TheUnabomberLet t er s AYahooNewsSpeci alSer i es Kaczynskipi t ches hi msel ft ot hemedi a Whi l eKaczynskideni edmostmedi ar equest s,hewr ot el et t er st o publ i cat i ons,i ncl udi ngTheNew Yor ker ,whi chwer er ej ect ed.At onepoi nt ,hepr oposedani nt er vi ew undercer t ai ncondi t i onst o Rol l i ngSt one,Pent houseandPl ayboy ,butnot hi ngcameofi t . Al ll et t er sanddocument sar epr oper t yof t heUni ver si t yofMi chi ganLi br ar y’ sLabadi eCol l ect i on. Thesel ect i onwascur at edbyYahooNews Jaimme 6; 2000 "If SaloScr'WTI'On 1:9 ?f?hi k? unexpeno'esi me of fie Price. Plfi?fe; PIAT Pf?DC?ESsier aim enclosing ?Hae ad?ress [6196! ?from ?1 a? in New yorker ?H'uuf? was To me 1 (6156?. you. neeA 1kg informa?fmn 0N 1:3 }JMf:ry Subscrip?h?on. ?Ne ?Ht a ?fty r;3_j numi??ifj 0'1 yowr check in. order To Sincerefy your; John O4 475'? 04-4 pcnl?fe/x?riuy PO. Box 8500 CO 31226?8500 [some ?known ?5 W15 Subswi P?fr?uh kw! 9?43 W64 59 3 mm?! A: {and We? i3 Nfucsf; 7T7 Hn/m - .Trrz-rrzjKnal.? e0&ore KACZ yn?Ski? UrS-r Penwewrlary Max 9-0: Box 3500 Florence CO 81226-8500 February 10) 10?00 Ethofs Tke New York Review 55 Braadwayj New York My room- 37 5?0 Dear In The leTTers on 'ch'c'f? appeared in N?w? york Review) February 24-) 1000, no one addressed {.4ka 73 Poss?aly 'er, mosT impar?fmn'f Fraume w'i'f'k er 01? 'H?ka'f? - I Claim ?is "true or ?False. TS Somewkq'r beside Pair-11": Th Bibi e: Con'fctirls Muck "tfud'h and many-. aSTuTe insigkfs ?into human HaTure burr isn'f? .. wky People belie/?e in "Hie Bible?F Similarly) ?fke alchemist: b?F 1119 Mys'??cal Sahara, may Have made. many- correct observa??i?ons 1".th were useizui t: ScienTis'f's} Buff ?aT 1 wasnhr I wka'r +kei?v- en'f'cr prise was all our) not . cwms? 1ft why I ?Hfley lea?et/50? 63.3 ?91, k:m 6L sense accomplishment winmng ??ne approvqf his ?hd a?uancing his care-9w- Wha'f Pseudoscience From Science (and? V?E?p?-frin3 "to Sincere pseudOSMence} r107? conscious Charla?fanism) ?is ?H'La'f The pseu?scienTisT Saf'is?fes L135 ?uted; ?H'Lrougk belgii 3n a. Theory ra'fhe.e~ "Hnam Throu?lq Empirical ?f?es?t?inj TheorEesr If is ?Hae po'fency ?The 'erory 'i'fselap +ka'f The PSfudosden'ffsT) no?? fa Predic'f ?Xpeurfmen'f6ti- nuts '?lev PSeua?oscien?f'isT'S "it: a. Theory, 1?5 defermlnec? [sugary - la}; in 1 ical need; farmer ??xan by Natal observa?fibnr In ?this res Pseudosci emce r95?Mbl?$ V?E?Jiejion and? mac/k Philosorahy) ana? deDrFers from ?Hmem ?rmly in. 'f'kafl'? i1? fries To in The TV?app'injs 59 ?empirical Scfence?r he de?' To read MJAOLI PleckoanaIx/SFS 1?2: 566 Tha'f? 7T3 me?fhods are Predominan??y '?Lose pseudoscience) no?r? Evan The language Makes Clea/r, For example) Cave? Says in ?the 430mer Pwraarapk Tha'T The, MEAJ Is no'f 'er mas'f?er in 3T5 own It {mouse agnof appmv?en?fiy She ?nial-cs "Thai" has: a. basgs. Burr Scien?f?ifi'c Tarn: ?The STaTemenf E?s meaninjfess. 15 an If in sTATemcu'f', is ideofo?ica.' ideology? 01(- PSI/Choana'y'f'h: I W?Cad any: Ihj Tke abliskece wi?nin approx3ma7'f?7 in a. 8? nc {awakoawaly?c i ?IT?ch Aec?wpes I I m. no Studbsdeytce aver-r '1'ka is 1. HP {he Bu}- i?f? would be a. genuEne "fodlaye- Field? kacQ reFormeaQ 311931? to become 0? Func?awsen'l'al Way saiemce? '1 rema/rks The +0f?302 15 . aSSume I I reSISTamce am w} mee?f? w: . ?we I use resis?tamce I (I . a3 staph a - .. I his Does F?a 5' 5 neodore John 5* PEr?l?ITfnTiary Max it 0 I P-o. Bax 8 500 Florence CO 3?226?8500 ii February 28) 2005' To.- .EdiTgr New ?lork Review af Books ?755 BraadH/ay) 51% Floor New York NY )0019-3730 EhEdiTorI March 10, 200 s, Is'rvin beak on page 2 2 1 Hi In ancien'r ?3791") dwarf-s Deal: here h5urv?dal 0? The. york eve of?fen venera?rad ?it: gods-r ;5 Pafhoiogical dwarves. Hume-vet, spam! kcbesfa- Q33 Bambn?? ?73Wma?n Iruf; I . Band) lns?ri?l?u?r Royal (clawed, Belg? Brusseis, ?133, Past! 5*11? argue; P.6unwdy I ,1 +ke ?301w Jame-x5 venera?cd by Tim. .nch?-r Egyp?ans war: He? pa?rhologicn' damn-?n: 1" a but? miles {fa-n. '?ic Afh?c?? 17.45? orcsf. Sake bum ci?l?es EnTer ?he, a [armrPknraok I or P5399: 3W 11*"5 . . - Juan-am .M .4: s" "z r- mus-?Worm 1755 5th Flam, New York, NY lWl9?3780 Mummiwwam?km Mdmim?ya?d?d Them il-HIl''Iqizli?n.fl.I - I 1 sear "v.5: I - 1.11In'1wa . I?IfQ-I- - I. - ML -- Jag-l'Ir?w-lnlr.lla?W'?'iiny; . tuft I I I. "'SQPTEMEW 8) .200! ?ch New Yov?k?f? 4- iTi'meS Saguare New York NY {0036*65??2 SETS: .. Jon Lee. Anderson Sim?n Balrvar .x as kauinj Sale! ?xing? his ?to anti}, 5.. Lafi?n America. Lad been ?kc ?Plowing 'f'k 53:; The: RewoluTionawy: Page 6 1? Column. Bm'f' WkaT Bolivar ?,ac'i'ma wroTe was) a He Lulu: Serves 41 ..-revo1mTEon Plowzi The Sea. [e?t'fer ?To Generaf Jens; Ffores} November 3330-3 See. -HS'imEr-n Balm?: Ego-1T0: Polf?ri?cos .) eiiTeJ by Sow-lama) Alian?za Edi?t?oria! 75", ije I6 . 'Tke dis?m-nmm is mpar?f'anf) because Bolfvar was Making a AEGWT revolu?f'fons in jenarq hot-Jail maloauf 'Hme ?Fou-?I' To un1?7 Lad-3n it "Perhaps wlrxe [mad Come To rea/r?ze- ~u?fkaT, - +42? the If "rave/91mm I is- uncaerSToo? 15b mean; SEp'T?mher I0) an ?l'o Trans?orm an enTF-re? . 910T Wafer); -Tc> ?TTdin 4. --PoliTiCa/ 3m such as ?e imagefenc?ence 0% a. nCoLO??y revolg'fions never ?expec'f'ecg M69 c?e?reA Ravoiu?ons Calm ?be Success'Ful only ?eri?r m?wh Ik??f is 2.. . C9m_ IE. l??fl? .C. .. a! - you. r. (1 67L cei veal ?Flam-m1-.- _T?L?M_0ygjiggme__ - revalufim fl Wmc? peopLT ?the- And- 929195.33.-. 0? uT?c'o "5 . Ra?So? Town The . .3444"? ?ng- ren'r?zwgoinj Thew?ov?e 04-51-751??0476? .i 39X ., 85:00 - 9y Te/c?bgneu 3.. hQO.iwf'? Jr..ka Kaczy fx?ukli O447Swo+? Max FLO: Box 8500 Florence CO ?1226-850? 2000 Liv?xdu GimsTuna. (or) gifey-ua?riveiyj Black) .11 Pew P?aza} 12 +5 F?aor- Naw Yov?k NV moo: eqw MS. Gras??cii W?wa'f Follow; +ke lawmanp?r) is a AuplkaTe of A le?f?fer daTec? Deatmber 2000 fkca?f I aa?dr?essed To Mr. Bio? QT Broar?way" york ?0023, now been?; ih'FofmerSQ Tina? +L?i3 15 a5 Ola-.9 i1?- ul?nf Ii?? haw Senriyzdg This +1463: rarvecT ada?resgs. at 4K it I recen'r?x/ Vec61Ve/? a ?vam Thevega K'.n'f'z in. tau/kick she me ?thaf 53x6. (?and To 59H yam. MM mar-ems {mm L. inervieL-ls wk'f'k Me) or an ar?f?t?da baggage on +kase' i?'rt?v Mews; and ?f'MtT yam. Ra? of?? eved? ?300 {or Aer wares, Ska wan?f?s m7, Perm"551::m ?f?o ya.? Matr?fita'r I aim HGT jivutg her +?3.53 -Per Missinn (+kbU3?1 I max?); ?ue "i TE She mee? {erT'ai (on ans), j" 't'o Yam. .hgaw fa Mdk? ., a. 1' beta ymar Pulshga awry m7 ?ung}? jke two; TLWT ofmi aha/Th:er SL142. w?~JJ?f CTAGTPJE me as. rhele?h) Shavfiy a?7w +5462 paTer-newgi Weffi S: My boT{lag MAJ ?him-HI- She 1.410.353 nib?? TiAt?Erm Ma?Tcric?t I 1 but"! ?73 @013 for: [?31236 di?g 015014] c?TwV??,d3 She: Pravm?efg? {m g- MS: Kir??z. wa?iik parTj; 01L ?fhe . ML Two amav?ihi 5'7 6:1? PPH Ahart?ihg?f' mf L??mdmw: UK) Jamaran 5f DQENG i . 1 I 51163 5;:le 5CD Lat?f'kyLJ m, Permniglea w:?er? a {Fa hair: To (M I eat-T my safemm?f?; .ag-g M53 fm?e? keg? cervam Gm?- mr Wye. N, am I new m?r T?koge I Awe no if WAS $14 93,11? I/?lu? Pi? I SEE: 51 faw F?T?-irv??ml 1M MT-a-{rami Wi+hUwT in? i I wamiug T?F?f?mf h??jf?j? my, ?ame My W?Qw?ti M351. Kiwi; .. 17/ Irv?: 11? WEV wrwx? Emu i Wit??! C. Fit 0. A J43, if"! We iffr?. hi 1?15 .F, - at! I I 32? tuft? 7: t1! ?k Kwa?fz. has-15. accuif??i?SIY f?gfggi: i 2: i TH swer Taw?i w?w? {Ecu?T t2: {?1322 irh?rg?? 1r {if i I 1 ?Ti Guj- . . my hat-I'M} 5M apps-Why? 7? {mrf?c?i WWII Th 1 have; T5: ai?ume; (3 '13 i fife"? 3 RJJUEE MS: .r "3 {Aiij-?EJf She: gr Ef??y lT 53?? Prmmii?? She has. Marie. Hcvweumr 141;? '1 0+ 3?0unJ Yaw mam care. Ta' Coven 39990 In'fevrwewa} M. In ?g ?chagem; 7M PHIDVI hit/c mm d" :cul'?r I (Vi-1 Did. 3.. 'wLaJ (aver In famw- Jars.) be'c.m..ui@ I I n7": I: no?f 5?0 Hero? I may is mow? easier a veIr 7 Ta I qui w? So SAG would ?mam 90 ~70 mm? chu- In ?ve in?f?ewviews cam-J s: an (ass ?an one 3 day We I Su?j?pST 'Fouow'n'lx Co?ngTIu?j {04" ?f?ke V?s-9w InTerv?Iew? be J?r?t? by a; Pusan whom af?signa?f?. Yvu.? WI pay inev- wka'Tt-w-ew (we: Yam Can Prf?a'o?f'IaTHE? ww?i'k and {?ew be. Cdf?'?t?uuy yrs-?99 37mg. can have ref}; pgen?ra?iw; a; your Own. To pa?'e ?fke Inf?vvaew you: yum (an Pr?pdre at IIST I and dHSwew ii'XCfU C?i?j (?Hy Tia?e "For bplon?inj To (QVTQIA VH1 arrow 'CaT?Ecgr-Iesu Far insT?AML'e "Hats: M?T?er-vliawey Ho?" #511 me: cfu I is: 5 l1? #9955 T14 my answw 1.7 mIi?jk-r haw/E ILL me?aTII/w?T' a . jams-c9 'Tf' {Me IRE .61? In?f?ggfv; emu} I - y??kaim.El i333.Irf- r: I r. I-*?fr?fr??f 'IieHun'lJ-l I?hl 'll",10."'I?nip.II3.r3lb}. if: Iva-"I . It: winsAl?11I?7-1-1- I i . ?Iflnp 'l.l_11 +9 Cause me; ?f'vuuialau I Cgm*? bf?tlgigi'j?j me; Agate! mind ?Ht ?ay? i 35 . SICJW 4' m??3?1rr-. Take . ft Wepk ?04? 'Ffam. fa} 1416} mi Win?- days, far my it} (Gritty; yawn 715475 i; . 'Mc?zy. Bu?f'? ?31130?? (am T?ik?? #5 #5 TWI: WG-ng ft}; 7?13 cur og??afin?jwm b? - ab?e- (-0.41 753?? 7 Tcl?kamw: I bu?f Blake Dawn! The" Prizeam wk?x {If ramgm Cm be: V'f?athaa?f va'n'r'?EV?PJy p?gr {afivag?ti? Mn! be a We t: yam "fa ExPea?n?E arrawjemem": {or i??TfTv?li?w? Becmuge 5116 win be able (ammun'ag?re Wave) ?uidity: Thain cam 2mm ?e I. (Iziakai?: :52, Di?f'GLTc?bf bf'ngJ??x? 5""??T?hcwoc?uv?c John K?tLiynfukit 04-4-75" #046? Ur EniTcM-Ticlv'x/ Max 19:0? 8500 Fh'vrr?hfr: Ell-26"8500 J?mma?7 Hr Thar Kw arch mew Piaybb?y :Magazir?e 680 Lake Shove Dr]ve ChiCago 6(3?6? Dear Mr. Ky e'uhmw: I MAY jh/E an [WT?.?viQw SODA) and; I mum like know you was! be inT?crasTecp in mTemMeD-win? e. or an an me: Owing 1'12; My sit?rua?rionj 1 will have Ta Tmpose cer?l'airx an any in?l'erview ?Hma?l? I may give I. A 04: mine. be. presen?r CIR-T a? Juvtnf ?ere 1: N0 quesTcoms Cam be asked have NOT 1969/1 approx/9A7 My feprfsenT?a??ve. uh? hat/e Tb Cover Cer?f?qin Topic; ?f'kav I will bur once Thus: have been (cavereJ jnTexv;Einer PeriOJECal can ask ques?f?mmg. on 43ka wr?i The V'eserva?rmm 1mm? certain 3- Al?s? Nova? can be? 5p0k?m during Tke Wk?? +146? Tape V'??ccvu?cf?er is W-LAST be 4" Take }mmed.?aTe_ each 173/36 as as ?mish .?hi-l '1 g? r" I, 4 andof? Ske win cop-7 keep The origima/s) give. ?le To yau. A5 know, I involves? in 0. {egg} appeai?) aha? ?For [egg] regions?. I have Tc: be Cave?uf I Say: 4150 have To be. Careful 'Hna?f no Obie can {aTe-r ?aim 1 Spme?f?hsnj ?HxaT dice HGT acTua?y $647. TEA5 3'5 ?Hxa WegSoH 4:94- "f'ke? 1 Through 4- above. I have at {Newt} whom I Tc}, infervie nu me and ~wri'f'e an MTi'cle [0a 3.60? on The inferview. The CaTch. is "Huff She lat/(Jail! Aave To remqi?n If Hus is unaccep?fawe you,? ?Hmew o'f'k?r arrangemenfs Shanda? be Fumble . Far example} you. m?i?'kf 53nd, your owm inT?erv?ewem) aha? my friend? (mule? may-91y Serves" _mr rcpyesen?ra'rive in Accovd w'i?f'h die 1 Through 4- a,,idoue- Uri/?ex These circums?r?mces I would naT imagine Th?d? you Luanda? have guy -;0bjec?f?on ?12; he: V?E'mqinginj ananymLAs. you. M8. ? in any suck Proposin?, please JET me know a; Soon as May be Conn/enlch {or year:- PEAYBOY The enclosed material has been read and considered, but we do not find it suitable for Playboy. We regret that we cannot offer individual criticism, because of the volume of submissions we receive. Your interest in Playboy is appreciated. The Editors PLAYBOY MAGAZINE 680 NORTH LAKE SHORE ILLINOIS 751-8000 I - 1 I. I 0 43; 5 (T Simon :31: Sci-Lister {into-up 3210 mum of the $4111th {?lmy York. Tsi- ?Hill? 7 #383344 Fax: E?Pylnil: June 29, 1998 Mr. Theodore John 04475?046 13.0. Box 3500 Florence, CO 81226 Dear Mr. I?m sorry not to have replied sooner to your first letter, dated June 1, about your manuscript. I understood from that letter that in the absence of a positive response by June 16 you would be seeking another publisher. I doubt that there exists a significant readership for the manuscript that you describe in your letter. But I could not agree to review a manuscript under the terms you propose in your letter. Sincerely, A. $.3MilThe-Ochre 0(3th 04473?046 P?H3TEnTl?ary Box @500 Flow-{ante C0 8500 January at 2 DO I John S. Wanner Edmw ma -Pmb?ske~r 'Rouin? - S'i'bvxe llqO Avenue. o?F'?te Americas -New York NY. lOlO4?? ear Mr. Wemner T. 1 may Jacrf??_ ?to. 3:ve am. inTerview Soon) and ?loafhp TO know Wherker? would be inTEreS?l'eoF FATE/rvfewf? me or in - "Publishing ?:3th av?cle base ion. at?. I . qm- w'i?Fh me"; . -- winj? 'kave '12: mPose cer?fd}n. - conlif?an5 an any Infe?vrv'iaw +ka?f I: may j'IVe '1 - . rcpresenTaTFI/e 0F mine. mugs-r be APv-esem?t' 411' "a "Times - dw? ?ts. inTexv'iew. N0 ques?rions Can be asked are no'i' approx/ad by my- 11.951??th w} have ?12: - caveat" cequ}-n Topics 7?fo I will Speclpy') {Du-r once have covered fke Can ask quesTf?onS Topics} The reserVa'?on Thar certain ?13Pch be 0104: N0 wary! can spoken during "Hie 'i?fwv}ew 'excepT when fccpe Wee-order is running. Every word Mal-S7" Le recordec?. r? i .J My (EPrESemTaTiue my?? ?take each Tape :15 11? is $1?nishec?. He arr ska - Lam Subsequev?iy Corby The. Tapes) keep originals} am? jive 'f'ke Copi?ls 12; you.- AS you. may know) 1 am currfem?y inv-olvea? in a legal appeal? and? (Cf?34? ramon? I have 1'0 be. hair I .5617. I also have be care?ml 'HkaJ no one- can c?aim I 56669 Some?in? Th?d' I did noT 4?TmaHy Say. 77x}: {5 "Hte Mai vi reason Far The conc??} Trans 1 ?Hmsrou?k -. . 1 Laue .0. {fienof '09me 1; Inferv:aw me wri'f'e curTide Lodged cm The infewvlew i5 'Hxajl?. She Loron have rematin anonymous or a. Psaudonym- I This is 7:9 yam) +kerz o??Lu -L should?ew-? pas ?_E_Mmp 1 a, - YOU. Mi"ng your own inTarv:ewu) dance my Fr: emQ co merely. Sew-Va as . my iy?t acaovi ~427er ?The ConcaiTt?ovxS fl. 4?1er ugh 4- . above .. Uniey- circ umsTa-uces I imagine you, WOLLUEQ. have no . obj E?chth To kex? remaininj anony,mous- . I you. MEL inferesTe? "in any Soto/A PraP05?{) PIeaSe [51" me k?no-w as, so? as. may be conveniewr' For you. .5 I Hcereiy yaursy 1290 Avenue of the Americas. New York. NY 10104 (212)484-1616 January 29, 2001 Theodore John 04475-046 U.S. Penitentiary Max PO. Box 8500 Florence, CO 81226-8500 Dear Mr. We are very interested in an interview with you for publication in an article in Rolling Stone. Regarding the conditions set forth in your letter for the interview, I am confident that we can come to terms. We would be willing to abide by your request to keep certain subjects off limits for your legal needs, providing we are apprised of these areas before we begin. We do not object to your representative?s presence or the full on-the?record taping of the material during the sessions. We would ask that your representative cupy the tape for us immediately after the interview, and the copyright ownership of the tape is Rolling Stone?s and cannot be sold to or used by another publication or medium without our permission. We should point out that we?re seeking an in-depth interview, and will be asking you questions of personal nature about who you are, what motivated you to live the life you have lived, what you believe, to discuss your current life and so forth. As regards the writer, we would choose a writer, and the article would be wholly a product of this writer?s work, based on the transcription of the interview with you. Rolling Stone has an impeccable record of accuracy in its reporting in 33 years of publishing, and we are the recipient of many awards to prove it. We would be happy to speak to you or your representative about any or all of this at any time. We look forward to further discussions. Regard ?9 ., i S. Wenner . I heodore John 04-4-75-046 Max Box 8500 . Florence . CO Sill? Feb-rum), 7) 2.00! ~Jo\4n S, Wanner - Edi?for ?1an Pubja?sker? [-{ouin? Shame [1?70 Avenue ?ne Amw?icas New York NY [0104- ecu? r. Wanner: Thank . you. ror' your (femur-Teams. {5+Tem January which I received yesf'exdayj Februmy 6.: . a In My Effl'ar; yam/L a-F J51 Hagan/?7 wrote) may Aeciaoe "(29 give an inferv?iew Soon (emphasis ana??eof). I {?xmaf. been coms'icgeri?n? The possibfl'i?f'y o?F- 51?ng ,be?CaMS? latrij ,Uary Magma/e- war. Am been 120er Old mg #142. thdU;Oz/? 0F 0L car?f'ain whom .1 Red 569651115157 hue:- I-t- now [Oaks as HF SETunc?on wil? be V6553le wi-kuj' VH7 ham/M3 To jive inTerv?ieLofy However} This ?is no?f ye?f c?aw?r?q-imr I wom?T Aec?ic?e a?efivx?i?l'ely wke?fkw 'to give in inervl?euJ Raft?! c?iscusseaf ?Tke fues't'fan wl?t?k paert?cufaLr Friend? 0F BLLT {Fl (13 [likelyj decfc?e HOT ?to 33 ?18 an inTec/?w?ew in. ?ne near {mchre'J "HAen I apo?ogize For WQSTEGQ 1290 Avenue of the Americas. New m. NY 10104l21234a4~161e February 21, 2001 Theodore John 04475?046 US. PenitentiaryMax PO. Box 8500 Florence, CO 81226-8500 Dear Mr. Thank you for your recent letter. I am happy to hear your problems have been resolved but disappointed we won?t have the chance to interview you. I had some pretty terri?c writers from Rolling Stone lined up to go visit with you and my strong feelings about these writers and your willingness to discuss the non?legal aspects of your situation today would have produced quite a brilliant piece of ournalism. In any case, should participating in such an event be of interest to you in the future, we remain very interested. (I vaguely recall some discussion about an earlier interview with you but I don?t recall the details nor do I remember the writer.) Thank you for thinking of Rolling Stone. Sincerely, Jan S. Wenner SW/mo March 12, 2003 Theodore J. 04475-046 a _h . PO Box 8500* Florence, CO 81226 Dear MJKac'iynSki: Rolling Stone Magazine is interested in speaking with you via mail in order to get a - clearer understanding about your philosophy. It may seem like much time has passed since your incarceration. but we believe that the ideas you espoused still carry much I weight in a society that has begun to crumble at its foundation. Were you a warning 0f impending doom? Or were you merely laying out a horrifying future that was beyond our control to prevent? You may provide our readers with valuable insight and shed light on why you had to do what you did. As such. we want to get some preliminary information as well; basically how you are coping under confinement at Florence. We find the SuperMax conditions to be inhumane and many ways a form of political torture. I may be reached via David Swanson at Rolling Stone Magazine 1290 Avenue 'of the Americas; New York, New York, 10104; A I prun" Tell 'ushow you Spend your time in Corcoran. 2. Walk us through your day What jobs do you hold? What is ?your interaction like with other prisoners? 5. Have you ever faced violence behind bars at the hands of other inmates? 6. How would you characterize the state of the prison system as a whole? Best, Jimmy Jellinek Rollin Stone Magazine 1290 AVENUE ofthr AMERICAS NEW YORK NY 10104 TEL 212 434 1616 Theoopare J'qul? Pen?aTenTiaw Max M5 Ex Box 8500 Flovemc?i J?hu.aV?y Davide Granger), Edi?raw in. (i112;- Esqu?whe M?jazine 515-0 S?free?t Floor New york NY 1001?? ea?? Mr? Granger may deci?c?e Tc gin/e an inTem/Eew soon, anti I Wade? like To know wke?rkev? you. would be ineresTeci In inTerviewing we cu" in PubHSk?I?lg an car-Hale based? an an M?fewvi?ew Law-h me: wing Tb my peculiar I win kawe to impose cequin cond?i'?ons on any I may give: 1.. A represen?f?a??ue 0? Me musT be presem?r 51+ .41? ?Hmes during inTe_y~vfew. No gues?ons can be asked Titan? cure. ?of approx/959 my refresen'f?a'?ve. Ques?ons wi have To ?air I bur-r Once have been Covered The {Afewv'iewing Cam ques?r;ong on oft/Lu TOPICS, wi?a ?e Veserva?om Hun carTaim Topics be ?im'cTs. 3.. No word can be Spoken ding-ins The 'inT'ee-View ?Xcep'r ?e Tape recorder is Every were? MUST be record 4.. my ?Pres ?mm Wm ?he Mme?m "ea?Ck ?tape as 21' ES FI nisked. He or 5L3 wdli '?wbSejue?nT/y Gofy "Hie Tapes} keep +111 originafs/ aha? jive ?The. 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