LANCline7 10/16/2014 01:00:18 PM ?0?100 5 3891 p.1 0 02 09:533 HP Growers association 910 4 pureuutotla we; use UNIT PAGE 32%? 0 EegalAnd ofNerth Gambia, Erie. FarmworkcrUnit 1:4 Soulh Damn Sum- PJD. 26626 Raleigh, NC 2761: 919-856-2180 Eon-m-saoe- Fax 919-556-3187 wacgaLii Mammograva August 1. 200: Stan Bin-y, President pu Nonh Carolina Growm Association PO. Box 417 I Vase. Nurih Carolina 23394 vm FACSIMILE: 910445-3391 Pi A VIA FIRST cuss MAIL Re: Laoncio Acosta pear Stan: i I am writing you with regard Leoncio Acosta. who had surgery on his foot this as a work-related Injury. Mr. Acosta was living at Steve Beasley's farm this season yesterday when an NCGA rcpresenlativ: transt him in the Jeffmy Lac farm in Acosta does not know reason for the transfer and was disappointed because he access to a plum: and was also receiving some assistance from his co-workers. He is now isoin at the L60 farm. His main worry is that he docs 1101 have ready access to a teicphma. Because he is recowring ?om surgery, access to a is imperative should h: fan: an emergency. For this reason. I am requcsiiug that Mr. Moan be transferred to a camp with tcicphonc access. Please contact me immediately about this mm. HI am not availablei you may speak with Lisa Gum who is apamlcgai in this of?ce. ?thank you for your time. I pea-elm. 51mm? p095, af/mmcl, in) 75> ?an 1m. worth? 14? 00915: ("002410 MEL-M {oclm'mks 049.719, [?64 A?am inf-J @4016 Wang 4150? he wits (?nite/CA, 6.106611. 73 his 57 4N1) (mi: ?61? om-is a1 a, 1'