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DeStefano 8 6 6SHFLILFDOO\ 7LWOH 9,, SURYLGHV WKDW LW LV XQODZIXO HPSOR\PHQW Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 4 of 58 GLVFULPLQDWLRQ ³WR IDLO RU UHIXVH WR KLUH RU WR GLVFKDUJH DQ\ LQGLYLGXDO RU RWKHUZLVH WR GLVFULPLQDWH DJDLQVW DQ\ LQGLYLGXDO ZLWK UHVSHFW WR KLV FRPSHQVDWLRQ WHUPV FRQGLWLRQV RU SULYLOHJHV RI HPSOR\PHQW EHFDXVH RI VXFK LQGLYLGXDO¶V UDFH FRORU UHOLJLRQ VH[ RU QDWLRQDO RULJLQ ´ 8 6 & † H D 7LWOH 9,, SURKLELWV GLVFULPLQDWLRQ DJDLQVW HPSOR\HHV RI DQG DSSOLFDQWV IRU HPSOR\PHQW LQ WKH IHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQW 8 6 & † H $EVHQW D YDOLG GHIHQVH 7LWOH 9,, SUHYHQWV D JRYHUQPHQW DJHQF\ IURP UHIXVLQJ WR DFFHSW WKH RXWFRPH RI D UDFH QHXWUDO KLULQJ SURFHVV VROHO\ EHFDXVH RI WKH UDFLDO PDNHXS RI WKH VXFFHVVIXO DSSOLFDQWV See Ricci 8 6 DW 6SHFLILFDOO\ D JRYHUQPHQW DJHQF\ PD\ QRW GLVUHJDUG WKH RXWFRPH RI D UDFH QHXWUDO KLULQJ SURFHVV XQOHVV LW KDV D ³VWURQJ EDVLV LQ HYLGHQFH WR EHOLHYH LW ZLOO EH VXEMHFW WR GLVSDUDWH LPSDFW OLDELOLW\ LI LW IDLOV WR WDNH WKH UDFH FRQVFLRXV GLVFULPLQDWRU\ DFWLRQ ´ See id. DW $Q DJHQF\ ZLOO EH OLDEOH IRU GLVSDUDWH LPSDFW GLVFULPLQDWLRQ RQO\ LI D KLULQJ SURFHVV LV QRW MRE UHODWHG DQG FRQVLVWHQW ZLWK EXVLQHVV QHFHVVLW\ RU LI WKHUH H[LVWV DQ HTXDOO\ YDOLG OHVV GLVFULPLQDWRU\ DOWHUQDWLYH WKDW VHUYHG WKH QHHGV RI WKH DJHQF\ EXW WKH DJHQF\ UHIXVHG WR DGRSW Id. DW % (48$/ 3527(&7,21 &20321(17 2) 7+( '8( 352&(66 &/$86( 2) 7+( ),)7+ $0(1'0(17 7KH 'XH 3URFHVV &ODXVH RI WKH )LIWK $PHQGPHQW WR WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV &RQVWLWXWLRQ SURYLGHV WKDW ³>Q@R SHUVRQ VKDOO EH GHSULYHG RI OLIH OLEHUW\ RU SURSHUW\ ZLWKRXW GXH SURFHVV RI ODZ ´ 8 6 &RQVW DPHQG 9 /LNH WKH (TXDO 3URWHFWLRQ &ODXVH RI WKH )RXUWHHQWK $PHQGPHQW WKH 'XH Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 5 of 58 3URFHVV &ODXVH RI WKH )LIWK $PHQGPHQW SURWHFWV SHUVRQV IURP UDFH EDVHG GLVFULPLQDWLRQ E\ WKH IHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQW Buckley v. 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Washington State Dept. of Transp. ) G WK &LU ³7KLV RYHUVLPSOLILHG HYLGHQFH LV HQWLWOHG WR OLWWOH ZHLJKW KRZHYHU EHFDXVH LW GRHV QRW DFFRXQW IRU IDFWRUV WKDW PD\ DIIHFW WKH UHODWLYH FDSDFLW\ RI >'LVDGYDQWDJHG %XVLQHVV (QWHUSULVHV@ WR XQGHUWDNH FRQWUDFWLQJ ZRUN ´ Associated General Contractors of Ohio, Inc. v. Drabik ) G WK &LU ³>(@YLGHQFH RI PHUH VWDWLVWLFDO GLVSDULWLHV KDV EHHQ ILUPO\ UHMHFWHG DV LQVXIILFLHQW E\ WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW SDUWLFXODUO\ LQ D FRQWH[W VXFK DV FRQWUDFWLQJ ZKHUH VSHFLDO TXDOLILFDWLRQV DUH VR LPSRUWDQW ´ Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 6 of 58 )$&78$/ %$&.*5281' $ )$$¶V &KDQJH ,Q +LULQJ 3UDFWLFHV )RU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV ,Q WKH )$$ HVWDEOLVKHG WKH $LU 7UDIILF &ROOHJLDWH 7UDLQLQJ ,QLWLDWLYH ³&7,´ SURJUDP WR GHYHORS GHOLYHU DQG LPSOHPHQW DLU WUDIILF FRQWURO UHFUXLWLQJ VHOHFWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ 7KH REMHFWLYH RI WKH &7, SURJUDP ZDV WR GHYHORS D SURIHVVLRQDO DLU WUDIILF FRQWUROOHU ZRUNIRUFH WKDW SRVVHVVHG WKH VNLOOV QHFHVVDU\ WR VXFFHHG LQ WUDLQLQJ DW D ORZHU FRVW WR WKH JRYHUQPHQW ,Q RUGHU WR DFKLHYH WKH REMHFWLYHV RI WKH &7, SURJUDP WKH )$$ HQWHUHG LQWR SDUWQHUVKLS DJUHHPHQWV ZLWK FROOHJHV XQLYHUVLWLHV DQG RWKHU VFKRROV ³&7, ,QVWLWXWLRQV´ LQ RUGHU WR DGPLQLVWHU &7, SURJUDPV WKURXJKRXW WKH FRXQWU\ *UDGXDWHV IURP WKHVH &7, SURJUDPV ZHUH UHTXLUHG WR SDVV D 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KWWSV ZZZ IDD JRY DLUBWUDIILF SXEOLFDWLRQV FRQWUROOHUBVWDIILQJ PHGLD &:3B SGI DQ H PDLO WR &7, VFKRROV WKDW VWDWHG WKDW KH VDZ WKH &7, DSSOLFDQW SRRO DV GLYHUVH 2Q )HEUXDU\ 7HUU\ &UDIW WKH )$$¶V &7, SURJUDP PDQDJHU VHQW $OVR LQ )HEUXDU\ WKH )$$ SXEOLVKHG D UHSRUW RQ WKH &7, SURJUDP WKDW SURYLGHG WKDW ³LW LV FOHDU WKDW WKH )$$ $7 &7, VFKRROV DUH PDNLQJ JUHDW VWULGHV WR LQFRUSRUDWH PLQRULW\ VWXGHQWV DQG IDFXOW\ LQWR WKHLU SURJUDPV ´ )HGHUDO $YLDWLRQ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Partner School Diversity and Outreach 2012-13 )HEUXDU\ available at KWWS ZZZ FWLDVVRFLDWLRQ RUJ DSS GRZQORDG $7 &7, 'LYHUVLW\ DQG 2XWUHDFK &RPSOHWH 5HSRUW SGI ,Q SHUFHQW RI &7, VFKRRO HQUROOHHV ZHUH $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ Id. DW 7KLV SHUFHQWDJH RI $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ HQUROOHHV H[FHHGHG WKH SHUFHQWDJH RI $IULFDQ $PHULFDQV LQ WKH FLYLOLDQ ODERU ZRUNIRUFH SRRO LQ WKH VDPH \HDUV 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 2IILFH RI 3HUVRQQHO 0DQDJHPHQW Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) for Fiscal Year 2012 Report to the Congress -DQXDU\ available LQFOXVLRQ UHSRUWV IHRUS SGI at KWWSV ZZZ RSP JRY SROLF\ GDWD RYHUVLJKW GLYHUVLW\ DQG 2Q LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG EHOLHI DQG DIWHU D UHDVRQDEOH RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU GLVFRYHU\ IXUWKHU GRFXPHQWV IURP WKH )$$ GHPRQVWUDWH WKDW WKH &7, LQVWLWXWLRQV SURYLGH D $ FRS\ RI WKLV H PDLO LV DWWDFKHG KHUHWR DV ([KLELW Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 10 of 58 VXIILFLHQWO\ GLYHUVH DSSOLFDQW SRRO WR WKH )$$ IRU $7&6 SRVLWLRQV 2Q RU DURXQG 'HFHPEHU -RVHSK 7HL[HLUD WKH )$$¶V 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW IRU 6DIHW\ DQG 7HFKQLFDO 7UDLQLQJ VHQW DQ H PDLO ³7HL[HLUD H PDLO´ WR WKH &7, VFKRROV DERXW WKH IXWXUH RI KLULQJ IRU $7&6 SRVLWLRQV 7KH 7HL[HLUD H PDLO SURYLGHG inter alia WKDW ³>U@HFHQWO\ WKH )$$ FRPSOHWHG 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Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 19 of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ee Ricci 8 6 DW 7KH )$$ GLG QRW KDYH VWURQJ EDVLV LQ HYLGHQFH WR EHOLHYH LWV XVH RI WKH &7, SURJUDP ZRXOG FDXVH LW WR EH VXEMHFW WR GLVSDUDWH LPSDFW OLDELOLW\ XQGHU 7LWOH 9,, RI WKH &LYLO 5LJKWV $FW RI $FFRUGLQJO\ 'HIHQGDQWV LQWHQWLRQDOO\ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV PHPEHUV DQG YLRODWHG 7LWOH 9,, RI WKH &LYLO 5LJKWV $FW E\ UHIXVLQJ WR FRQVLGHU IRU KLULQJ DQG RU KLULQJ TXDOLILHG DSSOLFDQWV EHFDXVH RI WKRVH DSSOLFDQWV¶ UDFH FRORU UHOLJLRQ VH[ RU QDWLRQDO RULJLQ ´ 8 6 & † H D 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV DUH HQWLWOHG WR DQ RUGHU GHFODULQJ WKDW WKH )$$¶V DFWLRQV YLRODWHG 7LWOH 9,, RI WKH &LYLO 5LJKWV $FW RI DQ RUGHU HQMRLQLQJ WKH )$$ IURP LPSOHPHQWLQJ LWV QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH DQG DQ RUGHU Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 20 of 58 GLUHFWLQJ WKH )$$ WR UHLQVWDWH WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU 8 6 & † H J $GGLWLRQDOO\ 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV DUH HQWLWOHG WR GDPDJHV WR EH GHWHUPLQHG DW WULDO LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR EDFN SD\ IURQW SD\ KLULQJ DQG UHLQVWDWHPHQW VHW IRUWK KHUH UDFLDO GLYHUVLW\ RI $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHU DSSOLFDQWV UDFH $FFRUGLQJO\ WKH )$$¶V DFWLRQV FRQVWLWXWHG LQWHQWLRQDO UDFLDO GLVFULPLQDWLRQ See Vill. of Arlington Heights v. Metro. Hous. Dev. Corp., 8 6 Shaw v. Reno 8 6 7KH )$$¶V DFWLRQV ZKLOH SHUKDSV IDFLDOO\ QHXWUDO ZHUH PRWLYDWHG E\ GLVFULPLQDWRU\ LQWHQW DQG ZHUH DGRSWHG DV D UHVXOW RI D GLVFULPLQDWRU\ SXUSRVH EDVHG RQ 7KH )$$ SXUJHG WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU DQG DGRSWHG D QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV ZLWK WKH LQWHQW DQG SXUSRVH RI LQFUHDVLQJ WKH 6(&21' &/$,0 )25 5(/,() (TXDO 3URWHFWLRQ 3ODLQWLII LQFRUSRUDWHV WKH DOOHJDWLRQV LQ WKH SUHFHGLQJ SDUDJUDSKV DV LI IXOO\ 7KH )$$¶V UDFLDOO\ GLVFULPLQDWRU\ DFWLRQV ZHUH QRW QDUURZO\ WDLORUHG WR DFKLHYH D FRPSHOOLQJ VWDWH LQWHUHVW Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 21 of 58 KLULQJ SROLF\ GLG QRW KDYH HYLGHQFH WKDW WKH &7, SURJUDP IDLOHG WR SURGXFH D UDFLDOO\ GLYHUVH DSSOLFDQW SRRO IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV 6SHFLILFDOO\ WKH )$$ SULRU WR LPSOHPHQWLQJ LWV UDFLDOO\ GLVFULPLQDWRU\ $VVXPLQJ arguendo WKDW WKH )$$ KDG HYLGHQFH WKDW WKH &7, SURJUDP IDLOHG WR SURGXFH D UDFLDOO\ GLYHUVH DSSOLFDQW SRRO IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV WKH )$$ GLG QRW KDYH D VWURQJ EDVLV LQ HYLGHQFH WKDW WKLV SXUSRUWHG GLVSDUDWH LPSDFW ZDV D UHVXOW RI SUHYLRXV V\VWHPDWLF SDWWHUQV RI GHOLEHUDWH UDFLDO GLVFULPLQDWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH GHSDUWPHQW DGRSWLRQ RI D QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV ZHUH QRW PDGH WR UHPHG\ DQ H[WUHPH FDVH RI V\VWHPDWLF SDWWHUQV RI GHOLEHUDWH UDFLDO GLVFULPLQDWLRQ Croson 8 6 DW $FFRUGLQJO\ WKH )$$¶V SXUJLQJ RI WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU DQG DGRSWLRQ RI D QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV YLRODWHG WKH (TXDO 3URWHFWLRQ &RPSRQHQW RI WKH 'XH 3URFHVV &ODXVH RI WKH )LIWK $PHQGPHQW 7KHUHIRUH WKH )$$¶V SXUJLQJ RI WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU DQG 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV DUH HQWLWOHG WR DQ RUGHU GHFODULQJ WKH )$$¶V DFWLRQV XQFRQVWLWXWLRQDO DQ RUGHU HQMRLQLQJ WKH )$$ IURP LPSOHPHQWLQJ LWV QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH DQG DQ RUGHU GLUHFWLQJ WKH )$$ WR UHLQVWDWH WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU $GGLWLRQDOO\ 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV DUH HQWLWOHG WR GDPDJHV WR EH GHWHUPLQHG DW WULDO LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR EDFN SD\ IURQW SD\ KLULQJ DQG UHLQVWDWHPHQW Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 22 of 58 VHW IRUWK KHUH 7R WKH H[WHQW 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH QRW FRPSOHWHG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW 'HIHQGDQWV¶ IDLOXUH WR GR VR LV DJHQF\ DFWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH PHDQLQJ WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 3URFHGXUH $FW ³$3$´ 8 6 & † 7R WKH H[WHQW 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH QRW FRPSOHWHG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW 'HIHQGDQWV¶ IDLOXUH WR GR VR LV VXEMHFW WR MXGLFLDO UHYLHZ DV ILQDO DJHQF\ DFWLRQ IRU ZKLFK WKHUH LV QR DGHTXDWH UHPHG\ DW ODZ 8 6 & † 7R WKH H[WHQW 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH QRW FRPSOHWHG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD VXIIHUV OHJDO ZURQJ DQG LV DGYHUVHO\ DIIHFWHG DQG RU DJJULHYHG E\ 'HIHQGDQWV¶ IDLOXUH WR GR VR 8 6 & † 7R WKH H[WHQW 'HIHQGDQWV FODLP DQ\ DGGLWLRQDO DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ LV VWLOO H[SHGLWLRXVO\ FRPSOHWH WKRVH DFWLRQV 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW KDV 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%ULJDGD RQ EHKDOI RI KLPVHOI DQG WKH &ODVV KH VHHNV WR UHSUHVHQW UHVSHFWIXOO\ UHTXHVWV WKDW WKLV &RXUW $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU DQG DGRSWLRQ RI D QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV YLRODWHG 7LWOH 9,, RI WKH &LYLO 5LJKWV $FW RI 'HFODUH WKDW WKH )$$¶V UDFLDOO\ PRWLYDWHG SXUJLQJ RI WKH 4XDOLILHG 'HFODUH WKDW WKH )$$¶V UDFLDOO\ PRWLYDWHG SXUJLQJ RI WKH 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU DQG DGRSWLRQ RI D QHZ KLULQJ SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV YLRODWHG WKH (TXDO 3URWHFWLRQ &RPSRQHQW RI WKH 'XH 3URFHVV &ODXVH RI WKH )LIWK $PHQGPHQW SUDFWLFH IRU $LU 7UDIILF &RQWUROOHUV (QWHU DQ RUGHU HQMRLQLQJ WKH )$$ IURP LPSOHPHQWLQJ LWV QHZ KLULQJ (QWHU DQ RUGHU GLUHFWLQJ WKH )$$ WR UHLQVWDWH WKH SXUJHG 4XDOLILHG $SSOLFDQW 5HJLVWHU Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 24 of 58 GHWHUPLQHG DW WULDO LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR EDFN SD\ IURQW SD\ KLULQJ DQG UHLQVWDWHPHQW $ZDUG 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV GDPDJHV WR EH 7R WKH H[WHQW 'HIHQGDQWV KDYH QRW FRPSOHWHG DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW HQWHU DQ RUGHU FRPSHOOLQJ 'HIHQGDQWV WR LPPHGLDWHO\ FRPSOHWH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DFWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD¶V ((2 &RPSODLQW DWWRUQH\¶V IHHV LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK ODZ LQFOXGLQJ WKH (TXDO $FFHVV WR -XVWLFH $FW 8 6 & † DQG 7LWOH 9,, RI WKH &LYLO 5LJKWV $FW RI 8 6 & † H N DQG $ZDUG 3ODLQWLII %ULJLGD¶V DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV¶ FRVWV DQG $ZDUG 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV VXFK IXUWKHU UHOLHI DV WKLV &RXUW GHHPV MXVW DQG HTXLWDEOH '(0$1' )25 -85< 75,$/ DFWLRQ RI DOO LVVXHV VR WULDEOH 3ODLQWLII %ULJDGD DQG RWKHU SXWDWLYH &ODVV 0HPEHUV GHPDQG WULDO E\ MXU\ LQ WKLV '$7(' WKLV WK GD\ RI 'HFHPEHU 5HVSHFWIXOO\ VXEPLWWHG V -HIIUH\ :LOVRQ 0F&R\ -HIIUH\ :LOVRQ 0F&R\ &2 1R pro hac vice application pending 6WHYHQ - /HFKQHU &2 1R pro hac vice application pending 0RXQWDLQ 6WDWHV /HJDO )RXQGDWLRQ 6RXWK /HZLV :D\ /DNHZRRG &RORUDGR Case 2:15-cv-02654-DLR Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 25 of 58 IDFVLPLOH MPFFR\#PRXQWDLQVWDWHVOHJDO FRP OHFKQHU#PRXQWDLQVWDWHVOHJDO FRP 0LFKDHO : 3HDUVRQ $= 1R &XUU\ 3HDUVRQ :RRWHQ 3/& :HVW 5RRVHYHOW 3KRHQL[ $UL]RQD IDFVLPLOH PSHDUVRQ#D]ODZ FRP $WWRUQH\V IRU 3ODLQWLII $QGUHZ %ULJLGD DQG 3XWDWLYH &ODVV &RXQVHO Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 26 of 58 Exhibit 1 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 27 of 58 From: terrv.craft@faa.m Sent: Friday, February 0-8, 2013 6:30 AM To: Ramon Claudio Cc: afsll?;; asikora?;;; Covnea7e?; danm?;; drechsel?;;;;; kuhlmank?;;;;;;;;;; sdaum@mtsac.egu;;;; Seanfortier?; Webb, Donnetta; Peter Wyman;;;;;;;;;;;;; forresti?; dcomollo?;;;; havden scott?dwcedu; Ida, Richard;;;; ishakeso?;;; koolinkl?;; Miller, Scott;;;;;; RBancroft?;;;; senolish?; smithabc?berauedu;; SteveKintner?; Subject: Re: URGENT REQUEST: CTI Diversity initiatives Ramon; The panel sees the application but does not see anything that is prohibited in selecting based on merit that is anything that is prohibited. By law the FAA or any other employer can not select an applicant based on race, color, creed, national origin, sex, and in our case and most companies, sexual orientation (Government Executive Order (Clinton 1992), not law). The issue we have is ensuring those applying and found qualified represent diversity, which hopefuin means the applicant "pool" is diverse. If we select as we are bound to, by "merit" without regard to the factors mentioned above, then the selections will hopefully represent the diversity of the pool. My objective, should it be true, is to demonstrate that the CTI pool is as diverse as the other hiring. pots including VRA and Gen Pub. There is a perception that it is not. So far I do not see this as true, so I need data to back this up before perception becomes perceived truth. I am attempting to demonstrate, again if true, that the CT I future hiring pool is as or more Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 28 of 58 diverse, and the 36 schools do more to reach those communities than we, the FAA, or anyone else can do. I hope that helps everyone understand what I am doing and how important it is. Te rry Terry L. Craft AJI-216 Manager External Training Initiatives Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative Tech Ops Collegiate Training Initiative Flight Deck Training Out of Agency Training 202.385.6788 (Office) 202.578.7627 (Mobile) Claudio wrote: To: Terry Craft/AWA/ FAA From: Ramon Claudio Date: 02/08/2013 cc: afsll?, anaumann?lmdcedu, asikora?browardedu,, cscott?,,, donofrii?, drechsel?, dwilt?, owescott?, imerkt?,, kuhlmank?,, mmcfarl2?, mnolan?, mtfranoui?,,, rroous?,,,,,, stephenwest?, SeanfortierCchetuedu,,, wvman oeter@dwc.eclu,,,,,,,,,, dbraun1?,,, dlewis4?, forresti?,, qreverdi?,, havclen,, iboeroer?,, ishakeso?,,,, millers?, mtsuatc?,,,, mcapozzi?,, RBancroft?,, Rustv.ChandlerQecilairportLom,,, senolish?,,, Sshackelford?, SteveKintner?, Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 29 of 58 Subject: Re: URGENT REQUEST: CTI Diversity initiatives Terry, The overwhelming efforts and initiatives that all CTI schools have leave no doubt that we are reaching out to everyOne; however, I have to wonder if the FAA is doing the same. From my understanding of how the hiring panels operate is that the only information the panel members see are names, AT-SAT Scores, GPA, and whatever the student writes in a small comments section of the application. How can the FAA explain that they are looking for diversity yet they blind the very people who are supposed to hire a more diverse workforce by hiding diversity information from the hiring panel members? Can you please clarify what information the hiring panel members see of each applicant? Ramon On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 6:43 AM, wrote: CTI Partners; As I have briefed in the pastI am working on the CTI Diversity report that will be pushed up to the highest levels of the FAA. As I have noted before, I am overwhelmed at the work that you do to reach out to those in under served communities and expose the profession to those who may not be aware of it. I have compiled all the data that was collected and most important all the initiatives you have worked on this school year. I have transposed them from your evaluations into a single document that will accompany the data. (ATTACHED) I did not alter them, only formatted. Additionally I am going to write a preface to the report that will highlight the CTI commitment through your actions. Most of you were very detailed in your evaluations and some, did just as asked and answered the question. I want to give you the opportunity to update and add any additional initiatives you may have so I can include them in the report that is being sent up next Fnday. If you have anything new or want to expand on the simple "yes" "no" answers send it to me in a word document no later than COB Tuesday 2/12/2013. I will update the report and add the information to your 2012?13 evaluations. I can not stress enough how important what you do, I absolutely need to demonstrate this to those way way above. Thanks again as always for being so responsive! Terry Terry L. Craft Manager External Training Initiatives Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 30 of 58 Tech Ops Collegiate Training Initiative Flight Deck Training Out of Agency Training (Office) (Mobile) Ramon Claudio ATC Department Chair Texas State Technical College 3801 Campus Drive Waco, Texas 76705 Office: 254-867-2086 Mobile 254-523?7519 Email: "This email may contain the thoughts and opinions of Ramon Claudio and does not represent official Texas State Technical College?Waco policy." Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 31 of 58 Exhibit 2 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 32 of 58 From: Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 2:19 PM To:;; Verne Latham; Mary Joseph Gridley; John Gilding;;; hayden; wyman;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; carev.freeman@hammnuedu;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; trena.mathis@minneapolisedu;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Hiring of Air Traffic Controllers by the FAA Dear Colleagues, The quoted text below, is an extract from letters we sent today to all our primary Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) contacts. This email is being sent to an expanded list of CTI stakeholders to initiate a dialogue on upcoming changes to the hiring process for of air traffic controllers by the FAA. "The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with your organization and values our partnership in the training of potential Air Traffic Controllers (ATC). Recently, the FAA completed a barrier analysis ofthe ATC occupation pursuant to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?s (EEOC) Management Directive 715. As a result ofthe analysis, recommendations were identified that we are implementing to improve and streamline the selection of ATC candidates. in Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 33 of 58 These improvements will have a direct and present impact on all hiring sources, including An overview of the immediate changes being made to the ATC hiring process is presented below. Revisions to ATC Hiring Process A nationwide competitive vacancy announcement open to all U.S. Citizens will be issued in February 2014. Any individual desiring consideration for employment (including graduates) MUST apply. Existing inventories of past applicants will not be used. All applicants will be evaluated against the same set of qualification standards. Specifically, applicants must have at least 3 years of progressively responsible work experience, a 4 year degree, or a combination of the two. The existing testing process has been updated. The revised testing process is comprised of a biographical questionnaire (completed as part of the application process) and the cognitive portion of the The cognitive portion of the will be administered only to those who meet the qualification standards and pass the biographical questionnaire. Applicants for the February 2014 announcement will be required to take and pass the new assessments in order to be referred on for a selection decision. Since a single vacancy announcement will be used for all applicant sources, a single nationwide referral list will be generated containing all candidates who meet the qualification standards and pass the assessments. Location preference will no longer be used as a determining factor for referral or selection. Centralized selection panels will no longer be convened to make selections from the referral list. Selections will now be fully automated, grouping candidates by assessment scores and veteran?s preference. These improvements to the ATC hiring process will significantly strengthen the long term sustainability of our program and offer our candidates a fair and viable opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and potential for the ATC position. We recognize that you may have questions concerning these changes. Considering the upcoming holiday season, we are planning a teleconference for Mid-January when we will more fully address questions and concerns you may have. Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 34 of 58 We want to reiterate that we very much value our partnership with the CTI program and look forward to assisting you in understanding our changes to the ATC selection process. We will be contacting you soon to schedule the January teleconference." Best Regards, Joseph Joseph Teixeira Vice President for Safety Technical Training Air Traffic Organization Tel: 202-267-3341 Email: (Embedded image moved to file: pic26439.gif) Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 35 of 58 Exhibit 3 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 36 of 58 February 1t), 2011) National Black Coelitlen ef Federal Aviation Employees M03315 Compliance Effort TALKING POINTS BACKGROUND: In late 2.098, sent a letter te the FAA Qt?ee et lell Righte requestan at {20p}! (31? each cf the lest the yeere? M0315 Repert hem FAA t0 the Equal Empieyee {Beecher-thy Cemm?teetee The FAA reepended te that request by sending the reports fer years 2094, 2.005. 2066. end 200?. Upon receipt at these reports. the contracted with Dr. Herbert Wong and Associates to eoncluet an expert analysis ef lhet intermetlen, That analysis was eempteted and the repert was delivered te NBCFAE in the summer oi 2009. Among the many eenclustene drawn hem that analysis. the fol?lew?thg items steed eat: The FANDQT is the least diverse ageneyrdepeztmeht, when compared to all the Executive Branch Departments in the Federal Government, e- ?The FANDGT here the loweet Percentege el Minerin Employees in the Federal Civilian Werkteree, when compared to all ether Executive Branch Departments in the Federal Government. thirteen Ame?eene censtilute percent at the FAA Workforce ee compared to 1?.6 percent in the Fetterei Civilian Workforce. Thus, the FAA would he required to increase their eempletneht ht African Amerieen employees by 8.13 permnt te reach parody with the Fed erel Civilian Werkterce. Thet thtem?tetlen was rarely compelling and prempted the NBGFAE National Board 10 seek fer the sustained of ehd \nremeh within FAA. ht July of .2009, we sent en ihtredhelery letter to the FAA and requested te meet with him concerning dleherete treatment and in FAA. That request wee denied, and we were lttiornted the Aethihletreter week: not meet individually with Employee Associations. However, he wehld eehllhue the practice at meeting with all emhleyee representatives at the Empleyee Ferum. That answer wee net re the Netlehel EXeeutitre Search 80, in October 3009, the beertt eeht leileheup letter he the Secretary et Trenepe?etten, end the Fifth Thet letter outlined ettr pestileh that FAA is not In cempllence with certain prev?telehs at the Management {three-titre 715, er the US, Supreme Ceurl declelehe related te the Aderehd Genetrueileh, Inc. Vt. Perle, and the Giltr at Richmond Mt. (Ere-sen. Co. We, egelrt1F requeeted to meet the FAA {the of these watt he pieced err our termite} Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 37 of 58 WHAT Management Direellve e15 {lemme} le lhe eelicy guidance which the Equal; Employment Qppetlunily Cemmleslen elem-es 1e lederel egencles fer their use In elall ailecllv?e ?rearms {31" equal emeleymam eppe?unlty? under Seellen el ?31! {pl the CMI Rights Ac! el 1964 (Title ee emancled; 42 LLSQ 23009 e? seq. and Seclien 5m e1 the Rehabililellen Am ef 1?73 {Rehal?litellen Aetl, lee emendecl, 129 ?1,313, 11791 el seq: MEWS madmep fer Greeting effective equal empley?ment (EEG) programs fer all federal es reeulree by end the Aet. It also eels ferlh {he general repelling requirements far all agencies. mom 5 leek effect en @1059? 1, 2003. WHY SHGULD WE BE CONCERNED ABEUT THEIR el minerlly, wemen, end disabled employees is epgerenl in lhe PM ef the agency?s feilure la eemply with the of ~le ?fl 53 there is eelieneble pier: la: effectively address these eenclitiene. ?'l'lme3 we eenlinue 10 experienee huge dieperlliee in Hl?ngx- Seleeliees, Fremellea?lst Fey, Awards; and ?lpperlueilies, es tempered l0 olher federal employees. WHAT ARE WE A group of eenier members of NBGFAE (TEAM 7) drelted plan lo move lhe FM. lemme the desired divereily in thei! werkfeme. In January 2610 lhel plea wee eppreved by the Nell-met Cemmillee. While we will nel reveel lhe full details el lhel plan: the following inilielivee heve been eempleled er ere new in As indleeted ebeve; we requested le meet with FAA- Adminielrelor Bebbill, Thel request was denied; Hewe?e?er; er: February 20.10 we met vellh effielel ef FAA. The :eeulle ml lhel- meeling will lee le?heerning. lvleeling were: Netienal Black Ceelilien ef Feelerel .Awletlee Federal Meter:- Emlilm'?e? Fem)!" Riv?l??g Adminletrelee Shem Semiere, Nelienel Preeiceem fer {he e1 Ql?l?l ngl?e Nellenel Wee ?reeidenl veer-e meninielremr' fer lhe ?fflee eff Human Eerrlee; 1.14eeclqueelere - Freelrleel Jerry l?vlellceilgal Niamey fer the {?l?ee el? general Geuneeg EEK-Kernel mere Renee aeglee, EEC: eeliee Cehelreereen Julie lemme? extemey fer me eff General Laue? Lew Case Documentl Filed 12/30/15 Page 38 of 58 We have redirected pe?ieh ef our National Qperetienel Budget 'te euppert this effert. We are building a eealitieh ef eupeertere hem entities, euteide the FM. that reassess the power 1e influence the FM to 60 what ls legeily required; and right for he emeleyees. The ?re: organizellen te signue ls. ihe Reverend Jesse daemon ene 'Reinhew PUSH. Other- Qrgenieetiehe we hepe 10 bring en beard ineude the NAACP, Netiehel when League, and Eleekealhw?evemmem. We are eenleeting eeleeted US. Heuee ene Seneteriel abeut the engeing [ere?elemes end requesting their te eel! the FAA te task. We are rescinitietihg eu: efferte te gather information eeneeming dieerimieetery in ihe Fee. We are =redeel?ing em EEC) Gwapieint training in ereer 1e edueete members an mere effeeihre weys to their EEC) endfer havigale the Cumpieinl WHAT CAN YOU Became intimately familiar with the e?ert end he prepared to disease it with ethere. (Members and Nemmemhere} Jeln ether eivli rights eased greupe each as the Relebew PUSH, NAACP, and Urban League; at the level; Ge 1e em hewWebeile? Teiler the eenleet letter in filyeur needs; Print ihe letter end med! it. year respective the specifies ei year pereehel xperiehcee {encemihg FAA diecflmiheiery end. eerie that infehhe?en te: Mn ?ee efez? Segre}? NBCFAE EEO Ashen Che-freeman evee Grant! Gfeefeae ?emfere, GA .3153me Clef! 8 1? $6885 Fee ease-e76? E?s-nee: teem lhe EEG fer ye-ereelf, Be available eed pamelpele Ir; {he prevl?ed EEC: ("Se-meteer lrelelegi Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 39 of 58 Exhibit 4 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 40 of 58 TEAM 7 ON THE TO THE HILL Since the 2012 Las Vegas conference, Team 7 has made two trips to Washington to meet with government officials concerning the Federal Aviation Administration?s (FAA) lack of an Affirmative Employment Plan as required by law. Today we are planning our next round of visits that will begin in January of 2013. Although our goal is in sight we have a great distance yet to travel. However please be advised that every effort will be made to use every resource available to reach our ultimate destination. Several meetings were held on December 5, 2012 between members of NBCFAE Team 7 and Congressional Staffers. The purpose of the meetings was to: 1. Raise awareness reference lack of a legal and implementable Affirmative Employment Plan (AEP) in accordance with 29 CFR 1614.102le (4). Request support from congress to slow down or stop hiring of new employees until some changes are made by the FAA. Build relationships with bi?partisan Committee Members of the Congressional Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee. Continue to strive to build relationships with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). 4. Offices of Staffers who NBCFAE met with: Legislative Assistant to Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge. Congresswoman Fudge has been elected as the new Chair for the Congressional Black Caucus, effective January 2013. The agenda for the 2013 calendar is being developed. We requested that consideration be made to add our issues to their agenda. Although there may not be a lot of room for revisions Congresswoman Fudge will be briefed on our meeting and contact Ronald G. Bagley with follow up information. They want NBCFAE to forward all correspondence between NBCFAE and other Congressional offices. They also requested that we reach out and meet with the Congressional Tri? Caucus whose members comprise representatives from the Black, Asian and Hispanic congress. Finally, we received assurance that NBCFAE have their support. Professional Staff, Aviation Subcommittee, Democratic Staff Director, Subcommittee on Aviation, Democratic Counsel Subcommittee on Aviation. Of all the meetings held, this one with the three (3) bi-partisan members was also productiVe. Aviation Subcommittee Staffer was the lead for the grOup and stressed although she may not be a member of the Aviation Subcommittee in January 2013, she would be briefing her boss on the issues discussed. They will all follow up with NBCFAE after briefing their bosses. Legislative Correspondent for Congressman Henry ?Hank? Johnson, 4th District of Georgia. Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 41 of 58 There was no meeting scheduled with Congressman Johnson however, a "courtesy visit? proved to be meaningful. The Legislative Correspondent asked follow up questions about MD-715 and how is EEOC addressing reports from FAA. NBCFAE explained that is simply a reporting tool and provides guidance for selecting officials and not an action plan. The question arose regarding previous congressional contacts and correspondence exchanges. The Correspondent requested copies of all correspondence exchanges be sent to him. He also wanted to know if the inspector General (IG) had seen the re ports submitted by FAA. Answer, no. We were advised that Congressman Johnson is trying to get back on the Transportation Committee. 0 Director of Policies, Congressional Black Caucus. This was a follow up meeting with the Director to do an overview ofthe previous meeting and we asked what can NBCFAE do to assist with getting the "ball rolling? again. We were told to continue to push. His office will follow up with the letter that was sent to the FAA and assess their response and share with Committee Chairman Ronald G. Baglev. Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 42 of 58 Exhibit 5 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 43 of 58 TEAM SEVEN PROGRESS REPOR 730-2.2013 ISSUE: For the past 18 years, the has steadfastly refused to develop and implement an Affirmative Employment Program (AEP) as stipulated in 29 CFR 1614. 101 and in accordance with the Supreme Court rulings that such plans must be ?narrowly tailored? and utilize ?strict scrutiny? in implementation. RAMIFICATIONS: An effective AEP would ensure fairness in recruitment, hiring, training, promotions, etc., in addition to eliminating trends and barriers for women and minorities in the workplace. As a result of this blatant violation of law and regulation, DOTXF AA is one of the least diverse federal agencies in America. The economic impact includes denial of jobs and advancement opportunities for Blacks and other minorities. INFORMATION: 1. AA submits one national MD-715 Report to EEOC and Congress that violates law and regulation because it is not ?narrowly tailored? to specific geographiclocation (use United States Supreme Court Decisions, such as Adarand and Croson) 2. Reports indicate African-Americans in the DOTKF AA are signi?cantly under represented and are severely, adversely impacted by workplace discrimination. ISSUESKCONCERNS: 1. Agency showing no accountability for improvement in Workforce diversity 2. Agency does not apply ?strict scrutiny? in identifying and taking action on under representation issues 3. report does not provide a breakdown of statistics by geographic locality but presents only an overall national reporting synopsis. 4. There have been no effective programs to address under representation or workplace discrimination. 5. Current data is inaccurate due to narrow analysis and reporting. CONCLUSION: 1. A systemic solution is necessary since this is a systemic problem due to the FAA's failure to utilize a legal plan that will hold management accountable for Civil Rights issues. 2. NB CFAE stands ready to be part of the solution. Since the 2012 Las Vegas conference, Team. '7 members have made several trips to Washington to meet with government of?cials concerning the Federal Aviation Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 44 of 58 Administration?s (FAA) failure to address under representation of Blacks in the agency. Congressional visits included: February-- 40 of?ces March 6 of?ces including CBC and EEOC June 18 of?ces, FAA consultants August? EEOC and Attorneys Kator, Parks and Wiser and Of?ce of the Congressional Black Caucus. Our plan has three (3) prangs: 1. Continue to form external alliances with other civil rights organizations. 2. Continue to meet with members of congress. 3. File law suit. For the Federal Aviation Administration to be successful in eliminating under representation in their recruitment, hiring, awards, promotion, retention, and training practices they must implement an af?rrnative employment program plan (AEP). NBCFAE recommendations are that an AEP must include elements from President Obama?s Executive Order 13583 (for Diversity Oversight) that will create a culture of collaboration, ?exibility, and fairness to enable individuals to participate to their full potential; a plan that includes a continuing effort to identify and adopt best practices, that will improve the effectiveness of the agency?s efforts to recruit, hire, promote, retain, develop, and train a diverse and inclusive workforce and that it be incorporated into the agency?s human capital plan. Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 45 of 58 Exhibit 6 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 46 of 58 From: "Shelton G. Snow" Subject: Telcon Minutes (12/16/2013) Please Read Regarding FAA ATC Hire To: Email addresses allegedly obtained by NBCFAE from FAA HR Aspiring FAA Air Traffic Controllers, was delighted to share with you the process of becoming the next group of Air Traffic Controllers selected for FAA hire! As promised, attached to this email is the minutes from tonight's teicon. Please consider this ?le as a checklist to prepare for the open bid. 1 can be reached for additional questions and/or comments. Also attached is a membership application for those wanting to join our organization as Associate Members. i have already stressed the importance and the bene?t of joining our organization. Your membership will grant us the authority to represent Join us to see and be seen. If you choose to join our beloved organization please complete the attached application and send it back to me via email. am also attaching past newsletters that should give you a small View of what goes on in our organization. The check/money order shall be sent to: NBCFAE National Treasure Jacki Malone 6430 College Park Atlanta, Ga. 30349 Please allow us the opportunity to serve you. We are the only organization of its kind. We have many gatherings within our Region that will place you up-close and personal to some of the most powerful men and women in the Air Traffic Organization (ATO). It?s important to know that you will become a member of a winning team. Our region is distinguished as one of the best regions in the country. The Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 47 of 58 Washington Suburban Chapter has been recognized as the best operating Chapter in the country for 2 straight years. We are here for you. Our trenches are supplied with essentials that will give you the best chance to succeed. May God continue to bless you and your families. Again, it?s been a pleasure and I look forward to collaborating with each of you very soon. Good luck! In Unity, Shelton G. Snow Northeast Regional Vice-President Washington Suburban Chapter President 2013 National Chapter of the Year National Region of the Year Email: Cell: 757-5235341411 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 48 of 58 Associates Members TELCON 1 2/ 1 6/20 1 3 Welcome Introduction 0 Name, JOB Title, Location, Transfer Status 0 NBCFAE Title 0 Introduce Roosevelt Ejide 0 Leslie 0 Ashley Morely NBCFAE id=22&club id=303425&module id =107292 id=22&club id=303425&module id =107294 1. Groom members thought process to better corner achievement, heighten potential to advance up the managerial and/or facility ranks, and influence them to become the best at their craft; thereby making them a key professional in their field of expertise. 2. Be your voice of reason in catering to their needs as African?Americans and women in the FAA. 3. Serve as a national directory meaning that regardless of where they work the coalition is within reach to serve as their support group in a host of occurrences. I 4. Serve as a mentor, coach, and overseer of their training to ensure equality and fairness throughout the training program. 0 5. Also serve as their professional network. This is important for those desiring transfers, promotions, and recommendations for leadership programs such as: ATCLP and PEL. You will discover that some of the most powerful black managers in the ATO stand united with younger generations of FAA employees, and together they stand as one voice! It?s just who you know, but it's how well you know them I And in this case, preparing eligible members for FAA careers. Appreciation ABOUT THE FEBRUARY 10TH BID 1. Date Length of time it will stay open. 21. FEBRUARY 10, 2014 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 49 of 58 b. 2 weeks 11. Purpose of this telcon a. Ensure that you are locked and loaded by end of the year. HI. What to do now. a. Start grouping resume?s applicable records and upload them to USA Jobs (12/31}. i. ii. VA Disability con?rmation Letters by the Department of Veterans Af?ars. Locate, scan and upload CFO and Radar Certi?cations. iv. Locate, scan and upload any information that will help validate your credentials in the hiring process. v. Locate, scan and upload everything vi. FIRST AND your email addresses. If your email address does not include your first and last name then change it. For example: EXplain why. vii. In the past we?ve had people on the selection panel we want them to be able to identify you. Also, very important. . .on your resume please include if you are a NBCFAE Member. Most of you are Associate Member; put it on your resume! This is for us to know who our people are in the case that we have one of our very own on the board. In the past we?ve always had one, and they share our enthusiasm. Can you see the strategy. b. We are only concerned about Andean?Americans, Women (of every ethnic background), and other minorities. Please ensure that you share this information with no one that is identi?ed outside of that. This information is reserve for those classes of people we represent. This is to minimize competition. We effort to in?uence the FAA to diversify the ATC workforce, and we aim to only prepare candidates that are demographically classed to meet that diversi?cation. c. When you apply for the air traf?c bid in the past it gave you an opportunity to choose a state in which you could be selected for. If that state is not available you will be passed over. PLEASE PUT ANYWHERE IN THE US ON THE APPLICATION, this will maximize the possibilities of you getting picked up. (1. In the past the FAA has hired ATC candidates without regard to Af?rmative Action. IV. Introduction of the Barrier Analysis. (President Roosevelt) a. This is important! b. Please listen and pay close attention. 0. This will explain why it is important for each of you to satisfy the purpose of this telcon. That?s all you can do. Your part is critical. V. More Information Regarding the Bid. 21. There will be a test for ALL Applicants (regardless of ?ling status) Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 50 of 58 i. President Roosevelt, again, can you comment? ii. 70%, 85% or higher. VRA will also have to test. iv. There will be a practice exam released by the FAA towards the end of January. January 29, 2014 and February 12, 2014. It will be a virtual tour to the air traf?c control occupation. Web address? v. vi. b. Students i. will not count fer the FAA version of the test. You will need to retest. Allow the help you prepare for the test. ii. This will be an open/off?the?street?hire for air traf?c candidates. Everyone will be grouped together. In the past there were a separate vacancy job announcement for ?ling status (VRA, CTI, and then there were the That?s over now. Everyone will be grouped together on this bid. VI. Membership a. 2 main categories of membership i. Active 1. Describe 2. Dues Paying Members ii. Associate 1. Any person who is not an employee of the FAA, but has an interest in NBCFAE, may become an Associate Member on such terms and with such privileges as the Membership Committee may provide. 2. $50 Year. Complete Membership Application, scan and email back to me. Mail Check or money order to a. NBCFAE National Treasure. 6430 Jones Road. College Park, GA 30349 b. I will include each you in our chapter database Why should you become a member? 1. Website 2. The fact that we are having this telcon detailing speci?c information which could drastically change your circumstances indicates that we are heavily concerned your future as an ATCS in the FAA. 3. The NBCFAE is the largest, most successful and influential employee association in the agency. We exist because of people like you potential and/or associate members looking for FAA Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 51 of 58 careers. We exist because of people like me Active members that are constant in need of professional development and mentorship. 4. The question is not why should you join, the question is why should you not, because you have nothing to lose but a career in the FAA as an air traffic control specialist to gain. Let us label you. VII. RECAP the high-ht information. Questions a. Ask in the order those who called in on the telcon. b. Be speci?c, direct, and very on your question. 0. These and the minutes of this telcon, will travel throughout the to other Regional Presidents. This information will be used for them to host telcons throughout their region so your question may help them address concerns before they are asked. d. Do not let us move on without your question being answered. IX. Conclusion Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 52 of 58 Exhibit 7 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 53 of 58 From: NER Vice-President WSC President Subject: Date: January 15, 2014 4:54:55 PM EST To: REDACTED WSC Brothers and Sisters, It has been confirmed, there will NOT be a selection panel for the Open bid on February 10th. Instead, FAA Human Resources will scan in resumes and the computer will group resumes based on key words (aka. "Buzz Words"). These buzzwords will flag your resume, thereby giving you the advantage over thousands of resumes that may flood the system. A list of these buzzwords are attached to this email. This its! is being provided to you through one of our members in HR. I encourage you to keep a lid of this attachment and focus on YOUR resume. if the entire country caught wind of this attachment, then how will your resume be distinguished from others? After editing your resume using the attached file, resend me your resume for viewing. In the subject line type: "Amended Resume for (Name)". Please keep this email confidential between yourselves and the NBCFAE. The information we share with you is to help members of our organization that has invested in their future through the NBCFAE. In Unity, Shelton Snow NER VICE-P RESIDENT NBCFAE Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 54 of 58 Exhibit 8 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 55 of 58 Subject: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON ATC Vacancy Announcement. Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 TO: NBCFAE Family, Please read the information below carefully. This process is constantly evolving. So here?s what is fact so ram 1. The controller vacancy announcement is open to all US citizens that meet the minimum qualifications of the vacancy. Everyone interested should bid. The list will also be used to fill future vacancies. 2. Rumors have been spreading that temporary offer letters (TOL) may still be offered to people that went through the old hiring process. As you know this has been a big issue for NBCFAE. 1 confirmed yesterday with agency leadership including that the agency will not offer jobs to people that may have been in that pipeline. Thair words were "That list has been purged. So please tell everyone impacted by this to apply on the upcoming bid. 3. College Training Initiative (CTI schools: During the holidays CTI schools were informed that they will no longer receive the preferences they have been receiving. 1 received a lot of feedback from people impacted by the change. Some of it was very negative and some centered around not understanding why NBCFAE fought the issue the way it did. That conversation will continue but the bottom line is all CTI students need to apply on the upcoming bid. 4. Veteran Preference remains. There will be more coming on this one. 5. There is an effort to hire people with targeted disabilities to work in the ATO. The ATO has set a 2014 goal of hiring 10 people with targeted disabilities. The key word is the definition of targeted. More to come. WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW We do not know exactly what the new ATSAT test will look like. We have a general idea based on the skill set needed to perform the job. The test will have two components: a biographical test and a cognitive test. You will have to pass the biographical portion to take the cognitive portion. We do not know exactly how the selection factors wull be applied but we do know that a diverse pool must come from the process. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is still working on both of the above issues and as soon as i know you will know. Please bear with me if it takes time. I want to share the correct information the first time. DIFFERENT The hiring process for applicants will be a modified Pepsi hiring process which means there will be five locations where a person can travel to at their own expense to go through the hiring process before attending the academy. The locations are Seattle, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago and the fifth site is to be determined. Applicants will be able to go through the security and human resources part of the process but will have to handle their medical clearance separately. If a person chooses not to use the Pepsi process then they will still have the option to use the standard hiring process which takes more time. More to come. The FAA plan to issue a number of vacancy announcements on February 10, 2014 for air traffic control specialists on a nationwide basis. will only be open hr" 10 days. Go to the link below: Visit the FAA Virtual Career Fair (VCF) and learn about select aviation careers FAA is offering. FAA recruitment experts will be available for live chats on Jan. 29, 12?4 pm. EST, and Feb. 12, 12?4 pm. EST. To register for the VCF and to learn about these aviation careers, go to Also, visit the USAJOBS Resource Center at to learn how to build your resume and access tips and tutorials on applying and interviewing for federal jobs. You are highly encouraged to use the resume builder. available on the USAJOBS website Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page few things in closing. We have been very successful in spreading the word on this announcement and it is no surprise, especially in these times, that the response has been enormous. I have seen so many diverse and talented young folks looking for opportunities. Our challenge is to assist them in any way we can to find opportunities wherever they can including in other areas of the federal government if possible. More to come and we will need your help. NBCFAE has a proud history of helping everyone who ask us for help. We do not ask the ethnicity of anyone seeking our assistance and we want the best and brightest to work for the FAA. I believe what is sometimes lost is that we are also the best and brightest. goals include assisting in recruiting African Americans, females, and minority individuals into the FAA and to promote equal employment opp0rtunities through all lawful means. We do not apologize for our commitment to that end. We encourage everyone to become members of NBCFAE. We believe that NBCFAE's work speaks for itself and we encourage people to become a member. Please go to Click on the Member Login on the Home Page. Then go to the Resources header. Use the drop down menu to go to Documents and then to ATC vacancy for additional information on the ATC hiring process. Please email any questions you have to me. I will compile them and send a Frequently Asked Questions often. Have a GREAT In Unity, Roosevelt Lenard, Jr. NBCFAE National President Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 57 of 58 Exhibit 9 Case Document 1 Filed 12/30/15 Page 58 of 58 TEAM SEVEN UPDATE January 30, 2014 Ronald Bagley, NBCFAE EEO Chairperson CURRENTACTIVITIES: Ronald Bagley has been attending the Coalition for the Peoples? Agenda meeting (Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery's group). Randy Williams continues to work with the Moral Monday group on behalf of Team 7. Pending Ongoing Schedule meeting with Washington, DC Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) for some time in February. Follow up on our face to face in March regarding the items below: Questions to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Michael P. Huerta regarding the barriers and its trend analysis of the workforce?s major occupations by race, national origin, sex and disability. FAA's responses were that they are working on the issues. DOT alliances indicated to the CBC that they should actively remain on this discrimination issue. CBC leaders met with DOT and FAA to discuss the agency?s hiring process. Next steps are to include apprOpriations language in to the FAA letters as this may be a vehicle that could remove these barriers very quickly. Additionally, support to NBCFAE is to ask for best practices that align to hiring practices for a concentration of minority hiring. Also, during this visit met with CBC constituents including Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (House Representative, Maryland). Congressman Cummings, Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is engaged with the CBC Policy Director and will aid in the development of strategies regarding infrastructure and political taskforce. Follow up with membership (joining) requirements of the Coalition of the Peoples Agenda. Follow up on a meeting with Dr. Joseph E. Lowery; currently pursuing information on the status of the lOU?s from our last meeting with Rainbow PUSH Coalition?s Vice President of Legal Affairs, Attorney Janice E. Mathis. We then will move forward on the following: Letter to and meeting with DOT, FAA and EEOC.