Sub. P. o. Edmonton, Alta. 3?11)! 1m, The Eig.t Honorable The Minister of Justice, Justice Building. New . {may I: I?uriu ul Us?! year I receiVed nubillt?ntluh Lute? my playol?ty 1L Hone), u.C. had been sold for the sun of $14Lb.4? to the Director, Veterene' Land Act. My property there consisteo of seventeen and a half acres of land and other household goods of which I an enclos;ng I list, which I valued at the total sum of $4500. The Custonian has not at any time requested my sanction of dispose of my pronerty and had he done so, I would have been no;t reluctant to sell it, as it has been my livlinood for tne past seven years anu through hard work I ha% been succeG-ful in making an income to $3500. per year which I expendeu to put two of my childxen through university as dorfur and dentie' respectively. In order that my two remaining chil- who we :Eepev- mi opal. mos, rur'nlvw "w an? privilege IA their 'en- nuiex ray-turn In." my ~1m~ll~ in my rum.? n? enxeaVuux, er 1L tne to aL'elL nulf1~.rLi to eLeIle then [a Cu? lete {Lair ecucatlor, one as n: gyf. etrist are my only sor ts ?-er.x1cal engitevr. I came :3 Canada in and was The grivileae o: C""ecien on December 22, l414. This, to me, was tne most gracious cpyurta:it5 given 53 the cOuntry of my ad ptiar. ThroagL it, I realized at ambition I La? desired since landing on thi; that of oeizg atle to raise a family of Canadian son: The opportunities given me by Canaan, ir, have-never meet acused by me or any wenber of IQ ramzl . I as now fizty eiglt years are feel tna? carry? Start again from the button. henl?: i: failixg, uni as L, paixien out, m, desizu nf?er hostilitle: have terminated, was to rw'urL to my home at Hare, arc ?nriiruv Ireru lef1 off egor eve~uuf1uL jurizg lan?. As you will see, sir, the diagosel my progevty for the sum S'ated ha: cause: no a loss ox over 33000. in actual casn value also ?ne loss of a hoIP I had agent year: to outld u; to goizt of security ?3r :3 wife end my children. My wife nnu have teen su _ects thirty years. It does no? see - 12? as Fanauians my family Lould be ieprive? of a Loan meant more that ;ust a none. tea to dB, the 53 neatlJn of sec 1 freefou as Cane ian citizens. I am attaching hereto ?ogies of letter: received hL' ~~nt 0y tno