Bill Lueders {bluedersi?lgmailcema LE: Nev 9 1-. te Cullen. Andy. Andy, April. Eleth. Eeb. Beb, Christa. Dave. Dave. Dee. Dick. Deug. Deug. Larry. Geerge. Gina. Gerden. Jehn. lvlart Dear Cullen: I sent the attached letterte Elisabeth IIAfintert?iack en Nev. 2. fellewed up with an email en Nev. 5 asking her te please cen?rm that she had received it and te let me knew when te expect answers. She did net respend. Se. en behalf cf the 1.i'Il'iscensin Freedcrn ef lnfermatien Ceuncil. I am putting these guestiens te yeu. Hew did the Department efAdministratien decide that the Executive Residence visiters' legs. fer which there is knewn and ebvieus public interest, beleng in a categery ef "ef temperary usefulness that have he engeing value beyend an immediate and engeing transactien er the preparatien ef a subsequent {final} recerd""r1 2. Are these re cerds in fa ct used in the preparatien ef a subsequent recerd? If se. what re cerd??1 3- Why de these net mere apprepn?ately beleng under seetien ef the General Schedule. which gevems "Calendars. schedules. diaries andFer meeting legs used te deeument meetings and appeintments""r1 4- Altemately. since the re cerds at issue are kept by the Capitel Felice. might they fall under the General Schedule fer State ef 1Afiscensin Facilities Management and Related Recerds {available at Speci?cally, en Page geverns. ameng ether things. "visiters legs" kept fer security purpeses. The retentien requirement fer these is ene year. 5- Can yeu explain why the were retained fer the peried frem early April te late August if DGA believed they were transitery and did net need te be retained? 5- Are ef visiters te the Executive Residence being retained new? As with my initial mailing. because ef the public interest in this issue. I am sharing this inquiry with Ceuncil members and ethers. whese names appear in the CC ?eld. Elill Lueders Wisconsin Freedem of imperialism Ceuncil blueders mail.cem BUB-EBB -4?1 2