1 10:19 1411?. Attorney mm (Enunsdm ?lm In: nan?rn MAM.- STREET 0 Box 13:5 ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA 27573 March 9. 2006- Rauinu i; Luginhuhl. Bureau Chin C. uf?lxzimr ?x?riminna? Barbi} and Health Bull'th ?1 10?. Cantu: Raleigh. North L'urulina 27699-1 Dimm- P. ?lull-3:3. inbhuuiun: 3081-7860}; Dcur Mr?. Lucinhuhi; Un urinal? nl?nig 1'1: 10 ruducc his ?ne: in uppmximatcly {1133' from SRSUUJJU lq- Mx clicm mum he mm-c than xx ailing to cum inn: 1; uith respect In this amounl I mm: pom! nut that In} L?Iicnl helicwd than 111-: dcu??. uuk iusl a simple i?ausu? attack allhuu Jumps; rcpm'i Hui mqu or heal A incnm?ilnsix a if. chum has. aha-ax .x prm?rssed lh?i Ihcr': L15 a} plum; ?am: available and that this mn'x dczuh mm as my ciicnt not uatcr or 1n 131:1. iv: Lliu? nan of this man's until quite \a'hiic a?cr i: 11 um! w; um gut. :hix mam-r rusohcd us m} clicn?: nnu i2: pix-um wlil luok lkn'xuurd hasnring Hun: 3mm iz'r: Harm-:5: waned). 1 Sinker-:11 NORTH OF LABOR DIVISION OF SAFE-TX AND ()hll ItLJgit I: I?lrL. 30878602? SILITLEM ?5in AGR l'hty. i\ cm? Y?:l ?.Lu ha and heiween th;= Silli?l?. and Hcahh Bureau {hr lhncan? mime [)iwimm nl'Uccupmional sum and Health Carolina 0.1 Lawn: mun-magic: lhvisiun' and the liialinuln: :?inpimcz - Mr. Damn. Walker (hmcilmiicg "Ln-c limping-'9' l?n-c- Human and the speci?cally agree Moms: 'le EH 1.12"; (3)11 L'Hl'iilill?ll ll?h.? lunp?mur migrant v. rm:- crnpimfsc nuaim'mcn: Ln following SH Mill llii: lama} UH about Jul? 3 anASll C(mmhuncun?lccr Cunductcd an .1 unlimilt" wmumc: .1 Iz?r?m! ail?llm?a'ill'l? ?2 \mrl?pmu Baxud upon that [ll-3 :?xh?ll Bureau Issued C?ilaliun and mi" in lliL' Ilia-cl 1.19351 [wax i .: :1 iumiunm nl ()ccunzilinzzu" (?walk-iv and lmh'n Act n1 3.11:2} :zmizm and'v!? {hr sthlalait. 61ml J5 [his I'm- as {Nina?s puma,? Min 14:5 xi (Drum \lN i -. mung: I L409 - (:2511? report In NCDUL Within 8 hl?h ii nation il-umx il?iit?d 1r. (?Ii-gum! 05f i 9?s: which are m1 herein 'nnui? '4 [nah 1n mnsideraliun Uflhis Enmluvcr agree?: ?0 (?um j. that th? ?mum Items nr uiil? ahaxc [its aim-xv-rcii-renccd (1111mm Items date conmzmu In . . a. .. .. [?5'va "2:3 ?5 . . )3 lhe 1m.? Donal!) :wasnu'm and a? 4.-u an its fighh underthc()ccupalinna! Safe? and Hcahh Carmina. (i ?5605- 24 n: umiwncm (lama.- ilxmf Lm 1hr incl?on? 1hr 5:11?ng and Hualth K'c?x'wv. Bugatti Non}: (Talu?nnu (and-m am other tribune! (?y?rnducl with: quagmwr} cnsua?c Hm: unnimccx I L?Lit??lj??l?l?? w1_?_i__ilj1c_u war}. rm raping.? il! wall mug [0 :mr gum} .: rut'CiI A: A E-?L??ilid hmi?L Quill-1:1 3.11.2; igl?un a? jx-aukpluw (I win} sanilalion i~ I ilgga! ,5_I_I_'s_rhg nisx?lwd153n355d 1 Tn;- muminr will he held l0 Junc 1. Th: purllm agent-s ha: lhih 15.3: FEJH and ?nal vu! the underlying NCUSHA 2., and Ihat it is an unappealable Final Order of?thc that IS mince: 1a.: the provision? NCGS and {$93?14} The panic-3. agree to hear their own atmrn'cys' fees, costs and other expenses. incurred to date in I'llii mmle This Agreement shahl he prominently posted at or near such place-(5) referer u: in 131:: urigina: (?nation occurred and in dos-c that unginai CIIGIIOH WHEREFOREL the undersigned parties cmer into and execute. thiis Agreement '3 in . 1m [\gn'f L?l'n'w 14m [hc ASH Human For Employer North (?aruiina 01?1.abur a. Lv? . t~ x: hymnilm *Hurcag ('hic? "Plinth Name/Tilin- Rx *l?rimmi? Name/Till;- . 'l 'l ,1