ToiActivate Electric Chair 7 A. Turn on exhaust fan. B. 7 Turn-onpower supply at junction box by throwing 7 switch to on position. C. Using key, Switch on electric chair control module in the following sequence: Poweron I I I Computer?on. I 3. Electric chair lililsafe to OPERATION. . 4. I Energize electric control switch. I Upon completion Of cycle, shutdown in the following order: 1. Return chair failsafe to A Computer of? 3.. Power 011'. 4.: off power supply- at junctiOn - throwing switch to off position. LEAVE EXHAUST 1! Note: case bf emergency,- upon-direction of Warden. throw:- power :to off and await instructions. . . . .. 07 mer I I 3 I astKin?? . fanwe: air?ow?? I ?17 74,771 691337{ya7fm'7?35'fl? I. i 7?5AW?Jaf09rf?m I I . A romp-l I .- I gwwiam - 454/ . ., -4L . -g;we tar/m 0219:? amen \osaKAM IllI'LLlruu ..LII. . . . not \ln. V54 t3? . I: ?41.1. . I .. Ilul I. wa? . 3 i- grn??l? ?Him? 1 Lo mama. 137likuwb?dblx?kf . . . Ia .?kPPr7 . . r: -. IILPH. Allmfx?Lu. A 3. [will .. . ll..JA. .. ~llI'll]: . ..vl 2.. l-.l .. n. .. .513Juli . . .2 .1 ll.21: .. .. fob HH Pltu .25. my 3 9. Ill-Ill"! Illa. [I'll] .. . kganv. . . . . . ??kam. ?sank . ., . . .. . . 11.7 . .. evilfl?li?l ah . ?a I If?- . ,lelrmriu .uuvrif . . . .. L. a; rm Food . . . cod ma kw; wwmazulAul .. . . .. H. .nTlunr W. Li??fw. ?Gr.195. . .. .Axv . .1 ?nxsv. aw. 16 .lg R119. My . 'Ak'a 7?Nlik 4M:hAAy ?Wm; +541 Cw. - . bl5'0. . 4.59Ou?h? 9?.?tllt .. . any}. .1. .?ludw .. . ii? 01.21 Z1 1 - c~m - - +812w1+ ?swig. {Amuml?jd . - "f Tish?! j?bn- 53%? KM: 4:45.44? I a; 33-9.} ELLE It \n FNLS Sara 4 . . (. a. I IAmericanEngineering, Inc. Office: 265 Main Street . .50? Engineering Facilities: 108 Bunker H-il-I'Street Boston, Massachusetts 02129 (617)242-0385 356' .1 . 7 3 .Au'gust'ZQ, 1985K I Wardetl 'Michael Duttoh .T'enn. State Penitentiary I Station A - I . 37203 i f; - I ?5 -- ?--ne-aram?ha?1, 121' . i - . engineering and hardware fabr?i?atinq .fir-m'iocatedrin _B7o-s'ton, paStL it has the-desngr-t and fabricatio? of execution; 1 ?deVices for state gev-er-nme 1e n'fo?rci ng. ca pita I .p-u nis-h me njt. Entry in tethemarket Was determined?{- by'a requiremerit sta n-dardizeha rdwa re and procedureslired-uce Costs and-eliminate p-roTb-le-r?s and I inherent in executions: Meet-of the equipment in use today isaquarter?cf a century ol'dfi?or sub-standard imep-FQCi-Se 1a. . I not limited to, the-field. arefprepare?d to?ad'dressany' - Tmedicai stainde-Oi'ritIOur aim-is .tooffer hardware and-personal .s'uppc-rt. problems you thig ht pasta; and research anyproblemsyoumight have, notenljy butr?bv' .actua-igp-h-ys-i'cal iris-pectic rig-repair, maintenance and Set?up of yb ur?hardware arid?" ?systemsifdr-u-Se, any'exec'Ution. with most-systems Tand. procedures aridar'e prepared to discuss any problems might have. . .- suppiiy any'ha'rdwar?e', systems needed; arid 3 flirt-her, back-up said systems- and hardware with can test} and certify Vour s?ySterr-i-?and :pr-i?or to'it'sguse -a{n.d be present during its useto .ens-ure' pr-eperfunctiori: We have a. - I 2 .- successful track rebord in'the ?fiei'd and'a complete, injeC'tion system inp?la'ce at the NewJers-ey State .Pr-isori in Trenton. Enclosedis-?a-descriptio-rrof our art-"System available today. This system-will minimize you-rpr-o-blems and-ensure troUble?free has beehdesighed utilizing the best-medical and engineeringexpertise .ai/aiiab-ie and has been 'thbroughly'consideredfhfom .a "human factors", legal and public standpointto minimize error and guarantee ease iri operation? -_Fr_-ed I . I . The Amen-can Engineering'-Modular' Electroculion System 1 The design of?_an electrocution system involves theconsiderationof a few',? but very. Signi?cant reQuirements. Voltage, current, connections, duration and number ef'current applications(jolts); ch ulrements, . king el eet-foo?ut-ion 1h ere are {we 'fe 'm us-f be considered: the Console-9.; a no uton'o-m'io' - nervous Systems- Voltages in excess of that-Which ?90?30'5 Dali? and understanding: Generally; unconsciwsness'CicourS-in} sabiects. heart: 'Genera.lly.?.we compute the age alt-1200.0 Vol-t5 is; a: resistance Ofth'e electrode contacts-and that tithe she-U1 be Fake?inm . ?urremnt' be- kept fun-d?r Si'x'ampelres to minimize ?b'ody I?damalgeiu (cooking): . ewe-ally. the the-Is? - - l- Welgl?n?.7?dkilosi? 3:42? {h?h??fj t6 a??crh?m?aa?i'e Sables-m. gage-r.- I I. 20.60 .- I . -- 10% for. d'roo .at I yao. the Voltan? 'hn o?nn .. 52640 vac should be applied in two jolts on one minute each, spaced-at a ten second interval. On xcessive chemical build?up and sympathin) at thene'rve ?junctions and the ten wait generally allows for dissipation of the chemicals. . System Description: . 955 as American Engineering, Inc.? manufactures a low obst, state of-th'e" ajrt modular?system {for electrocution. Thesystem utilizes solid state circuitry for controland'timing?, current regulation to 5- milliamp'ere's and :sin-gle and two station 'c-Ontrol 'for_ operation. It is designed with ?plug-in in ver?ylittile'timfe by untrained perSOnnel._ components for ease in repair and maintenance and because of its modular design can-be installed i control system is designed for a ming sequence which wi?ll'deliver jolts 2400 volts .ac? spaced ten seconds apart. Tonguarantee fai'lsafeOperation. timer - activates and 'shuts down t-he's'ystem if any'Of-t'hesequential time-rsff'a-il. Additionally, there. areztwo. modes ofop'er-ationj' single station andtwo. station. In single station,?on7eipush but-ton switch" Controls a - memory/.5Furtherfsinzce the controls are operated :electroniCally, theop?erat'o'r handles-only slow voltage equipment, being-completelyisolated-from the'high . "voltage circuitry-is designed :todel?iver' 2-64.05v0lts ?ac' 'as? the-load 7 . saturatesandthecurrent inC'reasesg?t'heavoltage stabilizes. at 2400 VO?ltsachhecurrent islim'ited-tb 5- i . ,ampere?s, mlaXimu?m; bysacurrent'regiJlator. The accordance with the Standardf-o'rm ularfori I admittance, Will .drOp?appmxim-ately volts butthe?current will never exceed 5. amperes i :with 0.1% (5 c-?Ur-rent limiting breaker protects the load. in'ithe event-of a regulatOr failure and-Will openthe circuit at 6 amperes. 'l'fhe'eq'uipment?is 'p?ot'ecied. by a. 90 ampere i - The 5. -1?The pool/er supply (senses-a a' 208 volt e9, 2.640 Wilt-ac :secdnd?ry t?r?nSf-orrne-r--cb u-pledsto 3 Cont'actor,x TU saturable reactor with monitoring and voltage designed to deliver-'5 amperes at 0.1 2400Vo-lts 3- - ,t 1 This means that when the circuit is closed 2640 volts 80 is .fed - saturates, the'current'inclrease's and the-voltage drops. Atapproximate-l'y ten seconds into operation i t'he'loa'd is fully saturated'ar-nd appears to beta' d'ir'ect?short circuit. The current-reg u-lator, however, 00 volts- ac. lf the-current. - limits" theeurrent to ?5 aam-peres 'at the maximum' voltage point of regulatOr fails, an breaker-isfset Gram-peres.? The system Operates by-im-Onitoring output current, processing it-in- a direct currentamplifier, and applying it to a idirectcurrent coil. thecweI-?of? the reactor. ?It is, essentially, a highly accurate magnetic amplifier. - 5 - - ca'sion'the Subjects heart will spasm, instead of seizinrg,lduring the first application ofcurrenf and Additionally, the poWer supply contains overcurrent protection for both the equipment and the [03d and an output contactor for closing the high voltage circuit to ?theElectriC?Chair. All ConneCtiOns to the power supply, except those for the 208_vo ts a'c in, whichfare terminal block, arervia tWo military type circular connectorsThe Control Con-Sole 7 circuitry and controlslfor the-system operation. 'lt.con'tainstwo lgeyswitchesfor-circuit control?a?nd-a key-controlled failsafe s'Witch for'highyoltage output, 'j I -- The control console is'a _sl0ped7metal panel Jc-abinejt containing-the timing circuitry {switCh-i?n-g 'Thge'ti-rning. sequence is accomplishedwit-h two timers and one ten'sec.ond - cascaded from a system?s t'irn-er of system shutdown after.- 1 v, even in the event 0f_'a sequential timer fai.lure..T_imer activationis all. byprec-ision: .7 ?Qne' is standard ahdis facilitated. by_.sQli.d state comm-Lone switch operates relay the. logic the switch insures .that'ngo: one will "know which OperatorcontrOlled'the circuit; as with "a .syVit'ch. in'memoryrn 7 - The Electric-Chair - adjustable arms and'disassemtfles into five sub- groups: theback, the seat, leg stock and the'helmet.? - The ankle electrodes, which are fabricated on?to'the l-e'g? stock, arextumed. tro'g?r'ound. . . .Z'l'heihelrnet'consists ofan Outer Shel met'ofleather elrnet of CoPpe'r mesh . will disassemble-fa :repa'irvandthe elect-rode will Vac-comodatea?-BZ conductor;-. - . - - . The ch'air'desi'g-n includes 'ai-drip pan andzis: fabricated to ensure for repair-or . ,st-orage?. he straps are of nylon aircraftconstruction. and consist of two ankle two "Wrist-3; 3 Straps and one With quick release fast_enersits :be several hours and-isfully field repairableg, .. -- - - Spcci?cations- lPower v'ac 264.0 y'ac? but; C'urrerit: 5 Ampere? at fr!inlia?mb?reshegul?tion. Ove'rC'u'r?ren; 9:0 'Amperes; ?load and. equipmehf - Terminatiohst 2 MS (military-type) cifCular cdnhectors, C'onso'le ahdfhigh voltag?putp?i?. 'T?-fr?in-Control Console? . -- - :Oy'erc-urren-t afnb?res. 7 Timing: S?du?ht?iaflf?E-T minute; "1 ,1 An ?sqil?i?d Staiej with Ia Jim?s-gong: s'y's-t'e'ms "_.timer., - -- - . . Switches: Three type?<32 oneZ-f-o-r' System switchesTe'rrm'i'n'a'tiongz-1 type} c-ircul-ar {Schnecito-r.? Material: ,Oak. '2 Electr'od?'s': All turned 'of t'wQ legs-aha. h?lmei; g- Helj??t: spo'nge. 7 I Straps: Nylo?, aircraft type; quibkrrelease. I -.. - Sy?t?hw and components are-available in?tiQ-exis?t-irig system's may require modification of componentof System - I T- t- - - The America-m Engineering Modular System The deSiQn Of an: GIQCUOCUUOW System-involves the consideration ofra few, but Very Signi?cant? and?number ofereint-appliCatioUS (Joltsy LRquiremehts: head .of?thef-s-u biect sholu lid? be with . . I pin 86:1 edqu nge, [gig trim mg '7991391Widest-hat '35 n9 .ith-e?cu-rireintrowde .an mafia Tat 5 i3?! i. #911896.- :?guarqnit?e . Pi?if?Qn?xO-f if j??rvp .ZVb-Itaggs; 2th 2 . . Cans-crib ug?z?-?hdiaa-uicmomz iah?'rvdl?lf?ig? Suf??i?emiro desire 2 4?1 spattfq't tais?hQ?dI-iT133513 'r?q?ui'r?es (of siege: the?. at 65f"? kappa-5' gquy) arid limb:- i . 77-: $56916 --b??2640 volts This 2640 vac should be applied in two jolts-0n one minute a ten second interval. O?n occasion the subjectsheartwillspaSm; instead of seizing, during the first application of current?and the application 0f the second joltwillige'n?erally eliminate this problem. This spasm is. duelrt?O' _xcessiye chemical". build??7up and sympathin)? at thehnerve junctions andthe. tent I seconds'Wait gen?efally allows for dissipation oft-he. chemicals. . System Descriptioll American - flow the" art .jmoldular' he idSI-?a-te?c?i a hid! timi hg?fc u'rfrie'n-t' r?g ui?tibn? ?615 7 {gm?i?ll-giv?m-peres - cont-[oi is I designed with- :939'm90-nems-forease mai?n?tena n-ceiahd because-ct 1 - designed EwiI-Ifdeliv?r?twoiz?n?e mln?t?fjozliS?tZ Q9 'ried-unda? m. ?sijtem732t?t' 1d9w'n; that? if agin'v' pit-he s?q Us tit-la?! fail-?1. Additionally; the-re . Q'p?l'afti?l?? isl?gl? Ems?Wuttlo,n5switch?gbhit? . ja?ci The-{tauririent? Basia - fr? 9. A. circuitry, two (literati-Ere limits 8 rid.- higihivoltage: 'ujt eased 2.64oyoits: gab-ifsffeditnto the; [gad- . ppr?-xi?mat?fv ten seporiid?imb {$12113 03? 9' .. .setito'trip amperage" .. 1?55." .. lat-b fails -. .. . rallies i't'e proc'essi ng?ifj in ?d:i3re"ct Cu ?re-ht am pl fa mfg-m 'cio-iJi-gwhichiqontrols: the flux: density: the core of the tea V. athighly"accuraiemagnetic amplifier; I - Additionally, thepowe?r supply protection fOr both-the equipment and-(themed I 7 - and "an output contaCtor for closing the to the ElefctriCChai?r; .AlljconneCti'ons to. 7 the power SUpply, except those-for the ac in, which. are two mil itaiv - circular connectors; - - -- . .. ltd-hir?l' 0.0 - 3'81 a sipped -. etaI-P? nelr Cf'ab'i?n at ,bonta'i ni ngl: the . ti mz'ing 1'svvitch5i-n? I i ?g3 :97qu lS-??zc?o s36 lidis'ta't'e' um i ts audio n'e :t'e ?3er ,1de I: . activation relay}; i i 7 "that rgil?dgmercircuit." sq 3 .1 - 1 eli?l?cl?gcih'a" 9i??bake51?h?iir'lwitll?diu stab artfmisadaba The5he{5met @h?Si?isiofan Wei, hie-Wet bfyleai?heihrfxa'?d- ?lmeioifico?p?r .. {of-repairari'dihe Electrode Will I .. -, I: . is fabricatgdtog?fnsure . 'Qf-E'nylon' alt-GraftConstructionfandf tho .ainkle-55361.99, - - - 'i be'caulsie of. its modular design! may be- insfall?d' (by people inthe Switch h?i?hwill activate - Specifications' Power Supply 7' 20:8 vac-in, .2400 vac plus "10%o'r 2640' Vac-out, CU?f?rehtTS Ampere? (-5 ,I?-illilamper?s) .r-eg'ul'liatfijdn- . npqt. . wipeij n?d output; i 1; ?5 . . Ewiw?d?siNI: ti??rinzed? dff?Ls?oI-i-d; tVYb-Jeg. 7 i I v. isal-m'odular SYStem- ?-?re?ava-ilabile-separately. Integration i?th existihg Sir/stems. .r 3 of cqmponem andimeffacel. hick. system :lf?ils?fez f1 DISCLAIMER V'Americ?n Engineering, Inc, assumes n9 responsibilify for the intendedidf.' '1.actpal use Of this device. I L986g?.- ?B?StoniMA~ American {Apia L. HA . Hm. . . ?dimHurst . . ., .Lvr . . 2.57in. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .O.1"1.16 .. 54:: - rug?4'i??uieLSMT"3516944 241?; igqu?, . I. - V. awmfemi -- 1??~Lg7193373m ??u-?weekqw- isgm {axiom .- 3'13. 9 733= -- {21 - - - 0wa 104* -- 2 a . fie; .e'Ach '5 9- \l '11 IA. '1 ?(wrunLu u' )1 .a .. ch.-Mike Button, Warden. _TenneSSee State Penitentiary system '{fc?mpl?ie Lethal InjectiQHgMaehine_' .Ut?gstoeksuFe? American Engineering, Inc Consulting Engineers Boston, Ma 02129. 617-242-6998~ . 7&55 -Octobeh 22,- . Station Dear Mlke?'Puesuant?to hy?diseussie? With.Mb; Thomas Joplin eahIieh todayf"lgg_ material bn gun Moddlah- -?5Elect?ocgtion System and Lethal Injeetion Machine. - i 37* fi?l'2?7 'i ifH1;aoopod_ .All tingliVePY??osz ?nden:f For 90 days; - n? .This and materials be code paht oF?a?y" ?purchase*ohdehyv? - - . -.F hiAheriban liability-qu the acuual.g.w oP-iHEEnded .-- "3 I'Amehican Engineering bFFehs a YeanlyiMaihtenande?FP?dg?am_ ~?AmeriC?h Engin?e?ingivln?. halda both a Massachy?etts medicai.n?. license ,.as yell License (#MA0023236nand' medical research and can prescnibe necessary For any ekecution{ American.Engineening can evaluate_youn present system and make ?recqmmendatione fun cprrectional??pdate.KFuPtheh{ it can'conFigUne 'your_physica1 Death area and I required{ - ?Unit?d?States ihcludi or you Engineering Technician All -bill?d at a P?te 0F American Engineering-can test and certiFy your-equipment prior to - . oFFeh an Exe ?ng.hahdwa?? Fob Gas chambers and gallows. consult at any time. 3 I will be ih touch with in the h?a? Futuhe to di?cgss-any?1u' P_pUPPent hegds.. . -, 1 Fred L?u?hpe}, 4p_ ;3 rChieE Engineer Fred A. Leuchter, Associates Unh#110 Boston MA 02148 . 617-322-0104 - .August 26}71988j -, Dept; of_CorreCtion,. lstate of Tennessee_- .37209-w? Dear '?Putsua?t to yOuri request of edriiei this.mohth, I am.p1e?sed? to-submit the following quotation'foc your leg stock ?Eelectrodel .assembly. 'Chair. 'will gberz fabricated of foak jor similar handWOod and will be as:_ "?.315000?o?1; 2. and 3I7*fj a. >5 "spec?rifthe: enclosed Specification" ahd, 'draW-ings- '3 - I Eie?tric Chain, inci?ding? helmet 7ahdi3 Fleg_Stock electrode be fabricated qof10aszori?Similar.ihardwooda ana ?will-be as per the?* ??-enCIOSed Specification 5000?0?- 11,213 anqlhibnsg Si;7 33. 1 ea; complete MOdolar Eiectpocution_5ys?em as oer-the wienCiosed SpecificatiOn and drawings 1 5 4. Shipping lwill_ be :ate'pte?ailingVip?tes7 at'itime.0f "h Tpurchase-order.. 'Sf?Alth? guaganteed; juncohditionally,?foc?five unconditionally,_for fiVe?years;_ -years'or five'?xecutionsi Installation wis.guaranteed, . :E?ginEetslS hours $100.00' .Technician 16 hours 85.00 rEngineer a? ?TeChqician 4 days "ng0t?1,lab6r and eipenses.?? {110.} :f'11L irates: (2) men, Two (2) days plus I . Certification is squlied.for Installation and Test is available at th? following plus . 5 01,360,000 400.00 4 days-0.200.00? ilTstal Labotf 3, Ex??nS?203? -_464;00j - . I. FWh?n_?aj 'LeudhtersASSOCiates,f gWhehi?ahY-iCOwPIEte ofd?t?d'. sp??ificatib? is herewith spart bf. this? qudtation.'. iDeliv?ryl Will. be'?b'laterrthan ninety (90} days-from}. the receipt of . 013; and installation will be' =c0mpleted inha profeSsioual and competent.manner.. :This'Quotati0n is addendumed to.any aha, all spurchase ,orders, ,a?Ready.Eor use Certi?ication is .14. Payment:? A fifty. percent dow - required at the time of_ issuance of payment will bew purchase_orders; _twenty?five perCent will be paid upon completion work; and twenty?five_percent (25% ,ithirty (30) =days after final billing Tnet amOunt.: _3 -, - "f 315.cEfed.A} Leuchter_AsSociatesransumesp' ?,the_intended or_actual use of-this de is Suggested that You p?rchase the comple 3 Twin that yOu :will receive a Complete module. on.a' nixas necessary; 7~ I. .: will ?be' paid_ . f--All billing is= noiliability5fot.-' Vice; te?electric chair . Fredf Leuchte: Aesociate? can .alSOf5ente{Tinto a ttaining;: -3fjmaintenance and exeCUtion" Supp0rt.progpam for} you; ?wherebyIifor a' fixed fee it will hold a tra ining seminar-fob Additipnally) On an? as? neCeSsary: basis, a - .ye a791y4ba~sis4?w - Fred A- hLeuChter YOU: ieqUipment'and conductf ?direCtion,Lto;e free and uneventful.;executiong z.?Leuchter Associates_w111'asSume' full ?respo nsure 3 ?plan; QFred A, 3' nsibilitY'for;the .competenCy of the execution and cond?ct said? execution_ in a . I. "await you-on :thhe .3 . - - 7 Leachter Associates Chief Engineer ~f head Should be {fitted' I an.e1ectp0de with a saline solution 5iTheSegtwoL12)'ankle rejeach.0f she ?COntacts. * Fred A. Leuchter, Associates 231 Kennedle?ve Ur?t?110 Boston. MA 021481 617?322r0104. . - ASSOCIATES MODULAR SYSTEM 5_e1ectrocution system invo1?es '?he . The? ?eeign7 of noan .bdt Very Slgnificant, consideration ofga few, applications (joltayL aggmem?gtg- a First; the sy?tem* should Teontain three (3jfeiecttod??; 3Tb? . - meistened}sponge;5 -through current~:iSQ Secondi each ankle-,-shou1dj be fitted "with the current- to. divide? . . ?requirements;?' and number of current. ItgisV_ vang>l and? guaranteeing- passage do??lete *Qf'one (Ia ankle eleCtpode"(insteaa oth always.en?ure electrodes -are] the . will -almost.'" diffiCUltp'electroedtion..f return .path Of the Konrrent; iContact should be enhanced by uSiug saline salve -.iS?aOf, .the'- 'withifa= .:Lthej:felectrodev 'volts gankle=_conneCtions. '?It ?be_ maintained '.at 'minimum' of ?2000 ?dropl" of -the system. 'VoltageS-lower than .2000 caphot?guarantee?heart, dea?h and are; that they may :anSe'?unnecessapy trauma to impo;tance that good' amount Of'resistanceif 'maintain?d, after voltage. lautohomicv- ?"requirements could result in pain to the subject ??chairi? ?WMedical'Deseciption During electf0cution there age considered:lthe conscious and the autonomic neIVOus_ systems} -V01tages in-excess ?of 1500 volts ac are generally sufficient to destroY-the constious_nervous system, that which.controls rpain and understanding. . part of a seCond. ,as fast_-aS' the nervous syStem can record pain; -utmost. .minimum3 - ?ac.1must'ybe- guarantee ,permanentT 1 nervous j' 'Volts ac, at-qsaturatiOQI: thuSJ not adequate ?or' these'basic.? andvfailure5? heapt ?death} leaving a braiq dead subject_in the two f(i) factors that ?uStibe." Generally, unconsolodsness Occurs in_r' This is subjects constious- The autonomic nervous.system' is_a little ,more difficult, however, and generally_requires? 'in excess.of 2000 volts ac to seize the 'pacemaker_ in the' 'subjects hearty: Generally,' we compute the voltage at 2000 volts ac plUs- 20%. After -the- voltage is applied and the= '"subjects body Saturates, the voltage; has* dropped -ab0ut 10%, (depending upOn contacts and .that of theI subject gbody) and 'this should_ be taken intOE' consideration, as well._ Current shoUld be kept-under six (6) i amperes to minimize body damage (cooking). ?2 . 5Ide?ilyi?ne voltage is calculated thus} t? The average man W?i?hing- 70 ?kilos .1154 lbsa) requiresf: 7f2900'V91tS ac to.seize the heart. 5 I ,l "InCrease the voltage by with:? :greater resistance; I 2-- at"" lihus the Yaita??isnOUld be 2640.101tsfacr 0 vol sfac ??auid be applied in two lat -a-ten (10) ?occasiong?the subjects heart will Seizing,? - ?during the first ,applicatiOn the application" '0s-of?the Second I?olt :will-?generally. eliminate thisproblemt_ ~This to excessive ?:_Chemical ifoUildeupW-" at the nerve junctionsf and the f. generally alloWS f0rfdissipation?of?thel.3 .chemicalsv?l . -. - .- Descriptionf': Fred-LeuChter*AssoCiates manufactures gthe?art modular system for? The; 'system5 utilizes-solid state '5Circuitry ?or control- and timing,? fcurrent_regulation to five (5) milliamperes and single and.r operation. It is designed' with - plUg?in'components for_ ease, in 5repairland.maintenan?el and I because of its modular design can be installed in-very little time py_untrained personnel The control'system? is? designed Tdown_the system- :station.and two.(2) station- ".button'switch'controls *two (2) switches are-utilized and. which Switch Causes- operation; ?precludes the use? . of the two .switche5~ . since the controls are operate .handles only low voltage_equipmentj-b The high voltage- "ac.upon.activat10n and, ;.current is limit ?regu1ator..?Thefvoltage, '??formulanforgadmittanCe,* '.volts,lbutithe,e gmhe' -i .7?The-poWerjs?ppiyieonsiste1 high voltage contaotorf, hiltiis deeigned to del I -. milliampere) regulation at 2400 volts ac, plus 10% (240 volts 1} - ?Tappear8.t0*beTesdire phowever,llimit5fthe- amperes; V. the for a timing sequence which- jolts -at '2400.volt8'ac will deliver two (2) one (1) minute' ~To ?guarantee" fail?safe Spaced ten apart; operation, a redundant .Systemis, timer ,activates and-shuts' if ~any: of the. Sequential 'timers _fail.u~ two (2) modes o? operatiOn: . single'i In (1) puSh} the _operation, In tWo=(2) statIOn,' alogic cirCuitry determines? The ?two (2) 'since no one knows which-- 'Additionally, there are of an-executioner, _activated- the_5ystem- electronically}: the operator 'eing completely.isolat teeing =cirCUitry is designed to-deliver?2640 volts fas the load saturates and the current ,at*.24QQ .volts? ac; "gin faCcordanCewhwith- the will {drop papproximately 10%.or 240._ fexceed. the :eVent:70f urrent.WillnneVer ;.thex :19ad-rin- and Qwill wo?i(2) Overdurrent'limits and" EJet five (nga?per Slat pThis means that when the circui ac is fed into the load.? As the' increases and the Voltage drops.- a the _1oad ?t short?circuit. >eurrentg-tof five- ac. If ?the 2400. breaker-i set to trip at sixf t-is-closed; 2640 volts" dAt approximately 'is? fully ?saturated ?andf The current regulabdr; amperes iat- thee} maximum voltage point- of nitoring and applying it to-a direCt . flux- density in the COre of'f ?a highly accurate-amagneticf :sYs-tem by. mo ?nt amplifieri it in a direct Curre the.reactor.' It is,_eSSentially, station? mode"d The system; ed_"g* ?A?jcurrent?uET d'by a ninety" (99) ampere ~current?7' Additionally, the power- 7_ supply Contains overcurrent protection for both the equipment and the load and an outputp contactor for closing .the' high 'voltage circuit to.? the Electric.Chair. gAll connections to the pQWer supply, eXcept those for the 208 volts ac in, which are terminal bloCk, are 'vaia two cirCular connectors. . .The Control Console - The c0ntrol conSOIerfislf'a . sloped ?metal? panel . cabinet .containing.the timing gand? operation.. "It key7 .switches for circuit Icontrol and a keyecontrolled 'fail?safe: mswitCh for_high voltage output. a -. I - 'The timing sequence1 is accomplished with none (1) minute' timers ten second [timer.? Mcascaded from a .syStem?s timer of 130 seconds, \guaranteeing g-systemrshutd0wniafterV l30 seconds _even -in -the event of a' ..'sequential timer failure. "rprecisionfrelay. - - VOne.%l) and 'two? station control 'is-standard and) 13"? Station -. Control, one;(l) Wswitch operates fa"solid?stateimfelay_ and - aetivates the system; tw0'(2) station two. switches are utilized -and' the? lOgic ?sWitch which will actiVate'the .relay. 'This insures that-no: ?one will knowlwhich_operat controlled the circuit,- as with_ va firing sQuad:;j The_ system hdoes not retain thezoPeratingf - - .- . .- -- - The? E-1'e-c'tiringha-ir ?.The eleCtric chair consists of an oaken chair with adjustable arms and backrest}; It disassembles into five (5) sub groups: .the-back, the_seat, the arms; the electrode leg stock and the- ?j.he1metgif' - I - 5 mare' fabricated .ontol the solid, brass. wThey accommodate 'a At1ieehed Re?l?iSitiQ? - .. 'h I . .ef. direefion '1 ike . the attached requisition for glectrocu?on' 3~ Department fof. Correction personnel. :?have researched the market er-- . 'SIipp-l'i'ers 'andhave been-able to- lodate__.on_1y- .th?-r - Suggesfed-?l-?sy?st?em; l, ,our needs; ibut'rwe 'ha'vefno ask-fer iit'on. aipi?opr-ietary 7 the?only certified system we find-onfthe -. . A . wetwoula systems the OflyQur' ?department .in determining-71f .thefe are i. - CO?Parable systems on the market.? If other are [Please :re?qUest- that 't?he vendor j-submit'. detailed speeificatiqns and 2'Departme1j1t of Correction personnel my ?i?eview than". . 1:6- determine if lithgy :fhe?t..0ur' needs. in the. event there. are no - i ~?reque_st that the listed: systembg purchase-d on_- a? :fpropri-e'tary' basis,? 7 3?0? f?r i? y?uf? as'?i'stahce; - if - ybu-neEd more" information?.? please contact - - - Attachment; STATE OF TENNESSEE To: Commissioner. Depaftment of Gen?ral SErvices From: 7 'ICorrection'. Department . . . Budget D1V151on_ Fis?al Services? . Division: Addressi- ?32-0 6th . Nashville 'Address: I iE' Nashville .3. - - :Inv?ice"' To AddreSs: . - 320 6th f1 Nashville-.. IFred?Higf - "i N. ~?3rd4f1, R. Jackson TN uMiddl?iT?nhess?e Maxi?um'Secufify'Facilit '7475.Cockrill Bend Industrial - - fN' 37209 Rd. Division RJ?Jacksoanldg,. ldg- _37219-5252% FOR PURCHASE VRequ-isilio'n Date: Allotment No.: Requisition No.: ?rDateRequired: Eontact Persbn: - TepephOne-Number: - Number of invoices Req.:' - Che-Tim? Pu'rchase' Depadm?nt?l Contract?j Agency/Comma I . D.P.A. From StateWide ITEM - Team 3:3 QTY. .TOTAL- ESTIMATED. 2 COST NO- ?5H.ECszSuanxig_fgjv' - in, $110% 0; 26$0-volts acTQut; smegma :five (ax-mazes I on SERVICES 2 to,cafry3?i . - at . _h 1.1 r?spective?lygg g5. (u?ii??jFiyp?LELJTJ console and.high I .Terq?nal-blodkf 298 flE.1E?Eiis {zlx--E av; . .- PURCHASING APPROVED FOR NOT TO EXCEED THE TOTAL ESTIMATED, NAME 7 TITLE TYPE NO. BATCH: SEQ . T6. FD COST '3 SUB PROJ ECTI OBJ AGY REQ . AMOUNT- ?_oo - O1 02 FORM P-i - gaev: 3-8.7) GS 0015' FROM DEPARTMENT OF CONTINUATION REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE STATE OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE SUB-H EAD DIVISION OF RIO. NO. ALLOTMENT JTEM . ?No. QUANTITY . UNIT 1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES TOTAL ESTIMATED 'c'OsT . SUPPLY (continued) The supply. a" ac primary, .2640 You .?as secondary transformer ?coupled to a Saturable reactor with-current . monitoring circuitry; limits a. high voltage contractor; .- It is designed: deli-Tier five o; - (five :milliamere) regulation-ht 2400 vOlt ac, plus volts This that . .I circuit is closed, .2640 fed "into the load. ft?h? load saturates, the curren the VO?I'tageidropsC approximatel seconds into Operat-i-On, .157 $111 1y Saturated ahd appears to be ardiirect is'hort _cirk:uit_. {the currentto-fliveU-(S) .anper?sg'at ithe maxi -. 7 - - 311' .- breaker .115: set L. -_to_?tripsystem. "operates by-mOn-itoring processing in direct ._curr_ent amplifier; . . applying ittO" a1di?re'ct- current-Eco-il which. .contf the. density in the .cOr?e of the reactor. I is, Essentially Ew-highly 'ac?ilrate- magnetic",- Snipl'i?fien; - a T: -. Additional 1y;- t?he Over- current protection for. both the and ?the' loadgan? output -_.contactOr .for; closing. the .zh-igh voltage oircuiit to: theiEleotric' Chair, thepower supply, except-"those for the, 20.8 voits .ac :are? termi.na1_..- . 'are via two circular 1 . . 61.5 REQUISITIONED . - 5:037 ,eHowN HEREONI - FOR FUNDS NOT TO EXCIED THILTOTAL ESTIMATID roan-4 ILL-A 08-9015 FROM DEPAETMENT or: CONTINUATION REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE - STATE OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE 'Iuio. NO. ALLOTMENT - SUB-HEAD '1 DIVISION-.OF ITEM - QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES SERVICES .- . TOTAL ESTIMATED 7 COST I CONTRACT gan'mOL :I-Voltz'rgei _1_10' Trol?ts- 'an ,on? amp?lie; ?thtee' - 'VTiIEning: sequentialr-9f1e ten Seconds} . one with 130, secOnd? systeme - Switches: Three lock "type?T-TtWo for . circuit On?? "for System . fail-Safe; operator Switches. 'Te??ina??anEI-?one .- . aTlep?d?Hbt?li panel goatami?ng the Circuitry; - - Switching. circuitry and control for the 4 a OpCratioh,' It contains- Switches". . . control-and a fa=i-1-_ .- for-highvoltag-e _;Outpfut. ?is aOcainl ish?d with. two one 7(1) mi-hute' .and' one (1.0): Cascaded from a? - -. I system's of, 130- seconds Iguaifant?eing 5 . System Shutdownaftef 130 seconds; eve-n iri .ilti? '1 .event of. a SeqUe?tial timer-failure;- ,activation is all by precision relay; - Timer - "On?'sfati'onh'con?t'ifol ?is .i'e'q?estedQ. in single Station control, one switch-operates. a s?olidf stat-e; relay and activates otheosystemc :1 . PURCHASING .AGENT REQUISITION-ED Ev: SHOWN HEREONI APPROVED iron FUN-08 To torAL'EsnMA'rto you-u Rio; NQ.. . offal? - comlNUAnou FOR PURCHASE .. - STATE OF TENNESSEE I - I 7 ALLOTMENT sue?mud DEPARTMENT 'or-?QUANTITY UNIT - DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES OR SERVICES A I CONTRACT 'Materia'lhoalc. . .. E-lectfodesz?hall tu?ied?of helmet. .1 -. . I. g. nYli'On: ?ir?r?ai?tr?type? Q?ieki'relieasel?" -A - _.The..el.ectric Chair consistsof oaken-Iehair .wi'th' adjustable backrest." It dis-assembles- - groups: thej'back, the electrode leg. stock. :and- the: helmet. . . 5 - 1:2, j. I 7. 7: $1.5 r" are- . I - ?and?si?ejpsr?llel?ed Th?guh?lmgil?cghsiis'ts. of ?an ouf?thelms'cfd .f1'?ath?rf_ an inner helmet? of copper mesh and sponge. . 7 '-It will .dis-asserxble- for) repair the electrode 'v .. eh'air design" inclticles. a drip is - "fabricated to; ensure ?eaL/sy disassemblij for repair' :or 'stor'a-ger The straps-arelofs-?yle?aircraft .. *e-onStruction Sludgeo?sisf of two straps," r" - 'two and one "harness, all- with quick release fasteners'.'. . APPROVED rea' FUNDS examso THE (BTIMATID . C.OBT suowu HFREON: . . . PURCHASING - . roan Int-k 05-0016 FROM DEPARTMENT CONTINUATION REQUISITIONV FOR PURCHASE STATE OF ITENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION OF RIEQ. NO. ALLOTMENT ITEM No. . UNI-T DESCRIPTION OF.ARTICLES-OR SERVICES. TOTAL COST ESTIMATED CONTRACT 7 I "if the successful. venddr'willa'ce'rtify? the - 3-12; as ready fo_r_ use 'Stete - :1 vendor Will "3101: :syStem, as ready. '5 (installation performed _by State ?i-gstallat-ionf _i'sfins'talled? I S?ggeSted'l'Ye?dor: - A. 'Legchter, "ASSQe-i'etes . I ?231 Kennedy Drive'_- -jUhit-#110gg i "Best-en; f.02148-~ ?The State Vof- Tennessee can pfOVide' i?sfal le?ion' . Tennessee personnel. the? the Vendor sags-Sm I 'ishi 't?he?sltate . :of Tennessee. with 22' I. Ag. of PURCHASING. f. . BY: -- _cos?r? APPRoyzo FOR To'axczgo' THE TOTAL '51istedQ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION 4TH FEOOR. RACHEL JACKSON BUILDING NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE 372l9 COMMISSIONER October 4, 1988 Commissioner Wiliiam B. Nhitson, 7 - - Department of General Services central Services Buiiding? Nashvi11e, TN 37219?5201 Dear COmmissionerVNhitson:_? _The'Department-of Correction would'like to ask your personal asSistance with the attached requisition for an eiectrocution system,Y'Department' of Correction personnel hate reSearched the market for suppliers'of sdch, systems and have been the suggested system and Vendor 'The requested system will meet our needs, but we have-no. {jostification'tO'ask for'it on a proprietary basis other than it is the ?He-wou]d be I'would like to.ask- the assistance of your department in determining if there are any.' - comparable systems on the market. 'If other_systems-are located, piease EIrequest that the'vendor submit detailed specifications and references 50 that Department of Correction.personne1 may review them to determine if they meet our'needs.f In the eyent there are no the listed System proprietary basis; Thank you for your_assistance, and-if you need more informatiOn, piease _contactgmeSinc-e'reiyghv ;Stephen'H. Norris . I Attachment STEPHEN H. NORRIS . - To: Commissioner, Department oi General Services . I J. Deparimoni' Division: Address: Address: invoice: ?To Address: Aiin': 7Correctioh ac SOD '320 . - 37Tff9:3321i2 Nashville TN I?Middle TennesSee Maximum Security Facil 7475 Cockrill Bend Industrial RdTi-_ :Dept. of Cofreotion - Budget'DivisiOn ?320 6th Ave. N.,3rd Nashville TN 37219 1* Fred Hix R. Jackson Bldg; . Requisition Daie: 1d Alioimeni No.:v Requisition No.: Date Required: YDoniaci Person: Telephone Number: it Number of Invoices Req.: One-Time Purchase DepartmeniaiConirncl: . [3 Agency Con_iract' Si'ai'l??vilide' DLPA. From Bid I II: -. QTY. TOTAL ESTIMATED - at 041% (five - 5 Ego . ~34;900 . loo 1 ll -ear' SHOWN HEREON: APPROVED FOR FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED THE TOTAL ESTIMATED NAME - COST CENTER SUB, . GRISUB TITLE REQ AGY OBJ AMOUNT 7-OBJ 00.? TCCIL rTeamI: . No. 1- DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES on SERVICES ,l&yiuiar Electrocutio? System; a I .To inciude :11 canpone?ts necessary to Carry 4_ on; Stateiordeged_9xeou?ionshi. - 1 Voltage: 208 volts a; ih, 2400 volts ac plus volts ac outg'? -JU - - .5 u?llianperes) regulation. . and equipment respectively El. Terminations$_ 3 circular conneCtors, console and high? . block; 208 volts_, aCinpuEV:neour'smon BY: mwaon. BATCH- BATCH F6 TYPE NO. "m 02 FORM _o,s-oou In". 157) CONTINUATION REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE 7. NASHVILLE r-l-A 05?0015 .HIQ. NO. ALLOTM IUD-HEAD I 'Li? QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES OR. SERVICES- TOTAL ESTIMATED .COST NUMBER POWER (continged) VThe power 208 volt ac? primary, 2640 volt as secondary transformer coupled to a saturable reactor with current Wnonitoring-ciICUitry; and a high voltage contractor.: 'It_is desig?ed tO deliver five (5) ac, plus volts ac); This unans?that into the load. As the load saturates, 'voltagg?? ?paint- bf 24-00 to six (6) amperesia "processing it in a direet;current amplifier{ -app1ying it nagnetic ?-anplifierg? ?n Vihigh voltage circuit to the Electric Cha'1_ri 'connections-to the power-supply; fo?r- the 20-8 jblock,'are Vconnectofsf two (2),overcurrent limits anperes at 0.1% (five fj5 - u?lliampere) regulation at 2400'vp1t when the'circuit is closed, 2640 volts ac is 7 the current Wincreases and the "?en (10) seconds into operation, the load-is -fully saturated and appears.t0?be a direct short a circuit; The current the turrent_to five (5) ampefes at the Haximum I volt a?c' .- the current . regulator fails, an-overcurrenthreaker is set 'The systah Operates by monitoring output current, . . ?anq- . to current @011 which cOntl . the flux density in the core of,the'reactora jAdditiOn511y;'the current prOtectiOn for both the equipment andsL "the load and an ontput except those' I volts ac in;-Whieh are tenminal via two (2) U?litary?type qircular. U) fed 015 It All REQUISITIONED BY: I PURCHASING ACFNT . 1 Appaovro rorx Fuuos' Nor (XCKED TOTAL. 1? 35-0016 .- CONTINUATION REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE-H STATE OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DATI RIO. NO. IU 5-H ENT OF ITEM No. UNIT DESCRIPTION OFVARTICLCS OR SERVICES TOTAL ESTIMATED COST CONTRACT NUMBER .. ..- -. - . .- c! ..-. .. n.11?hupv . - . AEIHIIZRICQIAIR: Md?erial: oak. I leg, one gadeStable,anns and backrest. ginto'five 1.-yground..i TI Eli will disassemble for repair .fi iOr storage. i I I I ?ElectrOdesI all turned Of solid brass, two I Helnet: leather, Copper Straps; nylon, aiferaft-tyPe? quick'release. The electric chair cbnsists_of an oaken chair-with" I It disassembles I (5) sub groups: the back,'the'seat, the- leg Stock.and the helmet. The ankle eleOthdes; which ?fe fabricefed,ontO Ts?the'leg stock,'are'turned Of_solid brass. #6 conductOr and are paralleled To 'TIhe helmet-Consisfs-Of an'outer?helmet of leather ?7 of copper mesh and.sponge.. .- ar#6 conductor. ?7 5 chair design includes a drip pan ?nd is 'Ifabricated to-ensure_easyrdisasseab1y for-repair, The straps are Of nylon_aircraft . h"?construction and conSist Of two (2) ankle straps,.? .. ;?two (2) ?mist straps _Qf- ;7 ?iharness;;all?with;quick releaSe'fasteners-' 7.3' They_?7 1 PURCHASING AGENT REQUISITIONED BY: APPROVED FOR TO (XCKED TOTAL (IHMATID I SHOWN HIRKONI o' DATE -- 1.. REQUISITION FOR STATE OF TENNESSEE I NASHVILLE RICO. HO. OF . . TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT . DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED $3313COST Voltage: 110 volts ac- Overcurrent protecfio one (1) amp?re; three (3) ampere. 7 - . - seconds; one (1) minute. All solid-state withSwitches: (3) lock typen-f?o (2) for?: scircuit operation,-On? (1) for system?? -failfsafe; two (2) Operator switches. ',lfl (1) NB ,cipcular3connector2\:, _l ?7 -'The control.?0nsole is a_310ped ?etalzpanelpxr '5oabingt containing The timing W?s-m I-switching circuitry'and controls for ihe systan l? operation. switches? I for circuit control_and a keynControlled fail-' high Voltage output.-" NThe timing sequence is (2) solid-State one . ton (10).second timer caScaded fran ., - sYstem?s timer Of 130 s?conds, guaranteeing i _7~systam'shutd0wn after_l30 seconds even in_the .W: ;.f.-event of'a sequential fime: failure. 'Thner . ??acfivatiOH is all by preciSiOn relay.?5 station control, one switCh-operatES a solid-* One'station control is request?d. ~In single~ - 5 - state relay and activates?the syStanFOR FUNDS NOT TO EXCKEO THK TO-TAL (DUMATKD. UV: REQUISITIONED BYcoaT SHOWN HIREONI AGENT u-FROM DEPARTMENT OF I FOR PURCHASE . .. STATE OF TENNESSEE DATK HKQ. HO. ALLOTMENT IUD-HEAD OF ITEM - TOTAL A QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES QRSERVICES ESTIMATED CONTRACT I .0. I COST NUMBER The State of Tennessee can provide installation- if the suCcessful vendor will certify the. system as ready.for use With State installation;* 'If Vendor will not as ready ".fpr uSe with installation perfonmed by State of Tennessee personne1,-then the VEndor,must_provide' installatien. - - - 3' The suceessful vendor must furniSh the State __of Tennessee with_a Ready For Use Certificatiqn once the system is'installed; A - VFred Leuehter Mednlar Electrocutien System Suggested.VeDdor: 'Ffed -,231 Kennedy Drive Unit #110 Boston, MA 02148 .1 PURCHAQNG AGENT REQUISITIONED BY: HEREONI APPROVED FOR NOT THIZ TOTAL Fred/X.LeuchtenlAssocknes 231 Kennedy Drive Unh#110 Boston . 617622-0104 at 19883:: Mr. Michael Dutton, Warden Transition Team . Tennessee Department of Correction 7115 Cockrill Bend Industrial Road Nashvillei Tennesseei 37209 - .- . . i November 1, 1988 Dear Warden Button; EncloSed please~ find 51 copy r?f_the report (M1 the electric chair with my recommendations-for.a new system at your new ?facility. - - 'If you haVe-any'questions, please do_not hesitate_to nail; Very.truly yours. . fEred A. Leuchter.Associates .lFre' A{-Leuohter, IChiefaEngineer "amount of' Fred/X LeuchtenlAssocknes 231 Kennedle?ve Lhut#110 Boston MA 02-148 .617-322?0104 -THE FRED LEUCHTER ASSOCIATES MODULAR SYSTEM- The idesign, of an electrocution -system' involves the. iconsideration of-a few, but very significant, requirements. TVoltage, current, connections, duration and number of current applications (jolts). rRequirementsr First, the Systems should contain three: (3) 'electrodes; The head_should be fitted with a cap containing? -an electrode with a saline solution moistened sponge; It is ?through this relectrode 7that 'the. current .is introduced. 'Sech each. _ankle should jbe fitted, with an? - electrode, causing' the. current to divide .and; guaranteeing. - passage through-the complete trunk of the subjects body. -Use iofrone ankle electrode (inStead of tWo will almost. .alWays ensure- a. lOnger_ and .more IdiffiCUlt:.electrOCUtion. These two (2) ankle electrodes are ling return path Of the -current. Contact enhanced by each of the= ankle ~cOnnections. It.jis? of, the utmost ~imp0rtancerthat- good cirCuit_ continuity, _with a minimum ?resistance, -kx2- maintained at the' electrode -cdntactsli Further,; a minimum_'of ?2000 Volts ac must be maintained, after gvoltage drop,_ .to. guarantee. permanent 'disruption of.-the scannOt-guarantee heart death and.are, thus, not adequate forg; electrocution, in that they may cause unnecessary trauma to 'the?subject.prior to death.3 Failure to adhere to these basic-'? t*in pain-to the subject and failure? to achieve heart death, leaving a.brain dead subject in the I'requirements could resul ';chair. 1_Medical?Descriptionl 'During'electrOCution there a *considered: the-consciOus and the autonOmic nervous systems. Voltages in excess-of 1500 volts ac are' to destroy the conscious nervous system, that which controls pain and understanding. _Generally, unconsciousness occurs in 4.16 milliseconds, which is 1/240 part of_a second. This is 'times -as fast as the subjects conscious nervous system can record pain. gfunctioning_ of the autonomic gnervouss system., voltages _lower than 2000 volts' ac,r at saturation,_ re two_(2) factors that must be) generallstufficient. The autonomic nervous system' is a little more difficult, however, and generally requires in excess <3f.2000 volts ac U3 seize ,the pacemaker ill the subjects heart, Generally, we compute the voltage at 2000 volts ac' plus 20?. After the voltage .is applied Hand ther subjects body Saturates, the voltage has dropped about 10% (depending upon the resistance of the electrode contacts and that of 'the subject body) and this should' be 'taken into ~consideration, as.well.J CUIrent should be kept under_six (6) amperes to minimize body damage (cooking). - ideally, the voltage is calculated thus; ?TheLaVerage Emu) weighing ?H).kilos (154-1bs,) requires _2000 volts ac to seize.the heart.- i - Increase the voltage by.20% to-accommodate-Subjects_Withz ;greater.reSistancg,l_ fzqdo volts at pigs 20% eguals 2400 volt?_?d. voltage'by'l0% drop at saturation. U. ac pins i -Thus the Voltage should be 2640 volts ac.? This 2640.volts ac shOuldj applied in two {2h jolts of one7 5(1) minute each, spaced at a.tenj(l0) second interval.? On :occasion, the subjeCts heart will spaSm, instead of Seizing;.~ during the first-application of Current and the appliCatiOn of the-'second? jolt-willi generally- eliminate this "problem.; This spasm -*is due . to -eXcessive' chemical build-up -w and sympathin) at the nerve junctions_and.the wait-generally allows fOr disSipation of the ;fChemicals.~, . System Description .. i . a .Fred Leuchter-ASSOCiates manufactures a low?cOSt, state?of-; rthe?artimodular"system for eleCtrocution. - The- System -.utilizes solid. state -circuitry_ for' control' and ?timinggi regulation fii/e- (5) ?milliamperes and single and? current 'two (2) statiOn control-for operation.' It is designed with plug?in.components gfor ease. 1 ?because of its modular design can be installed in very little -time by-untrained personnel. 'n 3repair- and maintenance, and The control syStan is designed for sequence which will deliver two (2) one (1) minute 'jolts ati2400 volts ac spaced_ten (10) seconds apart. To ,guarantee' fail?safe operation, a ?redundant system's timer activateS' and, shuts doWn the system if any of the sequential timers fail.7 VAdditionally, there are two (2) modes of operation: single station and two (2) station.: In single station, one_(l) push _button switch controls the operation, . In two (2) station, _two (2) switches are utilized and logic circuitry determines whiCh-switch causes operation. The. two (2) station mode precludes the use of an executioner, since no one knows which' Vof the inn) (2) switches activated the system. The systan does operating switch jJ1 memory. Further,i since the~controlsvare Operated electronically, the operator handles only low voltage equipment, being completely isolated from the-high-voltage, guaranteeing operator safety. 'The high voltage circuitry is designed to deliver.2640 Volts mac upon activation and, as the load saturates and the_current_ increases, the voltage- stabiliZes- at. 2400; volts) ac. .The _current is limited to five (5) amperes, maximum, by a current_3 regulatorw The voltage, -in accordance. with the_ Standard formula for.admittance, will drOpgapproXimately 10% or 240' -volts, but- the Current; willL never 'exceed_ five 7CD -amperes with ,milliampere) .regulation. A Current. the ,load -in. the 'event .of 'a regulator failure sand 'will open lthe circuit? at sixi:(6ynr amperes.- The equipment is protected by a.ninety (90) ampere lovercurrent;breakerg - . - The??ow?r supply The-power supply consists of a 208_Volt ac primary, 2640'volte f0rmer Coupled to a_saturable-reactor with J?aSFSecondary trans I [current:monitoring circuitry,- two (2) overcurrent Limits and a high vo1tage Contactor,ii: rIt isfh?signed_to deliver five (5) amperes at 0.1% (five __milliampere) regulation at_2400 volts ac, plus l0% (240 Volts? ac). _This means that-when the Circuit is closed, 2640 volts. dac is fed/into the load}. As the load saturates, the current 'increases?and the voltage'dropSQ seconds into operation,w the load fis, fully Saturated and appears tO'be a direct short circu .maximum voltage ,point' of _240 7 regulatOr fails, an overcurrent breaker is set to trip at six (6) amperes.5 'The System operates by monitoring output current,-processing' fand applying it to a_direct it in'a direct current_amplifier, ux density in the core of current coil which controls the fl .the reactor.? It is, essentially, 'amplifier. it, 'The current regulator,.> ?hOWever, limits- the' current. to five? (5) ?amperes at the 0A Volts ac. If ,the Current 2 a highly accurate magnetic? ";containing the. ?sequential timer-~failure; 1.ThenElectriC.Chair ~The electric chair "arms_and backrest; .The helmet_.COdsiSts 'inner helmet of copper mesh:and sponge. Additionally, the power supply contains overcurrent .protection for both the equipment and the load and an Output contactor for closing' the high voltage circuit to' the Electric Chair, those for the 208 volts ac in, which are terminal block, are via two (2) military?type circular connectors. The Control ConSOle sloped' metal panel cabinet switching circuitry and It contains two (2) key The.control_? console' is. 'a timing circuitry, controls for the system-operation. switches for circuitrcontrol switch for high voltage output. The timing sequence is accompliShed with two (2) solid-state one (1) -minute timers' and one (1) second timer cascaded from @1 system's timer (Hf 130 seconds, guaranteeing" syStem shutdown after->130 seconds even in time event (of a Timer activation _is' all' by" Qne :and two station -control is' standard and'is,r' solid?state circuitry. -- In--single ?station_ control, one switch operates a _solid?state "relay' and activates the system. -'In two (2) statiOn controlr two (2) switches are' utilized and -the. logic circuitry? choosesh?thei aswitch which will aCtivate the relay; tone will know which-operator controlled the cirCuit, as with j. a firing squad. The system'does INN: retain the operating switch in memory. . The ankle aelectrodes, 'whioh .are. fabricated -onto 'the"leg -stock,.are yturned -of. Solid brass.f They' accommodate: a #6 conductor and are paralleled to ground. for repair an" the electrode will accommodate a-#6 conductor. VThe chair; design zincludes El.drip :pan and ii; fabricated to ensure easy disassembly for repair or storage. 'are of_ nylon aircraft' construction and consist.x1E two ankle straps, 'two. straps rand one (1) cross-the- ?Chest harness, all with quick release fasteners. All connections to the power supply, except - This insures onsists ofxan.oaken chair withVadjustable' .It disassembles into fivej(5) sub groups:. the back,-the seat, the arms, the electrode leg stock and the-. helmetQ -of_ an' outer helmet. of leather and.an_ It will_diSassembler The Straps_. The entire. system, ,because of its rmodular design, may be installed by non-technical people Vin several hours' and is a fully field repairable. SPECIFICATIONS Power Supply Voltage: 208 volts aC?jJn' 2400? volts am: plus 10%H0r 2640 volts ac out. . - . . Current;' five amperes at 0.1% i.(five ffmilliamperes).regulation.' proteCtionzl six (6) amperes; ninety (90) _amperes; load?and equipment respectively. - Terminations: JMS (military-type} circdlar' Connectors, console and high Voltage'output.' Terminal- block, 208 volts-acEinput..: Control Consolesi 'Qvercurrent prOEection: - one ampere; ampEIe. - - - minute; ten (10) seconds;5 'one (1) 'minute. .All- solidestater.with??a ~130-_Second system's timer. . - -Switches: :lock type??two for circuit :1 control operatioanone fOr system failesafe; two ?f1(2) operator switches. 1" - - '-Terminations}; one (1) (military?type) circular- - - '7 dElectric Chair .Material:_roak. iiEl?Ctrodesi 'all turned of Solid_brass, helmet. - . I Helmet: leather} copper mesh and sponge. Straps; release. are available This;is' a modular system and -components may require_ separately. Integration -into existing 'systems modification.of component or System and interface. DISCLAIMER Fred Leuchter Associates aSSumes rno _intended or actual use of this device. August 30,-1988 Boston, Massachusetts Fred Leuchter Associates liability for the~ 1 USUUJU 5 I AI m- ATE ALLOT. a 329.01 COST-CTR. 7- OBJ. q. . 6~29~89 ilP T0: EPABTMENT. - mess . R1 "u SHIP BEFORE ?a?hvill?y mg' 372?9--_ - 231. I ?nit- '1ng 5.021 I . BILL TO: .?lA_j SEND PURCHASE ORDER 3036003? 3721 9 . COPIES OF INVOICE - A Rachm- mucky-3m. .131 . "?a?hvilla, F.O.B.-DEST-INATION . PREPAY AND ADOFRT. CASH DISCOUNT i D.P.0. CONTRACT C.P.O. CONTRACT - . BID .11 -. LOCAL C.P.0. EMERGENCY UNIT LINI: I I am Npmunn -GRADE PRICE - AMOUNT- . Ha" . ITEM NUMBER on; :3 .- elmim? DESCRIPTION. ch CODE'4r' . TOTAL DERARTMENTAL . - FISCAL OFFICER COMMISSIONER-OF DEPARTMENT. APPROVED BY. .- TITLE . DIVISION . BATCH .. TYPE BATCH DEPT. BATCH DATE - - BATCH sea NO. sua- :sue - OPJ - SFX . . . 7 STATE OF TENNESSEE PURCHASE ORDER DEPARTMENT OF GENERALSERVICES, PURCHASING DIVISION, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37219 5. . ALLOT. No.2 No.2 CODE . Cost Center: Him/89 3:29.01 3263' r- 7 07:3 151? . ON OR BEFORE: BILL T02. SEND COPIES OFINVOICES L1 CORRECTIQN . SEC. INSTE. ISION 7475 EEG-AD 37209 I l. I I I m?a??rba of. . - I ?92?23 - yam?: BIDSCOPE: This Age?nkiy Delegated Purchase: Authority "?15031 'Bid 'i-gz' authorized underil?l Of 12-3~806> to "purchastf the. Prwluct; a-arvicva .ltste'sd' balm!? iy'l with Items now" listed or .s-ub'sg-quently listed on." statewide: - Contracs shall 'not he iaurchag?d'quderi this authority. . - ZEROC-EDURES FOR. THIS. Li?urch?l's?s 'ursdfar. thisxaut?orit}: be imasz 16. accord?Q.? ante with ?139, pm?aogg .of' Emit-23712. Chapter ?zz-:16" Annatgteid?qnd; - [gules' brom?i?gated gilpurauciat .t-hefeto; Rules; of Dapart?meut of? The. Agency shal?lj request bids; from. bidders: are regi$??red' ism required, listed the} COm?Odity'Bid 'L1.s--t furnisth by .c-hefxn.? "Central- 'P?tchasing??ivisiad'. Local aupipliars. sh?u?ld tojtegiat?r with?. - gi?mfereuc??m of bidys shall be. 'give?u{\ to quali? fie?? Sm?ll- businehs?iddet?s as required gThe Agency is" r?'quired t?Of fsroliqiitfubids in .acCordance with] the". b?id?izng'j policy under the prOCeduraE. of thc; 1 ~9?paftm?nt5 of' General Purchasing Division, 3 'rclquire. sealed- bid-slbg .ta'ken. of .mg'te- ghan Ibis-"sealed bid" procedure requires; E'th-ree. (3). invitatipnra to' 1916- be: Seii-t to: -veudOr?s-? - - for. I'purehgse's of Yup 62303-4093; and; One-3 addit?iodal. imgit-a-tiongper $250.00, for- ov?rf 232,000.00, I ,With- raquirgmeut- of. fifteen iinvita?tioria. The Or telephone; $15.37 "biz on. pu'rctiagc-E 1"th .rqui?rES-a' thy-ea whaheva-xf. yogsibl?. Shall. prepara. Dapartmenta]. Purchase Order" Bid 73-5, "authOriz-ed bit! blackushal?l-?ha' chauked and thanumbexi?of this .jipur?chas?. order the refinance-bloc}: 10-1?: --tI-m P54, and each 1113631 5115211 I be: .Iis?e-d separately gum-mg itemjuumber, idescripticn 'Enterithe Buying, Tea-m the' law-car'cantar Ola-1dr..- .chga Km' 1 pap-y'd? reach; to the33993.93. 93- are ream-L'cymd? to REPAIR. AND. MOVING .OEELECTMCAL . I -, 1 3.. .. The term-eff this. Eha'll begin with the. data this Purchase Order ma. 30591990,. . - I.- 5..- 3?3 11989?601; 40,000.90 '11ng ~11~1~ ?n?V?vhmm 3 .- Li?aliJhJ. . scams" - cdi-L?u 1. . . . URCHASE ORDER --: - . - . - . . . . Va; -- - STREET BUYING- TEAMDIRECTOR OF PURCHASING CHECKING FILE - . . -- BY: 1r I. uJurJ . 1.9 v-O? 5-H..- 0? Fred A. Leuchter Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 231 Kennedy Dr. Unit 110 Boston. MA 02148 (617) 322-0104 FAX (617) 321 -3306 November 2, 1989 Mr. Michael Dutton .Warden - - Riverbend Maximum Security Institution Dept. of Correction 7475 Cockrill Bend Industrial Rd. -Nashville, Tennessee 37209 Dear Warden Dutton, Pursuant to our conversation of earlier today, pleased rto submit the following quotation for your Modular .PoWer Supply Test Unit for your new Electrocution System. 1. 1 ea. Modular? Power Supply TeSt Unit for Vyour: Electrocution System. 'This unit has been especially. 'engineered for the Fred A. Leuchter Modular? PoWer Supply and your system. It. contains an} especially fabricated, harmonically balanced, twenty (20) component, high wattage' resistor package Which is cooled by a quadrafan assembly having an area of some 255 square inches and an aggregate airflow' of -2320 cfm. When testing the- Electrocution SyStem it replaces the .electric? chair 'and the executee. 7 It mates with the power.cab1e Of the Electric Chair. ,1 2. Shipping Ewill bed at prevailing rates ?at time (Hf purchaSe order. 3. All hardware is guaranteed, unconditionally, for five years or five executions. . 4. On completion of the installation of the Electrocution System, the Fred A. Leuchter AsSociates, Inc. Ready For Use certificate will include the Test Unit. st the new Modular Maximum Security This Test Unit will be used to te Electrocution System at the Riverben Institution. This quotatiOn'is good for ninety (90) days. or no later of pUrchase Delivery will be by November '27, 1989; than ninety (90) days from the Vreceipt order; or sooner,'if the need arises. All engineering, fabrication and installation will be 'completed in a professiOnal and competent manner. .twenty-five perCent 'net amount. ll. This quotation is addendumed to any and all purchase orders. 7 percent down payment will be- of issuance of purchase orders; will be paid upOn completion of work; and twenty-five percent will be paid thirty (30) days after final billing. All billing is Payment: A fifty required at the tim Fred A. Leuchter Associates assumes no liability for - the intended or actual use of this device. I will 'Very tr Ere}. Chief FAL/cal aWait hearing from you on the above matter. ly yours, :uchter Associates Leuchter, ngineer Jr. 'gacsz?rtmc?-t of ?ofrettiou Einigihn of 35$qu glm??tutiung - . ~?3Riherhe'nh maxi-mum ?'ecgrifg n?iitu?u?n 7 .7475 Qiqckrilt gitthustrial. g?ngh . . I . . -, I 37209?1?48 I . - - 615?741?7375 231 Unit 1101j5T7-13?j Boston; Mass-Q2L48 TD?argsir gut DPA Contp; act to ~1gassistance.p. f21'v.m -. j-fSinceflvl: PfoCur??m?-?t fit-er. . -- >1 . 2 Fret-3Q --. . .- -. BaeuaN?Cr - DeptPhong Wife"! 5" 475$? . To- - .?7-133-15 3309. PleaS?;adceptiour From' Remarks\uvn' I - . . Pr"? Maint; "war-k OrderliNq. I bgi?'faib's' ?1 lf'jndividy-il ite?ms are to be" awarded?circh low bidder ih .red Please Order The FolloWi-ng; UNIT f'b?o'c'tiM?NfNO?S! ETC- 3? - {1?7?51 .vt'f i" n! - pl I ?my?jawy 2' . If(will 1 .531In?. 15TOTAL-S For Name" 'Tnli BID, AwA'nogpg Appr Name Title I XI. . 1/ {'Bwusl?ngu Mgi. I. . . .- - COST CTR. OR BEFORE 0: - . mag-T rest: ?11311 7 Eivar??mnd? it: 35,9333 Sec :1 53?- 1,3,3 353- Rr?il I. c: I'm-ms: . . . Mtl? EaahTillG 37233 ITIQN .231: I- 3 Bait 11$ .2 L??i?g . '3 9396:? ,5 tit; cad VENDOR LII. 55?? bunt Uf- IVICN IAL t?U?anOC unULSEND Fse? Tat. ?ffice .B . DESTINATION I . PREPAYAND CASHDISCOUNT PURCHASE ORDER NOCOPIES OF INVOICE DB D.P.0. CONTRACT - C.P.0. CONTRACT AUTHORIZED BID. 0.9.0.- . C.P.0. EMERGENCY - - - QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION 'ch-coDE - BRAND OR UNIT NUMBER .- - GRADE .- '35? 'f?l??r?tra?cn?i?g . . I PART-MENTAL .. . _.e520021 APPROVED BY.- .. O-F ORIGIN i COMMISSIONER OF DEPARTMENT TITLE BATCH DEPT. - DATE - ATCH BATCH sed VCOST CENTER .PR JECTIT . . 41:51 SU OF TENNESSEE OF CORRECTION - - /15/89 HEONI NO. _Pf3263 OBJ. CODE '076 ALLOT. NO. REF. 329.01 cc: 152 BILL TO: SHIP To:_ SEND COPIES OF INVOICE OR BEFORE Correction . . - .RiverbendMax. .Sec. Inst. Nashville,_TN 37209 ITION -F.O.B.. DESTINATION AND ADD FRT. .CASH DISCOUNT .lxtl::;;ls REFER To THE ITEMS LISTED WHICH APPEAR ON THE PAPERS REFERRED To HEREONAND Now READJN PART: ITEM NO. UNIT AMOUNT. on. I . ?mg-2R. $52 BEA-DSL. To READ: Rama" . .. . Not T?O'Exceed - I - 1 FY 3 I an?a-n-an?a-u ,a II I - 15-33 CORRECTION: - - 1" {Had-Eras I TOTAL 6970330; I - ?Ewg?k -- - I GOT 71/0703 0039 FRED-A. LEUCHTER ASSOCIATES., INC. Modular ElecirocutiOn System- OPERATION Iand 'Departmeht of Corfection State of TennesSee Riverbehd-Maxim?mi3ecuiity inStitution Michael Button, Warden -Nashville, Tennessee 332209 r-Nove?ber 27, 1989 ;23l Kennedy Drive - . .'Unit 110_- V. I (617)? 322-0104 .9 - . r. 2 - Pa?? i??ih?e?a?ofo- 0-. 0" Io?. .o a or 6 .l'l . . 7- o. .117. I 'Sch?maEi?-?Modulaf . 2~2 SChemati??fPOWef'Supply Test ?nit;j 26w9r58u?p1y; 07.1. 0 Op 0 o'o'oq 9 0 on. vb"! .and two (2) station control for operation. SyStem Description Fred A.-Leuchter Associates, Inc. manufaCtures a low?cost, State?of?the-art modular' system for electrocution. The system utilizes solid state circuitry for control and timing, current_regulation to five (50) milliamperes and single It is deSigned with plug?in components for ease in repair and maintenance, -and because of its modular design can be installed in very little time by untrained personnel, ?-The control- system is .des?igned for a timing sequence'which .will deliver two (2) one (1) minute jolts at minimum of 2400 fvolts ac spaced ten (10) seconds apart. _To guarantee failv' safe operation, ,a 'redundant timer activates and shuts down the system if any of the sequential timers fail. 'QAdditionally,*there are two (2) modes Of operation:- single- 7 station and two-(2) station. jln.Single?Station, one (1) puSh_ "buttonsswitch controls the'0perathnn van two (2) station, TtWoi(2) switches are utilized and logic (Computer).circuitry Idetermines which ,switch _causes 'operation- The tWo s?tationj..mode precludes the use of an executioner, since no. ?one knOws WhiCh of the-two (2) switches activated the system; fThe system doeS'not retain the Operating Switch in,memoryy 2 Further, since the controls are operated electrOnically,-the ?isOlatedgfrom the high Voltage,.guaranteeing operator safety;' deliver 2640 volts as the load saturates and the current' increases, the voltage'StabiliZes at (or above) 2400 volts racg. The limited tOinve (5) acacurrent- regulator. {The voltage, in accOrda?nce. with the standard formula f0r_admittance, will drop approximately 10% 7";or 240; volts, ~but 'the'7current; will -neVer exceed ffive (5) _W'amperes'With (five_ Isolixmilliampere)- regulatiOn.- A. ?gcurrent_limiting breaker protects-the load in the event-of a regulatOI failure -and will 1open- the circuit at usix (6) amperes.f The equipment is protected by a ninety (90) ampere -m ,5 - :g-I?k THE FRED A. INC. MODULAR ELECTROCUTION SYSTEM The 'design - of an electrocution system involves the consideration of a-few, but very significant,.requirements. Voltage, current, connections; duration and number of current applications (jolts). . ,Requirements~ First, the system1 should 'contain three electrodes; The head should be fitted With fitting cap containing can electrode with a saline.solution moistened sponge. ,It is -through this melectrode that? the current is ?intrOduced. Second, each, ankle__should' be fitted ?with; an electrode,_causing -the' Current ?to divide; andx guaranteeing 'passage through the complete trunk of the_subjects body, Use 'of one (1) ankle.e1ectrode (instead.0f two always ensure _a longer? and more zTheseItWQ ankle -electrodes. are _the retarwl path, of the rcurrent,;5COntact Should be enhanced by.using-saline salve or sponge moistened -w1-thf,a saline solution at each of the drankleUCOnnections.- It is of the utmost.importance that good. t'maintained at the electrode contacts.' Further, a minimum of 2000 volts :ac must. be 'maintained,[ after -vOltage drop, to guarantee permanent -disruption oft thej-functioning,rof_ the 'autonomic nervous syStem. Voltages lower than 2000 volts ac, at Saturation-j, cannot guarantee hear-t death and are, thus, not adequatej form electrocution, in that 'they -may cause 2 unnecessary trauma to the subject prior to death. ,Failure-to_ . adhere to these basic requirements could.result in.pain to 7 the subject and -fa?i-lurie' to achieve hear-t death,- leaving a va'brain dead subject in_the chair, . I'Medica1?Description During.electrocution.there are two-(2) faCtors that must be considered: the conscious and the autonomic nervous systems.- .Voltages in excess of 1500 volts ac are generally sufficient 'to destroy the-conscious nervous system, that which-controls_ pain and understanding; Generally, unconSCiousness ocCurs in 4.16 milliseCOnds, which is 1/240 part of"a second. 'This is as fast 135- the subjects -conSCious Inervous SyStem can record pain. The autonomic nervous system isra little more difficult, h0wever, and generally requires in excess of 20005'volts ac to seize? the pacemaker in the subjects heart. Generally, we compute the voltage at 2000 Volts ac plus After the volt-age is applied and the subjects body saturates, the voltage has dropped about 10% (depending upon the resistance of the electrode contacts and that of 'the ?subject body) and this should be taken into consideration, as well.' Current should be kept under six (6) amperes-to minimize body damage (cooking). rIdeally,'the voltage is calculated thus: TThe?ayerage 1m?r;weighing 70 kilos (154 lbs.).requires_ =2000 volts ac to seize the heart. ?7 - ?Increase-the'VOltage by 20% to acconmodateSubjects-with 'greater resistance." -H 12900 Valts_ pigs 20% equals 2400 volts ac. ',2400 Volts ac plus 10% equals 2640 Volts ac. Thus; the voltagefshouia be'254o volts ac. - This 2640 volts ac ShOuld be applied in two (2) jOlts of one a ten (I0) =occasion; the'SubjeCts'heart will spasm; instead of seizing}: -_during_the first application of current.and"thesapplication lof; the 1 second, ?jolt 5- will .generally "eliminate this problem. QThis_spasmTilis. -due7 gto rjexcessive7W-chemicali build?up' 1?Ka?etchholine at the nerve junctions.and the ?ten rSeCO'nd- Wait "generally allows for-diSSiPatiOn? of. the 'ChemiCals The Power Supply The power supply consists of a 208 volt ac primary,_2640 volt as secondary.transformer coupled tO'a saturable reactor with current monitoring circuitry, two (2) overcurrent-limits and? a high voltage contactor. It five (5) amperes at 1% (fifty [50] milliampere) regulation at 2400 volts ac,-plus 10% (240 volts ac); .This means that when the circuit is clOsed, 2640 volts ac_iij 6 into the load, As the load saturates, the current inoreases_and the voltage drOps.- At apprOXimately ten (10) '.seCOnds into operation, the load is fully Saturated and willappear to be approaching. a. direct ?short circuit. The current .regulator, howeVer,?limits the current to five (5) i- The SyStem operates by monitoring_output current; processingr it in a direCt curre amplifier, and applying it to a direct. amperes at gpoint. of 2400 '(minimum) volts:ac. If. the .CUrrent -regulator fails, an) overcurrent Set to-tr7p at six116)famperes., Current coil Which controls the-flux density in-the core of _the reactor, highly accurate magnetic_g> amp l'i'f?i?f'e'r. tAdditionally} the 1 .power contains "vOVercurrent_ -prOtection foero h't equipme and the load output 'COntactor*for- closing _the; high yvOltage' circuit pto-,the Electric Chair. _All conneCtions'to-the power supply, eXCept those for the 208 volts are terminalleock, are via two (29 military-type circular.connectorsw" . ?The ?icahtrbi-console - The (ions-ole His a ?sloped metal panel, sabinet.? 5-COntaining_thez? timing? ?circuitry,?_ computer-" cOntrolled key switches for circuit control_and a for high.voltage output..7 The timing sequence_is accompliShed with (1) {minute_ timer and 'one. ten? (l0) 'Second?'timer' _cascaded from ai-System?s timer of 130 Seconds, guaranteeing; system shutdoWn 'after,gl30 seCOnds 'even? in sequential timer? failure. .Timer activation. is :all .by switching Circuitry Land controls. "for -sySt-em? operation. precisiOn relay.; One (1) and two station Control is standard and is facilitated by solid-state' circuitry, In single_ station control, one (1) switch operates an electronic relay and -activates the System. In in?) (2) station_control, two (2) .switches are. utilized and the. logic (computer) 'circuitry chooses'the switCh* which? will .activate the relay. This insures that_no one will know which operator controlled the circuiti'as with a firing quad. The system does not retain the operating switch in memory; - TheuElectric.Chair 3The electric chair consists: of 'an -oaken:.chair {with.,an - leather and, Sponge helmet with electrode, a drip pan, a_plexiglaSS seat paint similar to_that Which is uSed-in the is conneCted 11) the power-supply; .waS'fabricatedrin-part with w00d from _The ankle: electrodes; 'which Qaref fabricated 'onto {the leg. ;stockj are ?turned -ofj solid "brass; ..conductor and are paralleled to ground- The helmet? consists_.of ?leather..and an _'inner Ithi 1 disaSSemble . .for repair and the electrode will accommodate a.#6 conductor.-r 'are of nylon ?and 015- - (2.) - [ankle straps, two '.WriSt_' straps jand? one? cross-the- chest harnesS;? ally with 'quiCk ~release_Ifasteners; "?All. fasteners cOmprising -the- restraints. are non?incremental; ?enabling a tighter tit; r'h' 7? fent?ire system, i. because" Off. its I'l'inod-ul-arif Idesign,? ?installedlby_ non?technical epeople2 in .several, hours and *fully-field3repairable.f . i- lTheyf acCommodate' a SPECIFICATIONS Po?er'Supply volts at in, .2400 volti?s" ?10% or 2640_volts ac Out. i_ _Currentt 'five'- (5) amperes -at Il%, (fifty [50] milliampere) regulation. - - - - - Six "an. amperes; ninety (90) amperes; load and eguipme?t_respectively. 1 :'?Ihput: 208 volts ad; 75 Amp; 100 Amp.r S,Maih?tranSfOrmeriI 13g? KVA. Secondary+2640-volts-ac; 5 amp. I 7 ~Ptim?zy4208I v?ltsr 5c. volts ac, 7SQ.KVA, . .ngterS;f1*y It, I-amp,- -- juiTermina?ion?iu twd; (A) (military-type) circular 208 volts*a? input, . 125:. -?7c?ntsz=cons?Ie? .Voitag?g iampere,_? [Timihgt m'i'nultle; ten 10) "Se?onds?f - =solid+state -with 'a 130' second ,syStem?s timer; ;for ,circuitf 'fcontrol operatiOn, (NH: (1) for-system fail?safe; (2).0perator Switchest . *_switch?s?_fthr??7 typee-two. ',Terminations: on? MS ~(military?type) Icir?ul?r -JCOnnector. ?ar- - . .1 7 7 Soul) STATE BOARD A) :0 LE "Plum - 09 . 6 9? . I {$(an spoTMll-?ag I . I I "Ebcs?aECould Ebce - 'v L?.SOCKS-.3033 moan I I ?0.34} Esamm'a 9 - . . . ..-- 3:339 I'ldv?Scand?II.In'wIAc m'b?rsA I- new?; oAco~j?oroTJ I I I I I ecu-Luge II Ia I Ital - cw .. .. 7 I .838? "96565?3- . - - . - 33m??!th . . to? fo?vaU' I- . Q-T I. . IMS lfoIq3- 3IDSe," ~vquLprMI93I00A . K~6biubv5?3nakor? WOT "1111561150 asoJWn 21m 9n. 3' 1.. ?21: ?00' - lam-o" FEE Tyre. I -- wit-?Y: ow s'eT tar-st; . I'Ic?LI'iuoIlIljEm'ol; ifs, Set 01New? .9 I m'S?Qis?o #31 MID. cw?. - I - MsasbuI?mz'o- I View I I ?TI'o?lIcnSc; .. . 1?09?1 Wm - mugs $911 T9 55? 9W1 QOMNInve?TcIR- II I OF J-MQOVAC I 1 I srAIc'f-gu (used. egg?a" - I I- I Colin UNllouIAc ogIr PRoqI?chduct1r?1. - - i 7 SANGyet-TAM Rea F'm" GI ?to: I1 I ran-1:0 6:4 mm vim.qu .- - 1115.. g'IIq . 0"?0?1 ?-Boo-Ov 4 'vc v1.1 VOLT Ase?Te?p? 0-30 0" ,Ammt?rtt?I ohtoA I II I VOLT METER - 4( cmnunl Mao-mn- no" A a. SINGLE d?l?R?Tlo n] Fe. 5 Lunch . 208V .Tt'le Iva L. 2w f?wux - LAMEP. Gibb-1, Hovsmo- 7 72,44.? A?s-gloajm?ws Ma'xco?uzaz?or ?m9 3105A 53"?3 . ?3 05% - inggjo 493$? NS 3.05m 4 mix (1A8 MS of) $03.2 I): CA. govt-RC A PH Ewp 3-mus-,- .- 'c '0 A 40" W5 10/! LE. . I.- 3109.21 'mS .159 u: F336 - Iv_\5 yew/128 CA5 LAME, LIE 0.. a CABLE CAP - NIE CTO 7 CA B-LE, CAP: twy?e?; ?GfW-b 1L- {\J'wLi- 3151??_- ?10 ML. ?16- '11 01.6: me?c. 06M coNTx-mm? - VC 1%?001333 E: . KeG?uy-A?r?q 5? VI - G'Ixoao.53. -. . I!er . - . 0007M A .- f. EtcAmP?Qt-j liq?14:90 I'3?3i?lo' ,5 '50 1' - snag}: :5?09311'3935'3 1 mans ?5mm 6,34 1mm s'weiz?? g?bw VAL T3 I 7 Wis?rm em 99g 1* H033 . . E-LsaRpc'i . (Hm-g - EO'Cg?ge rowan. chi-89.5 Lee- - - ?Ele?Rrii. mam 3: dbl/0U (new; grows- FIR-ED ~24 at; 4 53 . -.- 316?. .1 7 Mpnovep DRAWN av . a we: 8?3 . DRAWING NUMBER Icon-34 mF?7+ WW3 i. I . A 1:73?71 . 7 it; -: ch 7) 322?0104 consists of an Electric Chair,a Control COnsol?,. - i IV Fr?d A. Leuchter ASSOCiates, Inc. I, Consulting. Engineers 2371 Kennedy Dr. Unit 110- Boston. This is 1989 .,LeuchtEr, complete ihstafidfion ,ofJ-the Erede; IlRiV?rbend_Maxim Security Institution, Nashville; TenneSSee;j Power Supply and.asTe$thnit, . Upon ?b?pl?tion 6f the?inStall?tionj did te?tfsaid.M?dul?r .ElectrocutiOn SyStem -and jfound ~the' System fto??perforM?--* of its IVwi; Fred Al?Le??ht?r; -f AsSociates, Ind. enxi ZElectrocutiOn5? sf,}SyStem, do hereby Certify that this System iS?competeht andj'.v 'j"ready?to. be futilized= fo:: the .purposej fer _which* it fWas?T?? T. '5 - .- at inston11f?:? :;Frea;A, VvChief_Engineern;_' Execution Team I identifying infotmation redacted FAX (617) 321-3306 FregA. Leuchter Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 7 . - V231 Kennedy Dr. Unit110 7 322?0104' Boston. MA 021-CERTIFICATION. V_This'is I, :Leuchterj inc. Modular Electrocution:System at the 'Riverbe'd-Maximum SeC?;ity;Insti?utionl NashVille; Tennessee. . This SYstem Console,_ a-PQwer Supply and a Testhnitf.*L - 1w E?Upen installaEIOn, i dia test'saiGFModulan? . 1 . Electrocution System, Wand. lfounds~ the: all criteria of its'deSigg,* g. . TI}.Ered LeuchE?ra?Jrsi Chi?f Engineer :uASSOCiates,~Inc; gu?L_deSIgner?prt? MOdular Electrocution Systemt do herebyrcertify thet this System isfcompe?ep?.and' . ready to, be futilizea. for etheggpurpose= for .Which ,it .was gjj- K.m? '5 5' signed this g;2nar' a; w? . A .1: s;Frea A3_LeU?hter; Jr; 7 Ch$ef Engineer fl' - a?gI . .. 29th" PRESENTED THan . 13:74.45; 'Nnmber I I $524sz SIGN, - . 1. .V_Chlef Engineer . . PRESENTED Training.9ragram and is_he:ah? certified as- . AEA . . 573;: l. uti'n7T?chnician~ .Endineer .. - $55- ?5 Aux?E Eg?c PRESENTED THIS, . a ;xx* - and is hare?y as A . . I cutio?TT??hnicia?rL ?L'Fred A. "?u?hter?AsEociates, Inc; A 29th." DAY 0% LNbv.f Chie? _75 Egg? '-au;1 vuu?_ . . JV, 7 7 lgEgixE: I 5 7 7 XL FRED - . N?aasENfondy is'hereby?certi?ied?asj 3 a j. we- aw 4: rm?? 3 -v:xg -g-.-Chief Engineer', 'f 1 1 - 29thv? - Nov.* PRESENTED THIS DAY oF - f.qu Numb-or. 5 7 a ?1 PRESENTED THIS . va.? THATM - .THis HAS BEEN 'v mp The Ff?d LEuch???ix 55;. -- .- irlwr?gi?; xi': '6 . 2 - A - Training? x. 9th- . DAY l_A fin-1- Progr -J.ani ed AigLeu?Bt?t hm dh?ician 3:041353225Chie?lEngineeri ,5?er .Aswc?mteisl Inc-- 2i THIS wwle Certificate Number 57 29th f133:7 u33: 1 . - HAS BEEN- PRESENTED TO I -:If -Er?d?A; Leuchter .. I. gAssOciatesrf I 'Electracuti?n Training.PrOgram and ith?re c?rtified as ff_ah' ?55:18? .Tephniciap.lfi Inc1-. DAYAOF ORGANIZATION . ?Itr? 'xxi*44xx: 4xxvf44xx*f Axx?' 4xxf_ ;Xk, xk_ I PRESENTED THIS Successfully;completinng Fred A. Traininthroqtgm and is herebv_certified aS' - 29th .3k" 93k I TH DAY OF INCs I. _v is CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN PRESENTED To Ledchter - ynE 3330 THis CERTIFICATE HASBEENPR E-INTEZD. TO - - . 'Eleqtrocution'Traiping PrOgram PRESENTED THIS enc?terEASSQciat' ?Zheuc??er, 4W. A 'Eniineer PRESENTEDZTHIS - i - fHIs CERTIFIQAT: HASBEEN PRESENTED TO . - .. . Sudcessfully_c6mpleting The inc. -.Electrocutiqn.Traininq Py?gram and is;hepebv Certified as. Milan k. fr ??K5?ngxf?f 29thZ - DAY OF .. . . . E??kmw,. .v . . . . CERTIFICATE HAS-BEEN PRESENTED Electrorufjnh_Tfainihg Program and is hereby cefti?ied as ',29th" . . -ChEr?afH? Beu??te Jr?s? ef.En ineeri" #x PRESENTED THIS .?ww "Certificate Number "11' - . - Jr 2m? ixr we r',g A - 3 . ,-Electzernt?If} Engir?z'ere?r'? 29th PRESENTED THIS 8 - - .ERED a. gr THAT . . "Em -: an =cf~ _3-9;f 53f? Jy'j? ?7}f :Electr6c?tio? 'Techhician - '1 'yi 913? ORGANIZATION . 1 7 WyeUFf?tfrr 1 {Chief,En,ineera{ - PRESENTED THIS up, 14? - - . I Number ?13 \Ixxw 5&2 xx- 1 kit, JCS-C x, mama: -. ..- PRESENTED THIS .MMW. FRED - *f . g' .vgv-. . I m. . THIS HAS BEENPRESENTED TO completinng Brad Leuchte; AsSdciatESQ'Inc; IEl?ctrornfion AsSbEiatesr .?ohdANmA?oN' Novi' 29th' DWOP . PRESENTED THIS 3 I IAIFRED Fredf Leuchter AESQciateS/Eihc;l {51.8 A . .. . Leu ,T??hnician_ ETSIGNED - . .- .Jn: F'h 1 OF Rhalvnee'r 29th DAYOF Noy? 89. . hter?AsSociat?s, tint wiSucCesSfully~completinnghefFr Leu?hter Associates, Electro?nkinh TraihithProgr as cut7 Nfi 3&1? 3;;f33r?d A. Leukgfer'ASsociateSi;Ihc. x29th'rndoF Nov. . Chie_'. uh\Tiimka? 1E - ,2 -.- FRED 1 Us! - 93 .x . PRESENTED-ITO . '55! . A . .. ,sElectrohufiQn,Training Fragram:a is hereby ?zan DAYOF PRESENTED THIS, ci *Br?be?c?m?r _;2Chie? Engin am: . r? I .. - FRED A. LEUCHTER .- a; .. I 'I'?161 . . A J, i 'Successfully completing The Fr?d A. Leucbter?Assbdiatesi Inc}. Ogram and is herebv_?ertified asj Electrocution Training Pr .I. 'k'H29th . ?a PRESENTED - 3339 Dix? JK -., I -A THIS CERTIFICATE PRESENTEDTO . . I A A Successfully completing The Ft d?AI'LeuChher AssoCiates/?InCQ. Electrocution and is hereby certified aS' ?an, :ll- - if ragga-z. eucnper?, 'Ehgineerf . assay; wwm~ Certificate Number '192 w?-2 'f?hlef uxx**' 4xx'4 rx FRED A. LEUCHTER 'nodular_Electrocution Syst?? ahd.l? ??D?partm?nt beCOirectio?" .zstate.0fnTennessee Nashville, Tennesse?j_37209 Ndvember-?7, 1989 f1 jFrede) Leucht?r Associates, Inc. 23L Kennedijrive . - 7 ?vUnit?llOg? xi iBoston,*MasSaChusetts 702148' :1 Riv?rbend Maximu? S??urity1lhstitutibh"33 - Io. c-o c_f'c 0-. 0 - o?CONTENTS 'Page: System . . . . . . . . . . . "Operation?l - picEiecfr?cutid? SYStem;s;-a Supply} 11.- - .: 4114' FRED A- LEUCHTER ASSOCIATES, INC- MODULAR ELECTROCUTION SYSTEM The idesign"_ .of ?an electrocution system ?involves ?the ._consideration?of a few, but very significant, requirements.i and number of current- -A applications (jolts); FReguirementsf *gFirSt; the . head Should be'fitted_with a fitting cap containing ?an'electrode with a saline solution moistened spon e; -It is-1 through this_ electrode_'that' the- current? is; introduced. .?Secondr-eaCM? anklentshould_ be fitted 'With7'an? ?'eleCtrode; causing gthe current ?to, divide- and ;ggaranteeing-cu_ 7 passage thrOugh the complete-trunk Of :ofjone-(lpyankle electrode (instead will almost a_ longer -and more I _;4These two ankle .eIectrodes? are 'the' return? path 'o ithe .gcurrent,; contact should be enhanced by using saline salve or.? ;"a-sponge xmoistenedy with it saline?; each -of_themf It is_0f the utmost importance that good I 1 'circuit continUityr with a minimUm amOunt of resistance, We, r.maintained'at.the electrode a?minimum oft} .2000 Volts ?acgzmuStu'beu7maintainedf? after voltage drop,fto T?guarantee permanent fdisruption' of. the fUnctioningijof? the; ?autonomic nervous syStem. [VOltages lower than 2000.vo1ts'acgj dgat saturation} cannot guarantee_heart death and to'death"fFailure to?' trh-e.se77-b.asic-- requirements- could result _ingp'a'in'. to '-the subject gandV failu 1x? achieve' heart. deathf _leavingh?a 'brain dead subject_in Medical Description . During electrOCQtion-there_are two (2) factorSch muSt'be?: - considered: the c0nSCiOus and the VOltages in excess of 1500 volts ac are-generalLy sufficient - .to destroy the conscious nervous System, that which controlsdr pain and understanding, 24,16,millisecondsf which is 1/240 part Of a Second.? This is twenty?four'124) times ?as _fast fas =the? subjects _conscious nervous system can record pain3_ The autOnomic nervous system isva little more-difficult, however, and generally requires _;in excess c?f 2000.VOlts an: to seize ?the pacemaker the cOmpute the voltage at 2000 ?VOlts_ac -plus After .the voltage- is applied? and the subjects body saturates, the voltage has dropped about 10% (depending upon the resistance of the electrode contacts and-' -that of' the subject ,body) land' this should. be -taken into r-consideration;-as well. _Current should be kept-under I'amperes-to minimize.body damage (cooking). - ideally,'tberoltage' calculated thus:l .20001volts-ac to Seize.tbe heart. 1.2400'volts ac-plus l0% equals 2640 volts .LtTh?g' the VQlfag? Should be 2640 vOlts:aCI{ ?This 2640 vOlts ac should be-applied in tWo?(2) jolts of one_r; minute eachf spaced at a teanlO) second interval; .Onh .during the-first application of current and tbe_application of the seCOm? jO Will generally eliminate this problem.) .This Spasm.; is .'due chemical _'build+up (acetchholine-and sympathinf?at tbe_nerve_junctions and thes. for dissipation of the _chemicals, 'J-'System Description VFred At Leuchter Associates, Inc. manufactures Ea low?cost,_ 'State?of-the?art modular system for electrocution. The .system.utilizes solid state circuitry for GOntrol_and'timing, current regulation'to five (50) Single I;and two (2) station control for operationr-'It is deSigned i with plugein components for ease in repair and maintenance, . and because of-its modular design can be_installed in very: ?little time by untrained personnel.? 1' The control systan_is deSigned for a: timing sequence whichf will deliver two (2) one (1f minute jol f-volts ac spaCed ten (10) secon apart,5 To guarantee fail??1 system's_ t1 - activates and_ :Shuts-down'the system if any of the sequential.timers fail. two (2)-modes of operationif single ,single station, one p7button'switch controls the operation. ;.In two Utilized_and lOgic (computer) circuitry}". determines:whichj switchi causes the Use of an executiOner,Vsince'no -'-one-knOWS which of the two retain the operating switch in memory.'7 ,;jFurthe sin the controls -3 operator handles_only low voltage equipment! being completely high voltage, guaranteeing operator Safety- gThe'higtholta cirCuitry is b-aC?upon activation andt as the load saturates and'the'chrrent:I - inoreases; the voltage stabilizes at (or above); 2400 voltsig . ac,? The current is limited to five (5) gI-'a current regulator; ,NThe voltage) ix) accordance With-the3g4 Standard j'or 240gfvolts,- but; the: Current :will never? eXCeed_ five tampereS?With; 1% (five; [50] 'milliampere)? regulationg- '5 current limiting breaker protects the lOad in the event of-a? regulator failure -and. will?~0peni the .jamperes~* The equipment-is protected by a_ninety (90) ampere ?-'iovercurrent breaker; . - - The Eower05u991Yf _The poWer Supply eonSists of a 208 volt ac rimary, 2640 volt' ?as secondary transformer Couple -to a saturable_reactor with i'current mOnitoring circuitry, two (2) overcurrent limits and a high voltage contactor.7? i - i It is designed to deliver five g5f7amperes at 1% (fifty [50l ?milliampere)_regulation at 2400 volts ac, plus 10% (240 voltsi acygv This means that when the circuit is closed, 2640 volts .-ac is fed into the load; Athhe load saturates, the current. 'increaseS'and the voltage drops, At approximately seconds into operation, the load is fully saturated and Williappear'dxn be approaching 21 direct.short circuit.-The' CUrrent' regulator;ihoweverf limits the current to five (5y - amperes at; the .saturation' voltageJ point. of 2400? (minimum) volts ac. .Ifi'thef'curreht iregulator lfails, amysoverourrentv? .breaker is set to six (6) amperes:-- The system operates by monitoring output carrent;ioroCeSSingl :Hit in a direct Current amplifier; and applying it toza direct .07current doil which controls the_flUx density in the c0re'of27 '=Lthe reactor.- It is, essentially; a highly accurate magnetic. Additionally; theW ;power57isupply' lcOntainsi??overcurrent 'V-proteCtion-for*b0th the equipment and the.load and an_0utput ?Contactor for'fclOSingr?the? high voltage-?ciICUit- to the _H;jElectricCChair; 'All connections to the power those for the.208'v01ts ac'in, which are terminal_bloek, are: The contro1;Console-77- flThe;oontrol j?onsoie fix; 3a, ?sloped.: metal.. panelt'Cahinetv"n 'COntaining the: :timing'w Circuitry, ,?computer _controlledr ~oontrols for "the systenl operation.' 'It-Contains two (2) key switches for circuit control and a. key?controlled'?ailfsafe switch tor-high voltage output. ?The timing' accomplished with two (2) Solia?state _One (1) .minute "timers* and one? (1) ten 0(10)? second 'timerw cascaded-from a system?s-timer of 130 seconds(.guaranteeing system 130. seconds 'even in' the .event _of a {:JTimer_ activation is .all by, _precision?relay-hrm One (1) and 'two control' is standard and is facilitated by "solid?statef_circuitry. In single* station -control, one fsWitch operates nan activates the system.? .In two (2) station control, switohes are :utilized and the _logiC' (computer) circuitry 'chooses the switch ?which Will" actiVate the relay. This insures that no One~will know which operator'controlled_the' ?circuit} as with a firing squad." The System does-not retain the operating switch in memory.' two (2) W.The Electric.Chairl_I electronic trelayi and'l - The electric of leg electrodes; a leather?and. "sponge helmet with electrode, a .military'type'oonneotor? 'This chair was-fabricated in_part' -with'w00d from Tennesseefs;original e1 -: here} fehricetedu-onto the 'leg_ 2 stock; are? turned"of fl. If-ddnductor and are paralleled to gronnor-_ '_and a non?incremental restraint sYstem;' It ls covered with_a_ 'high gloss epoxy painthimilar to that.Which is used in-the? space suoply via one? 'The helnet Consi?ts of fur outer helmet k?f=leather and an5 linnerihelmet-of Copper mesh and Sponge! for repair and the-electIOde will agcommodate a #6gconductOr.-I JiThefchair oeSign inoluaes alremov?ble drip pan., The straps "are?of- nylo . aircraft ?ConStructi _and- Consist _of 'two cross-the:_ ankle_strap straps and{ one _qUick grelease ?fasteners; All? fasteners .enabling?a The-entire' system; lbeceuse. of :itS 'modnl?r design;'1nay'be -non~technical~ people ix) several ~hours and.-is I ?fully?fieldVrepairable}i}. SPECIFICATIONS _PoweI:Supply-I Voltag?iI'ZOB ac ixh 2400. plus ,10% of .. - fiVe (5) lamperes '(fifty . [50] milliampere) regulation. "1 i - ._Ov?rcurrent prdiectiohii _Sixf(6)' ampefeS} ninety_(90) respectively.- :7Disconnect-rated 208 volts_ac, 100;Amp5 at; 68Iamps;: volts ac,-5 amp. -- . :Meters;_lgvo1t, 1 amp; .-: MS _5(militarY?tY?e) Erdir?ulaf_ fEhg1os?fei 'Voltag?: 7110?vb1t?j??. 5xI (3): ?Iampere; - -- 'Timing:- squ??tial?Fo (J). minute; 'te 'seConds;_ minute- fyAll- solidfstate. with ?a V130: secbnd_' -- - (3) "foI Cirduit :control operation, one (1) for system failasafe; tWo operator switches; . - - - . ITer?inath?s - one MS ~connector," -f f' - i - El?Ctric?Chair? the intended or actual uSe of-this'device1V 'D?termihe th?E the ?ain,diScon??ct off. rDetermine'thatgaIL switChes on the Control COnsole are; ?off: "position; FAILSAFE switch is off pQSition. _Materiai3C Oak. Electibd?s: -all turned of_sglid brass; t?o (2) l?g, dnei? "Helm?t:: leath?f;?cdgpef meSh'a?d Str?ps: hyl??,laircr?ft4type3 quick release;: "j Mwmm. i If not, -- Determine thaE input Circuit bfeaker'is? .POWER ON Switch a COMPUTER ON switch infleft off >Note specifically ?that ELECTRIC CHAIR Note; I . .I .ENERGIZEDflight.iszFEgv.2. . '-Electr0cutioanYStem-is'n ENERGIZ and read 4.. cPowerrSupply input circuit breaker, 'n that order. Connect control cable between the Power Supply and the Control Consolel by inserting the ?polarized connectors and tightening_the connector nUts.' COnnect_the Control Console end first. Turn on the main disconnect_and the The 'power is now Supplied to the control console.? YCHAIR is nOt'on.- .llight. Verify power-at the-Control ConSole by turning ?ower On switch to; right_ and' verify .SYSTEMI.ON ,light.? 'Turn COMPUTER ON 'switch fto right fand, 'Verify SWITCH by turning"5witch. to left. (OPERATION _that If lig t,is on, there l'is a system malfunction or someone activated the timing off? Turn. CHAIR and 3'then .to Ve-r.ify..- ELECTRIC CHAIR light ,on. -iThe.Output_contaCtorioanow Supply is closed;f Turn [all,switches* off; 10;: finput \circuit; breaker _and; the? Weii:57~3d6i not" proceed VLComplete test of Power Supply as per inetructione.? (TEST ,main' Connect power cable b?t?ee? the and the Electric Chair ?by? insertingf polarized ConnectEleCtric Chair .end first.'f~ 7- - I: 2' .ll.>7 NOTE. Turn on WELL: Torn off both main diSCOnnect and inputhircuit g.y I-DANGER THE SYSTEM rFoll to OperatiOnal Procedure. ;connectors? and ?The H'h;0t? '11; 1712.* . . VSteps rl.' through 'l2i' 'Qf SET should- have been- completed earlier. ?Determine-that the main disConnect is off and that the -input circuit breaker/ to .the Power is off. Remove all keys .to the. Control. COnsolee and. determine. fthat all switches.are off, not; turn-off. Determine ithat the Electric_Chair Energized light is.0ff;- If not, - ,shut electric- chair' failsafe. switch to foff- (Center. Do? NOT UNLESS CHAIR ENERGIZED LIGHT IS Only one key is used fer? "eperation;' *3 hi- 3 a three Inch spot on.the top of executee?s ?jhead? Cut'Pants Offitxw knees; slit'pants to knees Or Supply Subject with Short pants;- ?Mix a saturated until?it will no I. Wet ahkle sponges ii a determination is made that they_? _are to be utilized. Spenges is recommehded inj? cases, Loosen iall *adj?s?m?hts9 in .Sedatej?subject- either- orally' or _with, injeCtion_ if? permissible. =A_5cc.Injectibn of Versed (Midazolam HCL). leg/ml has been: used. in 'the-'past gfor Zsedatingg 'executees._ Another alternative would be l.5_oz. Iof?an-EM) proof whiskey- This-should In: do?e one-half hour prior t9 the - -.. Curtain_en witness wihaow ehould be openedli iSije?t-muSt walk into exeCutien chamber and Speak to rshown-he is alive.. 2 -. -CUrtaih on withess window SHOuld be?clesed;?g 13. Executee should be strapped into chair in the following 5% {possible at thiS time? 15; ,f16;. )17m '18;j' mannerz> A. ,edjusting both_ A'9may'be' Connect ahd tighten waist harness. Tighten shoulder adjustments, connectors shouLd be.kept.Centered by sides of adjusters. - - COnhect and tighten arm restraihts, cehteri?g connectors. 4 - Insert" stock and =connect? andfadjust1 the restraints, in- the jcenter.;gThe saturated saline Sponges are'recommended_ and placed behind'the subject?s leg between_; the.leg and the~electr0deu_r c~gA11,: Vgexecutee'S?head' ?Itightfasq- ."optionalVandfmaylbe'instal i_Insert' helmet" c0nductot? . Tighten further: ~:with alleh wrench?: - 7T3.f= IIhstall.' Saline-? saturated helmet? and ftighten :_faceT-hcuttain7 led at this timeg_ju? I Chin?5strapn as? possible. . The" lihto_felectrOde_donI,. Loosen backtest dedster;_pu 1 baCkrest as far IJforwardrasl-pOSSible: ?hd_tight?n? backrest Iadjuster -l?Cking7 the .Subject is'?ow ready Open the Witness windOw curtaih. 9 .The Doctor Shou1d how exa?ihe the subject ahd.certify_ .that he is al?ve.theVPower TUrh on input?circuit 'On order from the Wardeni: Turhion'mainjdiSCODnect. :5 hteakef to the Power Sup?iy. the key'wili_be inserted ahd On switch'Will be turned The System On Light will be verified. .The key will_be removed. . adjustmen??v Should. be? as ?tight7?ag. ?fi i337 2? - 19.1 On order from the Warden, the key will be inserted and the Computer On switch will be-turned on only if a two operator procedure is to be utilized. The Computer On (Double) light ?will be verified._ 7 The. key will _be . jremoved, 20; When 'the? Warden "determines-?that- they execution ?will 'proceed, he will order that the key will be inserted and Ethe_Electric Chair Failsafe switch-will be turned from 'Center positlon to the Operation position to the left. WARNING: IS THEVV (SINGLE OR DOUBLE). . .1 -.- .- g21{ -On order frOm the Warden; the executiOn will ecumence; ':One (1) _orr-two 'executioners push .either the- VSINGLE ore DOUBLE _Verify the Electrlo Chair Energized light. '_each for a -tengf(l0)z secondf off time "If a failure on Double? 1Noperationr.simply . the sYstem in manual=by-turning the_ElectrinChairiEailsefe; JSwitCh toerE ?stit on _(right)f and time? with war}.- 'sclocszSiXty (60) Seconds on; Ten (10)jseconds off; SiXty Chair 3 .Eailsafe Switch to off (center) position! gProceed with step; 1 - 4 i (60) of uthe _timing' sequence 'the subject; nyhould be dead. - Turn off the E?eptrio Chair FaiISaEea' 'sWitc-h (cent?r_ position) 7. :th'at_ 'Chair Energiied light is off. Do NOT proceed'unless the? - Chair Energized light ls off; key Ito' ehut. off EBQWer3_Cnhl 'switoh, both to the left'ih;this order; IShut_off input circuithreaK i to the Qer Supp end. ?V-the?maiu-diScon?ect} in this order.- i Electrie Chair EnergiZed light is not off; emain.disconnect. . -25. ~The'-Dootor IshouldV now: VErify rheart: death 'of_ the iff?stwo.?a NOTE: If death has not eccurred, Proceed with Steps sixteen through Twenty?five (25) again1. a 26. The executibn is now-over. 27;J_Close witnes?_window curtain and removewitnessesy :Ve_rifyi_ that all Switchesi are off and the key: removed. -.-Verify that the input.circuit breakerth-the Power Supply -iS?offg Verify_that the main is off. Do NOT proceed until this 'step. is- complete? and ?the Electric 1 Chain Energized light is off. -r The ExeCUtee_shouh? be remOved from the Chair in the -folloWin9 manner: - -A. _Diseonnect' helmet 'ih_ reverse 'pfeced?re_ bf Loosen and :emove'Helmetin"v? relea?e oh a?kle fasteners and pull.legs -'forward;; th;1 Pall release oh arm fasteners and free arms. :ei?as?. on ?ches?:jh?rnessg?fasteher:ja?d 1 5 '5 'VE.ilRemeVe .SUbjectrs. body? to 329,: Clean eheir.seet ?ithJIySoi ort?imilaf di?ihfeetaht and 'mild soap. -Clean electxodes Jand' with; mild {Soap__and Qwatert iThOroughly.dry?chair.. WaSh and dry leg V530. ?Remqve ahd dump drip pah;' waeh; dry add replace, LI '33l;;tClean. helmet _wi?h? clear. water and .ary. styrofoam-head,_ 5' 1- - 32;1 Tpartiailygw;? ?-tighten, If33i Verify ell switches end?pdwer'o?fg_ "34? Disconhect both Ehe C?bh? aththe bower Cable _and coil for storage. - y35; .Remd ell Keys; '12 RIVERBEND MAXIMUM SECURITY FQ-ll?bw- special V-i'nstruc'tions' in] separate "document y-in conjunction with the afore define: SET 7 '1i IhspeCt xhelm?t7'fof wear 'of damage; FRED A- LEUCHTER MODULAR ELECTROCUTIOE SYSTEM - AND. TEST Inspect? bothw cables. for' wear or d?mage;? .iR?pair if - - _"Repairaif :7;f 12.7 Chair Energized-lamp.should be.on, _If lamp-fails, replace lamp.v - . . .1 13.7 14. necessary. Lpspect_chair foere dr'damage; Clean electrod?saWith-x' ,'connectidns with allen,jwrench;3 1 Check LalleWirihgiwan -?;Chair "1 1? on maih-disconnect.? -Turn on Cifcui? breaker tb.P?Wer Supply? .: Turn On Verify Turh On Cohputef?Oh Swi?ch. [pgwer to* the? -If_ either" lamp_ fails, pushm rappropriate circuit'breaker-or'repla lamp; Turn- Fails?fe a?witch td" operation Chair Energized lamp 'is NOT on.? Turn switCh to fo_(cepter) pOSition; Thin switch; to Test '(Right) off in~reVerse Order. Turn on PoWer On SQitch. Turn Electric Chair Failsafe? .Iswitch to operation (left) position; - Tighteh] screw; Replace; ~if' _TheifolloWing is a test for the timing sequence and-should be perfOrmed with a stopwatch. 1'5 . Push Single operation button. 'Timing sequence Vshould begin; Verify by timing duration of the Electrichhair Energized Light-? Sequence should be.sixty (60) seconds: .on; [ten (10) seconds off; 'sixty (60) seconds on. _timing sequence is inCorrect, re-set timers- 'Turn.Power- on switch off each time a sequenCe is initiated to_reset id?system._ Timer 1 is.Systems Timer and must be'set{last..-The '7 l6?; 'To begin reset, turn Timer 1 all the way up to maximumL time, _Set Timer 2 for sixty (60) Secondsw_ Set Timer_3 - ;for ten seconds. ~f Set 7timer- 4 for' sixty '.seconds; _Then.sethimer for one hundred?thirty . lseconds;_zPrecision on timer setting for timers 2f.3-and-' ?f4 _may vary by-seVeral_Seconds but_timer ._at a .time_}whiCh ongthe1?other three?.ml rtimers- ?Remember, for each timing.sequencezthe.system' turning 'Power? On switch c??i between ,1 'j.sequences; Turn [Electric 'Chair 'FailSafe'jswitchg off; turn Computer On Switch off; turn Power On sWitCh t?Sf is the Computer por?ip? of 'Turn Power On Switch insWitch oan-V ?-Verify System On and Double lights 38 operational.- Turn?I g'Electric-Chairngailsafe5 switchi ?Allow system to sequence. 7T0 re?set, turn all switches off in reVerSe order; 'Push right button, alone.' Allow Push both'left and right;f to, sequencei- Verify Electric Chair Energized light as operational for each sequence.5 Turn all switches_off {hi the reverse all-lamps as off. .The system is now?re-d ?7 wf'1'2.This Concludes? the: low "voltage' portion Of- the _testg' "The 5-. l'xfollowingjtest_for the Power Supply should be conducted-with great care in that it utilizes the full 2640 Volts; -: DANGER ls'i. .5375" Power On SUPPLY TEST This test 'is _to be conducted with the Fred Leuchter' AssOciates, Inc. Electric Chair .Modular Power_ Supply TeSt- *Unit._ It may be conducted-without the Test Unit as_long as ,the test requirements are met. *Test should be cqnducted with an-equivalent_aof '528- ohms resistance Some 17.. Verify" that the nm?ji diSconnect input Circuit_'breaker' are.lboth' in- the? off position; ?f 18; Cennect the pcwer cable betWeen the PoWer supply and the I Vacsf,-Turn_ on .fan' switch rand "Verify?iquadraf dri_ uncircuit'bneaker;3 "20@p?Turn (n1 mai? ;Turn (M1 Power Supply input' System Qn Light -. ?22.u Turnf Electric? Chair (position- The Test is new ready." Keep clear'of.EleCtric'_ Chair medular Row Supply Test Unit.- 23g hPush Single bperatcr'button_ initiate test. 'Verifynri'r :Electric Chair I executionf Voltage should" -currentr-are3,proper. vac- and- current 3' should never _exceed amperes, 71f _any 'failure\' _occurs, discOnnect'main.and servibe system, the.endj ?Cofithe.timing_sequence the system will shut down and_the Verify ElectricChair?EnergiZed_ 24}. At sequenCe -completiony_ turni Electric Chair 'failSafe is off. Turn Computer On switch to off, if used. Turn; 'System On switch to fo.- Verify all lamps are out: ?16 :Censole.?fVVefifyi? Energized lighta is. on. System ?f28rrlv?fify57All ?sWitCHes-?on' the :COntrolL_Console are especially the Electric Chair Failsafe switch;;'Verify 9' .that the .Power: supply Ninput'-CirCUit -breaker' i$ ?9ff-i This test*mfay_be repeated as- often as- desired but not to exceed twice (2 times) in a ten minute interval. - This test may be acCOmplished alternatiVely without the uSe ??0f the timing sequenCe_utilizing the.Electric Chair-Failsafe' switch iinEST position.? Care must be taken not to exceed a time-greater that four minutes on within a ten (10) minuteVV time period. muSt turn? the' Electric. Chair Failsafe switch to off position in order to terminate the test. This' fprocedure should be done_with a clock or stopwatch.and only by a_trained technicianr electrician plant engineer;' A too- long duty cycle will'damage the Test Unit and the Power Supply. 'i7 9 IQ 25. Shut Off-PQWer supply input circuit breakerr 261 lTurn and disconnect the EleCtric_Chair'ModularL', -PoWer Supply Test Unit from the 110 vac.? Put-Test Unit if ?Way?s. :27r :lf System is to be used} connect the_Electric Chair and 'tnroughg25._ If no Use is_to OcCurt'disconnect the power" qcable from the Power Verify that the main disconnect is off.C*' sERvicE and repair should.he perfOrmed" "?by a Certified EleCtrocution Technician; eleCtrician Or is enclOsed.? In most cases;Ja. complete replacement'cnf all plug if} components can be - Thi?j?Will'; generally repair the system unless there is a defective accomplished an suntrained person. sWitch or a'brokenawire. -- 7,2. *Powerisupply.- Service and repair should be performed by? Certified-Electrocution Technician electriCian -or technician.? A manual and schematic are enClOSed;,C '3.7 Testing of all cOmponents including the chair should be_ .done,by.a Certified Electrocution Technician.. .4 17.? :34 .l 3? h- .. v' Verify gmain 3diS?onh?ct;?is fo. disdonnect'and? connect 'cohduCtorS' to. terminals of the? A-Fasten_Electric Chair td?flOorE .FaSten{ContrOl Console-t? the FloOr. Easten PQwer> floorQ1 j_Wire ffrom mainr' Power-Supply? with tesfia? described 15 MAINTENANCE AND TEST 187 THE ELECTRIC CHAIR MODULAR POWER SUPPLY TEST UNIT 1 _The Fr?d A. I?uchter'ASSOCidtes; Incy'Modular Power Supply Test Unit is espedially designed_for use with the Fred A. System. 'It Ireplaces the.electric chair in the system during testing_and? i Simulates the cha;r odbupied by-an executee, It fabricated, harmonicaily balanCedi twenty component, high_wattage resistor package Which is Jcooled-by'ja area of some 255 a' Square inches and an aggzegate airflow of some 2320 cfm; It eleCtriCiChairI lieStrbiICuit? :R?Sist 4 ?hm Ohms,?ft0tals wattage '7500 at -jaQu;drafan1cizcuit7f ?This test unit Op?rate? at-lS KVA, b0 2' 'testliSIin.progress,_ $9390? I Cl: I 208V (DOW - I [Cl-1?04 .5 . SMTAIL Q. ?/Eoce /eol? - - .1. - CKRD . rueLOCK -3'q?f7fq Nov?; f- I I 1 I 22047,chqu I-goCKeTMSot-si/f?cL . TOP X'ch N/ol . Pat-8.7mm? -.-ror vwo?-rn1m?ki. CABLE . f'ewzlg 43 I I futr'quFAST Twp-Gamma"(2457 ?10?q a ~15? -5?bo.v Buss 3"Sa ?erro'?. . . lg; ?nevi - . . - Huma? I I - 'Et?Ecmoos BULKHEAD 7. Etrc'mrc-s dunk-77:61: L611. 3 1'0 clbeen inferned that Capital Case Resources already has this material. Since these docunents-nay he soaewhat_confusing l'am outlining the process which Occurred last Spring{ 7 - inspect the electric chair. General's Office paid himJ 2). electrical engineer froaiArkansas. .3) ,ul' 5) -Clen-Pruden frOm the State cantacted us abOut a DoCtorlw?chaelvarse'cami to;- believe the Attorneyig Dr; Nbrse cane to this'institution-and'inspected the! electric chair and attached); He also reconnended NV. Jay Wiechert,'an I 4 .NR. Wiechert cane to this institution in late April and-inspected the chair. He nede several retonnendations .as to the fuse boxes and wiring leading Up to the Computer _His recdnnendations were carried out by our maintenance . departnent4Esee-attached letter fronrNV. Wiechert) to .his satisfaction. -NV. Wiechert nade some modificatiOns to the wiring-of the power soarce and the cbnputer. Page 2 . I REf'?lnfonnati0n Requested by The Capitaerase Resource_Center that the electric chair would do the job it was intended to do (see attached_ietter). - we have not conducted any further tests since Mr. Wiechert left. we do have the test equipnent that was recanhended by NV. Wiechert and Dr. NbrSe which is_ a- series of" water heater elements hooked together. The resistence can be varied as desired. Any fUther tests, doner by equipment. i i i i 6) He-did extensive testing and wrote us a_letter Stating - I 1 our maintenance department_ will utilize. this - i_hope this satisfies their~request. it nOt;,piease let me know. L3.'c: Bobby Campbell, Am -. '-BC:dg _en;iosUre_? Im-q?cny' ugun - 2?2??5 Post-Itm brand fax transmittal memo 7671 II 0' Pages .. Q: 7/0: 350*39/00 Ace/,4 l? C057 ?7 ElwmowwbniJa?ZS??aaf ole/n1 57 W/Mlie?/ I ?p a, 7-0 [Him 55:45 If "fox? [4 I . mid (LS \f??mm/z . '7 - mm 9/ we! 5we Fitf'ua'ws ul??F-e Wt bull/>046, - >014 g?wb%?wu ywmjuuw/ . 24m WVLL minu? 46v: 1567' 94), 2? 71/75 (3h13x22- /o?bk x2 $113152?) ??co (53,41; xlg/ognzol. 0571?- 369- ii. (?uy 92?[ lj-?wo . gas/c, $14541 39? 1%190 j, /091~Ly'r 220')? I 7 100.17 .1339 7 g. 29/ 8277 Mag? {aid I )199? - 1?59: 500,10. 50a a, Low; 00/ 1-5Q7 292.94 (Biz?! 12-941 232,223 773,632 lo?; 55 . 7 '1l75 7 m, 2.3 1.913%} amw go]; - 1175 7.2? .czm? 317.70. F5735 x? U4 3? 32 -- . gafw SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING . I 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72901 - 1 OFFICE 501 782?5587 JAY WIECHERT. Owner - . . . FAX 501 782-2178 - . 1 Res. 996-2554 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER _October 9, 1995 MIL Ricky J. Bell, Warden Riverbend Maximum Security Institution- 7475 Cockril; Bend Ind. Rd, hNashvi-lle,TN. 37243?0471 - Dear Warde? BelI: --I . I have examined-the EXecution Equip ment at this location. 199S_and find that it is operating-correctly; oh'October-6; ?Eleetxical loads (simula?ing a human bei?g) were-connected to the high Voltage leads at the chair-;ocation? 'The measured voltage and current observed during-testing will properly exebute-an inmate..1 I 7_ Sincerely Yours, . . I :Jay Wiechert 3 P.E, #3731 I gist: of 3121111252522 ?zpartitumt of QIurrzc?nn _7 agi?i?inn of ?bult g?s?tut'mns ?aximum ?gruritg 7475 (?ackri? E21121 glnbustriaI-?Ruah . gingham, 3724341471 515?350-3100 719T'S-outh 1.01:1wa - 7 . .. - yEort?Smith??Afkansas372901= . - . u-'j Friam.en?losing a manual which was given to_us_by Fred Leuchter when; he the electricution system; This - submitted to the_court. 'It WOuld be very_he1pful to us if you" -?would make-the necessary-changes to us agg- new manualei a cover sheet with Your name and company for 2* 7 Jay, needless-to say, this information is.strictly-confidential. Please return the new manual to me along with your invoice for this; ?serYice.- . f. - Thanks-very much for all your help.> 'g SingerelyBobby campbell . 'ASSQciate Warden for Administration enclosure JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 719 SOUTH 10TH ARKANSAS 72901 - 7 . m?wem1nz?m 57 7 I - . FAX 501 782-2178 . PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. RES. 9964554 rJanuary726, 19965 Mr. Bobby Campbell .7 Associate Warden for Administration- Riverbend-Maximum Security Institution Nashville, TN7 Dear Mt. Bobby Campbell: .The following modifications have been make tO'the-ElectroCUtion[ System built for the State-of Tennessee by Fred Ar Leuchter Associates, Inc., These modifiCations-were made by Jay Wiechert'T . and by the teChnical.perSOnnel at Riverbend-Maximum~Seeurity-* 'Institution,-9Work performed by'Riverbend_employees was examined .?and approved by Jay Wiechert. -A. fComponents of Electrocution System Were consOlidated in "Executionerszoom,_jModul Power .moved from FuseeriSCOnnect SwitCh'wasr mounted on_wall near power supply in Executioners Room. a Circuit'Breaker'(CB3) infModular Power Supply Cabinet -was eliminated because normal execution curreht?exCeeng ?deViceWrating.and wodld cause unwanted _system, Circuit is nOW_protected by_fuses (incoming power); ,The Current Regulation'Circuitry Was~modified to'permit 'jmore flow during an execution. Original design r-limited the current flow to four and_one?half amps-7 - . Circuit was modified to allow eight amps of Current which is.consistent with electrocution history,? This was. - accomplished by modifying the existing monitoring circuitry-' 'Qriginally the current transformer in-the menitorihg - circuit had nineteen turns of high voltage?cable; ThisiwasEchangedito'eleven turns. JAY Owner PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS FIXTURES I 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT. SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 OFFICE 501 782-5587 FAX ?501 782-2178 RES. 996-2554 Am?eter in Power Supplinabinet was changed_to reflect' _new amperage capability. Full scale is now fifteen amps. (Shielding of back?side szmeter was added to. increase accuracy.- Meter is now within View of executioner ?The?wiringlwithin.the Control Console was modifiethO :eliminate the energizing the system.inadvertently when moving_the-key' "Test" feature; This was done to prevent switch from to the Foff" position.- ?zThe'automatic timing cycle was adjusted as follows: Originally, the system was energized for two periods?of' one minute eaCh with a pause'of ten or fifteen seconds 1 between. ?Thisz changed to 45'seconds.ON7 15gsec0nds-OFF, and then 45 seconds The_electrical energy provided: 'gby this.cycle is consistent_with other modern execution -equipment, '52 _Jaf Wiechertni? ipEz?#3731_ Wellsboro . Industrial Park CUSTOM PO Box 636 . MACHINERY Wellsboro. PA 16901 GROUP I 717-724-7553 FAX-7989 ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS oE CUSTOM April 23, 1995f Mr. Bobby Campbell 1 Associate War-den for Administration ?Riverbe?nd Maximum . Nashville, TN 37243e0471 7' - _DearrWarden,Campbell, Please be I'advlised'that." JVM . Industries, Inc'. ?has acquired the'_ - design drawings and-all rights to the Execution-Technology lof__ . Fred A. Leuchtelr,? AsSociates, . Inc. - of Boston, MasSachus-etts. JVM Industries -assumes all guarantees on Leuchter designed: and installed 'equipment"_throughout thecountry including?your Modular Electrocu'tiOn. System .at .Ri'verh'end. has come" to our attention that certain improper . and unsound modificatiOns - have been' made to fLeuchter's? - .. - original?equiepment by .the Wiechert? . Company of? Fort Smith - Arkansas per the enclosed - - . 'We are' of the opiniOn these modifications, -_par'ticularly and dangerous and Execution. Technology andBrocedure.? - "hese modifications ,may result in' - "tissuecoo-king'of the-executee and further, fibrillation 'of the executees_ heart resulting? in_ failure to execute and a 'braindead vegetable at the concluSion? of the execution. 7 - -- - iyplease be advised, the* Wiechert 'mOdifications void rthe. . Leuchterguarantee' JVM has as.sumed.__ In addition it places -the State of Tennessee .at risk in terms of failing ?to -properly execute. in the eventuof the use of said system. ity in this matter except to advise no legal liabil ility of torture of the We'bear ou of these conditions and the possib inmate if. an 'execution is .carried out with .the modified equipment; Please adVise if the? Wiechert mOdifications"were in_faCt the Leuchter -equipment at? Riverbend and, if- make the necessary- 'I?arriedroutr?n? ?they in fact were, 'changes to restore the equipment to prope thusCr-einstating- your .guaranteep and preventing your 8 from becoming an instrument of torture; intend to; operating order; ystem whether_yo -I_await Your repif on this matter. - . ?hu- ohn Maye 'resident.f Cc: Commissioner-of Correction .: bend Maximum Institution .Warden,_River SecuritY: enc. VCUSTOM MACPHNERY GROUP OF CUSTOM MACHINERY ?int: of 51545113103 @?icz cf the Elam I Eager-intent Hf Clan-edict! 7 pihiaian UfCAhquQEn?tilt-u?uns . gRihizrhenh Securing natitu?nn I I 7 7475 ?ush-EU ?ank} gnhu?'t?nl 314mb I 37243?3471 I NLEMQRANDUM TO-I: - Bill HutchersomLegal gCounsel' ,Ricky IBeILWardgn DATE: - Maya. 1996 .Ccrrespondence has been receivedffom DIM-Industries, Inc, We?sboro; PAIWhich indicefes-that - "the modi?cations made by the Wiecher'trCompanytc the electric chair system-are unsound. you will-mete by. the endosed docdments, modi?cations were made t6 the execufien equipment" fafte: it_Was inspected by Michael 'S.71Morse,- and Jay WieChCI?t of Wiechert Manufacturing Your. ICVieWand guidance this matter w?lj-?be appreciated; I x. Ricky Bell; Warden Enclowres -. - I I. STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION FUOOR BLDG. 320 SIXTH AVENUE NORTH NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37243-0465 Ricky Bell, Warden - . Rive-rbend Maximum - 7475 Cockrill Bend Road? Nashville, 37243-0471 RE: Elect-rocut'ion System Dear Warden Bell: .7 This office has reviewed the April 23, 1996,?letter from Custom Machinery Group concerning theelectrocution system at Riverbend.j Based?upon the review by Dr. Michael 1994, in relation to the litigation and his . recommended modifications to the electrocUtion system performed by Jay Wieche-rt - . the system would appear to be in prdper working order.? JVM Custom 7 - MachineryGroups's assertidns in its letter of possible problems concerning the 'use of .- - the electrocution system appear to be inconsistent with the recommendations provided- by the experts utilized to physicallyexamine the system; - - - . lwould recommend that JVM be requested to provide 'SpeCitic documentation'td lsupport'it assertionsthat the system will-not function as expected and refute. the A recommended modi?cations of Dr. 'M'o'rseand Mr. Wiechert. - . . - Sincerely, William B. HutcherSOn', Jr. Staff Counsel - ?lms of 7112111125522 515-350-31113 @fficz of the ?ame? EEepartmiml nf'Qlurrec?linn gaihisian Uf?CAhult gustitutiuns? gRiherhenthHaximum ?ezuritg ?lmatitu?nn - 7475 ?uchrill gent! (Elnimnlrial 331mb yaah?nille, .menmas'aeia 37243-11471 September 23, 1996 - 4 Joth. Maye, President JVM-Industries, IncWellsboro Industrial Park - i .- - P. 'h - 'Wellsboro, 16901 - Dear'Mr.? Maye: office is in receipt of your letter to Bobby Campbell dated April 1996. In yoiirletter yell. make 'seVeraljasserti-ons of possible- problems concerning the use-of the electrocution-system at i . Rive-rb-end. - Your: comments appear to be inconsistent With- the recommendationsp'rovided by- the expert'ssutiliz?ed to physically examine the system; . is requested to provide speci?c documentation to Support its assertions that the; system not ?anction as expected, and further, to re?ite?the modi?cations recommended by Dr. .Miehae'l Morse and performed by Joy-Wiechert. Sincerely, . s. . ll, Warden I I iRiclcy -. ?arr. mound-N. at and-and ?m83710- Nashville. .TN97203 - .DATE- ax -- SHIPTO: A [041;575 .TE .. .STITE A - 7475 fW 7_ t';N TN rvoun omen no. one SHIPPED .smhpau'ma 4 mammals;- - - - - T. ?mu: ALL GOO - - . THIS USTA BE. teams 101A 1 m4?. . 4 00 9441253,1. .0513}: avI..- Rik? 7O 7O 66 64 to - 'Jay Wiachert 719 80. 10th Ft. Smith, AR 72901 Eirthdatez- 6928?43 Marital: Educa?ion: Licenses: 4 Manhattan, Kanaas. Harried and two and HS Prdfessional Engineer, .Private Pilot..CommerCial Dzivers-LiCen3a.' JHY leEL'Hle Hi-Li 719 SOUTH 1071+ RESUME Membership: Mensa: AQPA, EAA.: -: DATE COMPANY I - TITLE ?0 Date Jay-Wi?cheff .?g;f?E??Ibyed" Hanufacturing_[ - . - ?0.8/73 G?neral El?ctric .D?sign Eng. Louisville, KY- Home?Laundry . ,Engineering . _td 8/72 ,Develdpm?nt . Ft. Smith, AR 1 Engineer . Gag kit Condu Eng.' Eng. Vto.7/70- Whirlp?ol Chum,x ?Project Eng, . St: Josephz'HECh. Compactor? 'Laundry Eng. Eng.. =Engineer?ig}. ?3 - St, Joseph; Mich. Dryer Div;'? Laundry Eng} Eng.- - to 7/67. Ugs; Government 'Instru?tor Ft.-Riley? Kansas '7/66 Steel g?Pipe Supply Welder ?nd E;gctrician I daughters 3 BE 1967 Kansas State University 'Cpmpactor, 581.782 2178 P.82 JAY MANUFACTURING SPECML wxgmues - 7601.3 - amass INDUSTRIAL CONTROL. SYETEMS FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72?o1 :01 702-5561 FAX 501 762-2176 RES, M2554 COMMENTS Design and fabricate Automatic Machinegy for Manufacturers. pr?jeCtsL Autdmatic Washer and Dryer. -Reliabili?y improvement Of Gas Air.ConditiQner. R?sponiibye f0r.electric motors and Reentrols, 3' Note: I. ,;Qeye1ppm?nt of new features-and - IcOstiimprovement ptojects 0n, clothES dryer.g.ELectrical V'controls and electronic dryness sensor design. _Three Patents.. .?E1ectrohic-and math courses for Army,'Par? time employment ?While_attending K.S.U7 'St?el Building Fabricatibn'and ,.EreCti?n. ,While attending Part time'employment TOTRL 19:21 JRY MFG 521 782.2178 9.91 MY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING MACHINES TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 'ng SOUTH1OTH FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72901 JAY WIECHERT, Owner . - 7 . om-?ce so} 732-553: - FAX 501 782-2118 F- SSIONAL ENGIN EH . HO ?es. 996-2554. Feb- 7, 2000 Mr. Warden 7475?Cockrill Bend Ind. Road" Nashville, TN 37243-0471 I teSted your ExecutiOn.Equipment during OOtOber'1995. ?Atf ?that time th?'equipmemt was Operating preperly.- I usedI variOus electrical?loads during -- test box of my deSign which simulates_a typical inmatgy._ ?1 will lOathhiS'test_bOx ?O?you-ap no chargeL-if your? -technical personnel want to do the testingi If_you wapt me to teSt the equipment, the price is iwelv?v- hundred add seventy dollars . . 7 .Jay Wiechert 'Sin'c?Ife'ly yours JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 719 SOUTH 10TH '1 7 SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 I - OFFICE 501 78-2-5587 FAX. 501 782-2178 - WIECHERT, Owner 996-2554 - PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER . . an. WIECHERT MANUFACTURING 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT 72901 PHONE 501782-5587 3 Feb. 17, 2000 Riverbend_Maximum.Security instituion A I I It 7475 Cockriil Bend Ind. Road 7 ?7 . TN 37243?0471. CUSTOMER 9.0.x? VerbalFeb. 2000 . TERMS. "Net 30- - . PRIICE- QUANTITY: "Te?t5ExeCutio?.Elui ment 1,27o?00" Requested by warden Ritky Bell INvmr: . - 7: W: up. -- ?mun?m-.. arc-.- . . .- -- .. . a ENGINEER 4:4; ?or; deO r?.Ul JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 7.19 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 Owner - i . OFFICE 501732-5587 FAX 601 782-2178 RES. 996-2554 Feb. 23, 2000 Mr. Ricky J. Bell, Warden I - Riverbend Maximum Schrity Institution 7473 Cockrill~Be?d Ind. Road- NashVille, TN 37243?0471 _Dear Waiden Bellz' I Examined the Execution Equigment'at this lobation on Feb. ql7, 2000. I need various.electrical loads during this I testing (includinq'a test box of my design whiCh simulates laitypical inmatej. 5 - a - The regulated current was adjusted downward to I. 'seven amperesi .The_measured voltage using my test'box l,750 VAci' The timing of the_automatic cycle was adjustee, tO.20 seeOnderN, 15 secOnds OFF, and then lS'SecOnds.ON. This cycle will execute an inmate. .. We are repairing the Thank?yOu.l Sincerely Qeurs, '7 ay Wiechert TUTQL P.81 Riverbend Maxi Secufity_Instit[. 7475 Cockrill Bend Ind. Road_ DATE SHIPPED 2328?2009 meM'J-u JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING vwe FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 PHONE 501782-5587" ?April 3, 2000 Verbal TERMS. Ne? 30' QUANTITY - -l R?sistor Bank (7-elem9nt) Eledtrode Pair Repair-Headpiecev. -'264.oo - ?Reques?ed by Wardeh Ricky.Bells' JQY I PJCH. JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES INDUSTRIAL CONWOL SYSTEMS ng FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72901 I OFFICE 501 752? JAY Owner I . FAX 501 782?: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER RES. 996455 March 1, 2001 Mr. Ricky-J; Bell; Warden; I Institution .7475 Cockrill Bend Ind? Road Nashville, TN Deaf Warden Bel;:; I ?xamined.the Execution Equipment_at this locatiOn'on.Feb1 28. 2000; used varidus~electrical loads during this-. I testinq (inCludi?g a test box of simulates . a'typical inmate)- r= - . u. I~The-Voltage and current-readings ate simila?_to previous tests (1,750 VAC and 7 Amps). The timing of the autqmatic Cycle measures 20 and than 15 seconds ON- .This cycle will_execute an inmate. Thank you. 5 Jay-Wie?hert I - P.B JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING spiscuu. MCHINES mousmw. CONTROL SYSTEMS 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 JAY WIECHERT. Owner . . A - OFFICE :01 m-ssa: - 7 -FAX 501 782-2178 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER . - RES, 99+st March 1, 2001 Riiv?rb?endg M'ax'imum Security Inst itu't ion- ~7475 Cockrill Bend_Ind. Road 7 Nashvillei TN 37243-047l_ "Dear enjoy?d Visiting your, Instit?tion? yesterday. s?nt the - a i resultsof our tests via - - . 1 discussion. The transformer'that_1 have in as (previously JefferSon) - -Model ?.225401664000.c? .- .IV - 1 have been working On.a-manual Backup System'per our . . . - The secondary-winding 'haS their; allow us "tiqadj?ust the output to 71;-800 VAC with. your exisuing primary voltage. This. should work, well} - will on wizng this transformer with primary-.pigtail. or. Your fuss-ed disconnect, and map-1191161 Connector for your ligh-Voltage s?condary. .Transfotmer has-NEMAcl_enClosUrer 7 and rWiU be mounted on .castierS'.? The price'fo: this System" twothousa'ryd, and two hundred'dollars - .ice is FOB FL SmiLnSincerely-"yours ., [3.81 ibibJAY MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL 7 719 SOUTH 1am FORT ARKANSAS 172901 JAY Owner . 1 OFFICE so: 762-558? PEROFESSIONAL woman - ?22? $922351" March 29, 2001: Mr.- . Riverbend Maximum security Institution ?3 r7475 Cockrill Bend Ind. Road Nashville, TN 37243?0471 Dear- 'Per your request, i have designed an automated Backup ExecutiOH System. The price for this system is eleven thousand and nine hundred dollars System has Eagle Signal duplicate existing time cycle; Ammeter will show seCOndary current. The key? . switch on your existing unit will be replaced to match key? snitch On Backup system..-Contactor will be used in primary of'transformer. Allen Bradley compenents will be used. 'The transformer that I have in stock is as follows: -Magnetek.(previously Jefferson) Model 6OHZ . - The secondary winding-has taps that allow us to adjust the 'output to 1,800 VAC.with your existing primary voltage. This should work well. i will pcovide receptacles and plUgs for ease of changing from one system to the other. Quotation active for thirty days, Sincerely yours, Jay Wiechert? P.61 JAY MANUFACTURING 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 PHONE 501782-5587 April 30, 2002 .H DATE Riv?rbend Maximum Schrity Insti. 7475 Cockrill Bend Ind; Road Nashville, TN 37243?0471 Verbal CUSTOMER rApril.11, 2002 TERMS - Net 30? DATE 1 - 'Re air Hi ?VOlta Meter 'Hl h4VOlta e.Cables uested Warden Rick J. Bell 210.00 88.62 100.78, $2,599.40 JAY Owner PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ?Mr. Ricky J. Bell, Warden. - . Hx?gsa JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 'ng SOUTHIOTH FORT ARKANSAS 72901 Office 479 782?5587 Res ~479996?2554 mehmm um Riverbend Maximum Security Institution 74751Cockrill Bend Ind. ROad Nashville, TN 3724gio471.xu Dear Warden Beli:' i'l examined the Execution EQuipment at this location on june 2004, _I-used various electrical loads during_this? I'testing (including a of my design,.which simulates- a typiCal inmate). The ammeter-was calibrated. Current readings are similar to preViOus and 7 Amps). The timing of the automatic. - 7 was calibrated as.fol16ws? 20 seconds ON, 15 seoonds' and then 15 seconds?ON; This cOrresponds to previous settings; _This cycle will execute an inmate.:? I always enjoy workihg with you and your staff}'thank you. 'Sincerely yours, (f__mb Jay Wiechert . J-AY WIECHERTMANUFACTURING- - 719 SOUTH 10TH - FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 DATE Juhe 15,.2004 ?.Riverbend Maximum Security Insti. .7475 Co?kf'll Be-d I A 'w 1-- nd R?ad CUSTOMER P.0d. vegbal DATE June 15: 2004- 1 TERMS Net 30: a: . PRICE QUANTITY: . ;_01 :Examin? an .caiibrate ElectriCal ui_ment . 2-5.00' A 10 5? .8 1,905.00 . Re nested 77 0 i and Mr. Ridky Warden Meeting with Mr. Jay Wiechert /7 Wiechert Mfg, Ft. Smith Arkansas 3/20/06 7 Within meeting with Jay-Wiechert, of Wiechert Manufacturing on .Ma-rch 14 2.006,: the following itemswere discussed.-1. In: 7 services during his iretirementgperiod, .aslong as his health would allow. Request 3er -preVentative maintenance/RMst site visit: I C'Source?fo'rnaturallsponqes; . . . -. ?Mr; Wiechert pro'vided?me With his current source/supplier fOr.'natural sponges. used in the electrocution process; Material speci?cationtdes'cription are .1 1?12? Prime. Rook Island iv-ooli__ Recommendation for future engineering/consultation: Wiechert recommended that TD-OC contaotD-n Michael Morse for future. . that TD'OC'attempt to reCrui-t the services I. ofai-loca'l Electrical ?Engineer on?'experieHCe in highNO'ltage repair, the event Of_an_equipmentzfailure. .. - - . At 'Warden Bell?s regue?st, I asde :that_,er. Wicchert make a personal site visit 'to- . perforrnuprei/entative maintenance and functional- testing ?o?fthe capital I equipment. agreed- andhas tentativelyset the schedule} . for-mid June. .COn?hnatiOn of an; exact date ispe'ndi-ngif I 3- - -.. -?Items?j'to reuiew during June 2006 Site visit: Telectricchair procedure . electrical-testing of capital pumSMent equipment . . . . c. functional andelec'trical testing transformer purchased I 1 . . - produce a written procedureer useof the backup transformer E?lbnyal lacuna-vang- u-u- - - . From: George Little To: Bell, Ricky.J, Colson, Roland, Inglis, Debbie Date: 9/15/2006 8:57:33 PM Subject: Background Info for Scheduled Execution Debbie, Ricky Roland, Please prepare following in connection with the execution: a brief summary on the modi?cations to the electric chair, including the involvement of JVM resume' and quali?cations of Mr. Weikert and logs/documentaions of training tests with the apparatus. This information may be needed for media or other inquiries. This is needed by COB, Monday? sooner if possible. Thanks. George L. CC:, Neely, Jesse, Carter, Dorinda, Crockett, Patricia STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION RIVERBEND MAXIMUM SECURITY INSTITUTION . - .7 I 747SCOCKRILLBENDINDUSTRIAL ROAD 7 - NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37243?0471 - - (615)350-3100 9 FAX (615)331-3400 _September18,2006 - ?_George a _FloonRaChelJackson 47?1Nafsrixvillc?, TN-37-243- .. . . 13%? l: :tolzy'o?iir?. .pfovitling' information-in fegade-to niodi?c?tion?'th?t A .- have been .made?totheelectric chair, involvementskommunications' IndUStties, training/testing reports-of the equipment._' '29; ._c0ntrol at the-Riverbend - -. iSecnrity. Institution. Leuchter provided training tonineteenieranOyeeslI I ?ndfeach was issued. .a certi?cate as}; ElectrocutioniTechnil-cian. 3At_the_ltirne cf the .. installation the-equipment Wis-set to-?deliver - i i . i?In Weiejiinvolved an? cijeit the i l. 2 Button :laWsuit,-that' involved 'the' April Visited; Riverbend testeduelectric chair equipment. "His that the electrocution, I equipment'Inot deliver adequate current-land did-not seem. capacity to - I . 7 I function witha typical load for an electrocution. This resulted in; ay_ Mechert._becoming . I inVQIVetl-in-lei/aluati-ng and: making recor?nmmdationszas tomogi?cetions to-the System; The made,anklie?ielecttodesrwere enlarged. (Ha-re. I. 7- ?Use natur?tl'?ea spongesat least 1-/27? (head and ankleS). .. . Removed thel-OO amp breakers in the back room from'the p?mziry circuit. - I Installed. 100 amp; Zipo1e' fuse_disconnect fuse-s. . {Moved-the poWer' supply cabinet from the to the eXecu'tione'r?s room I. [and positioned next. the control console '30 that the eXecutioner _may View - I - I i .- Mounted 100 amp fuse disconnect switch (with FRN7R80 fuses) on wall near the power supply] 7 7 I . Removed and discarded 100 amp no'n?qued disconnect switch from the utility i I reom- wall.? Ran conduit and.20_8 VAC wiring from the ?oor of utility room to the _-disc0nneCt"switch iinithe execution?s room. Connected the bottom 'side of the in 1' switch to the power supply?, a i 7 .- fReplaced ammet'etin power-supply cabinet with new meter that has 1 equipment was tested by_ i 7_}4 amps. The meaSured voltage was .1920. :The original? cycle. was 69.. . i . Second-sf on, 135.7 seconds 'off, and. :60 seconds-on. This. was i'changed'to 45 (seconds; on, :15 Of?iand second-s 5' -- I adjusttii??i as made lites" the ,eqtipaem to ?ance the voltage?tay-g "1 Thelcyc16 was "modi?ed to '2?0?second'sgon'; .15 seconds .- .offiia?ld 1.5 se?oiid-Sion?f .. .- aiti thg?i??n?b? from I ifg?fi {indicating .acquifed: the 'de'si'gnd'drawings and all frights tot-the; I AssoCiates,rInc..,~ of - I Msfurther "indicated-that: they had ?assuined guarantees__'on' theLeuchter?designedh.? i the; . to they werefofgthe that 7' Wiechert. dangerous- inconsistent- with "'__proper. eXeCution? . I 7 atechnology and procedure 'yvould' heap no, legal; liability if I cal-lied themodi?ed equipment. 7 Industries indicating-?thattheir" 'commentslifappeaxed to. be inconsistent-with other-experts utilized to. "physically. examine i - ,the letter went on to statethat It~requested speci?c documentationto support .- assert-ion- that'the, equipment would not. function (as expected and =fi1rther,-- i Tito, .?jr?efutefthe ?itecommendations and; Jay? Wiechert. No' . I. - letters-from IMri-?Wiecl?ieit ":whichi'outline 'his' Visits: tic-ithe' h' 7 inStitutj-ion'r'andfteSting of the equipment; as his. resume. The letter received- from. I i - TJVMEdatedepril' September_23?, 1996, is also I included.- J: I . . JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES TOOLS 7 FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS . I _'719 SOUTH 7 SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 OFFICE 501? 732-5537 501 782-2178 JAY WIECHEBT, Owner. ENGINEER . 7 7? A I -. - 996-2554 I ;v_V "?--1Naishville? 9m::1372?09rs: 1: Thea; wagaen an: .. if - - ,fina that -~5May;;,,1994f . JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL: MACHINES - TOOLS - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 7i71? 7 FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72991 JAY WIECHEHT, Owner OFEICE 501 732-5557 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ?Jan??ry126} 1996E a .Mr; Bobby Campbell . VAssociate warden:for?AdmihiStfatiOn?E . use a. .-- e114".- .- .- .fThesf01LQWingfmodifi atibns have been make to the ElectrOCution built 5 State Fr?d?AllLeuchter? These mOdifibations Werera by JaYIWi??he - performe?be'RiVerbe 5 employees was examiHEdgi'T It Lia'j?A?l Al? H: I .Mr_ - bf T4 7A Supply With meters Was j?moved frOm-utilitY Iboma7 FuSEdeiSConne SWitCh V35 . -- :7SYsteml7 Circuit is power)' if Aqq 7 c; iThefcurne?t tO'p?rmit? f3, ..mor? ampereSV flow GUring an to four'and .f V-. . Circuit was mbdifieth? allow Eight amps_of current VhiCh? I, 'jcircuitvhad nineteen turns 6f high voltage cable. - This was - JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINE-S - FIXTURES FORT, SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 . . . - 7 .17 -.1 . - r. VOFFKZE 5011732-5537WIECHERT, Owner I . . - ., -FAX 501 782-2178 . . -. I - - RES. 996?2554 Amme? Power was changed to refl??t5; n?w,amperage Capability? issnowaifteeng.gA_ -amps:ITShieldinguof4ba?keside ijmet wag'added .7.. [In (see 'asz'Ye'); i - I - a ?a 'Thejwirf?? Within the*?gntfoiicpnsole was modified to ature.; This was done the The?aneomatie timihg?CYCl? adjusted . minute eaCh yg?h agpauSeNijten- - ?changed- t-?oj' 45. 15. -- and th?naas electrical energy prcvided 5 day Wi?ch?rt": 'u .-3 -PE . 28:22 JRY NIECHERT MFG 7 591 782 2178 81 JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECTAL MACHINES - FixTunEs INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 7 _7 '719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 JAY WIECHEHT, Owner . I PROFESSIONALIENGINEEH . 777-_ ..I, . I- r. '?as.saazau - . .. - fR?iverbelnd z-VMaxi'mum: I. .I - 1.74.75: CQ?ckrill, Bendi ._I?D?3fiW?rdep E?iL?i1:i::iF during this 51:. testingf(inCIUdinqiagtest box of my dGSign f?ItYPiCal inmateyft 11?? '?fl The tequl?t?d gurren: was to; . Seven ?Peres-+3 . The measured? Voltage? using my test .vbox Was ?f7ThiS Cycle will 9X9CQFQ an inmape: . - L. 16126 JRY HIECHERT MFG 581 782 2178 P..81 SPECIAL MACHINES - TOOLS FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL comm. SYSTEMS 719 SOUTH 10TH - FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72901: 7 JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING . JAY . I I . I . OFFICE SUI PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER . - FAX 501. 732.2173 . -- - I =20on I . RiverbendMaximum. 57475 Cockfill Bend Ind; Road 31' :lOad-s during: rthJi-sf. 7_ taint-est. bp-x- Of my? ?es-igu, which simulates . Iaftypi?Ca-l ?inmate-3): - ..-. .. . The and 7 .. tests: 750- NAG-and 537K-Air?nps) . The-- timing .of .the' automatic second's'QNg ?13311.53 plygilei feixe'cut'egan inmate; I Thank yd . Si-Iicerelgy (?RJay Wiechert JAY WHECHERTALANLWACTURHVG SpeanLrAAcrnNEs-'TooLs. HXTURES I 5 ZJQSOUTH1OTH FORT I I, I Offlce 479 782 5587 I. a I - I 995.2554 1 . I i Bell,? wardeng - -- I. I .3. Security-.-Iinstitutionf- esg741530Qckrill Bend ?ifNashvilleg ax;- 7L~ZOO4;qused various ?leCtricalIoadS during thiS'?f ag- . this le?tiannTJuneIT' 1 tests.%lz750 VAC and 7 Ampar wrh?stiming-of the autbmatic .. and then 15 to preVious 3f.fsettingsg {This Cy?le will ? inmate: 7 i always ehjoy'wdfkihg with?Ybu a?d~ybur Staff, thank you;- run. . x;1~ CUSTOM . exam Wellsboro Industrial Park - . Wellsboro. PA 16901. I VGROUP - . 717-724-7553 FAX-7989- ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS QF CUSTOMJMAQHINERY- Mr; fAsSociate-Warden for AdminiStrationf?_ Camp?elyj? J??iease"b? has acquif?d the '*deSign drawings and all rights to the Execution Technolo off ?MaSsachuSetts,st* irndu'stiiesi. ass-?ms: gar: ?T?and}installed9 _a "-430riginaerquipme -by gtheg_Wieche:t 7Comp?ny {of IFort Smith p' we are of the Opinion7theseVmodificqtionSi particularly-(C) .?.and are dangerous and'inconsiStent_withh proper Ezecutionf'_ 3'7tissueacookingqu the ekecutee and further} ?ibrillation of the? eXec-ut??S- 'hea'rtresu1'ting .execute'; and?Ia - ".prOCedurey? 'jPlease be LaavisedJeth?f Wi?th?rt?7m?difi??tioh? ivoid uthe? it plaCeS4i the State _of I'properly exe?ut?stin-the eventhf-t use of sa SyStem; -- I 'We bear no legal liability in this matter advise g? you_0f these conditicns and the possibility-Of torture of the -inmate if- an? executiOn .is .carried ,out rwith .the_modified~ ?' . . Please advise' if, th?? WieChert_ mOdifitatiOns_fw?re 'in'factr7 [LeUChter ?equipment ?at;fRiverbe ahd, if~C they injfact were; whet, Ypu intend to make the/neCessaryi jchanges to restore the equipment to.pr0per Operating order, .gt?hus "rein-stating Your; {larantee'g'jand? "preventing your _~:SYStem I REfrom"becoming_an instru_ent of a 7_ lxl.,l7, . . ,s1V ?resident_{ ?aawxai {uh warden? iRive'r'bend. MaXizmufmfiS?ecuritY" Institution- 2. 7'1qu 7 7r.R' I "jw?fu-H* NCUSTOM MACHWERY.- GROUP ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS OF CUSTOM MACHINERY Starts Hf mannessee 515-350?3m3 (Efficeaf?p'tmarhm - quQIarf?edian . . g?ihizinhaf?h?lt?ns?tu?uns i? . - r.7I475?qLugkrgu?mh (aghustriglgiaahjg Ligffa??hi?g; menh??g'?e - - ., Jojhn V.IM?ygi?JPr?sidentf1' i Industries?gln?;j?_ ., . .. Box .Lthe luse 9f theiel?rit?ro'cution? jsyS't'e'I'n at- v' .. . . Riverbendf '_Your. comments, appear to be {ecormeqdations-prdvided by the. I -- ?pig?s-?tilted system -. -. . . I fh?sy?t?m inth . . mne?onas expeaedz?and?mhe-rh?ft-Q by r. MANUFACTURING MACFHNES- ZFORT sMrni JAY 7/73 9272 8/?7 8/66: 6/64 :?1Bifi?dat?i . I: l7EM?mb?fShi?? ?ta =60; td :Jay Wiech?rtg? _5 'th~ 8/7275 . . .. I7/jbi '2/701 .smith,,ARni72?Ql 5~5thJ?S?Phir?i?h1 '_Laundrijngf?ji '6~285437 ?'LquisyillengYg;- -Whiplpodiucdfg;i?a .Stq?Joseph/jMich. f7/66f #thJ Riley/:Kansasj Steel Pi?QFSUpply fManhattanj]Kansas .RESUME Kan aerriyers Libense._; 5f? gj fj? ??a??if4tmirbied .JfD??ign K7??ve16pm?p?g? z?hgi?eer- s*cas Air Cb?dk 'UngrojectVEng.7? '?jCompactOr: 'Eng?if_ 'Engin?erglbif- ?;Inst?u??bfsf Res. 479.996?2554 I ?aslS?at?1UhiV?fsityl?_f W37ag? }1 TD?SiQhfand_fabri?ateVAthmatic 53Machineryffothaqufactupersh . gAir'Cthit10?er; I Responsible5 fECQmpaCtOrfuID?SignTMotop? clothes dry?rz? 7 I . contrOls and dryness' EIectrical-" 'a331?ctpb?fc?and math cours?s_fof fArmy, Part tim? employment weld?r?ahag.r; sz;ectrician -fSt?eLjB?ildihghFabfic?fioh a?d time EmPIQYment I 3; 1.4; LOUD 1.0; L4 00 WLELHEKI HAG: lad JAY WIECHERT MANUFACTURING SPECIAL MACHINES - - FIXTURES INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH. ARKANSAS 72901 Office 479 782?5587 maressxONAL ENCINEEH RES 479 996~2?54 3 -September 19, 2006' ?Mr. Ricky J. Bell, warden< - . . - Riverbend Maximum Security Instituticn' 7475 Cockrill'Behd Ind. Road Dear_Warden-Belli I examined theiExecution Equipment at this locatipn on_ September 18; 2006. I Used various electrical loads during this testing (including a test box of my design,-which simulates a typical inmate). I installed-an.ammeter} mcunted on a pedestal; far easy viewing by Executioner. . 'This ammeter monitors primary current at the main. 2diSCOnnect. Therefore, current is displayed when using the original equipment or_when eQuipment. "The voltage and Current readings are similar-to.previous tests (1,750 V33 and 7 Amps). The ?Back?Up? eqhipment provides results similar to_original equipment, This eyele' will execute an inmate? I. I always enjoy-wcrking with you and.yoUr Staff, thank you.' _Jay'Wiechert 15:12 EU wltUHtKI Pact UJIUJ JAY G..- FORT ARKANSAS 72901 I I '7 7 DATE 'S?p??mber 22, 2006 . Rivezbend-Maximum Security Insti. -- . 7475 Cocxrill Bend Ind. Road Verbal Owl Nashville, TN 37243-0471 . DATE HHPPED September 18: 2006- . .N?t 3O . I I . QUANTITY - e-Electrica; E, i ?t and Install an to er - ueSted-b Mr. '=.and ,Mr. Ricky Bell,-Warden . _Ow C) VOATE 21.2007: lRiverb?nd Maximum Security Ihsti. r7475 Cockrill Nashville, TN 37243?0471 719 SOUTH 10TH FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72901 DATE April'lg, 200i Verbal I. UFA G- J. ?7 N?t730 FREE $2,900.00' . ., I qunqu- 911 by Mr - 'and J. we! - I i Mr; . MY mums? -. EHQM Bean ?Rr-i - 7747si?a?krill B?hd I'if? - Jay Wiechert Mfg, 719 qugh,10th Ft; Smith, AR 72901. Warden, Mr. "Ricky Bell" lit.) Nashville, r111 33Ira-m1" AR Biv@, l?'l . MA I F.5- GEORGE M. LITTLE comm!on PEJL BREDESEN GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT SIXTH FLOOR RACHEL JACKSON BUILDING 320 SIXTH AVENUE NORTH. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37243-0465 Of?ce (615) 741-1000 9 FAX (615) 532-8281 April so, 2007 The Honorable Phil Bredesen Governor of Tennessee First Floor, State Capitol Nashville, 37243 Dear Governor Bredesen: - I'Il?he Department Of- Correction has completed acomprehensive reviewof the manner in ,which death sentences are administered in Tennessee. A;copy of oUrreport is attachedAfter. .a rigorous- consideratidn of. Our options and consultation with the review committee, .l-haVe- directed the continued- use of a three-chemical lethal injection protocol. The decision'was based on this type of :prot0col being7aIproven?methodFOfwM~ execution. - Tennessee and 'Menty-nine other jurisdictions have-used this-general gmethiOd. alt has beenfoiJnd to be humane When, properly administered. Wehave significantly improved the'documentation and procedures to support ,prdtocolhaVe also-reviewed our electrocutionprOt'ocol. We found the-exiSting procedures to - .be adeqUate. However, we have revised the procedures to make them more-clear. - concise, and.complete. .. - - We will'continue with on-going .reViews of our protocols and. procedures. . .We?will :continue' :to assess best practices, and We will make?appropriat'e revisions and/or recommend-improvements, as appropriate. As_.of this date, We have begun? training - using the "updated procedures. The'Department is ready to carry?out the laws Of the f? State of Tennessee. . .- Attachment . DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTION I . .ng?pOrt on AdministrationbfDeath - Sentences in, TenneSSe'e,? 3 Apr." 20073 .- . -'*Prepared by . .- . . Tennessee.Department of CorreCt-ion: . Report on?Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee TABLE OF CONTENTS EXecutiVe S?umm'ary'mmi .7 introduction IlVlvethodology Selected Areas of Inquiry . Selection Lethal-Injection Chemical Procurement-and Storage ano?Training-j' 8 -- Use Training 8 I Administration Dbcurnentation --Electroc.Litioni - VA. .lHi?story of TenneSSee?s-Electric -- :E.lectiocution I I S'ElectrocutionEquipment Maintenance and 9 '-Appendix it Executive O'rderNoFlorida Governor?s-Connirnission on Administration oer-ethial Viol-"Injection - Transc'tipt I-of April 5, 2007 Public Hearing RepOrt on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Executive Summary ln_resp,onseto Exchtive Order No. 43, CommiSsioner George M. Little . . appointed'a committee to review the administration 'of death sentences in? Tennessee and revise'the Department?s Execution Protocols and Manual; The Cdmmi?ttee utilized number of, resources including, but notlimited to, the followingThe Of?ce ofgthe, Attorney Generaland Reporter - Participants'in" past "Tennessee executiOns, including Riverbend Maximum Warden Ricky Bell, members of the IV team, and a physician. . - . -. corrections professionals and legal experts from otherjurisdiction's . . -AnestheSiologists - . 5 - . - Ari Electrical EngineerThe'FinalReportof Florida's'GovernOr?s. Commission on Administration of vLethallnjeCtion? - - I - 'Court Opinions-in execution protecelea?Ses from Tennessee endother . jurisdictionsThe Department also held a pUblic hearing on 'April 5, 2007.- for the purpose of receiving input from persons with-relevant expertise on. theissue-ofhow to best ensUre thatthe?Department?s exeCUtion protocol proVides constitutional and . apprepriateTexeeutignsti?Iwo .atto meys'Amadesp . .1 comments were also taken from Other attendees. . . its research and?r-thesinput it received frOm various sources-the 'i Department developed updated execution. manuals for lethal injectionfand a electrocution thatincorporate-best practices'from the Department?s own experience . 7 . 'Detailedd-escriptions of each step of the electrocution and lethal injection - . ., . 1 . Detailed'description?s of the quali?Catiolns, selection-processes, and - i training?reqUirementstor execution teammembers - 7A detailed description 'of the services provided to family members of the jcondemned inmate?svictims . . Enhanced requirements 'for centemporaneous,-documentation of each . signi?cant stage of an exchtion as it is carriedout . I . Enhanced aCcountab?ility in connection with the procUrement, storage, and g. dispositiOn ofvthelethal-injection chemicals. - Report on Administration of Death Sentences-in Tennessee 'The protocol for lethal injections employs thefollowing chemicals in the sequence shown: I - 5_ Grams ct Sodium?Thiope'ntal in 200 -cc of sterile water - . 100 Mg of'Pancuronium Bromide Mg/ml '100_mL of'2 mEq/mL Potassium Chloride; fora total of 200 mEq. After the infusion of eaCh IV line is flUshed with 50 cc saline splutionleast 29 otherjurisdictions, including the Federal Bureau of PriSons, have lethal injection protecols consisting of sodium thiOpental, pancuronium'bromide, and potassium cthride in varying amounts- Sodium?thiopental is a. barbiturate . that rapidly induces general anesthesia. PancurOnium bromide is a neuromuscmar blocking agent that induces paralysis and causes breathing to, i 7' cease? Potassium Chloride .is'a salt that interferes with the electrical signaling essential, to normal heart'function. .ln the?amounts-listed?above, each Chemicals, independently, is Tennessee?has chosen to use grams of Sodium-thiopen'tal', the largeSt amount used by other jurisdiCtions, to provide enhanced .assura-nce'th'at thecondemnedg. inmate will be unconscious When the remaining chemicalsare insted. . The .. further assurance that death sentences are administered in a constitutional?and appropriate manner in Tennessee. - . Report on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Introduction. - On February 1, 2007, Governor Phil Bredesen issued Executive Order No.43 directing the Department of Correction to complete a comprehensive, review of the manner in which the death-penalty is administered in Tennessee. The? i - I Executive Order provided as follows: 1. _i .I hereby direct the Commissioner of Correction (?Commissioner?) to initiate . immediater a comprehensive review'ofthe manner in which death - sentences are administered in Tennessee. This review shall speci?cally include the state?s protocols and any related. procedures, whether Written Or otherwise, related to the administration Of death Sentences, both-by lethal injection and by electrocution- In completing this review, the - Commissioner is directed to-utilize all- relevant and appropriate resources. - including. but not limited to scienti?c and-medical experts, - and Correction prbfessionals both frOm within and outside Of Tennessee. As. a. component. of. this. review, the. Commissioner is further directed-to - . research-and-perform an analySis practicesused by-other states in administering the death penaltysoon as practiCal, but no later than May. 2, 2007', the Commissioner of Correction is_.direc_ted to establiSh and provide to me the new protocols and a; Tennessee, both . by lethal injection and electrOCutio'n. In .addition,_the Commissioner-is directedto providei'me with a. report outlining the results - of the review completed purSUant to paragraph One (1) abOve. In response to Exe'cutive Order No-43, Commissioner Little appointed ;a . Committee to undertake the required review and prepare reocmmende'd protocols of the death penalty in Tennessee. After- . extensive research-and after'receiving input from experts in relevant fields, "the Committee developed new execution manuals incorporating? written procedures . based on Tennessee?s own experience and that of other jurisdictions, as Well as input from medical experts. - This. report describes the?Department?s methodology in developing the new manUaIs and the input it received from various sources, and summarizes the most signi?cant issues addressed in the manuals. Report on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Methodology In response to Executive Order No. 43', Commissioner George M. Little appointed a Committee-to undertake the required review offthe manual of . proceduresfor electrocution and lethal injection-in Tennessee. The Committee consisted of Deputy Commissioner Gayle Ray,? Assistant Commissioner of . Operations Roland Colson, Riverbend Maximum Security Institution. Warden Ricky B,ell,?1Executive Assistant to_the- Commissioner Julian Davis, and General Counsel Debra K. -lnglis. - 5 Initially, the Department reCeiVed guidance from the State Attorney General?s. Of?ce concerning the legal challenges to execution protocols in Tennessee and other jUrisdiCtionsand poSsible areas of inquiry for the Committee. The . Committee reviewed theopinion issued by_ the Tennessee supreme COurt in Abdur?Rahman v. Bredesen, 1,81 292 (Tenn. 2005), cert. denied, 126 2288 as the opinions ?led by the Chancery-Court for Davidson County and the Tennessee Court of Appeals in the same proceeding . It reviewed. the complaint?led in Harbison v. Little, No. 3106-1206 (MD. Tenn.) concerning Tennessee?s previous protocol. it also reviewed court opinions and. i other-documents?led in cases challenging execution protocols from other jurisdiCtions, - . - The Department identi?ed Several areas warranting particular focus in the reView . process- As .. 2,2- 5 0f the chemicals to be used, requirementspertainingto thesprocurement and 7 Storage of-the-"lethal injection chemicals, the quali?cations and training required - of the members of? the IV team and the executioner, the-method tobe?used for obtaining venousacces'swhen the IV team cannot establish peripheral venous access, and =doCumentati'on requirements pertaining to the administration of the - lethal chemicals. As?to electrocution,the committee considered whether any' modi?cations shbuld be madeto the settings'on the eleCtric chair control panel, - 'as well as the requirements for'regular testing and maintenance of the equipment. . - The Committee reviewed-the Department?s-previous protocol and execution manual. Ricky?Bell, Warden of the'Riverbend Maximum Security Institution, answered questions from other Committee members about the process Used. in the state?s tWo recent lethal injection'eXecutions as well as questions about the - electrocution, process. The Committee-also met with other participants in executions about specific areas. The Committee conSulted a number of other jUriSdictions for information ?on their protocols, the development of their and their experiences .in h- . implementing these protocols. While somejurisdictions-Were Unwilling to share infOrmationdue to legal requirements for maintaining con?dentiality, the Committee .was able-to obtain information from'several jurisdictions. PartiCUIarly- Report on Administration of Death Sentences- in Tennessee . 7 helpful was information obtained by the Committee during two on?sitermeetings with Virginia Department of Corrections staff in Greensville, Virginia and with Federal Bureau of Prisons staff at Terre Haute. At the 'GreenSville Correctional Facility, theDepu'ty Warden,lother institutional staff, and represe?ntatives'of the Virginia Attorney Gen?eral?s- Of?ce answered - questionsabout all aspects of Virginia's lethal injectibn process and provided a tour of the capital punishment area. . . . - At U.S.P. Terre Haute, the Federal Bureau of Prisons?execution team gave a comprehenSiveEpresentation to the Committee and representatives of several -?otherjurisdictions.; The presentation included a discussion of lessons learned. - when carrying out lethal injection executions in several higIh?pro?leI cases; The federal execution team demonstrated its prOcedure while- conducting'traini'ng I - exercises. - - . - The CommitteeCOnsulted with two anesthesiologists concerning-lethal injection and an e-lectriCal. engineer concerning- electrocution. The Committee. also consulted With the physician who is present at Tennessee?s execution?sto I I pronounce .death and to perfOrm a-cut-down precedure, if necessary. The Committee-Ireviewed'the? Final Report?with Findings and Recommendations. I issued .by Florida?s-Governor?s commission on Administration 'offLethal Injection . . - The Department also held a public hearing .on April 5, 2007. Representatives of: 1- the Tennessee Medical Association, Tennessee "Bar Association,- University of Tennessee College of Medicine; Southeastern Pharmacol09y Society, the I- Federal Public Defender for the Middle District of Tennessee, the Federal Defender Services of Eastern Tennessee, speci?c members of the defense bar were invited to provide input on how to best ensure that the Department's execution protocol provides constitutionaland appropriate . executions. Two attorneys made- presentations- at the hearing, and comments were also taken'from "other attendees, A transcript of the "hearing is attached. The Committee met on the following dates: -February 6,2007 . March 5,2007 - February15,.2007? ?5 April 5, 2007 February 20,2007 - -'April.I10, 2007 February-'22. 2007 March 16,2007- -, I - . - March 19, 2007" - AprilI16-17; 2007 I March-23, 2007 . April 19,2007 March 28, 2007- . .- April 25,2007; March 30?, 2007 Report on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Selected Areas of Inquiry Lethal Injection The following issues relating to lethal injection'were amOng those given particular? .- attention in researching best practices: A. Lethal Injection" Chemical SeleCtion? The most signi?cant isSUe the Department addressed was the selection of the chemicals and-doSage? to-be'USedin lethal injection executions in- Tennessee.? After-considerable researchand consultation; with medical experts, the Department has retained a three-chemical protoCol. . - The followmg-is a. summary of the three-best alternatives considered by the Department, ?and'its ?ndings regarding the'advanta'ge?s and disadvantages of Three Chemical Protocol (5 Gramsof'sodium Thiopental. 100 Mg of; Pancuronilum Bromide, and 200 mEq-oflPotassiumChloride) - At, least jurisdictions, including of l5risionsand Tennessee. I underits previous protOCOI, have athree-chem?ical lethalinjection protocol varying amounts. Sodium thiopental is a; barbitUrate that rapidly induces general . anesthesia, Five grams of sodium thiopental' given intravenously is, itself, lethal. PanCUronium bromide .is a neuromus'cmar blocking agent that induces paralysis and causes breathing to Cease. An intravenous injection of 100 Mg of. Pancuronium Bromideis also PotaSSium chlorideis a salt that interferes with the electrical :signalingessential to'norma?l 'heart?function. A 200 mEq dose administered .intravenouSIyscauses cardiac arrest and rapid death. . . The issues raisedlron behalfof-death. row inmates have generally foCused on the . . . potentialfor error in the administration of thethree-chemical protocol." ?It is. generally-agreed that-if administered correctly andiWithout error the protocol 7 would 'resultirj a relatively painless death. In an .8th Amendment challenge to . the three?Chemical protocol brought by a Tennessee inmate under 'sen-tenceoif' . the Tennessee Court of Appeals summarized the inmate?s position as --follows: - . . - . The evidence is essentially uncontradicted that the injection of either - Pavulon -[pancuronium bromide] or" potassium Chloride, by. themSelvesf in . the dosages required by Tennessee?s three-drug protocol would cause excruciating pain.' Without sedation, the injection 'of potassium chloride 'would, in the?WOrds of- the anesthesiologist testifying-on Mr.- Abdur?Rahman?s behalf, ?deliver?th'e maximum amount of pain the veins Report on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee can deliver." Similarly, person's receiving'a massive dose of Pavulon without sedation would be conscious While they Thus, the ultimate determination regarding "whether Tennessee?s three?drug protoCo'l cauSes unnecessary physical pain or sufferingdepends on the ef?cacy of .the injectiOn ofSodium Pentothal [sodium thiopental] that precedes the injections of PaVulon and potassium cthride-L _Abdur?Rahm_an v. Bredesen, 2004 wL 2246227., *_16 (T_enn.' App. .2004), aff?d, VA?bdur?Rahman Bredesen', 292 (Tenn. 2005). After reviewing .the expert testimony presented in thatCaSe as well as the conclusions reached by courts inotherjurisdictions; the Court 00ncluded: . 7 -In light of the evidence that the Sodium Pentothal is administered befOre the Pavulon-and the potassium chloride, and that it remains effective until .1 death ocCurs; we'ag?ree with the trial court?s cOnclusion that Mr. - Abdur?Rahman failed to' prove that the injection of-chemicals in accordance with. Tennessee?s. three-drug. protocol.? would Cause . unnecessary physical pain or . x, ld.'at16. Consistent with the findingsoftheCOUrt in consulted reedr?that?th w? 7 sodium thiOpental in a person would be lethal, that it would render the person - unconscious within a few seconds, and that its anesthetic effectwould continue - until death. Accordingly, the'Department found that the three chemical protocol, when administered appropriately, will result in a hUmane death. Several factors Weigh in favor of retaining the. three-chemical pirotoc0l, TennesSe,e?s- experience in implementing the protocol hasbeen positive. - - Tennessee'srprotocol has. been upheld by all courts that have ruledupon its constitutionality. In addition, the three-chemical protocol has been usedin almostall of the lethal injection executions thathaVe-taken place in this country, allowing Tennessee to .draw upOn-the considerable experience of other jurisdictibns in implementing the protocol. - Prancuroniumbromide included in the protocol becauseiit speeds the'death 1 process, prevents involuntary muscular m0vement that may__interfere with the - proper functioning of the lVequipment, and contributes to the-dignity of the death process. a - The Department also tookinto consideration Several factors that weighed against retaining the three-chemical protocol. The procedu?rezis the most complicated of the three protocols,- and'there is a remote chance of an error. in implementation that may cause the inmate to incur brief pain. Finally, the three-chemical II I protocol in'that it eliminatesthe'use of pancuronium bromide. As RepOrt on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee protocol presents the greatest dif?culty in accOunting__for the lethalinjection . chemicals, particularly because panCuronium bromide requires refrigeration. 2. Two-Chemical; Protocol jSodium'ThiODental?and Potassium Chloride" -- - . . . The Department considered a Mo-chemicalprOtocol consisting of sodium" thiopental and potassium chloride. This protocol has an advantage over the 'a result, itonld address the allegation that, althoughappearing unconscious, a - condemnedinmate might in fact be co'nsciousand experience pain fro_m,the? administration?of potassium chloride. ltonld also likely result in'asomewhat - faster death than a one-chemiCal-protocol. On the other hand, the-administration of potassium chloride without apreceding dose of pancuronium bromide would - typically result in involuntary movement which might be misinterpreted'as a seizure Or an indication of consciousness. This two-chemical protocol has also not been. used by any Otherjurisdiction to-carry. out an 3.- One-Chemical Protocol (Sodium Thiopental) 7 Finally, the Department considered the merits of a one-chemical protocol consisting of 5' ra?ms?ofsodiu methiop?entalr" . The-primary advantage of the, one-chemical protbcolis that it is much Simpler to administer and provides an even 'lower risk- of error in its administration. As compared to 7th?e'tvvo'- and three-_ chemical pretocols, it has the advantage-bf eliminating both of the chemicals which, ifinjected into a consCious person, would cause?pain. ,It is similar to the process used in animal euthanasia. Using .one Chemical-that does not require refrigeration greatly simpli?es the proCess of maintaining and accounting for "the lethal injection chemicals. The one-chemical protocol has several disadvantages. :First, the two- and three- chemical protocols would likely resultina more rapid death. Second, the effect and required-dosage-Of sodium thiopental would be less predictable and more variable whenit is used as the sole mechanism for producing death than it. would when Used in combinatibn with pancuronium bromide andpo?tassium. chloride._- Third, to date no other state has. used a similar protocol, and thus in?the context of lethal injection executions there is no experience'upon which Tennessee can drawLethal Injection Chemical Procurement and Storage The Department?sprevious protoCol provided assurance that the lethalinjection chemicals would be procured?and stored in such a way as to further miriim?iZe the Report on-Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee possibility of contamination, dilu_tion,_or adulteration or loss of the _chemicals. An examination of best practices from other jurisdictions, however, suggests that accountability would be enhanced. through improved documentatiOn Of these - processes. Accordingly, the protocol includes'enhanced documentation . I - requirements withregard'to the procurement and storage of lethal injection . - chemicals. I 1 - C. IV Team Qualifications and Training I. A review 'of beS-t'practices from other 'jurisdiCtions reveals that-perSOns responsible for establishing l_-V access should have quality training in therapy, and preferably possess certification Or licensure in a. health-related ?eld that. . includes establishing lV access within its scope of practice. Although Tennessee? has always used Emergency Medical Technicians with .IV Certi?cation or certi?ed -. paramedics to establish lV access, the previous Execution Manual did not- include Such. a requirement. The updated manual expreSSly requires that perSOns:responsible for establishing lVaccess have. such training and certi?cation. - . - 'Bestpractices in otherjurisdiCtion's require that, in additiOn to the continuing . education required to. maintain'their certi?cation and lic'ens?ure', _l'V team members .7 should also?regularly practice establishing l'V access during execution training . exercises. T?i?spracnce?nas but?notcinj - . writing. The-,updated manual expreSsly requires it. - - D. Use of-Cut-Down Procedure I .kThe Department also considered the use of a cut-down procedure and various alternative procedures with several-experts. The Department-determined that cut-doWn procedures arenot-partiCUlarly dif?cult for-physicians to perform, especially for thoSe who haV-e-prior experience performing the. procedure.- ACCOrdingly, it"has been retained. as an option if neededth gain lV access. IE. Executioner Quali?cations and Training Although not all jurisdictions require the executioner to have training in - therapy, such training prepares "the executioner to-recognize when access is not adequately established,- allowing him to take appropriate corrective action. I The long?s?tanding but unwritten practice in Tennessee has ,alwaysbeen to Use an exchtioner trained'in lV therapy.- The Department cOnsiders" this to be an a important requirement and has expressly'incorporated it into the protocol. ?Report onAdministration of Death Sentences in Tennessee F. I "Chemical Administration Documentation 7 An examination of. best practices from other jurisdiCtions Suggested that post- execution review of lethal injection executions is facilitated-by contemporaneous, documentation of the administration of'the lethal injection chemicals; 'An express requirement for contemporaneous documentation by?a member of the IV team . has beenrin-corporated into the updated manual. V10- Repert on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Selected Areas of Inquiry - Electrocution The followingissues relating to electrocution were among those given particular attention in researching best practices: 7 7 A. HistOry of Tennessee?s Electric Chair in 1989, Tennessee?s electric chair was refurbished .and a newelectrocution system was installed, by? Fred A. LeuChter Associates, me Later the?system underwent substantialmodi?cations at'the recommendatiOn _of Dr. Michael Morse, and Jay Wiechert, a professional electrical engineer who has I I consulted witha number of states on. eleCtrocution pretocols. :Through' subsequent years Mr. WeiCherthas-consulted with the Tennessee'Department of Correction concerning the operation of its electrocution system and has tested. and maintained'the. system in working order. . The COmmittee met with Mr. Weichert at Riverbend Maximum'Security Institution on. March 2007'. He explained. in detail how operates, the recommended settings, and how to respond to various contingenCies. .jHis recommendations have been incorporated into theelectrocution manual. B. -_E'lectrocution Equipment Control Settings EXpert in?p?utreceived- by the Departmentindicates that the electrocution equipment should beset to render 1750 volts at 7 amps, cycled on ?for 2-0 seconds,_off for-20 seconds, and on for an additional '15 seconds: These settings :haVe-been retainedElectrocutionEquipment Maintenance and Tes'ting :Al'though not-required by. the state?s pre-Vious Written protocol, the'Depart'. ,ent has tested its e'lectrOCution-system at least quarterly and has conducted regular maintenance as required. The Department censiders this schedule to?bel' adequate and has expressly incorporated the updated manual. The updated manual also expressly requiresdocumentation of testing, maintenance, and modi?Cations in'la permanent ledger, '_11 Report on Administration of Death Sentences in Tennessee Selected References Hamilton v. Jones, 472 F.3d 814 (1081 Cir. 52007). Tayilor'v, Crawford, 457 F.3d 902 (8th Cir. 2008) a I - 'B'rbwni v. Beck, 445 F.3d 752 for Geri ?led, (April 20, 2006) (Ne-0540482). - . . . Mora/es F.3d Cir. 2006),. cert, denied, 126 1314, I -- - j- More/eey. . Evens wear, 412? .F.Supp12d Md}. 2008). .?fReid v. Johnson, 333 F;8upp.2d- 543 2004) I. Blaze -Rees,' ,2006 WL 3386544 (Ky. 2006.) rAbdur?Rahman'v. Bredesen, 181 292. (Tenn. 2005), cert. denied, 126 813 (2006) . I - - - ?Ceei'v. 1 State A.2d 448 (2000) 'SUbstantIVe'Cha/Ienges to Propriety or Execution-by Lethal Injection in State. - .. I - . 'Denno, Deborah, When- LegislatWesD?/e?at?a Death: The Troubling Paradox . . - Behind State Uses of Lethal Injection and What It Says About - .Us,.63 Ohio St. (2002Report onAdmi'nistration of Death Sentences in Tennessee . Appendix Executive Order No.43 Florida Governor?s Commission on Administration Of Lethal lnjectiOn -- -. - Transcript of April 5, 2007'Pub'lic Hearing sl' a ?13 . Cb?sbl? eggaged E491 Body removgd?from institution CHRONOLOCICAL EXECUTION REPORT fimm guys 1. Inmate entered Ex?ecdtidn Chamber 2. Restraints in place on inmate date '7 "Electrocut'io? 'K?co'rder v. 1 War'de; .I NOTE: If any step is repeated, the additional tiInes will I 't '77 - . 14/30/2007 DAY OF EXECUTION EVLECTROCUTVION EXECUTION RECORDER-CHECKLIST . I I?mate Na #al?hlalnfnate Date 9/92/10? . ?Report to fdr' ?nal brie?ng T?ain report to Death Watch supevaisorfor ?nial-briefing Physi?ia-n i? plage - Medical in 'pl?ce' Team L?ader?iinjpla?e I - _-Ch?ck blinds "and curtains Advise Escp'rt Of?cer to. Of?cial I Es?a? Of?c?r ?nal; of?ciai ?li??gs'es am; 31351.: Baby Ac'l?sg? EsC??Of?llcers-I victim-ifs Wifn?s'?es ?d'Viewi?g: Rabin I I - '1 Adyiggd b5} Of?cer-g (2) that Wit?ess?g ?xj?'i??plac? togns?kggec?lgo?zisjt? I . . Team'l?ni?exjg c?ll ar'id p-la?ces r?s'trai'nts'?? 06nd?in?edimpatei - . to Offici?l to death Watch vestibule..- -- that; Offg?der-ji?s se?uljed ip dig-chair. rgs??ipt? ar'e'j??plag?- I Offi?er't?i V'Trgn'sp?rt plaice" I. Advis?d by-Escort Officer thatf?fWitnesses 'are-EiI-l flac-e". . . 7 Wardep checks Co'nu?'an'd rCehtgr to proceed Recorder?s fInitiaf?: 78 7 __4_/30/2007 DAY OF EXECUTION ELECTROCUTION EXECUTION RECORDER CHECKLIST continued warden orders blinds. Opened-9 circuit TV a??vated and audio 'aCtivated'fOr' 'Viewing'rooms . . . Warden asksoffender-for any last commerits, Warden orders Execution? Team to proceed: Head?piece and shrotfd isplaced ion the condemried inmate and thefelectricalcablei' is'connected-Wa;rden"orders the "executiOn to proceed ?Process is completed" - . curtains. ciOsed? I l' Pliysiciani?proliounces .deathi- exaCt 1" Audio.deectivated to. . . 'Advise..IE_scort OffiCers WitIi-e's'sesf- I. I'Advise dOMissioheif Or desigilee COInmarId center that executioniis completed I - - Physician departs 'Medical Exeiriiner escorted {to chaihl?r to take possession of Pictures I be, taken of body end execution Chamber priOr to?.remoyal_ of bddy; I _Adizi'se'd Es'c'OrtI'Qf?cer Witnesses. are - . Advise Escort Officer to remove Official Witnesses Advised by Escort Of?cer that are at CheOlEpOint .. Recorder?s Initial 79 14/30/2007- DAY OF EXECUTION ELECTROCUTION EXECUTION RECORDER CHECKLIST continued 7%#mlmate#im. - Warde? order-s blinds opened; and audio activated for . viewing rooms - . . I . Warden asks effender for any-last .Warde'n orders Execution Team teproceed - . ed-piece 'a'IEd 'sh-reud is placed 01'n_1the Ehgrical Cable V-iggonneeted.? - 7 Wardenierd'er?s til-dexectiltionlte proceed CoEnpletedl'. -- Cle?ed- . Physieianiprenou?ee's deafH??eiect deaq?iateajt? -W}'Enese roerRs' V'Eiscert Of?cers; - 1 I l-A.dvise -C0mmislsior_1e_r desigRee in center tha? execution 'heem?leted- . lshj-sician-"departgl . . to chamber-t0. t-ake'pes'ses's'io'n of body?. Pictures -. be takeh'of bo?y and execution chagmb<3rpri0r toI-removal 0f body - - . AdRIisedbe Escort Of?cer Victims Wifnesses are at Checkpei?t - toxremov?e. Official Witnesses .l i are atCheckpoi?t l' I 7' I Recoid?rglnitiailg "79 .. 4/30/2007} _.Wardenu. I DAY OF EXECUTION ELECTROCUTION EXECUTION RECORDER CHECKLIST (continued Inmate I 1% Inmate 7 a - I I. V. Offender's? Comments if .ahy: ?e:on 7m I "R?doi'dgr '80 I . 4/30/2do7f MAN UFA CTUR (N <3 7KBSOUTHWOTH ARKANSAS 72901 . . we 1 I Riverbend?MaXimum Security Ingti.9 7475_Cockriil Bend InstRoad? Nashville, TN 37243?0471 DATE 6?4-08 verbal . 1 TERMS Net 30 $2,986;34 - FrOm: To: Date: 6/19/2008 2:31 PM 7 Subject: Re: Fwd: 329.42-011-09 (prdposed CC: Bell, Ricky.J; I The line item for ELECTRICAL SERVICES should include, but not limited to the following: 1. Annual preventative maintenance, inspections, calibrations, and testing of high voltage equipment and accessory equipment (primary and secondary) as it relates to the electn?c chair; These services will be conducted under the supervision and guidance of the selected PE, Licenced Professional Engineer with a BSEE (Electrical Engineer). . - I 2. The services listed in item 1 w0uld also be requested within two days of a scheduled executionthat will utilize the electric chair. 3. The PE (ProfeSsional/Electrical Engineer) cauld be required to be on site during the. event of an- execution utilizing the electric chair to supervise the preparation of the natural sponges, applications, and high'voltag?e equipment support. .4. The PE Would be required-to analyze, repair, report, and make recommendations as it relates to the safe and effective use of the - high. voltageequipment in the event that during testing, or attual. application, the chair or associated equipment experienced a malfunction or did-not perform to speci?cations. 5. PE could be required to provide professional consultation or witness as it relates to the protocol and/or procedures for use of the high voltage equipment and accessories in the capital punishment process. . 6. The PE could be required to. prepare. engineering dammenis, revieviis, reports, and/0r recommendations as it: relates to the safe and-effective use-of the high voltages eqUipment, . - . Please let me know if I can be of further asSiStance. ?eiizlzoos?sioasm's? Below yOu will ?nd achpy of an email from; - -- - 1-, in-the Of?ce Review section tot 7 -, Contract Administration. Can you please advise on the question regarding the "Execution Related Set-vies" DPA in detail? I have attached a copy of the DPA for your perusal. - 3, 21 called your of?ce on 6/1-7/08 and left a message rega'rdingthe same. Thanks in advance foryour'help and cooperation on'th'is matter. - Tennessee Department of Correction 7 #1312008 lri the-subjeotproposed EPA, the text in response to application item. 14 includes a mtegory, "Electrical Services?at a maximum - payment rate of $250000. . . Please de?nitively explain (by response e?mail is ?nalexactly what servioe(s) are included in that service category. Page 1 g} July 3, 2008 Warden Ricky Bell Tennessee Department of Corrections. 7475 Cockrill Bend Road Nashville, Tennessee '37209- 1048 Dear Warden Belli Following the inspection performed on July 2008, this letter is to report that the electrocution si?tem meets. all requirements for success?il operation of its intended use; If you have any further questions or need any further clari?cations, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very'trul?y, . Invoice Total Due DATE NO. 8l1/2008 80801 Bill To: Due Date; Terms Tennessee Department of Corrections 9/1/2008 Net 30 Days 7475 Cockriil Bend Road Nashville, Tennessee 372094 048 ?Attnr- _i Project Description No. sets Date Sq. Footage AMOUNT - TN Department of corrections - Consulting Professional Electrical Engineering services NIA 7/3/2008 $1,470.00 8 ?j Services to date I $1,470.00: PleaSe let me'know- if any further information is needed. September 7, 2013 C. Wayne Carpente Warden - Riverbend Maximum Security Institution 7475 Cockrill Bend Boulevard I Nashville, TN 37209?1048 Re: Electrocution Equipment Inspection Dear Warden Carpenter: The annual inspection and test of the electrocution equipment was performed on the morning of September'6, 210713. The results of this inspection and testing met the required criteria and show that the equipment 'will execute an inmate. .- SinCerely, (?099 Ricky J. Bell Warden Riverbend Maximum Security Institution 7475 Cockrill Bend Boulevard Nashville, TN 37209?1048 Re: 'Electrocution Equipment Inspection Dear Warden'Bellz The annual inspection and-test of the electrocution-equipment was performed on the morning of'September 3, 2009. The results of this inspection and testing met the required criteria and show that the equipment will execute an inmate. ?Please any further information is. needed. Sincerely, RECEWEE SEP 172009 SECURITY msnru'no OFFICE OF WARDENN 731 253 6692 11525-2009 FROM-LAKE C0 PRIMARY CARE T-BUU F-13B 55Fri?I? I ~15" I ?r . :1 ?Izzy: un?'11#64 ?gsgzi?yig' g. with; I: - - Aging; 5 I :4 2'13fir{?331Jam-umI?This Gamma-thatWhose - credentials hat/? 5? - :Bo RDOF maxi-?ii? 'has fulfilled all. reqc?rements- renewa? .anc?registratioq gs .- required by the Tennessee-Code Annatated?qdu?is'? dilly .2. u??ir 17. an . u- - 'm-th'e State Jug?iv' I In I ?h st.? 'f'f . 53?Rig?au E-?guhp 1,-.(?My ?ya-?I 2 #544751, .8. 235:.? .. . - . . - as. q- 3, ""351- 42?. -.- ~56 35th 'g'r?'V?flf' X. I . $149fw-Wg143?a-w??g?m?hi ml.--. -. -. 1Alli191$" . . . . mart-.1.? 1&3, . 9a?n?thNy . an- ion that .du rec/isTHE :3an o'tated Ann raved I r?e?h?e . CIA gm. rough Ks Ulrements enn?sse'e L'fh" ?b .- .4 ., 31/9 . .vnocrron ?h '1 .enn?sasee i :61 fear. the' eh of -.T 'Cr?d by ed Ose 'a'ugth. . male 117% Estate uire or'lz gas req . - 09201 .1 ?3.15 .. H.o_ Lm?aom meZ immuan mo Gm >02 .