Case 1:11-cr-00623-JG Document 146 Filed 07/20/15 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 1601 ~ t.l(. ' ~.:3 .1(rJ , \ u \j }6 ~ Q,OI5 FILED IN CI.ERK'S OFFICE tiS DISTRICT COURT ED.N.Y. \ / ' ·.1, , I ·.t.: .\,; i• ~ea.r Ju43e Gleeson \" * JU!... 2 0 2015 * BROOKLYN OFFICE '--.' ' '. ;I' 1 . l! ., t· a.. re~vest kHer to wd:hdra..w the.. p\eo... o.. reeme1t enter-ed on June .26th. Mj p\eo_ wo..S. 1h·15 is I u~voluni.a.ri\j 4ue to a..tto~-ne~ the pressur-e of m_j Steve .Z1s~u. H,s sk:l:.e.rnents to me. speo.ks betle.r: 11 You wtll pleo..z3uilfj" If jDU don't plea.. I (\ot comi'rj to kia1 with ;j¢2V _ 'joq wl\l Jl~ pro-se. Even 1f \come 'll th i a.r ·t : All thiS plea.. uAeQ.. was \niba±.ed, Orche£:1.r-o...kd bj Gov. p\~ed b~ rflj olt::orn~ 1(1 order to mt plea.. and 1~ I ha.dn•t I would P~ t.~ cu-rodo..n-4: bad ~v~ who don·t p\ea, don·-1:. a..ccept YeSponsibi\i~ I When 1 wa.s a..rreste.d I mru:le the sta.t.~ent~ JUS I Case 1:11-cr-00623-JG Document 146 Filed 07/20/15 Page 2 of 4 PageID #: 1602 ·. ~ ·'· ·II lo 3el out oF \:he. ho.-hds oF the Ac~e.rrbs. 1 wa.~nrl 1Full_j conctous ~ m_j rlshts a..nd wha±. I <..uCLo Sl3n\';j. I't. a± r~ht sta:le oF mlM. Howev~r the GOv. t:houjht l'm COOP£RAT I NG, So the~ put pressure on rn e. • Dtred:l~ dur1~ lnterro_ga__tton - a... phone. ca.ll l:.o IRAN we w1\l Throv3h \el jOV ,go o±lorn~s CNa.,nc' ~'Pekr Qu, - . Coope..ra.:l:e, the.~ wtll send jDU to \ ive. in So..ud.tQ ArcJ. bla.. - Coopera.:le. r {h~ UJtl\ _gtve jOLt Ct-L~e.I')Sh l Poopero..:l-e, t..he.~ wt\1 31ve.. jOu. 5 _:Je.a...r se.rrle.nce.. IF .:1ou donrl::. coopera.J.e the~ wt\\ jOLl. J AL th1s po1nt l had no opbon but juSt to Ftre lhe o..H.orne~s, whtch ..:~ou dtd. Then the~ pvi pressure to Steve, not to \=-l\e. o.n~ rnohol) before plea..., whtch he. adrn.rlied to thai. on the moboAS ~tied to wtt.hdro..w the plea.. - Even tn t:he f:lrst. plea._ 1 I ha.d tn~oonedmj o.:l::lorne:~s l:.ho..t I I..Ua.5n~"l: plect..\n_g a.nd came to court w1th the 1nle1'1b01'). \-\olUever, aJ.; the. \ mtl'\ule. l UJO...S pus.h to \ CLCCept d: and reaci the allocubon rhe Gov, .2JCLV~ - ' co ffij o:tiorne.~. ___; I wo__s Informed not tcJ wtl:hd rCI-LV the pkn. and Gav, ""II df£rn is the I nd ,d:ment o.nd r"('l"-"'. - 1n I .QoiLj Case 1:11-cr-00623-JG Document 146 Filed 07/20/15 Page 3 of 4 PageID #: 1603 I I. I l-l w t th '31-1 cha..r_g e. , 5 j ea. r Nli>w l to cua..s -pressured sei'Tlence . I re.1 ed:.ed\. p\ea. UjO..H'\. ~Our h10nou.r, ~or rne be1~ _guil~, rl:. doesn·t rneo....n , tha..t I be pres