h? I - - a. a L?p Exes . - 513m Re ence to pipers No. 728 (Unruleu') METROPOLHTAN DIVN. June1917. Divnl. .. Regisuy Folio - ICK PROCESSING LTD. -1- With reference to report dated 16th June 1977. COBBOLD ROAD On Thursday 16th June 1977 by 6.45 a.m. the only persons present at Cobbold Road were 5 Asian women who constituted the official pickets. At the rear entrance there were no pickets and Police vpresence was commensurate with the situation. a By 7.15 a.m. 35 demonstrators together with 5 official pickets had assembled at the front, but th reaf?entrance still rEmained clear. The ma'ority of those sent were young white persons of both sexes. in charge of the pickets was present, but;t ere were no APEX officials present. The official pickets were situated in the centre of the carriageway with about 35 persons distributed equally in the carriageway parallel with the footways which reduced the width of the carriageway to one vehicle. Several private vehicles not connected with Grunwick travelling along Cobbold Road were subjected to shouts of abuse and rude gestures from the bulk of the pickets. Otherwise there were?ho agressive acts. By 7.30 a.m. the numbers had not increased. At the same time a white Commer Van, passed through the column of pickets. The crowd hurled general abuse and Obscenities at the occupants and one white youth kicked the vehicles tyres as it passed. He was subsequently warned about his behaviour by Superintendent The vehicle stopped and, assisted by police, turned around and parks on the MULLINER WARD forecourt Two very largemen, aged 42 and 50 years respectively, who subsequently declined their particulars, approached the picket line and in very strong language expressed their disapproval. The crowd generally then realised that these men were not Grunwick employees. Superintendent spoke to both men, calmed the situation and they left, after one had stated his intention of complaining about crowd behaviour to his own works convener. was then warned by Superintendent to exercise more control over those present. At 7.35 a.m. the picket line moved en mass almost onto the front steps of Grunwick factory. Superintendent warned them that they were trespassing and althoug some of those showed dissent they returned after a short time to the boundary of Grunwick's premises. By this time Grunwick's\pwn vehicles were frequently passing through the lines and the occupants were being subjected to abuse. 11 1? 'were present. NO. 723 i?l'nruled; One young white male approached some of these vehicles and attempted conversation with the drivers, none of whom showed any i lination to talk. demeanour was more moderate than on the previous day when he was struck by a vehicle when he and others had laid down in the road. At this time 8 official pickets were present at the rear entrance. As employees approached they were subjected to quite foul abuse on occasions, but not physically molested. Once several coloured female employees challenged the pickets, complaining that one of their friends had been assaulted by pickets at Chapter Road the previous day. However, they declined to provide any information to police when asked. By 7.40 a.m. 50 persons, in addition to the official pickets, These were mainly young white persons of both sexes, one of whom was warned by Police for striking a Company vehicle with a banner pole no damage was caused. This situation continued up to 9.30 during which time those preSent generally abused company drivers when passing thrOugh their line, but were generally orderly. It was however, noticeable that coloured employees approaching on foot were beginning to lose patience with the behaviour of the pickets, and showed this by their verbal retaliation. The scene at the rear of the entrance remained static with 8 pickets present. No significant changes occurred up to 11.30 a.m. until a the Managing Director of ELECTRODE WELDINGS CO. LTD., whose premises adjoin Grunwicks, complained to Superintendent that his firm's Vehicles had been inconvenienced and that me are of his staff, particularly female, were complaining about the abuse and obscene language of the demonstrators. These complaints were mollified by an explanation of circumstances prevailing. together with Asian women, At 11.45 a.m. 8 young white males arrived, stood on the footway and behaved in an antagonistic and offensive manner towards the Police present and also to the drivers of all the vehi?les passing! through. They were warned about their conduct and they then squatted on the footway. This situation continued up to 1.00 p.m. with no ppecific incidents occurring, and the 8 young white?males mentionepgabove lef . By 3.30 p.m. only 14, including 6 official pickets,;remained a Cobbold Road and continued to shopt abuse when vehicles?passed. There were only 5 official pickets remaining at' the rear. Three buses carrying Grunwickfs em?18 ee isleft to attend a meeting at the Chapter Road premises with (Secretary of Their passage was not obstructed but they were verbally abused. They returned in buses at 5.55 p.m. and after having entered the factory to collect their personal belongings, about 40 left on foot, some being met by their husbands in motor cars. Their mood indicated that had police not been present they would have attacked those demonstrators/pickets present. By 6.30 p.m. the pickets had withdrawn completely from the rear and all demonstrators had withdrawn from the front, leaving only the official pickets remaining. Policing, which had been maintained throughout the day at a level to meet the changing circumstances, . . No senior APEX official was seen throughout the day. COOPER RCQQ At About 6.40 a.m. 12 per ons including 2 official pickets comprising of and an unknown Asian woman were present. Police were on the scene, of whom were deployed at the gate, in All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. . No. 723' Lie-d} There was a gradual increase of demonstrators un il 7.15 a.m. when they numbered who identified himself as an APEX and deny entry. made a second attempt to persuade the crowd, using a po ice loud hailer with similar results. He then remained on the sidelines until about 9.00 a.m. At about 7.35 a.m. there were about 100 persons mainly white youths of both sexes (predominantly female). Shortly after a the senior organiser of APEX arrived. He spoke in genera to Chief Superintendent and made to address those assembled and or ards he left, be seen again that day. Soon after a man, particula? declined, crowd as a solicitor from a law centre: he addressed the crowd generally on the basis of arrest'. and he left within half an hour. not to similar to those mentioned By 8.30 a.m. 200 persons were present Their mood and above, and were completely blocking the gate. intentions were made clear when, at the gate the At this time 9.00 a.m. members of the Civil Service Union arrived at Cooper Road in error, as their intended destination ha ter Road where,shortly afterwards. they went. them for entry in the Cooper Road gate. As a tactic to confuse the militants, and thus prevent disorder, it was arranged by telephone with the Company that all coach movements should be accepted at Cooper Road this day. As a result, as far as Cooper Road was concerned, there was no disorder and the demonstrators forces were CHAPTER ROAD By 6.55 a.m. 150 demonstrators including 6 official pickets were present and orderly. Police were also present. they had increased to 230, Slde of the gate with the \l 5 . By 7.30 No APEX or other "5 identifiable organiser was seen. By 7.40 a.m. these had swelled 400 again in a similar position. Extra police were deployed to form cordons along the kerb. Some verbal abuse of olice was 5 witnessed. The majority of those pr sent were whi e, young and IN and J. OMEY the a-m: 'f borh sexes. ,By 7.40 T. Chairman and Secretary of Brent Trades CounCil, d"the* I All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. - if "entry, police had to increase th No. 7:39 {Uni-1.12m demonstrators using the P.A. equipment and criticised earlier police action. They canvassed support for more picketing laring their decision to continue picketing into next week. They also appealed for people to go to Cooper Road. About 100 responded, the remainder showed more militancy by badgering and pushing police cordons, which by now had been strengthened. Still no APEX official was seen. mBy $.00 a.m. the arrival of the first coach bringing employees was imminent and clearly anticipated by the crowd. It arrived at 8.05 a.m. and the crowd surged forward putting a great strain on the police cordons. More police were deployed. The coach had to be diverted away, due to the risk of injuries. Commander using P.A.equipment, addressed the crowd, appealing for responsible behayiour, but the only response was derision. During this disorder one officer was injured. Anticipating the return of the coach, coupled with the obvious signs of further determined attempts by the crowd to thwart its eir numbers to about 200, and double cordons were formed on the North footway and single'cbrdons on the South footway. The crowd was again addressed by the Commander using P.A. equipment, in particular those to the right of the gates: he warned them of the serious risk of injury to themselves and the police if they repeated their behaviour. The response was clearly one of non co-operation. At 8.25 a.m. the coach carrying employees again approached and the crowds, which now numbered 500 on the North footway and some 350 on the right of the gate, put extreme pressure on the police cordons. The effect being that as the coach was turning slowly into the gateway the double cordon of police and the front ranks of demonstators were forced dangerously close to the coach. Only by the further exertions of the cordons was the crowd pushed back sufficiently to gain room to permit the slow movement of the coach through the gate. some officers sustained bruising from the crushing?, one officer had his foot run over by the coach,as did one female demonstrator. Neither fortunately sustained serious injury as a result. Eight arrests were made for extreme misbehaviour. During this incident, there must have been injuries within the crowd although none was reported. The Evening Standard of 16.6.77. publishes a report and picture of a Carole VAN DER WYKE of Islington who apparently dislocated a shoulder. This had not been reported to police, but from the photograph the woman is identified by Commander as being in the front rank of the demonstrators and to whom he spoke personally and pointed out danger., This was ignored and she remained, arms linked, with her colleagues on either side of her. The picture clearly indicates how theFinjury was sustained and how at that time the police cordon had been opened in order to allow any that wished to go, to evacuate. The situation calmed, although the majority of the crowd were very anti-police. They were orderly and contained by a single light police cordon, in anticipation of deliveries by non-company vehicles. At 9.00 a.m.the exit of the empty coach being imminent, the cordons were doubled and police were introduced laterallv into the crowd through considerable resistance to ease the pressure on the cordons. The coach left successfully whilst the considerable pressure from the crowd was contained. The lateral cordons were maintaired and the outer cordons were reduced to one single cordon. The situation maintained tense but comparatively orderly- At 9.40 a.m. the crowd reduced to about 100, the majority being on the? footway to the right of the gate. No APEX officials had been seen All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. . -5- No. 729 (Unrulod) up to this time. At 10.00 a m. 60 demonstrators including of?icial pickets were present in the gateway, the majority being on the North footway to the right of the gate. A coach conveying employees entered the premises comparatively were policed. By 6.10 p.m. the crowd reduced to 30 6.40 p.m. the crowd had reduced to 10 plus the Chief Inswector Supeersory officers against the poss1bility of situation returned to normal at 7.15 p.m. To summarise the were made, arrests resorted to and the limiting of injury to Pol' demonstrators fully justifies this approach. The big effort and the manifestation of the intention of the 71:11::le II I .- 11'] All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. -u No. 729 (Emmi-ed) 9? an} FRIDAY 17th JUNE, 1977 COBBOLD ROAD At 6.45 aim. there were no pickets front or rear. By 7.00 a.m. there were 60 to 70 pickets at the front comprising of 95% Scottish APEX members clearly id ntified as members of that Unio the remainder a small numb of white youths following were present, Scottish Area Conproller.= gPickets form (9.. 9 on either side of carriageway stopping vehicles and to those drivers disposed to speak to them. An Asian, and another, identity not known, were quite disorder an were controlled by the reaction of the Scottish persons present and left the vicinity. - At 7.45 a.m. the Transport Manager of Grunwicks Ltd. drove towards the picket line and slowed, pickets banging on the sides and roof of the vehicle. Pickets cautioned, and the driver cautioned for Driving Without Due Care by Superintendent There were only 7 official pickets across carriageway, and 5 pickets at rear, but they were orderly. The total number was reduced to 40 by 8.15 a.m. All there present were Scottish members of APEX ?mo were moderately behaved, Speaking to those drivers disposed to stop. At the rear, 5 male Asian pickets. ?hr 9.15ga.m. 10 white males identified by Marxist badges joined those;gresent. They were more hostile to persons and All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. . . . '5 -7- No. 7'23 {Unmer vehicles crossing the picket line. One ran in front of an approaching vehicle after it had passed the icket line. He was ictly cautioned by Superintendent One member of the Scottish party spoke severely to the men and they left. At 10.00 a.m. a Sports car driven by Director of London Production Tools Ltd., accompanied a passenger had it's roof banged severely by pickets, but no damage was caused. The driver left the vehicle and threatened violence. Police stepped in and calmed situation, and apologised for the incide t. The situation continued fairly peacefully. an APEX official approached Superintenden and an im, on behalf of the Scottish pickets, for the way police had conducted themselves. By 3.15 p.m. Scottish members were still present, good humoured and welltcontrolled by organisers. At 4.45 p.m. lO departed, and by 5.00 p.m. all pickets marched off and the situation returned to normal. 9? CHAPTER soap At 5.00 a.m. 10 peopletwere present: including 4 official pickets with a light police cordon.; By 6.45 a.m. 100 people, including 6 officik? pickets, took up position in the gateway and were repeatedly addr sed by Chief Inspector and requested to quit the gate and re ?rm to official picket pOSition. The militants comprised of younthard core ites of both sexes. Many were identifiable as having been pr-sent on the previous 4 days and were not at all disposed to comply wi?h police requests. They were told they would be removed by,poliqe and on their refusal to co?Operate were removed. The reluctance shown odgtheir part to comply was evident; The number at the gateway returned to.6 official pickets. 7.00 a.m. the crowd was up to 300 persons mostly militants as previously described. There were crowds on the footways and on either side of the gate and?about police officers were engaged. No APEX official was seen up to this time. At 7.20 a.m. the numbers were building up to about 500, the non-militants disposed to follow police re uests and assemble on the footway under a light police oordon. more police were brought to the scene but remained embassed. At 7.30 a.m. the crowd was 800 strong and generally noisy and hard core militants present was estimated at 50?70% of the total. They were quite belligerent towards police. At 7.40 a.m. a decision was taken for the 8.00 a.m. employees' coach to be received at Cooper Road. The crowd new at Chapterw?oad being approximately 900. 200 on the South footway under police supervision, and about 200 to the left of the gateway behind police cordons, and the remainder to the right of the gate. Substantially these were quite militant and needed to be contained by a strong police cordon. At 8.00 a.m. the crowd was estimated to be 1,000 and was dispersed in the same proportion as previously described. At 8.07 a.m. 50 demonstrators moved from Chapter Road to COOper Road. At 8.15 a.m. the coach successfully deposited the employees at the a Cooper Road entrance. The Chapter Road crowds began to reduce. Substantial movements were made to Cooper Road, and the Crowd in Chapter Road now was down to 800 and reducing. By 8.40 a.m. and 8.50 a.m. the numbers in Chapter Road were 600 and 500 respectively, and the hard core were accusing police of numerous acts of violence and The police present were reduced to an embussed situation on site. At 9.00 a.m. more persons withdrew and the 3 remaining numbers were now 200, noisy but orderly. At 9.20 a.m. a vehicle from ROBOSERVE Ltd. wishing to enter the Chapter Road All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary. I 3530. '3253 -8- entrance was spoken to by official not to enter and drove off 9 7 a.m. a small van arrived, pickets and drove off after discreetly informing pelice that he would try Cooper Road. the 6 official pickets. when they reached employees' coach. The crowd at this time was orderly. At lO.lJa the numbers present were 200, 175 of whom were on the footways and the Main bodies were strongly policed on either side of the The coach.ar police cordons, particularly caused the was temporarily halted. Greater effort effected a space The situation calmed, and consequent withdrawal of police, 1 p.m. when numbers, including 5i further At 4.25 p.m. All was quiet. left to cat-calls by police deployed). remained. (Easily contained 5 others 5:00pm ROAD At 6.45 a.m. was a build up to 7.10 a.m. At this time an employee the premises and there was a surge on the police cordons,which held them back,.and the car entered safely. However, as a result two police officers fell to the ground and were kicked in the legs by demonstrators. No serious injuries were incurred. 4 official pickets were present, after which there 55 people including official pickets by about in a private motor car entered occurred, 8.00 a.m. enter He went on to and clear of the gate, being left open, and efforts made to encourage those who I All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessm r-v .P. .. o. 729 (Unrulerl) to go by this direction. Very few did. Police forts were partially successful as the gate frontage was left mainly clear. The employees' coach arrived, the near side of it was drawn up close to the North footway, the front of the coach stopped.about 8?10 ft short of the gate. As the factory gate opened, the demonstrators made a area between the factory gate and the front of surge pushed front wall of a dwelling house on the North side of the street. This cordon made extra effort,during which the garden wall of the house was demolished. (It was originally in poor condition, the owner was present.and the damage recorded). The effort of the cordon was successful and several young females of whom there was a large number in the crowd, being clearly in distress, were removed by police to safety. The employees left the coach and entered the ?actory successfully. Scurmishes were going on where small groups of demonstrators were attempting to defy police cordons. Those demonstrators were striking the coach with their fists/feet and some were arrested. of the cordon in clearing part of demonstrators from the crush, conditions, the demonstrators standing their ground. arrests were made. One demonstrator and one police officer sustained injuries which were dealt with in hospital, but fortunately neither was seriously hurt. Other police officers sustained slight bruising as no doubt did many of the demonstrators, but none of these had been reported to police. wished to leave, This Small groups running around probing police . At 9.40 a.m. only 40 pickets the situation was quiet. At this time Sguattersmaction group arrived spoke con identially to those present and left. At 10.00 a.m. Mr. APEX official arrived and surveyed the scene and shortly Withdrew. At 12.15 p.m. 14 persons, including the official pickets, were present and all was quiet. Throughout the afternoon numbers gradually reduced until 5.45 when none remained a . All minutes to be numbered in consecutive order. Continue on other side if necessary.