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December-- I8) 2010 -- Wow 6 PH {Cc-we?ch ?Pi?r-sf' MW SA V153 There :15 no Cam-ban .- we? 1nd61"? #1 1 if? I: all-..- ulh?II-L?qm- qul-M-n-l-?l Km? 5 n. wn'wm'?h??j; Juamgvijtigl 5 .. i . I ?irt/13* Me:erme ?m?mm haw-ran H-th?z- I?m{? ii?i??ia??w I i lg'mgg we.1, _.A'Hil- Eduv??MP-fru-fawn i if! ff {im?5.7? 'f ilk? mp? TLCE ?51raggaIllI I . W?yL?/be??Ig-K?s me . - . I ?WFW?mirw . q. up? In 4 Ww-h. '-tv .mq- .m "an: alrmm..1m-h-m?FLQ. Ifgalm .. .Jz?esmi??zfgi??whim lJ E9 ?fa UM: i?f?ii?e?i?t (E - i J3- ?.r-ws - Ii ?3 PACT 103 Practicing the Art of Critical Thinking ?Analysis of the Impact of the Media on Society? Instructor: Dr. Maureen Kendrick Murphy Class Meeting: 10:30?11:30 am. MWF, Bellingrath 202 Office: Bellingrath Of?ce Hours: Wednesdays Thursdays, 1:00?4:00 pm. Other times by appointment. Phone: 334.833.4462 (0) 334.361.9446 Email: maureenm@huntin domedu, murphdogS3?gmaiLcom Websites: and Required Texts: 0 Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Neil Browne Stuart M. Keeley. ISBN 13: 978-0?205?50668-2 0 Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines, Katherine Ackley. ISBN 13: 978-14130-3397?7 Course Description: PACT 103 will develop your skills as a critical thinker and communicator. These skills are the foundation of Huntingdon?s liberal arts education and will support your academic success throughout your college years and beyond. Critical thinking is a powerful way of looking at the world; it is the process of observing subjects from a fair?minded point of view, asking thoughtful, informed questions, and developing answers that are well?reasoned, well?supported, and clearly communicated. In this class, you will engage with controversial issues and unfamiliar ideas, work to understand different points of view, and deveIOp your own thoughtful and well?reasoned positions. This will not only help you deve10p intellectual skills that will serve you well through your college eXperience, but also provide you with important tools for success beyond college. - Strong critical thinking and communication skills will enable you to make accurate and powerful decisions as a reasonable, free-thinking individual. Practicing. the Art of Critical Thinking-Murphy Fall 2010