Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 1 of 10 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND IN RE NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER , ) ) Case No. ) ) ) ) ) i ;:::':::Z :;;:Z::::: e=.~:: PURsuANT TO 18 U.S.C. 935ll(d) ) PETITION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW AND ENFORCEMENT OF A NATIONAL SECURITY LETTER PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.CO ~ 3511(c) Petitioner Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States of America,. brings this.petition for judicial review to enforce compliance with the npndisclosure provisions of a National Security Letter; and states as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. As partof an authorized national security investigation by the Fe<;l.eralBureau of Investigation ("FBI"), on (G) the EBI served on and/or issued to respondent j("respondent") a. National Security Lettet ethe NSL")~as authorized by statute, 18 U .S.c. ~ 2709, seeking limited and specific information necessary to the investiga,tion. In the NSL, an authorized FBI official certified to respondent that disclQsure of the fact Or contents of the NSL may, int~r'alia, endanger national security. As a result, disclosure oHhe fact or contents of the NSLs is prohibited by statute, 18 U.S.C.S 2709, as applied to respondent. 2. The NSL informed respondent that, if respondent objected to the nondisclosure obligation imposed by statllte and the NSL and so informed the FBI, then the FBf would initiate judicial review of the nondisclosure requirement within 30 days thereafter. Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 2 of 10 . 3. Resp.ondent did nat abject ta praviding the infannatian c.omplying with the n.ondisclasme requirement. requested in the NSL .or ta Respondent provided the infarmatian and, upan infarmati.on and belief, has camplied with the nandiscl.osure requirement 4. requested ta date. Respondent will nD IDnger v.oluntarily cDmply with the nDndisclosure requirement Dftlie NSL On March 24,2015, resp.ondent provided cDnstructive and actual nDtice t.o the FBI. that it will n.ot cDntinue t.o comply with the NSL nDndisclDsure requirement absent Court actiDn. Hewever, autliDrized FBI .officials have certified pursuant tD law, 18 U.s.c. S 2709(c), that there is gaDd reasen te believe that disclesure .of the fact Dr centents .of the NSLs will result in a danger tD the national security .of the United States, interference with a criminal, cDunterterrDrism, .or cDunterintelligence investigatiDn, interference with diplDmatic relati.ons, .or danger te the life .or physical safety .of any persen. An autherized~ seniDr FBI Dfiicial has likewise recently determined that there is gDDd reaSDn te believe that disc\Dsme .of the fact or . cantents .of the NSL will result in one .of these harms. FDr thDse reasens, the AttDrney General brings this petitien te pretect the national secmityand an Order declaring that the respendent isbeund S 2709(c), enferce the law. This Ceurt shouldent~r by the nendisclosure provisiDns of 18 U.S.C. as applied to respondent here. JURISDICTION 5. The Ceurt has jurisdictien pursuantte when the recipient of an NSL "fail(s] tocemply lIifamlatien;" AND VENUE 18 U.S.C. ~ 3511 (c), which prevides that, with [the] request for records, a report, .or ether the Atterney General "may inveke the aid .of any district court .of the United States within the jurisdictien in which the investigatien carries .on business~ .or may beJaund, at issue here included natification is carried on Dr the person Dr entity resides, to compel cempliance with the request. ,; The NSL requests and impesitien .of the nondisclasure 2 requirement. Accord 18 Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 3 of 10 U.S.C. S 2709(c)(2) (anwng other things, an NSL "notif[ies] the person or entity to whom the request is directed of the nondisclosure requirement."). Under section 3511 (c), this COUlt"may issue an order requiring the person or entity to comply with the request;" including its nondisclosure requirement, and failure to obey the order of the Court may be punished as contempt. Id The Court also has jurisdiction under 28 U .S.c. 6. S 1345. Venue lies in the District of Maryland pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 9 3511(c) and 28 U.S.C. ~ 139-1. PARTIES 7. Petitioner is the Attorney General of the United States. The Attorney General is the nation's chief law enforcement officer and the head of the United States Department of Justice, an Executive Agency of the United States of Arilerica. The FBI is a law enforcement agency within the Department of Justice. 8. Respondent is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of with a princi,pal place of business at Respondent offers electronic communications services to its customers". STATUTORY BACKGROUND 9. Title 18 U.S.C. ~ 2709 authorizes the FBI to issue NSLs in connection with foreign count~rintel1igence and counterten'orism investigations. The FBI has similar authority to issue NSLs under the National Security Act of 1947, the Fair Credit RepOlting Act, and the Right toFinanciai Privacy Act. See lZU.S.C. S~ 3414(a)(1), 3414(a)(5); 15 U.S.c. S 1681u, 1681v; 50 U:S.C. ~ 436._ 10. Subsections (a) and (b) of ~ 2709 authorize the FBI to request "subscriber infonnation" ancr"toll 1;Jillingrecords infonnation," or "electronic communication transactional -------------------------_._- ... _---_ ..... _- _.------.- Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 4 of 10 records," from wire or electronic communication service providers. In order to issue an NSL, a designated official must certify that the information sought is "relevant to an authorized investigation ld to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities .... " S 2709(b)(I)-(2). When an NSL is issued in connection with an investigation ofa "United States person," the same officials must certify that the investigation is "not conducted solely on the basis of activities protected by the first amendment ... ." Id 11. To protect the secrecy of counterintelligence and countmterrorism investigations, ~ 2709( c) pelmits the application of a nondisclosure obligation to an NSL recipient. Section 2709( c) prohibits disclosure when a designated FBI official certifies, prior to the issuance of the NSL, that "otherwise there may result a danger to the national security of the United States, interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, with diplomatic or counterintelligence investigation, relations, or danger to the life or physical safety of aliy persoh." interference Id S 2709(c)(I). When sucK a certification is made, the NSL itself notifies the recipient of the nondisclosure requjrement. Id. ~ 2709(c)(2). S 35-11 provides 12. Title 18 U.s.C. for judicial review of an NSL that has been 13. Section 3511(a) authorizes the recipient of an NSL to pe1ition a district court "for issued. an order modifying or setting aside the request" for information contained in the NSL. 14. Section 3511 (b) authorizes theTecipient of an NSL to petition a district court "for an order modifying or setting aside a nondisclosure NSL. 1d requirement imposed in connection with" the S 3511(b)(1). 15. enforcement Section 3511 (c) authorizes the government to petition a.district court for of an NSL. Section- 3511 (c) provides that; wheli the recipient of an NSL "[ail [s] to. 4 Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 5 of 10 comply with [the] request for records, a report, or other infonnation," the AttomeyGeneral "may invoke the aid of any disttictcourt of the United States within the-jurisdiction in which the investigation is carried on or tht;:person or entity resides, carrie.son business, or may be found, to compel compli~ce witb the request." Where a designated official has certified the need for nondisclosure pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 2709(c), l1-IeNSL "request" includes notification and imposition of the nondisclosure. requirement. ld.'~ 2709(c)(2). Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 3511(t), a court «may issue an order requiring the-person or entity to comply withthe request,'; including its nondisclosure requirement, and failure to obey the order ofthe court may be punished as contempt. ld. 16. In response to' the holding ofthe United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in John Doe v. Mukasey, 549 F3d 86} (2d Cir. 2U08) (modifying a nationwide injunction by the Southern District of New York), in February 2009 the FBI moditied its NSL practices to ensure that goverrunent-initiated judicial review is available to all recipients ofNSLs that impose a nondisclosure obligation pursuant to 18 U;S,C. 92709(c). Since February 2009, therefore, all such NSLs are required to include a notIce that iriforms recipients of the opportunity to contest the ,nondisclosure' requirement through gov~mment'-initiated judicial review. 17. Since February 2009; all NSLs issuec;lnationwide and including imposition of a nondisclosure obligationpursuarttto 18 U.S.C. S'2709(c), including the NSL to respondent, have informed the recipient that, inter alia, the recipient has a right to challenge the NSL in acoordance with 18 U.S,C. ~ 351 1(a) I;lnd(b)(I) if compliance WQuidbe,unreasona.ble; oppressive, or otherwise unlawful. 18. Since February 2009, all NSLs issued nationwide and including imposition of a nondisclosure obligation pursuant to 1,8U.S.c, S 2709(c), in:cluding the NSL to respondent, have I ! ! 5 ' Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 6 of 10 informed the recipient that, inter alia, the recipient has the right to challenge the nondisclosure and that if the recipient wishes to make a disclosure that is prohibited by the requirement; nondisclosure requirement, it must notify the FBI, in writing, of its desire to do so within 10 calendar days of receipt of the NSL. Such NSLs have_provided an appropriate address or fax .number where such objection may be sent, and stated that, if the recipient sends such notice' . o within 1 calendar days, the FBI will initiate judicial proceedings in approximately order to demonstrate to a federal judge the need for nondisclosure 30 days in and-to obtain a judicial order requiring continued nondisclosure. 19. In light.ofrespondent's objection to compliance with the NSL absent court action, see.~ 4, supra, the Attorney General hereby petitions for judicial review of the NSL and, therefore, seeks judicial review and enforcement of the NSL. STATE'MENT OF THE CLAIM Respondent and Electronic Communication Senrices 20. electronically 21. Respondent offers services that provide its subscribers the means to communicate with others. The variou~ communications "wire" or <'electronic communications Respondent features that respondent provides to its users are a service'" as that tenu is defined in 18 U.S.c. ~ 2510(15). is the provider of this electronic commtm:ications service. The FBI's Investigation 22. During the course of an authorized national seculity investigatioil carried on by the FBI, the FBI peterrnined that- it requirecl certalnliroited information relating to an account for services from respondent The Attorney General willptoyjde underlying investigation, including the FBI's legitimate need for continued nondisclosure 6 e fuller descr~tion of that of the Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 7 of 10 NSL request, in a classified, ex parle submission to the Court for in camera review pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 3511 (e). 23. To obtain inforination to further the FBI's author.zed investigation, the FBI issued to and/or served respondent with the NSL on infOimation as authorized by 9 2709. equesting limited,-specific The NSL did not request the content of any communication. Though not issued to and/or served on respondent unti the NSL 24. The NSL served on respondent was issued the authority of 18 U.S.C. ~ 2709, with 18 U.S.C. 9 2709(b), certified in the NSL, in accordance that the infonnation sought was relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities. 25. The NSL directed respondent to provide the records requested to the FBI. 26. The NSL also infonned respondent of the prohibition against disclosing the contents of the NSL, certifying, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 9 2709(c), that such disclosure could result in an enumerated hanll that is related to an "investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities." 27. The NSLnotified respondent that, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. S 351 1(a) and (b), respondent had a right to challenge the letter if compliance would be unreasonable, oppressive, or otherwise illegal. 28. The NSL also advised that respondent had 10 days to notify the FBI as to whether it desired to challenge the nondisclosure provision. The NSL further advised that if respondent advised the FBI within 10 calendar days that it objects to the nondisclosure provision, the 7 Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 8 of 10 government would initiate judicial proceedings within approximately 30 days thereafter in order to demonstrate to a federal judge the need for nondisclosure pursuant to ~ 2709(c). 29. As noted~respondent provided the FBI with the information reqllested by the NSL and, upon information and belief, has complied with the nondisclosure requitement to date. Respondent's Objection to Continued Compliance with the National Security Letter 30. Respondent has actually and constructively objected to continued compliance with the nondisclosure requirement oUhe NSL by letter transmitted to the FBI on March 24, 2015. 31. Designated FBI officials have certified pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 2709 that the information sought in the NSL at issue here is relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international telTorism or clandestine intelligence activities, and that disclosure of the fact that the FBI has sought otobtained access to the inforrhation sought by the NSL may endanger the national security of the United States, interfere with a criminal, couritertelTorism, or counterintelligence investigation, interfere with diplomatic relations, or endanger the life or physical safety of a person. See 18 U.S.-C. SS 2709(b)' (c)(1). A designated, senior FBI official has recently reviewed, inter alia, the NSL to respondent and redetermined as of April 2015 that disclosure of the facts that the FBI has sought or 9btained access to the information sought by the NSL may endanger the national security of the United States, interfere with a criminal, countelielTorism, or counterintelligence investigation, interfere with diplomatic relations, or endanger the life or physical safety ofa person. 32. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 3511(e), the Attorney General will make available to the Court exparle and in camera further evidence, including classified information, supPolting the 8. Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 9 of 10 need for obtaining the information sought by the NSL to respondent and the damage reasonably expected to flow from disclosure of the NSL 33. Respondent has demonsttated that, absent Court action, it will not continue to comply with the nondisclosure requirement oftheNSL lawfuily issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 2709. 34. Respondent's failure tocomplyv..ith the nondisclosure requirement of the lawfully issued NSL would violate federal law, 18 U.S.C. 35. S 2709. Respondent's failure to comply with the nondisclosure requirement of the lawfully issued NSL would interfere with the United States' vindication of its sovereign interests i"nlaw--enforcement, counterintelligence, and the protection of national security. RELIEF REQUESTED WHEREFORE, the Attomey (Jeneral of the United States requests the following relief: 1. That this Court enter an Order pursuant to 18 U.S.C. S 3511(c) declaring that the respondent is hound by the provisions of 18 U.S.c. ~ 2709 as applied to respondent and the NSL, including the requirement that the .respondent continue to abide by the Ilondisclosure provision of 18 U.S.C. 2. S 2709(c)andfhe NSL. That this Court enter an Order pursuant to 18 U.S.C. there is good reason to believe that disclosure of the NSL served 01) S 351 I(c) affirming that respondent may resUlt in a .danger to the national security of the United States, interference with a criminal, counterten-orism, or counterintelligence investigation, interference with diplomatic relations~ or danger to the life or physical safety of a person;:and tha,tthe respondent is bound by the nondisclosure provi~ions ofl8 U.S.c. S 2709 as applied to respondent and the NSL" including the requirement thairespqnd.ent 110tdisclose the fact or contents of the NSL to any person (other 9 Case 1:15-cv-01180-JKB Document 26-1 Filed 11/19/15 Page 10 of 10 than those to whom such disclosure is necessary to comply with the request or an attorney to obtain legal advice or legal assistance with respect to the request). That this Court enjoin respondent, in accordance with 18 U.S.c. ~~ 2709(c) and 3. 35 II(c) as applied here, from disclosing to any person (other than those to \vhom such disclosure is necessary to comply with the request OT an attorney to obtain legal advice or legal assistance with respect to the request) that the FBI has sought from respondent or obtained access to the information or records requested by the NSL under 18 U.S.c. ~ 2709. 5. That this Court grant the Attorney General such other and further relief as may be just and proper. Dated: April 23, 2015' Respectfully submitted, BENJAMIN C. MIZER Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General ROD 1. ROSENSTEIN United States Attorney TERRY M~ I-IENR Y Assistant Branch Director CZL~r=LJ e..-- STEVEN Y. ESSLER ERIC SOSKIN Attorneys U.S. Department of Justice Civil Division, Federal Programs Branch P;O. Box 883 Washington, D.C. 20044 (202) 305-0 167 (telephone) (202) 646-8470 (facsimile) Steven. Auorneysjbr 10 the Attorney General