?.)L.Llino ?o1v-ni I?I?xu \?ul?iw'vll'u {)Uyul?tnarutti relative: to the ol? proportiu.) intern: 1 me L-x'ueumtzl. In the ixujorit.? 01' um! in Uf?aitfl? hum,- ?u or NU m.no', I..l let M, Lessor; 4.1?1 .ZH: 15.3. Shuurs, "31? Viztitml Ju?col?a?. pigeon at? ,UI?Humll :13. 1t itreoti A large apartment Wei located. 3? ?13 ?:roxinutelf Notice was receiVed from the City uisL to draw jour attention to my letter dated deptenber :utt, the defective eleCtrioal wiring in the above-neutLoned .. . . u; building, and wnicn to date has nit received hereby notified tiut unless the rolxirei a,plicat'on the work installed You are for a permit is filed Zn tLis o.flcc, and Department, on or before Lee 1 to the satisfaction of tnis day of October; 1942, we shall meodiately tane ;olice Court proceedings a?einst for provided for Ln t.;e owned b" a man in Japan and anot1.er This property is uhgse whereabouts are unknown. The net receiits rrom to de;teuber, 1342 mounted to 4580.75. A general furnished by tne Canadian Credit Japanese Lay, 1343, estimate of tne crobable cos Len's Trust Association Limited ranges from between QOJQ.UU As figures were not satisfactory, I asked to s1,2oo.oo. to recommend an electrical Nr. Walker, hananer of Penberton's, his advice will get an estimate contractor and in accord with Evidently they are reasonable from Lucas Electric Company. We are trying to keep closer in their charges and reliable. tabs on all su work instead of leaving these matters in the nands of agents. I anticipate no difficulty in arriving at an expenditure in Keeping with our credit balance that will meet the requirements of the City. a - . i t. urn 'Idlns?:rl ind litt' I: Oje'jxf?ut'ni, 1. .'1i.'1d Cir-A1". In: M. 1(21? decided n: t: 3mm; men are st; 11 o1? t:.eir v. Jt; .Atl.) Jbbal 'Ilebl..1L?A JANA dk; l(_v6_1 Rest pm; Has been FELIX: are uni. 441 as a matter of interu;t a?en you visit the urea, kLwdij . \)ur arsuul.?tresgun5s si;21 and lMeHiChj 1t, Lne ;w)ster? 31w b} tie City c)ndemning the premises: JeVerul other biildinjs on tLis str-ut neLiUVel t? be owned 1 have been bourdeu up. '1a?i?t?_i1enue Jest. Le next visited tnis address resgonse to a letter from the Chief Junitnrf us follows: "phe above grenises have been insyeCted b; the District Ilspec ?3 witn eocuroaches. and round to be badly infeste( to clean u, Will you have tne necessary order given his matter is being attendei to. ?iil you be good enough to Look at 010 ;est 546 Jest nienue otn Avenue, just across the street from 054. A fire occurred there a couple of weeks ago and we have settled the lunuge at $500.00. Unfortunately, the firemen arrived tvO soon and the building to the East untouched_bl_fire.gnd_ in Your attention is drawn to numerous industries condemned. this prOperty o3 this locality as it is our intention to adverti Ne have an idea tLat BingLum and Hobbs Equipment for sale. Company next door may be interested. and xnk} hem; I, .Y I 31.111111." and of the 1 quote lU?Id: syripqt inc r; cullaact?tXi f? rd 11:4." has no of tne Condition that are in . 322 Lid-i Lg: 3??111? lent Lira: 'ni 1 1f Ll) Jir)n Pd' Juries are enhuerSSino" n? arrangement has ?00; nude whereby all agplicants fer leases on unSC.VUdblc progerties will be sent of us to the Chit? Zhill ill crueu? that; the; Era rexgiixuyuentaz as to improvements. Phe groperties we rentec as is" on terms that tenants meet the City's demands regaruing installation of baths etc. we wiLi protect ourselves as to Lechunlcs' Liens bf ;avin3 with us an amount suf?icient to cover the exgenditure. Accounts will he paid and yayments credited a we Rape way to at least meet the carrying ch r, On the subject of baths, may I rerind we have places on Powell as 40 to 50 rooms Without a hath of any description. Phe had three Public ?aths on Powell street anc they gatlereu families and neighbors together and mixed bathing was the of the day, with no thought of privacy. These places were possip centres and is the ensuer to the question as to how they liVed in congested quarters without thought of the convenienc?s recocnized 4-) as an absolute necessity by the white man ["33 bur darn 4? 3,3; :11? quI?. "mm. no 31?de 4-1 by 0&4; 11 VI uli notjuua kn. la? La forward buying Lg inturnuws and eVucu us, as Lucy may rovide funds Jquccs unknown to us. u1m1 funazs txwarc \:111 (M: up ;:NJund for to 'ae are 'o avoid from tue . ?0 JR F. G. Shears. Ulull?tLu mu Lulu-retitoi Ildt, '11311?1111m'; nun qu grown?11;) .: .Hiul.11.j u. L710 and lt/(tul dual. Li's; LVCJU mt?m . on . it? ucliv-:rud su?JL'I?ql days ago, I'cwir?gf l; .Jn tne .?LUrd instant. Pine U-s liVe in a house Just around the corner I?r?mr laundry at ldo? Columbia Jtrset and will Lu rented. I arrears of taxes on all tnese lquCS. was our next stwp, and there is a Cluuniu? and LEA) rear and a store i I'I?ullt. dame 01' L3.- storo are now occupied by a tenant n:o tuok oi'uieebns nix). 'Ptc: prugsezrt otxzugauit "Leemhel regardless of tLe Condition of tne brilding, for the reas tnat mis goods and his fauily Were all yacned and yarked on a truck wit; no shelter in Signt and it was nearly This man works in a snipyard and is doing minor repairs nimself. ?e paid us tree months' rent in advance in oreer to get this place. if you have time to walk down the lane, you will find proof that one half of tne world does not know how the other half lives. We drove from ?eefer Street to Powell ?t?e?t_and if you go there you might read the signs posted by tne B. C. Security Commission that all Japanese were required to register before 10 a.m. yesterday. The Registration Bureau was doing a thriving business when we called and it was nearly five p.m. I do not feel that there is any need to detail the arrangements made on lowell street in regard to numerous rooming houses etc., as vou