Joseph Fenity June l,20l5 Department arHeelth and Human Servtces omce tor Clle l30l Young Street Sutte I to? Dallas, Texas 75202 On September 22, 20l 4 my pharmacy beneht manager and lnsurznce provlder CVS/caremark lalso known as Caremark, Caremark, Healthl vlolzted the Health lnsurance and Act of 19% when my protected health rnrorrnatton was breached my at least one CVS/caremark Customer Care employee lt Is my that my lnformatlon was lnapproprlately accessed by an unauthorlzed CVS agent ln September 2014. On or around the date of September 22, 2014 my pnvate health data was then further breached on a much larger scale -- when the call center agent made an unfortunate declslon to dlssemlnate the HIPAA- protected lnformatlon to several other unauthorlzed On a patent and member level, CVS/caremark has yet to rorrnally nottry me or vlolatlon. how thelr data breach eventually became and how my prlvate electronlc health records be protected bythe company golng forward ln October 2014 CVS/caremark led me to belleve egreglous transgresslon was taken senously, the vlolztlon had been reported and handled appropnately, and that no further actlon was necessary However, the first and only correspondence sentto me on behalf of CVS ln regards to matter - a letter dated Aprll14, 2015 and recelved vla us. Mall It became apparentto me that whrle pnvacy vlolztlon may have been handled lrlterrlally, lt was neverrormally reported to your orhce as requlred by law The purpose of letter lS to ensure that your office has recelved the proper report and documentatlon from CVS Health regards to senous and vlolatlon. Please do not ln me lf any further lnformatlon from me lS needed Slncerely. Joseph Fenlty