The Russian Graug There are 11 accounts of concern in the Russian group, all based either in Moscow or St Petersburg and linked by computer sharing and betting patterns, The main match of concern is the Davydenko Vassallo Arguello match of 02/08/07. There are 4 other matches (all ATP) involving Russran players that appear from the betting patterns to be suspicious. All the matches listed below were deemed by the Betfair integrity team to be suspicious rhe foilowmg matches were all played .n 2007 aha a were 2"'1 round matches and one was a quarterfinal: 5 of the linked Russian accounts backed Davydenko and laid -to wm a total of ?47,347. --: 3 of the ilnked accounts won a total at ?55,002 by laying and backing ?6,917 of the totai profit was won by the accounts backing _to win an in sets. --: 7 or the linked accounts won a total of ?102,892 by laylng and backing--r --: a of the accounts laid-arid hacked_ for a combined profit at ?66,724; ?10,587 of the total came from backing-ta win by 2 sets to love. The accounts primarily bet 'in pray 7 when the match IS in progress, The er match between-and_plavw on- is also highly suspicious when looked at in detail. When 3 or more at the Russian accounts trade on the Same match there is a pattern of at least one Russian player being involved. There is no doubt in my mind that these accounts are in receipt of inside information, at the very least, regarding Russran players. These accounts are unsophisticated in the way they bet on suspect matches as they are happy to take all prices available, regardless of how the match is progressing, and at times it appears that the suspect accounts are almost fighting with each other to get their money down. As a result of enquiries conducted by investigators Into the Russian Betfalr account holders the following was fauna; Betfmr were not happy with the contact we made arid sought to prevent enquiries taking place. Of the account holders who were contacted the enquiries were inconclusive, Some denied knowing others even where there was clear evidence of computer sharing on the betting This creates even greater to their activrty. The Nonhern kalian Groug There are a mam accounts or concern in group The group iavaur matches involving Argentinean ano/orsoanish players The most protitaoie matrh tor group was the Vassallo Arguello _match from_ and there are at least 28 other matches that appear, trom the .nitial betting patterns, to warrant further investigation. Most of the 29 were 1" round matches in non high profile ATP tournaments. group usually het into the set markets as well as the straight win market. There is also a pattern ofme player who goes on to win the match losing the 1" set. The following matches all teatureo suspicious betting patterns lthe player ln bold losing player) _7 Vassalio Arguello orolit made by linked Northern ltalian accounts 7 ?73,889 _7 - combmed profit. ?51,443 comorned profit: ?54,962 - Combined profit: ?54,942 combined profit: ?35,033 7 combined protit- ?32,310 - 7 combined prom: ?32,290 - a- - a combined profit' ?30,130 -7 comhineo profit: ?28,352 cumbined prom: ?27,791 -r combmed prom: ?25,543 -7 combmed profit: ?24,928 Vassalkz Arguello combmed profit. ?24,005 VassdHo Argueuo Comblned profit. ?22,441 v_ combmed prom: ?20,555 (ombmed prom. ?17,796 combmed prom, ?16,737 (ombmed profit ?16,719 combmed combmed profit: ?15,887 7 combined prom: ?14,950 cornbmed profit: ?13,889 7 combined profit: ?12,726 Starace v--r combmed profit: ?11,802 combined profit ?11,120 -- 7- v-r Combmed pram: ?11087 combmed profit. ?10,774 comhmed prom: ?10,393 There IS only one suspect er match to add was when _\ost This group ofacmunts are more sophistmated than the Russian group when 1t [omeS to bettmg on suspect matches but ahhough this group appear to be much more organised than the Russwans they stiH heavny skew the Betfair markets when trading on suspect matches, The way these accounts traded on some of the suspect matches would strongly suggest that both players in the match were Involved in the conspiracy The players that stand out in the list and in my opinion should definitely be Investigated are: 3 to 9 There are 10 main accounts of concern in this group all based in and around - sicily. The accounts are linked and are believed to have placed bets through computers at the - _where an ATP tournament was held in recent years, There are 12 matches involving this group that I believe warrant further investigation. The top match in the list being Vassallo Arguello played at the--on _where the accounts won a combined total of ?257,988. of the 12 matches, 9 were 1" nd round, 2 were in the 2 round and one was a quarterfinal match, The betting patterns on some of these matches are nothing short of remarkable, for example when-beat- by 3 sets to love on _the suspect accounts backed the odds or-to win 370 into a shorter price than that of_iust to win the match, This is completely unheard of and is akin to a lootballteam being a shorter price to wm a match 2.0 than to just win the match. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that these Eetfair account holders knew the result of this, and many other matches before a ball had been struck. in the--v yassallo and-y Vassallo matches the accounts appeared to know exactly how games would pan out and backed the winning players at odds so far short of where they should have been that it made the betting markets on the matches completely farcical and obvious to anyone with any betting analysis experience that the result was almost certainly a foregone conclusion, This group also plays on the set betting markets. There are no suspicious WTA matches in the list of 12. Th? 12 md'ches are as foHows (loser bold) VassaHu Argueno combined prom: ?257,988 -7 Vassallu Arguelln _7 combmed profit: ?129,001 combined prom: ?75,935 --7 combmed pram: ?41,034 _7 Skarace v-r combmed profit ?37,139 combined prom: ?26,597 combined prom.19,7ss Vassalla Arguello mmbmed prom. ?19,331 - -V_r combmed profit: ?17,574 7 Bracciali v-r combmed profit: ?16,528 - - combmed pmm; ?10,059 -v_rc0mbmed prom. ?9,640 The p'avers from the above [hm definitely should be investigated are: Manin Vassallo Arguelln (Argentina) Puma Starace (Italy)