CITY OF PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS 9zoo BUDGET Prepared by The City Manager And The Finance Department CITY OF PORT ARTHUR,TEXAS 2009-2010 Operating Budget Table of Contents Introductory Section 1 Transmittal Letter Organization Chart ii iv All Funds Summary Financial Section 1 General Fund 4 Summary of expenditures by category and department Departmental Budgets 5 Administration 6 Mayor and Council City Manager Special Purpose 8 9 10 I1 12 13 City Secretary City Secretary Municipal Court Elections City Attorney City Attorney 14 15 Finance m Administration 1~ Accounting Purchasing 18 Information Systems Utility Billing and'Collections Human Resource Human Resource 22 25 26 27 Grants 28 Housing 29 Time One Block at 21 24 Planning Planning Grants Management a 19 20 23 Civil Service One Block at 16 a Time Community Services Inspections Environmental Health Civic Center Civic Center Parks and Recreation Parks and Right of Way Maintenance Recreation 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Library Library Police Police Fire Fire 40 41 42 43 44 45 Health Health Retiree Health 46 47 CITY OF PORT ARTfIUR;TEXAS 2009-2010 Operating Budget Table of Contents 3 Public Works 48 49 Administration 50 Engineering 51 Streets , 52 Drainage ° 53 Electrical City Hall 54 Debt Service Fund 55 Debt Service Fund , Schedule of Current Year Bonded Debt Service Requirements Schedule of Current Year Capital Lease Payments Summary of Annual Debt Service Requirement to Maturity 56 58 59 60 ater and Sewer Fund , Water Utilities Water Administration Water Purification Water Distribution Conveyance Wastewater 61 62 63 64 65 66 Wastewater Treatment , 67 Vaste Fund Solid ~' 68 Solid Waste Operations Administration Trash Collection Residential Collection ice ; Container Sen~ 69 70 71 72 73 Landfill Operations 74 Transit Fund Transit 75 Department Administration ,~ Vehicle Operations - ,~ Vehicle Maintenance ' NonVehicle Maintenance Other Expenses Elderly and Handicapped 77 78 79 80 81 82 t Equipment Services Fund . Equipment 76 Services Summary ' Department Detail 83' 84 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR.TEXAS 2009-2010 Operating Budget Table of Contents Equipment Replacement Employee 85 Fund , Benefit Fund 4- Hospitalization 86 Insurance Fund 87 Compensation Fund Other Employee Benefits Fund Workers General Hotel Liability 89 Fund 90 Occupancy Fund Library Special Police 88 Special 91 Fund 92 Fund 93 Golf Course Fund Municipal Court 94 Technology Fund , 95 Development Corporation Economic Development Corporation Summary Economic Department Detail Economic Development Corporation 2003 Sales Economic Development Corporation Reserves 2009 General Obligation Bonds Fund Capital Projects Fund (CIP) Water and Sewer Bonds Appendix Personnel Schedules Authorizing Documents Financial Policies Investment Policy 96 97 Tax Bond Debt Service 98 99 100 101 102 a1 SECTION . STEPHEN FITZGIBBONS DELORIS "BOBBIE"PRINCE, MAYOR CITY MANAGER ELIZABETH "LIZ"SEGLER. MAYOR PRO-TED1 TERRI HANKS COUNCIL MEMBERS: CITY SECRETARY Cl r)~ O,f JACK CHATMAN, JR. MARKT. SOKOLOW MORRIS ALBRIGHT, II ] CITY ATTORNEY n~~ p/` il1` MARTIN FLOOD 1 JOHN BEARD, 1R. ort~ rthu ROBERT E.WILLIAMSON D. KAY WISE T2XC1$ THOMAS I.HENDERSON' September 8, 2009 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers City of Port Arthur, Texas I pleased am to present the proposed operating budget for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Overview of fisca12009 results Preliminary estimates of fiscal 2009 year end balances are good, overall. The General Fund balance to $28.4 million. Revenues were slightly ahead of budget in many areas. The most should increase receipt of advance industrial payments from six companies. This excess revenue was not appropriated and resulted in an increase to general fund balance. The balance in the General Fund is needed to cover projected deficits in the water utility fund. The year 1 million increasing thetotal fund deficit end estimates project that the operating deficit will be over $ to $ 12.9 million. Overall the operating fund balances will end fiscal 2009 with an increase. notable impact to fund balance General was the Water r U[ ili[ Solid Waste Debt Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Equipment ^ Revenues Expenditures 14, 999 510, $( 11, 768) 79Q, $ 386, ( 174) $ 3, 991 OS1, 2. 377, $( 1, 791) 635, $ 3, 834 697, $403 64, 773 844, 8, 304 338, 1, 159 714, 2, 325 595, 7, 000 995, 50, 760 931, 16, 226 935, 8, 236 337, 8, 809 135, 3, 274 936, 2, 468 768, 7, 200 057, $( 12, 894) 924, 3, 791 989, 1, 826, $ 329 3. 900, $ 155,288 $(934) $ 1, 590 076, budget In the impacted by very large increases in operating costs. of our operating budgets, we are seeing the following costs: over 60°/ o was A 4% increase in salaries for and Fire contracts provide Health Insurance casts the must City current program, at civil service employees personnel cost, budget. Police employees. claims and administration expense. However, for the cost of retiree health insurance-for both current stable for next provide of is included in this fora 5%, ormore, increase for those allocate funds [o active contribution at budget are non area year's Staff continues to work with various consultants and actuaries forward with recommendations for Council consideration. At this time, with the retirees, and to come Fund 9, 000 800, Hi>? hliehts of the 2009-2010 budget Insurance 15, 80L100 Balance 09 9/ 30/ $012 28, 424, This Hosoitali~ ation Fund Fund Balance ]OS 0/ 1/$ Flee[ Reglacemen[ Maintenance employees. the over $ 7 liability is million. estimated Again, no at 100 m . illion, with the annual required employee benefit is included in this over $ funding for this this time. P. O. BOX 1089 PORTARTHUR,TEXAS 77641-1089 4091983-8115 409/ 983FAX 8291 80Q,000' fiscal year for cost has increased $ of cost increases include debt service. This also includes costs for existing issues. This budget 2009-2010. This is due to increased debt service is related to Hurricane Ike recovery. Continued funding funding for the Pleasure Island Commission The budget of the golf course on the island during this recovery period. • necessary for the management the excluding match on the Island's FEMA restoration projects, also includes funding for the 10% Other areas Marina. We address these costs through the following items of increased revenue: 1. 2 million $ due Property Tax Revenue is up 8%, valuation. 100 792 per $ from 0 $ 7 .6 to $0. Industrial Revenue is budgeted at $24 to higher valuations, and . million million, 5 $3 more than an increased fiscal 2009. value and tax rate based. rate. This The contracts that are estimated increase is based upon the new in the due to credit companies that provided advance payments budgeted number reflects the reduction This estimate does not include any December 2008 upon signing the new contracts. District. the City or the Jefferson County Appraisal for industries in litigation with either of Hurricane Ike Hurricane Rita and the first anniversary of collection. We cost which we are still in the process that have come our way this year. with the numerous grant opportwuties are extremely busy working the of 1 $ 3 million will be used to improve drainage throughout Hurricane Ike, Round 1 recovery funds in the 2 funds for Round We will be developing an application City, and fund other capital projects. six (6)police officers this budget year We were very fortunate to be able to add very near future. be awarded $15 million in ARRA funds to ICOP program. We expect through ARRA funding in the used to fund wastewater Board next week. These funds will be through the Texas Water Development in Neighborhood Stabilization, 3 million The -City was awarded $2: system rehabilitation projects. This unprecedented additional $22 million from Round 2. Round 1 funding, and has applied for an to our City. amount of funding will make a dramatic impact approach the fourth anniversary of $ million in unreimbursed there is upwards of 8 As we Outlook for the future downturn. Driven by the a national economic Our local economy continues to be strong despite revenues into the near future. we continue to expect increased infusion of capital at the area industries, continue to provide at the TOTAL and Valero facilities Motiva,Exxonhfobil, and further development to will have ramp up to meet the on the City. City operations an unprecedented economic impact as well as the contractors, new employees, needs of the industries, their supporting businesses, additional development that will emerge. Sincerely, Steve 1~ G~ rtzgibbon~%, s City Manager ii City of Port Arthur City Council City Se cretary Finance City Manager Human City At torney Planning Resources Parks and Community Services Library Police Fire Public Works Water. Transit Recreation Health Utilities CITY OF PORT ART R 2009-2010 B D ET . ALL FUNDS SUMMARY FY 2009 Fund FY 2010 Fund Projected Balances Projected Balances Revenues Expenditures 09/ 09 3D/ Revenues Expenditures 09/ 10 30/ GOVEILY'1~ NTAL FUNDS General Fund 64, 973 727, ~ $760 50, 931, 28, 212 307, 56, 577 654, 8, 304 338, 8, 809 135, 3, 329 900, 8, 635 454, 963 54, 626, 8, 058 979, 30, 826 334, Debt Service Fund GOVERNIt7F,NTALFUNTIS 73, 277 066, 59, 569 067, 32, 541 207, 65, 212 109, 63, 021 606, 33, 732 710, 15, 100 801, 16, 226 935, 14, 939) 860, 8, 236 337, 16, 000 123, 894)-12, 924, 1, 590 076. 8, 000 560. 18, 045 059, 9, 000 800. 8: 079 442, 1, 511 194, 25, 100 601, 25, 462 272, t 304) 1. 848, 24, 000 683, 26. 124 501; 13, 428) 666, 2. 325 595, - 2, 468 768, 1, 934) 826. 3, 000 251, 3, 478 117, 1, 412) 693. 1, 159 714, 3, 274 936, 155,288 1, 159 713, 1, 159 713, 7, 000 995, 7, 200 057, 3, 791 989, 7, 000 995, 7, 825 503, 892,000 296,OD0 3, 906 375, ENTERPRISE FIINDS Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS PITERNAL Equipment SERVICE FUNDS Services Fund Equipment Replacement Fund Hospitalization Insurance Fund Workers Compensation Fund Other Employee Benefits Fund General Liability Insurance Fund INTERFAL SERVICE FUNDS- 937,000 818,552 804,170 285,000 587,120 1, 718 063, 1. 305 527. 15, 789 053, ~ 1, 198 742. 1, 147434, 16, 812 909, 5, 180 620, 2, 300 049, 890,408 649,500 2, 829 039, ~ 16, 459 196, 15: 199 914, 155,288 4, 966 480, 805,762 770,218 1, 618 443, 5, 440 902, SPECIAL REVEN[JE FUNDS Transit Fund Hotel Occupancy Tax Library Special Fund Police 2, 288 572, Fund Special Fund ~ Golf Course Fund 2, 551 061, 344,662 3, 446 813, 4, 072 107, 951,136 284,765 913,136 150,1 IS 291,646 000 1, 001, 3, 000 6Q400 84,400 - 160,000 84,217 45,400 98,500 20,483 983,540 3, 000 277,045 126,729 1] 51.036 372,629 10,000 l 46,852 305,194 4, 400 195,284 3, 333 54,000 7Q000 4, 483 19,729 Nfunicipal Court Technology Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ALL OPERATINGFUNDS 3, 673 965, 117, 839 686, $ 3, 302 421, 1, 502 152, 5, 246 046, 5, 344 342. 104,671, 145 27, 919 131, 111, 9] 034, 7 111, 688 363, IV 856.404 26, 148 803, FINANCIAL SECTION CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-10 BUDGET GENERAL FUND Budget Actual Actual iFS AND O RFV R O iR as amended 0607 - 07OS 08-09 4, 765 398, 7, 650 448, 7, 000 155, $ Estimated Proposed 08-09 09-10 C Taxes Property taxes Industrial payments Sales Tax 7, 000 167, 7, 000 767, 15, 988 259, 16, 958 238, 18, 486 702, 31, 893 982, 24, 000 000, 7, 008 288, 8, 052 248, 8, 000 600, 9, 000 890, 8, 000 600, Other Taxes 80,957 Mixed Beverage Gross receipts 93,184 95,000 95,000 93,000 taxes 2, 896 545, Electric. 2, 206 887, 2, 000 900, 3, 000 200, 3, 000 000, Gas 47Q,446 447,258. 420,000 393,000 450,000 Telephone 453,322 44Q,837 440,000 440,000 440,000 Cable 464,216 475,826 475,000 450,000 450,000 30, 598 961, Total Taxes Licenses and 36, 971 279, 53, 893 617, 38, 486 787, 44, 000 800, permits 8, 788 6, 510 14,000 12,000 12,000 Electrical Licenses 4, 945 5, 685 5, 000 6, 000 6, 000 Other Licenses 5, 165 3, 125 2, 000 4, 200 4, 200 65,535 62,525 50,000 50,000 50,000 939,743 476,988 400,000 500,000 475,000 Electrical Pem'rits 68,357 46,037 60,000 75,000 60,000 Other Permits 60,593 78,576 48,300 54,525 45,500 5, 750 5, 000 6, 000 6, 000 6, 000 Beer, Liquor, Wine Licenses Ambulance Permits Building Permits User fees General Government City Secretary 1, 579 46,948 20,000 15,000 20,000 41,935 35,698 41,000 31,200 28,000 207,121 211,292 213,000 176,500 197,000 12,129 8, 269 5, 800 5, 000 780 3, 834 n Police and Fire Health Departments Department Community Services Recreation Civic Center , Library 4, 200 3, 900 4, 200 12,360 74,L85 75,000 75,000 75,000 20,121 21,462 21,000 21,000 21,000 Fines and forfeits ~ Court Fines P& I on Property Tax Other Penalties and Interest 1, 252 091, 1, 756 245, 1, 000 200, 1, 000 452, 1, 000 535, 305,930 322,992 300,000 280,000 300,000 13,352 12,694 14,000 14,000 14,000 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-10 BUDGET GENERAL FUND Budget Actual Actual 06-07 07-08 as amended OS-09 Estimated Proposed OS-09 09-10 Intergovernmental 402,743 ARRA - ICOP Grant ~ CDBG Streets Health Department 248,619 99,067 194,687 67,000 51,706 193,656 260,781 210,000 31,166 30,984 31,500 503,123 353,404 542,398 611,878 606.683 FTA 52,329 51,934 52,000 56,000 56.000 Auto Theft Task Farce 74,636 66,942 76,782 75,000 75,000 PAISD 35,365 34,232 35, 500 35,000 35,000 lOS,512 60,487 82,500 94,600 100,000 446,802 337,283 400,000 140,000 240,000 1, 689 248, 572,211 91,000 475,700 91,000 Comrnunity Services Finance CommunityDevelopment Other Grants Interest Miscellaneous Total Revenue Operative 36, 704 764, 40, 872 814, 42, 666 849, 58, 815 136, 49, 326 264, 6, 086 287, 5, 970 403, 5, 464 689, 5, 464 689, 6, 897 395, Transfers in from other funds and other sources City Funds Water and Sewer Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Solid Waste Other Citv Funds 108,000 340,000 200,000 582,340 592,417 626,889 200,000 100,000 626,889 651,104 2. 364 Health Insurarice Fund Economic Development Corp. TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSI 243,250 167,624 43, 118 912, 123,666 47, 925 274, 2 8Q,000 49, 019 446, 80,000 64, 168 733, 56, 577 654, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-10 BUDGET GENERAL FUND Budget amended Estimated Proposed 0809 09-10 Actual Actual 0607 07-OS OS-09 1, 358 454, 1, 250 576, 2, 513 159, 1, 872 747, 2, 733 009: Administration 647,894 865,574 1, 685 002, 1, 585 015, 971,522 City Secretary 554,593 477,127 518,597 519,297 594,511 City Attorney 2, 990 504, 2, 722 524, 3, 980 036, 2, 410 962, 3, 394 434, ru vFNn 1Ti 1RFS AND OTHER~ Finance Human Resources 548,328 299,701 Planning One Block at a as 577,142 350,449 Time 678,302 596,379 648.878_ 417,191 382.575 433,414 259,525 119,401 238,848 503,123 353,405 542,398 611,878 606,683 1, 795 352, 1, 980 744, 2, Ofi2 039, 2, 456 066, 2, 745 137, 354,871 385,984 457,377 435,999 525.969 1, 656 530, 1, 244 814, 2, 055 019, 1, 369 812, 2, 696 357, Pazks and Recreation 1, 594 043, 1, 482 048, 1, 913 263, 1, 913 252, 1, 757 345, Library 12, 519 730, 13, 647 658, 15, 688 060, 14, 036 987, 16, 529 255, police 9, 388 160, 9, 695 075, 1Q, 923 ti7, 10, 346 255, 10, 423 600, Grants Management Community Services Civic Center Fire elfare Health and WPublic Works TOTAL EXPENDITURES 882,599 894,386 980.349 6, 485 866, 7, 120 018, 8, 439 114, 7, 045 895, 8, 100 394, 40, 022 425, 42. 207 365, 48, 997 807, 47, 160 543, 51, 863 785, 1, 000 212, 1, 700 257, 1, 600 098, 1, 600 098, 1, 100 487, 900,000 350,000 1, 000 000. 1, 000 000, 650,000 Transfers to Other Funds General Liability Fund to to Transit Fund to SSBG Fund to Golf Course Fund to C ap it a l Imp rovement Fund 1, 661 230, ' 872.727 500,000 80:000 420 000 200,000 80,000 110,000 669,000 1, 000 210, 1, 000 210, 52, 597 196, 50, 760 931, 54, 963 701, 2, 578) 750, 13, 213 796, 1, 614 952, TOTAL EXPENDI"CURES AND TRANSFERS OUT 42, 022 957, 44, 907 672, Net Excess (Deficiency)of Revenue Expenditures) 955,096 2, 018 602, ( Fund Balance,Beginning of Year 10, 885 953, 11, 981 908, 14, 999 510, 14, 999 510, 28, 212 307, Fund Balance, End of Year 11, 981 908, 14, 999 510, 11, 421 760, 28, 212 307, 30, 826 259, 3 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 GENERAL FUND orv Fxnenditures by . atet=_ Salaries and Benefits and Materials Supplies Capital Outlay Other EXPENDITURES nnditnres by 0607 07.08 31 170 585 $ 1 391 431 417 31, 799, $ 1, 051 834, 1, 503 877, 922 415 953,837 853 360 942,254 40, 022 425, $ 42. 207 365. $ Estimated Proposed Og.09 OS-09 0910 36, 406 633, $ 153 36, 138, 1, 646 700; 2, 55 065.] Amended. 1, 649 851, 2, 835 145, 600 5, 463, 1, 090 289, 1. 417 424, 48, 997 807, $ City Secretary Ciry Attomey Finance Human Resources Planning 1 454 358 $ Management Community Services Civic Center Parks and Recreation 865,574 554 593 477,127 2 504 990 577,142 299 701 350,449 503 123 353,405 1, 352 795 354 871 , 1 530 656 12 730 519 Police 9 160 388 Fire Health and Welfare Public Works TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2. 722 524, 548 328 1 043 594 Library 1, 250 576; $ 647 894 One Block ACA Time 872 727 6 866 485 40 425 022: ~ 980 1, 744, 385,984 244 1, 814. 1, 482 048. 13, 647 658, 9, 695 075, 894,386 7, 120 018: 42, 207 365, $ 513 2, L59, $ 1, 685 002, 518,597 3. 980 036, 678,302 417,191 259,525 542,398 2, 062 039, 457,377 2, 055 019, 1, 913 263, 1, 540 036: 1. 114 083, 47. 160 543, 51, 863 785, Adminisuation City Secretary City Attomey Finance ~ Human Resources ~ Planning One Block At A Time Management Community Services Civic Center Pazks and Recreation Librazy Police Fire Health and Welfare Public Works TOTAL POSITIONS Grant Funded Positions TOTAL GENERAL FUND a.o a o s.o 4.0 ~ 37.0 8 0 8.0 8.0 5.0 5 0 5 0 0.0 0 0 1.0 70.0 10.0 10 0 22.0 24.0 25 0 5 0 15.0 15 0 ' 17.0 14.0 14 0 L4.0 151 9 154.9 157.9 107 0 107.0 107.0 32 5 32.5 35.5. 67.0 67 0 73.0 491.9 495.9 514.9 456.4 q 433,414 119,401 238,848 611,878 606,683 2, 456 066, 2, 745 137, 435,999 369 1, 812, 1, 913 252, 14, 036 987, 10, 346 255, 525,969 2, 357, 51, 863 785, 36 0 452'.4 ~ 382,575 47, 160 543, 36.0 39.5) 596,379 394 3, 434, 648.878 2, 410 962; 48. 997 807, 6.0 39.5 519,297 7, 045 895, 923 10, 257, 980,349 4 0 5 0 1, 585 015, 733 2, 009, 971,522 594,511 8, 439 114. 15. 688 060, 10.5 8 5 1, 872, 747, 757 1, 345, 16, 529 255, 10, 423 600, 1, 661 230, 8, 100 394, A, th~ Positions Grants 400 5, 283, 1. 266 319, 573 39, 167, 1. 220 913, 2, 071 522, 5, 129 912. 1, 756 187, Department Administration Grants as 4, 146 958, 4 309 852 Contractual Service F Actual 1 777 379 Maintenance . TOTAL Budget Actual 37.0) 477.9 882,599 5.0 11.5 4.0 37.0 8 0 4.0 1.0 10.0 25.0 6.0 17.0 14.0 163.9 107.0 38.5 73.0 524 9 42.0) 482 9 ADMIN BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION - °° -` Budget 07.Og 06.07 Salazies and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Capital Outlay Other TOTALEXPENDIT[JRES As Amended OS-09 Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 08-09 09-10 511,116 585,196 556,332 743,919 489,642 16,859 23,677 26,800 37,000 37,500 545 4, 320 100 85,273 109,500 105,000 140,200 84,185 9, 610 13,500 13,000 5, 000 9, 767 942,254 1, 417 424, 1, 540 036, 1, 114 083, 853,360 1. 250 576, 2, 513 159, 1, 872 747, 2, 733 009, 261;303 345,658 361,112 400,772 242,708 372,693 389,438 350,220 525,847 358,290 853,360 942,254 1, 417 424, 1, 540 036. 1: 114 083, 1, 250 576. 2, 513 159, 1, 872 747. 2. 733 009, 1 1 I 3 3 4 4 4 5 0.5 0.5 3 5 3.5 5 4 4 5 S 1, 358 454, Expenditures by Divisi Mayrorand Council $ City Manager Special Purpose 1, 358 454, TOTALEXPENDI'I" GYRES $ Authorized Positions Mayor and Council City Manager TOTAL POSITIONS Grant Funded General Fund TOTAL POSITIONS 5 1 4 5 5 5 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION MAYOR AND COUNCIL Actual 06.07 001512 1001- Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 07.08 OS-09 OS-09 09.10 Salaries and Benefits Regulaz Earnings 88,598 112 Overtime 54;989- Allowances Help ~ Social Securtiy Extra 2 248 94,405 98,500 1, 969 300 300 108300 65,160 99,000 99,000 99,000 16 889 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 8, 984 13,070 15,000 15,634 5, 070 10,363 73,071 7 385 6 755 2, 523 6, 517 6, 400 9, 400 88 42 9g 125 142 611 298 387 431 402 157,168 171.050 223,758 234,112 246,772 6, 873 15,250 8500 8, 000 8. 000 Supplies Uniforms and Cleaning Council Meeting Expenses 500 6,0 00 6 000 11,000 327 1 396 7, 800 4, 000 6, 000 11,000 6, 000 7. 200 16,646 20,800 31,000 31,000 3 976 Retirement Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay Worker's Total Salaries and Benefits 1, 801- nul~~ i and Materials c Office Other Supplies R Material Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 100 545 - Contractual Service 1, 813 3, 699 Travel and Education 52,489 38:301 Communications 13,726 20,506 SS,D00 14,500 g g73 20 000 3, 000 55,000 20,000 10,000 68,028 71 379 92 500 88,000 9,767 2 228 8500 8, 000 242,7pg 261 303 345,658 361,112 Advertising Contingency. Total Contractual Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6 3, 000 3, 000 60,000 20,000 40.000 123,000 400,772 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISIQN CITY MANAGER 001512 1002- Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Security Retirement Healtlt Insurance Compensation Deferred Compensation Workers Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits noliee and Materials Office Supplies Other Supplies/Materials Total Supplies Equipment Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 07-OS OS-09 08.09 09-] 0 0607 217 483 $ 225,251 $ 5 055 5, 507 and Materials 227,078 204,000 5, 000 16,080 318,526 5, 200 14 225 13,491 14,329 30 404 28,368 38,73 46 696 38,429 49,222 5, 200 11,000 13,400 32,000 46,000 656 643 742 620 8, 043 8, 000 10.479 8, 000 2, 252 8, 000 8 000 2, 000 3, 167 . 340,0 66 361 438 322,220 497,147 332.474 4, 882 6, 000 6, 000 6, 500 6, 051 3. 608 2. 149 7,031 6 000 6, 000 6, 500 9, 659 10 620 Allowances Social Actual 665) 9, 855 10,590 2Q,263 54,221 76,135 1, 045 4. 320 Maintenance 4, 320 Total Maintenance ontractnal Service Professional Services 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 200 1 800 1, 363 1, 000 14,357 15 000 15,000 Travel and Education 12 531 15,000 13,894 17,000 17,200 16,157 17 000 Total Contractual Services 7 382 5 000 5, 000 5, 000 372 693 389,438 350,220 525,847 Advertising TOTAL EXPENDITURES 358 290 7 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION SPECIAL PURPOSE Actual _ Actual Det it of 07.08 06-07 001512 1003- Budge[ Estimated Proposed 0809 08-09 09.10 Non1 Department-.Ac[ivifi e~ Calendaz $ Community Superfund Related Legal Services YAC) Youth Activity Councit'( TazgetIncentive 7, 500 $ 7, 500 $ 1, 284 5, 226 1, 258 188,144 215,362 15,660 7, 500 $ 7, 500 200,000 2 500 7 500 155 000 165 000 50,000 12Q000 5Q000 32,084 61 400 75,000 61,300 150,000 94,379 100,000 7, 867 100,000 75,000 100,000 1, 753 6, 114 100 000 100 000 15Q000 li, 000 25,000 84 000 84,000 84,000 42,000 45.000 45,000 67,665 100,000 95,000 100,000 800 5, 000 4, 207 7 5, 000 68,000 6, 436 5, 000 68,000 5, 000 5, 000 51,300 84,000 Holdings Incentive Holiday Pay Other Outside Legal Services 122,115 2, 133 Christmas Parade 16,606 West Side Consultant 18,000 LBE Consultant Consulting Services Other Dues (TML,DIL,C,etc.) 99 389 Contingency Collective 42 317 Bargaining 120 000 SETIO Ihug Task Farce Legal Consultant City Wide Training SETCAST July 49 930 4th Celebration 3, 437 3, 350 1, 200 14,410 14 410 15 000 15,000 20,000 11 500 15,000 10,800 12,000 11 300 The Breeze"Radio 15,000 45,000 12,403 Aousing Oppor[unitues 31,250 Study Program 50,000 66,000 5. 156 Acres,Ltd Job Training Fire District TOTAL 30:000 40,000 3, 728 17,000 AIM Orange County 5 000 9, 000 45,000 IEDC Downtown 0~ 38. 600 20,000 SETAC 51,300 5, 000 90,000 36.500 Humberto"activities Grow Port Arthur Fund 7, 5~ 5 000 20` 000 LSIIncentive Port Arthur 7, 500 $ 104,613 122.059 125,000 128.096 853,360 942,254 1, 417 424, 1, 540 036, 8 1, 114 083, BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR 2009-2010 DEPART MENT SUM MARY CITY SECRETARY D,. t„ rnnnll; r cc v },C'ategorv Budge[ Actua- Actual 07.08 0607 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Capital Outlay TOTALEXPEND ITLIRES As Amended Estimated Proposed 08-09 OS-09 09-10 781,285 819,822 21,400 25,000 25,200 6, 055 8, 250 8, 250 11,000 92,959 170,403 88,100 70,800 104,000 2 245 16,448 131,750: 130,250 647 894 865,574 1, 685 002, $ 1, 585 015, 753,185 $ 524,050 643,656 22,051 29,012 6, 589 1. 500 1, 971,522 enditures bXDivision City Secretary Municipal Court Elections TOTAL EXPENDITURES 289,213 292,383 334,814 349.814 380,370 288,752 359,679 444,571 444,071 486,152 69,929 213,512 223,300 221,700 105,000 647,894 • 865.574 1, 685 002, 1, 585 015, 971,522 A» thorized Positions City Secretary Municipal Court 3 3 4 5.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 a 7.5 Elections TOTAL POSITIONS 9 I I. 5 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETA_ TL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION CITY Actual Actual 001513 1011- Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings SECRETARY 07-08 0607 156,387 164 ~ 150,499 6, 504. Budget Estimated Proposed 0809 0809 09.10 184,772 184,772 196,734 5, 000 5. 000 3, 000 9, 383 6, 960 7, 118 9, 360 9, 360 14,342 12,502 5, 000 13,304 12,623 14,702 17,200 14,702 li, 466 22, 121- 22,571 32,629 32,629 34,617 Retirement 40,109 46,971 Health Insurance 36,133 40,109 645 Allowances Extra Help Social Security Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Office Supplies Minor Equipment Other Supplies and Material Total Supplies and Matetials Equipment Maintenance 28,885 1, 000 472 486 606 606 5,2 59 5 439 1 836 1. 836 1, 954 255,142 246.627 294,014 306 14 ? 309,770 4, 746 6, 251 5, 000 5, 000 6, 000 903 600 300 3, 848 600 138 382 500 300 8, 73 2 7 536 5 600. 6, 100 6, 600 9 17 3 768 2 000 2, 000 3, 000 10,184 9, 529 10,000 3D,000 8, 50 0 10 000 6 000 9 000 1 000 2, 000 nntrar gal S ivi ~ Professional Services Advertising Travel and Education 8 871 8, 762 10,000 5, 700 3, 122 1, 070 6, 00 0 254 Computer Programs Total Contractual Services nitalOutlav TOTALEXPENDTTURE.S 22. 177 19,615 21,700 25,500 51,000 2, 245 14,837 11,500 10,000 10,000 292,383 $ 334,814 $ 349,814 380,370 289,213 10 r 2009-2010 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR DIVISI2IY DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY MUNICIPAL COURT 001513 1012- Regular Eaznmgs Overtime Help Social Security Extra Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Actual Actual 06 07 07 08 Budget, Estimated Proposed 08.09 p9-10 0~ 186 570 241,457 297,670 28 143 200 1, 367 1, 454 500 14,304 18 286 25 249 31 754 297,7 302, 0 00 500 18,618 43,116 21,991 34,319 18,618 43,116 38, 238 54,736 54,736 51,353 71,820 987 800 826 561 826 1. 643 2, 505 2, 505 2, 988 7, 236 267,069 336,340 418,171 12,209 10,000 10,000 II, 000 10 209 400 1, 600 390 166 400 12;375 10,400 10.400 12,600 10 599 2. 287 6, 250 6, 250 8, 000 5 672 2, 287 6, 250 6, 250 8, 000 5 672 1, 096 2, 500 3 243 5, 094 2, 500 6, 000 3, 000 1 629 6, 000 1, 000 1, 000 540 876 8, 000 1, 000 7, 066 9. 500 9, 500 12,000 5 412 1, 611 250 250 1, 500 359,679 444,571 444,071 486,152 417,671. 452,052 nnliec and Materials Office Minor Total Supplies Equipment Supplies and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance l Service ~ Con ractL~ Professional Services Travel and Education Communications Total Contractual Services C aoi[ alOudav TOTALEXPENDI"I' L1RES 288,752 S 11 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DIVIS~ DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY ELECTIONS 001513 1013- Actual Actual 0607 07-OS As Budget Amended Estimated OS-09 08-09 Od Pr~ Calariec and Benefits 7, 155 Overtime Extra 1 756 Help Security Workei s 8, 000 30.400 44,400 45,000 2, 000 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 58,000 83 3, 802 1, 800 3, 000 1, 839 60,689 41,000 57.400 2 720 9, 101 5, 400 8, 500 6, 000 9 101 5, 400 8, 500 6, 000 2 720 112,157 40,100 Allowances Social 49,732 5, 800 Compensation Total Salaz9es and Benefits S~ noliP~and Ma riale r Office Supplies Total Supplies C' nnr and Materials a~ rual Service _ 1, 051) Rent Professional Services Advertising Travel and Education Total Contractual Services 500 20 000 20,000 6, 000 3, 800 12,000 3, 800 56,900 35,800 41,000 120 000 120,000 223,300 221,700 59,408 15,030 3,9 4 0 12 617 13,000 3 073 3, 918 65 370 143,722 4, 500 Cani[ alOutlav TOTALEXPE NDTTURES 69 929 213,512 12 105,000 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY ` ' CITY Expenditures by Category Salazies and Benefits Supplies ATTORNEY - and Materials Maintenance ConttactualService Capital Outlay TOTALEXPENDI TLIRES Actual Actual 06 07 07= 08 Budget Estimated Proposed. OS-09 OS-09 0910 446,397 446,397 519,861 509,010 438,415 13,417 13,329 10, 250. 11.750 2 983 1, 787 1, 600. 1, 800 3, 700 23,313 22,358 47,100 50,600 52,800 1,238 13,250 8. 750 2, 000 477,127 518,597 519,297 594,511 5, 870 ' 554 593 16,150 ; Ditzsion nditures~ Exne~ City Attorney 554,593 $ 477,127 $ 518,597 $ 6 4 4 6 4 4 519,297 $ 594,511 Authorized Positions City Attorney TOTAL POSITIONS 13 4 4 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION CITY ATTORNEY Actual Actual 07-08 06-07 001514 1021- Budget Estimated 0809 OS-09 ~ Proposed 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnings Overtime Allowances Help Social Security Extra Retirement HealthInsurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits 319,049 $ 279,962 $ 273,605 273,605 $ 1, 000 296,204 10,000 4, 691 759 951 3 480 3, 579 1, 000 4, 680 30 774 31,232 37,608 4, 680 37,608 24 058 21,142 19,709 19,709 43 734 39,690 54,666 47,084 47,084 25,756 51,120 59,453 59,453 70,526 537 537 5~ 8 2. 946 73 665 654 570 57,760 12 837 6. 623 2, 721 2. 721 509 010 438 4li 446 397 446,397 519.861 10,755 12,871 8, 500 10,000 12,000 433 500 500 2. 400 1 750 16,150 S5lonliec and Materials Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Total Equipment Supplies and Materials 250 2, 412 25 1, 250 1 250 13 417 13 329 10,250 11,750 200 1, 000 1, 787 1, 600 1, 600 2, 700 300 24,500 24,500 24,500 500 500 500 8, 500 13,000 13,000 Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 2 983 nniracteal Se[vice- Professional Services 1, 347 40 Advertising Travel and Education Computer Programs Dues & Subscript i ons Other Contractual Serv i ces Books Total Contractual Services t i t~ t~ ~ SanO lav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10 879 8, 857 800 800. 2, 000 2, 800 1, 500 8, 500 247 634 1, 500 8 046 10,064 8, 500 1, 800 1, 500 8, 500 23 313 22 358 47,100 50,600 52.800 5 870 1, 238 13,250 8, 750 2, 000 554 593 477 127 518,597 519,297 594,511 1 754 1 2, 503 2, 800 14 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DEPART MENT SUM MARY w ,, - _ FINANCE Expenditures ray ateaorv Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-08 OS-09 OS-09 09-10 1, 371 837, 1, 238 801, 2, 964 223, , 2, 807 170, 2, 381 415, 240,900 9ctual Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Capital Outlay 204,241. 183,720 193,450 32,623 28:246 44,300 42,060 451,587 475,350 560,496 524,430 616,524 11 518 15,647 24,500 31,663 115,679 171,891 45,910_ 2, 722 524, 3, 980 036, 2. 410 962, 3. 394 434, 452,020 476,387 534,230 614,445 688,205 438,225 423,150 552,207 454,400 510,388 Accounting 254,306 254,837 280,553 279,503 313,449 Purchasing 3li, 564 301,595 446,073 419,911 554,131 1, 917 223, 1, 151 194. 1, 221 368, 3, 980 036, 2, 410 962, 3, 394 434, TOTAL EXPENDTTURES 2 504 990 Expenditures by Division Administration Information Systems Co ll ect i ons 1 044 875 1 068 753 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2 504 990 2, 722 524, 2 2 3 3 Administration 7 7, 7 7 Accounting 4 4 4' 4 Purchasing 3 3 3 3 20 20 20 20 36 36 37 37 - Grant funded 0.5 0.5 0.5 35.5 35.5 36.5 36.5 G enera l fun d 36 36 37 37 Utility Billatg and Authnri~ etl Positions Information Systems Utility Billing and Collections TOTAL POSITIONS TOTAL POSITIONS 15 0'~ CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION FINANCE ADMINISTRATION Actual Actual 001515 1031- Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra Help Securiry Social Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Office Supplies Minor Equipment Total Supplies and Materials 07-08 ~ 06-07 Estimated Proposed OS-09 08-09 09-10 144,668 206,500 101 500 7, 00 5, 276 6, 420 7, 500 124,725 130,601 16 5, 160 Budget 225,702 11,127 500 11,700 16,240 25,160 26,572 40,236 25,308 30,791 36,508 53,633 426 465 515 736 1, 550 2, 231 298,345 349,905 9, 494 9, 889 17,581 19,002 28,674 375 26g 3 845 186 293 194 443 11,183 8, 197 10,067 1 409 219 980 ' 14,000 500 13,000 1, 700 14,700 16.500 13,000 11 183 8 197 13 500 247,119 264,771 291,600 141 2, 133 1, 000 2, 500 nnrractn,l Service ProfessionalSerJices Advertising Travel and Education 6, 239 6, 838 Other Expenses Computer Programs Total Contractual Services nital Outlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4, 850 291,600 1, 000. 273,742 8, 300 500 1, 300 9~ 301,400 476,387 16 534,230 315,800 6, 000 2, 500 1, 045 452,020 298,250 2, 000 15,000 800 253,499 296,600 614,445 688,205 BUDGET CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 DIVISION DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY ACCOUNTING 001515 1032- Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Actual 07.08 OS-09 OS-09 09.10 0607 Salaries and Benefits ~ Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Allowances Social Security 347,155 270,000 459 1 000 1, 700 1, 000 1, 978 3 579 4, 680 2, 500 4, 680 3, 480 20 316 22,760 53,118 20,600 45,900 62,800 54,617 62 599 19,490 38,561 52,286 22,990 82'L 880 1, 001 5 063 5, 729 407,923 38 339 Retirement Health Insurance W" orkers 271,814 321,613 275 326 Compensation Terminating Pay Tota] Salaries and Benefits 66,270 62,284 900 1, 045 3, 033 2, 700 3, 166 392,798 499,017 407,100 471,395 16,994 13,000 13,000 15,000 13,725 1000 2, 000 1, 444 950 900 17,944 14,000 13,900 17,000 15,169 S soli sand Materials Office Minor Supplies Equipment Total Supp li es an d Materials aintenance Equipment Maintenance 870 Cn_ ntractua] Service Travel and Education Professional Services Advertising Computer Programs Total Contractual Services Capital Ouflav TOTALEXPENDI"PCIRES 7, 000 8, 993 2 073 4, 103 5, 000 6, 000 7 133 3; 140 1, 245 28,190 25,000 32 1, 000 400 1, 000 960 8, 520 34,190 33,400 16,993 10 166 4, 097 3, 888 5, 000 438,225 S 423,150 $ 17 2, 000 552,207 5, 000 454,400 $ 510,388 BUDGET CITY OF PORT•ARTHUR 2009-2010 DETAII,EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISIQ . PURCHASING 001515 1033- Actual Actual Proposed Estimated Proposed 07OS OS-09 0809 09.10 06-07 e Salaries and Benefits 147 601 $ RegulazEamings Allowances Help Social Security Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation TertninatingPay Total Salaries and Benefits yprlies Total 5, 160 3 480 3, 239 11 224 11,511 11,818 20 442 26,949 30 304 21,702 27,353 445 155,1 1~~ 200 5, 160 5, 172 2, 500 2, 000 11,818 12,393, 33,547 26,949 33,547 28.764 461 506 506 39,037 510 1 535 1, 535 1, 624 3, 060 210,212 234,803 237.403 253,949 216,556 21,200 21,000 1, 200 400 22,100 3, 500 25,600 and Materials 24 898 Office Supplies Minor 155,288 29 Overtime Earnings Extra 145,407 $ 2 631 Equipment Supplies and Materials 21, 403. 3, 232 ' 27 529 24 635 22,400 21,400 5, 836 7, 500 6, 800 6, 100 3 186 3 186 5, 836 7, 500 6, 800 6. 100 5, 595 6, 40 6, 200 6, 720 700 2, 500 5, 380 1, 200 7, 500 200 200 5, 000 5, 000 15,850 13.900 17:800 Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance ConhacRal Service Rent 286 136) Professional Services Computer Programs Advertising Travel and Education 500 1 337 1, 296 4 965 6, 533 4~ 869 Communications 7, 035 Total Contractual Services - - 14,154 10,000 ypitalO~ v _ _ TOTALEXPEDIDITURES $ _ 254,306 $ 254,837 $ 18 280.553 $ 279,503 $ . 313,449 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual 06.07- 001515 1034- Regulaz Earnings 71,645 $ 680 7, 271 Retirement Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries Sy~ onlies and Benefits Proposed 0708 OS-09 08-09 09-10 88,640 153,790 $ 146,000 $ 174,968 4, 834 5, 652 1, 140 960 6, 528 11,386 11,300 13,330 30,681 9, 789 12,568 26,286 24,755 16,405 17,270 33,460 25,142 23,763 291 504 500 575 215 1, 941 220 1, 531 1, 500 1, 742 13 4 242 126 777 227 917 214,031 250,711 822 2, 000 1, 651 2, 200 1, 416 1, 899 2, 430 2,60 0 5 700 2 600 2, 036 2, 490 2 700 2 426 3, 000 4,274 6 819 7 300 9. 777 7, 800 4 828 5 266 13 800 23,560 15,810 4,828 5 266 13 800 23,560 15,810 125,515 118,314 152,200 115,169 110,185 2 676 10,492 10,000 1, 899 15,000 8, 000 ~ 67,406 and Materials Office Supplies Minor Equipment Other Su pp lies - bfaterials Total Estimated 26,296 Help Social Security Extra Workers Budget 120 Overtime Allowances Actual Supplies and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance 1 ewice t Sim cntra a~ Professional Services 2, 066 Advertising Travel and Education Computer Programs Communicat i ons Total Contractual Services 6, 021 8, 000 13 568 15,105 14,856 16,512 32,540 172 220 151 998 185,056 141,580 225,131 10 735 12 000 30,963 54,679 301 595 446,073 419,911 $ 554,131 30 461 oitalOutlav TOTALEXPENDTTURES 315 564 19 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET. DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION UTILITY BILLING AND COLLECTIONS 001515 1035- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06.07 07-OS OS-09 OS-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnings Overtime Allowances ExVa Help SocialSecurity Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay T o t a l S a laries and Benefits tpolies Office 535,516 551,363 636,624 587,000 673,016 42,381 51,433 60,000 51,000 60,000 3, 605 3, 819 5, 160 4, 900 5, 112 94,000 3Q000 50,600 50,507 25,446 46,960 - 30,000 44,145 47,626 52,645 78,679 82,962 118,884 93,800 109,711 116,587 90,331 119,877 118,000 144,682 9, 616 12,754 9, 025 9, 988 6, 303 5. 603 6, 345 10,555 35,443 7, 107) 892 357 577 003 90,902 109,714 1, 247 042, 1, 928 013, 1, 421 089, and Materials Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment Uniforms and Cleaning Other Supplies Total Su pp lies and Materials 82,000 92,496 120,000 30,000 18,098 29,257 25,520 20,965 2, 563 5, 133 16,400 17,522 20,000 1, 623 2, 038 2, 000 1, 700 3, 000 550 504 600 990 1, 000 113,736 146,646 126,520 133,673 174,000 7, 248 7, 937 7, 000 3, 700 7, 500 Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance 16,491 9, 207 16,000 8, 000 16.500 Total Maintenance 23,739 17,144 23,000 11.700 24,000 6, 610 5, 498 6, 000 5, 000 7, 000 1, 000 700 5, 000 25,500 25,000 on * act ial Service Professional Services Computer Programs Equipment Replacement Advertising Travel and Education 800 1, 469 19,210 18,000 300 300 27 493 120 850 850 1, 000 2, 500 441 935 1, 000 2, 100 Total Contractual Services 8 667 26,936 27,150 34,150 40,800 a p italOutlav 6, 376 1, 024 5, 000 700 40,000 Communications TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1, 875 044, 1, 753 068, 20 1, 917 223, 1, 151 194, 1, 221 368, . HUMAN RESOURCES CITY OF PORT.ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY HUMAN RESOURCES Expenditures orv by Cate¢ Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 0809 08.09 09-10 524,629 551,401 609,802 538,629 608,678 10,134 9, 200 8, 150 11,100 643 2, 838 8, 200 3, 900 5, 800 10,315 12,769 48,100 45,700 23,300 9, 140. 3, 000 3. 601 Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Expenditures Actual 548,328 577,142 678,302 596,379 648,878 539,801 564,631 661,783 581,850 631,178 16,519 14,529 17,700 596,379 648,878 b~ Division Human Resources Civil Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,511 - 8, 527 548,328 577,142 678,302 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Authorized Positions Human Resources TOTAL POSTTIONS 21 PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET CITY OF. DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION HUMAN RESOURCES 001516 1041- Estimated Proposed Actual Actual Budget 0607 0708 0809 08.09. 09-10 351,471 382,747 394,345 364,000 400,239 490 2, 030 300 2, 000 2, 000 6, 508 7, 422 10,620 8, 000 4, 691 2, 500 2, 000 2, 500 Salariee and Benefitc Regular Earnings Overtime Allowances 813 Help Social Security 25,431 27,923 30,260 27,000 29,483 Retirement 48,507 54,724 73,315 91,287 55,000 68,774 75,000 94,941 1, 478 4, 100 1, 405 Extra Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay Workers Total Salaries and Benefits Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Total Supp lies and Materials 80,038 73,696 1, 242 1, 052 10.426 378 4. 178 2, 500 3, 345 523,923 550,975 608,283 536,600 607,378 7, 709 217 8, 546 7, 200 7, 200 8, 900 30 800 250 1, 000 7 926 8576 8, 000 7, 450 9, 900 600 1, 656 5, 100 2, 600 2, 700 900 100 900 Maintenance Equipmen[Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Total Maintenance 43 643 1, 686 6, 000 2, 700 3, 600 875 715 26,000 26,000 10,000 300 Contractual Service Professional Services Advertising Travel and Education 294 146 600 400 2, 539 2, 501 3, 000 2, 600 5, 000 5, 000 32 1, 900 1, 100 3, 394 36,500 35,100 1Q300 581,850 631,178 Furniture Computer Programs Total Contractual Services p ital Outlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3 708 3, 000 ~ 3 601 539,801 564,631 22 661,783 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL hiXPENDITiJRES - BY DIVISION CIVIL SERVICE ` Actual 001516 1042- 0607 • Actual . 0708 Budget 08-09 Estimated Proposed - 08.09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Ov e rtime 146 300 1, 519 2, 029 1. 300 Tot a l Salaries and Benefits 706 426 1, 579 2. 029 1, 300 Offic e Su pp lies 1. 214 1, 558 1, 200 700 1, 200 .- T o tal Supp lies and Materials . 1, 214 1, 558 1, 200. 700 1, 200 1, 000 1, 200. nolies and Materials - Maintenance Minor Equipment 1, 000 , 1, 200 E q ui p ment Maintenance 1, 152 1, 200 Total Maintenance 1, 152 2, 200 1, 200 2, 200 Contactual Service .. Professional Services 5, 460 8, 121 8, 600 9, 100 10,000 Travel and Education 1, 147 1, 254 3: 000 1, 500 3, 000 Total Contactual Services 6, 607 9. 375 11,600 10,600 13,000 8, 527 12511 16.519 14,529 17,700 dpllal OntlaV TOTAL,EXPENDITURES r 23: ~~ `~ PLANNING CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY PLANNING Expenditures by Category Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS OS-09 OS-09 09-10 285,660 321,423 399,291 356,833 391.514 1, 637 7, 203 4, 300 6, 400 6, 000 3, 333 700 1, 312 2, 900 12,900 18,030 25,000 Maintenance Contractual Service Capital Outlay 11,297 18,490. 8, 000 1, 107 299,701 350,449 417,191 382,575 433.414 299,701 350,449 417,191 382,575 433,414 299,701 350.449 417,191 382,575 $ 433,414 Gran[ FundedPositions 2 2 2 1 General Fund Positions 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Exuenditures by Division Planning Authorized Positions Planning Planning 24 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET , DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION PLANNING 001517 1051- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06.07 07.08 08.09 08-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnings Allowances Extra Help Social Security 234,673 246,619 180,454 233,998 264,385 686 1, 032 2, 300 2, 300 5, 000 3, 480 4, 743 9, 360 8, 589 9, 383 60 5, 000 Overtime 17,837 2, 460 13,611 17,550 16,086 18,552 19,654 39,850 43,487 Retirement 24,975 33,436 45,891 Health Insurance 41,106 34,341 57,757 49,581 59,102 538 719 872 808 811 2. 640 2, 420 2, 458 321,423 399,291 355.833 391,514 1. 637 7, 203 4, 300 6, 400 6, 000 1, 637 7, 203 4. 300 6, 400 6. 000 3, 333 700 1, 312 2, 900 2, 000 2, 000 5, 000 2, 000 3, 300 7, 500 8, 000 11.500 8, 000 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Tota] Salaries and Benefits and Materials S_ onlies y.- Office Total Supplies Supplies and Materials 6, 861) 2, 973 285,660 f Maintenance Equipment Maintenance - Contractual Service Professional Services Advertising 2100 186 ' 2, 814 2, 363 Travel and Education 4, 566 Communications 1, 272 13,841 200 200 3, 000 996 1, 649 700 1, 030 1, 500 11,297 18,490 12,900 18,030 25,000 Computer Programs Other Contractual Services ~ Total Contractual Services C~ oitalOutlav TOTALEXPENDI"C[ JRES 8, 000 1, 107 299,701 350.449 25 417,191 382,575 433,414 GRANTS MANAGEMENT CTTY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SiTMMARY GRANTS MANAGEMENT Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0708 08.09 08.09 0910 454,719 304,658 482,413 503,450 500,778 8, 358 15,708 9, 290 13,423 17,000 2, 889 1, 377 5, 115 12,404 7, 500 37,157 27,822 43,005 43,039 36,405 3, 841 2. 575 39,562 45,000 503,123 353,405 542,398 611.878 606,683 158,097 ~ 166,550 174,948 175,453 $ . 345.026 186,855 367,450 436,425 425,283 503,123 353,405 542,398 611,878 $ 606,683 Community Development 2 2 2 2 Housine 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 Actual 06.07 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance ice Contractual Sen~ Capital Outlay XPENDITURES F xoenditurec~ y Division Community Development Housing Grants Management 5 181,400 Authorized Positions Gran[Funded Positions Grants Management 26 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETA i XP NDIT COMMUNITY F,S - BY DIVISION DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07OS OS-09 08.09 09-10 a_~ d Benefits Calorie Regulaz Earnings 104,105 124,630 110,346 7, 029 7, 967 8, 000 13,625 16,847 17,000 24,261' 25,000 Retirement - 14,088 7, 814 15,074 Health Insurance 23,852 20,773 21,630 350 309 7, 501 Social Security Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits ytpnliec Office Minor Total 113,500 107,873 312 3 286 5, 443 ~ 153 144 157,328. 515 ~ 167,T8 358 400 5, 787 6, 000 165,566 169.900 and Materials Supplies Equipment Supplies and Materials 2. 1, 670 2, 406 2, 060 3, 984 4, 000 55 1, 197 1. 030 403 1. 000 1 725 3, 603 3, 090 4, 387 5, 000 Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 7p 515 1. 000 Total Maintenance 70 515 1, 000 Contractual Cervice Professional Services Rent Advertising 515 66 984 3, 156 556 2, 060 307 2, 422 2, 000 387 3, 000 3, 410 5, 500 1, 030 Computer Programs 3, 605 3, 529 3 157 2. 090' 2, 091 Canital Outlay XPENDITURES 500 1, 617 Travel and Education Total Contractual Services 601 158,097 174,948 166,550 A-, 2/ 175,453 S 181,400 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION HOUSING PROGRAMS Actual 0607 Sal i c and B nefi Overtime Eamines Help Social Security Estimated Proposed 07-OS OS-09 OS-09 09.10 Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay T o t a l S a l ar ies and Benefits 218,378 185,812 87,781 216,300 211,799 11,832 14,492 1, 429 3, 000 19,557 5, 848 14,493 16,000 15,941 7, 874 5, 150 10,300 20,394 14,554 24,830 Retirement Workers Budget c Regular Earnings $ Extra Actual 15,738 37,986 17,550 24,300 22,670 30,900 36,645 25,600 52,493 35,200 3, 500 893 512 3, 811 1, 278 4, 723 531 5, 150 2, 197 4, 900 301 575 147,330 314,675 337,884 330,878 2, 802 8, 128 3, 100 6, 961 6, 000 2, 575 3, 662 3, 100 1 256 315 1, 631 444 3, 000 6, 633 12,105 6, 200 9. 036 12,000 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 3, 100 10. 904 5, 000 4, 600 12,404 6, 500 c d Materials and S. yrnli Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Mi nor E qu i pmen t Total Supplies and Materials 3, 000 Maintenance Equipment Maintenance M o tor Vehicle Maintenance 2 184 T o ta l Maintenance 2 819 Contras 1, 377. 635 1, 377 al Service Advertising Professional Services Computer Programs C ommun ications - T o tal Conuactual Services 20,106 60 19,844 10,300 11,240 10,300 25,000 11,104 5, 000 10,243 4, 000 7, 200 6; 753 2, 770 2, 100 5, 388 7, 005 34 000 24,293 39,400 39,629 30,905 1, 750 2, 575 37,472 45,000 186,855 367,450 436.425 425,283 yp ital Oudav XPENDITURES 1, 000 3, 600 1, 417 Rznt Travel and Education 454 1, 200 2, 000 142 345,026 28 BLOCK AT A TIME CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET- DFPARTMENTSCARY ONE BLOCK AT AT TIME Fxnenditureeby at orv- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06.07 07OS OS-09 OS-09 09.10 113,000 22,821 106,848 42,000 30,532 42,000 3, 525 478 4, 000 Contractual Service 56,000 24,976 56,000 Ca p italOutlay 45,000 40,594 30,000 259,525 119,401 238,848 259,525 119,401 238,848 259,525 119,401 238,848 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials 4~- Maintenance PENDITURES F, zxoenditures by Division Planning ~ g _ $ _ $ Authorized Positions . One Block at a 1 Time ~ 29 1 CITY OF PORT ARTFIUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL E_ XPENDITURFS - BY DIVISION ONE BLOCK AT A TIME Actual 06-07 Salaries and Benefi Actual Budget 07.08 0809 Help Social Security Retirement Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits ttpolies Supplies Other Supplies and Material 50,000 15,837 25,000 5, 000 10,000 3, 000 - 1, 900 1, 500 5, 000 1, 764 8, 260 7, 000 1, 692 9, 964 1, 500 52 137 1. 500 76 415 1li. 000 22,821 106.848 10,000 6, 492 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 4, 482 Equipment Supplies 500 2, 000 10,000 . 3, 540 10.000 42,000 30,532 42.000 1, 525 200 2, 000 2, 000 278 2, 000 3, 525 478 4, 000 15,000 7, 534 15,000 10,000 8, 370 -~ 10,000 2, 000 - Fuel and Lubrication Total 09-10 and Materials Office Minor Proposed 48,590 40,000 $ - $ Overtime Earnings Workers 08-09 - - c Regulaz Earnings Extra Estimated and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maimenance Total Maintenance Advertising Travel and Education 5, 000 Other Contramal Services 20,000 Professional Services Computer Programs Communications ices Total Contractual Sen~ pi[ al Outlav s 30 8, 147 - 5, 000 20,000 3, 000 - 3, 000 3, 000 - 3, 000 56,000 24,976 56,000 45,000 40,594 30,000 259,525 $ PENDITURES 925 119.401 $ 238,848 COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY COMMUNITY SERVICES Fgpenditures by Category Salaries and BeneFits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Ca p ital Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-08 OS-09 OS-09 09-10 1, 266 400, 1, 272 484, 1, 687 083, 950,901 68,502 83,501 96,400 98.050 103,300 18,268 37,479 21,400 27,700 26,600 315,124 517,278 504,923. 537,440 512,573 3, 000 11,000 3. 000 23,035 Outlay TOTALEXPENDITIJRES 1, 339 413, 1, 795' 352, 2, 062 039, 1, 980 744, 2, 456 066, 2, 745 137, Expenditures bv_ Division Inspections $ 500,980 $ Environmental Health 851,815 TOTALEXPENDI"I' URES $ 828,865 $ 609.340 $ 1, 640 135, 1, 744, 1, 795 352, $ .980 S 807,227'- $ 1, 197 210, 1, 229 259, 2, 062 039, $ 2, 456 066, 876,842 1, 903 26Q, S 2, 745 137, Authorized Positi Inspections ~ 10 12 12 - 12 Environmental Health 12 12 13 13 22 24 25 25 5 5 17 19 20 20 22 ~ 24 25 25 TOTAL POSITIONS - Grant Funded Positions General Fund Positions TOTAL POSITIONS 31 5_ 5 CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR 2009-2010 BUDGET. DETAii EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION INSPECTIONS 001517 1052- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 OS-09 08-09 09-10 4al riec a~ eftc 306,018 2, 201 368.251 514,188 500,000 528:510 10,850 3, 000 3, 000 Allowance 8, 435 9, 000 Extra 7, 105 8, 598 10,106 9, 000 2, 300 3, 000 11,303 22,580 41,408 64,617 1, 499 28,369 52,245 66,628 1, 876 11,970 6, 759 3, 026 5; 082 465.833 553.682 775,425 3, 817 6, 524 2, 840 4, 901 2, 978 11,609 3, 345 6, 222 18,082 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 1, 367 4, 795 Total Maintenance 6, 162 RegularEamings Overtime Earnings Help Security Social Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation TerminatingPay Total Salazies and Benefits bpnlies Office 39,070 4, 500 40,730 88.722 88,722 92.316 111,037 3, 026 5, 082. 125,631 761,237 814,302 4. 000 4, 000 10,500 10,500 5, 200 5, 200 4, 800 11,000 5, 000 5, 800 6, 850 8500 24.154 25,500 26:550 29,300 449 1, 416 1, 900 4, 000 1, 900 7, 000 5, 000 1. 865 5, 900 ~ 8, 900 6. 900 1, 654 6, 340 6, 340 799 5, 000 500 6, 340 3, 000 500 500 111,037 3, 088 5, 224 and Materials Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Other Equipment Supplies & Material Total Supplies Minor 2, 300 39,070 and Materials M a i ntenance Equipment Maintenance 1, 900 Contractual Service Rent Professional Services 1, 368 Advertising 1, 342 Travel and Education 3, 003 3, 198 3, 000 Equipment Replacement ComputerPrograms 4, 200 4, 200 4, 200 Total Contractual Services 990 TOTALEXPENDTIURES 500,980 200 7, 000 9, 851 19,040 7, 540 23,340 19,788 3; 000 3, 000 3, 000 807,227 876,842 10,903 pita]Outlav 500 6, 500 609,340 32 828,865 $ CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Actual 0607 001SSl 1401- Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0708 OS-09 08-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnines Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra Help Social Security Retirement - Health Insurance Workers Compensation Term i nat i ng P ay Tota l S a l az i es stpnlies Office an d B ene fit s 318,219 355,693 18,543 16,569 413,108 18,600 413,108 411,602 18,600 31,075 19,500 2, 400 28,000 30,460 480 480 480 1, 680 3, 663 25,493 45,627 60,591 5, 410 28,634 8, 000 31,075 70,229 8, 000 70,229 70,275 87,130 • 52,183 3, 825 61,460 4, 650 5, 207 87,130 5, 207 8 627 4 926 4, 085 4, 000 97,967 5, 690 4, 076 485 068 530 005 637,914 639,029 669,970 16,488 12,339 25,000 19,500 6, 200 26,000 15,794 25,000 19,500 and Materials Supplies Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Medical Supplies 4, 723 2, 561 23,545 6, 121 2, 372 3, 371 Oth er S upplies & Material 9 931 Fuel and Lubrication Minor T ota l S upp li es and Materials 18,500 4, 800 11. 599 2, 700 4, 800 12,700 6, 500 4, 000 5, 000 13,000 14.000 50 420 59 347 70,900 71, 500. 74,000 3, 993 1, 095 28,368 1, 200 6, 500 1, 200 7 018 7: 246 5, 900 1, 200 8, 400 11,100 12,000 12 106 35,614 li, 500 18,800 19,700 3, 550 11,000 3, 250 3, 000 10,500 9, 200 923 6, 200 3, 000 Maintenance Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance M otor V ehi c l e Maintenance T o t a l M a i n tenance 6. 500 Contractual Service Professional Services Advertising Travel and Education 758 929 3, 550 12,360 9, 211 2, 271 11,250 1, 068 1, 406 273,177 1, 184 478,582 EquipmentReplacement 6, 214 5, 833 Electricity 5, 582 C ommun i ca tio ns 3 656 5, 450 3, 642 304 221 507,427 Computer Programs Other Contractual Services 325 Demolition T o t a l Contractual Services 2, 000 500,000 45Q000 2, 500 7, 500 2, 600 5, 833 7, 500 3, 200 485,883 529,900 489,233 100,000 5, 833 7, 500 8, 000 3, 247 d{ Dl t a l OnLlaV TOTALEXPENDTTiJRES 3, 250 2, 000 350,000 851,815 1, 640 135, 33 1, 197 210, 1, 229 259, 1, 903 260, cilvlc CENTER CITY O_F PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET. DEPARTMENT SUMMARY CIVIC CENTER Expenditures by Category Salaries and Benefits Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 0708 08-09 08-09 09.10 263,550 274,859 314,802 293,399 373,519 7, 093 15,347 15,350 14,850 16,600 Maintenance 14,858 26;247 35,725 34,750 4D,000 Contractual Service 61,180 66,225 89,500 87,000 93,850 8, 190 3, 306 2, 000 1. 000 2. 000 354,871 385.984 457,377 435,999 525,969 354,871 $ 385,984 $ 457,377 $ 435,999 $ 525,969 Supplies and Materials Capital Outlay TOTAI: EXPENDITURES Expenditures by Division Civic Center $ Authorized Positions Civic Center TOTAL POSITIONS 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 34 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009.2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION CIVIC CENTER 001518 1061- Regular Earnings Overtime Allowances Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 OS-09 08.09 09-10 148,499 166,999 204,528 187,500 27,851 23,013 13,000 12,000 229,846 13,000 3, 140 3, 579 4, 680 4, 691 18,000 4, 680. 3, 746 1, 648 2, 500 1, 000 13,386 14,641 14,125 14,370 19,372 Retirement 24.252 27,789 33,128 31,908 35,035 Health Insurance 29,191 31,758 38,850 43,141 47,907 Extra Social Help Security Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance 2, 994 1, 758 3, 046 2, 500 3, 393 10,491 3, 674 945 1; 300 2. 275 263,550 274,859 314,802 293,399 373,519 1, 750 3, 284 3, 000 2, 500 178 32 350 350 4, 069 3, 637 3, 000 3, 000 5, 500 2, 084 7, 032 8, 000 8, 000 8, 000 198 1, 362 1, 000 1. 000 1. 000 7, 093 15,347 15,350 14.850 16,600 567. 350- 3, 178 6, 366 20,500 20,500 20,500 11,400 17,400 13,250 13,250 18,500 280 2, 481 1, 975 1, 000 1, 000 14,858 26,247 35,725 34,750 40,000 Professionat Services 732 2, 051 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Advertising 907 953 500 300 500 Travel and Education 3, 371 4, 044 3, 500 3, 500 3, 500 Computer Programs 1, 047 500 200 250 Building Land Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance Contractual Service Utilities Communications Total Contractual Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES 53,677 54,525 71,000 72, 000 78,600 1, 446 4, 652 9, 000 6. 000 6, 000 61,180 66,225 89.500 87,000 93,850 8, 190 3, 306 2, 000 1, 000 2, 000 354.871 385,984 457,377 435,999 525,969 35 i: i 5 Il.? CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT MMARY ° , PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by ategorv Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 0809 OS-09 09.10 Salaries and Benefits 900,753 1, 117 050, 1, 182 224, 1, 646 104, 1, 723 387, Supplies and 103,775 116,839 113,200 109,350 127,200 Maintenance 288,548 321,177 393,800 318,000 482,600 Contractual Service- 228,618 299,747 285,873 278,373 343,673 8-, 962 26,364 2, 000 2, 000 16,500 Materials Capital Outlay TOTALEXPENDTTURES 1, 656 530, 1, 244 814, 2, 055 019, 1, 369 812, 2, 696 357, Parks and ROW Maintenance $ 840,411 1, 153 041, 1, 110 186, 1, 141 041, 1, 459 330, Recreation 690,245 773,091 832,945 771,228 1, 237 027, 1, 656 530, 1, 244 814, 2, 055 019, 1, 369 812. 2, 696 357. Expenditures by Division. Authorized Po ition Parks and ROW Maintenance 8 8 10 10 Recreation 7 7 7 7 15 15 17 17 TOTAL POSITIONS 36 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPEND. TURE - BY DIVI ION PARKS AND ROW MAINTENANCE - 001531 1207- Regular Earnings f Actual Actual Budget Estimated - Proposed 06-07 07-08 OS-09 0809 0910 243,588 251,962 336,019 280,000 352,837 36,097 62,522 28,000 28,000 28,000 960 960 1, 440 1, 440 960 74,884 132,664 84,884 84,884 135,000 27,019 33,408 33,970 33,970 39,175 Retirement 37,502 44,872 61,982. 61,982 64,825 Health Insurance 50,130 48,368 72,400 72,400 83,596 Workers 10,278 11,655 12,228 12,228 12,816 4, 686 1, 287 3, 314 3, 477 485,144 587,698 578,218 720,686 Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra Social Help Security Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Sr pp li es Office an d Benefits 3. 314. 634.237 M a te r i a ls Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor 342 86 500 250 500 37,349 57,056 50,000 50,000 50,000 5; 051 13,498 12,700 10,000 12,700 2, 000 195 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 500 100 500 Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Medical Supplies Other Supplies & Material 27,559 19,197 20,000 20,000 25,000 Total 72,621 90,032 85,700 82,350 90,700 89,956 89,408 174,000 121,000 2] 200 5, 580 949 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Other Maintenance 69,654 90,058 127,800 107,000 107,000 Equipment Maintenance 10.163 8, 181 10,000 10,000 10,000 VehicleMaintenance 68,360 69,487 55.000 55,000 85,000 238,713 258,083 367,800 294,000 418,200 Rent 1, 767 6, 791 2, 000 2, 000 8, 000 Professional Services 2, 954 1, 290 2, 500 1, 500 2, 500 Travel and Education 5, 167 3, 235 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 889 26,873 26,873 26,873 26,873 32,713 40,787 60,000 50,000 45,000 1. 000 200 1. 000 96,373 84,573 87,373 2, 000 2, 000 13,500 Supplies and Materials 320 M a in t enance Land Maintenance Building Maintenance Total Maintenance ontra t gal rvi Equipment Replacement Electricity Communications Total Contractual Services 443 43.933 CgnitalOutlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 78,976 26,364. 840,411 1, 153 041, F 37 1, 110 186, 1, 141 041, 1, 459 330, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURE - BY DIVI ION RECREATION 001551 1402- alari .c and B n Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-OS 0809 0809 09.10 fits RegularEarnings OvertimeEamings Allowances Extra Help Social Security 174,802 186,178 268,517 20,457 37,682 25,000 787 2, 528 3, 480 3, 480 3, 488 126,864 137,541 155,000 130,000 191,000 230,000_ 25,000 285,540" 25,000 23,808 27,070 30,299 30.299 37,642 Retirement 25,238 30,569 45,995 45,995 53,328 Health Insurance 33,857 31,450 51,628 51,628 60,403 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Supplies 4, 681 4, 985. 7, 358 7, 358 7, 805 5, 115 4, 416 2. 668 2, 668 2, 831 415,609 462,419 589,945 526,428 667,037 2, 953 5; 119 4, 500 4, 500 665 1, 000 500 1, 000 1, 000- 1, 000 1, 000 and Materials OfficeSupplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor 5, 000 . Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material 1, 933 597 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 23,168 20,426 20. 000 20.000 28.500 Total 31. 154. 26,807 27. 500 27.000 36,500 46,204 62,472 21,500 21,500 59,900 68 593 1, 500 1, 000 1, 500 3, 563 29 3, 000 1, 500 ~ 3, 000 49,835 63,094 26,000 24, 000 17,399 26,000 26,000 30,500 24,361 11,000 15,000 25,000 Supplies and Materials 3, 100 Maintenance Building Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance EquipmentIvlaintenance Total Maintenance 64,400 Contractual Service Rent Professional Services Advertising 19,858 5, 690. 92 935 1, 000 1, 000 2, 000 Travel and Education 4, 061 4, 630 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 Computer Programs Recreation Programs 1. 825 280 2, 000 1, 500 2, 000 42,674 54,794 42,300 42,300 47,800 Utilities 90,827 95,694 88,200 90,000 13Q,000 Communications 19,658 22,678 15,000 14,000 15,000 184,685 220,771 189,500 193.800 256,300 Total Contractual Services C'~ pita] Outlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8, 962 690,245 3. 000 773,091 38 832,945 771,228 I, 237 027, I LIBRARY CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT 4i MMARY LIBRARY . Expenditures by Category Actual 06.07. Salaries and Benefits Actual Budget Esfimated Proposed 0708 OS-09 OS-09 09-10 724,279 724,419 818,574 818,574 878,994 19,341 26,473 36,880 36,880 39,800 Maintenance 164,831 172,286 213,838 213,838 253,915 Contractual Service 118,035 73,550 156,074 145,074 160,248 17,108 51,754 38.547 38,547 12,800 Supplies and Materials Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Expenditures Irv 1, 594 043, 1, 482 048, 1, 913 263, 1, 913 252, 1, 757 345, 1, 594 043, $ 1, 482 048, $ 1. 913 263, $ 1, 913 252, $ 1, 757 345. Division Library ~ $ Authorized Po itionc Library TOTAL POSITIONS 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 39 CITY OE PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION LIBRARY ' ' 001551 1403- S a l ar i es a Allowances Social Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07.08 08-09 08-09 09.10 nd B ene fits Regulaz Earnings Overtime Earnings Extra Actual Help Security 476,881 522,003 522,003 547,191 622 2, 433 4, 315 4, 315 4, 164 3, 480 3, 579 4, 680 4; 680 464;153 $ 60,159 52,719 • 59,245 43,805 4, 680 59,245_ 43,805 ' 70.463 47,225 39,514 40,195 Retirement 62,086 66,187 87,687 87,687. Healthlnsurance 83,365 73,850 90,140 9Q140 1, 662 1, 662 1, 822. Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits 1, 526 2, 451 93.119 105.476 8, 749 7, 049 5, 037 5, 037 4. 854 724,279 724.419 818.574 818,574 878.994 13,515 14,382 25,000 25,000 25,000 466 651 450 450 450 Silpp li esandM ater i a l s Office Supplies , Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials 1, 199 - 4, 162 2, 750 2, 750 2, 750 2, 811 3, 336 3, 800 3, 800 3, 800 1, 350 3, 942 4, 880 4, 880 7, 800 19,341 26,473 36. 880 36, 880 39,800 , 32,504 24,210 Mainte n a nce Building Maintenance ~ Equipment Maintenance Library Materials 9, 373 24,508 24,508 9, 679 12,494 20,855 20,855 20,855 122,648 150,419 168,475 168,475 208,850 Total Maintenance 164,831 172,286 213,838 213,838 253.915 Contractual Service Rent 1, 381 ~ 862. 2, 146. 2, 146 2, 146 Professional Services 1, 784 680 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 435 1, 190 5, 600 5, 600 8, 100 1Q,000 10,000 10,000 Advertising Travel and Education 5, 158 Computer Programs 2, 161 986 7, 425 7, 425 7, 425 Other Contractual Services 35,611 456 38,723 38,723 39,497 Electricity 73,680 73,680 ,. 3, 673 e 62,544 61,fi21 73,680 Gas 5, 352 80 6, 000 1, 000 6, 000 Communications 3, 609 4, 002 10,500 4, 500 1], 400. 118,035 73,550 li6, 074 145,074, 17,108 51,754 38,547 38,547 Total Contractuai Services CapitalOutlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1, 594 043, ~ $ 1, 482 048, 40 1, 913 263, 1, 913 252, 160,248 i 12,800 1, 757 345, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY POLICE - - Salaries and Benefits Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-OS 0809 OS-09 09.10 11, 240 289, 11, 905 710, 12, 638 924, 12, 995 879, 13, 398 840, Supplies and Materials 408,596 607,103 650;948 534,948 595,873 Maintenance 161,514 - 143,338 177,882 174,982 189,976 Contractual Service 867,098 1, 363 257, 1, 968 257, CapitalOullay 94,500 94,500 4, 071 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Exuenditures 1. 301 197, S 12, 519 730, 13, 647 658, 15, 688 060, 12, 519 730, $ 13, 647 658, $ 15. 688 060, $ 151.9 154.9 157.9 1, 605 445, 183,677 14, 036 987, 16, 529 255, 14. 036 987, $ 16. 529 255, by Division Police Authorized Positions Police 163.9 Grant Funded Positions Auto Theft Task Force General Fund 1 1 1 7 150.9 153.9 li6.9 156.9 151.9 154.9 157.9 163.9 41 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITiJRF4 - BY DIVI ION POLICE Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06.07 07-OS 08.09 OS-09 0910 6, 296 901, 7, 727 399, 8, 993 017, 8, 993 017, 8, 222 373, 786,657 768,356 682,000. 682,000 709,280 Training Step Grant 67,419 97,242 38,480 103,000 103,000 23,699 37,392 40,802 40,802 53,525 Allowances 14.863 14,550 15,075 17,175 19,800 4, 064 6, 000 6, 000 6, 000 565,600 607,321 631,503 615,603 698,679 Retirement 1, 029 054. 1, 155 159, 1, 584 472, 1, 584 472, 1, 464 624, Health Insurance 1, 466 463, 1, 578 352, 1, 890 643, 1, 813 657, 194,760 204,703 248,986 232.986 168 1, 892, 275,374 213:028 65,817 82,682 78.682 001521 1101al ri e an d B n fi ts Regulaz Earnings Overtime Earnings Extra Help Social Security 4, 423 ` Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits S4Rn li es Office a nd 11, 905 710, 12. 995 879, 12, 638 924, 13, 398 840, M ater i al s Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Medical 11. 240 289: 79,886 Supplies Tobacco Grant Material Other Supplies & Total Supplies Material and Materials 29,367 26,495 32,000 32,000 32,000 236,792 420,501 444,000 316,000 350,000 15.968 10,642 20,000 20,000 20,000 99,593 112.593 134,190 94,202 110,740 196 336 500 500 500 5, 175 5, 000 4, 000 5, 000 30,583 33,214 49,855 49,855 54,183 408.596 607,103 650,948 534,948 595,873 34.886 39,825 55,382 55,382 55,382 37.637 27,778 37,000 37,000 44,594 88. 991. 75,735 85,500 82,600 90.000 161,514 143,338 177,882 174,982 189.976 12:241 14,641 12,231 14,586 15,000 1, 700 900 1, 488. M ai ntenance Building Maintenance Equipment D• Saintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Total 1aintenance on t rac t g al rv i Rent Insurance 1, 800 ~ 1, 800 Task Force Vehicle Lease Professional Services Advertising Travel and Education 1, 800 46,800 117,910 124,450 147,746 147,746 7, 299 4, 472 5, 000 5, 000 6: 000 71,700 67,799 85,386 85,386 118,280 156,134 Computer Programs Support of Prisoners Equipment Replacement 1, 528 7, 200 7, 200 7; 200 182,884 511,044 282:000 27Q,000 282,000 214,879 195,700 195,700 195,700 195,700 Utilities ~ 131,238 140,871 145,500 142,750 162,000 240:000 24Q000 Radio O[ her Co-Op Expenses Communications Total Contractual Services CaoitalOutlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES. 31,453 25,712 35,000 35,000 304,691 35,000 95,794 110,184 99,800 112,800 115,000 867,098 1, 301 197, 1, 363 257, 1, 968 257, 1, 605 445, 4, 071 J12,730, 519 94,500 13, 647 658, 42 15, 688 060, 94,500 14, 036 987, 183,677 16, 529 255, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FII2E Expenditures by Cateeorv . Actual ActuaP Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07OS OS-09 08-09 09-10 8, 549 191, 9, 073 288, 9, 195 382, 9: 152 607, 154,786 225,125 222,664 193,895 224,450 Maintenance 285,075 236,774 303,100 297,485 294,000 Contractual Service 275,345 303,415 339,796 306,771 349,721 71,991 118.832 104,290 75900 125,100 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITCIRES 8, 191 373, 9, 388 160, 9, 695 075, 10. 923 257, 10, 346 255, 10. 423 600, 9, 388 160, $ 9, 695 075. $ 10, 923 257, $ 10. 346 255, $ 10. 423 600, t Expenditures by Division Fire $ Authorized Positions Fire 107 107 43 107 107 CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION FIRE 001522 1121- Actual Actual Proposed Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 OH-09 OS-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits 5, 223 512, Regulaz Earnings 464,977 Overtime 5, 680 Allowances Extra Help Social Security - 43,642 Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits 5, 742 812, 6, 301 240, 5, 845 564, 5, 257 945, 495,053 765,000 872;199 575,000 7, 480 10,960 10,960 15,360 723 600 600 600 47,513 55,391 52,791 50,432 809,691 847,675 1, 431' 07Q, 1, 262 100. 1, 859 218, 1, 440 021, 1, 332 214, 1, 363 316, 1, 986 359, 134,701 145,721 169,342 154,963 159,668 183,418 61,099 56,760 6L,315 57,411 8, 549 191, 8, 191 373, 9, 073 288, 9, 195 382, 1, 394 148, 9, 152 607, Suoolies and Materials Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment 4, 938 7, 611 7, 500 7, 500 7, 700 59,599 94,174 75,000 57,181 75,000 4, 174 4, 954 8, 000 8, 000 77,714 8, 500 80,000 . Uniform and Bunker 45,288 73,957 73,714 Cleaning 12,729 ~ 11,934. 12,750 ~ Medical 14,754 12,030 17,500 17,500 18,000 5, 498 6, 770 8, 200 2, 500 7, 500 7, 806 13,695 20,000 12,000 15,000 154,786 225,125 222,664 193,895 224.450 56,354 54,682 60,000 58,000 60,000 5, 000 5, 000 6, 500 Other Supplies Supplies. Supplies & Material Total Supplies Fire Prevention t f and Materials 11, 500 12,750 Maintenance Building Maintenance Furriiture Maintenance 1; 396 35,581 15,233 52,600 59,485 42,000 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 191,744 166,859 185,500 175,000 185,500 Total Maintenance 285.075. 236.774 303,100. 297,485 294,000 Equipment Maintenance Contractual Service 7, 041 8, 883 6, 450 3, 000 6, 450 35,186 42,806 60,000 50,000 60,000 1, 716 2, 233 2, 500 2, 500 2, 500 Travel and Education 49,028 52,611 56,600 56,600 62,800 Equipment Replacement Computer Programs 88,891 89,771 89,771 ~ 89,771 89,771 992 2, 020 3, 500 3, 500 3, 500 Utilities 67,174 70,601 8Q,100 69,400 80,000 Communications 25,317 34,490 40,875 32,000 44,700 275,345 303,415 339,796 306,771 349,721 71,991 118,832 104,290 75,000 125,100 Rent Professional Services Advertising Total Contractual Services TOTAL TRES EXPENDI"I'[ 9, 388 160, $ 44 9, 695 075, $ 10, 923 257, $ 10, 346 255, $ 10, 423 600, I HEALTH CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY HEALTH Exuenditures by Category Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Expenditures Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07OS OS-09 0809 09-10 500,918 551,087 542,240 441,929 709,902 148,182 88,552 102,597 105,529 107,417 31,252 41,236 49,200 48,204 73,170 186,880 187,694 255,912 256,537 325,172 5, 495 25,817 30,400 30,400 15,000 872.727 894,386 980,349 882.599 872,727 $ 894,386 $ 980,349 $ 882,599 $ 1, 661 230, b~ Divisi Health Unit $ Employee /Retiree Health 987,41 I 243,250 Clinic - - - - 872,727 j$894,386 $ 980,349 $ 882,599 $ 1. 661 230. Authorized Positions Health Unit 32.5 32.5 35.5 29.5 3 Employee /Retiree Health Clinic - ~ - 32.5 32.5 # 35.5 32.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4~ 4 Grant Funded Positions Women, Infants and Children Preventive Health Tobacco Program CDBG ~ Immunizations 4 4 Bioterrorism 3~ 3 Nurse Family Partnership General Fund 1- 1 6 6 9 9 8 11 32.5 32.5 35.5 38.5 45 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION HEALTH 001541 1301- riesSal Sal Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS 0809 0809 0910 360,270 295,556 324,623 40 5, 000 a RegularEamings 381,123 336,228 3, 442 Overtime Allowances Social Security 45,638 Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Sy~: nolies Office 5, 760 25,383 13,560 8, 589 9, 360 28,475 26,796 23,579 25,015 52,983 59,953 47.274 56,094 73,181 75,429 71,691 75,864 61,721 3, 315 3, 726 3, 120 2, 849 3, 182 9, 165 2, 269 2, 677 2, 321 2, 697 - 542,240 441,929 502.152 28,160 1, 281 28,000 2, 000 551,087. 500,918 and Materials Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Medical Supplies Other Supplies & Material 16,408 16,527 27,500 1, 886 2, 775 2, 500 978 1, 900 1, 900 5, 040 4, 333 7, 780 7, 176 8, 000 121,121 60,305 48,600 52,897 52,600 3. 727 3, 634 14,317 14,115 14,317 148,182 88,552 102.597 105,529 107,417 29,407 33,083 34,200 36,200 45,770 2, 000 3, 004 4, 000 Minor Total 7, 378 Supplies and Materials 2, 500 Maintenance Building Maintenance Motor Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance ontra al 6, 777 102 1, 743 1, 376 13,000 9, 000 23.400 31,252 41, 236• 49,200 48,204 73,170 4, 380 1, 505 2, 400 ervice Rent Insurance 30,608 26,439 33,000 33,000 33,000 Professional Services 69,996 50,128 79,095 76,840 80,000 850 700 3, 000 2, 407 3, 000 Travel and Education 7, 571 9. 526 21,137 20,324 37,619 Other Contract Services 1, 548 11,502 14,700 14,413 18,000 52,579 51,000 60,000 59,216 60,000 1, 681 3, 000 11,263 12,000 23,728 36,718 37,600 37.569 43,653 186,880 187,694 255,912 256,537 289,672 5. 495 25,817 30,400 30,400 15,000 872,727. 894,386 980,349 882,599 987,411 Advertising Electricity Gas Communications Total Contractual Services pitalOutlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 46 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAH,EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION EMPLOYEE R / ETIREE HEALTH CLINIC 001541 1302- Sa l ari es an d Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS 0809 OS-09 0910 B ene fits 150,000 Regulaz Eaznings Social Security 11.000 Retirement 20.000 Health Insurance 2, 000 1, 000 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay 750 Total Salaries and Benefits SStpn li es an d 207.750 M ateri a l Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Total Maintenance C ontractua l S erv i ce Professional Services 32,000 Travel and Education 3, 500 Total Contractual Services 35,500 C ao it a lO u tl av TOTAL EXPENDITURES 243,250 47 PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF PORT.ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY PUBLIC WORKS E~$ enditures by Cateeor v Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Maintenance Contractual Service Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS 08.09 OS-09 09.10 3, 672 542, 3, 887 640, $ 4, 953 538; 4, 952 390, 4, 812 778, 237,803 367,807 306,650 281,439 302,730 766,761 851,010 879,100 879,992 1, 000 081, 1, 471 500, 1, 958 608, 1, 662 531, 1, 058 627, 780,778 811,000 1, 759 546, 772.490 Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 657,945 6, 485 866, $ 7, 120 018, $ 8, 439 114, $ 7, 045 895, $ 604.500 8, 100 394, ti Expenditures by Division Administration 595,401 643.138 790,595 716,811 851,110 Engineering 349,410 276,518 381,515 385,765, 407,552 Streets 2, 691 490, 2, 206 445, 2, 910 731, 2, 385 652, 2, 016 945, Drainage 1, 149 476, 1, 583 622, 2, 116 124, 2, 116 183, 2, 646 192, Electrical 1, 946 437, 1, 870 485, 1, 123 539, 1, 345 516, 1, 176 501, 516,888 544,805 547,180 6, 485 866. 7, 120 018, 8, 439 114, City Hall TOTAL EXPENDITURES 440,623 - 7, 045 895, 496,600 8, 100 394, Administration 6 6 7 g Engineering , 5 5 5 5 Streets 23 23 23 23 Drainage 23 23 28 28 Electrical 9 9 9 8 Hall 1 1 1. 1 67 67 City TOTAL POSITIONS 48 73 73 CITY OFPORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION ADMIMSTRATION 001531 1201- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS OS-09 OS-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits RegulazEarnings Overtime Earnings 276,537 299,421 4, 082 6, 032 371,626 3, 500. 348,395 436,168 1, 800 5, 000 14,000 11,430 71,000 Allowances 11,331 11,372 17,820 Extra Help Social Security 65,125 70,398 60,873 26,904 28,949 60,873 35,217 35,217 31,823 ReCuement 39,269 44,029 72,186 59,300 64,140 Health Insurance 39,040 38,592 68,452 54,670 61,879 4, 138 3, 241 3, 663 3, 663 3, 628 12,116 4, 341 4, 079 3, 570 3. 633 478,542 506,375 637,416 581,488 688.701 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Suoolies and Materials 2, 565 4, 331 5, 770 4, 270 4, 800 Fuel and Lubrication 1, 784 4, 277 3, 000 2, 000 2, 500 Minor 4, 040 4, 122 4, 500 1, 696 4, 500 2, 812 1, 421 2, 000 2, 000 2, 500 218 150 250 100 250 829 710 1. 100 900 1, 200 12,248 15,011 16,620 10,966 15.750 9, 272 22,515 10;000 10,000 25,000 2, 816 2, 869 3, 000 1, 800 3, 000 216 4, 000 4, 000 4, 500 14,254 25,600 17,000 15,800 32,500 304 422 10,100 979 400 3, 000 1, 000 3, 000 353 2, 346 2, 368 3, 000 3, 000 5, 200 6, 896 4, 646 7, 150 7, 150 8, 000 Office Supplies Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Medical Supplies Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance VehicleMaintenance Total Maintenance 2, 166. Contractual Service Professional Services Advertising Rent Travel and Education Computer Programs 900 ' 540 1, 000 900 36,876 40,174 37,440 37,440 39,000 1, 059 1, 059 1, 059 1, 059 1, 059 21,636 19,721 22,828 29,500 25,548 28,000 Communications 24,302 24,960 24,960 26,000 Total Contractual Services 90,357 96,152 113,609 104,057 112.159 5, 950 4, 500 2, 000 790.595 716,811 851,110 Other Contract Services Equipment Replacement Utilities CanitalOutlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 595,401 643,138 49 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION ENGINEERING 001531 1202- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 08.09 OS-09 09.10 Salaries andBenefite RegularEamings Overtime Earnings S 187.816 2, 674 135,579. 200,470 21,152 Allowances 1, 146 5, 940 200,470 210,706 5, 000 5, 000 5, 940 5, 955 Socia] Security 14,255 11,290 14,650 14,650 16,276 Retirement 25,768 20,918 34,076 34,076 37,218 Health Insurance 40,422 21. 490 42,753 42,753 50,064 1, 113 728 1, 226 1, 226 1, 306 2, 083 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay 2. 972 2, 736 1, 956 1, 956 275:020 215,039 301,071 306,071 328,608 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies 1, 243 5, 473 1. 750 1, 900 2, 200 Fuel and Lubrication 4, 235 4, 688. 4, 300 3, 600 4, 500 610 3, 356 1, 000 500 1, 000 1: 295 1. 087 2, 000 1, 750 2, 500 7. 383 14.604 9, 050 7, 750 10,200 Total Salaries and Benefits Minor Other Equipment Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 1, 711 1, 705 3, 100. 3, 500 3, 500 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 2. 666 2, 311 13,000 8, 500 1, 500 Total Maintenance 4, 377 4, 016 16,100 12,000 5, 000 Contractual Service Engineering 280 6, 345 200 200 Professional Services 56,372 27,265 44,000 45,000 37,000 Travel and Education 241 574 100 100 2, 500 Advertising Computer Programs 672 630 150 263 5, 100 7. 400 4, 800 Other Contractual Services 3, 538 Communicatons Equipment Replacement Total Contractual Services CaoitalOutlav ~ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100 4, 020 4, 244 4, 244 4, 244 44 ~ 4 61,585 42,859 53,694 56,944 48,744 1, 600 3, 000 15,000 381.515 385,765 407.552 1, 045 349,410 276,518 50 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPE NDITURES BY DIVISION STREETS 001531 1203- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS 0809 08-09 09.10 Salarie-c and Benefits - Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra Social Retirement Health~ Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits 80,000 659,359 806,267 $ 85,081 153,685 150,000 800 960 150,000 960 33,400 60,258 25,448 62,665 30,000 71,566 64,000 78,664 107,456 116,349 163,777 140,000 166,008 118,141 166,745 160,000 188,165 58,119 57,587 65,188 61,000 66,677 20,411 11,990 7, 945 7, 900 8. 152 14,735 Help Security 826,656 960 750,000 150,000 960 713,200 140,100 1. 160 200, 1. 184 206, 1. 848 465, 1, 860 363, 1, 282 565, 3tnolies and Materials Fuel and Lubrication 71,698 129,667 110,000 100,000 110,000 Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material 10,446 7. 357 9, 000 9, 000 9, 000 2, 881 4, 472 4, 800 4, 800 5, 000 3, 806 4, 458 4, 200 ~ 4, 200 5, 000 88,831 145,954 128;000 118,000 129,000 176,294 197,585 200,000 - 200,000 300,000 Minor Total Supplies and Materials Maintenance Streets 4, 052 1, 702 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Motor Vehicle Maintenance 146.509 124.932 147,900 150.000 160.000 Total Maintenance 326,855 324,219 352,900. 355,000 465,000 16,165 8, 489 30,000 30,000 50. 000 2, 095 369 992 1, 700 1, 700 1, 700 608 1, 000 1, 000 Travel and Education 202 13,240 10,000 10,000 Communication 432 461 200 291 500 Equipment Maintenance Contractual Service Rent Professional Services Advertising 1, 000. 10,000 Equipment Replacement 170.034 170,034 170,034 170,034 170,034 Total Contractual Services 189,297 193,824 212,934 213,025 233,234 560,202 - 513,334 444,433 440,000 500,000 125,346 46,871 68,695 110,000 12,420 56,600 SQ,000 50,000 2, 400 2, 500 2, 500 2: 500 572,625 572,228 602,500 552,500 pitalOutlav City Streets Program CDBG Streets Program Sidewalks and Ramps C~ anitalOutlav Total Capital Outlay 685:548 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2, 691 490, $ 2, 206 445, $ 51 2, 910 731, $ 2, 385 652, $ 2, 016 945, CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION DRAINAGE Actual 0607 001531 1204- Salaries Budget Estimated Proposed 07OS OS-09 OS-09 09-10 and Benefits 619,936 Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra Help ' Security Social Actual 646,983 974,427 974,427 948,325 40,000 26,649 77,144 40,000 40,000 480 480 480 480 1, 440 3, 668 4, 623 25,000 25,000 25,000 49,583 54,424 64,550 64,550 74,833 167,870 Retirement 89, 539 101,178 137,842 137,842 Health Insurance 122,521 112,309 166,336 166,336 224,796 30,570 33,432 40,423 40,423 39,099 19,749 8, 346 7. 925 7, 925 9, 350 Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits S~ oolies 1. 919 038, 1. 983 456. 1, 983 456, 1, 713 530, and Materials Fuel and Lubrication Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material Minor Total 962,695 Supplies and Materials 81,848 128,983 95,000 95,000 95,000 8, 295 3, 872 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 2, 909 3, 535 4, 000 4, 000 5, 000 1, 497 913 2, 000 2, 000 2. 000 94. 549 137,303 105,000 105,000 106,000 Maintenance Building Maintenance Drainage 83 2, 306 5, 000 5, 000 50,000 7, 813 27,760 15,000 15,000 15,000 Streets 5, 243 1, 618 15,000 15,000 15,000 1, 789 2, 537 1Q,000 10,000 25,000 Vehicle Maintenance 196,676 215,957 195,000 250.000 225,000 Total Maintenance 211,604 250,178 240,000 295,000 330,000 Rent 1, 292 1, 784 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 Professional Services 2, 254 1. 352 1, 000 1, 000 10,000 Travel and Education 753 2, 603 1, 200 1, 200 Equipment on ra t al Maintenance rvi e. Regulartory Costs EquipmentReplacement~ Gas Electricity Equipment Communications Total Contractual Services CaoitalOutlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2, 000 60,000 100,957 100,733 100,733 100,733 100,733 602 548 800 800 800 16,298 13,908 15,000 15,000 15,000 5, 757 5, 000 5, 000 1, 437 1, 400 400 400 128,122 122,133 126,133 195,933 68,061 200,000 200,000 30,000 2. 116 124, 2, 116 183, 1, 898 124,054. 83,247 1, 149 476, 1, 583 622, 52 2, 646 192, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION ELECTRICAL Actual Actual 07OS 0607 001531 1205- Budget Estimated Proposed OS-09 OS-09 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnings Overtime Earnings Allowances Extra 362,920 362,920 342,li5 44,797 35,000 25,000 30,000 480 480 480 480 331,666 $ 343,303 $ 15,217 480 10,915 10,154 Help Security 27,044 61,705 26,558 61,705 66,039 77,700 77,700 80,482 12,695 12,716 12,716 13,147 3, 347 559,888 25,302 29,437 26,558 Retirement 47,100 54,169 Health Insurance 67,973 Workers 12,804 Social Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salaries and Benefits Office Supplies Fuel and Lubrication Minor Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials 7, 404 5, 524 3, 556 3, 556 507,946 566,598 580,635 581,550 63,233 1, 368 1, 762 1, 500 1, 000 1, 200 18,205 32,856 25,000 18,750 20,000 2, 785 7, 603 5, 000 5, 000 5, 000 2, 517 2, 162 2, 300 2, 100 2, 100 3. 269 3, 589 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 28,144 47,972 37,300 3Q,850 32.300 10,411 12,892 5, 000 4, 000 4, 000 4, 059 3, 900 5, 000 1, 500 3, 000 43,600 55,000 40,000 Maintenance Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance 16,327 27,082 Signal Systems 101,843 27,717 51,500 30,942 5Q000 Total Maintenance 132,640 71.591 105,100 91,442 97,000 741 835 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 739 500 500 500 4, 872 3, 749 2, 500 1, 200 2, 500 19,043 32, 788 32,788 32,785 32,788 528 494 500 500 500 740,645 744,156 750,000 750,000 750,000 300 190 600 20,000 18,500 2, 000 Vehicle Maintenance Conuactual Service Rent Professional Services Travel and Education Equipment Replacement Gas Electricity Advertising Computer Programs 45) 140 5, 000 4, 725 15,000 2, 089 2, 000 2, 100 2, 100 766,566 784,850 814,588 811,503 806,988 2, 650 14,859 1, 000 1, 000 5, 000 Other Contractual Services Communications Total Contracmal Services Capital Outlav TOTAL EXPENDITURES 642 1, 946 437, $ 1, 870 485, $ 53 1, 123 539, 1, 345 516, 1, 176 501, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION CITY HALL 001531 1206- Actual Actual Budget 06-07 07A8 OS-09 Estimated 0809~ Proposed 09-10 Salaries and Benefits Regular Earnings 29,076 31,480 $ 30,835 $ 3Q835 32,077 Overtime 55,717 49,213 40,000 44,000 45,000 480 480 480 480 Extra 219 Help 480 Allowances Social Security Retirement Health Insurance Workers Compensation Terminating Pay Total Salazies and Benefits Office Supplies Fuel & Lubrication Minor Equipment Laundry and Cleaning Other Supplies & Material Total Supplies and Materials 6, 454 5, 870 5, 545 5, 545 5, 881 11, 603 10,982 12;130 2, 130 13,176 11,216 8, 929 6, 517 6, 517 7, 456 1, 193 1. 193 1, 240 300 300 310 107,772 97,000 101,000 105,620 94 100 150 150 4, 150 4, 500 100 150 1, 459 1, 501 683) 2, 085 118,309- 24 2; 362 3, 291 103 179 169' 2, 750 2, 150.180 173 180 3, 793 3, 230 5, 000 4, 300 4, 500 6, 648 6, 963 10,180` 8, 873 9, 480 146,000 100,000 150,000 500 250 500 1, 500 10,500 1, 000 148,000 110.750 151,500 366 e Maintenance Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Total Maintenance 75,088- 174,967 - 308 962 1, 635 ~ 523) 77.031 175,406 Contractual Service Professional Services 135' 22,000 60,355 26,173 35,000 149,221 156,252 140,000 145,000 150,000 Gas 12,377 9, 503 20,000 5, 000 15,000 Communications 92.812 62,736 75.000 60,000 65,000 314,900 254,664 292,000 22Q000 230,000 Buildings Electricity Total Contractual Services r^ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 516,888 544,805 $ 54 547,180 440,623 496,600 ' DEBT SERVICE FUND CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEBT SERVICE FUND - RF~~' NTiFS AND OT Proposed Actual Actual Budget Estimated 0607 07-08 08.09 OS-09 09-10 7_. 000 600, 7, 000 700, 7, 000 800, R SO JR Tax Revenue $ Interest 664 6, 589, $ 437,704 453 5, 167, 105,091 S 150,000 30,000 45,000 608,304 608,304 609,635 Transfer from: 387 775 387 090 7 415 143 5. 659 634 8, 304 358, 8, 304 338, 8, 635 454. Principal Retuements 3. 000 410, 3, 000 290, 4, 000 275, Interest 2, 024 679, 000 4, 275, 3; 933 378, 000 5, 415. 3, 182 082, 4, 000 E conom i c D eve l op ment Co'i p oration TOTAL REVENUES FXP iVD Fiscal 7RF Charges 2, 641 879, 3, 933 378, 3, 596 2, 298 5, 000 4, 000 533,746 549,400 418,947 418,947 435,370 58,929 58,929 42,506 Lease Payments Principal 70,690 Interest R e fun di ng i ssuance costs (net) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 62,268 25 323) 6 671 733 6. 607 783, 8, 809 136, 8. 809 135, EXCESS (DEFICIENCY)OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 202,495 ~ ( 8, 058 979, 524,423) 1, 973) 123, 221,495 4, 397 078: 4, 807 821, 3, 834 697, 3, 834 697, 3, 329 900, 4, 807 821, 3, 834 697, 3, 329 919, 3, 329 900, 3, 906 375, 743,410 ( FUND BALANCES Beginning of the year End of the year 55 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR Schedule of Current Year Bonded Debt Service Requirements Purpose Issue General-Obligation Bonds 2008 General Obligation Bonds ** 2006 Genera] Obligation Refunding Bands 2005 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2003 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Water, Pazks, EDC, and Public Works Projects Series 2002B CQ,Water and Other Projects Series 1997 G0,Water Treatment Plant Series 1995 GO and CO,Water Treatment Plant and Other 2001 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Total General rtifi Pazk Obligation Bonds Obligation Certificates of Obligation 2002C Certificates of Obligation 2002B Certificates of Obligation 2002A Certificates of Obligation 2000 Certificates of Obligation C atec Central Projects MUD of Sanitary 2007 Total Certificates of Sewer Rehab, Phase II EDC Business Pazk, Phase I Water and Other Projects Sanitazy Sewer Rehab, Phase I 9th Avenue Extension, Hwy 73 ro Lake Arthur Obligation The 2002C Certificates of Obligation 3 million of the 2008 General Issue is funded by the Port Arthur Economic Obligation Bond is funded by 56 Development Corporation Development Corporation the Port Arthur Economic Original Issue Amount Balance Balance 09/ 09 30/ Outstanding Fiscal Year 2010 _~ Outstanding . Interest Principal 09/ 10 30/ 9, 000 000, 8: 000 830, 310,000 358,834 8, 000 520, 8, 000 585, 000 8, 585, 10, 000 360, 160,000 340,200 8, 000 425, 690,000 458,475 9, 000 67Q, 12, 000 150, 11, 000 280, 18; 000 225, 13, 000 355, 1, 000 205, 426,800 10.550 000 4 850.000 865.000 202.612 3. 000 9R5. 57. 000 640. 45. 000 980. 3. 230000 1 786.921 42. 000 750. 10. 000 000, 9, 000 670, 345,000 384,649 9, 000 325, 5, 000 000, 3, 000 800, 210,000 176,690 3, 000 590, 17, 000 000, 6, 000 895, 710,000 297,360 6, 000 185, 10, 000 845, 660,000 409,942 10, 000 185, 77, 000 725, 5, 000 415, 3. 182 082, 72. 000 310. 15, 000 000, 2. 000 400. ' 49 400.000 107,040, 000 57 5 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR Schedule of Current Year Capital Lease Payments Balance Issue Outstanding 09/ 09 30/ Amount Year of Balance Fiscal Year 2010 Principal Outstanding 09/ 10 30/ Interest I cco-er / Pnrpoce InceTtion 2004 Original Morgan Chase (Bank One) Computer.System JP 236,938 50,675 50,675 1, 758 2004 Texas State Bank / 505,000 158,142 77,804 6, 247 80,338 2007 Telephone System Chase Equipment Leasing / Rolling Equipment Chase Equipment Leasing / Fue Appazatus 1, OOD 30Q, 616,960 267,424 19,662 349,536 411 052 39 467 14.839 371.585 2008 Total Capital Lease Obligations 449 144 2. 082 491. 58 S 1. 829 236. 370 4'~ . 42 Q 801.459, ITY OF PORT ARTHUR Summary of Annual Debt Service Requirements to Maturity x Fiscal Year principal Total Interest 2010 5, 000 415, $ 3. 182 082, $ 2011 5, 000 81Q, 2, 841 872, 182 8, 497, 8, 841 682, 2012 5, 000 550, 2, 768 644, 8, 768 194, 2013 2, 381 429, 2014 000 5, 760, 6, 000 025, 2015 5, 000 235, 1, 682 947, 2016 ` 4, 000 990, 1, 611 734, 2017 5, 000 235, 2018 000 5, 465, 5; 000 710, 068 1, 513, 1, 849 285, 381. 8, 189, 8, 324 221, 7, 682 182, 6, 611 724, 6, 068 748, 6, 849 750, 2, 324 196, 2021 000 5, 970, 5, 000 010, 807-, 053 572,733 2022 4, 000 060, 381,157 2023 1, 000 12Q, 275,554 2024 000 1, 170, 1, 22Q000 230,550 183 4 , 38 901 6, 762, 6, 053 777. 5, 733 582, 4, 157 441, 1, 554. 395, 1, 550 400, 1, 43 403,8 000 1, 270, 1, 000 330, 1, 000 380, 134,210 1, 210_ 404, 2019 2020 2025 2026 2027 2028 1, 901 052, 82,330 27,779 23. 411 454, $ 77 725,000 $ 330 1, 412, 1, 779 407, 101,179. 411 Fiscal Year Total Tnterest principal 2010 435,370 $ 42,506 $ 477,876 2011 399,466 25,977 425,443 113,667 12,410 L6, 077 2013 43,897 10,409 2014 45,482 8, 824 2015 47,123 7, 182 54,306 54,306 54,305 2016 gg,g29 5, 481 54,306 2017 50,587 3, 718 2018 52,413 1, 892 54;305 54,305 1 236 830 $ 118,399 $ 1, 229 355, 2012 59 SEWERFUND CITY OF PORT ARTHITR 2009-2010 BUDGET WATER AND SEWER FUND Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06.07 OS-09 08-09 09-10 Water Service 7, 992 251, Sewer Service 877 6, 776, 794,140 740 7, 230, 6, 377 834, 724,876 000 7, 900, $ 7, 000 500, RFVFNTTFS AND OTHER CO Other Charges iR for Services Late Fees ~ Miscellaneous Revenues. Total Operating Revenues Water Purification 7, 000 500, 7. 000 500, 835,000 443,000 735,000 347,114 380,597 375,000 350,000 375,000 52,507 93,633 10,000 8, 100 13,000 15, 264, 15: 630 222. $ 223 16, 000 620, FXPFNSES AND OTHFR USES Administration 000 7, 500, $ 7, 000 500, 15. 100 801, 16, 000 123, 935,200 1. 150 107, 3, 922 232, 732 1, 032, 3. 474 425, 3, 542 916, 3, 829 588; 326 2, 284, 2, 223 380, 1, 482 793, 560 2, 166, 2, 980 293, 1, 880 725. 2, 956 334, 839 2, 517, 11, 162 038, 11, 548 389, 755,907 958,381 3, 281 160, Water Distribution 2, 147 106, WastewaterConveyance 2, 728 365, Wastewater Treatment 1, 696 566, 403 2, 324, 2, 597 225, 1, 419 710, 9, 759 954, 10. 722 451, 10, 237 916. 462,400 462,400 452,400 462,400 815,098 815,098 863,528 Total OT Operating Expenses FR US Transfers 1, 774 840, S to: General Fund Administration Billing and Collection 1, 000 000, 746,155 Debt Service 4, 686 824, 4, 415 191, General Liability Fund Total Other Uses NET REVENUE (EXPENSES) 462,400 255,900 236,850 966 4, 411, 207,600 966 4, 411, 207,600 5, 969 069. 6, 986 542, 5, 820 636. 5. 064 897, 5. 064' 897, 6, 497 669. 16, 745 497, 16. 542 088, 16, 301 813, 16. 226. 935, 13, 045 059, 1, 126) 134, ( 1, 045) 936, 1, 115) 275, ( 824,319) ( 193,301) ( 273.600 FUND BALANCES Beginning of the End of the year yeaz 12, 924, 11, 790, ( 894) 11, 790, ( 768) 10, 966, ( 768) 9, 334) 691, ( 449) 14, 12, 894) $939) ( 860, 11, 069) $ (924, 11, 768) $ ( 984, 10, 449) 966, $ (790, 60 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SiTMiVIARY WATER UTILITIES Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 09-10 0 6 07 0'/OS OS-09 08.09 4, 860 796, 5, 633 180, 5, 599 544, 5, 220 084, 5, 507 826, 2, 713 370, 2, 764 475, 2, 128 701, 2, 528 647, 2, 201 687, 1, 530 169, 1, 582 015, 1, 700 091, 1, 200 057, Maintenance 1, 387 480, 2, 102 041, 1, 040 613, Contractual Service 173,612 205,600 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Materials Capital Outlay ~ TOTALOPERATWG 1, 172 591, ~ 885,300 1, 910. 580, 204,300 137,269 188,571 9 954 759 10 451 722 755 907 958,381 10, 237 916, 11, 162 038, 11. 548 389. 935,200 1, 150 107, EXPENDITURES F xoenditnre~ hy ivision Administration 1, 732 032, _ 3, 281 160, 3, 922 232, 3, 474 425, 3, 542 916, 3, 829 588, Water Purification 2, 147 106, 2, 403 324, 2, 326 284, 2, 560 166, 2, 956 334, Water Distribution 2, 728 365, 2, 597 225, 2, 223 380, 2, 980 293, 2, 839 517, WastewaterConveyance 1,5 66 696 1 710 419 1 793 482 1, 880 725, 1, 774 840, Wastewater Treatment -~ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $ 9, 759 954, $ 10, 722 451, $ S 1Q, 23T 916, ~ 11, 162 038, $ 11, 548 389, Anthorized Positions 13 Administration 13 13 13 Water Purification 1t 11 ~ 11 27. 27 27 27 Water Distribution 23 23 23 23 Wastewater Conveyance 11 11 11 11 Wastewater Treaunen[ 85 - 85 85 85 TOTAL POSITIONS 6l 11 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES - BY DIVISION AD1VIIl~ TISTRATION Actual Actual 41053'_ 1251- Regulaz Earnings Overtime Earnings Extra Help Social Security . 19,101 - Health Insurance Compensation Terminating Pay Workers Total Salaries and Benefits Estimated Proposed OS-09 09-10 541,998 594,618 520,000 $ 626,927 . 54,626 23,000 25,000 -. 25,000 11,400 11,000 11,910 7, 617 - 4, 058 452 38,144 45,699 15,500 48,641 , 46,625 42,000 84,901 107,070 90,000 112,752 91,096 111,110 103,000 127,929 11, 990 12,847 12,000 14,941 62 473) 20,758 5, 862 5, 300 6, 130 678 449 859 137 912 532 823,800 974,230 9, 269 12,570 13,000 13,000 12,500 12, 000. 10,000 10,000 378 3, 000 2, 500 5, 000 459. 1, 000- 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 69.949" ~ Retirement Office 494,574 5, 645 Allowance ygolie F FXPFNDI TTTRF.S Unemployment Compensation Accrued Employee Absences Employee Safety Awards 8, 000 8, 000 8, 000 5, 515 4, 016 5, 500 5, 500 5, 500 5, 106 1, 497 14,000 14,000 14,000 409,798 513,997 624.420 587.120 649,500 340,046 348,202) 334,420) Safe Driver Awazds Safety Shoe Program Random Drug Screening TOT T. XP NDIT TRF NET REVENUE EXPENDITURES) 302,120) 353,500) FUND BALANCES Beginning of the End of the year year 1, 994 373, 1, 040 714, 1, 838 365, 1, 838 365, 1, 040 714, $ 1, 838 365, $ 1, 418 031, $ 1, 718 063, $ 88 1, 718 063, 710,218 GENERAL LIABILITY FUND .- rTTY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET GENERAL LIABILITY FUND - "_ - 612581 1702- Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0607 07-08 OS-09 OS-09 09-10 Transfers From: 1, 000 212, 1, 700 257, Water and Sewer Fund 225,900 Solid Waste Fund 129,600 236,850 138,230 30,720 General Fund Fleet Maintenance Fund 29,700 S 1, 600 098, 207,600 127,600 26,600 600 1, 098, 207,600 127,600 26,600 100 1, 487, 273,600 166,400 36,000 76,700 Transit Fund 68,600 66, 065 57,650 57,650 Ewnomic 37,696 3, 613 5, 000 3, 255 3, 500 19 657 24 969 20,000 6, 000 6. 000 Development Interest Revenue TOTAiRFVFNLt~S Damage Claims and Premiums 1, 153 723, 1, 147 758, 1, 050 543., 1, 305 527, 2, 300 049, 1, 570 266, 1. 693 441, 1, 721 669, 1, 198 742, 2, 829 039, 1, 570 266, 1, 693 441. 1, 721 669, 1, 198 742. 2, 829 039, NET REVENUE EXPENDITURES) 456,583 316,454 ( 126,671) ( 214,893) 9, 471 FUND BALANCES Beginning of yeaz End of Year 876.003 1, 586 332, $ 1, 586 332, 1, 040 649. 1, 040 649, 1, 147 434, 1, 040 649. $ 1, 369 522, $ 1, 147 434, $ 1, 618 443. 89 HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX - CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX FUND •= 4- < - ° _ ~~- R~ Budget 140551 1405- Actual Actual As Amended Estimated Proposed 06-07. 07OS 08-09 08-09 09-10 REVENUES Hotel Occupancy Tax Penalty and Interest Interest Revenue TOTAL REVENUE 1, 000' 100, 982,000 1, 000 000, 712,663 990,764 1, 640 519 200 40 3. 350 3, 245 2, 500 1. 500 717,653 994,528 1, 700 102, 983,540 1, 000 001, 436,000 450,000 460,000 460,000 460,000 108,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 lOQ,000 240,000 455,000 155,000 270 10,000 5, 120, 5, 000 5, 000 114,000 45,000 45,000 5Q,000 1, 000 EXPFNT)TTT TRFC ~~ Convention and Visitors Bureau Civic Center Operations Rita Reconstruction Professional Services Department Club- SETAC TAMS 2, 000 5, 000 Museum of the Gulf Coast 76. 000 76,000 144,336 144,336 144,336 Rose Hill 19,980 14,958 16,000 20,000 20,000 14,800 19,800 19,800 ~ 19;800 19,800 654,780 906,148 951,136 913,136 62,873 88,380 252,436) 32,404 87,864 101,108 163,981' 252,361 252,361 284,765 163,981. 252,361 284,765 372,629 Pompeiian Villa 7CP NDIT (RF TOTAL 1. 136 355, ~ NET REVENUE EXPENDTTLJRES) FUND BALANCES Beginning of year End of Year 90 75) LIBRARY SPECIAL FUND CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET _g` LIBRARY SPECIAL FUND ~ _ ~ Actual 102553 1421- 0607 Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 0708 08-09 08-09 0910 " REVENUES 3, D00 2, 000 800 800 2, 033 2, 035 2, 250 2, 200 2, 200 5, 146 4, 285 5, 000 3; 000 3, 000 Interest Income 3, 113 Donations & Gifts TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Equipment TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 NET REVENUE EXPENDITURES) 4, 285 - ( 5, 146 5, 000) 3, 000 ( 7, 000) FUND BALANCES Beginning 114,298 119,444 123,729 123,729 126,729 Ending 119,444 ~, 123;729 $ 118,729 $ 126,729 $ 119,729 r 91 ` ~ ~ ,. I POLICE SPECIAL FUND CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET POLICE SPECIAL FUND , Actual 125/ 1118121 5 26- 06-07 Actual 07-08 x _ - ~_ r - Budget Estimated Proposed OS-09 OS-09 0910 REVENUES Confiscations 137,373 $ ~ 14,701 Sale of Assets Interest TOTAL REVENUES 48,256 $ 166,248. $ 6, 000 268,545 $ 56,800 6, 000 - 5, 988 3, 730 5, 000 2, 500 1, 800 143,361 66,687 177,248 277,045 58,600 1 439) 30,440 116,124 150,115 46,852 1, 439) 30,440 116,124- 15Q,115. - 46,852 36,247 61,124 126,930 11,748 EXPENDITURES P u bli c Safety TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE EXPENDITURES) 144;800 FUND BALANCES Beginning 16 331) 128 469 164,716 164,716 291,646 Ending 128,469 164,716 225,840 291,646 303,394 92 =-- ~ ~ - GOLFCOURSEFUND CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET ~ ~::_- -• I GOLF COURSE FUND Actual. 103601 200T- 06-07 Actual 07OS- Proposed Estimated Proposed OS-09 OS-09 0910 e REVENUES Fees, Services and Sales Interest Income 42,216_., 6, 849 6, 369 3, 525 ~ Transfer from General Fund TOTAL REVENUE 7, 000 2, 000 80,000 3, 400 3, 400 1, 000 80,000 1, 000 100,000 49,065 9, 894 89;000 84,400 104.400 70 535 82 013 172,159 160,000 195,284 70 535 82013 172,159 160,000 195;284 EXPENDITURES Golf Course Improvements TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE 21,470) 72,119) 83,159) 75,600) Beginning 253 406 231 936 159,817 159,817 E n di ng 231 936 159.817 76,658 84,217 EXPENDITURES) 90,884) FUND BALANCES 93 84,217 6. 667) 1 I 1 MUNICIPAL COURT - RTECHNOLOGY FUND CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Budget 104513 1012- Actual Actual As Amended Estimated Proposed 06-07 0708 OS-09 08-09 0910 REVENUES Court Fines Interest Income TOTAL REVENUE 36,654 S 42,777 45,000 S 45,000 50,000 4, 000 54,000 3, 650 2, 194 2, 000 400 40,304 44,971 47,000 45,400 EXPENDITURES x Municipal Court TOTAL EXPENDITURES 127 772 s8soo 98soo 70,000 127 772 98,500 98,500 70,000 51,500)_ 53,100) 16,000) NET REVENUE EXPENDITURES) 40,304 ( 82,801) FUND BALANCES 116,080 156,384 73,583 73,583 20,483 Beginning 156,384 73,583 22,083 20,483 4, 483 Ending 94 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 - -- CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06 07 07-08 0809 OS-09 09-10 OTHER SOURt s RFL~' NiTFS Ai~^~ Sales Tax Prior yeaz refund expense Miscellaneous revenue 004 3, 644, 151,107 4, 026 124, $ 24 898 11 418 136,000 608,757 on investments TOTAL REVENUES 4: 000 50Q, 16,446 138,000 110,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 136 969 97 106 4 518 300 4 954 485 5 027,718 5, 446 234, 4, 000 635, 2, 274 870, 5, 08Q558 4, 740 436, 4, 377 341, 3, 624 316, Leaseproceeds Interest 4, 000 945, 110,000 411,718 60,000 221,50( 1 Sale of land 10 000 99,698 353 802 Loanrepayments 4, 000 300, FXPFNDITURF4 EDC Operating Expenditures Debt Service 2002C CO -Business Park 387,775 387,090 387,145 387,145 2003 Sales Tax Bond 582,491 578,491 578,991 578,991 221,159 221,159 2008 GO Bond -Business Pazk FXCF4S (DFFI 222,945 3 840540 6 046 139 6, 204 212, 5, 672 528, 4, 000 500, NCYI OF TFS OV R 573,741 F 588.169 2008 Sales Tax Bond TOTAL EXPENDITURES 386,690 R. FXP .NDIT TRFS 678,260 1, 654) 091, 1, 486) 184, 294,226) 135,000 OPERATING FUND BAi ANCF Beginning End of of the year the year 3 964 020 4 642 280 3, 626 550, 3, 626 550, 3. 400 256, 4 642 280 3 550,626 2, 140 366, 3, 400 256, 3, 400 391, 280 4, 642, $ 1, 000 000, 5, 280 642, $ 3, 626 550, $ 2, 140 366, $ 3, 400 256, $ 3, 400 391, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000; 1, 000 000, 4, 626 550, $ 3, 140 366, $ 000 1, 000, 4, 400 256, $ Reserves Operating $ Development 95 4, 400 391, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET BUDGET SUMMARY ECONONLIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Expenditures by~ atego~ Actual Actual 07OS 06-07 Budget Estimated Proposed 0809 OS-09 09.10 384,277 268,075 295,588 359,344 395,102 Supplies and Materials 5, 758 9, 278 26,670 10,027 Maintenance 1, 444 4, 639 13,652 2, 784 9, 810 732,295 608,303 537,469 447,284 335,321 1, 438 16,296 6, 668 244 4, 000 Salazies and Benefits Contractual Service Capital Outlay Special Projects EXPENDI'T' TOTAL URES 20, 700. 1, 264 861. 4, 454 146. 3, 937 492, 3, 936 485, 2, 516 562, 2. 274 870, 5, 558 030, 4, 740 436, 4. 377. 341, 3. 624 316, Fxpenditures ~ Division Economic Development Corp,. $ 2, 274 870, $ 5, 558 080, $ 4, 740 436, $ 4, 377 341, $ 3. 624 316, Authorized Positions Economic Development Corp. 5 5 96 5 5 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET DETAIL EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Actual Actual 120. 582 1429- 07 OS 06-07 Estimated Proposed 0809 OS-09 09-10 and Benefits C la ~ 188,961 Regular Earnings Overtime Allowances 720 43 6, 029 6, 651 Help Social Security 14,86T Retirement Health Insurance Compensation Workers Tot I S la i c nd Benefit S~ nnliec and Materials Office Supplies Fuel & Lubrication Supplies als s~ ri n~ TT~$ lipnli Other Na nt 5, 880 9, 756 28,800 ~ 28,800 18,949 Motor Vehicle Maimenance a ntena_ nce Total D" 7, 519 18,247 24,431 26,140 50,190 30,073 34,935 46,717 54,762 630 1, 563 981 766 520 40,797 55,814 1, 908 1, 089 2, 965 2, 322 268 075 295,588 359,344 395,102 384,277 4, 914 6, 834 4, 760 5, 000 2, 687 609 1, 338 5, 534 921 533 3, 334 3, 7~ 3, 000 2, 000 723 1, 385 3, 134 255 1, 745 1, 108 7. 834 4, 091 7, 000 5 758 9 278 26,670 10,027 20,700 850 2, 708 3, 984 2, 500 4, 310. 73 3, 834 84 500 . Maintenance Equipment 258,812 3, 233 n n Building Maintenance 218,275 38,071 Equipment Uniform and Cleaning 218,275 15, 674. 26,730 2, 508 Terminating Pay Minor 202,988 6, 000 Extra C Budget 5 94 1 858 5 834 200 5, 000 1,444 4 639 13,652 2, 784 9, 810 47,640 7, 940 39 590 5. 731 ntmcmal Cervice Rent Insurance 15,134 5; 400 9, 900 57,600 80,000 Professional Services 169 618 53,341 123,666 105,019 104,834 104,000 26 Administrative Services 167 624 86 832 72,000 74,834 72,000 72,000 12,217 12,834 12,834 83,145 36 701 42,005 15,834 25,700 10 169 2, 909 9, 568 15,834 5, 550 6 551 10,723 5, 334 5, 334 5, 000 148,842 22;370 8, 585 13,500 Consultant 37 809 Advertising Travel & Education Subscriptions Education and Training Dues & Other Contractual Serv i ce Utilities 105 054 254,835 148,842 15,286 11 336 28 502 1Tot Tot C~ ServicPC Capital Outlav 16,734 732,295 608,303 537,469 447,284 335,321 1, 438 16.296 6, 668 244 4, 000 S: al rxc~Proiects 873 907 Development 439 288 BusinessPark 4B 1, 000 250, 2, 062 207, pgr,_ al Tntal $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1, 880 133, 343,636 750,000 5, 000 2, 000 10,000 189,392 144,809 144.808 325,000 1, 264 861, 4, 454 146, 3, 937 492, 3, 936 485, 2, 516 562, 2, 274 870, $ 5, 558 080, 4, 740 436, 4, 377 341, 3, 624 316. 48 069 Projects 1, 128 908, - 935,000 ~ 128-_ 1, 904, 500,000 500,000' Promotional Programs Training Project 935,000 500,000 SOO D00 Development 13,900 11,600 9 421 Communications 11, 305. 9, 780 97 CITY OF PORT ARTHiJR 2009-2010 BUDGET ECONOMIC'DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2003 SALE5 TAXBOND DEBT SERVICE FUND AND OT - 1\ niF RFV R SOUR Actual Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-08 OS-09 OS-09 09.10 C 578,991 573,741 30,000 2, 000 2, 000 595 506 608.991 580,991 575,741 280,000 290,000 305,000 305,000 315,000 302,491 288,491 273,991 273,991 258,741 800 500 500 500 500 583,291 578,991 579,491 579,491 574,241 16,515 29,500 1, 500 1, 500 649 909 682 013 698,528 698,525 700,028 682 013 698.528 728,028 700,028 701,528 582,491 578,491 32 904 17 015 615 395 Principal Retirements Interest Transferfrom operations Interest Revenue TOTAL REVENUES 578,991. FXPFNDT"t' t1RFC Fiscal Charges TOTAL EXPENDITURES FXCFSS( DFFICIENCYIOF RFVRNiTFS OVER OPFR ATIN Beginning E nd o ofthe year f th e year PENDITU RFS 32,104- BA?ANCE. 98 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR 2009-2010 BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESERVE FUNDS DFVFT OP Transfer to VT Operating Actual Budget Estimated Proposed 06-07 07-OS OS-09 OS-09 09.10 RVE R Fund $ - $ - $ $ ~ $ Fund Balance, Beginning of Yeaz Development Actual Reserve Balance 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000. 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, 1, 000 000, DFBT4FRVICF RESERVE . Excess of over revenue 16,515 $ 32,104 $ expenditures $ 29,500 $ 1, 500- $ 1, 500 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 649,909 682,013 698,528 698,528 700,028 Debt Service Reserve 682,013 698,528 728,028 700.028 701,128 294,226) $ 135,000 OPERATLN('RESERVE Excess (deficiency)of revenue 678,260 _ overexpendi[ures 1, 184, $ 1, 654) 091, $ 486) 3 964 020 4 642 280 3, 626 510, 3, 626 550, 3, 400 256. Operating Reserve, E nd o f Y eaz 4 642 280 3 150 626 2, 140 366, 3, 400 256, 3, 400 391, TOTAL RESERVES 6, 293 324, 1, 114 249. $ 4, 168 094, $ 4, 428 916, $ 1, 928 092, Fund Balance, B eg i nn i ng of Yeaz 99 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS . CITY OF PORT ARTHUR , 2009 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROJECTS FUND 301 Cumulative Project Expenditures for Fiscal Expenditures Approved Cost to 9/ 08 30/ 08G9 0910 Years 10-11 I112 Projects - - ~ - ^' Bond Issuance Cost - S Water Rehabilitation Projects Meter Replacement EDA / Sabine Pass Other Water Public Projeci 9, 000 9, 000 802 3: 000 000, 803 1, 000 700, 72,708 000 1, 105, 200,000 2. 000 300, Projects - ' , 1, 000 895. 450,000 977,292 1, 000 000: 1, 000 000. 300.000 Safety Facilities Equipment ~ 1, 345 317, 1, 000 500, 750,000 750,000 806 1, 230 773, 800,000 800,000 805 226,770 P1 317,517 P2 343,000 Police Station Renovation Major Drainage Ou[falls ~ 182,655 1, 000 500, 804 Hwy 73 F've Station 173,230 226.770 Parks and Recreation: Parks grant Pazks project - Improvements 317,517 343,000 Recreation Center A/C ~ P3 ~ 39.500 39,500 ~ Oleander project Pazks and Rec Office P4 60,000 60,000 PS 39,983 39,983 1. 000 200, Other Parks Projects Streets Reconstruction 5 T o t a l Projec t s 179,493 1, 140 123, 17 184 000 Anal}' sis of Fund Balance , Beginning Fund Balance ,, 6, 195. 3, 568 938, - 000 54, 292 827, 1, 000 100, 4, 207 453, 8, 207 278, 54, 915 470, 8, 775 191, 8, 000 000. 2009 Bond Issue 25,000 Interest~ Revenue Additional 2~'~ S~'~ S~'~ 600,000 800,000 800,000 263,000 263 000 861 9 0 t h S tree t ~ 532,507 2, 000 912; 806 20,000 2Q,000 20,000 Funding Sources: Grants ~ EDA 803 FromIndustry From Water Capital Projects 861 Fund 1. 000 000, 175,000 2, 000 000, 802 Expenditures Ending Fund Balance r 100 3, 568) 938, 6, 000) 195, 1, t00, 4, 292) 827, 000)- 4, 207 453, 8, 278 X07 54, 915 470. 3. 915 390, CITY OF PORT ARTHUR CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FUNDING Cumulative Approved Project Cos[ Exp endinues for Fiscal Expendi[mes tog/ 08 30/ OS-09 09-10 Yeazs 1011 1112 Projects West Side Development Land 7th Acquisition Street Engi¢ eering and Planni¢g Wes[side hismrical marker Drainage Projects: Major Drainage Outfalls - 909 900,000 826,990 73,010 004 1, 698 186, 117,054 300,000 886,698 912 40,000 804 500,000 492,000 8, 000 615 500,000 2x5,168 214,832 250,000 715 500,000 250,000 210,000 20] 200,000 200,000 Pazks and Recreation: 4B parks Projects 4B Pazks Grant Match - Other Projects: PleazmelslandErosionCo¢trol Pleasme Island Bte Recovery ~ Systems ~ CilyHallElevator 4BDemolitionProjects GPS LandfdlBuilding Development Contracts: Sig \Vheel Development RoyalMeadows ~ Laz Properties Oakmo¢[ ffopetties! Stone Creek PA Camellia Estates Total 169,000 169,000 ~ 250,000 250,000 250,000 25Q000 614 428,125 1, 000 000, 250,000 40,000 551 193,000 554 151,000 151,000 816 200,000 200,000 910 200,000 612 39,482 71,815 - 113,518 100,000 100,000 252,836 6, 534 532, Projects - 250,000 40,000 708 2, 819 288, Analysis of Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance 100,000 152,836 52, 445, 2, 196 133, ~ 698 52, 933 639, 1, 737 431, 71,875 S- 591,774 $ 19,899 Additional Funding Sources: Grants Economic Development Corporation Demoli[ion 614 250,000 Pazks 715 250,000 Fromindustry 815 25,000 Ttmufer from General Pund 201 200.000 Transfer from Generel Fund 004 200,000 669,000 Ttansfer from General Fund Transfer from WaterClP 551 TransferfromWaterCIP 816 TramfezhomWaterClP 612 96,500 80.000 260,235 ~ 1 Ezpenditures EndingFundBalance' 101 2, 196) 133, 2, 698) 445, 71,875) - 1, 737 431, 91, 774 519,899 $ 19,899 ITY OF PORT ARTHUR WATER CAPITAL PROTECTS A_ SEWER ND~ A_ ND FUNDING erating- Cumulative Approved Expenditures Project Cost to 9/ 08 30/ Expenditures for Fiscal Years 09-10 0809 10-11 Projects Food 419 Rehab. of Tanks ~ 150,000 $ - 419401 150,000 Emergency 419703 105,000 105,000 - - W WTP 419802 50,000 50,000 - - 419901 SQ,000 50,000 - - 419701 100,000 100,400 - - 455,000 305,400 $ Sabine Pass GST sewer repair degritting equipment WW1'PDamaee Emergency Sewer Main Repair . Total S Projects _ Analysis 150,000 $ - of Fund Balance 1, 112 397, BeginningFundBalance Additional Funding 21,000 Crossing 551 Transfer to CIP ~ 816 to CIP 9, 000 - 96,500) 80, 000) 252;835) - - 612 305,400) Expenditures Ending 10,000 and Tank - ~ - Transfer to CIP Transfer 543,377 Sources: Interest Income Sabine Neches Canal 1, 712 112, $ 1, 712 112, Fund Balance 102 150.000) - 543,377 $ 552,377 CITY OF PORT ARTHUR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL PROTECTS AND FUNDING Bond Funds Cumulative _ Expenditures Expenditures ~ Approved Project Cost to 08 9! 30/ for Fiscal Yeazs 10-11 09-10 OS-09 Projects Fund 428 - Phase II SewerRehab 66,439 66,439 Bond issuance costs ~ 5, 000 000, 9, 561 933, Sewer Rehab 4, 561 933, Sewer Rehab Fund 426Sewer Rehabilitation Contracts SewerReconstruction 426003 SS Assessment 426005 50,000 SSES update 426010 132,000 117,874 SSES Inspection 426011 43;625 32,530 11,095 SS Rehab - HWY 347 426012 210,000 81,907 128,093 39th Street Force Main 426012 121,000 ~ 121,000 TWDB 426013 350,000 350,000 Standpipe StandpipeEngineering Meter Replacement 427004 P, 400 020, Pioneer Park 427602 300,000 427006 1, 000 325, Engineering 1, 325 146, 24,152 1, 173 122, 50;000 14,126 Fund 4272001 Water Construction Transmission Mains Sabine Water Total Supply Improvements 427401 427501 67,100 2, 847 042, 42,847 183,736 16, 797 920, Projects - Analysis of Fund Balance - ~ Beginning Fund Balance ~ Interest Funding 2, 000 000, 101,846 26Q000 - 25,000 572,474 2, 272 102, S 7, 000 260, 11, 436 769, 150,000 100,000 S 4, 561 933, 4, 436 869, 100,000 Sources: ~ Envionmen[al Protection Agency 260,000 427006 2, 272) 102, Expenditures Ending 112,500 13, 708 721, revenue - Additional 22,328 179,600 11, 436 769, Fund Balance 103 S 7, 26Q000) 4, 561) 933, 4, 436 869, 35,875 APPENDIX . PERSONNEL SCHEDULES City of Port Arthur ' 2009-2010 Operating Budget _ Personnel Schedules ' ` ~' a Ran 09_ 10 0808=09 07= 08 0606=07 GENERALFLND Administration ~ Mayor and Council Secretary City Manager _ City Manager 1 1 1 84 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 4 q j j i I 1 1 l I 1. I 1 L 1 1 53 Internal Auditor - 1 39 Admin. AssistantBrownsfields Manager Executive Secretary Total Administration 1 21 30 1 1 City Secretary City Secretary City Secretary Assistant City Secretary Administrative Aide Adminishative Clerk II City Secretary's Office 55 47 28 17 Municipal Court Municipal Court Judge Municipal Court Clerk Deputy Municipal Court Clerk Juvenile Case Manager ~ 3 3 q OS O.j O.j OS 63 1 1 1 1 40 4 q j 1 1 4 21 I 17 j. j 6 5 65 7.j 8 5 9S 10.j l. j 69 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 61 2 2 2 4~ q q Municipal Court Total City Secretary City Attorney - City Attorney Asst. City Attomey Legal Assistant 32 28 Legal Secretary ~ 1 1 4 City Attomey Community Prosecution Program Community Service Manager Social Services Assistant Community Prosecution Program Total Citv Attomey 1 q 21= Administrative Clerk II - I 165 I 155 I 2 q q I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 I I q 6 Finance Adminisration 67 Assistant City Manager 62 Director of Finance 28 Administrative Aide ~ Grants Accountant Accountant _ Payroll Analyst Senior Account Clerk Account Clerk Accounting s .. 1 2 2 1 1 36 1 1 36 I 1 28 1 1 I 24 I 3 3 3 20 2 7 7 7 Administratio^ Accounting Assistant Director of Finance Comptroller Accounting Manager' 1 55 j 53 47 7 Citv of Port Arthur 2009-2010 OaeratinQ Budget Personnel Schedules Rauee Purchasing Purchasing Manager Sr. Purchasing Assistant Information 1 I 1 I 47 1 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 Secretary Purchasing Assistant Purchasing 20 Systems _ Technology Manager 09= 10 0808-09 - - 07_ 08 0606=07 1 1 I I 53 I 1 1 1 41 I 1 I 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 1 30 I 1 1 1 3 2 2 21 2 20 3 3• 3 3 20 8 8 8 8. Water Meter Reader/Service Worker ice Representative Utility Ser~~ Utility Billing and Collections 4 4 4 18 4 20 20 20 20 36 36 37 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 1 Senior Human Resource Analyst 28 1 1 1 1 Human Resource Administrative Assistant 2 2 2 Analyst 28 2 1 1 1 23 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 39 1 I I I. 36 1 1 Weed and Seed Coordinator 1 2g 1 1 1 1 Administrative Aide 5 5 4 1 1 1 1 Information MIS Coordinator P C 1 36 Specialist - Systems and Collections Utility Billing Utility Billing and Collections Manager Assistant Utility Office Manager Water Meter Service Crew Supervisor Information 45 Utility Account Clerk Cashier Total Finance Human Resources Deputy City Manager/Director of Human Resource 69 Director of Human Resources 63 Assistant Director of Human Resources Safety and Risk Mgmt Coordinator 51 Human Resource Human Resource Assistant II Total Human Resources 1 Plannin Planning 59 Director of Planning Asst. Director of Planning 52 Planner 5 Planning One Block At A Time One Block At a Time Neighborhood Development Specialist One Block At a 36 Time Grants Management Community Development Grants Program Administrator Administrative Aide Grants 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 44 1 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 2 2 42 2g Management Housing Programs Housing Programs Administrator Housing Analyst Loan Specialist Housing Inspector II 27 2 2 2 34 2 2 2 City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 Operating Budget Personnel Schedules Ranee 0909=10 0808=09 07_ 08 0( x07 21 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 1 I Housing Programs 8 8 8 8 Total Grants Manaeement 10 10 10 10 57 1 1 1 1 Asst. Director of Community Services Supervisor Sr. Building Inspector Building Inspector II Housing Inspector II qq I 1 1 1 Environmental Health 38 1 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 3 Sr. Permit Technician 29 1 Permit Technician 18 1 17 1 10 Secretary Housing Tech Community Services Inspections Community Services Director Administrative Clerk II 34 2 3 3 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 12 12 Inspections Environmental and Consumer Health Supervisor Sr.Environmental Inspector 36 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 Senior Animal Control Officer . 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 3 3 4 4 20 4 4 4 4 17 1~ 1 1~ Animal Control 21 Secretary Environmental Inspector I Animal Control Officer Administrative Clerk II 1 Environmental and Consumer Health 12 12 13 13 Total Community Services 22 24 25 25 Civic Center Civic Center Director 50 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Crew 30 1 1 I 1 23 1 1 1 1 Administrative Supervisor Secretary Facilities Maintenance Worker 19 Facilities Maintenance Worker PT 19 Total Civic Center 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 6 1 Parks and Recreation Recreation Director of Parks and Recreation 56 1 I 1 1 Recreation Coordinator 40 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 23 1 1 1 1 Recreation Tech. II 20 3 3 3 3 Aquatics Specialist 17 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 7 Recreation Parks and Right of Way Maintenance Pazks Maintenance Supervisor 36 I City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 Oneratin¢Budget Personnel Schedules Ranee 09_ 10 0808=09 07_ 08 06= 07 1 Supervisor Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator IA Equipment Operator I 30 1 1 1 ZS 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 21 3 3 3 3 Maintenance Worker II - 19 Maintenance Crew Library Library 2 Pazks. Maintenance 8 8 10 10 Total Parks and Recreation- 15 15 17 17 53 1 1 I 1 41 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Duector Assistant 2 Library Director Librarian II 36 Librarian I Library Assistant Senior Library Clerk Administrative Secretary Library Clerk 27 Administrative Clerk II 1 1 24 1 1 23 1 I 20 3 3 2 2 17 2 2 2 2 Maintenance Worker I 14 1 I 1 I Library Page 9S 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Library Aide 9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 14 14 14 14 64 1 1 1 1 Deputy Chief of Police 54 3 3 3 3 Lieutenant 230 8 8 8 8 Total Library Police Chief of Police Sergeant 220 13 13 13 13 Police Officer 210 90 93 96 102 1 Coordinator of Police and Fire Police Records Support Supervisor Telecommunications Operator Telecommunications Operator (PT - ) Telecommunications Operator II Forensic Specialist 42 1 1 1 35 1 1 1 1 26 17 17 17 17 26 1.9 1.9 1.9 1. 9 28 3 3 3 3 25 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Evidence Technician ~ 25 2 2 Administrative Secretary 23 1 1 1 Secretary 21 3. 3 3 Police Aide 20 ~ Total Police 3 6 6 6 6 151.9 154.9 157.9 163.9 Fire Fire Chief Deputy Chief 1 60 1 1 1 360 1 1 1 1 Battalion Chief 350 4 4 4 4 Fire Marshal ~ 340 1 1 1 1 320 1 1 1 1 320 27 30 30 30 310 30 3D 30 30 300 40 37 37 37 Administrative Secretary 23 ~ 1 1 1 1_ Secretary 21 1 1 1 1 107 107 107 Assistant Fire Mazshal Fire Fire Fire Captain Engineer Fighter Total Fire 107 City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 Operative Budget Personnel Schedules Range 0909=10 0808=09 0707=08 0606=07 Health And Welfaze Health Unit 39 ~ Public Health Nurse II 36 Senior Sanitazian 34 Sanitarian ~ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 Health Educator 33 Administrative Aide 28 1 1 1 1 Medical Aide II 19 2 1 1 1 Vital Records Registraz Deputy Registraz 28 1 I I 1 17 1 1 1 1 Custodian 14 1 1 I 1 9 9 8 8 1 1 1 I 37 1 1- 1 1 LVN III 30 1 1 1 1 LVN II 28 2 2 2 2 Health Unit Women, Infants and Children WIC Program Supervisor Nutritionist - ~ 43 Entry Operator 18 1 1 1 1 Administrative Clerk II ~ 17 3 3 3 3 15 1.S 1.5 1.5 Data Breastfeeding Peer Counselor - 1.S 10.5. 10.5 105 10.5 54 I 1 I 47 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 30 1 I 1 1 WIC Preventive Health Director of Health ~ Assistant Director of Health Services LVN III Administrative Clerk II 17 Preventive Health Tobacco I 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 I Program Health Educator 33 1 rice Aide II Community Ser< Tobacco Program 17 I 1 2 2 P Immunizations LVN III Community Service Aide II Administratve Clerk II 30 1 1 1 I 17 2 2 2 2 17 1 I 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hmmunizations Bioterrorism Public Health Nurse II 39 1 Epidemiologist 39 I Bioterrorism Planner 33 1 3 Bioterrorism CDBG Public Health Nurse II ~ 39 Health Educator 33 Bioterrorism Planner 33 CDBG 1 1 1 2 2 Nurse Family Partnership NFP Nurse Supervisor NFP Nurse Home Visitor 98 1 I 98 4 4 City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 OneratinE BudEet Personnel Schedules Ran Data Entry Operator Nurse Family Partnership Employee Retiree Health Services Clinic FamilyNurse Practitioner e ~ 09_ 10 0808=09 0707=p8 06= 07 18 1 I 6 6 1 1 Medical Assistant 1 Radiogapher Tech Employee Retiree 3 Health Services Clinic 38.5 35.5 32.5 32.5 1 1, 62 1 1 1 1 57 1 1 I 1 Administrative Assistant 31 I~ 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 23 Secretary 21 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker II - 19 1 1 1 1 Custodian 14 1 1 1 1 6 6 7 8 1 1 1 Total Health and Welfare Public Works Administration Assistant 67 City Manager Director of Public Works Asst. Director of Public W" City orks/Engineer Administration ~ Engineering Asst. City Engineer _ Engineering Services Supennsor Assistant Engineering Service Supervisor Senior Engineering Technician Engineering Technician II Engineering - 1 51 37 1 32 1 27 2 2 2 2 23 1 2 2 2 S 5 Sheets Sheets Superintendent Maintenance Crew Supervisor Construction Specialist Equipment Operator Equipment Operator 47 I~ 1 1 1 30 4 4 4 4 26 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 11 11 11 11 23 23 23 23 1 1 1 1 6 1 II 25 I 21 Sheets Drainage Drainage Superintendent Maintenance Crew Supervisor Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator LA Equipment Operator I 47 30 5 5 6 25 1 1 1 22 I 1 1 1 21 3 3 3 3 19 Maintenance Worker II Drainage 12 12 16 16 23 23 28 28 1 1 1 1 S 5 5 2 Electrical Electrical 44 Superintendent Electrician II Paint Crew Supervisor Painter II ~ Administrative Secretary Elechical 32 5 27 1~ 23 I 2 2 23 I 1 1 9 9 9 8 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 67 73 73 City Hall 14 Custodian City Hall Total Public Works 67 ~ City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 Operating Budget Personnel Schedules Ranee TOTAL GENERAL FUND 0909=10 0808-09 0707=08 0606=07 491.90 495.90 514.90 524.90 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 WATER AND SEWER FUND Adminishation Director of Utility 61 . ~ Operations 54 Assistant Water Utilities Director Engineering Designer II 40 34 Sr. Plant Mechanic Utility Store 32 Supervisor 32 Plant Mechanic 1 27 1 1- I 1 Stationary Equipment Operator - 25 2 2 2 2 Adminisvative Secretary - 23 1~ 1- 1 I Stores Clerk 19 1 1 t 1 13 13 13 li Senior Utility Engineering Technician Adminisvation .. WaterPurification Treatment Plant Superintendent ~ Treatment Plant Supervisor Water Quality Analyst Treatment Plant Operator II~ Treatment Plant Operator I Treatment Plant Operator Trainee II Treatment.Plant Operator Traitiee _ Purification 47 1 I - 1 1 43 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 34 32 29 1~ 24 I 1 1 1 20 • 2 2 2 2 11 I1 11 11 Water Distribution Water Utilities 47 ~ 1 1 1 I W" ater 34 6 6 6 6 25 2 2 2 2 21 1 1 1 1 17 - 17 17 17 27 27 27 27 47 ~ 1 1 1~ 1 34 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 11 _ 11 Superintendent System Maintenance Supervisor 32 Plant Mechanic ^- ~ Equipment Secretary ~ Operator II - 19 Maintenance Worker II ~ , Distribution Wastewater Conveyance Water Utilities Superintendent Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor II Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker II 19 Utility Dispatcher ` 18 11 , ~ 1 23 Conveyance 11 1 23` 1 1 23 23 I Wastewater Treatment Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Superintendent ~ Supervisor Treatment Plant OperatorII - Treatment Plant Operator I ~ Operator Trainee Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Operator.Trainee II 47 1 I I 43 1 1 1 1 32 4 4 4 4 29 2 2' 2 2 24 2 2 2 2 20 I I 1 1 11 11 11 11 85 Si 8~ 85 21 17 17 17 14 1 Treatment TOTAL WATER FUND SOLID WASTE FUND Trash Collection _ - Equipment Operator Refuse Collector I~ City of Port Arthur 2009-2010 Oaeratine BudEet Personnel Schedules Ranee Sanitation Crew Supervisor 06= 07 Trash Collection 09_ 10 08= 09 07_ 08 30 1 1 1 19 18 18 15 ~ 15 li Residential Collection Equipment Operator I Refuse Collector Sanitation Crew Supervisor 21 30 14 1 30 Residential Collection 2 1 I 1 33 16 16 16 5 5 5 6 S 5 5 6 1 1 I 1 Container Service Equipment Operator 25 R Container Service Landfill Operation Superintendent Maintenance Crew Supervisor. Equipment Operator II Landfill Landfill Attendant 44 30 Landfill 1 25 4 4 4 4 16 2 2 2 2 1 1 7 7 9 9 14 Refuse Collector 1 Operation Adminishation ~ Sanitation 47 I 1 1 1 Assistant 44 ~ 1 1 1 I 2 2- 2 2 Superintendent Sanitation Superintendent Administration TAL SOLID WASTE FUND 47 49 50 51 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 12 12 12 1 TRANSIT FUND Vehicle Operation Operator (FT) Transit Operator (PT) 18 Transit Vehicle IS 5 12 - Operation Vehicle Maintenance Sr. Equipment Mechanic R 28 1 1 1 Equipment Mechanic 26 1 1 I 1 23 2 2 2 2 33 ~ 1 1 1 Sr. Equipment Service Worker Transit Maintenance Supervisor 1 5 Vehicle Maintenance ~ Administration 1 1 I Assistant Transit 43 I 1 1 Transit 30~ 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 L5 3 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 1 1 1 1 33 - I 1 1 I I 1 1 Manager Manager Operations Supervisor - Administrative Secretary ~ Administration s 1 50 Transit Elderly Handicapped Service System Dispatcher Operator Elderly and Handicapped 23 1 and Transit Transit 24 18 - TOTAL TRANSIT FUND EQUIPMENT SERVICES FUND Fleet Maintenance ~ Equipment Services Manager Equipment Maintenance Supervisor ~ MechaniclWeld'er 49 32 1 Equipment Mechanic Equipment Mechanic II 28 4 4 4 4 26 3 2 1 1 Senior City of Port Arthur 20092010 Oaeratin2 Bud¢ et Personnel Schedules RanEe Sr. Equipment Service Worker Parts/Inventory Specialist Equipment Services Clerk TOTAL EQUIPMENT 23 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 12 12 12 12 660.40 666.40 686.40 697.40 1 19 21 SERVICES FUND TOTAL AUTHORIZED CITY POSITIONS 0909=10 0808=09 0707=p8 0606=07 PORT ARTHUR ECONOMC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Chief Executive Officer 69 1 1 1 I Business Retention and 39 1 1 1 1 36 1 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 EDC Expansion Specialist Specialist Administrative Secretary Custodian TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. 5 Authorizing Documents Ord. 0968 Appropriation Ordinance 69 Ord. 09- Appropriation Ordinance for Economic Development Corp. Ord. 09-66 Tax Rate Ordinance Ord. 09-67 Tax Roll Ordinance . Updated P. O. No. 6029 09/ 16109 Finance ORDINANCE NO. 09-68 AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2009 AND ENDING 30; ,2010, IN ACCORDANCE SECTION 7, ARTICLE XII OF THE SEPTEMBER WITH CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PORT ARTHUR. WHEREAS, the City Council desires Attachment 1 as to adopt the Budget attached hereto as the Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is necessary for municipal purposes delineated as under Section 102.009 Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article XII, Section 5, of the City Charter, at least thirty (30) days fiscal prior to October year, the City Manager 1, 2009 the beginning of the 2009-2010 submitted to the City Council a proposed Budget for said fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with Sections 102.006 and' 102.065 of the Texas Local Government Code, and Article XII, Section 6, of the City Charter, after notice Public was published Hearing, said proposed Budget City Secretary on more not more Public than 30 days Hearing was nor held less than 10 days prior by the City Council August 25, 2009, said Budget having been than 15 days before the date of said on on the the file with the hearing and more 30 days before the City Council makes its tax levy for said fiscal year, as by to than required Sections 102.006 and 102.005, respectively, of the Local Govemment Code; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ARTHUR; Section 1. That the City Managers Proposed Budget is hereby adopted and approved with the amendments shown Section 2. Million, Seven Z9Finance~ 2010 That there be and Hundred One in attachment 1. is hereby appropriated Thousand Budget~ BUDCEl' ORDA]ANCE for book.doc Nine Hundred the sum Sixty of Fifty Four Three Dollars the General Fund for the payment of the 54, 963) 701,to necessary Capital Outlay for the Operating Expenses, and City Government for the following Departments and uses: Department or Use 2, 733 009, Administration 971,522 594,511 City Secretary City Attorney 394 3, 434, 648,878 433,414 238,848 606,683 2, 745 137, Finance Human Resources Planning One Block at a Time Grants Management Community Services 525,969 Civic Center 696 2, 357, 1, 757 345, 16, 529 255, 10, 423 600, 1, 661 230, Parks and Recreation Library ~ Police Fire Health Transfers to Other Funds 100 8, 394, 2, 100 916, Total $ 54, 963 701, Public Works Section 3. That there be and is Nine Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand, Fifty Eight Service Fund for the service the hereby appropriated, the the Nine of Eight Million, Dollars ($ 8, 058) 979, to the Debt payment of Principal, Interest and Fiscal Agent Fees necessary to City's Long-Term Debt. Section 4. That there be and is hereby Fifty sum appropriated the sum 18, 045) 059,to the Water Thousand, Forty Five Dollars ($ of Eighteen Million, and Sewer Fund for payment of the Operating Expenses, and necessary Capital Outlay for the Water and Sewer Department. Section 5. That there be and is hereby Four Hundred Forty Two Thousand, Z:\ 2010 Finance~BudgetlBUDGET ORDINANCE for 6ook.doc appropriated Seventy Nine the sum of Eight Million, Dollars ($ 8, 079) 442, to the Solid Waste Fund for the for the Solid Waste payment of the Operating Expenses Capital Outlay and necessary Department.. Section 6. That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of Four Million, One ' 4, 072) 107,to the Transit fund for the Hundred Seven Thousand, Seventy Two Dollars ($ payment of the for the Transit Operating Expenses and necessary Capital Outlay System. Section 7. That there be and is hereby appropriated the One Hundred Seventeen Thousand, Four Hundred to the sum of Three Million, 3, 478) 117, Seventy Eight Dollars ($ and Equipment Services Fund for. the payment of the Operating Expenses necessary of City equipment. Capital Outlay for the maintenance and repair appropriated Section 8. That there be and is hereby the of One Million, sum Nine Dollars ($ 1, 159) 713,to the Seven Hundred Thirteen Thousand, One Hundred Fifty of capital equipment. Equipment Replacement Fund for the purchase Section 9. That there be and is hereby Five Hundred Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Hospitalization Insurance Fund for the Compensation Fund for Twenty the sum of Seven Million, Five Dollars ($ 7, 825) 503,to the payment of Health Benefits. Section 10. That there be and is Ninety Thousand, Four Hundred appropriated and hereby appropriated the sum of Eight Hundred to the Workers 890,408) Eight Dollars. ($ the,payment of Workers Compensation Claims. Section 11: That there be and is hereby appropriated the of Six Hundred sum 649,500)to the Other Employee Benefits Forty Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($ Fund for the Benefits.: payment of Accrued Absences and Other Employee Section 12. That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of Two Million, Dollars ($ 829) 2, 039,to the General Thirty Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty Nine Liability Fund for the payment of claims arising from torts and other against4he City. Z:~ 2010 Finance~Budget~ BUDGET ORDINANCE far book.doc causes of action Section 13. That there be and is Thirteen Thousand, One Hundred hereby appropriated the sum Nine Hundred 9. 136) 13,to the Hotel Occupancy Thirty Six Dollars ($ payment of eligible expenses. Tax Fund for the Section 14. That there be and is Dollars ($ 10,000) to the hereby appropriated the Library Special Fund for the sum payment of Ten Thousand of the Operating for the City's Public Library. Expenses and necessary Capital Outlay Section That these be and is herby appropriated the 15. sum of Forty Six Fund for the 46, 852)to the Police Special Thousand, Eight Hundred Fifty Two Dollars ($ payment of the Operating Expenses and necessary Capital Outlay for the Police Department: Section 16. That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of One Hundred. Four Dollars ($ 195,284)to the Golf Course Ninety Five Thousand, Two Hundred Eighty and operations of the tothe City's Babe Zaharias Golf Course Fund for Palms improvements Pleasure Island Golf Course. on That there be and is hereby Section 17. appropriated ,.the sum Fund for the Thousand Dollars ($ 70, 000)to the Municipal Court Technology and necessary Operating Expenses That the Section 18. outstanding shall be budget to the payment of Capital Outlay for the Municipal Court. for valid . for the 2009-2010 fiscal year be increased Said Increased encumbrances of the 2008-2009 fiscal year. equal of Seventy appropriation shall be recorded outstanding and valid encumbrances and in the appropriate accounts. Section 19. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. file Section 20. The City Manager shall.immediately and said Budget County, Texas as in the Office of the provided by a true copy of this ordinance and Orange County Clerks of Jefferson County Code. Section 102.011 of the Local Government Section 21. This being an Ordinance not requiring and be in force from and after its passage. Z:\ e\ Ficw¢ 2 010 Budget\BUDGET ORDINANCE for book.doc publication, it shall take effect this 22nd day of September, 2009, READ, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, A. D.,at a Regular Meeting of the Texas by the City Council of the City of Port Arthur, following vote: Tem Segler Mayor Prince•Mavor Pro Wise and Henderson. Council members: Chatman Beard Williamson Noes:'NONE s/ Deloris Prince Mayor Deloris Prince ATTEST: s/Terri Hanks Terri Hanks, Acting City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: s/Mark Sokolov Mark Sokolov -City Attorney APPROVED FOR ADMINISTRATION: s/Steve Fitzgibbons City Manager -Steve Fitzgibbons s/Rebecca Underhill Assistant City Manager-Rebecca Underhill s/ Deborah Echols Director ofFinance -Deborah Echols for book.doc Z:\ 2010 Finance\ Budget\BUDGET ORDINANCE Attachment I Manager's Proposed Budget Budget increase Per Ordinance ( Decrease) General Fund 257 1, 881, 943,343 579,104 3, 757 424, 626,502 1, 789 341, Administration City Secretary City Attorney Finance Human Resources Planning One Block at a Time Management Community Services ~ Grants 654 2, 083, 518,329 2, 806 252, 1, 626 315, 15, 238 662, 10,584,161 1, 662 216, 8, 592 230, 2, 100 247, 52,907,920 Civic Center Parks and Recreation Library Police Fire Health Public Works Transfers Debt Service Fund Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Transit Fund Fleet Maintenance Fund Equipment Replacement Hospkalization Fund Fund Worker's Compensation Fund Employee Benefit Fund General Liability Fund HotelOccupancyTaxFund Library Special Fund Police Special Fund GolfCourse Fund Municipal Court Technology Fund 058 8, 979, 17, 576 864, 8, 532 301, 4, 848 035, 3, 919 097, 1, 159 713, 7, 825 503, 890,408 649,500 2, 829 039, 908,136 10,000 46,852 195,284 70,000 Z:~ 1) Financel( 2010 BudgetVlttachments - PH Resolution and Budget Ordinance 733 2, 009, $ 971,522 594;511 3, 394 434, 648,878 433,414 238,848 606,683 2, 745 137, 525,969 2, 696 357, ~ 1, 757 345, 16, 529 255, 10, 423 600, 1, 661 230, 8, 100 394, 2, 100 916, 54,701,963 058 8, 979, 18, 045 059, 8, 079 442, 072 4, 107, 3, 478 117, 1, 159 713, 7, 825 503, 890,408 649,500 2, 829 039, 913,136 10,000 46,852 195,284 70,000 128,476 28,179 15,407 9, 637 22,376 908,375) 238,848 606,683 54,091 7, 640 104,890 30,131 593,291 16,262 13,999 163,508 669,000 1,794,043 194,469 140,547 71,224 19,559 5, 000 6035 P.0. JJA: 914109 ORDINANCE NO: APPROPRIATION AN 09-69 ORDINANCE AND APPROVING OF PORT ARTHUR ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR SECTION 4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2009 OCTOBER 1, THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 SECTION 12.03 OF THE BYLAWS OF THE CORPORATION. and adopt the Budget for Fiscal WHEREAS, the City Council desires to approve Section 4A Economic Development Corporation Year 2009-2010 for the City of Port Arthur PAEDC);and WHEREAS, this Ordinance is necessary for municipal/corporation purposes as and delineated under Section 102.009 Local Government Code; Board approved WHEREAS, the Section 4A Economic Development Corporation proposed budget on June 15, 2009; and WHEREAS, the City budget includes EDC staff is deemed a a 4% salary increase and prudent, to keep their salary structure in line with like increase for a City employees; and Budget was WHEREAS, the Section 4A Economic Development Corporation to City Council on July 28, 2009; and included in the City Manager's Budget as submitted on a Public Hearing on the proposed budget WHEREAS, the City Council conducted August 25, 2009; and THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY PORT ARTHUR: opinions in the preamble are true and correct. Section 1. That the facts and Section 2. Section 4A Economic That the budget of the City of Port Arthur Development Corporation is hereby adopted and approved in the sum of Four Million, Five Hundred Thousand dollars ($ 4, 000) 500, Section 3. approval of That the funding for the salary increase for EDC staff is discretion to the EDC Board of Directors who have the give a subject to the raise up to 4%. Section 4. shall file a Jefferson Economic That the Executive Director of the true and correct copy of the Ordinance and the budget Development Corporation with the County Clerk of Texas Department of and with theCounty, the County Clerk of Orange County, Economic Development. Section 5. and after its passage. That this Ordinance is effective from Section 6. That Minutes of the a copy of the the caption of this Ordinance be spread upon City Council. READ, ADOPTED AND APPROVED a on this of the City of Regular Meeting of the City Council 2009, at D., 22nd day of September, A. Port Arthur, Texas, by the following Tem Segler Mayor• Prince•Mayor Pro Williamson Wise and Henderson. Council members: Chatman Beard Noes: NONE s/ Debris Prince Mayor Debris ATTEST: s/Terri Hanks Terri Hanks,Acting City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: s/Mark Sokolow Mark Sokolow -City Attorney Prince vote 1 ,. L APPROVED FOR ADMINISTRATION: s/Steve Fitzgibbons . Fitzgibbons City Manager Steve s/Rebecca Assistant Underhill Underhill City Manager Rebecca CORPORATION: APPROVED FOR SECTION 4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT s/ Flood Batiste Floyd Batiste APPROVED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: , s/ Deborah Echols . • Director of Finance -Deborah-Echols ; P. O.NO. 6024 09/ 12/ jja:09 ORDLVONCE N0. 66 09= RATE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A TAX FOR THE TAX YEAR 2009 (FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1,2009 -SEPTEMBER 30,2010) WHEREAS, the submitted to the Tax Assessor-Collector has calculated and the pursuant to Section 26.04 of Texas Property Tax Code, the effective tax rate City Council, of 0. $ 795727 per One $ 792424; and and the rollback rate of 0. Hundred and No/100 ($ 100.00)Dollars valuation of property WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted Year October to the City Council the Budget for the Fiscal 1,2009 through September 30, 2010. CITY OF PORT ARTHUR:. iED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE BE IT ORDAT1~ THAT, pursuant to the Section 26.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code, finds, determines and adopts valuation for tax year 2009 as an Ad Valorem tax rate on One Hundred and No/100 (5100.00)Dollars follows: Tax Rate to Fund Interest and 50. 387469 Sinking Fund Tax Rate to Fund Maintenance and Operation Total 2009 Tax Rate 50. 792000 the upon the Minutes of this 22nd day READ;ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, Mayor of the 0. 404531 Expenditures be spread THAT, a copy of the caption of this Ordinance Special Meeting City Council hereby of City Council. at September, 2009 , A.D., the following City Council of the City of Port Arthur, Texas by vote: Prince•Mayor Pro Tem Segler' Wise and Henderson. Council members: Chatman Beard Williamson Noes: NONE s/ Deloris Prince Mayor Deloris Prince a ATTEST: s/Terri Hanks Terri Hanks, Acting City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: s/ Mark Sokolow Mark Sokolow -City Attorney APPROVED FOR ADMINISTRATION: s/Steve FitzEibbons City Manager -Steve Fitzgibbons s/Deborah Echols - eborah Echols Director of Finance D RATE Jja/ word/ rAX e o rdinance/: 2009 P. O.No. 6025 jja: 12/ 9 0 9/ N0. 09ORDL\' ANCE 67 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE 2009 TAX ROLL FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT ARTHUR; AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINHING FUND AND APPORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE. WHEREAS, pursuant Chief Appraiser to the of the Jefferson approval of, and of Section 26.01 of the Texas provisions County Property Orange County Appraisal Districts and appraisal roll Assessor-Col]the forwazded to the Tax ectors has to Tax Code, the certified their be used for the captioned yeaz; and, to Section 26.04 WHEREAS, pursuant the City of County rate of the Texas Property Tax Code, the City Council of approved said Appraisal Port Arthur has Tax Assessor-Collector has calculated and for 2009 publicized-the proposed City Budget to with the levying taxes effective tax rate and roll back tax Section 102.005 Local Government Code the City Secretary (Clerk) before the 30th Roll and cents ($ 0. 792)per having applied having filed the the date of this for fiscal yeaz 2009 - 2010; and, WHEREAS, pursuant Collectors City Manager day before WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 0909=66 the City Council adopted seventy-six year and the Jefferson captioned and, WHEREAS, pursuant ordinance Roll for the the Ad Valorem tax rate of an One Hundred and No/100 ($ 100)Dollazs valuation of property; and, to Section 26.09 of the Texas adopted calculated the Tax Property $ 7 Tax Rate of 0 .92 to each Tax listing Code, the on the Tax Assessor- approved Appraisal Liability of each listing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ARTHUR: Section 1. Appraisal Districts The Appraisal Rolls as approved by the Jefferson County and Orange County with the tax amount entered shall.become the Tax Roll of the City•of Port Arthur for the Tax Year 2009. Section 2. There is use and hereby levied for the current year 2009 and there shall be collected for the support of the Municipal Government of the City of Port Arthur, and to provide interest and sinking ending September 30, 2009 funds for the fiscal yeaz mixed, within the corporate limits of said 0. 792) on each levied and City subject to upon all property; real, personal and taxation, tax of seventy nine point 100 ($ One Hundred and No/ 100)Dollars valuation of apportioned to the specific purposes hereinafter set forth, and property, said comprising tax two cents being so the gross amount of 896. $ 16, 237, a a) For the maintenance and support of the general goverrunent (General Fund), eight seven of thirty 100)Dollars valuation of four six nine ($ 0. 387469) on each One Hundred and No/100 ($ property, comprising a tax $ amount of 042. 7, 944, Sinking Fund, a the Interest and b)For on tax tax of forty and four five three each One Hundred and No/100 ($ 100)Dollazs valuation of one cents ($ 0. 404531) property, comprising tax amount of a 8, 854. 293, 76 Section 3. That pursuant to Resolution 04gross tax be reduced levy by $293,319 adopted by City Council to reflect the tax amount lost to on Mazch 2, 2004, the frozen senior citizen and disabled accounts. - ( ho;pursuant to contract, is the Tax Section 4. The Jefferson County Tax Assessor-Collector w Assessor-Collector for the hereby City of Port Arthur) and directed to prepaze Tax Statements and and the amounts collected shall be the with the pioceed deposited in the Orange County Tax Assessor-Collector Collections aze for the 2009 taxable year, Depository of the City of Port Arthur, to be distributed in accordance with this Ordinance. There is Section 5. provisions hereby levied and of section 102-111 of Article IV of there shall be collected in accordance with the Chapter 102 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Port taxed Arthur, Texas, from certain persons, firms, associations, or corporations, pursuing occupations by the General Laws, of the State of Texas, an annual which may be paid as provided Section 6. This being Occupation Tax, provided by the State Laws, the State Law. an Ordinance not requiring publication it shall take effect immediately and be in force from and after its passage. READ, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, this Meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Mayor: Prince; Mayor Pro Tem Segler 22nd day of September 2009 , A.D.,at Arthur, Texas by the following vote: a Council members: Chatman Beard Williamson, Wise and Henderson. Noes: NONE s/ Deloris Prince Mayor Deloris Prince ATTEST: s/Terri Hanks Terri Hanks, Acting City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: s/ Mark Sokolov Mark Sokolov = City Attorney APPROVED FOR ADMINISTRATION s/Steve FitzEibbons City Manager -Steve Fitzgibbons s/Deborah Echols Director of Finance D - eborah Echols jja\ ordinance\ w t ax ord\lery 2009