TheUnabomberLet t er s AYahooNewsSpeci alSer i es " Thor eauneverki l l ed anyone,andIdi d. " Kaczynskianswer sl et t er saski nghi m abouthi sphi l osophy andt hemor al i t yoft hecr i meshecommi t t ed. Al ll et t er sanddocument sar epr oper t yof t heUni ver si t yofMi chi ganLi br ar y’ sLabadi eCol l ect i on. Thesel ect i onwascur at edbyYahooNews TED MAY 25?, Deaw To answer your guuea'?unst (am. can indiwdual be happy f?ar?iip?'? 7" 0F scale-r7? 1 {eel Sure mm, [Va-ah and Cowmum?s?f; in Hi1?fex-?5 {gear-many} Slim/int: and #461015 Chi?? achievwf hanFness by parTftIpa?Hnj ?ux ?Hie 0* v?espedi?ve Soc?e'?es. See meesm; pamagragpk Buff I would naT wan: to be happy [Jar?ficipa?fe?ng in The: working; an evil Socfe'Ty "?u-1T Joe: 2- I Ff?ae hmfp;ness par?rfaipa?f'inj only mi?nlma/Iy in. S?cfe'f'r 795 The ?Fol/ow M3 reSerVa?ons "The: word lamp Meg; nn-r very a?o'r' here because is Too Vague, aw alga because. '31? might?" can Way The $955.50? ?Hae. happiness? 1 {:0an was Same?xinj FIT-HA3 C?o?c?eg'?on happiuess 71km?? 35 Curren??" in The iniusfwiajfzej (?bril ?5:63.97 a CancegPTiovx "H?azf? I be shall/ow!- So I wan.le Pre?e4r To 547 ?fka I {au?of' TV?a?quf 7? peace" 011 mind) ma! :1 Sense a War?f?twk?c? ?fke ain'f'meaT Was The {1'1 i JeSTrmere encroach Mae/?1" ma?a? 3: y?w?m .. . q. emawoackm?nr passes a; cerTa?in Pom?) ones :5 Broken aide Feels a. 15 Isaak. Reina-AW? veronce {or ?4.3 795/ I have .revuwt? raw ?Jr-t) uinafchTaod t5 13754 1-7 a; re 10" Edy-7%! BMT deg-r am! killinj Are parts 01" TR Tam}in of- The? awe necessary Par-1'5, bQC?LuseJ preda'f'orsl prey Species would mud-Hp? 1-0 +ke, Pain?f taker: ?I?kcy would ales-r? ?Hk?f and ?mselves .- Sq?ose jagua- some Specws de Le) {or 61? u" had berame So name/rocks Thad was a. Plague on ?The Would you The.? hes'i't'a-re t: a. mean 2 Now ?Pp'y T?ka'l? ?er human has batome A dead] d??S?fruc?fr?t/e Plague" a Plague 'ng Ear?? and! at plague ?53: #5613 I dan'f Thin-k :6 any SaT15?Yihj Q1109 TED :?zAczv/usm M7 AME 13/ 2003 07 32?7?- 8 lack Gut-f I 1 v. .-'ww. 5-1: 0. LL 1'emTeJ ?imam .. i 33:0 LEW- ?miWXQH g??i_mevid?mwrta?maJ 1-. .6. xi. meme *51'th . . )03_ymwa_s__i 10-1- ?Tie 1?13. nojghme af Tegknalugy 1921? I gathe?nr??al. -- 5: . N?ejf -7113} marks Mr .. 1r mafia Ta. . . 1:1? Muwurm - Mukawmwimy rmieri, I imam?15k?, an- LaieArwhooksrj?cl?ggT ywolm (3 (It? Vt 21w .- .1 a Mlm4?meH14th ?ker -. I . ii?wxaww *l'hi?tw-r?I?s. 7 7 sma'jes '70 ha +kem I. wiH Fe??a wiry 37' yowgefr, 1F yam ce'WT?ihlty 599 r- In?aw?i?f spread ant ieras/ 5' - 9&0 ??51 :uquf?Y, Of'lmew mavec?iem? We a .qumem'? .r 0(2 Viufemce - 1' Vi 6" voiu'?ov?ary i ?bectmuxe I 6110mm,? I wa?rr "tn frame}? Ce-w?mr? ma 773-9 be?-M?STar] Ca! The J??y?d-f VIC nj 1/ ?0 [em-tea, 0V1 ~The? W) Wig-7 PM ~6Lhd~ I 17" .. .-.-- 5 wh?ar?? A. A I, 5 mlq?s?? as 5 5?3 we?? 0 cr??m I .1 4 -- - (341?? t" 1? o-vnmi S?i-u??(.14, . {33? a: 91116.55 1:Int?u.- . Ln. .-. . ..-- ,u . nq._ a YaFLLm?maerkj ?rwm~a~??TBC (a umdu?strrial . It '2 I.. ?ueiegnirswwiibmmwuv 1 .1 ?Qe??i ?1 .- . I 3 Eff. ?ff??w - r71; 7 . ?rt; Anglia Po 0714 9x5Pf} 35;? 2- IL ?16? . 5mm! Sam 3 ff n?l-?-?bH-rH-rH?l?F I-Iil-Id-N-r I . I I {Lida 9630 LT It L3 c: mIt-ih; gm ?1 Tom?mef?f??! Sta d??m 'I?qhi? ?un?t-hum 521.5 Slat-.1- 1"1? wait. 5 'Hm-r .l l? - -. haT?'r? m? EudU-S'fri ad "ma-IT?Hh?-h-,L .. .. a" time _w mm?iu??M-S *Pu? 1. a . v?m-nmwlACEMe sf P?h .wm'f' .- Hush-mil?" ?u?Pw . ?5 . I I ~lvh. 7/17/03 Dear Mr. I took a great interest your Manifesto a year ago, my junior year at Indiana University where I?m now a degree .111 phiIOSOphy. I?ve always felt compelled to contact you because you so eloquently v01ced many of the concerns I have about our society today. Although I can?t bring myself to approve of your methods (perhaps because of my own self-doubt), I?ve never come across something as powerful and passionate as your writings. I suffer silently as I suppose many do in our society burdened by the fact that I am constantly barraged by a system of values that is in direct contradiction with my concept of human dignity. But I value my suffering at the very least it is the sign of some shred of humanity still left in me. My question to you is at what point did you feel con?dent enough in your beliefs to take action against what you perceived to be wrong. When did you start realizing that it was not an injustice for you to do what you did, but rather a plea in defense of humanity? It doesn?t even to seem to be a question of debate to me anymore. but rather the be st course of action. Any thoughts you have would be of great interest to me. Sincerely, Jul B/ac?l (,3po 51%? 7 30)zoo3 - dull_n?F I . . drinks auwwLeErJLEm ?a War @060 .K I fur rap; L: E1, .n . 1:11-19 FEW .. .. . war-.1 I . youmafia, LnTr-a?ler-?a- w?mawn?V??o-iih ?079! 7' - . . F- mekew?mej' 1141f gap?_? . - . .T I?L?y?u?d?a {151.061 m?H . excwM??m I beJ?T?w= . 1.) chm: [my-?WI? lesz 1 *3 i TH?-anefw . ewsT I i x. wd?egak?-m .. wkwe?iMV?z-i? I ?r?g?ve aims ?Ay' w?M?iigme?n?w Maw-ma -- .-. Wan?M $7waft-(h: 5; WM k-ara??i-m?PatT?u?secstimwr?$Wg?Hai I FhMM?uag-Im?mui la saunas?_tmutfammim?arhh . lua?amr? u? . mgw?nuein?[iwif 41W 095620 ?fake parse) even HF I Sure I ?30le 561' away w?'h ?nd I I womb! be may: and disjm?'eg 1 Edam anyane ?1.56? agar awnwr?N??-- E. Tiling. 4. ruu- . my? LL, 1:;ng m. I abuS-E? (in :?naFfeusiva 0(4 I were: 71:: answer) Because ET 'Wa'if'?l? "Hunt *9 answer cavity ?fa cs"F?F"? Mum 50;?;44314nd alou?e cs?F inaffensl'ue . . r. ILHS il? an exam/e rHusTva?tnj 1 Wham - . . . 71:51?n1? lanai;an ubScuwpg The SAY wnTei I?f' a?oesh?? Quay-IL see-m "to be 0F JEEHTE TuMt? ifs? MVP, bud? rat-Haw The (9957' Cam?e of ?r Whitfmega ?ir?i IS NOT en??re elem To Wit} buff? I assume my?" ET mew 9 yum womld bk}: Take Some. km! 0F prac?ca/ in rejmd "Hue: "fat: I I g] - I acTIan Take. .. A an; m1 rjk'r imagine! live 0053;! of fu?s?nn- a?nm 1 HMka ?Hmre. are de- kinds-3F be; J?ke?'n'l ant a; mt mum .s .IffrgalJ Mae 1 mu m, Aura-.913 abaqT m; 49.34;? 1 - f?c?f?ji?j Fueg?a if?l??ifr'e; 74115-3 evw QHOWEA to ??ue (In (515-; incoming-5; M40. am?f'gamj ma} wu- gueggd, A, Ti? is re?, bx I be wags?fmf you. write meRi?e! a4: il? e??ouTs 1?0de fke us": a waft iggUe??wma ?Lucie-meat I ?Veal?! "9:55 ?1 Movemem? p?F- gag-13 1"th A I is concern ed knobq)? *5 Wueme?'r Cons-tits 6F Green Anarchy? I Lfg? an, retard Twp, Hawem?, 1 m5 Mugqv f? ?erm? was 1: be FFD: ed. - - . mommmam; - - - - "fig-J f5. Js??e?har u?rdm?we? Lew?ers ocusiona?y amppem; '13 ei?w 511.your or I 53?* Vat(AT: T- qr yam can ass?. 4L - . InNASA cage/6?; k?kcz L. ML - I, 54.399555 4?/r3/cs? {:or 'e'r'fer Pos?rmarked Janmwy 11- Ta Amswer times-Hons 1. . 1. ..U SEC-.1917 - Md~ - 599:1 wawld? J?l' have h?ar as much :15 FT (145?; .I amyfki? fii ?ii-rk?lhk- V1le ITJS VErtf~ dlu??li?uf7v ?To 5'31 I I 1 '1 Publiskecf by .. a. .wmaJ'or Pmbh?si?inj company That w'?nn- 7* U3 ware H?s wi?cfe Fmerwm0WGJ o'f'ker- 1' Ci?. .e ?in?i- .. Maj-D". I 15:1 H13. Campaniei .. ?a Prabfemf $3 _w Tea-1 washurta m. {ea .m ibo ?Jr. 4:12:11? em- a-upLd - ~?-?any-Thi-n??nmw-i?3" [no uffd Mike hymn) a #56. . 539115..-.560 have. W?s?639?}, u. Rig?mm yo 42 ii h. w?mI?m? Ina-?C lege??a?wi? a- t: - Fm? ?451 mar?t w?a?F?Hkin a f- 13.17.. m- 1L5 ex? Lug,? c. (5tml?_ ?guanwp- r. me {Lg TM #:me -MLAALF ea: htwia as 7 mange; on! u'lla magmmh -B?uff?_ffkew -. I [engag- The ma k?l?tmmarymbe?if?gti _w - ,eePstL Aftkwu?dhwmikemm imarti _e - i=3 . {cw-w w- I . mt - ?Them?HT . (623-4 a?MczTew?f?a ?mse "WT:ka - i??ew? w-w-kk a wmsiy-gfm?Ww?m _m _Hm. =.WwW-wm mmwm? #3647 EL: knows - . .H {a - na- .. . qmai?. ?0 my er-?an M5 mm? been sM-r- ?3 $?easp_ I -i - .. to make. .- m. S. 0L a Free- -J 5? . .. -