Case 2:00-cv-05686-CAS -AJW Document 195-1 #:1524 Filed 02/22/12 Page 1 of 5 Page ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EXHIBIT A 49 Rises; 5 Fr .ase 2:00-cv-O5686- I, RessRT BLAIR fellews: Fer five years, Y?alifernia, LSen- About 8 a.m. that wPasadena. jmuch mere about Sirhan. Document 195-1 #1525 KAISER, frem June 1961 to June 1966, asleep shertly after midnight an June 5,,1968, MHetel (and died same 13 hours later). merning, In the twelve months that Eellewed, In the hepe ef deing a beat en the case, Jerdan BenfentE, HUB RERLTY '3 Filed 02/22/12 Page 2 of 5 Page DECLARATION OF ROBERT BQAIR KAISER hereby declare and state as I werked as a fcerrespendent fer Time and Life magazines (mast ef that time in sRcme), then left the empiey of Time Ine. te pursue a career in ?free lanee journalism. I was heme in Westlake Village, when Rebert F. Kennedy was shet in the pantry ef the Amhassader the bureau hehief ef Life in Beverly Hills phened te ask me te jein Life?s iteam at reperters ta preduee an account at the assassinatien and its aftermath- My assignment: to ge to Parker Center in dewntewn Ito see what I ceuld learn abaut the identity of the man Wham the .pelice had taken into custady. Late that merning, Lhe pnlice hteld waiting members of the press that that man was Sirhah *Bishara Eirhan, aged at, with a heme address at 696 E. Reward in I came te knew mere, 1 inveigled my way inside the Sirhaa defense team by becoming an iefficial investigatcr fer the delense. I eventually ended up I 'deing ene?en?ene taped interviews with Sirhan several times a Declaration Robert Blair Kaiser ase:4?? ID - I HUEI FEB 33 easeigESB-EC-?segta-EEK Document 195-1 Flled 02/22/12 Page 3 of 5 Page ID #:1526 :week for a six month period before, during and after his trial, 2 ?most ef the time in his jail cell en the twelfth fleer ef the 3 Angeles County. I also had a number of eneounters with 4 iSirhan in the courtroom during the trial, and I aeeompanied the 5 .ehief defense psyehiatrist, Dr. Bernard Diamond for a series of Pmare than a half dozen interviews with Sirhan (some of the time 7 twhen Sirhan was under hypnosis), this in my delegated role as a i :liaison between Sirhan's doeters and the defense team Grant 9 gCeeper, Emile Zola Herman and Russell Parsons. Most notably, I ?0 dwas also present when, on several different oeeasions, Dr. 11 HDiamond demonstrated to the attorneys Sirhan's seggestibility 12 :under hypnosis. 13 1? On Feb. 8, 1969, Dr. Diamond (in the presence of Cooper, 15 tBerman, Parsons and me) put Sirhan under hypnosis and suggested 16' Ithat when he came ef his hypnotie sleep he would, when given a 17 neighel by Dr. Diamond, climb the bars Of his eeil ?like a 13 rmenkey-" (The signal: Diamond would he blowing his nose with a 19 glarge white handkerehief). After this hypnotic session, the 20 hattorneys and Sirhan spoke together for a few minutes when, all 21 got a sudden, Sirhao started elimbing the bars at the cell. I 22Egleoked over to see a very self?satisfied Dr. Diemend, folding up 93 This handkerehief. ?Sirhan, what are you doing up there?" 24 Edemanded Diamond. ?Oh, I am just getting a little exercise," 35 gsaid Sirhan. That was a plausible enough reason (even though I 25 Ehad never in all my time with Sirhan seen him Climbing his Gall 27 nears). But as the attorneys and I could see, it was not the real 23" 'l'Juclarann Robert Blair FEs?ss?aais 1?:es Fr res . Hus aEaLTr Paae:E?T lase 2:00-cv-05686- A -AJW Document 195-1 Filed 02/22/12 Page4 of5 Page ID: #:1527 i . . Wreason. The real reason was that Diamond had programmed airhan rte Climb the bars and to forget that he had been programmed. Continuing to study the FBI and LAPD reports during and 5 after the trial, I eame aeross a report about a teletype i :operator?s encounter with Sirhan on the night of June 4, one dthat stirred my euriosity in light of my seeing Sirhan 8 ?programmed so easily by Dr. Diamond. At 10:30 p.m- June 4, 1968 9 iless than two hours before the shooLing, the teletype operator 10 iMarY waS W?fki?g Out of a press room near the Ambassadorrg 11 dEmhassy Ballroom, when she noted a young man she later 12 I hidentified to the police as Sirhan Sirhan ?staring fixedly" at 13 Ther teletype machine. Some weeks after the trial was over, I 3A ?tound Mary Grohs and phoned to ask her what she had seen on the 15 height of June 4. After some hesitation, Grohs said he started 15 staring at the maehine. ?Just staring. I?ll never forget his 17 ;eyes. I asked him what he wanted. He didn?t answer. I asked him 15 dagaia- No answer. I said that it he wanted the latest figures on 19 :Senator Kennedy, he?d have to eheek the other machine. He still 20 ididn?t answer. He just kept stating," I asked her if, ini 21 Iretrospeet, she thought this young man might have been in some 22 :kind of trance. ?Oh, no," she said. ?He wasn?t ?nder hypnosis." 33 hI hadn't mentioned the word ?hypnosis,? but I thought perhaps 24 dGrohs had read newspapers during the trial when the possibility 25 def hypnosis was discussed. Or perhaps she had been eoaehed. 95 gdidn?t ask her if she had ever seen anyone under hypnosis 27 ibefore. I did ask her why Sirhan didn't respond to her. She 29 Usaid, just assumed he couldn't speak English." I said but he ?edged?minim: Kaise- FEE-EE-EELLE 5 Fr menses? tea HLIEI eEeLTt age?e? ase 2:00-cv-05686- A -AJW Document 195-1 Filed 02/22/12 Page 5 of 5 Page ID #:1528 eeuld, eeuldh?t he? ?What?? Speak English. ?Huh?? I said he 3 spoke pretty good English at the trial, didn't he? ?res.? Then I 3 {asked her why she thought Sirhan didn't answer her. She said, 4 I?What was your name again? I want te talk to the police about 5 Iifslareni. They told me not to say anything about this." When I told 6 Dr. Diamond about this exchange, he was angry. He said he and Ithe prosecution psyehiatrist?and the jury?should have heard the 3 testimeny of Mrs. Grohs. 10! As the ehief investigator in the ease, and a reporter who 11 ?wanted he do an exhaustive of this major, historic 12 {murder case, I spent ten times as mueh Lime with Sirhah as did 13 ?his_atterneys. They made no effort to prove that others put him 14 gap to do H:r much less that others had programmed him under 15 i{hypnosis to kill Kennedy. They based their defense en a strategy 15 ate keep Sirhan from facing the death penalty. 17 13 II declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United 19 :States that the foregoing is true and ogireet. Ereeuted on EU gFehruary 13, 2012- 21" I II 23:: VI Robert Biair Kaiser -I 26.: I 27 I 28 Declaration Rob?rl Blair Kaiser