TheUnabomberLet t er s AYahooNewsSpeci alSer i es TedKaczynski , mat ht ut or Si ncehi sar r esti n1996,Kaczynski ,aHar var dgr aduat e andmat hemat i ci an,hasr ecei vedhundr edsofl et t er s f r om st udent s .Somesoughthel pwi t hal gebr apr obl ems, ot her saskedhi m abouthi si deasont echnol ogyand soci et y . Al ll et t er sanddocument sar epr oper t yof t heUni ver si t yofMi chi ganLi br ar y’ sLabadi eCol l ect i on. Thesel ect i onwascur at edbyYahooNews I - 05?1817 Dad-r? Tr I was fem/537259 ta begin ?gs Dem" bust ?than 1T occurred? 7:0 me ??xaj?f? You. Quezon/?Tera! WT Jake Sax/even] ?times. {beLweJ are Tird or? by if emjm/ ed? your (eTfLear? Very .. Aprmpos a; k/ouur Tale. The "pr-"ten"! wk?O nae?69669 18'? wken I was Rff' Huvwai I ?wear approach ?honesr macka/m?c (4'23 ?8 who hate? ?og 50?, ?61m: fa jvefT . basic. karma, in Think) HQ dais/neg!) Kid? ?sf? amne? 25? at. by mask}? 6L CM (wkiclx Ike. pofn?f??e? cuff) ame? he kcc? me To jive, o?w 715: only Ck-We I in my pocke?f' was a. nicked) Kiwi him ill?QT/ buff he. V?Q'Fugag? ?1 Scampw?w" APPMen?r/y he was a Aijk?DK?i who woulc?n?T fake anyf?hinj Q3 SMQH as a nickel, a MO GIFT an M7 I (?no jive. somefhu?nj to only A or becwe. I 'ceef Scuff)! ?or Tkem. Hart 32 E)lmu?k? . You; 3617 Thai you; cht'T Sc. Tke MT yew . I inporrnk'rlO? catway: "Feb? Tile Flu iv?? and?) ?'P'fef my one. czn?m? Com: emit? rout $1ij wwg'r matrix Md again? (July wkaf W615 39,1? (pine. Like 5C LuciaLied) researchers [7?16 Ira-Sp all MTMH MARSHA Cc:st 6LT 6L Me a? 51:. I (HELP up wi'ffk My ?We; ?FvesLLman year, I Awe/e- was able 'Htarl m7 cm MC, WOT gmoc? imm/ Tao V?sewc?? ?60 The Time #50? 31? "takes ?to Prepay-e gauch 0.10.? Gil legs-0'19! One. OF ?The wow-5'7 Teachers 1 A041 6LT 0- 3 ran? {any name!) Sank2 wk!) Jul)?? Q1 Ff?lfam 666 (Mm.o'F The sfu?ci 1 who Show ed 17kt jwca?" John 1, 1 .02: Prov haw-cued? very Md Same. ?meblihj around. inn/(W? Cc: Prove wt; ?are- 1'0 mini-6ft 6" WMSOH yo a. as can . 2., Ckmm?' exit cap . MSIumwa?Ew Pcofemfj?ke Uh? mu: ?:le a -57 m? nth} am, ?0 .. . - aim!) 5 5kan . S-.. I -9: ?Ev-Mt I: I..- I Wis - -vke he? work 4T essm'f aim/(7 ,x . {in} 8 eff Cat.? d- I I - to yin: ma?t e. Med?. ems 4L ?t rai ed Magi LC. Cm 7m, I 1- 00.5 cu- .. mm; nce U..- chJ: Late! 11lull-i huh-??sh a? I. ll- a I If": i. a? ?vv?i'qdturn-i.u?425 Co M'tmr .. ., (gunman Ghee-k ?ne, Cons TS .. ?2 {filed a #0 rant-?bu ma; ,TkeHa (960's . 7 ??5on 24" .. Can?t? .. - war??S we: one 04:. . use [UP?dw?pmbl a . ..F - lilwhich v? - - a -- - J'ldn-_ J-W l-I' - .. -.-.. i- .- 1? .- .. -N?iq.-ra - - I pt. an.? - WW -n "ruin-n- nun?u.- .- Hrvv- rw??i with-4-- 1nd. . . ?nomer-i --.- t. .- .- a u- - urn-u duo" -o cur-r -J will?rh? -.--I- arc?In win. Jul-'- m? - ?lm ?Li-?i 1? ?Iim - H. 0- ruin-wrl-lr' 1" "I'd - ?Hi-imam..- gnu-.- du- Nun-1'. v- "u 4" - 1' r?w-l-r n-w-u??u?r . Q, m?ni"f ?ll-?-..- - 4? I . 1- min . inp?pa ?til-l. m?m. . I. -un?m I . Hg?: rm ?rm-vW-t mu? I-l'r ?0 .- - ?v vim-unarm- . I Hurt*ume?mh? - "m mince?fJ"V?r .-hmand}. ..- 1n. 3-..- .. n? Dunbar 5? (my I pamphle?f. Mus; T'f Pkaio w; :14 Md a ?re-o M7 ?Tum eys ?17:0 (Lbs.6.) your le Qd? 795, 1' we and: am! Vang [Laue A Sense ?41 Wk?d? I one dike easans why I enjoy 6&9" Mk5 [Or- WIJA You: yam. like) you..- (aux 3M1 (VH3. NieTzsde's ?0n ?the HIS'ter-y 1 WriTq-g From on riturmm 0.vxa(anon ?65: ?4quc! DEuinf'?: Sabre}, . Buff I would? awn eaicd'e ya would "Te ME WLar C. 3n 1:136ch u) Raj? pro? wm is a (i c- aft) Sci: know be?T?Qr wlu_T T43 loaf in {9+Tex. Dea?h?e ?For ?14er receip'f 0? 1412 [eff-w 1:1. D?r.wbe? 13?) 7. 1 jusT alt-Hid am? Send A. 301 Iva 11 read? Course?) I, Lust?; "hp ?gm Tm you?re polE'ficq?y mowed mm. wasme . I [41 [gr era'f?k a afresh a} in'ta HIM-yard ?Iva-1i 5 Fri} JTQ Buff I PC.) OM youw a 3.2.7) black) am? disabled} mic we}, be 3 Your ?a To accefT 3-?5u' 0 i: fawse) I We rim/Paw w. you v! d! (ngf 99.53019 Eff-f 9.11:) 8?7 W041) I i?t?S TMQ PTO I 50 {pain'f gaff Tuf we ?Imam 65 73 (1,151,196 You're ahak?f Mne7)* Am I To Cont?? from vow- 'Hta't? you . AF ti (1114,01?g Jn're; es?fr?rxq Trap:3ch awtiza?hou 3 Kirsnce r15" bk?; To be ciT'f'Pac?ng one wk!) pra?Fesi?rs libe?x?f?annl??'n .. .. .. WON-ILA EULA "to Cgmmen'r 0A "Pkl? (Sim? 6? Lug) W?ka?f ?qbcla'r ?5 ?535 ?ll'kqj? 1 3 (1 9?6143! You know Tim. 1* Fax-?f win :2 *f-hc I'll- ?f?u-f Cent-?3 ilk 1kg vakeprhme wift?k as; {dm?f'dic?) We [have 75Ward; ?af {Qt'f?j gm) you 'f'?tl?nf?fj Raw 009de foot. 4- a. .miins?; wh?? ?39-'51 A 5 [131? T412 Fubb??iu! 8 I I f" Thar ear at, '37 Ci-Iuleaw': ?t-?ke bid-0?43 Taken {rt m7; 5:193: "11' F5 94. Hill?) a. a 3?5. ?rmbaf a? F8 1 Says ar SFMQ air?a'l? I'm. Shawn me that "Sim incurmm'fema F8 I ES bey?n?f betf?f" 1 have Rabi hi my Aaan Tr?me5) 01? ?We. my: a was mm from m, Ca?s'r- The. F8 I Phaui 07 and "It; [mg-vets: 1+3 Tuna 0 TIAKT .1!ch Tim-?7? kmlF-ua?sse? a; C?jQI?juiA? '2."ka It?g'f'??xg '?xe +?14.95 01'- We have ks, n01 ?ue muffhoursr T: jig-v 9 ?a {dag 9F Mm (uda?rrnm 191?; ram 3, I has! a. book (Heme by 110.2 dm?ar Horatio Quit-oi? F46??f?24 m. book 5013!, by +714: am Mm sin-.4527 SterieS: I imagme ?ue. a beaks {a S'pmisk b7 ?air "ri?e. have objer?h?on you. a; ?51" ?g ?ve books I in 5w, (4.6nt (quf' I Wou?f yum Suck ?51" m?es: {Myers Te? #19 SPFQ my15mm when 1 a New; ?to 7 r? PMT Tune of. This bud 1 Jun. PM be 11m? Sat-T of a M004 even?ruj' Cordial regard: Theodlove Number S112.wa Peantn?H arr); Maximum FQCl?h-rxf Box 8 500 Fforence CO gills-'SS'OO a? I D?dr Dean MUN {4&5 asked We to Cl [911!? V?eLommeadaTian him HA CoHnE?C-?tion wi?bk aPPlECa'Hon {or aoImiSSion '62: your FeHows PFOSVM- he kils ?lSde me) 01; is (9951' known To kimSe?F) bud .1 Image queried kiS Md We (eTTu Of recnmmem?a'?om 1 Le?l? WE?Vf?allnj a bias of My own; 'ff?di?inj has been in mathematics) while My opinion aF ?We Social/I (unsequwce; 0F i5 nega'ft?ue) M7 P?F50haj Made ?Vkin?cing is +korow3kly Scien'l?fhc. ConSlGi'eJ? WWST (fl/bonusk nu?f MA veltcjiom 'to be (?um/bug: I've bovrow?oe 19kg word i: kwM/(Oug from no (?55 0L Pkdosopker ?Hxam Bartran Russell) wLLo V?forT??Uy Vega/raged as (MOST (This acrorciinj 6L clipping I. kme We Hqud 1675.3?62) wkiok 7maTes Russell mm; WW mmw?.n?nut-Ila .. n?W. ally-curt 1A., I-l- -~w?am?m Ci'Iij , s?eg?eveute 'Tr?k?ui? aha/(ale ?Mm readw no 't/ke quoTe-> You. 1 5?11 (as I?m afraid? 1 fkaf is ho'f owUPeTe/ygr ha The wse ant anafy .. ii - - cm wod& Say We oF I?m/051? of 01C wkbse Iwowkg I kcwe read Swles cum? u!on PwobaJolY em, 11? JF.*mos1' gnaw?at of The uh?pu?fs in your Fetlows Progrm- has [seem Covfespomcgexmce ova? We [asf Several Mums. My thressr?on 19 flue-J?. he 55 Very bvijk?r? cit/no! Vestry weH?read in his Phebe 0F inTerE?ST, A150 T?Acd? he is imPe?i?uous and undi Scfpiln [aTTer in {or his lack of CovaeT ence s?n analy?ficaf feaScDI/lt n3: Very likG?Iy Whey .0150 KCCOMT {or d. cerTain acquain?l mace wiTk fraifs in ?56. 07F We language) which leads To 6L lack 0F cloudy in Lard-fen expression: Betause 07? this i? discipline) 1 SuSpec?r lack of HOT 7 School: (BOLT is quire a. ?heal?Ne Fellow) ?ow-r- 'fkmk his u?nmpe'fwosi?fy LUSH Prevem?r him {rum ?ea-thug quay with his Coueagues in "We Fellows In {Ac?f?l W97 wi? Prv?dw?y Ffan (dim V?ereskiruj, would? guess ?f'kai in'rel?edually/ "Qo/ Mr. be unusual member out your *3 LUIS a 41ng (on; erva'?ue ben?f 9F I 61c. approve) any more Than e?fu in Very smoo?f/k?y 6LT Haw M. ?E-Ib-mwlL??I - 3 ?jail, ,1 avIa?ml If); 04 361(5'1ng 434 .Ipu?gf vg1?;qe, 3.4/0qu a 43 ta 7 Vii. 5'1th f? a i 5 (?up ?90? 50(77 0 "f 6169?! gt? W3 or ?Haul? riff: 61/717 43? ?nds an 19142 (maSEMa/a?ue Slkdev :5 Vf?y yaw/J? own man) and 11? Seems To Wig; +1101 upawom? (/uiTe Indepemdem?r Moe He Is flu?! [tk?ly agro? Very muck wi't'k MS tn ?f/ke Ferws Program, can?t? I ??unk he le chaffenge an a. (ons?rruc?f'ivc Wm,? by waning inaptzv'f'm?f qu?a'ftoni. Mei SuggosTa?nj Uf?t?fn?j amsuaex: "Co 'Mdmr If k4? Amran pusuaJle ?is. Caaeagu?; his comm/M5 Mq righ?r, he mH 41? M7 rude {or-ca 173* Veassns) Md pu'fea?f own. "Maurie; in Or?u- To amsLu-er 14.35 tkr2l?143e. in a?Maw words, He will Erma brca?fk aF fresh am To Harvard Divi??iT.? Schaal. 5 fVICeA/ely yous, Bea? 4 pic-'3 I PU/Lfov?c 27w.) 7?5? (212/42 war-7, MM /4 ?6354. ?aw! ?39 ?fdaaf yet-IV 6242 x7429}? WW 949 A 6M1. a. Wmf/cu/m {mixes-4'1 ?21 f9? :74? x7241! Lac/rd few 740 ova/? 6V2, mZZ/p; (ame/ cz? 7/an? i just in, . Wr/ fad} I 5/ [744:3 g?i ?lm: My ix/ @425 #c Mc/ gap 7 Somme. ?Cach at was ten "Uu was L. 725+ - If! ?7Mfo ?42) @5041! I Arc/a x2! In.) [505% Arm .1611 /au MW me cw? ?clwu?rwa/ m-Aiy (LI-7 :7 m7 C?z?wz. 47a: (704; .5 47,774.27 ,cm. am ?wz? ,Ja? mzf?a/ [Wk {25/ you p55,? 50mch no ?u jay pm/nm 72c 1/5647) 5w ?41 (520 J2;th g: The/(way MUCH. you M16 OMT 0; Seven, Son/e Prob?ems cal/m4 391 fke (?Eng arust EMT yam. 40m"! knew how.) "Co Shut) yaw reasoning in Coer?LT 9515;?! -- 1(0er "Co be at?? "to yaw V?eaSo?t?g process "Co o?f/xers. 61$ yum 39,1 {n10 More adumced wkick i?vufues EXTremely yam? gindt ?fkaCT railwe To OEServe Itads To (guffmsiom. I In 17ng? SOIWTEOA 'Co Tr 30n0m2+r7 prubfem) You used "m ,mplicmm an Mammy. 0y. I, 001.6 sin . . Sin (U res/t) 15 hoT fa sTaTemwT. Apmr?f from Cojft.) Sin (U fka?t) I/apkr Solu'fron rs arrM?Qc/f In a way That? make; (?0A?(U?irx3. Ann) I MGM [max/e ?P?ke Problemi fan Cosft) "(an Cock) 5mm 1? gusrt) I Cos/t) Sin sin (U Shaft) Co$(t) Cos?) I Szr'nlit) .- If? . Sin (:55ch Cum: 5! (Z7-: SIHIIC) I Sih1(t)+ (052(5) 1 A5 (00? n/owu- 071Aqu Fromm) yew wroTe 5 5 .. ii 32. 63 +77) 63 53 Whit/k i5 hoT . 45 35x/o mermT was: 3. 5 i .15; .. 80 71 I know wharf your Teacher- m.?am1? Mike/n She Said? Vow- we?flwd a? Findmj "7416 Commn dEAdmtna?Car was IT Joesn'f Jus'f Cooks gornj TD 6k rf?tnv nas?l?u/ your Jim going 11') jive you 61 Problem 'to give kw) and i? Ska 56:1 Ti Tijk'f') yea. 59 Spare. To give her M. F. A rmamdj Baerolomew me? (law in was play Cards.) (or Penni??s. ATMQAJ wr?s From Barman/W as Mon Max/e, as Armand sf'mr?feof wi?m Thea ijk?lemew wins From (laudius as Mac/41 money as Bdr'f'kwtomw Ache/f - {casting Armand. Fina/IV? Chaudiug wins from Arm;nal as muck ?15 C(Mdfus [(34.1 To Armand} C(M?dm? Sal/me amour,qu money; If o?e S?fax'fecf w'i?Hq SlvuevreLy ?rmly-pr. m?lw. H-va?wlu- .- 1? w. .rr?a-wrv 1 {crjg'f To answer Vow-2F? 071164? . MC "Cu; mum/?x homer me. PC) ?the 0F ?(i?ke L?nw?ouwtou'J max/nii?PsTa. S?w?eTimeg P?chcL (juilty wifk?owf 96mg} 50) because represz :?et 6? m, in 6L jide? legal S?I'Tma?fwn [?0.61 Madeira/Cafe VG - an. Advil: aT'Lajrt/xeuj I. 5547 no more on 1711?s Su/{ongT- My STMOLL ed {714:3 mm??95To and? we agiswuex?ed ?f?ksct 61H walfsked Varsioms ?11 were. mwewow?(fSJ mw?fl?a?fed) in Thea- - . pew wlmole ?gi?fha* "?le was rece?wd by 7A2 New ka a4; Leda-S Provided 'Co - US By "Mia OVLQ The mm?esfu {muTilaTe?J {like o?fhems) Th Freya?in Triad) 04: SenTemces LJOLS Pluto[tSke?l BOX ?t4: were-?tment! reading maTeriaJ vecommend ~any number of '?ungs. Hw?e .Mc. J?uLsi at (cm: Ehzabetk Max-ska? Thomas; The Hmtess PEPE Com mama) 71? 39?; Paradise 1M Zero Viikjalmmy- Calwn STmraMScan) LiFe fie Ejkim 3 Warren Amiga? Ferris) LHEQ fig Rocky mown'f?affls; Shorn(??) RULSSEHJ Journal EL Willtm .- 11: you. wam?l? "Co vm?fw-g ?do Jacques EHLLI) Eckag?gafcaj QTY Mei .. ?e no'f 5? ?At?kz'orow 1' Thomas (W Carlyit) 7:115 Frets/L0? Ami kere'S a. you? one: BenuemTo CeHinI) We?) I guess Outng be W?w I - .Lwelse WI: 0* ?0:351:94; .. . . f? - lhl- FH- - i .I?db-UH #?Ian-"r- I?dl. h?m *thnlu?-u?M?-H?h? i- ?u-v-I - I ., 4. - A-u unto - #9 Ir"-d Lil- - run-Ills .I-ll mow?M'wa "w W. - . -w?tguuv -.- -. w-s?w-o?a-I-mu twin-MF- - if 'NllJWT- H-r-u- - II-un- u-A- at an II- nmu??' A . I I . - n?r?lr2.11"an. - -*5Hrl- - - n? mug?I'i Inn-?I 1-. Jim?? ?kahun.;di - I . . .l?ravg-?- awnlsgflu-.rJr-??rwe?mwmmanTn195Al'?tg: 1' a 'IrJillmv?z?L? 1 fang {izk is. wetting! I was your age) A, kid ?(and TILg-n??l "i x. a? Page: ?he. wax he. mum we. Ea E941 Seax'f' ?g quce. Affar giving at, [?c1?we) Principal would? Kay's-3, ?feat?ef?A-aned - (Us Pwan'fs mi (II?:iuis?isf. ?Hmim 'Aaue AIM exawaided by at Wit?Eh.- . . - Heck) Iagcan'r? 61/th know Wm we wow I . . Wear-T (Mm-ft! was My ??uen?hes- l?/k?n I Ma.) (In. Que garb? 95 UV we. (Grou?af' 1:5 1, 572W 5?11 A: (Clem? W43) GUJPK $3.53!ng Bm?l 'fqe with Wings En: 0'15 "@3207 and feaiw" I cfecac?e?ue Na Wot-A 5491? (awn-Try F5- goi?hj plow :1 "it-.2 (iv-am I Mu?w-m We? weal! C5!?th Nate Abuse?, My. - [?wyec? ?Jr ?i {)V'ngly order H10. ?07? is: Ud?l'tf?k you. anymon (951? You; m?orQIS, . {UL/nu? regards; It; ant/?0593! Dear ??xe ?to We Parable-am you of ?helmet! and wafer. {E'an Sea?1' Wk? aboq?f EL Tank pd" me 0L {auor' '5 $90? ME ProbLamg {or at VJk't?e. - _me TOG Sque 21"? ?Is, ?f'Aa/r 1. W1 busy, Fad? example) 1- VE- JUST receive! at (?57 a? ?u?57?on$ {'1?me My lawyer, 0mg IT wig Take. me 6LT [?an Fowple days 0. Eiku?r'lhwa "Maraust h" order answer ?erm by TFme I?ve Hm Ova-H? 'f?kaf) Same??n?, ?36 probwfy wi how/e (ome MP. - I Probably Shoul?n'f be_ wri?Hnj: "Co ,t/LwL Sivue I Cam'T has?) 1%6 work: wLaJ? .We A gut/'5 ?o?r '12; hag/e some {um EA I injgy wrleg '13 X/Uu'xfjeh ?one 0? ole 6L 0f CoerSPom?em?f?s a? rm?ine val/nose (eTTey-s I ac?FuaHy adjoy answering Now Mou'f Pro?le/M We alcohol in ?e Tank-?- If Provide? us w?t?Hm fv'xe Problem we?sre {00?inj "For 130 ?{V'ip your physics Teacher. As I've expi?ind in. "the Sofu?h?aq We Pro?le?) were 35 at ASSWTEOH abou?f We Aenii?f?.? wetter Sela-Hons, ?ar 455! is {naccwaTQ you!? be: Mle To dQTewmine {You a. 7310?? a?F wa?fw Sotu?tdnS); A: youw- pkvsicg 'l'echu {ails Tb nothe aSSu?f'Tion, ?sh k8!? 1346 Problem - HIMIWEJF ill1mg -5EEWI - I: - I a willLilli? MM In .m-swer yaw qges?t?ion?s 1 - . (1) uqu kiwi 2,..Classzcal. Mainly from Giovaanf awe-Eel: (ca. [577) ??rau?h LMOZMT Haydnw .71 Pf?Obade Vivaldi? (1) 191.} Coue?e again}. ww would I Major?zinz' - I 11449 7'31? "to: do cum aggfn) I Jo?'f WOM_jo?to Cauege Off a IL I wow? jum- 5c. Im- ?We Mum?faing. ra??xw - warring ?Time on Formal dam?mom IF .7. 4g 30 7:0 gouge I wouldw-r major i IIGQ "(Lake several Count-$65 [O?Cwe 1M: 5006? Tara} ?ing . aw. "flanking; S47) meg Mam; or Cat 5L 01E Hum/bar "WP?cry ?two 0F muf?n algebra) a (oiwse in Teal Sis), A Course in mm?em'ricafi [03m M64 6MP AXFOMUKC Se?f ?theory; 1 INA) do??T "Sciences: (na'r'e The airwo'tg?ffoux W'ks) won Cw!de ?37* 'We ~r?eqson is [?69 like To know more how Mai wky ?SocieTr?E?S Mai (Leak/"E9pr :15 020 - . UcTober ?2 {61%(1 7:363:17 I .recei Vti yaw IeTTer 0F 4" 1? m7 ., [?255. (e??T-er I jme. you. 61_ 'Formqu-L {of rocke?f youth! I Cows'iSTinj P0771553 ?Err ?Te Suwos . In .579?! (e?t?fEr of chober 4- you. 5&33 replacing '?Lg Lam niTraTe, wiTHk Ck [Grit?[er 0V7- ?P?oh [0 wife. Don?T YT time/wag. I . A m?uxTw mt, poTass?w ck Lo waif; Mai Sucrose .1 b2: gags - A, b?ok 1 I many Via/r3 sfafe?j sTu?en'f?s fun/e been ??ef?id?usb'r?r '5ij e4 . n3 expermenr 1 exper?tmein'? - T031 6; ues?ffon :beinjr x2113 fates-SEW chlora'r?e ?41% :Asucrosm I wohpyL-?Al talcum: Tgcomwae? ?H?kaf' yb 9.: mix i?pgTalLS?Si mm c?kulorafem w?i?Hx 5; ,3 combusTEW: mguTTe} 5?5 nce_ Suck. mleuirg . a. r-reP?JQ?t i0.? r? - be}.an F'ifwsh?F ?3 55-1high sckoo?) Maj, Some Time a ?e [chef/um), ?Iw one I "Vier m'iVLuTe am$wnT 0F POTQSSELLM an equal 7 mug-re amowg?f w?k? a car-Tam Cot/W 5WQ3-rcm?e WONT Te?: ya wkaf ET becwe wadM'f-w QM yaw - ,Try. (the exper'imen?f', -I Took x0? ?Hg: mm} x'fwre on The ?i'i?p Va. spaTuia? Luci slfuwk i 1' in .9: 9 b44156?? gl?F [Mar g; 174;.? me Po [Dr A 7 Pai?fker SM wraf'd ?t?kg. {951 of The 4? xTu?re In SCV?a?fr: a; dropf?d in My cvuciMe ET 1! 11"- 1' ??15 5iT?th chief a. on lal? "fable (3961: ms . The. result was Mcs?f?ker li'r?e PGPI 0w We klr?j a1? I019 "Tar/Me} Who kappand be a. We ?e ii?gsrediexfs 0F We Were: Wi?qzui' To Wink) I him, He- im4rnleaTe/7 S$iu?n [Giraffe] dumfld K13 em?ffre {\15 Qua-rife a?eg- H3 ?91 035,12) 6L Piece ctr/mi wean: 7-116 eiA?ff?pc ?14,116 (5L (mph. 0; mt a; w; wk we? 6.. less cum/is '??Lcm 7h}; 5w, hep?? Tryinj? 7:0 dis?ma?e {Mm from he. was seeing] he J?qu I'?Mred FTvxalLf I wash my km; 0; rr? MA Tmne? "Mf? [sac/k, A few Secoan [aTer He he? 1'na' Serious but was Miracle e. ACME-1 rouer? ?te m?ixTwe up in a. Piece MCQ WisTd '11- I rec 97 Someone who mm :44, exfofosion ?ea; mug Wm on when he was- FiWiSkeeq TwisTEnj 7T was uS'f' 7T ?own ?n Ta?lle beta/Pen. 141?; "lem? MAE For: rin?er. :If 'w-odx? [wove been NM more ?kecy 50 'W'kem k6 clenckd in his was IT alone 50 Re Probably Would have blown Hint Some his Huger? - you. CM .56: 3T 35 a?angerows "co m?i?x ck (aren?t-5 w?i?x gembus?bl m?f?l?er: PcaTassf chazomm is FNMA, (Pss. aewmms ?H?k?n poTaSSELu/n CIA but elk/eh 5?3 70"" Shouldnf?f mess wz? rt.- a few years ?9?3 I rec-L5? a. mmspatjer TTem ?1 higk?SCf?t?O/ PhygiCS-? Tear/Rev WIND made 11> demons?tra'l?e Ta 1?15 (Lia-93* fined 6L Piece 59?: Pipe with 6L mixTux-e Perchl?ra-re MA jucr0$?J with Skor'l? Fuse. Ht: ?(2336.1 [415 class .9qu '1 win: ?We Sakaofvmn? r?ke uii??. a. ?e Lina-g Cl M0 Mei) he F)ka 6L mg?frj? "to "We 7Euse'. . KA- BOOM 7162 Teacher and o?F ?We sTug?en?t?; were killec?. We?) CM ya LL expecf c: a. Piy?i?qpr: 50 I Rope. you? Me. new 1T weal? 10? W5 To replace KNOB . in "We 4' Suwose wi'i?k chloroj?e or Perchloraj'e. (TI-U: Same goes Foo-? o?u oXidE?zinj agents $01.01* as ?72; MSwer We. res?l? a'F Vow~ (froler 4? (eTTeq? but .7. wmtedl Ege?r? {81?an 56/11? ycrUL JUST in. case you. were Thinking 15V.ij m: M3 PoTags?E tum ckLoraTe ?teil Sucrose. rcjaJ-JQJ, . .. 1 E- 0112?? 13 Jj?i?rhcg Fr .. i. L19 ?ag [?r?kwLiL .3 :59. 9 I W1 um a ?Jaw. :1 - bin-0L (7 i 1..- A4 3- 0 U11: UFXUJPLIK Jag?f U?vy ?44qlma? :mc? ms; a that"3?41 91:9 1'qik?ib?'flt?tt 07' awe: 1434'07 at" :01{ea whethew 1 i (Ham 0L (Why: Ov?l ?3 1 F- .A If"; 1? 1 ?1 ?3 ?413 myemf ?.00 r? r? at f) I er? era, -: PUT Ch- {LAme 0,433 (1.- i I rim 0.47: ampf?d51?? .5. 1: 3'3: (1 . .. . 1. 61-1!" 0 LLULCQ (I H.511, {1 LU {17911} M, ?34mi?? v1. 1.Mid/x 52mWk-Ji? i 557:2) I: F) ranus?! film, S'lncizm?' a we 3 If" tram}; E. WLOL ti (1 ?r . Cc.) C5 1* (E: m- a 6?11?? 54% i 3 Ted? and? ?(The par 6-UHF) CD "Ear' i I r? ?007 (11/ 751m as! #1 Cu f} A C- M19 6'1: (. WL-O Sc 45 {qua 1ft {41.5 if? 1:0 {1.3 1.3" .1: *1 . i: 1 fjm, Vii?0?16? WW {94?0"st Cari?M63. 3r [he Somewh? hygroscnpi?c $0 (T 5? Tammi. EA If) 1W1 1. re C33 TED June 27/ 2001 ?/Ou?v backi ($6451-71 :4 [e 1"?1 1 1?6 Aim-'45. '1'f'0?1 yogi!- {r ,h it .Stdef/,1j 4, 'Hyahf? magma. ?7,0 iltzagr- (Afr-J .13 gr"; {Wt hso r? I in YOU. (Ayn be a Phar?mar No}, 1 6?5; ??u:th spend . {*Fawmy. Okay I gm Zoo/ed tn 41 V1 ?t 6? (-73.0 ?14" 4" I Yo LL wal?'f' ?52: 04%an iv: (?v'ugj Hm M) .F you, a- degree r, game 0 (Q?s ivy I I News. ?ft/'1 we tit Ween!) {E?hau?h . 70% {1?50 ww'E?f'e Tan)" yamwe Terrably infw?f? 73*? Pixmrmacya We? 'ytor a -- wwre Tf? 11;? (Ta/r664!? Ld Gael/3?7; you Eu?wej, Oregon) mag became CL wet/ofu?fiommy Anarchism 3'3 "?le Cominjv L'??t?nj f? . h? Tir- .n A i nawag?ays. [f5 6L 510w In as 7 3 36116112, ieue/ 01?: 62.103 [57} WOAESTS- '75 Suak "{?Aaff" 42-h w} mg' . sma Iii/es 'f Wboa'fc?burn mg? ,3mm and Jrsc; (Mm: .2: MIA quickly purse ts: 750p 7?411.??th Hardin 517$. Siazfaposd {7 0404? 4 CC . buj? .?iam Are 50 caisorya/AE zed) TM- mew wke'?la '?key ware being .1 6.612 0r yam Joe? A 1% movemw'fi. I guarantee My name is - and I am a raduate student in Mathematic . I am writing to request your .. . by a math problem for several years. I haven?t spent a lot of time trying to solve it, but yet my mind keeps coming back to it, and all of my professors have been stumped by it. I have tried writing to mathematicians around the country, and none have been able to help me in any way. The problem in question is a problem in probability and/or decision analysis. The problem is extremely straightforward, but yet its solution eludes me. I?m not sure if this is your ?eld of expertise, but I want to know if you will help me. I make no judgments concerning your current situation. I merely am asking for your help as a mathematician, With your permission, I will send you the problem. If you do not care to correspond with me, I will respect your wishes. A - [Ted Kaczv?skx? ?Co I Off-119%? 8 latch? (QM Se?c? we VOW probaibtl;Ty prolatew? you. It ke) Lm 1 decaf 7k? I'll be. 71., 69-0 am 31?th wifk ?aT smce hex/em STu.clceJ may ?Ty ?ags)ka ?OPyomg? Th :2 def? waft; ow. c: it"he accustriam 'oeH? Ek0+??tj ?fa-Jamie" Mfiln?wl? If?) kw {3?5 1 Fromm/x. 7!:qu you. ?The um: [W?Ttach (M Ahmad {Vt-ca. aqmj SmbiaTe?ValS ji, 12., In. L431 he any Para/(dung in CoquLex Plane Suck one siege Pk ?15 fX-f Ci X6 Ik awful 4m;ka 5(er Pk is ?x+111 X?Jki) 3k {5 m7 mica-mama mt a; law. 19-: RR be T?t?i?d'k Pig Anti $912513?? . k-z-I 11/1 WOVJS) An PH) '5 Ned 0; Tie J??i Lc?t 1.0404) be The minim Va,ch of pm) as Pu V?Mge a? possflo'e OF We Pdeeb?v?M-Ls. 1? Prove 415 00 Dr.) 5T Ce'?s'fmx?fs Suck ?I?kaT 4 1. 3 Fur" n7. 61? w: H1, ?fa/?ll" ?370 Pd 9" ?y "y bf?iy?am? 4? (In; w; "1 cm r: ?3?50515'; u'dlf?smLeg, (M: MW We: Hump?? plane suck +?naI 4no'fkw ss?e 01? Pk i x4111 Jki) Jk ts my suhwf??wvaj 10:17This? ftgir?w 107 {tar/Q measwe cw}. The 36"! Ea? Rk In 07h? won?t?) (R) H) l5 "toTaf Med Code by a} we pma?e?ogwms PU w, Lt?f be The mm?imam Vale?? of m) as PUW, range ovu- a? possible ?Ike 1? Prove 54?31151? (.1. Suck 71.0.1 Car 7 -. ?(n3 4 joy? FJF 37 Due: 15510 (NH) decrease mono?loaatcallrz I (an Solve va?d?em 1, A 5 Jar ?Prub'cm Z) I (M Pres/?- m1 ?We 6:11:75) MA, I rmmlau 1 (M. prov: The? is a. such gum; .4. (A: Joan 51/10:? {or a? .4. ".01 Shut. i Tug [aTTer Formal-4L . HrProktem 3/ ?the sTaT-emen?l? Seems 0"kuer 620901 see no To Prove 11thy-u *JI-a?iilh?J-pu-ni-I'r 1' IF I "t ilkC-r?l} "Hili ' A . quiz. I ?I'iriav I :I,m-u?ipI?ff.Lr, .131in?ll.) ah fly: 1%4r'r . mun-had. 3 Ir: I II. -. "if" - - I II Wilt-*3 4/13/93 Mr. Theodore c/o Ms. Judy Clarke, Attorney at Law Of?ce of United States District Court Judge Garland Burrell, Jr. 4014 United States Court House 650 Capital Mall Sacramento, Calif. 95814 Dear Mr. We wanted to let you know that my Social Philosophy course this semester is reading your Industrial Society and its Future, along with Stephen Nathanson?s Economic Justice (Upper Saddle River, NJ .: Prentice Hall, 1998) and my Dictionary of Philomphy and Rciigion: Eastem and Western Wrought (Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ ., 1996), and library sources. Due to the wide availability of your work on the Internet and in the public domain, it has been possible for my students to have ready access to it. Not having to request permission for its use, we nevertheless wanted to extend our thanks to you for its availability. Many of its points resonate with members of the class. Departrnent of Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 4/13/93 Mr. Theodore c/o Ms. Judy Clarke, Attorney at Law O?ce of United States District Court Judge Garland Burrell, Jr. 4014 United States Court House 650 Capital Mall - Sacramento, Calif. 95314 Dear Mr. We wanted to let you know that my Social Philosophy course this semester is reading your Industrial Society and its Future, along with Stephen Nathanson?s Economic Justice (Upper Saddle River, .J .: Prentice Hall, 1998) and my Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Boston: and Western Thought (Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ ., 1996), and library sources: Due to the wide availability of your work on the Internet and in. the public domain, it has been possible for my students to have ready access to it. 01 having to request permission for its use, we nevertheless wanted to extend our thanks. to you for its availability. Many of its points resonate with members of the Sincerely vows01.-. -.Ina; Izaak.Ih? I it. I I wereapnea-t: ..-.: tr?ml I. . .IIn?? ".16 IL Jlxjih IIffIllI' -vl?lgnnik?r I. I- ?gUVII . . I-u? In. . ilk-II-.Illits.--. - . -- w? - we ?54' Emit-?33s . I-I?dh .F II - 'b?tbr5". ItI?.IIrlf-JI II - I'd 1 . ?'41 II I .1 I I. lIlI ?.I..ILIJ I'?55_-git?; :Ill 0 I I .4317.1, Iv"! .l ll.l I ?f?l'nd? -. I a - Ilkall Au?ggj? 14/ 1'2 001 by.? [1 if.) ?Paul?h nun?.1 if I I I 2:2? 4:0 flak? rm; Anna Ex.- yamleh?nTy? March 2.0 C) I .r ?Jr; may it! r57? Can?{9?61 "a - a I C) yew?: [4-9 we (21" Th A Dzi r- QSfanJenfa wws?r mt Mme >0 )n order La} I'm/we ?T?zm For o??ew '?nin?rs l- (we And.) M?k?z :33 V1.63. [?i?iiu'lF PV Earl'j?fta?- met-Ms ET ?5/895 we a: [Oilj- "l?r?me 12. Karen. I I have ?auew pm'??efpa'f'edi in a 7 I I 4.90%? [UT-fer; 9.5 I anxf iwiror mzreTfom you. gave in yamw {61? re.? .is he?? SuiFi aw!? enmbfe me your I gosw?f knew wifLm? 6L In." powerba/f if I kmaw man/c; mumbers are an eacfa (Mm, ?ake-r! I aemr MW. Law a 9F Tt?oke?fs We?de be! I don"t? know The- GENE ?Tickets -Sc)llc?? 09'? Size (Tue {Hag {p.31 I can" ms ?w yaw ?f men?Quem a? $11.2 necessary informa?a?. 4mg Qumran be. SO Cme?-red ?the 7? ?ne I luau? lbw. if {042 515i "Cl: Spencg cm. a" [3517: I (may be 62-6 (e To 347 SwmeTM-rw in a; ?mi-:93? In .x a, .. rm: cw?- Comc?uc'?n ?e [aT'Ter '7 I 0 ?i Iii-{?opk 91* Fm EL {0 7 ix (3.. TB co 6' 6+ 6L affix?f, (fell! UHE. ??i-?Qyiegf, ?re '1 Oii??f? 1-, "fa-Tth can/Lama?? w?F money fist? ?7 fa h. LI-oicgegwg :9 EC w; "fickef's 713E: EM-5 7%31 ?51- . t. lit/Wag! 9 yacht-1Pvt??r?cMsG-d' has ?52; be pk.?th ies?s 1% am- The gram-m? kk? 5? ?Fa (It ?613: .. {age-:7? {mfg- ~H?e Tt?cke?i?1- 43-137 at?? til?.3 Wh??tewa'f'i Lag! pert-27?} on ne?a? v53?: words} 5? k9. keel: buyi?r?tj- 59.127?; am. er??AP?ci pa?ofi?, "sf-1km Pro 53:15:11: ?nal?" a. w? [036? mare WA he. . wing! .Um (95.25, 94.: hoarse-J ELE- Some buck-y Frob? 'i :3 cum *ft?U'Ou" j, 1 cu? imagime in a: $qu make .1 ?r a ,h ?fate 5; ?1"Qir a Pagsswiex The pew-FIE .. Pm. F1. 31"" .3 an {1-5 min}m}2? "For; ax?; ruthwcim? 75%.{to?ue??wy (?15 The {MTV-wry IS n01- . ,5 {hf} keg . .. Ce. :Suuv? Kiln - Gr GHQ. ?x 0L. PerSon Mitzi: M?f .Pim.}f (1 {05? . we rm?. He can [036 I . i 3?0 bu?f? 7 pw?xca he 40 aft-79 {or E?nmelq- Jug-f Q5 1 he r1543 Ira" pat?y Met/Le): 50 ma?a or a. Spa r771awe; 42. Con. 39* a Ma?t?ke/Mcdi Cal Expec?z?on {962*waeaj agngp?on ?nal? "We. value. {ways QM Omar {7?5 If {imp-Vole ?eral?f' a? cke?f? Lat/Jar- Cu ?sh-Jeri: mm gag/{m n. we mag; 5 H1. 'tj 6? ?4 Frail Cf!" i hf .i?Lp?T" ?9 a UL a mum-.- a; La, @3510 d? f; fig/L All 5 551-? a if 053% f" ?:70 51;" g; 3 {9 dig?) Hm? L1 ?1 06/19? -- Two Wu] ?Fun Charm? (FF w?i UL HID VI ,?ts .. Til 6&1 ET arr}: Vii-Jul: :9 dz in ?r I. .1) 052:? {3 :1 0 51[*max: me: cm I if: TH {Lg Fly-?ne if: 7 er M. Ma; {no ?560 WOW a 1:!ng '60 re #53. 6211.5? f? ova. EAT r651? oF bye? Whe?ep w. his wh?e TE. 10qu orxemaioacur Ticgtef' 14.15? depend I am a} v.9? (Lott he Vain 95 we oppcr- man} rt; 5; :25. yaw? 5u_33pST-ed .3 1" I .11 I ?if; . aifIJ-??g-?a?ril?5.1. lit: gPi?xl?at?! 39m? 3% k? 4- air. mu.- ?55lint fr 1 I l.I I I?llfl, Iv. 1-1. - "a 1 . 'Ll'?r?l a! you we 5% 33" work?'2 n5 arr mike Feyemj cer- TU gil??s 8. Ig? Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Box 41042 1 Lubbock. TX 794094042 aw (som 742-2566 (7 FAX (806)742-1 112 i4 March 25, 2002 ?7 0., Teddy WK 0/9 Box 7500 Florence, CO 81226 Dear Teddy, Thank you for your interest in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University. We have an excellent department and believe that you would find it advantageous to continue your studies with us. Our graduate mathematics and statistics programs are very broad in sc0pe offering both a and a masters degree with areas of concentration in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, and Statistics. We also offer a masters of science degree with an emphasis in computer science and a master of arts degree for those people interested in teaching at the pie?university level. An application for a teaching assistantship is enclosed along with a description of our graduate degree programs. Please ?ll out this application, and return it to me as soon as possible. Along with this application, I will also need a current copy of your transcripts and three letters of recommendation. Please send the application to me even if you have not taken the Graduate Record Exam. The beginning stipend for the 2002?2003 academic year is $12,900 with an excellent chance of summer support. Out?of?state tuition is waived for teaching assistants and excellent medical benefits are provided. Your name and address have been forwarded to the Graduate Admissions of?ce which will send you pertinent information and forms for admission into the Texas Tech University Graduate School. The Graduate Admissions office will need an of?cial copy of your transcripts and your Graduate Record Exam scores. For further information regarding Texas Tech University, visit the university web page at or the department's web page at may be of further help, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at or phone me at (806)742- 2566. Sincerely, Harold Bennett Professor Director of Graduate Studies HRB mw enclosure A 0 A?innarive Action Institution VA bury-v "1"qu (?oulc?n?i yaw ?E?H?er behre Th Jute."? Ja'f'e 0F you?Jr but! 1:04!? The [0 5T 'tuuo war? ks 1 we been Jegp?afare bus Dar (afar? my a Lego: cm?( :3 ?1/231 3 f? ?9 Fl91;. 1, f, L, FM if; wk; Uta/ult?- km I 0- {on} em Te:- Kaye: TE e. for. fir.qu ext/CVm'rrdg by ?win /Vii ?sky "?u-1f ajcpeme? ?mwi?cm wmgazine. in.) I Oa'?a?aer lywa 7M mecarn?ir? 72 Pursrlaiem out: no Tea?nlca 3 'o ("1.160. muddle me a. AMI: fur 3: :3 sew-1T I ?az? W. 7: Eda-1.1 a} ?nal 3 9 i 9. 7'5 if Info? mu no whey e; :r'xfar 43.5 Same penny?: Raw 63 Clicti Eff: May LU SOME S??x "ions: inconuemi 84166) I. ?unk 'iT?s cumiikely ?Hui ?iT will [4:441 M-a..jov~ di?sas?ru. I if? (4951' 5x93} 66M Mira you 6:31 A On your Ted KW OCTober .2 3? 2 003 Dear Mr: or MS: 1? your naTe 0? October yam. TART yaw: wouloe love Tc: f'ecerve leTTE?r {ram me. We?) here {1 is. Pri?b?E?W?; 7kg (arr you. will jeT {ram me] Thoma? Sqnce I JusT ?ow-r Adm/e "?ame To corresponc? wi-H? a? Time pebp?t who would ?he Ta Corresp?nc? tun??1 7043.4. 5&7 you're abau?l? me. in your 50:23:31ij 616:.55. 1 Tc) Ti?l?k wkaT They MUST be: you: A V5157 0F nonsense has be?? I a? Sar'hnj (FLAT is ?True {ram kaT is {c2159. PuthSke?f GLBOUT WE your 7'63acker ("can Active rm b.2617 [36:11? 5 5,909unfop- in Schoo?j qq?x T. V4519 1r0 Ck mod-V! ob. Re?ng 'er Sirlmukkjre . mj. Peefgih ,Mercd . .. Mad-k6 M04115. . CM: mods I *7 . \Acwt .. gm;ch guy. +?Mc?ru MGM - 4965 n05: kamj pe op\e . . ., Hafn Hag (hwy hi.? ?git 9339.. i a 0Ler . a 5/3, ?-mindputagx ur- ?uau- - nunlivi-Il-lp-H-n- H. - ll- - uni?nil. at swan-unlyaw. I I - W..- ?lulm??l? .- 1 *HWm-f?Mum??H-F?m a r-u? --. I i I . vM-I?d-? -. -*I-bni InhLCS (41 U00 lil?n TED . 920) 0 Dear Th it" {Ex/0m 60" a? Derember you ?15k Me: whe?f'her markemafigs if, a (e emc?aavar. absofw'e/ .: I 5 mo?l' '3 I can imagine only Three PoS?ible iieaSGi/KS . gar ma?fkem??h?cs: ENTErTainmenT, I TD promoTe progregg, TD . one?; own Career. I5 ind" M18553 or} (3 To enfer'f?ai?ngi?xen?fas 6: wor?f'kwki?e Endeavor In?; Jug-r a pashme. A5 Te?on (2), is, ?Hne wars-r ?nmj _?Hma?f evg??v?? happened- world,,_an d, 752:. ,pramo?re . H?s Pra?ress is m.)th Fina! CenTury Jim, Harm read__ft.Wk Us an ar?cfe ?hawk? reason um: kaosem ma?ema'rj c; .- 42w.a utd?ny 5 CELU ea! aim/e 1T6 ., fa H1 wawm?yaue c- P122- kg: 5 2?..1111161, 1? PH - ride 9* ed i 1 [as stow-13-1.4-3. 63.9?. :1 5 1'0 #1 5-, v11! a r: la e1} ss-e&w--M ?ap? amp - . yo ., wilf? .myo Lam?gt); an m?kem??aian+w8ufw ya 1411:. r0 a. n. :UmJayywan ?many Gx?pe rIqub e. ?It ha?tzmm?w'l? ewe? lapped allig?ni?fkammeue .. .- w?jtgei?m? Imam 01) Lem-u)- Lil 94549 a, 9 Te. 3 Mil/be- em!) has -ecL.a far?24:1? Campufc. r5. LU Kipp-eJm?Q?i?l?r?ya ~r~b 7- I ?.Lfa%smp to Qer '1 E's-r" ?ew?4L me nab 1 ?H~@ncdew~? C?o m-puTe wsw-m-v-m HG?am?P-MTeflifz?a?T 436-91 I - Fau- em?T y- mp Wham? 5, EH I, -- .. a . . 3 - - 'I?"141. 1. ?k-n'ilI.I. ?anI..5.5- 1? -15$0.1 I .- A c} Abiaf?S?r AVE, me 23 .. Crow-hm Cam ?3 - you $0 year bLmAa?feoi; [effer- I raceway on I umtomM?rety__ I- m- Mame fan as: yaw Concerns) because I Find. {sari-3255, . egihle, How 69m) Ln one The. {:ew pa v~+?fe, a. yam -. a? T?xe CWaQb?y . 1M1 ya CA atj?ohrf Mai ?1.ij .3 .. - no njectur .1 I can-.. an- I t'i'iefiimcrd- you ma?amaffics- - In way . Li?i??v . {xvi end, - -efeuen yars My. . U491 on yuaj?kema?csd - and. I wre?ref -every Minmfew vice '50 This w?lly {as Picks?? (:1wa reeame. yo arse.? J'Asfed 'tm. a. PeVoim't'famy .. a. {?rei?gn (signage; Chinese) Area-Bic} 11L). QELMAJ- ?Eus 5:1 4:4. espem?m?y Russia-n -..- -.-- fake army. ,niheaM?SocIa!? orgmim?anai behaviar mg ?the my, 04: Propaganda) ,5 I chemistry.) Mar ?yr-"Ts, c. v- y, est-c.) . . v. is eSPecf?LNy div Tsaiofe..- Ammj any. .1 Hie?af yam . ..pqroFe?SS 3.09m. is had? Ragga- A dif?aloui [i 1 rof?ew won . Jets?? ?2-17-.?p.mEe 8691:: . . - . Infect yauiwfuJ 65?. k1 w. I 3,345 t. haw - -. wyoww ani. ed f. -. $15.0 Annie-'7 ?kahunelmu I I - - -. m-h? - l- I .r .r-I I ml?mm-dh-vh?QL-wr ?Mm-usl'Ith - ?43? ??vahr?IWnir?nJ-m? hulwlw.-q-. Wmu- run-:7- .-- --.imam-a- .u.Iq.r?1 {-155 l' . 3: -- I - Egan-48?? ?t .-: :13 r. - ilk733271;: I :l - r4.- . .a . '13: - I :15yaw; '31 I SN cm Ea 1 I. .- nl-IJ I Jr." 4.. ?Ir-ad:rpd - - I . . . L..A tin-VII if.? 54?! I. - . hie; rL ar- "?-drur- {mm-?5 15" - 7 Tu @l?gz? H: be 8/2274' 5" i don?? KMW Lumewer I M554: W15 error"- if?. . We etc-fay gem Tb Wcuwcmr 9/3/12. e. lii?di?mle . . 1L2Pg??i In I: g: *0:me Wm- 3 1:452ng . I .- .R A - aw? Au'l?hm?m? 'Hm'h I- - . *a-rn-w-n-wauyw- Hat?in" w-v .vr-o-uL-ni- -- I . ?In14?? at ?Han-u.AJL 1:idnu__ .II. . _l . . Afr, - 1brh-a-?qg_ H, Izzr?hurrimmrw.-. nixl-l I.le . IL I. . :l-i&rw-I- .l-l?I-i I 1 I. Tprr-f I. '31" AJ-JI Ialarch 13, 2013 Dear Mr. I assume that you will not write back because I aspect receive multitudes of letters and I am.sure you don't want to spend all of yourjhsee time replying to letters. I hepe you do not find my'letter to be inane, nor *would.I like to ask questions to which I could.already found answersjel yourimanifesto, online, etc. But there is something to be said for engaging in discourse with someone even if themeay'have to repeat something theyh?a said in the past. I purchased.a letter you wrote to Jess?Milleg'written on November 15, 2011, and although the letter is comprised of bibliographical :matters, I felt that at least attempting to start a conversation with yo; worth a Shot. It has over eight:months to to finish writing this letter. - I am a twenty?two-year?old student pursuing my Masters in Fine Arts. I am.a painter. I have always felt as though.I don't feel emotion the way other people do, and I found solace when I read your theory of oversocial? ization because ?you seemed to understand the thoughts I could not express to anyone else. I also read how you feel about IQ test; however, I've begun to wonder if the ability to be one of the few who are not affected byg>wwm~wmww oversocialization, and the ability to truly understand overeocialization, are linked to high IQs. ?Yet, I often wonder if those peeple who feign.normalcy are, in fact, ?smarter,? or wiser than those of us_whomdo not g? gsnuineness or sincerity'matterfyg?ppose ifhij?h?pothetically, worked for a a company and wanted to further my career, feigning interest in small?talk, and ass Kissing (pardon my crassness), it would seem_wise to act as though I, too, were oversocialized, like;my peers, because it would be beneficial to do so. You were confident enough to renounce assimilation, but your brain had fully develOped by then. Because I still have thee years beforezmy brain fully develOps, I am still trying to figure out what I want for my future. The longer I wait, will I become increasingly affected by the desire to do what - h?f?P- is eXpected of me? II an ~m3m~i?n?wlr. Have sou read.wichelw?oucaulta I just finished a paper focusing on ?5 which Foucault eaplains his theory that our institutions in power teach us ?truths,? or ?epistemes?and thatimembers of'society engage in self-regulation, or ?panopticism? I know this is a very simple eXplanation, and if you are familiar with Foucault, I did not intend to sound premnuious or cavalier, because I an fully aware that you are incredibly well?read. I don?t know if you tire of compliments and repetitive questions, but I would li to as: what I hogs is a Qu33?i0? Fp?t.?o One 3193 has asked YOU- I wonder how ,ou feel about Eb??fd Zinnj I read ?30p13'3 The. United states in eighth grade:'and it at the time, granted, this was before I had ever studied and Engels, and the ideals urn be g, I "mu-m" . ta Hid.? that the gonarnl nn" V?i53 "a bi Il?blii- liviaulnonl . amiea inravmatian marcly lubjoativo th. 1 uh: -- 10? the Inko a! fur?h pa or ng his palitical uh I ops yen haven't answered too . 'r?ltil hiernrehiaa ?uo to race, class, t! alazm that Who? ?o net believe that 9? . gr. not nuporiorto bhaao of tho non: win not 55x. preferable, yoursalf .. ?rmn~. =ttanovvrv ?Artur hr: -. 9.2L gst?u?t-fflfr- 392??" 'v-L - --I I. II