California Department of Transportation Division of Maintenance Structure Maintenance and Investigations B RIDGE I NSPECTION R ECORDS I NFORMATION S YSTEM The requested documents have been generated by BIRIS. These documents are the property of the California Department of Transportation and should be handled in accordance with Deputy Directive 55 and the State Administrative Manual. Records for “Confidential” bridges may only be released outside the Department of Transportation upon execution of a confidentiality agreement. l'fw" . - I. :C'qr" j. . I . . IynfTITijIL/"1-1anchored w?b I II - dead/nan (ha- z?xke manner: snark/cw . . . "w-un sue-wartif?off .- ?m ?14" II I or: always fa be Weed normd/ I'o z? rbaa?wdy_ . {Hf 59w? ..: "?air! (max! ?ma-I.-- . -. .- -I- . . I. {of .gIr . 6?4" I .- "133.U585, gkfug?d?PAPTF 56CO119 56CO120 5600121 56CO122 56CO124 "Jfl'"5600125 7/13 +00 #2ng #46 1?60 70 74+ 70 I dBMf? 1203+32 mama 229350 {354 HO [247795 274*00 /269f$ - 13/3190 - 13/3190 {Mt/5 13721600 3+5 x130?; 1146 at? 14am 6:990 #92 +00 [602/ -0. Zeye/ -0. 46 '62 06 Er?/ Lard - f. 16" [ml 0.2? a [we/ '49-?17 154* A -Z00 e/ e/ . Ci 'mw?_uu 75%: 556.20 /3 79.. . /3 76.40 556/0 L333. 90' ?303.00 12:55. 70. - 255 00 2?261'. /26 9.00 ?52.50 . ?3.67. 90 #65. 40 #60490 #6340 . @9340 #96220 #33320 33100 . .9562 70 92. 7 .30 093.22- - H6599 ?5152. 9 9 x3 76. 49 562.02 ?340.66 L309 99 x292. 92 ?66. '03 9'0 265.30- /2 75. 05 256.30 4.741216 . #36263 #67 . 1769.96 5 H00. - mad/.5. --/04427- 9.0 .- ?35739 [3573/6 934.03- /3c5 x32 "///74 1/I00. 972. 34 L. am: 4T 45274555'Lo? . I 04:1 (FiTIE I'llnf I I I . I . .- ?3 . BRIDGE 314, 218. '537* 79332-1ix?cwcvav .- . :1 .f I .I .- .. . .. g?m?z: