Case Document 43-7 519 1 Filed 02/13/13 Page 1 of 15 PageID Mimi?) mam-am Rm?m mummy GWLHA-BA KENM- wagginng . um Wm STATE OF HAWAH . DEPABW OF LAND AND HAWK: PDSTOFFICEHDX ?ll HONOLULU, HAWAII 96889 May 30, 2003 VIA EMAIL MID U.S. POSTAL MAIL Ms. Betsy Mulligan Hawaii Pack and Paddlg 87-3157 H0111: Mm Road Captain Cook, Hawaii 96704 Demr M8. Morrigrm: Atlasth please ?nd executai copies of meble Permit (RP) No. SP 0064 and Pmm't No. for cammarcial kayak ao?vi?ca atKoalakakua Bay. Thugs am being issued on a pilot basig only, and will ha subject to review by the Dapamnant bafommy renan or ?xture: permits are considered after a maximmn one: year pilot basis. Per dimmsion with staff; the following ohmgw hava been agraed upon: f} a Time period far landing at Kaawaloa has been changed from ?one and a Whom? to and a half bums-a? The kayak storage mum at Kmaloahave 1mm changed ?maximum of one hour? to "maximum of ?ve Mum? . Ifany of these changes result in congestion or mourns managnment ?ames an the prmnima um schedule win be adjusted If the: othar Mo comm-01a! 0133mm approved by thaBoand ofLand and Nam 53230333 ful?ll pm?mi? requmm. 611m and begin operations, the mhadulad will ha . . Th6 manna of a pawn a3. Napn'apo?o landing/Pier during kayak toursjs mquirair- Them pam?ta will commune as DfIll?B 1, 20%. We appreoiata yaur patienw during the Ira-poems for this activity. Sinnaml'y, Wu "e3, V- ?1 I L. REE Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page20f 15 PageID#: 520 ll STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF STATE PARKS RBVUCABLE PERM N0. ML. mew ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Agreammt is axqu maimy of @2033; by and batman the STATE OF HAWAIIL hereinafter m?amd to as ex- ?Stata?: 1-th Board 7 . hamina?brca?sd tha ?Board31.54411?? .4 an . ?Tamlttec? whom mailing is g: - is: . The 1121:1153 agree that cumming on [ha 33? day of 15mg; data"). Batman: is permitted to make commrcinl kgyak Landing} with kay. . on a mam?m-moam basis 93131. pursuant to amnion 171*55, Hawaii Miami SW, for- and a. half?houra pas! twice a day, and for no ot?m parpoae, a: the appmvad location at Kaawaloa within the Ksalaknkua Bay State mammal Park on 'thg Island of Hawaii. State of Hawaii. which 15? identi?ed and as mm and on Exhibit attached 1115mm and mm a part harmf. andis hmalna?ar mm to as the THIS PERMIT IS GRANTED UNDER THE FOMJOWING A. TheParmitms shall: 1. At a minimum, to ba eligibie for this Revocable Fem ?we: the following criteria; . I. Be in gum! standingln the Smtdof?awailor an mdividualom the age of oigiitean; . ii Stats General Exam Tax 110cm; Hold a 01mm Hawaii State tax alumnus oarti?uata; . iv. Have no 011an compth or unpaid ?nes far viola?om of any law or rules administered by the: Board), and v. Matt t?m eligibility mquimmnum of Bastion 17 HS, Hawaii R?vised Staining. Tim Board my (aim mm mmidm?ozi whether tha 9mm, im primipala. subsidiaries or a?i?am haw a record of violations of any laws, mica, or p?m?t. conditions administemd by the} Beam, in deng allgibi?ty. The Chairpamon of the Board my require 0W qualifications of Parmietea._ 2. To be eligibls for this Pal-mu, Permitwa shall to ma Daparimem of Land and Natural R?soumea (?T?epat?uant?) prior to the exwution of Permit: 1. Stumment of Parmittna?s background m-axperianw 'with kayak fours and opemtkon?; it. Copyof Lifeguard, CPR and Rim: Aid ce?l?caticms: Tax C16ch Form with an original gram stamp; Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/1 .t 521 i 3 Page 3 of 15 PageID #3 iv. Copy of Permittw's Hawaii Gamma! Elicia-B Tax Licensa; v. Ces??cate of Good Standing tram m9 of Comma and Consumat Affairs: and . vi. Ccm?cata of (ionisatime LIE form #27. Tim of tilt) Board may mqutm other quali?caticna of Parmittm. 3. Occupy and maths mm for um following upwl?ed Wm onty: - 1, Land and launch 155ka a! sita on Exhibit Store ham at Bib: on Exhibit I lit. Walk along and follow trail shown on iv. Odema?an, wing. mating and EB a tampomty ?pop-Mp" portabie mum: staging am. at site on Exhibit v. Enter and exit the hey at Captain Cook Monumtmt emanate piat 3M5 on Exhibit for gamma anti swimming only; and, vi. 9mm mlcm'when feasible. 4. Pay. at mg Depa?mmt of Land and Natural Emotlm Fiscal of?ng. PRO. Hart 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809. rent as compensatinn fur mm of the Pram in tha sum of ill- 3% int-.12..- 949155;? 3040 p5? Wtfpaescngar pet landing. payabl? within twenty (20) days. after the and of the pmvious of ow??om ?hnding?? manna the of tha arm by Bermittm and kayak Each opcmtion combating of the disemba?dng embarking of the seam kayak pasamgm?s at Premim within tho a?owe??. tam! a half hour Landings allowed by thia'meit do not include the tight :0 advet?sa tar to solicit 61151nt 113 any Way at lha Bites. The i?tamst mm on any unpaid or datinth mmtala shalt be at om: pat cant pet mum. If rant is not waived within Meaty (20) daya af?rm the and of the - previous; of a mica charge: of mu 1-. 9 a month for each daltnqusut pawnt man be mad and payabie. The survicc charge: is in addition to 111th an unpaid or damnqumt rentals. shall not accrue on tha service charga. Paymant of mix service Ohm shall not exams or cum any default by Pamittn? undm' this Pctmit. - . 5. Upon execution of this Remit, ldap??it with ?1323 Board'thla sum of mm 5.5fur thafaimml perfonnanca of all of WWandidum. Tim dapasit will bra teamed, in mm Permitm upon of this Permit, whether by expiration or moca?on. it and only if all of the mum and; conditiom Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 4 of 15 PageID 100 522? of this Permit have um observed and moment the sattafastiom of an autho?zed of the Depattm?nt. Othsmista, the deposit may. at the Option of an authorized mentame of the Depm?ttmm. be applied toward . payment of any amounts owed. Without; waiving any of the Board?s other righm hmmd?r. . Give tlia Beard meant-?ve (25) calmndax date Item writing, before vacating . the Pmmlaeg.? At its own cost amt expense, observe and comply with all laws, rules and. regulations of twat. stats. and county governments. which am now applicable or at any future time during the term of thig Pormlt becomes to the use of kayaks. or commamtal activltlam; and shall tt-ta State of Hawaii must all asthma, mitt, damages. and'olatme by brought or made by mason of the 1109.0me or mpaxformamoa at any of said laws. outlaw. mlw' or regulatlutts or of this covenant. Conduct all titula- thia a that [eaten the 9mm in a clean. sanitary. and oxdet'ly amdi?on.? Not ma?a. permit, of W, any waatet attlp. spoilt, nuisance or unlawful, 1111;121:1363, or use of mamm. Pressure and maintain, at 1m own coat and expanaa, in full force and effect throughout the term of this Permit, committal general liability in?ame. in the 'amount of am: million dollara, with an insurance company or companies licoan to do buslnnas mum State policy orpoljnles 112113153 the State at Hawaii as an additional muted. The insuranm ahall cover entlw Premlaw, inaudng all areas used by Pumale and gunatgipaawngem its comestlon with 6161136 at? the Premises. . Prlor to entry and we of or within ?fteen (15) days aftet? the dam of this Permit. whichever is gunner, furnish the State with cax??ows) mowing the to be initially in form, keep the newsman) on dapoait during the entire Permit term. and tumult a like WW3) upon cash wmal of the 1201153313). This hwuranw shat} not be cancelled. limitedln scope of coverage. or non-renawetl until a?ea? sixty (60) clays writtett notiw has been given to the State. . The State 3113!! mm the right at any time to tattan the coverage. form. and amunt of the insuransa required by this Pam?t. If. in the 0131511011 of the State, the hmuranca provisions in this Permit do not provide aquuate protection for the State, tho State may require Permittea l0 obtain insurance suf?cient in covamga, form, and amount to provide adequate protection. The State's requlmm?nts shall b3 masonable but shall be designed to assume protection for and. against the kind anti extent of tin: risks. exist. at the time a. change in. lnsumnca la requlm ti Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/1 523 r? 3 Page 5 of 15 PageID The State shah]; notify Pamlittee in writing of changes in {inn insurance requimm?nta and Pem?tm ahail 613968!th of acceptable insurance po?o?a) or car??saz?aytimi?, with ma 3mm kiln chaugcs within misty (30) Tim pmxing of iha wquimci paiic?a) of insurance aimii maths consumed to limit Pakmittzec's liability index ihia Emmi: not ta release or miima iiw Permiuw af the premiums ami Walnuts of thin Permit. Notwithstanding the pailc?a) of insumw. Pennittm 3119i! ha obligated for the full and total amount of any damng?. mime or 1058 causal by Pamiitea?a mg?gmw or angina 60W ngpiy in exam of. and not contributs with. Maximum providad by Permittw?s policy. .1116 to: - State of Hawaii of Land and Natural mm Divisirm of State Parka PD. Box; 621 Hamid?, HaWaii 96839 11. n?ga?on comm by or against tin Permittsa (0mm- than condemnation the aimil pay all mam, including [?ammable augmeym' fees}, and expenses minding; or imposed on the 3m 12. Pay ail Com, including mnahia attorney? fees. and 63px;an which may be incurred by or paid by the 8mm in summing the covenanta and agmamam of thia Pamlii. in mvedng pm?sion of mm. or in (115 mile:an of daiingumzt mini. taxes. and any and ail 0:333: W. 13. At'ail timw with Wm the Wes and waged in mum:an with the Pmmiaea. (3116 cam for public NEW. A . 14, and hamby acknowledge that tim Board doa? not warrant or Wat that the WE are safa ox suitable for the purpoaa' intended by the Permittm, 15. U11de and bmby acknawledga was time may 0: may not ha dangamug . conditions existing on ?lm Premises and in tha mas in am Permit. Pox-Imam expressly to mum ?lm risk of any personal injury. pmpazty damage. or 1038- of life or prawn)? resulting from 0: in any way donnde with (ha Permittea?s asiivities undatilia Permit. - . 16. Umim?tand and hams! acknowlng that the Permit ahaii nut wow the Permitme to drop off or pick up fur any manna Whitman's: at, any other than the Premises. . Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/ 524 - 13 Page 6 of 15 PageID 17. Undmtaod om? hosoby moth that tho two and moymooi of tho Promigoa mo not to to support of any policy which dtootimimoo ogaloot anyono based. upon moo. creed, sax, color. national origin, ro?gion, marital atoms, familial stains, mommy. physical handloao. disability, ago? HIV (Human Immunodo?oiomy Virus) iofeotion or any other basis or to any mm that to prohibited by any applicable fedora}. stem. or county law. 13. and hemby mknowtodgo that tho word ?Pom?ttoo? as mood heroin . shall tooludo, apmoprlato,? ogoota, 1mm. exawtom, and adminiatratom of tho Pomit?roo. This Permit or any rights homundm? shall not. ho sold. usaigood, convoyod. leased. mortgaged, or othorwioo Wood or dispuood of, unless approved by the Board, whoso appmvat, in its sole ?guration. may to withhold and ma?a subject to tho now Pmmittoo meeting the Whitman of Stow Parkn? and tho Divtoion of Boating and Ocean Roomotlon?o permit roquixomooto. Any solov usa?gnmont, ?convoyunco, team, mortgage or trauma? of this Permit withoua Board approval shall rosult to automatto tom?notton of this Wt. The Mom of this Forum convoya no {homo rights or guaraom or to any way ob?gotoo the Stats, Board. or Di:th to loans foturo gamma. 19. Hammond and homby animowlodgo that mums the text indicates othotwl??. tho than coo tho singular shall signify the plural and this Permit oha? bind tho pox-sow, and each. of mom jointly and aovorally. 20. Undecoon and hmeby ooknowlodgo that prior to my and mo of tho Pramims - shall obtain 3 Launch Ramp pmnit from tho Division of Boating and Doom Emotion that Would allow to launoh amt 1am kayaks at Napoopoo Looding??tor. However. thio Remit duos out pmmiao or gimme that tho meittoowitt ho able to obtain olmmoh ramp pormtt and. dooa not givo tho Pennittoo any priority to obtaining a. balloon ramp pormtt. 3. Additional Condi?oo?: t. This Peamlt to 13mm! and o?'oo?vo on. a. moih?m?ximmn boom. The Permit shalt automatically ammo and terminalo Onoyoar from tho oommanoomt date, 11511683 oor?ot novokod no below, provided further that tho Board may allow too 7 Pomll to continue on month?tomato basis for additional one yon: periods. Any such oxtonaion shall hove the some terms and conditions as this Formit, omptfortho in theBoaId mimosa oftho meeting otwhiohtho?oaod acts? Po?rmittoo agroeo to ho bound by tho terms and conditions of this Permit: and any moonde to this Permit so long as continuoo to hold a porrnit fos- the W. . 525 Case Document 43-7 Filed-02/13/13 Page 7 of 15 PageID#: - I themb terminate this Permit for my mac 2. Tim Boa?: ma; 91:13.66 in mayth a; Beam thirty (30) ma?a-rm?! $3,111; Emtbm provided, homvm?, that in tha want paymant: be) Pdneimimque tfo: a period of tan (10) calendar days or we. this Penn; y?or kedip?n wriuen?o?catalhamtmim atlca?t??m (Salaam ayap ram . . to thaw mma?ion. - the Permit, Pam! mam (ha immaxpon the on of 3' ?hii?r by aw Pemittce mil. ha to all panaltiaa 3nd, of ?m Board provided by law. - I (my mum! by mm at an amt: mamam 0r (imam I115 man. 4' :xaxldeas?za?my (3g) bumsz days pxiar no the dam of change of mm. mm mhara of they public the 63 form agents and ma. 5, $3335: or was any portion of the Haggai; u?f?i?f??emm the: t3 that no . law. Panama 11mm and. map fully 6" assummallrlaka incidmmoim m. I bmach . accap me?omd eha?nuzhodzemcdawaivarofany I 7' ?fths Pem?fo?gym ?Wanna or condition ?agging? declam I a Emcde for any as an m?'m?t?m of any or ccndi?sg?sr . mg :mise any op?nn harem 00mm in my om or mm mamas. ?an O: aimed as a w?var or mimquiahmmt ?if any term, covanant, co . I of this Permit. the a?simgundm thia Fem: shall be rafarrad to g' ??m??m?ggm whom dgcision? 315ml} ?nal and binding on um parties. Fermi i any cameo: mathsegwpa.dmpoagl,ormIBmo 9' use: of and! M315 in any mam not sm?omed Wailing in the Way the atom? and a?wwbabmughtontoahepmmanyauo mm I mmng?dingry (3mm of Permittea's bum and than only aim watts}; 1:1de in givnn tn the Board of the leaf hich consent may be we. Beam . if Wm them has any :5 mwg?mth: Bha? be mspomlble 2'0: 8115 costs thamf.u$ addition, i?ermittae shall execute mamas, Way and um [ska ?33m and to time at Board's; was: concaming the W636 beat knowl ge Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 ae8of1 - 526 I :9 5 Pag-eID#. ballel' pregame ul? Emmanua maladals on the: Prall?ill?a planed or released by Parmluaa. I am ll) indemnify. :1an and bald the Stalls of Hamil. the Board, and thalr 0mm. employm, and aganta $9221 and against all loss. damage, cost, and expense, includlng all womaya' few, and all claims, salts. and dmnanda tlm?l?om arising out of a: resulting from the 1139 or. mleaga of hazardous materials on mm occurring whim Permittw is in pmmalon. or elaawheza if (maul by or panama acting mm Thaw almll armlve elm expiration. myocatlnn, or Mutation of permit For the mm of 11119 parmll "hazardous shall mean any pollulaill9 toxic ambulance, W153 Wanl?, hammdoua milla'lal. hazardoug subame or all as da?nml in or panmuanl lo'llm Rage:qu Comwallon and mm Am, a8 5111351111341, the Cambium Rasponw, (Summation, anal Ana, as PedarHl Clean Wm Act, or any othm? fedeml. stale. or local cumulusan law, mgulallnn. ?lls, ox bylaw. whalhal existing :15 of data maimed. on: aubmqawmly enacted. . 10v Penultle almll indemnify. defend, and bald harmless Slate of Hnwall, lta oiflcam, agenls, and employaw from and all loge, damagn, cast, and expenw, includlng all a?cmya' fees. and all claims; sum, and wlofornesul?ng ?'omlheasm oro' ?ona the W. agmts. or o?lcem unclax this Permit The pmvlalom? of this paragraph 851313 remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the revacaliun, or lamination of this Permit. The Emmhm ml liability mammals shall not tell-ave: 13mm of tha obllgatlons (Maribel main. ll. oth?wlae agtmal by the: Bowl in lie sols dlaamlzlom. payments melvad will be applied ?rst to aunt-new fees, (mtg, real pmparl?y taxes, or 041m mam insulted or paid by the Board with [331mm ta melsw. n?xl?fo A charges or Ina-mat, next to any other due ox owing unclear the Petmll, mm to d?llnquent rank, and next to 01m: rant A . 12. Any notice mqulml or permlum be given humundar shall ha in Wi?llillg, by [manual dallvery or by. first clung mall. postaga pmpald. Notloa to Farml?eca shall ha deliwred or addreasad to tha address slated almva. Notion State?s! Hawal?l shall be d?llvemd to the: Chm-person of Bowl at 1151 Punchbowl Stream. Room 130. Honolulu, Hawaii 96313. Mallsd notlma shall be deemed given upon actual malpl, or Wm business dag/B following deposit in the mall, pom pmpald. wblaheVer occurs first. Either party may by notice nu ma other spawlfy a dl?ewnl addm for notice purposes, provided that Perml?w?s ahall alall notlca. lathe am hemmdm, notice ta one shell b8 deemed to all A Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page90f 15 Page D#' . 527 13. The Famium shall submit a amulth report to be compilation (Bally basis and rm lam than twenty (20) days after ?lls and of amh month to P?mperty of ma Divielon of Stale mm on. the total lumbar of knyakm and landings and amount of gross mvwnua. Th5 monme report shall also identify all We or ech malls and my otharlnfoma?m that may, itan to tlnw. be mgulredby for monitoring seawa?onal and mine: was of the Plenum. 14. The Muse ahall mist 1th in monitoring kayak opara?ons mi 0411:? wodvl?na a the landing aim appmved. by this Fannie; and. 13pm any landing by commercial kayaka and amalgam law or: rule} vlolatiom to Elm Warlan .15. My, am:qu for mm or other amargemy purpom, ghall only be made at the Avle landng alts cleaignamd Division Parks at {ha Was. No landings almll occur all the Captain Coal: Monummt an: my other mat the Kealalmknu Bay State Hi?mx?lcal Park unless specifically in . wrisingby up paying gamma who swim to or thew shores except ln emergency situation. . 16. L??ding? at may not excmd Waive eight - kayaks pm: ?ip. and each landing at shall nut excaedW-and a half hours. A maximum of News (12) guestalpaswngam and alth%) kayaks shall be (Dgukla. kaym and'all kayakera shall leave the parkwith the tour group. I 17. ls limlmd to a mmhnum of twin trips?wlth one landing par trip par clay. The timing farting Mending trip shall 13% wordlnam?batwean - the Pannith and the Depammsm. - 18. Tim Pannittca almll at its owal expense. temporary "pop?up" glottal-11a toilets for ?36 at within an ma daalgnatad by (11: Chairperson. All portabla toilets mum be mumvcd by the Permittw at the end of each day. All Waste from ?lmtnilem must be properly (113de ofby Pem?ttee (for example}, ?115 waste shall moths {mom lulu an ocean mm or la? on slats land). 19. Th? 51639 by this Famimm public lands. Tha right? of the undermiBPermitahallata??masha . ?uge of said was. shall not diaplm the public in: blocko?. mp5 off. or o?mrwlae manic: publls use or 509353 in ms Premises or any of areas addreasead by this Permit. - 20. The Femalth shall not; allow any'of its guldea, pageang?rs, guesis or 1:1le to disturb 8le amhanlogical slim. Th9 shall not allnw any of Document 43-7 Filed 02/131m, gamma, pmmgam, gamma 0:131le ta: Enter any maxich (kapu) 33333. Any changes or Wm ambmlogical Sim shall be reverted [mnmiiately 3311mm Prior ?rat landing, Una Permittes shall be brisde on site by a State pm unmologiat to am that 96mm WW and can identify minioth mas and ambamlagimal a?wa in or [war the landing and panni?md we aims. 2?1. The Maw shall mm allow any of ?g employma, gmidsa, maxim, or invitem to much or Maud cu ma?a. - 22. . Th9 Pennittw shall nut allow any of its employm guidea, pagmgm, gums or 111le t0 any mari?e spades. 23. No Mm or its amployaea. gnaw. paswngara. guests or: at my ?11m, shal? mempl; to swim with, pat. touch or?e?cii a Man from my marina . 24. All of Permitw?a?u owm?on? mm: fully cumply with all fed?mi and stairs pWa?om and w?cmfa protection laws? rules and mgulgtlona. 25. Pmdm?a g?dea mt maintain current cex??ca?on in Cardin-9mm Win?on twhx?quea (may. lifeguard 'I?raining and Standard 171th by Ammican Rad Crow or other nationally mmgnizm card?cation agancy. and. any othm' car??ca?ons a3 my 135 dmennmw and. rcquimd by tun Chmmaman of the Board. . 26. guida kayaks shall Wh can? be equippad with the following may gear: i. 50' Tow Lima; 11. Knife; 111. Wile; iv. Aria! Flam; vi. Bow and Siam Um; vii. Flashlight; and V?Way Radio or @511 (wi?h direct communica?om with land?based . window). . 27. Penni?ca?s gum kayaks 51mg; each can? mid ha maimed with a Bow and Siam Lima and WM. 23. During kayak: mm. guidms shall have me; abmay be In mean 02' can mm communication with at least one land?basal parser: gt Napmpuq Landiny?aa?. 29. Prior to emeng tha water, Pam??w snail glva tn east: passengar. gum or 'lnvitce, a safaty b?a?ng apprislng tham of the fouawing: . Case DocUment 4 31. 32Entering and axl?mg a kayak whim on the watm?. LL Righ??g a capaizsd kayak; iv. Freya: paddling Muiqusa iackuding mag: paddling and stat-mg. Guam and game. prior to cumming on the that. shall practice thew techniques. Prim to or at ?116 initial mm with the Pmmigas, 9mm shard. give cash guaa?pamngar a mammal and minimal bri??ng apmwed by this Chairpcmun of Board. 313ng sash gueatfpaasmger of the importance and signi?cmce of the area?a mama! and admiral momma. Tim b?a?ng shall also inform each that they am mixed. to pwacmy 0m. what my: packch mm aha park. Tim Parmitim shell b6 responsible for collecting and diapoalng of all tram from the pmangem at the and of tha tripv T116 brie?ng shall alga anuan safa man-1m wildlife waiuh?ng techniquaa and um 'need for 00111pr with 3mm and. federal marina Midlife rules and guidslinm. Prior to may and 1135 of the Pmmim or within $145311 (15) days aim the 0031me da?s' 9f this: P61111139 whichWer in 30mm?. aha mam. submit for approval by [ha Chairpemun of this Beam, a. whim plan 0f Operation for landing and use of tho Pmminas. Parmittm must pmvide weight ammperiam Personal {Bioth Dewitt: (PHD) for each ?E?amdm-eh?u have a. cupy of {km Rwme Parmi? mi a? timwhan mg M: and. shall pm?uw it upon mgueat. Farming-1'3 or agama wear, in a. warty v?aihla location on the body claiming, a Wing $1ng name of Eh: Permi?aa and name emf {ha employaa or agent. Nu signage noting the Permitt'ee or am ac?ivity panned mg {his Revwabla? Permit shall be dismayed on the Pram. No ?nan?cinl immawtiong aha?l be amazinde on {rim 1mm minding mtg! er I mics of knyaka or 0mm or ao?cim?nn 0f mum/mum. No 331% activity of any kind aha?l be allan on tha Pmmiaea. 10 1 3-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 11 of 15 PagelD Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 12 of 15 i 530 PagelD 9 37; Tim Beam mamas ilw right in my imam or missum of a mme permit to anyon? and this right ta lam mvocabla perm for Kealakclma Bay Slam PM es ii (1me 38. to land at sites clam-lbw by this Fannie shall be nommluaivn. - Similar rights may be grantsd to other commercial elm-aim. In addition to otlms: Wm. the public. kayakers of any commial tours still maintain the right in mm Ka?awaloa. - . 39. {meng and landing almil ha wild?ch only at ?lm Awill at tins location.- . maxim! Exhibit tag aim Pam??ee will land first and glam a bamboo or similar malarial landing pad against the lava Barium when kayaka am brought on mom Permilim will than 113313: gummipaamgam Willi the pmoediim as well. Launching shall follow a skullar premium. 43. Once Feminism has assailed. all kayaks must in carrle (mm to ?lm tempumy atom am mar the tanninua of Road marked. on Exhibit walla Stats Parks to (lamina i115 spwl?n lmatlon and spatial. extent, of the: tampumry maraga ma. Kayaks may ha aimed for a maximum om ileum Ill. Pam?ttw shall follow ?lm existing maxk?d imll (allow: on Exhibit from the (site Waugh open area to ?le Captain Gaul; Monumnt (slim Familth is cou?wdlo aha (ails tt'?ll. 0pm ma (site and water point at Gawain Cool: Monumam commie pla (alts only. Permltimmaynot musings zhsamasaiongthe trail only for activlilas below by appmvai of of Board. Afmr lasuamte of thsa permit. Slaw Parka may malign [ha ?xl??iig mm:de trail mammal: an trailbased on obamwdusmimpacls arm gamma. The 0pm am i5 m?rlmd as alive: cm open area. shall he med for exclamation. eating, tasting and as a mmp?rary ?pump? portable tonal ataging area and for no oilin puma-as. Prior. to the first landing, lh? Panniliw shall vii-site Wilh? Stem Pam: to idw?fy 1513591110 areas in which lime. w?vi?as will occur and {hm location cf the panama taller. sum PM will periodically mum impm and may dealg?nm aler ma for these activitiaa ox mquaat changes to uni-going prac?cca. If any changes am waded. .Staie Palm willm?fylha bywdumi miles and will maxim-t a ?eld bria?ng with like to any eilmnatlve arm or dignusa ?hangaa in malice; Written-1 notim will includa an mingled ?mhiblt if applicabls.? Tim water wiry/exit point Captain Cook Monumwt comm plan? is marked an site on Exhibit ?nt?i? and wall the bay for awimlng and '11 Case Document43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 13 of 15 PageID#: - 531 3 v? I 221 ?30m um enuvla?it palm a portable la?der pawn '33? 13:13am a?ar em tour. 1 3 mm mm to all calms davelaped by t?m Division 0mm 43' Em?m W?my Stats mm may ha mm ddmas una?doipam. mm impacts or mum Tim Divgmon of Skate Paris notify the Pmnluea tn writing if such WW am bamg clawing:de {m is? would take amt. State Parks shall sanctum a field with Permitmato cla?fy WW 13311521. I Pom Wham by anyhaticn or mvocatinm, the: Em (spit: agenta ozagmw. my removes, am, ox? diagram of any myakg. personal items, am. left by Famittas 91: gusamlpasaangm on any mm @113 at ?w sole cast and axp?nm of ??t?f?y?fw again to pay far all such cum and. swamany with Peth 3315111 viaumhly WW all equipmm for any I dawa or damng?. I 46 is W150 removes Mar accumulations: at we four times; pas: year as coordinat?d by Division?of State Parks Su?. Nazism m1de and. hamby that 0mm mm of the ?aw: amass may occur and that use of the Pram is not excluslva, Pin-111mm agrees to Work mammalde with othm sustains. allowed by um tn conduct activi?sa on Premises to avoid. cun?lcta on the . P16211in 1m authnzim? my Wt t9 EAR section 13-1464, ms mm or 43' close or mama the public use of all or any portion of a ataxia park, whan necessary 7 for promotion of {ha area or the safaty and welfam 0E ox pmpazty. by Emmi of mud arm. MWS P. 0? mm mm! muss I gammaffg?fmd ham-m have causal mm mm to ha executed. aha day, mumh . and year ?rst above written. Approw?d by MW: of Land and Namml Mama at its held on may; 2% 231mg 12. Case Document 43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 14 of 15 PageID 532 I STATE EAWMI Gammon of mm of Land and NW Wm meme AB Fem Hm? 33' I 13 Case Document43-7 Filed 02/13/13 Page 15 of 15 Page D#: I 533 1F HAWAII STATE 0 I SS. COUNTY 0E1 I ?Onthia dayof .Zah?befmmpamm?y appemd t0 m3 p?munm?y known. who, N?r??m ami- bamg by ma duly Sworn m- af?rms?, did say that such person) gnawed-the foregoing dad. of 3mm gamma. ami if apph?cahla in ma capacity a?mwn. 1115mm as. the ?ea Lug been (My au?wrimii to 63mm 3mm in such capacity. I hav as; .. I Nompubu . 5' oommlaaion 2% 14