TheUnabomberLet t er s AYahooNewsSpeci alSer i es " I ' m notcr azy" Fr om t heear l i estdaysofhi scase,Kaczynski ,whowasdi agnosed bycour tpsychi at r i st sasschi zophr eni c,deni edhewasment al l yi l l andt r i edt obl ockhi sat t or neysf r om usi ngt hatdi agnosi si nhi s def ense,outoff eari twoul dunder mi nehi sant i t echnol ogy message. Al ll et t er sanddocument sar epr oper t yof t heUni ver si t yofMi chi ganLi br ar y’ sLabadi eCol l ect i on. Thesel ect i onwascur at edbyYahooNews 02-0702 02?0686 - a new-r? 09M A Joke} Wan'T Spoiled.) I 7' 1: - . Law? rite . or . 561/1, Mtg/[Mid . (he for . h? 5 .. an? #311 49.; memimem m: mum- w. a a . Saki.-. . +03 {3014 -. Te? me - lat/.515 ma? if ?mg?ewym?k?p?f ?1)ij LiLj-m?-?me_ - a. -n 7655 Mk1{ewiah?sam?Lag weFor (?ex "Co jug?? 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LaTe 5Hmmw) l?i?i'q/ page: 7""117: Bur don'v? necessarily behave every?f'khy 3,10% ?"9459? 3:21 '?tls dr?d?. a. you Pax? i A. ww'if?mj ?For Me, i i cold 61? 934753 as ahead} m5 me NONF?fisom 0114:1535?ch We Ce?, so [Le cg 1! Wricipafe En. West 01? "the wannapma new Team} [My case} amt/Enid I I. use, erf'fe,? Stage met/[I Tn mnec?on .. WEW He Said? 61 [Ef?e til/boar Scaring 63F oL- (eTTem . I was ??lmy CQan. "Cc: 5M SW 4 tofu a. on me; {33ch ?a?F need Far I Max 7; Quim an Gall-:7) Fr: 31.6ng 3} Writ} 62.351 Wa?mon 0 (A. wafw?ksaa wax/awe?. we [after- was okay Lat-"few uv? "the. 43% 01?: 611156 We. 1? . eel E?m? . [?TTep, He did? $61.17 ??km was an (/V/Lr?ry wt?vrjj wT?? +ke, [after he, 3 em?d V947, 5kf1o't'icaj absuj" Wine ??uew hi Morrison CouM prov?ch ?Hue; . we? wesf?d ??re-95 ?afar-r7" He 5?1?ch far; I rec-dud 6t [after Ike. I .600ch Ten-deg 11? ~60 We' [e564 ?Lam/Wmem and- see. my We m7 wear ET. Norm/[7 we CLO we. .F . af?ev- r? I Saki I ?fa-991W" @5569? I 0 MM Morrison. me vneipeafelly) Ame/{5; 7k? GQeTec?t?ei E?n Me 53344; 010. Seri??aaf Mm?faj Morri?socq Wm reian ?dual/y S?bm'tjew Twas 14% kc evw tad Ac wan-rm? Wt save/0L no. Sly?? Mar-42,! FHHESS. H-e sq?g? - seei?nj ?1,va Fm " Lt 1- my my we've '5 {(Mdaff?ue. {Lg 7T We ?chea 0M5 w?i??m (Aele 6v er), a? at a people oats?ch LL50 Maia?PTair ?ne. 7ues?om [N?x?f'f?ea?som Now be. ??E?fc?uj Wm I'?key Hi Ac?c? 3411/. be, wP I - became ?35 not} e94? kic97we. f5 me. "i "(bide me, no MM Y, WaTTQr?onj We. cruci?eaf "y 9&2 shanks .w kc MW. MT (09.. wit/Ira wwyj-jnj?e?y 1.0Qen?1? 77" 5? I?ll' Seen I a?oat?? remark/Ger me dd; '73 a 3y va'to?LS Seen) ?Crai'f?s 5 wit-5 IRA PWISGML pwson?ali?ty 'tmz?l's. He LEFT) 01C 3; (Lather [Ne 01? aloha, wepmfec?/y we at been bkuiwf over 'wortrl; car-ox o-F incam/Pefmf now we stow 3 7m: bu??th ?it?s 6 at PO Ir .C?n?Fh?m WNTt?nj .. 1.. AT 2 we. Rackof R61un ?Mu; Wane/rso? Ms of papa/w [woe f0 mi?rg 4 [I?d I "Gala? like, WT WHBOH ?le . ca??f- 61?" 06033?ch . 12? Q.UQALLGLE, it! Id?cme Bro..- Pohcy 4' . 91". 0 ME y? ei 1 (aw-T WM Waffedoot ?ew-a? F'Son [Wave Out?? ~50Me (RH ??ve - Wheat? 5 0F Cecmse 7 ?Wm - PM Saws V?c-julaTc?orLS Fwy? 0 (Levy F?A?PormTr?o? Won?t): M?ujif?eS wva?ffo st?'emexr Morrkon haw ?hee?n Pam [0er kn me accept u: pej?SoMl4r-f7 Waits Lwo 0 0? Wee. ?ftmeg k4,; Meatf?'vnedf. E?n ?Cone I {(W?sfver I. Sc? w? QC- ?Amer?imw whoa)? . Jszue (ii-soch ?11? thm$wgz dict we. a 6 o-F- (Se?5?5 ?47 W5 ngh?ijt?k 3.6 W7WS See Fn? Some obSessWe - cm pwbsi?ue tm?z'tg, I Awe a fmy LPG) Perfec?b mism- I Pai- .W epjto?r-f- We Menage oases: mm? i some ?xed a. j?oQ is c?om Mgm? .w?i?wt Feb when I pui? at can con. ewe/grog mere We We average Page? $069 - i?N?Cb pressmg ?Le wa aeowm rad, cm Sche'S So 7T can}? Came [06:59. ?r ?1 - I l. avid N. (Glaser, Mil, Inc. Clinical and Forensic The l-incino Atrium 56mm [0530 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 604 *?i?l??iwi?f if: Neuro/Ggr Encino, California 9 l. 436 Board (818) 382.9920 Fax (818) 385_1995 Forensic No c? of? February 5, 2004 Theodore John 04475?046 PO. Box 8500 Florence, CO 81226-8500 Dear Mr. It has been some time since we last communicated. I trust that in the interim period, you have been able to make the best of a bad situation. Through one of my many contacts in Los Angeles, I have an individual who is in a ?nancial and ersonal position to have your entire manuscript published, I would like to hear from you speci?cally with respect to whether or not you would like me to take the next step. If you would like, I would be happy to meet with you directly and discuss this in person. I know from the last few contacts we have had that you wanted to provide the general public with your own perspective of what led to the long road to your present state. I believe we have the opportunity (only with your consent, of course) to have your entire a 1: son published and available for reading. I look forward to yourthoght s, and ideas related to what I have just written. I It?? Sincerely, F, fix David N. Gla