D) - widgnL?imeumnkm ygt?p-f M. . from automatic nd' - declassificatio to be dgetributed outside yOur agency.. ME 42 0 0 We NW: 12819 DocIdE 59169341 Page news gathering agency. \Kvu This document' contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of. . the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your-agency; it and its contents are not - mg? I- . . .. . . 7w a I . Vitaliy Lvovich Beloborodko I a Li ?Ive The source stated that the only interview he saw conducted was between Beloborodko and Pete Seegar, well known .folk singer, who is active in the peace movement. Fellowing the rally in Times Square, the demon? strators proceeded to march to Central Park, however, the Soviets were not observed to follow this activity. - (D) NW: Page 4? ?um?vwmun ?a?mrraria - - 7' . . _l 0.19 (Rev. 11?3-69) 2 Tolson (Kr; 7 . ouch Walters Mohr Bishop I 4 . Casper . 11 On . Conrad ?1 y. - -31: - .?vi ii - . Felt eegerui ADAMS - sj?fian$e A Pete Seeger, the folk? singer barred from an Towel L, ?pi'ogi?am7in 1963-liecause he refused to sign a loyalty affi- A I .1 savitjzwilrb?ea guest on Show Tele. Room Holmes Gondy on Wednesday, March at 9?p.m. For the Cash Show, taped last Thursday in Nashville, (Tenn, Seeger sang ?W'orried 'Man?s Blues? 'and another song the plight of the American In- dians-in the 18305.. There were no songs .of social protests or po- litical beliefs. . 4 'Cash had ,wanted to present' Seeger on his show last?sun3mer, but ABC refused permission, ac- cording to Cash. In a personality piece about the s1n_? ger published _i?n\The New York Walter .1 Gages?, . i Sunday egws on Feb. 1, Cash was Brennan ee?gaeg. quoted as saying: wanted'Pete - on my program, and still don?t over March understand Why they: didn?t-per- the same fate as Paulsen did on unit it.? p, ?The Return of the Smothers 'Stan Jacobson, a co-producer of. Brothers? over On the the Cash Show, ?said yesterday NBC Special, Paulsen in initial there was ?never any problem? in Planning was to be a guest and at HoOk-ing Seeger this season. the end 0f the Show, Tom Even so, the announcement Smothers thanked hint for his ap- about [Seeger?s appearance re? pearance although Pat never ap-' ferred to him as ?controversial.? neared. - "r :3 ?The i a1 folk The Washington Post scholar,? said a paragraph ?in the Times Herald resswrelease ?once was given a . grison sentence (later rescinded) The Dally News because he cited the First Amend- - The Evening Star (Washington) ment which guarantees freedom of speech and'associati'on rather . Th? Sunday Star - than Hto discuss this political Daily News (New York) beliefs'? I - - Sunday News (New York) In _1955 S?eeger refused to New York Post A ck/ answer questions posed by a [Congressional committee . that The New York Times was checking _on Communist in? The Sun (Baltimore) filtration of? the entertainment - :field. He'was 'convicted ?of con- . The Dally World tempt of Congress, but the The New Leader United States Countpf zA'ppeals' The Wall Street Journal reversed the decision. . Seeger was ?barred from an The National Observer show entitled Hoot?en- People?s World a_nn_y_ in .1963 because he 3w0uld_ Examiner (Washington) not furmlea ?sworn affidavit i as to his' past and? present affila- tions.?(Talent contracts betWeen CBS Date FEB 2 3 1970 and Lucille Ball and Ed Sullivan expire at the end of the 1970-71 season. . CBS-TV, c, ich announced it Will retain To" 6" Rome ?With?Ldve and switch it to 1 0 I {rd/E: aims-39: egg?: I Tuesday evening- next fall; will. air-uni; make changes in the showto? try htg?gw?i?mbw to attract Viewerscast ad~ l" alt 7' nan. ,h .. 8 1 5 Ima- ?l Egg Lemt?mlhi??gglg?us tidalg? a 5?;ng Wm? we 1-13-12: (10-19-49) SHEEGGVERNMENT Director, FBI SAC, New York Peteww . PetefWBowers SECURITY MATT 36 9/3114, is I-recomz'nendled that'aisecurity'Index'cards-be pat-embedon thee. - gab0ve caption%d individual?? - The Security.1ndex Card on the eaptioned individual shenld be I 'chAnged as folloWs: 5(Specify changezonly)? NAME PETERESEEGER . 1 ALIASES Pete ?Seeger; Peter Bowers Ms NATURALIZED. ?35, I ALIEN 7 geocmLI?sr WORKERS PARTY .- . I we; . . - MSCELLANEOUS (Specify) 2: . w. DETCOM TAB Gouge m? - .DATE-OF BIRTH Ma?! 1919 OF Bif?? ?Neinork City at RESIDENCE. Route-9, Beacon, New York weavers?CromwellMusic Company, 129 west New. 1 BUSINESS ma?a-6f employing concern and address} I Yo-fkcity . - NATURE OF- INDUSTRY OR-BUSINESS (5331' from straie?scg. land?giital "hangar-must) . f, . None A ?e 3 av 7' I. ?r?m?u mg}. - 7 a . give)" . I-1ooe83801 $351 a. vwr, . I . NW: *?g?g?jsgr69341 Director,'Federal Bureau of Invas?igation .4 i iAttn: ?Liaison Officer - -. _3 BranchSUBJECT: SEEGER, Peter A revi?w-of the a?propriate Generai, Depar?ment of the Army, reveale? that th? iggividual described below 3 has nolcurrent military $tatus: - . ?5 SEEGER, peter . - a '7 ASN: 3.433 DAbe OF 3amayt1919 .- ?ew Yea; City,*LAST ADDRESS: 129 Mac Dougal 313;, New York, NY . DATE, OF lb Pep 19155 . i . - I v, sow 51:11 Army,quormation on the allegatigp reflected-13 the f1135_0f the ASSista?t Chief Of.5baff, ??gz D?partment of ?hey?rmy.139for FEE 999359169 I I - 1' . ASS. 8mm OF Hwy, VBSEIEGTDM.25, 9 i m2 GENCE I . 9 January 1951 yichols Hosen 'riaroo Behlzum: Muur A i?ita?' gg??7 Tracy - {?Pele. Room . \iNease tGandy SAG, New york A 7 Dire?tor, FBI 7 "7f I L7 SECURITY . I 70-pi?4gwamawa?? . -?R??rlet'da?ed August 8, ;9503 I 7 I Attached ar? phetdStatic ?opie? of communication? from Military.lnt?lligence, washington,.n; G. dated April I, 19h3; M?y 215 I9h3, May 27}'1943, June 25,19431 ??g?st 2,,1943 and September h; 1943, with enclosures.\ Also is a phctostatic.cop& Qf a clipping? the New Iork Baily CQmpass dated september 20,\1950,' In View of the allegations concerning the captiened inndividual Communi sympathies, you are rEquested-to cenduct? an investigation relative to his activities. Thereafter you card ghould be' recommended13133341 Page? 8 f? STANDARD mam N0Of?ce? Memorandum. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT a T0 Director, FBI. ?Mg "igiai?I-lgisg?r? FROM A .. . - i av SUBJECT: .?idi: I BUDENZ <%av?i - . a - LOUIS F. BUDENZ, formerly managing editor of the "Daily.Wbrker"\ and a Communist Party ?unctionary untilIhe broke with the Party in October; 4 l9h? has been interviewed during the past few months concerning the I concealed Communists whom he knewwl The person named above as the subject I AIof this case, was one-of those individuals whom BUDENZ.described as a _concealed a concealed Communist as one who does not hold hihself out as a Communist and who would deny membership in the Party; ngw?Au? of all he knew concerning the subject, that heI?elt'was pertinent; and.he dictated this information'to?a stenographer of.this office, th was present I during the interview. . BUDENZ adviSed SA J. MC CARTEL, JR.I on gm 3% 19599 He used, in order to bring out all he knew about the subject, the I . ?following set of questions. He considered all Questions-in connection with this'subjecte Where he did not comment on some particular question as to the 'activity?of the subject; then it is because he had no knowledge._ If he recalled anything about the subject as a result of these questions he dictatedI vwhat he know; The questions are as_follows: - ?h?w?F?v - a If I .2 I1. Identify individual . - a; If observed a description and other identifying data; I - b; If not seen, enough descriptive-data aboutnindividual to positively 7? - identify him or her; 4 Cr ?Any aliases I21 individual as a Communist I as seen at a closed meeting, get data, place and persons present at . meetingtold officially that individual was a Communist, who said it, what {gfua were the circumstances, and who was present; I - 0. Relate all occasions when he met or heard of individual as Communist. I3. DecumentSDid individual.ever write anything that might be considered Communist literatureFor "Daily worker", "New MasSes", ?Political Affairs", 9/HGI. any-any-front publications or other publications. as new a] . 7I ?56: as assess Imse .195? {ii women/on IVSO . I. 3% g, .1 l? it ?Kr 'rte.? rLetter?to Director_ 4, Fronts 10. 11. 12. 13. ?14. .Was individual aetive in front organizations. which organizations b. How active was in?ividual Espionage Was individual ever involved in secret work; What work; - Who knew it; Did individual ever do any special work for party. Is individual still active or sympathetic toward Party. Can you recall any trips abroad particularly to Russia and the approximate date of the trips? Can yen recall the nature of the trips. Did you ever hear that he had attended any of the training schools in Russia? :Did this subject appear to have entree to the Russian Consulate or- did he receive special consideration and attention from known Russian Agents or Communist-Officials in Is the subject working for the U.S. Government or is he affiliated in -any way in Confidential Government work at this time? Did this individual have military training, Abraham Lincoln Brigade, U.S. Army, other service? the this individual employed in vital industry?? Do you know any other members of his-family who are Communists? Do you know of any other activity on the part of the individual which would'indicate that the_individual is a concealed Communist? Additional questions were asked as a result of his answers questions in order to fully develop his information. -2- .7 NW: 12819 591693471 Page 10 to the above concealed CommunistS'?xem EUEEHZ Stated he knew. Party, USA, Internal Security - if?) Letter to Director Attached i? a blind memorandum dictated F. BUDENZ and-containing all the pertinent informatien cancerning the subject which BUDENZ couh? presently recollect. The original of each mega has been reviewed by Mr. EUDENZ and he nae made.eny necessary'cdrreetgene and he hae signed the eriginal. The signed original of being retained in the confidential infonnant file of LOUIS F. BUDENZ, HY file 62?8988. Since the individuals such as the subject ef this case are, according to RUDENZ, concealed Communiets-and since they are, in most instances, persons of Some promineneei it is Suggested that if the information appearing in the atteched blind meme is reported, then Mr. BUDERZ should be given a temporary coni?dential symbol. the inibrmetion of the Bureau the subject is.ene of the 400 The names of ?iese concealed Communists were sent to the Bureau in the ease captioned"communist 1 NW: 12819 59169341 Page-11. 999$ gi?Equ . Alt-Mug}: i am un?ar ism impresaian @1131: 3 along mirth 311ml}; entertaimed the. Samfmtim of the: 86:11th in a ales 63:1 dinnar 3933231131: in 190919? a? Emma amma 319112;; was firm adviaad af? 1113 membewhip mine ?cmmunis'b' by TRAEEITWBERG and "if-1. 399% in 3,9215; ?19639 'ba?amae {pf biz; cacperatiem with Rikki; yarticulwly in $1191 Emple?aa 30:383. vanmwg. TM. 9 #1211; 'htNW: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Pag?? 5 5 8? Jr\ . I ?a O?ice -Mem07 - UNITED sma?ncvanMENT T0 7 Director, FBI DATE: August 8, 1950 5 . FROM SAC New York 7 - I I 3 . m3}: PETE (LOUIS BUDENZ 00) {a ?u (Sm-hull? - - ?suede - g; seeder?! names a F??BUDENZ,formerly managing editor of the QDaily-Wbr? r" and a Gommunist Party.functionary until he broke with the Party in October, _l9h5 has been during the past few months concerning the A I,concealed Communists whom he'knewt The person named.above as the subject of this case, was one of those individuals whom BUDENZ described as a i I r' concealed Communist. BUDENZ describes a concealedeommnnist as one who does not hold himself out as a Communist and who wnuld deny membership in the Party. BUDENZ advised SA WILLIAM J. no JR. .on' June 30?, 1950, f" or all he kneW'concerning the.subject, that he felt was pertinent, and he dictated this information to a stenegrapher of this office, who was present. ~during the interview. . He used, in Order to bring out all he knew about the_subject, the ch) :following set of questions. He considered all questions in connection with this subject. Where he did not comment.on some particular question as to the egg activity of the subject, then it is because he had no knowledge, If he recalled anything about the subject as a result of_th?se questions he dictated' r?l' ?what he knew; The questions are as follows: 1. Identify individual I . .. a, If observed a description and other identifying dataE? - - b, If not seen, enough descriptive data about individual to positively 3' i _identify him.or her; . . 7 c, Any aliases 2, Narrate how he knows individual as a Communist a. If seen at a closed meeting, get date, pleas and persons present at i meeting; . I ifyil b. If told officially that individual was a Communist; who said it, what were the circumstanhesg and who was present; . A A c, Relate all Docasions when he met 0r heerd of individual-as_Communist. .3. Documents a. Did individual ever writefanything.that might be considered Ccmmunist f/ literatureFor "Daily ?Politicag iffairS"; "dr?er any an -front. ublications or other ublicaticns ,4 7? i" l? CC: 62e8988 cu in}, *ltl- 91?; .- a 7 'Letter to Director A -Fronts a. 'vnich organizations ?1 ?r {j 5. Espionage 113' - What work; if Who knew it; 2 Russia? clA. l? 9. a 10. ll.? U.S. Army, other service? 12. ?3 DocId: 59169341 Page 14 r. Did individual eVer do any.speci ?How active was individual ls individual still active or sympathetic toward Party. was this individual employed in vital industry? 13._Do you know any other members of his Do you know of any other activity on would indicate that the individual is a cencealed CommuniSt? -2. was individual active in front organizations. Was individual ever involved in secret work; al work for party. 7. Can you recall any trips abroad particularly to Russia_and the approximate-date of the trips? Can you recall the nature of the trips. Did you ever hear that he had attended any of the training schools in Did this subject appear to have entree to the Russian Consulate or7 did he receive special consideration and attention from known Russian, Agents or Communist Officials in Is the subject working for the U.S. Government or is he affiliated in any way in Confidential Government work at this time? Did this individual have military training, abraham Lincoln Brigade, family who are Communists? the part of the individual which Additional questions were asked as a result of'his answers to the'above questions in order to fully develop his information. (.3 . ietter to Director .Attachcd is a blind memorandum dictated by LOUIS F. BUDENZ acd containing all the pertinent inibrmation concerning the subject which BUUENZ comma presently recollect. Etc original of each memo boon reviewed by Mr. BUDENZ and'he - has made any necessary correctiong and he hat signed the original. The _7 signed original of in the confidential infonnant file or LOUIS F. BUDENZ, NY filo 62-8988; Since the individuals such as the subject of this case are, acoording to BUDENZ, concealed.Communiots and sinco hey are, in most instances, personc of some prominence, it is suggested that if ?ue information appearing in the attached blin? memo is reported, then Mr. j! I - Should be given a temporary confidential symbol. 6; ?bq "or the of tho Bureau the subject is one of the 400 concealed Communists stated he know. The names of ?zose concealed Communists were Sent to the Bureau in the case captioned"00mmunist Party, USA, Internal Security r? NW: 128.19 59169341 Page 15 Ff(it-9. ?5 .2.ij PETE SEEQEE 7 Folk siager. - 'md?er themes-11191191111 $339129, slang with BRAKE, entertained the Gonv?ention of ?she Gommunist Party in fa" cite-181$ runner semion in hencr of BLOGR 191111; I was first adviSed of his membemhip the Camunist Party by ALEXANDER anti J. in 19115. ibis arose be-ctauae of his, comparatim with RQBZITESGN, partie?larly in the. P98091993 . momma NW: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Pag? 16 i957? ?.Military Intelligence Service j?7 Washington M943. Subjeotsl?L?tl?ger -- .- I . To} Honorable Edgar Hoover, g; f' a - . Director, F?aeral Bureau of Investigation,. 3 . . . Unlted States Department of Justlce; Washington The attached communicatlons are forwarded for your 1nforma? . ?i I tlon and such?aotlon as you con31dor advisableFor the?Chief, Military Intelligence ServicesC4JK a L. FORNEY g: 'rcolonol; General Staff'Corps, I Asst. Executive Officer3113323331 ..54 21941.799 NW: 17. 1 a I ,v 'w-Lq 5: I . 561:3? E'Miihgzgai?g K: may: N.- r? X6 a 3 DEPARTMENT I INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Investigation requpsgtediby 7 Character of investiga?tibn 'U?ice of originReport made u:~g f; . Report made at i Period cavered TL a I Status of Case .. -- an H111 tary ?Intellige?ns?' tangx?wg; mag mum; In i133inva?igaiimgmpie I - ?4 1'1? i ,v'r -. . Ga .n MungI;W?1.35"llak?t?z . copies.?- ran-H? copies. . I 3 mom a algahzaija - - w. - (r 3?1 r. . mm?.L?w?u . H. ?Jx . y? 13;.1; ?l y. I EL {9 527:3? . .fa?ff?if- 7 "vr?wr?" #Aw_ within gtkw;- - Ff a" 0 {2.41; i? n. 3 . i ?xes-m REE . Egg if") 3.32%.3343: Baatim??) i A 2:9 9., Wgamm??mm - ?at; Giwi?. .ezawa 35 'E?mzzh 1&3? mamas: wagers- an; as) Yamh 45% 13m Mew mm, mm, mm mff?iia?ea with ?mariaam'y?m?h 9. a) At: Wimmwm gm 33623399, Egg Laws-ya . A Hugo 33mg ?aw: mam wmgmo E353 3%?maa Biahgg, ?ahaal-uf WEN ?ea-23$; 13% 'E?wrmimz 322%? Emahvillag, Emmy {gm . - - . mum: 1336: mmse- Emu, gag-m era-'1 mam La? (ma?a . Ybrk, .- - I f: ?iabmwh, $3311- {Ma Ma? ?aw?m mm; (ma i?g?edmd??mlam ?231-9 @?tzh may New? . K) J, Jam Ge: aardmg Jr? Haw Yam: mm Mbrarm Ya?gfj 3&6 4 If ?ra dul??n'?arauviain . Mam, Gmamg 1:5, 25,, - - I Amhm?sg Ana? Emu; {mama . ?gi?a Mamas; . ma Engaz. aft Sam? gm - 333mg? Ganm., an? ?naaglha?qne rgcera yam-2mg m??mgmm (mm im- 315% m: mm mva 95" ?aw-a, 4 ls?pywi?a? "by?gmia? @wtye (mm as) MJWE .1. .53-33 aff?ier?a aa?m 1%39 3? Wa??w? miservmara at Emma-any a-san?izaema, guwcm Ema- Ea?m?al MIME- aim; ?ema mugex?viwrg ?xaugm; mm ?uw?at had law-dag Wigwam Gemim Earw?maJ?nivmrmi?y, wag an aa?iv?lm?MBar a? ?ne ?amar? Studant Ewan, fuaa? Emma: ma?a? a?rgmim?ma imigd?ng ?aaiatyg League Kn?uatrial B?mgcraay? gag ?a?ggna? ?tu?aa? Laagg 's 6w mama; 3am? $5123: a} .simgwg m3? 'mggiaaggm amm? 3&pm]: II ark-1i{32% at}; Maggima?a. gaiajm? is: ?3?ng L??awd ?-?h?eat $323.4}: (35-37% ?339 . - . E59 .?wgamzm wgmw?wg 5.2a ?rm a; whale a; mifwmw? QWW I ?aw- - as? mam- a? in?uma - - - Wis ?ffim _-ama- $5 "a 19433 a "739m WEE {mam 1y- in mama? gaming mm Emam we 35$ it, mm 3555' - amaw mmem gm?a ?gw?iegg @wm?g 38;. mam. "Maw 3?11;- Emma amma 1am; '?im 123 mm m?g mi :mg?amrw gamma maag?agj? ?it ah? - ?gumegzt M: i??ali??h? ?wima ta m?iml 19, am}; hag: 1-Way E?i?a? mwa may an. @?mm?maw qwm?ma?wb: _7 ma ?f?imw 3miiwm ?ha? @111 hm 621%,} mama ?t?a?mism r?amim hi3? $9 mam, ?Ema? gamma what? has? wmi?iam? {m be: that ?ma?m? Amwm?m??w??wmwm (3W ?awm LEW Ema?iga?ma) . Qarrwgamwm am m- M?a ma hm mm $33233 in pali?ia?: tr?. imim?y mm: {aha Emma? #33 .mlwam mg?m?wsim?g mm? Wi?ga mm g?a?siziwy mi- gamma a" ?gm-i? mama ?mm?gwg QW: 12819 59169341 Page .mw 1 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page 21 ari.999 (91511915119111, 1 . 1 IWEWKW mik- 93997 data 3319;932:9991 6939995999 93139991 9-91 ma 99:9 mam 999393191 9291111929999 911919 9119;319:119, 2.19 9999991911133 7' .1 9159.79 $31993 '99 9999919. 919 {212139 91;, wa?m -. ?g?tfam. 7: -- 329mg . . 1 9999399399121; yam ?5.999 13-.df'm . . a in" Egg 9 "75392113131439;an I '1 23323- I A 13531333; 1 11911995124. - I I ??h?Mgw 99111139919. ahgg?' 1 . . . 1999:1129 1% 21% 3.133%} .1 @133 ?W?g .?ubjam? amiima? gami?giw Mm ?gmm ??mkz Mi? ?im?gmi 319- 99 b9 ~99 ,leaz?r?kmg?i-?k?a agigialriw?tim?m - agmg-g; 19919159912919 9121;391:913 - 91229219199. 9.19%. ?m?g?mb?g "Ema 9399991129?" 91999: 9999,9392111991199 1 .m?rw $992331 g-gma 9229.19 933,;- gar-135m ??f?mw . mama @311? 99119919119991 9991;999:911- ages-mm ($993991: 399' married and, 919m; 1 3999991 9? 19199 gamma 91119? 3W ?13.99. NW: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page .9 A. 1. mwuw 11,21,111 11%, mm?, - ., may What u, NW: 12819 DocId: 59169341, Page .23 MEMBRAEBUM THE OFFICER IE CHARGE Gonn?cticut =?.2?June?1945 - ;/%1oe7103 f307th?Tech; Sq.?j it T=i7i At?em?ted; mm min-ruf?e: i?aohet?s or} ?Spring Hill ?fammar . on .216 AmlTl??S-this A?smitfvi?it?d 1 Connecticut, formerly knd?n asiths Spring Hill'Grammar?Sch991; regarding _3T?e di? ?at th?ft ff and n? member of present facultyi_ S?ho?1 during that-P?rib??" it fh?t ?59 Spring qo?dm?ted by? Spin??yfan? $94 was taken 9var?89ma?L imiera-s .Mth?r?inva?tiaatim disclosed that - Mi 38.81411 was deceased. ??hang?dheri?resi'dence ?tie )??inork?nd i?mii?tai?eid. a gamma? hot r?turn?d ta her summer hbma; ?hd.ina??nqh this Schcol at a very'yo?ng ag?; it is,d?ub?ful that the'information obtained?wnul?.b? of any value. m. Laubscher-L LAUBSGHER- - 7 "Agent, 610 . k?fi??i - .. "um -mJ?Fa . NWE 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page W?chboiwfr?m;1952 to 19365 and tha$"he remembered-Subject wall; i ?ran. 7 3:1: ?12 1 a .1 _Hart?ord, Conneeticut 25 April 1943 FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE (Pv?a) -Asn\54335?66 - . 307th Tech; Sq. - Keesler Field, 'Subject1 Ed?cationrcheck?w Rel Avon~01d Farm.High S?hOol (m bl on'23 A?til i943 thig'Agept ahecked recordS-at?Avon ald'Farm High Soho?l}lAvbn, gn?iin?erViewed_Dean sears regarding - Subje?tgf Sears informe? this Agent.that S?bjectj?ttended the'afore?gntionea, Sears ,7 addsd that ?llan Seeg?r?&Amsrican Poet bf World war j'fama) aha that that while-Subjeot-attended the SQhonlgh9.Was.the founder and e?itor bf a small school n?w??aper which gained popularity.and is at present'widely read by the agumnii 'In'des?ribing subject; Sears said'that he was an"introv?rtive, shy, 're?ig?nt?type, physieally weak andtfor these raasqns waa'not popular with felldw 5Saaba wag were estranged and that?Shbjecf'g'home lira and enVironmen? were no? . gxeat campleteiy,hohest and reliablea? SuBJEctfi$5qui?ved in aftgr leaving Avenu- Old Farm - - - subj?btisa?a?kg:6?nag S?ara.gtatea that ?S?bj?ct bailed an Him about three y?ara after leawingitheuAvon At Said that Subje?t ?r?earea foahQV? g??umgd a VBQh?mi?nn-? attitude in dress aha app?aranb?a that Subject had devalbped a Sea?? did not feel that Subjaat;Was.in any way dang?r?usg'but he I did that Subject had?aligned himse;f with ?he*sQ?calle& radical, element of Earvard University.x M. MATTEYS LAUBSCHER Agent, GIG . 1Mags. '27?May:19?5 . File bio-710m FGR THE CHARGE . 307th rech; Sq, Keesler Fi?rd, M159. I .523 I?Spthion of re?nr?? at Harvar? University may 19453'thia Agent viai?ad University Hall, Harvard Yard, subjectis Sch?lastie re?or?. ?fExaminatibn of these regards revealed that Subjec? entered Harvard ._Qo1;ege in saptemb?r, for the Bu?h?mbre year?in?the ?ail of'1957, but did pat campl?ta? 'lthe-s?oon?iyaarg?being 'EllO?ed beca?Se'?f financial trouble? 12 April 1958; ~Grades in?the first year were'fairg? Ho credit?was_re? ceived fqr-?hs year; 7 - 7 Thea??ra?otd81?dntain a note thg? are 1 )ConSt?n?? BeC1yv?f (Ed?on}f??eger 75?39?th Broa?way: '*gzi -- - - -- . - 2 major f?ald'?f c?nc??trati?n'39? to b9.30c16103y9' .. t} Q?-Inf?hr??; 1938 ??gj?ct*wgg pla?ed ?n prqbatiqn for"cutting' classes ?and for un?apisfactory?Work. {IQ.A?ril, he was allowed ta withdraw. - Reason?' figancial trou?le?g' - - ahqw? that marks was sent to City college-of new York/g/'William B. Hickey . . B. HICKEY SFEGIAL AGENT, I jib 7? l? I NW: 1"2?81?9 DocId: 59169341'Page gm 7 . Q: I 'n 4 FOR THE OFFICER IN Subject: SEEGER, Peter (Pvtg)~ ASN 54535466, 507th Tech. Sq. Keesler Field,-Misse Re Boston, Mass. iMay 28, 1943 File b10-710m K. Inspection of records, Harvard University On 28 May 1945, this Agent Visited the office of the Supervisor of Undergraduate Non-Athletic Activities, University Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., to ascertain if Subject'was a member of The Harvard Stu- dent Union. I This Agent personally examined a list of members of the Harvard Stu- dent Union, dated November, 1937, on which appeared the Subject's name followed by the word ?Secretary'.t Examination Of iThe Harvard Pregressive', published by the Progressive Committee of the Harvard Student Union and the official organ of the Student Union, shows that subject was listed on its staff as Secre- tary. The Harvard Student Union (not to be confused with the Harvard.Union,? which is officially a-part of the University) repreSents an amalgamation of' - organizations which reflects the liberal sentiment of the college. chapter of the American Student Union. NW: '12'8-1'9 lDoCId: 59169341 Page It is\a It came into'existence in 1935 by the fusion of a number of organizations, including the Peace Society,'League'_ for Industrial Democracy, and The National Student League. William B. Hickey WIELIAM B. HICKEY SPECIAL AGENT, 010 I ?n4?- sari?asa?w was, :aa?xwwma?m? a? {m ?g 33:12:33? ?m inma??gamm E11: wma gym: QM ??fp ?31% gamma; Mugging qr . #3651 ma?a I ??mm Em ?3331. my image? ?aw a I ?r 5 NW: 12819 Doc-Id: 59169341 Page 27 1 WM 1 . I I 911m- 199:9 mwa/anlmm .1 la: $933313; @9593 3139:1113, magisg?g? .1 19921339911111; ??zwm?mgm . 1%?93219395 9399;?: m?ir 2999991: W??x?mg 3599.999 1 ?k Eamlma M: 9? 55': .3919 152119. 111.139 of 1919?19,; 9229:; 3:911 in 19911:: 1 129;. 9999 19391199211999 925,911 9111;132:2219 . 3:199:11 $3919 1511919119: 11:91:19? mm?mwmy $9219 91999291.:- 1 193191151111; ?11913; $119131; ?gm ?m?gmi art-1.999.199: 91:99 ?ula?aiat? 921999331991: 231913111111; 1119913119399: 131%? 9991199999,; A :11; Emmi:ng 353-11 .9999: as? 9.1919191391911199 . if? 999119119119 7:923:99 1191:1119 599291119119. 9991992199 91:99 91:9:- 9199:1111 gammy" Wm Em 9f 313391115: W951in 1911119 Yam #19199 1.191199%. @3999!? 119359 "1999919959 931:1: 191219111991 99911 1 ?923?- gnti?zjf?i'11mz. 1351399991 liw??iia?w 9119;199:119 9319211911111: NW: 12819 59169341 Page 28 I gm? $513-$117 9297999999 999919 . .1 {mg @399 99:993999 99911391919 9.9 - 7 91991119999: ?anag gh?tg-? ?awe ?gmawhmn am if WPa??ii?W *2 m1 12." .n . we} $999999, 99- 9:21:11: 9:91.19 mam-@193. . - - his - 9399199999.; aim; ma mg - 9 - fur??rm. him $3.6 am?a?g?? NW: '12819 DocId: 59169341 Page 29 I - 33mm Mum a. 1 Mai; I?a??m ?1 g' ?Paw-Wing Wkly ma?a. m: Emma? ?m augmwtiam - ?aw he -m mamagyfmim - ?$331313, 33m. mgmm?d $322355 fem ?mg 233% gimwml Mammy. mm}: a git-1a ?imm??sam wwima? gamete ?g?bjmtia 25$: 71162 has? ?mgr ?tam: $313! Emigmmg waif: ms ffw? Ea 7 rm;ng ??gmna?a mg ham in f?m?m Em: ?bm? (Em! ??mgm 32% Ma: mm awm Maim-aa mm; 53% mam ?im- my? - 53.: ?gm?wmi 225%- ?gm- gawayg . 1 sigma was: m: Maw hm amaa :at?axz?mi} m. ammim ?wjm? 3:34.23; ?7 mammw? 53m ma; 5; was; ma Maamg} am ?m??m?gm?im. ?mm?mm ?Emligk 532m fw- Kama;in *Eim? 335:3" mg 1m;- 329$? ?a?hgag?, @3333 am ma- ?azsimtam mg" in. ?rm ?tm?wim that? Esaakiag my a a'ragm sm??i?i?&?imh a? iam- mama-:11 ggimmsr?am? mag. as; .?zg?i?w may awnim was: mag a? ms? m?wtw as: ?haitr y?gmm the Maw l?mf: sag?paMnm?g mmra wg?mm are fiamfm Ms may mam wMi?-?a? my ma?a, warm - usagmamwmm .s'tzmz?; ma- 325%. miaimiy 'miyai ?aw- he: ?iimt untiammw mix 1mng mm mm?z?ssml mi: x?mii?m 1553a ?32412: ?ia?m?mm. 71$ may, gmm?ba mgrm? '?rt?ui-fii ha. ?es: that $13& ?wrtiw?m. Emma. Wm w; am? ?mzm ?aw . w; with ?ta-ha Maggi; m??w .: .. -1 fag-$3 wail}; ?a?gw?a? agwmaa :3 ma ?m af. Wis: Ag?mg MW: mmaxemg i?ama??3m.; mam-ng ?giimeaw?a amivi?iam gm gamma, "in: Em; ?km ?i gas-a ?gwmi; ?gm?g . 52636 1\ ,7 I Boston, Mass. zs'may 1943';2 . File b10?710m THE OFFICER In CHARGE ?subaaqta ASH 34535466 .. jao7?h Teen; qu "Keealer Field,,M1sag a S'ub??ct'js Part?time mm -, "0 J28 M?y'ls?sg?ehiglAg??t int?rviewed Mi?s Dorcas Bishogs Librarians Subj?ct;? BiEhbp Stht?? that S?bj?c? a part time.basi? for six w?ile ha was a a?phdmora at Har?ard,collage. Af%er afating that Subject?? wqyk?waS'entir?gy SatiSfactory, Bishop. ?,statethh he was When asked to expand on.thia-point} a hav?Eradi?al idea?g"wi?h a strong-leaning towa?dx?ommuni?m; -She ?en?inued by BEYing?thatJSubje?t~ ?was'stfang~willed and highly epinionatsd in his views? ?John Seeger,'3hn was al?c at this tim? a at library, hag expressed[doncerng Bishnp baid, the fact'that the?so? S6hobl which atte?d?a had not-done him any Seemed to sham cal idea$;;r; . ?aying tha? in ofoprilg 1938, aha heard? .?ha knew no?hinggofi subj?etta; extra; that Subjeq?ghad?withdraWn from the dollege and that he wag living,lonwhis_ 4 I 9f of hi? ?gQuaintagceS. . I . l"7i . WWILLIAM HIGKEY VIANW: 128-19 Docld: 59169341 mg NW: 12819 DocId} 59169341 Page 31 - 1 Boston,.Maas, I 28May 1943' .. 4 smI/omn File 11105710232.- mom?mnum FOR THE 033193111111 CHARGE Subject: SEEGER. Peter (Pvt.) - ASH 54355466 30fth Tech. Sq.r Kaeeler Field, M188. Attempt to interviaw former teach?f and acquaintance at ;Harvard Universitya In attempting ?0 fin? aequai?tanqes of Subject, this Agent contacted the following people who remambersd him or insufficiently'to Sup- ?ply any information about him: - ?Mr. Williaqu. Ebaman,? anager of?Ehe Harvard Union, where Sabjeot w?s I emPloyed-frcm February to June, 1937. - . 7- ,Miaa M. Manager Of The EhrVard Unien, M155 B?i?win and mrs. J. Ryan,'Harvard Student Employment Office, Wha supervised Subjec?ls reommates at Leveratt abuse, not availabla at?this timeA in 'EdWard Stet-119, 1904- Meridian St?. 931321191119, Tenn. William F. Pannebaker,?1354 State St., HeW?Orleans. Gabrge N?ahikcwa, 336 East 116 St., New Yark; William B. Hickey WILLIAM B. HICKEY SPECIAL 19111111, are @Lf mamas; mag Egg13;; am? ":99 I . 9 I mm 54Eimsw?. ?zw ?h?igm 3? .. Qwaw tg?: ?wa.36 wi?i ?g @293. tag- ?:qu 1 m??i?a gm 3% a; a? ?23m nH3&3 mama, am m?g?im a? ?am if - aim gammaam%: :33 gaswass a? $131?? 2 128 7 ?g mt, . ark?z A N, "ragga may wag?- "imam-mg mam a 'Nyv:12819Imy?dp59169341Page33 NV me - Em; 3W?fg??3??m -. am Ma ?g faa??m??x?y am? I jag, Wam?l' ?hiai?- ?23133 '?mw aha mam mm:? may wafer. ?hamgam?rmmw, mmasw -. kalmwar gam ?r ?W??wy ??533? Mgm? ?mm QM 'fw?h? Mama? 't azim- 1%me33 mm? Myamy ma a?t?w? - aha" ?aw Im-?E?im a?mw?m; ?ag. 7 ma ?aw ?wiish 1:735. . Aliw?s? m3; Lama ?ame: a? amammwm ??mreiha 1 mm. mg aza?i will 13% 5% mam; m?a. mama? ?Ixis?? t?wa we? 3g gram. am? ways;an ?km ?b?m tm gnaw aha, ?3 was aamam at? a WW mm, ?r ?rm aggeama imma? ?we; - u. mm gang: ?gamma gimm?w gym-Wig. I ?22263: 'gm?gs? I I {34. a? E3 7 ?w?m - . ?Bo?'tdng'm?'sa. 28 May 1943. - File 510~710m FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE ?Sub?eo?bz Peter (Pvta) ASH 34335465 - 307th Tech. .. "Keesler Field, Miss, Inapestipn of r?cofds; Levefett Ebus?, ahrvard Uni?ersity Gthhursday, 27_M?y 1343, ?his Agent vi?it?d the master's lodgingg,_ I to secure on Su?jectis e?ua?j?qn ahd organizations. A?vp?vy Exgminati?n 9f a ??oorda-ther rsvealedth Subject regided a? Leverett Hbusenduring?part-cf the 1937?38 term;' A n?tation'pn?hiS'appliv cation had lived at Union dgring previpua $chbol year; digstrumehtigil} club; _,pa?intigg; and _'drawingSubje?hfs listed as track,-tennis, I a I There is nqidne at.Levarett House at the prgsent?him? who khdwa Subje?t. Th6 prSSe?t master as?umsd-th? poai?ian'only'redently: -The fprmer master, now Subject; ai? no l?nger attached to the'Univer?ity; :Lateat'addr?ss ?f these men'are: -Ts_LeOnardl i' . Washington; D3?633?J0hn Gordan; Jrgg' \HEijd Publip=Librar 3 DeHo?d; . B. HIGKEX I GIG, ?4 g] iggmo?' - . an '1 9P1: - 5.! . . gm?? u. 4- . NW: 12819 59169341 Page m?gw Emwag Washiin mm? ?91; an {i??s?5.91,. "?rm 5am gm .m ?up-A . .- -. . NW: 12819 DocId: 591693211 Page 36 ?Riksagas- ?333; {39$ wamga mam a ?gwigmg I i ?mwmagg?mm .amgaag aggng my m: was: maga- mamw - {faint gs: .. . - I '?fm ?i?j 1, A - 27%: if ai?aa? magma ma . gaa?airs - .. @331." mgr-2%. mm mm. ?mwmi m: ?2321; a? Elms?axEMNE *5 3g 3m ?ha? .. . 3m. ?zm? ma?i's . 1 NW: 128.19_D601d: 59'1'693'41'P'age 377 1 ha1?3 19% 93% $993219 ?34% ?99. 113%.; wf?w "us-?am. . mgr?i?e; :mnhigm; ?34m- 1? was 34.91; w? mam, a: ?39913? ms?i; ?aw . ?zw?zrsa . - - gm?m er mw?: my $5 ??kgr as; ram, mm ??m?im?g $11-$19- am?" a? ma?. 3 ma, mm?r a {an 1311' 27"? f1: 5'21? NW: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Pagel3zs MUEH WWI-119111 5: I Jig-Detroit, MichiganJune 1943 . vx/hsloesevm FOR THE OFFIGER m: amass Subgeots" Pete 4 . ASH 34335466 . . 307th Techs Sch. I - .Keesler 'Fie1d9.liissiesippie Interview mo Raine 011 l? June 1943, this agent interviewed lino Bain, line foremana __Terstedt Manufacturing Company, Fort and West he? Detroit, Miching supervisor of Julian 'Bereovrioia who is an acquaintance of Subjeet', in- connection the di'saffeotion investigation- of SEEGER to determine the loyalty of Subject, 'who protesting and criticising the California mricen region?s- resolution advocating deportation of all Japanese, as requested by the Director, Intelligence Division? Fourth Service amends . .v . - Informant stated Boroovioi has been ?working as adjuster for about. six months at the 'Terstedt M?sion- of the General Motors Corporation and that prior tothis- time he worked at the Detroit Transmission for a month as lathe operator; resigning from that. position?beceuse it was not his line of works Beroovici also perked at the Packard Motor Company for a few months; but was plaid'off for some more: reasons He also?worked as optical inspector for Banach and .I'nonba? in Rochester, New York, prior to his coming'to Detroit 11119419 . a . Beroovioi was described seismwtall,? 130 lbeeai'very dark hair and~ . dark, seller: complexiona appearing rather sieklye He has been late many mornings, and has been absent from work suite a few times, claiming sieknesse Informant was of the opinion that he did getmuch sleep, for he has had to-waken Beroovioi several times at his?benohs . Informant stated that Beroovioi was born in New York, and attended the Uniwrsity of How York, growths with a Bachelor of Music degree?, and that his mother vitae born in Bucharest, Hungarya and his father, who is a. radio news. commentator, was born in New York.? Beroovioi, is marrieda and has 0319\Gh11de. . - Bain. stated that Beroovioi is ?a very mild mannered and timid. person, very shy, and when asked. about anything is very inquisitive and wishes to know why he is being questionedo He was described as being very sharp and 'intelligento. Informant had never observed any tendency of Bercovici to lean toward Communism, but stated that he was a (queer sort of person, and was .s 1 one who undoubtedly though yery deeply without samumuch, and has been . 1'5 noticed going home with several persons who are quite active in the ?unien, and who it is believed have a of minds NW: 12819 DecId: 59169341Page 9 I 1. - WCG/wcg '7 1.8 June 194-3 VI/Nalousozm he pox-tome his duty eatgsfaotorily, apart from: his 'BlefBPiIl3330 Infoth would not ventui-e to say anything about 'Beroovioiss 1 honesty or loyalty, Too he has had no opportunity to discuss things with. . himh at it wasahia personalopinionethet he .muld been watching, but that he had not sham, any dieloyal traitsn??ilo Working for Teretedta, NOTE: Infomt has been observing Boroovioi since he started to work for him, as he seemed to be 0. very peculiar individual, and informant know quite a bit about him, he he wanted. to know something of Boroovioi's background in?ow of his peculiar actions and 1mm Ero- 'Boin was and it is this Agent's. ?opinion that he withhold no information about Ber-co?oicomm, Agent, CoIoCo 1 . NW: 12819 59169341 Page-40 138.88.? no ?Dotroita Michigan . Beroovioi??s work as instrument adjuster is very precise ohd' - $3qu - mm'ziir?ei? ?m Wgw?? @333?? mm? ma: mam we gamma mm ??lm mvm?iw?m?? *is'a 'zitiawi rigs; isms ;.1e?3ysmy $3 ?amew?g a; gri?-iaiamg Sm: ?531,234,?? ?5 ff inmmiggmam 5 11a . . - a. ?Rama ?fma?: wm?m?; f?wm?v?a?g ?33: ma" Er:er . $113333: I NW: 12819 DocIdz'59169341 Page 41 a . - it ?1 Wag ?ggm?m? ??mg ,ji - . . . filiga am?im? 13m in?wm?m ?aw-mag; 1281?91Doc1d: 59169341 Page 42an A ?him- mi?" ?am am .mm?g?im A - wwhmim a?msea?ng ?agmraa?gm Way? a ??u?gama - 35?, m- Wi ?aw mam shaman. . ?inging . . gm 1 7 mang Emma. Mammy a m?mm? "Eh 3115933 63* @343: mm? swam a. ?swma?m mm ??Ef?g? .51- in ?r yew Eaven; Conn?cticut ZSHApril'1943 Qgse No. 1*b10?710m - moamerJFoa-Tm OFFICER CHARGE . Subject: (Pvt.) ASE 54335466 7 307th Tech. Sq51 7 'Keesler?Eield, Miss;' ?233 I .Inspection pf records. on 25 April 1943; this Agent inayected'the recofds of the ',Bridge?drt, :elative t0 the _personnel investigation of S?bj?bt? - - -The and had no regards pertaining tb S?bject. JAMES . II I a a: (Mqu_ Boston, Mas?; 31'May 1945 SPKAI/bpen.File b10w710m TEE OFFICER IE Subject; 343554-66 307th Tech; Sq.? 9 Kee?ler Field,.MigB,- range record" I causeway St;, Fsleg, 10 Office Sq., and Beard QT ?fobation5 Pemberton Sq.? all of BoSton, Mass., report-no recora 9n Subject as pf?28 May 1945.- William B. Hick?y - - 1 B. HICKEY I SPECIAL AGENTNyv: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page?? I - A Emma?lm? a 4?3: .1 7 j; j; I wm?min? Whigs . 5152819 7 . Wig?): *9 ,mw??m?simg a?m?ms a?mvn??s? Ma?a? 9131?}, ?i?sm?ipm; . :gqueami hf?the ,mmz-?ggamga ?aadzw aggizeg'f??; ?Zi'cew?Mn, maxi-y - my. 393%. ?aw-ka $35 HEW dam Mt- 1m: max. - a?maki signage; Lt. ?11m - Bm?i?w?? 333?3?53i-?ws? wag g3? Flay ?zzgmalwa Mime: lab-a?nnian - . imuyayaam "Ewar?pl .acmg? ax? m?aww ?atura? 4:45amgas-$3593? 1m- imam: W3 tm?wr' 555-? eyr?? qr? maiwapmeae S?ag?a?3_. Wm?g?m?mm I ?@3345 if 13mm: [Egg I'mar- wing - idaagw?rg?" arr as gulimaw i rim: gm ,Jaymege were ,bai?g w?qw?u?f? anti-?gs?tia?m? gigs: m. '=13?ff? . I FEM. Hat mswgIgay?la_lgnmmiim mm,xeeial???gr wag-m1 31% my?. I 1- 13? 135" . 11$ hag fair ?av?yakl wa? i?ubjiam mama! I .7 13' graup?g? gramsiaml ?i?ggraII am?m??ng' in ?mm await; W?aa-l mi" :aiagina - .. . . - 59? Eat. ?aw ?au??gm? wag hm; . fanam??an' ig?am. Miami a: mu ma?bj?c? itska jangaga??m?ggirl? ixf'??w far}: - damage?mum gamma?gm $119. maxim, .. (mam-?the m??h?mc?g? wig-443,! mam, ?maven may?? Emy m. ("Hwy fat? my; . mm titans; sfmiiyi Wm mill-m?h "m mm? - . fathwiwh? '53 :ami mile}, I .szig?waga?g?a Mm @319 . a gmm; Sam}: jag-x;qu gaining: Balm? mm. 'a'ubigaat :?asimisesed wi?zgii?? g? wag-m: gammam we mam: . .7 gm?g $52131 $1395 Ammang was: gm; was 0' 1 -- ?i?v-gny a? I. mmd?miw mg?za? 23am; ma mums" sum-amt 11m EM mariaa? ?th?ugh iaz'z?gm??imgj?ag1M a; imgm ?raatm 3.11: was: "talk. 1/5/ W61 EL If I '1 "1251?: Tmn'ha?r . I I I inaning Efficer? g6 46.? "+ I I Riv. Talki?ln II .6 Mr. E. A. Mr. Cbeg?g I I . . Mr. Cu?fey . 13? WNW - Mr. Gig-Vin Servace f4 I - WIIqhianton I BarMt. Ros:an . My. TracyMr. Cars-:32] .: Letter My. Mumferg?} '7 v11: (??ake . - . (all To:- anorable u; Edgar-?uover, I Fe (18 I'al 131111? {33Fur. Quinn T413133 I I I I rector. United States Ee?artment df JUStice? I I 4. I Miss Gandy -- G. - . . Files v. .. tions are;forwarded for youmhinigxg?chu_i 1; I. er5advisable1 . A . I I II tag: "nu a ccmmunica I tion and such actiOn as ybu consii - I 1" For the Chief,-Hilitary I I: . ntelligence Serv1ce: Q?k 6? i. ?1 m?ngmV . ,3 4- R. FOREEX . - I- 4' Colonel, General Staff Corps, Asst. EXecutive Officer, MIS. - rum-1 '11 4! I . - ?F?si?tD i=vup1943 ivE -- '1 mumb- 4 4a - ;iqg ??mgg?hIk;f . Am~ a - - ?Mag-gain - mm 19% :m/am?swam .2513r2f2i3i??m??g ma mam-war? 2m?: - . 'W?h Wane $.th 5&5; Ewalw Mam, ma?aaiym. 1 Ema ?mwma . ?me Mam: 7 gaggwamg me: 23-, in @61' ?g mm?m? hi? I "Qua, Ema; ?52m as of '39 Gag-5, $?r?gia I, a?vma?? was: has Mama gimmi?t??i 3&3 ?bww ?39131? Vw? am?! in, yank ?aw-g ?a'uhgeams ?ha was-?- ?31* his; knimmwga was; ham an, m?g 3i?tjy ma. gamer-git? fax: a. a}:an Miam- ?iukj-aat ?ag a mar-sigma glass-Nd 1%;th my}? ?mn mm} ?aalimt?ii magma? Eam? mama; ?mandgmin mm thw- ?Em mat: @5129: Mme: ?91k mam: mm; ham Mam ??tabjem?'g gamma am ?imr?i?, hm rag-ism? ?limaa: amiang warm $13.5 ?ames? 93 Magma-a; Em Wants-Wm, Eman?wmn mama-12m fatham ?331., aavmlg bait Maw amat- ra?i? ?Mi1yg . expsgaim? tm? tax-mm mm mm- amt; ?Em Mata ?avk?h?y war; ism? mm; gimagtag "He? aspl?im? . their ?wkmp mg an mam mmam in - mm; in??mgm? ix: w??jg i 35%: sawmim? mm ?he marmm?ma 2M 23mm nm?a?g ?w?em may mm: mama-mg; M441 whim anagram?- mm: magmas-a1 am; mam Wmm?m algae} -iprae%me? wag-mm? and; a??r ?w?a er the Keg-um thigh? ?iagxayg far by Kimmy ?rwimmgni, mad .?haig Ema?- .- ma?a; w?a mgaai'm 3m Rem iawmm 193$ agii?igg?ng mum; Em auwgmega we ?mwim. 3mm ??ngrmag? he: was; an a?i? ma ?lm?s; hig- gm-t; in him: that ?gyre?m?m' a? gaawrg, mt smwwa ammian ma i'mttmant?i in, amwmg maxi-mam:th armimng @n?Wi-nmw? watwa ?ag? was Emma ?e?m?mm I Mamath t?m? Warkeahaga grimny mg: mg hmaa- . at as am?: swam in yarn, hm: was way ?atw- mmga . an we same: ci??ya - mnmt?hg' 1m an affiliate a? I mint}: ?enamga ma awgv? ?m?h mm gamma. air ma m?iwm th? ?mM?m?-em cf these panama. Ea angina:an {aim Mariam: Yam gamma-a, a?maw? gamma? sabamiam e?umtim: m? mith far ?m Yferuth at We ?a-anxz?rm 683366me in 53mm . t, "may? her ?IQm?a?i?me o" . Eileaaxylgixg?? in; ma? gym? #3313: ?ms ?hg 3::11-313 42f mw?h as: may. gram ?by the: gw?egmem my gamer: war-1:9 - A I baa sm?sidqa?acl railifa?b?m . W: I nu? (1.8.7.) 9 1 . .n 32-; a s' 9 --. ff?9:53: I was marigm mm may-?gags was glad aggp?a?aad. . {amtbr?ing tn .mmandat?in,? and as; ma?a he ?33113: ?3 amami 1 the @91163 sighthe '?rgani?atiam? "Eimeant?a??in am?zee? 3131.153 the?; ha?-?rmsm?y mac-g:in a fram- $22153 We. in m- had ?ggrea??ti the: (3311351911 he was 219%? being magma 'meaa h?mug-??a hf hi3 asamitwi?n a 35$er ?inmagmm ?i?s??mim? .?im?k 5% thaaugi? mica-inn Suhj?e?-W 1:536 zc?rk and, ?Shaft 3w always: 3}th '?as ?Twit? but that: he haiia?md - 11:95.:er mm was means. ?JOhtai ?es expi?imd 1:th "@311: Mia? a Japan?ae gawk-{Wm ma. 12619211 in?ating, Mthingg want my gin, the an? buai-na?m-aamamwa Em 'Eark?y j?imnn??fmm mm 111% tha?. gum ga??r-ww ?39311; an?ainwn?ea?i to? . A 1' if" he: gmani?amms?a?ajam. I I b?a?longada amtea?mm ha a. member? 033' Flayew armaatian), umber af?ne. cmmat m4; his: mam-- er tami- la?ter bu?f?atadl issz sung i-g??an?a? gait ma?a-5 and; 3:2. ha a. apin?iidzz A f?m??gqt I?gmpa?hy? they mm Emmaamm mama 22m 336? mam?" attan?ed Gamm?a? ma?ing? am} ha?. a 'nmbt?r?af wax-?. ammistai, tam ha ha& mf?er magm- a mar-113a? nif- r-gdtziza?fmq Wm r?aa'raqm far Suhj??g?t? a; immings it musilt? bejr-wailigadf that he? ?331.13 .ap?mag Wim?she 15311:, ?amt in ?gizgi?qn mmraaita?- in the "party f-mm- th? sm?y?in??; Qf? Ts?e??nizzg their banking fer; a grown of . sub am; a?e? an an? the mafe??i?m mmh' a3 ar?is?ta anti mmi infaemgt in Em ah wagrm 15W ?irt-:31: W1 1 . $11 oggart?ai?y ?he pm??g? hi3 er?- W?hqu??arry 91? "?aming to ?ea?bh?, ?imgn?g Win. ?lfm?: '?hera: m: g?m?siunfin mg. 31333 mi; muggy 1939.3; am ?hm?jha?falt tha?h? he; $511 enmth Emma? he. yraw?imil?n?mgh 13:3 r?ai?. gt? ??hisg war}; howwm?r gmg?a?al my b153,?? must 1m ifeugh? and; 'Eefqrie at?am?i?h Mulii ba?ggive?n _azzi?irtlai-mg, ?315; ?xylai?mfi; Wait the: ?ma??tan wrath . Gongmag the a?nrebraakqa? my. bananas-ea its?? palifai Isa? W?sr?zinc?naistent With the groaecu?gnj {if [war and wizl?. mt- K, i - .. ?imgg??g??ix; Wham; difmu'smizzg hima?aii? as 1&3; . Eubga?t QPEZWM. and ii: ?in? oyinion 9f masgganm n01: any ragar?ing 513b,: ect- ox- ?uhjectia Elia m5: mt Mai-cam $7.43 ?Emma?s his whims, new tax whit hiaiaf?i 113th' with Var the mer ma in. th asz?i?i?im m1 3 Want ,tm ?mma ?49m Mm can I. . 536i? r5?. I I . Swami: W. K, em 1, ?2?:in Lil-15 if) ??mrfm? - DocId: 59169341 Pagege?ie?i 31 4 '53 Boston, Mess? May 28, 1943 File b10~710m MEMCRANEM FOR m3 OFFICER IN CHARGE: SUBJEBT: SEEGER, Peter (Pvti) ASN 34335h66 307th Tech. Sq. Keesler Field, Mise9 REE Attempt to interview former teacher and acquaintance at Harvard University. In attempting to find acquaintances of Subject, this Agent contacted the following people who remembered him or insufficiently tO'eup~ ply any information about him: Mr. William Heaman, Manager of The Harvard union, where Subject was employed from Februany to June, 1937. Miss M. Murray, Ass't. manager of The Harvard Union. Miss G. Baldwin and Mfs. J. Ryan, Harvard Student Employment Office, who supervised Subject's temporary employment, Subject'e-roommates at Leverett House, not available at this time, in this city are: . I Edward Steele, 1904 Meridien St., Nashville; Tenna William F. Pennebaker, 133A State St., New Orleans. George Nishikowa, 336 East 116 St. New York; i William B. Hickey WILLIAM B. MICKEY. . . SPECIAL AGENT, CIC r. rig-r: Boston, Massa File b10~710m ansomnma FOR THE oemcaa IN beam: SEEGER, Peter 3A335h66 7 - 307th Techa Sq. Field, Miss; RE: Inspection of recorde, Harvard Hniversity On May 28,:1943, this Agent visited the office of the Supervisor of Undergraduate NonrAthletic Activities, University Hall, Harvard University, to ascertain if Subject was a member of The Harvard Stup dent Union. ?Thie Agent personally examined a list of members of the Harvard Stun -dent Union, dated November, 1937, on which appeared the subject?s name followed by the word tSecretary? Enamination of 'The Harvard Pregreseive?, published by the of_the Harvard Student Union and the official organ shows that Subject was listed on its staff as Secre? NOTE: Progressive Committee of the Student Union, tarya - The Harvard Student Union (not to be confused with the Harvard Union; *which ie officially a part of the University) represents an amalgamation of organizations which reflects the liberal sentiment of the collegew It is a chapter of the American Student Union.} It came into existence in 1935 by A the fusion of a number of organizations, including the Peace Society, League for Induetrial Democraoy, and The National Student League. William.B. Hickey WT mom m1, mm, Ic NW: 12.819 59169341 Page {if _;desir??13if" 91 .X?rl . amalge?m 3'63? - - . .q-I . '1'7 4, -. -- ?hati? 3311?}: . a. u? aiazrx'e ham - 31? were 'S?h?aal; ?hevfbumar - ?ssh?ii-J?hsifgai??a ."I?dmita??ty . erTW?. :22! I rf I Lag3&335211?66 - Life. ch"; 3% .ivzi?si?simw 33.9% I .Of' ?p?ii?a??tl. *q:qnnp_ I ?fe @ng *i-?Ehi?ilpre?e?tf . af- ?2 va? 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page 52er B- sin-:3? . g; TJVV H, 12819 59169341 Page Boston, May-28, 19a3 - File b10~710m MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER SUBJEET: SEEGER, Peter (Pvt?) ASH 3&335466 1-7 - . - . 307th Techv Sq? A. Keesler'Field, Miss. Inspection of records, L?verett Hbuse, Harvard University On Thursday, May 27, 1943, this.Agent visited the master's lodgings, Leverett House, Harvard University,,0ambridge, Mass., to secgre information on Subject's education and_organizations.? Examination of the records there, revealed that S?bject rgsided at Leverett House_during part of?th? 1937-38 term, A notation on'hisrappliw Cation stated that.3ubject had lived at Harvard Union dUring-the previpus n? Schpol year? .7 ~Subject189extrawcurricular activities were listed as track, tenniaj instrumental club, painting, and drawingi .There 15.no ?ne at Lev?rett House at the preaght time who knows positiOn Cniy re?ently. The- '?drmEr-master, did not recall Subje?t, Messrs. Miw kulesa DeHood, and Gordan, listed as adviscrs to Subject, are nb longer at? tached to the UhiverSity. Latest address of these men are:' Leonard Mikules, A19 Fourth St., D. Cpg-John Eq?GQrdan, New Public-Library; DeHoodj address unknown, - William Bg'Hickey .WILLIAM B, HICKEY SPECIAL AGENT, CIC 54 ?gvaaf?nu - a I . I {1 - ?mu MUM: atjtmajBoston, Mass. 1 . I May 27, 19h3 . . . File b10u710m MEEDRANDUM FOR THE OFFICER IN-CHARGE: . SUBJECT: Peter ASH 3&335455 7 i - 307th Tech. Sq? ,l .Keesler Field, Miash_ A RE: Inspection of at Harvard University On May 27, Agent visited University Hall, Harvard Yards to examine Subject?s scholastic recor?. Examination of these records revealed that Subject entered Harvard College in September, 1936, successfully completed the first year, rem turned for?the sophomgre year in the fall of 1937, but did not ?omplete .the second year, being ?allowed to withdraw? because of financial troubles April 129 1938; Grades in first'year were fair9 'No credit was rev ceived for-the work of the second year.. Major field of conc?ntr?tion waa to be Sociology.. These records contain a note.that Subject's_mother and father are separated?\ Mbther's address is?given as: ?Constance Declyverx?Edson) Seeger . 75 South Broadway '7 rNyack, New York. In March, 1938 Subject was placed on probation for 'cuttingi-claases_ and unsatisfaCt?ry work, In April, he was allowed to withdrawa' Re&& son: financial troublESg - I A further notatio? ahdws that a record 0f $ubject's marks was S?nt to-City College of New York, .a . William Hickey 1 . WILLIAM B. HISKEY swam; AGENT, cm NW: 128-19 DocId: 591693??fgg?5 - r; L. g, i! i c??c Mag}; :gwp?tw ?3213?: Boston, M3839 may 28,:19h3 File b10~710m .MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER 3UBJEET: Peter (Pvt?) ASH 35335466 307th-Tesh, ng? A Keeslsr Fieldg.MiS$g Interview with-hiss Dorcas Bishop; Supervisor of Subject?s part?tims work. On May 28, 1943; this Agent, interviewed-Miss Dorcas Bishop, Librarian, Harvard Graduate School of regarding Subjecta Bishop stated that Subject was employed oh a part time basis for abdut six months from September,_l9h3 while he?was a sophomore at Harvard_College5 - After stating that Subject's work-was entirely satisfa?tory, Bishop stated that hs'wss fmodern? in his political ideas. When asked to expand on this point, Bishop said that Subject seemed to have radical ideas, with' - a strong leaning toward Communi?my"8hs continusd by saying that Subject was stronguwillsd and highly'opinionatsa in his views. - John Ssogsrg who was also at this time a student employee at the same library,_had expressed concern, Bishop said, over the fact that the'so~ . called school?which Subject had attended had not done him any 9 gOOd, Bishop stated that in,this statement and others similar to it, JOhn seemed to show dissatisfaction with Subject!s liberal, progressive politim. cal idealsG Bishop concluded by saying that in March of April, 1938, she heard 3 that-subject had withdrawn from the college and that he was living ?on his? own?.in BoSton. She added that she knew nothing of Subject?s extra~c?rri? cular activities or ofhis acqsaintancest I I - . . William B. Hickay_ . WILLIAM B, HICKEY GIG 4 - - saia??ti Subject's JAM . $161191 11919191111911; ?1?1 . New?HaVengi$Q?nectib?t?' ?133.11" 23931191139 Gase?NOs Imb103710m - 1.1311912111131111 FOR 11119110191939. 3119, . Subject; . BERGER, Peter 397th?T6Ch; ng Eu?, . Re m' um 99 th?_r??9rd? of the Gem. and: the 129399315 Heifer-1 538ng relativewo the investigapid? of Subjectg" O.N.I. an? Ead'nc records pertaining to Subject. . Agent; 9.2.9. NW: 128-19 Dead: 59169341 Page a a 4r 3 . f? Mira ya)? a a Boston, Mass. May 3-1., 119113 - File tam-710:2. FOR THE OFF IGER 1153 CHAEGE: .SUEJIEST: 33.36; Peter ASE- 3A335h66 .307?011 Tech. 59.? Keesler Field, Miss, RE: Police record i' The 150 causeway St; 10 Post Office Sq? and the Massachusetts Board: of frobation, Pemberton ?Sqag all of Boston, Mass, ?feport no record on Subject as of 28, 1913. William HiSkey B. HIS KEY SPECIAL AGEQT, CIC 9 NW: 128-19 Dchd: 591693 A a I. I - 3 if44" I - I I . I ?TvirTWP-.. - - . I 1 . 1 7.91 or - . .35 ?(mi . WY 1] gum Ew?a I :3 :4 MT. CA ?792fi?fdai "5,51.Lsuf Military Intelligence Service . ?h=Nb9?3 --3 Waohi ngton - . . moms 13/1? 7 ff: iik?? 4 n, - Catscn "?11 "54:11:13? 5 Letter . _Lr Mi". i?nusmord 1 i132. marks}. 1 I 9 ~g United States?Department bf.Justice, D. G;i . Tor" . anorable J. Edgar Hodver, I - ,Jlgw? - I -Dir90t0r. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 4 File. - ?x - - . ,The-attached communications are forwarded.for your -V . I - ?7 tion and such action as you conSider advisable. 7 .. - . - Far the Intellige?ce Service?32? i (.1 ?1 Colonel; G??eral Staff Corps; 'Asst, Executive Officer, MIS1?4 war(Nari -.- 3? i; Nwr?m?rmocld: 59169341 Page 9 I i 9 c; Dpf? - a Place f. Date ML 5 . - . Case o. MEMORANDIEM FOR THE Subjec?: Riv-ate, - ., . seam-ecu. gen. 541.; >x I . - Re= Inv?stigatiqn-in thejMilitary Bistrict of - . Washington, pursuaht $0 CI?th?epprt dated March the Director of Intelli? . :gence, Fourth service command, requesting ih?? vestigation of undgv?loped?leads concerning_ wrote a letter protestihg A 1 .3iVand . . '4 - - -resoluti?n advqcating deportation of all Japana. 3 ese, after the war,_and barring . -a}l citizenddip?Charles ;:ihe Music ?hcti?n, Pan Ameyicanf?ni?ns and father of.3ubjeb;; was ?3gxerviewad'under-pretext ih American Building An? relativ@?ththe Subject; tn Hr. ??eger stated Enbject wa? born in New Ebrk City, MeiMr. geeger?s first wife, Gongtanq?' Clyver_, from Whom he is ncW-divorc?d; Constance ??egergisha'vibuf; . living Florida, where she is teadhing mugic;j IV 50 'ff?biflnf?rmant stated_?ubject st?rtedst? schbol at the age Qi?h??yearsym . 'ya?tehding-a private he belieVes.was locat?d at Ngw.?annqn, ?W??cnnecticutal ?Mbjebt later attendEd??pring Hill ?bhool, atten??d a high Schqoljat'Avon alSo attended Harvard.Ugiversity3 Cambridge, MaSsachusetts,? ?yWhereghegmatrieulated?ih_ah Artg and ?bienpes course; :Qvard about Eabter-of his?wife Constaqce, were ?ubje?t had "bum??d ar??hd? agar the past two ?ubject has . ~all Qv?thhe scuth?est?rn.part of?thESUnited.?wates; that ?hbjebt was a 5 and-singer; and managedltc With?ngf- 9- a? wt. ??-wegam??i 3? .ma . 1 o?Em?i?j. -3 . ll @159 Ma 695 4:1 em 95 m: 32?; ngjI?m: . If . - 16??3007:??2 u. 5. GOVERNMENT inm?rme OFFICE our . - - .. Ewalfi??mp - imam?game a?in set: and managed ta imam}? by painting? . - 5.5 of I?he api?ia? :f?ubjaat- nave-4r very mu?h intere?ed in mane-y; didn?t seem {t9 or not he hm anyg :39 1mg as?. he had a placate stay am: I 7 1 . ji?nfamant ma?a-aka $11315: ?3 wasf'a clam imam ?an? mmwia?e .eaf - Leadbetter", 23199 as; nggm?mmd?rar wigs" (gamma - ?uhjmt am af?emA travelled and . ?f??m'yrisam g; fag: years; ?g ?5 ., ?Subject: mg a? sin-germ zhanjn .bplayer with ma Almanac aingwag and . - ma? waxy the cm in la VI I ?1 M3153 and Plal'f?d the imnje'?uring 5339 .me?ngaa awn. - 139515? mgem v?j?fw- .ssee?ger- stated her bag re?afived lette'xsa: ?16912; ?n?bject ?indicati?g - ?313 Whitest was dissatis?ed Wi?hvhig gum-sent waitign in mg}- Amy; mm, - gibgec? wants. to get an .agsigmaentito t??iv? duty 1mg (imam, His mweaet' a fa?hm? 3' '?pinien that 133 "beng new hack "by . we Amy becau m. .?ubg?ect'g- rad-1cm; tendencies? and 3 r?ib?wt?zs father-dew mt. hemievef Miami? ,I?arziicahmt Waits ?tment 7 3 $1355; a-libeml?paigub?m-?Wmm dawribed ??b?ae?w b?i?g '21; grams (if-?aw .EjaigmWahemgh?? Menage, Framiv-mmewqr$9663 I if .zaeew- Yark, Em would ha able ta .i?urm sh ?cana?gi?rak?e 3:1 :53 I mlat?iv?' ?iz? ??ibjea?t, *aa ?ubjec'? Emrked fur. theme it Enfoz?aam- ?atiatetl??utzxje'ct has. h?ad albui?q?ni? magma} ?at:de under I: of ?lm an gee. 53531133 was-meow? . 34-1-pr Mana- izorpaxtatiam . I: r'?fg I V- -. .fa?her informal this" want maths; is .m?dvgsor't?'f?ha' . Joint andr'fy?ia?' Gammth an Magic-'5 aim has had a. lama? Writ?en? t6; . "she-z? premr au?hgarity the abject. be given aangaasiignme?t. "where, . . 3w madam" his mama; twining; ham-WI?, mmw?gto Erma-git. this ?as-sig?mmtx clawing that-ha 'Wanted? t0 beccm' gaod Selma; T?r-rstj, than have his man ?ag-a 4 . "in famer r?uhjacf; had a-aaegia?ed fawn:le que?gjionable aharacwmga nova-"stew, .f?ubgject" :3 father .123 ?of' the . ni?a?ini?n-f?h?ea? is- not: grading} but} lika? freeman ?fgmvame'nt, .an?'?as friemdsp, x. v, . 1 Eashingm, Wain: May?m?ge; ??i?cial mm; NW: 1~281?diDocId2 59169341 Page 61 1 #1 hay . .0 I - I . '21- ., ?m-bztga?a. I - . . 1 agent. fa?. magagte? mam hf ?ma m?mm?zmm 193? ?mwm?. .?M?wm Mariam mam mg; m; in?ma?ga i Wh?ii? t;an -- A. A I: Id?. . . ?ab?w ?aw mag-33% .?mw "gamma game? a??3-223?33 was; ?g?giaa; Wig. iffalwg?r - mania i?a??a?fa? .3359; 6' mm; ig?gg "ggxiwmg? i?bmsg?mqmm?ira A?a?jaggwm gnaw ?ag-gs; i - am at gag-mam? 191561: gum-aw Was a; ?i?ger at ?ga? Egam?emm?gx ?gm'ieazaiswn . ,1 we: ?iimn. rating-aw $555-$536. gm; . - WW 1&1? gamma. 1-we?f 3.329.: A, ?rm. 5mg wag; ?ames: Egg-m1 3m 1 gm- gleam i?wi?mm, has" ?aming; infam?im-Mm?iw rm Emmew: fazwam a u' - 33w $3.9 Vim: 3-. i-netmmi?g 3% ?ma?a; ?9 . ma: $2313: ?aming; 33:33:?- tha- Mam E?mt?NW?z-l?28f?k19?DocId: 59169341 Page 62? 7.7% We: wk? an 233mm ?gm W?m??f My "vim: gym. i . . wag aw {3:36:33 . ?lm metm in If W- @Mm??m?fms? Maw gm? mm" mm 5? Warmhaa'zam, .II . g; ?mgw mm I Wm I ?ma I gaggw? 13? ??awgw magma: {Tia 1? I A- E-EEQE. 1% ,ga I 7 ?ng Wmmgi?m - li?w?f?z? ?aw ?fca?gg gag 335g . I - mama ?gmg?b I . I ?w1i%mm?w mg: . ggm?a ma?a? mama @?mm 3% hwwm?b ma . . Wmvame - ?aw 5? ?a?ame?i?s??mm 453mmix?? 1&2 "Mr-Em Wigwam; ?g?$375? gm mg 3 333W m; m?im mi Jigsa- a I I am; Mi?mf??ia??- aha ?43: - 1? Mam gigWarsaw . NW: "1281 IP?za'E?e mwwa. .- . . - I 'Em??m ?as?Eggs; 'h?i-ggaggm :faeaigmwmagc? . maimgwsiw ??w?mma em ??mg?aagfs, 392:2; mg -- I Ma?a: a??i?m 639 $th mm gm . ??35 ?xma amrr a. my Mai Ma?a-a as; ?e?Ww? m5 infamm?? MW am; my! ?wgmg . m? i w; ??ag gm - ig?m grimMy?- @6215; Haggai gm:i?l 95? $39-53mam-23"ma-?m?mw' ?uhggag?g ?3.93? W: wwaa (if? ?saww imamWEE. 1' ail-?1 Page zw?mga?m. 33316 ?3 g;th Em. ?aaeggw was ?93 ?mm .f "mats-m mm as? tat: magma. 1? . r. Wmamag .mmtma ma $221725 mag-3W? 2359a. 32%me HEM ?335: was Wing *6?me ?Cami. a: mm wasm?g 3W an; gig Em mgmw? m? 7mm 51m- m?mma? gem is: ?eam- ?awim. am M. Waywa 4:3! ma. 1 "wa- mm; mam?gg?q, mam-r3133; Pam-a $23- .mgs; mm in. $ka lkxa?i??ia? ?a?ifa?mi 333*;- @1843?? mm, 73.3% - ,s?i'aaw?f wag? w" mi: ?mg?ww a my a aigm? a @539 i?f??lrf: ., 7 Titaig?; swig?hamg - 3v ea? a "hams; .55. a mm? ?g w: ?n?gemw i?k?hm? 1w 3m $331.33: wag ?inf?mtg? Agan? Imam an; Eli-19:3 ?323 .M?m?is? ma?a as? 3&3. g. ??mx?m?a - ?X?agabgamma, a. I twig-:5: ta Emma 3m; m?wim A fi?atagsemy mm- i?a. at whim, 2am mm an: m?'m?w a: .eimmi? Wis 33% gamma. Ma mgicm zgfe 3. f?alma aims; 33mm, imami, Mme: ?wmmw ~17, . I'n. LL NW: 128-19 Dchd: (159169341 Page ww? mmi?i? $5 - mat.- - .ga?mly we . %?E?hia$ ?agg?. Eg?? Egg imm fmiag mang 131mm. mi it} a? Lama? ?agi?iw ?aws-915mm . . waggwt M?igmg gm mm?m; 179i? 3- 3% 1:342:ng Mama?mm?W?g?mvi Ema-a: Mamm- smmgaim . 4 '?t?a?g?mgh?w ?133? a'mx?igi ?mga I . Mi amm- M- m. maigh 3% WE- - W4 Wa- By @3233 3.543353% 43mm a a mm jam .imlm ngm?a ?a?m?wma M?ww?m?w?i mggm? gig? ?ag ?gmim ?ahwwaw mum ?gmmw $5 I m? mm - ?at; gain." a {Mr 93? ?xa?im-W?m: {92$ ?mw??m?m am. $29 Emma; $137., {sf?g??g?i?gza?y I . @mw Ema-gm ?kaiam .rmam gm gamma sm- I fair imam?"m; a 23% ram gamm- ma?a W?m; 67 gamma. ?35; amim?w .. w. . . Emma 3m mm 3.9% - ammewmw mm a: ma gm $33 ms: 3.3.. gaiwm Wag .. 1 mm- rim? gig-aim Aflai?gf?; Maia gaggw? Mama am?w magi ?gmm? awkward. aamay? . ?aagwm . mm W: EM 3W3 .?wam Elf-Ema, . muWwwM'x-A tun. Mr. Tokaonhhn 12hr. A. Dir. Chg-1?: GEavin . Mr. Ladduuh - I - . 13173953qu Tracy -. i?tary I H). i far-mims: Subject:_ Letter oflTransmittal. 15 rTo: The Honorable J. Edgar_Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of JusticeL - Washington, 13.0. --. A ., . The attached oommunloatlons are forwarded for your 1nforma- tlon and such action as you?oonsider adV1sablo; Fot_the Chief, ServiceEon-my, . . Colonel, General Staff COFPS, Asst. Executive Officer, HIS. Enclosurea: a? I . aL EtaIiBEGORWW 29 JUN 251943 1.. . "a . ?Wn-w- - u? . emu Ben?ox?v} . - WAR DEPARTMENT MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Flle Investlgetlon requested by I 3* m. Date Of?ce of origin . - . . at -mtf??_gin?ffu?g 7. 3111333013: Report made by A . I mug-e315 @313 mg gt?? . Penod covered ?na? I . ?ghts lg; CharacteiStatus of Case a- 4; REASON INVESTIGATION: . - in I3 I Emery .?iefme? wegge e. we @eEM-a~ $me mam ?en- e? 4mg? ?lm Wage "w?e?mm . I Ea mm 3.9, 195% Ewe?em i I W'm?g w: it. ea . 6% ?gmn?a -- ewe a . $353engagem??ea gmm?ie?eg; $3561: @333: Jam A f; mm? 7 is?; s; 2? .. en) mayWagmega -- 3% I ,3 Flemming eke emeet 53 ea my ememez?52$ .iaemeie?ee 1: meek game gym-gm me gap; age. We mm:- m??-?tee fr e332? mew; 12%? Aegea?meeg 3:33ng em meme we SYWW eemme em has; 4&3 We "we. Mm line I, xi . If" f" '?heim '?heir edema ?we @9532? mega, um mam 7 mi? emf. new . - CARDED - . A - - Fonwergnwawe?u; g. AND MID, Washiegto?-copiesPaig?lwrga orrlce P, 16?30044?1 IX - I . OSRE a? 4- grg? r13 L?b, a ho . . (FF-R1 Report . ?i - - a . . $933; . 4 i x; 123mm ?W??z?Mm?sa i ?mi Wm: r?wmm?s: mm was): . 3mg Em- wi?erm (N, 13mm :13 award 91%. 33.- m? 1% -- 35% 31%? 3. ?ag mama ammw mamag mg; Agan?h: rgc??mends this Be 3318? DEPARTMENT I I . I ay?ga o. c. 5., Form No. 19-A WW NW: 12819 59169341 Page 70 .- DateCase No.? II 5- ,4 . MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE Subject:' - 3433-55456; 3 K. 3m}: Fm?g mm mm; - Eagerlee? mm - Ede 35mg? 455 Avmg. ?es-F" Earkg ai? 1&ng may fear emu :34? the mam; 3:333:33 ma?a '?hat he Rising 73% 14 ?aw $3530 Em? ?am giving mars an ?fie; ?avelega mm mutate Fm: (image est-?7 lemme}:ng $22152: $33379 mam men ymr-T ?rm; ?i?a?es- if?; em: 59 9.31%; semem marge -- massima egpwiamg 5% we were ehaaegn pgi?m?m way 39mg wig Hamill? me? ?rim ex! $35 a: week?;- f?'?zgy @339ng we 'isenefi?g ma Fe? 63- a: .K 3353;; Waste} ea?e??me?m" a? warm 513% as; fe?m Em 13? File FfEmu: i 3mm Mather Mae; 333.1%.- where game hemWee?I-?ahat the mthm, ham, "13; ?F?mzeia yer-5:36:15 am 1.. Femrar?ed mm eame t? ?fitte- Mam me e. mimlegia?g whic?.? {Elma Wm he 43131333435 we? QFHEEW 1- aelwta?vmgm?p?sy am We ?m?slal :21: Fm a? 3mm majech fa?hm?F-?Fma vw' Mama?cmai??z' we; Sumac-F. 1m 01? his; Jamar Fae ma?a time when we eumw?w livim with him; mum ,Whim he Ema ta else; may a my}; E;th the; mum ms Ff gummy 575M3- -. '5 . :31; A ?mi?i?d? game time aim; mm? Rhee ?ge?h . Jamaa- - said: We. Fee mm? 11mm ma abm?ty it: wanting; ?ne-'esemsqp. Tim Stabs-eat had? je?i?m?e? amp ?i??mg gun few we. men?is?' af- ghee arse. ef this}; Fearmgg the Sabgea?t?-F . 5 famw Ma. W331 3?39qu 6% met him ta cw mew picking far a: 1 $313319 faWev get-3mm been gang-maze nutme 139? - - - ?f?h?w 21mm Femah We Subjee??- a?ef??w far gemme 1am: 739? em? game believes ?es. became he mhmm? - mW* ??w?iem fez: aa?i?tf {[53 a-Wiem? ?ahjeet @32ng m3 he %hF'h Mae eke Weal??ng WW9 hm- 'mreza?w mm 31259333 gimme . - . Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - Typed . . . . . . . . . . ..-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I Sp. Agent, NW: 1-2819 59169341 Pa - . 13W z: ?m?ma . 3mm? 339mm WE ?ha? he aimyg ?cmm? @th his mm ?niajw? ma" ma?a gamma my; ta @3ng ?the: main fw?iml FMag Ew?mrkq Ema mt-ingg Jag Emmi: ware a. gamarin mam .wnaimw 9f mm. gangs, 3:13am muggy-3, mam in MW 643 haemaum mam ma MW mama? am ??wm ?uhjaat ?pg?mmity amam mag. .53 gamma: ?m?umm? ma?a i9 5mg ma tm the} 5m mm want a may mag ma w.th m? he? mm mm gm in. ??mmh :Ei?himaag $3.3m a. glam {33? mm ?mg?a? 3% Ewing $123125. Jan-3.3 eiagarim Hi?h?kam m: a gamma my wzma- 112253. WW a ?g mi: had! ma memng at" ima? am a? yam we?: a?fhm?a?- fma ifmwwi?gg 2am: ?Rama- he??mfw Magma ?f ?xisdi?m?g Wish m} ram a 15-. ?ammahim aha ?Euhjm?z aim was a?m??m @393 A - - . .. Jams mag?maia tha?j'tm asa- ?i'ine? hag? as? m; 3% mar we tam; ?sm? he mid ?lms, fake Buh?ec? and 32% {mam we: 2m: ?uhjw? mm ?mablegia?symia?y he warfar- mmaad ta ath?? l?am?g Ewing atiafheli?fm; . . - 7 ?we {mam as $3315- Agant "mm-3mg mm mm?nt mgm% mm?an cam-asap a geaww gma?? 61? :?mli?g fa? his? aa?e? magi,? mam-51$ a? wm .- mym?zm?? am weir aha amw?? "give a v?hwah?: *1 ,f . .4: any; mm: @5333 ?genu, em -P?g?32, - a m?f mic . r. Kw Date. . . wig-:3 . Case No. I 1 MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE Subject= m?m? Wt?; 355% 3.433 54636 7 36?th ?qg?a "gawk? Frieda} ipgi' Re: ?}t?wthri?g f?ikawhamyi?yew friahdi EWLW ?trm?, fie-w mm; 27,4, fyi?m? a? ??agabjas? immerly a If?iil?aw. ?ab eat in aummat. l?4l an?_ha knew h&a guat 1$ft ?arvar?, knaw ?%a$ann ?athk, ?i?gara, whieh w?a? a a? mmsieia??-wha ads far - 4 ,wharsvar t?ey.eaui? fena?; ware . an? a? ?aimn eu?ing?gr'?uthrie m?e??TEet sta?? haw ia?aj?a??g; ?n?iaate? m?t R?aw fax a3 ?athria-Emawagd?he Almamaei?ia3$ra ara mag in Qa?roit; ?enaw$ing $0 ?u?hriagith?y??gjaat waax?ha?baat m??igiag in," the ?e?himg wag E??wa . ?gyfamd'ha? marriga-?gain, a??-thanm?t?a? agli ef th? ma?iei??al?n?wthe laarma?Rali he ?a?>aben? magia pargn??-a?? kg; hgaggi Ga?hr?? di? ?at khaw;a?y?hing wag gag amm?d-Jaha an? hid ha?yermagant a?a?eavi? ?he ?ta?a$ an? the r-quar?grs a?ga-almaya 'at'ha??mr chure?m?, an f?rh?g?? ?u?miw ga?i?i th?' Basia}: am . ?agging Gut?rie?didjnat?knaw A . I . had ?aen grag?ly intaraate?? in ware? agax~?? enargy.aga was hmiklia?t, hare};I *?mmhria?at$rx?a?e?u?hi3?to faa?Czha? the ?uhj??t alwaya?wantad gag-thimgs ma?a eff?eiantra?d7bet?$r wayg?han'?hEy??era?b?igg dama, . . -. Signed..(MEMO . . . . 128-19 Dobid: 591693417Pag . . ?r - a- 6i} .j a. P/v .. r. ?s I Iz-bxgvalmg In add?tign, tha ?uhjeet?lev&d gmn?-arggnizatian and was always aetive im trying to mak? graup en??avars wark mara amaat%lys ?uihri% ?bula net name amy??g??-mf aaid ha-rQ?Erra? to many kinda a? auting? or ma?timga in_whieh agaemhle? at large ga?h?ringag ?Th? ?uhj?a? was im'hia muti?mk and baa libaral. th?? ha? ?ha right ta orgaawga.&ma bargain aallee?ivaly. in a??it?a?gaghe ?n?3es? was vary mush in favar af labur?u?ig?slaa? moat af ?ha ?gakinga mama aecvrding ta Gu?hr?a, th? Subgaet*a grea?n? peli?i?a'arw ?a%ie?a1 ?nity. ihat ia.not an averthrawar; but_he ia eat ?g Win tha war? ??at tag Eubjget ia.ta am maat ?amage $08$ihl?g? Quthr&e ha ha& a_latter ata?ing that the Subjaat wag ?ximam?gy anxiaua ?e ha gent an ae?ive sarvice ana ?ha? ha mania u??ara?an? w?y?ha wag heing-hal? inaa?iva in.a? - ?afarri?g ?a moghi ?hhag Guthrie gai? ?ha??th? girl'?a? 3&6- ?ianaea an? that aha ha? mat tag ?13 entranaa ef the ?ni?e?-g?a?aag Gu?hria kn?w little aba?t Taahi gai? s?e had en?59?aen an artiat'a mm??1_a?d that aha amdan?ly hapa? fur ?he ?af?at nf'tha Ja?ane?e baggage Gf ihair military aggr?amignc fa?her'ha? Egan muatadmfrags3apaa ?$aau?a afrhia p?litieal @h?re? . in canclus%an, ?u?hria atate??tha? he phaugn? ??kj?et. amuld %e br?atg? in a pmaiti?n @f?rwayem?i?iligy am? tha? $9??uae af he a wiae ??ing ta u?ilime ?ne ?ubjeet'ajtalants; QQTE: - I 'Ehia ?gant aksarVa? hanging'an??m?hr?a?a wall, a lamga guitar an w?imh ?har? inaeriy?imng ?w?ia_maa?ina kills Ea?cistsg? It is thia.agemt?3 ay?a?an tha?-thi? beara.aut ?he baiief that w?ya a?tiV$ ?inging spreading prayagahaage . aganmaa agini$a ?ha? a truxh?a1.as far as ha.m&nt& bu??thah kg knewia ?aak.mdrw ah?f' aativitiea imam hewa&mitted; with far amma tima k?ew him'VBry wall; QEEMQ. E, ayg? ?gegt,-ain Fag392 5? Km . aimihza . NW: 123319 59169341 Page7 \k'v f? d! a, DateCase No. 11?- bKEVleg MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE sub??at - I I Ta?h. ??hq . ?ig?ia?ig?i? interview with Faai?amae . an an=3, 19?33'thia agaa? iatgrviage?.?rag ?amgiane; ?3 E?wni?g-?treatg ?aw Yark?.?. farmar iaa?lady Of ?ubjact far ahau? twa tha? aha thjaat laaga? an apaw?manh ak??t tha mi?&1a of ?ayg far ?ha gag,nf Fae Oargama ?bwavwr, ?hw max? ?ag} a fellaw?mama? @uthFie ayyeara??an?.althaugh?the ?uhjea? ma?a ha Fag aux? vigiting, ?u?hri?.??tahli??8d himaml? garmaamn?ly-with th? ?uhjaatF laterg.a giFI-tuwaa? a? F?th th? athar *twa? ?hen ?ne ha? Egan tal? that the ?aw aFFival $33 a aiatariaf OFF anag Faiieves-that aha giri'a mama Ra??naea._ ?angiana?remamb?r?? ?ha girl Jaymngaa ayyaarange FEB EFF ?a-vigi?' tha me3. Ta a??itian ?e the thare nth?w yamn-J man fraguaa?iy-aailedr?n? Fecardimg ?e ?angia?ag_?he graug Fag mumh ~33 ?gi?y mwa? Ff tha-tima.? ??em aa a ?iarapu?a?la era??, name a? ?ha?m?m?ara Of Obich lsake? Feat Fr aiean-cu?. ?aat?af?hhem Fara jaakeha ?m?_blm? ?amim g?itare'am? athar musigal i??trumania. Ih?a?ly, lg??s th? ?apar?edga?? the ??hiec? had. 333$ km wag ahaut ta ent?r aha ?rmyg Th?j ?ra. ?angiana ame?half. 'mmn?h'a re?t ?he gag aamgaay ha? ap?aaFF?-trying t?fcallact an u?yai? I bill far Era, ?anwianawatatFQ ?hat althaugh she di? mat knawa?he?aeaupan?s paraanaliy, aha was gia? ~hat th?y ha? . 4; Era. lat?r receiv?? a?pm$t whim was: pastm?fsma Mariam Fm: "It is: via-hm man-aw ?yi??ian that the Fwimm girl .9533 an. eni?rtain?rrwh? aypeara??with ?h?m?lm??ae? an? WEE ho?'a Fis?er ?fjwi?har th? Subjeet or Gu?m'ia. (met-Fm 7 - u? sgm? a Agent, (?pr my 6? . Village vamguama.r .tha gr0u?.far @913 ama er angagamants; . material 0% the grwug wag lef?i??-and-inflamataryjig matura, atate??Mat i?h\ - . ?f??efg .msz 9. 5523mm: case No. Ell-mm; mwwam MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER IN CHARGE Subject: mf?? q. 3&335a?? . 3%?th?raah?%3ghai?q?n. KEMaler??i?la, 35; Intervi?w with Max-aaraan, acq?aintance. ,v a 3, 1913 mm im?wiewed gem-mg v~ ?evanth??venuag NEW Kara, 3* Kg Ger an ewnar~e? a m?ghtalab knmwa-aa ?he Gar?aa aai??that.?h@ agyaarMa.in his alum Ma ?ww ma?a?i?na. Th?y?ha? @ragam?a? halla?a G?r?wn aa??i?exe? tha ?lmanaa matEria1_?ea 1%fti?t for tha aliantal$?a? the migh?aluh an? for ?hat_ .reaaen, ha? ne? angaga? ?ham atatad that ?he almanaea r?aar?ingalaithaugh ha t?a natur?.0?.them I 3. Managar af the ?lmama?? ha? bagn a fallaw nama?-Eal Eam?ella '?he gubjeet-ga?-a? fel$QW?mame?g?uthr?e baa 6f thaggr?up?whaua?ma? mat in ?mr?an'm mim?m r? giyi nama? ha? meaa?i?nally ayy?a?e?laa an4- . a?tertaimarg aha Mag Gar?mn.??a5 .M My girl mm mm had mmly ?the Var-sup, We had been an amtartaima3;. Ear?mn baa nw? hear?-af a girl ?am??'?alan Rabi?ann, but thamght that she migh??h?wm Ewen an aac?r?i?niat ?hat ha?wa?yearaa with the almanaesg -: -Im writtwm lyrias fa? tha gangs, yrm?g?ed My aha gravy gag baa alga %ean a guitar player; ai?era?Mh?m ta b? tha mmat Eater?sting paraen a? ?ha aggw?gati?n an?_thaugh? 1% was tag anthnaiaatia abaut his 1$f?iat pmi?t?? amt that Gm?hrie hm? a baak @allwd W?aund for Glary? which 13 whimh.ia alraady near tap af the bea? gallar 113%; in =th hawk, that; hm m?i?ger Emma imam am his Mag-w ?baa ?ea?h. Guthria'? ?i??er gynieal au?lamk rag lif?-t? har? life ha ha? 1&33 in.his yquth.? ?athrie-h?d?bean a ?ldsa a? tha ??kjeg?g? 4" I - ?ux??h inaiaatad ?ha? thawe baa ke?n ?ha. %an? aha aanstitu?ed mamber?hip 333 many g?.tham?ha? apyaara? wi?h ?arden bqya were ?iae fallnwa'an? them thia?raasan, ha a?al? 33a ma waasan why the Eubjaet shcul? net ?a'twnatad\with a poaitiau a? reapanaibili?y. . (mmol) 8mmTyped '1 NW: 12819 Doom: 59169341'Pa Gardan . if, ,h a? f_x\ .jgmk ?case II?bIlWlm; MEMORANDUM FOR THE OFFICER-IN CHARGE $535456 - . Mi??i??ipyi intarviaw with Earnar? ?ehul?gg acquaimtanaa? 3, 1?&35 this agan? iat?rviewa?u?arnar? Seh?ltz,? .433 ?ia?h.gwa?ue, mewi?mrk, 1., ow?ar a? kmil?i?g whare-tha ?lmanacs f?rmerly'ha? th? r-hea?qnamtgra? . I 7 ?aguita sai? a g?fl mame?x?easaa hamax ha?'agyemre? ama had aigna? tha lea?? far an year, far arfiva?roamrapartmant in ?ha?raar af ?ne Quarters g? thw.ahwva a?areaa? tha?f twa par?a?? wmra ta q?artar?g-S?hnlt? aai? t?at moa? 9f ware'fivg gr six man?ag?uyying th? glaca an? $136 33 in?atermanata number sf waman. ?ahml?? said tha? tag eraw? ha? keen a neiay ana_t30ublea?ma egawa a?a kw ?ha m?mkara in?ivi?ualry t9 ha a aceaunt ?e ??lieve? ?ha? thsre baa been savsrai a?&1hamzana in ?he A ?The arew? ha? hee? h?ar? ylgyi?g aha ?hat thay gemaknaw?'aa'tha aeauraa 3 - their bamkinws thraugh??ha310? Field. .215 I - @/@atus of Case"; '7 1 REASON FOR INVESTIGATION ?mn?bia?l anhwraion under v.13. latter (Slated Havembar 18%, File AG 014.91.533.21. Qua-swag) ?gw?v?w?a 5111:3961}: "Bimyaaitien of Patsn?bially Suhmresivo Farmamngl." Subjmc?i wrote letter .pro?ostingg aim?: cr-iti?iiamg the ?a?lii?omia .Pumrimn 3105;152:911 resolwbiem. advmating ?eyarta?on of all Japanese, giftimns or not, after the mar and barring all Jayanaae daacandants ?ram.oitigenshi@. (EXHIBEE 1) EMAILS: F-owtaan-rFOint Wupia Gamma: (Unless; @tk-prwiaa indide {aha fallsming 7111*- formatian was ob?aihaa from Suhjact?s??.?.5 Form.?og 30, and Form Em 24(1); 1? Fernonal Bataa I . {air-?thy Eat! York, ?ew Yam-1:, May 3, was: aWWV?we?iwmhip: United Emma. . Premant age: 23 ymars and 11 mnn?hsa Aliazzeas - Eons indiw?tc?i. -1 . F?yaigal ?esor?ption: ?310; Eacaa'?hitag haightg 73 inmheag wmight, Dist.-- CIC 1413 1133.3 339.3, blues hairy brawn; 3011131631021, 1 fair-5 ba?ly pimpm? farm; and. rather gram-i- Information Wham 7 .?flneu?b rad muse. D) - 6-2 "3c Parsonal Charact?ri?ticm Umaaming, Very raa?r} a great 5.13.11, mammiaative, aatmfactory market, extreme- -2 -_sc . - .11.. . . liberal in his Via-m). (9:311:63 "m Marital Status: unmarried. Dist ?El; Family Data: Faisherg born in maxim 3:333:36; @roaent a?eimas, .Pan American Union,- - in?ow 13o Ca . .- T, {gamma E: 19461 1 ?3le ?11-1111. pi; w; FORWABDED, y: f. i . ?I'wwl? MID. Iv" ?we. avg ?Girl-1 . 4f ww? . 1: 2-2-- 1 NVTUDSD DocId: 59169341 Page 112 1 5 . . (3909" $41 . A (31361 Report a 0 (swam) 3o Fmilg mm: (?mtimzed) M??her: Cenatang?fx?mg?am bin-?11 in Damien {Embracing famer a?dmag, 313.6. Boquml'9L1t?tle giver 511., Miami, Florida; aim-ma, 83M SJ?tnz??h Etraa?3_?ia??a Flwridae (?350 mid @3231? W) Bro?he'rt . ?harles L??eeggaz', Jr'nmf?gmer ad?rew 30mm - - Uniwmity, Ithaca, Y'arkzz garment ad?ressj BM: BEE: Fermi; Roma's Emma, I 3? a York. Era. Trasy??idsmg 1311 Bayahore grimy; magi]; magician (Em-Eam; Kuhn?) Relative: Jehn%eeger 3 'zmem?a 9 Bow Yark, Her: York; ma mutation-3m? mi; indim?beda (Emma? XIX) a - ?j . Education: 1934*1?3525. grammar aahaol, wring 21753113.;- goma?iau?, graduated. 19233-23956, high mum; Avarroma-Fams, bumaamiaut, graduate-?. 1956-1958, Famr? ?nivaraityg Gambridgca nonmgra?uam. Emmo?aatz 1940?1942, emplaw?rby Almahac Singers, new? Earls; Samar Turk, as ea?wrw tamer. . .5. Military Ems ?ery: Ameptezd. for service at Local Beam?g?a, Jaekacn musty, 31am. I . July 24?, 1942, Fort; m?hnm, ?labazm, oath. July 19423 For?; E?oyheraan, Geargia, prwcewedg July 31, 1942, 595 539911 Sq, Beach - Augua?is 19, 194323;, 2305 Sq, Field, ?ipsisaipgi, airplane ma?ama s?uc?itante Member 8.. 19%, ?567 $.53th Bah mgsissippi, nit-plane student. a. mum aha-am? Gawain mm 31-. Rambn. $3.922. (mm a) Sargaam Julius 8.. Emma; (L?me 25} ?/Sergaam: Gar}. Biking, (3) (Egg-3.2a c) I . - ?A?c?iremam ?$30 6th avenua, Him York cit); ?akes milmm. ("z-Emmi? Mi) 33 Downing Straws, Hem Yin-k 1w; {15112133 unkumm. 3m) 3am am, .25 1a., Miami.? Florida;? (13136;; m?mmo magmas? 2m? I o. r; Pugmmg PRINTING or:ka 16?30039-1 . I: K. a: .-CbR1qun 9 mm 31.3; (com 11}, 12. 0 59169341 Page 114 A . . 8., Form No. 19- I i {3 3 ?Bami'oka {shank-s ammo: em mmwan. (Emma a) $_$argaant Miahael?Fas?er. Q5) (mEm? Erivate Pau$.Ehrtellaq (S) ?5 -, Earvar?t?tu?an% Hmi?n, .-. a Gamp?ai?ing gun.?lumni gsaseiatia?g 55 Sirea?i ?ity, una Bun.&3, walden, 30w Yorkn" (ERHZEIT Prinaggalg?mu?e?en?g? magic; ?arpaatryan?twnter dale? pgi??i?ga gang givga. ?aqyai??ancg?; ?ange ?ia?isaipyi; civil '36rviea a?aminer 3% eaamal acquaintancaa (U) 212;) . S?f?kff. Hadigal E?taghm??t, Kaeslcr caguall?mgu?in?waa. (23mg 12; an? Emmi? v11) ?fe. Eia??namas. Squadrpn, Keoglar F1016.3 Eiasiesippi; casual anquaintange.- H) Each Field, Mississipyi; elem. acqum?maqce. (mm is) (msz 2:91) Priva?e Ffe?nrick K?431aag?ig, GP. ?eealer Eield,-Hia31aaippig Gama-?3. auquain?aa??ag (Haffo"?amm?; Sauhaon; an? mare nab intern via?a??sancarning subject far'the rbagdn that $11 are un?er'i?vegtiw I ratian ?g this aff?cc fer ?Hiaaf?osh$??h?a, 13$?Hac?cuga1 a?reat (farmarly ?6T?ashington ?qunre), ?ew Yarks Bubjeet'a'fiamaaes Jayanes?agmaricun, vary a rae?ive in tha far pamneracy, 76 East ?aw Zarh Gi?y, and at present empleyed ?g Survey Asa abaiatee, face. 112 Eas? 19 atreat, ??W?Yark ?ityi 'Bh? is also as? anciata?"w?th "Gamug A?t3-Ciub?, ?ew York emu. (mazes 1,13? 3318 ms, ML. . 13,.x, - @ath?r 6f Rama'?bshi ?htn,'nams unknown; Jaganeaa? farmorly em?loyad ?by?Survay.Aaaociates, Inga; 112 East 19 Etreet, ?ew York Gi?ya I Page thr??o orrzd: Its?3003941 .t f?j C. F9 0 7 (l Report '1 . . o- . DEEAM: {aam'm 12. Acgmin?amem I (Cent 5 a] presently ia'laying?, in ?ne ataga??u yruduc?tiaa ?The Family?, which - oyenati in Bes'tan, ?asaauhuse?m, Karen 15, waft-3. {$161.30 anti . 13255131215 5W?Privmta Le?i??ivaak. 991 A?lantic ?cr~ easygna??t. (15331131? - - Juliamareswisi, gawml Bivdq, ?at?rait, 1516111538313 (Emmz?r . I .. nggmomgmnastemj 11,335 52636999,- HQ. 23m; 36?? ?9.11. I?m? mac?. 104:, {352-52119 .ir??/?wgcm Germ wattle? (3123mm m) Wham: I. 31m: Provireinml Gravy, Flight 11,, QETG, j. Atlantic 911337, 33.3.; {tame 1.5V) 3 gela?j??chimen, Village Vanguard; Emu- Yark, :15 356.5, ralr?zianship with Suhgew nab Imam. but ??3..mnisiazzasi as", an, d?quain?ismme by Eii?? ?ashi (mm Lt. Ai??mr?gg?f?b, .Gud?ky Field, Igffil?qaukeag 11136362181213 *mrmaycm?em?a . . . - (gngiaui?wie, ems-lea Streak, ?aw yorELCity; L, .v ?gfhamd?klahma City, Sklahnm; member of 43621132111361th Farty'g prin- oipal in}! ?mklamm?a Omanim friend of ?ubjea?s. :3 my 3:911.) - 1.33%. mag 399d, w? White was state? seaming of the I . in principal in ??lalahmm 192220 Ccmi?m .?sriala?; friend ?ange-ct. 1W mica ?i?affe, ?gm: ?gark, 11.12.; Gmnuniat mrty wax-km- ami princiigal in ?klnhema'a 1941-? ?ammigm' triala"; fumerly in naiv?gage? war}; in Em? York; fr-iand 9f Subject, and Waiter m; AWM Hausa, "?aw York gity. {H?ii ?353 RV and XVI I 1 . Ta?swmm. Secretary, (imp 51:31ng Sam ALmi Aasauiatiuga 55 ?ttest, ?ew york City am Bax Walden, mare: (19ml:er m1) 13. Eedg?h menisci: Ho ?ccra at grim Bta??m, M. Pal-ism Racard: ?ati?aotm?y at thia Stgtitm. ($33.0 IEi-?i?im?ifii?t 3153'! 33373336113; (macs; I and Page foul? 4- NWQV 59169341 Page 115 l_ 0. C. 8., Form No. 19-A 16?3003 1 1 f7 Ki> 0 H- {v CQ 6 Report L. mama? 16' Wild-af?xean or .?ubja?t?Wrt-Jta latter p?G?i?esizin5; an?? cri?iai?i?g re?clu?idn a&VOaa?ing da?urta&* tiag af all barring all Jayu? animansixigw {Emma}; ?rm mm;ng I) 2; ?S?bjec?'wns e?plgyed by,-and gtill has a gr$at ig?aras% Almamaa Si?gsna of way York City; g?rqving ba??.of aingers ?ammunia?ic ahmrac?ar. Eha?n&ture a3 this arggaiza?io? ia'of gush a ?haraotcr that' aubhot and som?of his ?acquain?anses feel him ?unzmc'izima thema- A wita.night be ?he aauso far his present g?a?ua at ?hig Etatiqn. ?y430 5' am: 23211me 111', m1, $3112.) Smbjaa? ia gagago?'?o masanas i Dh?a, t?9 daughter of an ?n?ri?an maths: an? a Jayangse fathgr,*wh9*wus Eaaishe? sang yearw age Japan fer' Ghta ia_an ac?ivo omthusiastia supgartw er af'tha Japan??msri?an ?bumittee far ??macraoy, a Ggmmunist i?filtratad arganiantiany? ?ubjae? also un?wa a defini?a'imteraat in una cannactien wi?h this qrganiaatimn. Vi, VI, E, El, KII, S?bjact ?5 a ?gowd,fr1an?? a? A;1an Shaw, ?rs. Ina?Wood and Eli Jaffa;, ?ammunieta an?-?nfan?ants in?"?k1ah?ua?s 1940 communiam ?rinlauo San? ?3ae? admits bnraly eacaping;"b9ing hoake? into tha? rouna;up toe?; '(Exw- mama 11v M25 2117:) i . 5., Subject.i? an.g6quaintange and a? mavaral garedas'who have ?aam I 0r are being invas?igatea.hy ?hia thair ralatioa with .Gmmnism.? (33326:: and XVI and 3m) R?qme$% ah?ak pf ?he fola?mi?g rafgrantagt empl?yer?p schaaiag rela?ivma, arganiaatiana and.?olico rag cavering complete-hagkg?ouna iavaatiga?ionw . 7 10 {it In Gnarlaa Seegors father; Enn.Amarican ?nish? B. G. a. ?irectorg EE.D.. lat aurviue-Gammana. ?dhoal, agring gill, Gamma Subjec? ?gs studont thera 192%91932.? . (2) Avan~01?~Faxm$ High Gamma aubj?c? wan atud?nt thaae'193291936. mam ?Univemi?bya cmnri?ig?. 11mm. 'Subjeat Irma student there 1938- 19386 I HArvar? Student ?aiana Emrvard mass. Subjeat wag a member and aecrataty 1936?1958GOVERNMENT PRINTING arr-m. Hx?aooaQ?l C. 8., Form No. .- 5.7 :2 It a 01am Report I :9 3m; (cmt'd) 5'9 no} (I) ?Charlefa L. ?wgef. Jr.) breather; fame? ?a?dreggzag-?ecmall University, 51mm. 3.11:; gamma a?aresa .. Box RFD Forest ?Iioma. 11:21amJenn; Wager; rexahiansmp .mmw ?5 Rev ?30th:,- 3?32.- (EXHIBHJEK) -- (3.) Alma ?ngers. Almanac ?ange. $350?! 3933:. 23.3!? mph?: of Subject. 19453?1343: 5813193635? Retrain- great imam in am: ma; organisation passably communist- an ?mraa?ero. ?(mug-Jana N, I VIE, xvi. min) . A . (Q1) 4% any. Ema mamas: 91? Eu?bjac??zhut dates (mm- m) - as Banning 3mm, ?aw mark city. Ecmar mamas of. auweat but - ?akes whim. (must? - I. (6) 6am? 3111213 Sun Almi Alamo-in?ow 55? $30. $31511 Street, Y?r?k city. . @213; Box ;Snb?ec't .ai? m?m?ber GS this grammatical (WHEN 2m) .. . ?Bad Wright, secretary. 68319 55 Stream! 33521:: York city, and. ?Box 33,.T4m1den, ?5.3.1 derangement ef - .suhjeats. (awn? . . mas mam. Oht?,? $29 (fam?y '76 Washington Square). Emit. 113.3 S'ubjeawa ?anms? a; Jaymeaa-meriann, vary a-ativa in the Japan-1833:1631: jams:wa for Macmey, 76- {393% "5221:: 65535861}, by {away- Agnacia?bos, 13.3 East 19 Street, New 363%: ?ay. She is 51.90 assiaciat?d'wmh . manna nm- (311133?. 61- i??aahingtm mama: mm ?5";er ?aky; I ?30 and: Miami? II, mt, V, w, v1.1, mi. rm; 3., m, 311, nan?i??l?f(f3) Fa??hermf ?51813 foam 0h. Jayancsa; formerly mloyad' I by Surveykssoqiates, 1:135. 1'12 Ens-15.5.19 ?ttest, Hmyorklcity; 1y phyM' the stage Waugh ?Tbs Emily?. whmh?bpangd in. Ems- . {zeni?msan Ease-ch 1943. {mm and. Emma xv, . (.10.) 9:1th 'Le?m Epivaak. 93.1 Flight Atiantio?ity; was nor-'- (WEE: (ll) Prim?a ?It .Sehlaumn?g35 31:51: Frwiaianal Brm?i?ligh? A, awe, Atlantic G'i?byaI?Jd qgrreagandentu (3:432:50 3191611 Rabinsang Villagsl-Vangumdm ?myiimrk, Ear-1r; mfg}; Subj?a? natiimWn ma?a mn?ione? at; an Iaaqmamae by :L'Kiaa mam. was . v- - I (13) :23. macs Straw. ?Ei??w Yam-k . -. - - 9 Eli gaff?. gm 331;, mm; communism Party worker and grimipmin mum?213's 1954f) .C?maam trials"; in gammaer I $639k: revising. ot?u?bjeot, anti viamar at ?lms: Hausa; Haw (WEEKS and KYLE) A 7 A (15) Ghee}: E?oli'w ?1163 Haw Graft Bitty(18) shack?: ?les? if Faderal Bureau of Weatigestion-in 233%??3 City, j: Page 1 I If?; I I- It covaanmzm manna-own: lei?300394 0. C. 6., Form No. 19-A .. A gay .Report a . 0 3939-1, 1 (1)7 gamma ?ag-gar; mother; format aWaec?a, Ra. Bax?ml, Little I Rive? mad preaant a?dwssa, 3&7?4?m; .R?th-gtrm?, ma, (213310 a: aud-WE? EV) I I . (.3) we; 3.211 83' Baysh?miriive, 23213232134 Fla, (333331335 mama 3mLesa}.- ?3361mm: gammy, 1113?, subject Quwpte? fur military service: th?z'?a' - - - 5135 $6911. 3:911. Beam; ma. re-ceavad romi? {imm- I 317, 1912 im? Augusi?; $9422; I a (53 537% 35 Ho: ??imo. Flaw ?Fdrmer af'?ubjeat bug ame-5' um - - - (Emmw-ml15.1.3? Ego; Q?rViw ?Han Bamwmz? 5757 80139? 51%? Batrt??r Eii?higam 03 Midge? (Emmi? . I .I Lt.? WW5 ?311ng miiwaukaa fj??ieogm?h da?r??'gmdg It -: 1?39 . 7' II 5 Dix-swam. 31.1153, 1433., ?fth Service 6mm. (1) 3.1th 81mm, @219.th any. namber {if a'mmiet Fatty: . Prim-- I a?z?m ".leaham7zs 196.0 gamma $1119.16?; frien?._ at?? Eubject. (am: A. . . . . my. .1519. View; wife a? I?o?ber?b Ema-wag mm 15129659 wera?ary of . Gmmi?at Party in aklahmga3_ 3111013131 it; ?GmhMI'a amn?m tram?; frian? or sub-seat. ?mzma xv amf-?f? . - 311 Jaffe. New Yew,- Samanwt; Party worm: am? in. 1949- Willis?; 03319er WW3: "in mm York; friend a? wildest; and viaitor mkma gem, gym:- York city. a?a 1m) . 201119 ?d?'StJaf?fg, ,G-?a?x?as?mm- Dn?enaa?Comand and Fp?'rth IAfmyx (1) mam MMen amastem; 4132; 52623059. myaam ?33? 12.31; . 194}; 931319 Gragms correspon?ent of ?uhjg?t?,? (maggm 'Ic??em?amzm I . . m6 ?rms: is 61? 7991111611, knead-an the $5.9be mum 'thi?a? tha? 311133931: has pmaib?i?tiea cf aividad 103-3?va ?333$ a ahahm in We 1m mum remain in yabmtial Subveraian. - - . Subjec? 13 1mt?3nsely loyal; a, Iasainat ?Fageimf and its agaplying. himsgl mwle?ge 13? :33 greatest sax-71m. 33 am eager mu I 13.0 in?ow hiam?i?sary-?tmd technical ?me sm NW: 12819 DocId: 59169341 Page 118 . WAR DEPARTMENT . o. 3., Foxgm No. 19Vvl?GOVERNMENT PRINITENG QI-?Flha 18?30039d1 ff a I 0 Report Emmi gm aezamssgegge- (cont-ta) Ageith this is Subjem?i?s?g and. his with 1211111: - parammal am this stating: who are Emma awkww auh?jes'h- profesam . that was a gem Erim? of three mums r1511 330:! usadi?bim in mashema anal exam that he. ?persanally, barely" ?anged pramsu?ian?w gimim. c??ugrggae, man mbe?r cf. the Alumina. Eingera. .wagdgaggmg trouba?am, a. gregp which gamma-s ?baai?mr a. ?re?y? or in?ue? instrument a? the 0mm: 'k?arty. ad- . mil-amen Emmi; . inalu?ea ?31! mam ?bhm. new amimtwn rat that; wantry'a militi- ?ery stamina. I ., I - In ?tutti-an, .Bu?bjea?fs min? is; canditi?zz?d by his love for a, 17mm Jagmwe. American daswx?w, who "5.8 mum-.157 cama?be? with $13 ammuat?m?a. Miltmtea?wi?h Gmmta. Mimi;th minimum? Emma-a on a. high plane, $123.8 ?f?csr balimag it is: be unorthodox am: {51113 which might.- 19641 to divid?e? Myamy in the event this mars; treatment $318 Japanwe ware not in aecom With that View 935? Emew or the: woman he expacw marry. 7 . mm? m: mm statim. $12133th has mda coan with ham ?amis?a and is smathatm @1291? problms 9.114% @119 sea-called mswm?m?m against mam. These haw Ema rathar than antramsa?' ta his apmuam?ie i?caiiam. as an anter?aincr, his swig: haw been 5:010er subtly tward classless-9 31988. I @mmfare, ?aspi?t? intg?igeme ma? a??ire ta my?? hmem mm dean-mum of the anew. ?thin of?cer- belimeg that amw?t? EBFM 31 wwh? magma-r11? 9W @113 ?nite? ata?es? - - m; magmas: 19*:ij 2mg WE?in dams mum-i: pammigny .subveraive mthin 1:35 mama; 6E 173.3. lat?er ?amed Ea?ovmher 9, 1943, File (11-3-42) ems-mm,- su'bggeat: ?ms? paaition cf amten?sially SubversWa rParso'mal." Rewamc ?uhjsa?-?? ?ragmf??r fram the-Arm Air Fez-cam .Recomondi ega?pla?ae baulrz'gi?mm? Iiavem?iga?im am that ?Subjorzt undaf Eur. Willanw while saw 12; panagng-,. . .- . Page eightGOVERNMENT 10?30039?1 DEPARTMENT .. I . o. C.S.,Form No. 19-A . .1. I J,