mw ?drum mw%mwmm mm?. 3m"? a; I: m, aqu 1 rw? ww? mm3m%m wawwmw? ?ga??wci awryqu aw hawk ?wmw?w Mawg? . 4 . . mewwm Wm aaww??w am ammw?w?v, mm . u, 2? ?i?wmg? WM uk? anm with at a mmww% Gad $1 Mm @Mmgw% Mgw??ww mg w? MM waw ma?aw mg mw?mww? mg ?amm?w .mew?ww.gwwm am am: S at f Soledad California. the :22 A.M. life term con­ s WiUli 10 eomrni t tE~d State County, the partie is in have each last name at Board a ' ,WWwam . mega mgmawaww W%werm EwwM wakmw? ?a . . A grass; 3 wa will ha matzra Q: 3 th&.&gimgg ?3 39%; his 3' it gri?r ?a hi3 ??mmit?ankg th? cammitw vi . g?ig?ngr finm ?331% 33 unguitablg a ?gr Em gaita?gag -%xmi?a th? ia?gth m??w a: kWng?ai ?an??i ia?gtt?i? wiil 5g ha i: 3% f?m wfil i? tum 5 a 4 \35 igtin?t @ra 3f an? yriex ," Hear 1 will r- s to n'lClKe involved in ''''f:t t :n::ust o tors will you is done, th be 1 .2 for 3 know them this I'lotified hear to document the il . that you f~~el $hould be pJ;6sent:; you could \ document{s) for our considera­ lon. any information yl .~ copy The 7 the right under and· 2050 of ' our rules_ 10 in fli/lct You not required to diBcus 12 the Your ixty any of the in­ ilenee will t'to make any statements. to'aamit You that court proceed .1 YOU in counsel -~, of · \ That 1 all right. only a .what comes don't you tand? oath • .1 1. you se affirm the testimony Do you th, is the -v'{11.01 nq but truth f so ? 11. eat. servatioD had the: been see what actual like I a chance 19 0 on, 1:0 is in the file. reyim..;r that -- frotn that f I I PI NEhBER cate to to go that I'm ·thal: we to ask you had that r PRl;~SIDING (, you ? am. 51 t s but f you aware the let me C.~STRO: ME~mER C.A.5TRO: of documents that A1.L r re considering -- are identified on this checklist did you receiYe \ copy t, Counsel? .MR, MCKI Sf I did . CASTRO:, .. - and Mr to 1 I'd '1'h ik the check­ t? I I have 1 th have cop 1983, race IS To my ,, .2 I haven 1 t seen it. ' ,r No, I lso Es .J. E-S-T-E-N. Thi WB ry 10 re~ as confi­ ion to th the th s o approxi -.' That' Have you just I .' 11 received i about ay. in f,il r but He Re t 1 10 the :t I.. t it' to -­ I wheth 1 "i, bu em W490 [El gighi?r? . ghag wami a Xg?? on wham a?t I'waui? g. i? gin takg ?m?u?t Qf tim a m??ii1?? ?1 magma ??gathw atgfaa a ?ii?g a E?hfu33%? a Ji? Ms ?33 {?23 1m113$ 3s 6&} r3uhamaw 13 Do 1~ 5 ~ :15 CASTRO: I 9 ted , '" , 6 0 th ... to Conuni t: ,t.o Ccrnmi t th ~ 1% wamw mmww?? ww m_wm ?mm W%mmww yam .. m?wwi?? . 3 vmw?meq $33 @2 51% M, ?if; its $3 yams; it: $15} 1% ?a mu #7 633? 32-2 mm W. My vita-?3 ?g ?,zg ?rm: a, $393 .mm. 4mm)! mm ww?,mw&%g, hm mwm? Mm Wm aw mm ww?w?wm?wa? mm ww? #waw Mm mwMa 3% ?ww m?wwmm am wmm?wx H?wm mam ww??m um?ww?m; Rm am gm. . just a moment, .:..,-' if ,,;hat 2 3 the 4 , S 5. tric,testi­ '7 these I cons , new n f 12 and I'm per- I U ~nth in to ir have think ask 11 13 H) 10 ;U U that it' n / 1 across your view .2 I would 3 . that r1r. S .5 .6 f '7 di of 1& PRESIDING ~1R, TRAPP; CJU;TRO! A.ll r think -­ PRESIDING. MEfi'l.BER C.ASTRO I fine. at the' that the repres tl' he , go " . ,tion . one more little amount. c the tnes S' 1. at more ,.;: 'him. :I he .i 4 5 you, , 1 I ,,·;auld , I just ~ven that on fact to f ,,;ho Wi'" I.;;!ven ., Sirhan Ros more mammoth at the time, and , , were scuffl Johnson,. 12 gr. " with Hr. the' gun,. and I think that the hit cer­ fact or tain effort of it's hold of a gun j of the to that, all the shots, but as 19 t I , .. 21 1 consi~ ,r at 1'!.r. Sir \vhat Counsel '1 I've CA.STRO; that comments ed has Mr. Sirhan for whatever reason h. your r It the bene i. conduct it per- I 11 I'd· t would he C;U8 of f ' mel time, t 7 i he , he it, Sure, it's I if t f ti1ere 's that - that ware told, more or le Sf 1 he CASTRO assi t, o Ii you could, irhan i 1 and I say, " comment 1 be PRESIDING DO you II .­ P.nd you ,2 sh. ! ), sir, I'm in understand, CASTRO: motive, of f INHATE the and how I th ion! ir, on my part, CASTRO, I part wa , in ftermath 16 11 0 t 7wilIr ,in 1 1 - my COU11 9 20 %1 li»trumenta t bombers 25 the Israelis. what I m T a little lost lYI specif ye s . I I right t -~ se that he Was proj man of peace, and a and a 10 11 looking out for this ceuo eUld the ie But r came to the and the acks and what have yeu. he s 't them. l\nd I whole gives how misery and the hands of bombs and e aU. the pa I the 1 21 U .' what 26 at the time I · too. on my There a con- on that had -­ my mind and -.;, it my about I ~ 7 don't answered the you -- you to. Eut w~o oth ,( None ·other. ? Sirhan Sirhan, I No oth~ that , y.ou can po ~. suppos person. ING HEl:<1l3ER Cl'i,STRO: P.:'J~S I'm you to appo Eho gave you the au I NiY"M.1\TE SIRHAN: stion. ~d you to - is Hr. y IS 20 !N~1A'rE: 7 that in WAVE wag An? a ??ying t9 ??lramgaign ww ha i? wag itgg ?r gan Ex&nci5$ag X?tiat? himm g?a?i?ni?? V$t? in t?i$ Gauntry; a: haf? h? V?rv b??xy ta gaa? fif?y ?hantam a5; I igwmg 1 mm am RGE i? nga@l can yr?tamt ii??lf w? an? ~m wk: t?at a??ngh Ff?VQ?aiiQ?; gir. Qgtigan 3f ?kig Saunay; th in th$? a?um?xy vauld ?g thia a??airy w- ax? gw?g ef a: my lgvg? mf f$?iix? ?39. alwayg gu?j?at ta baiag ??gezta?g gn? s53 a? guc?f I wag vat we a E?gg matt?? im a way. vi?u?i big" 33$ 36% gag Mr, i?gm an im?iw E?f??Lim?x?b I guax? LEAK QM wmmw? ww?wwq?ww mam?mmxw w?m am mg ?g 2: mu%mw mam mm?M%wx ma ?agw?am%?mawwmma Jg QM ganm @mwwm? mam ??aw mwu ww?w hwk?m mm?& mm ?w kumm?&4mw w? yaw @m ?Maww?wm m??m 9% W: :3 {In 36%: ??73 mi 4331 35? ?2 ?314 mm ?2 mmwam?w ml; w?$?maw??w PM mil/um? Ma WW mm o my CASTRO Oh t sure. \ .I you' ! Sirhan ter I po nts one is that t have 'Senator. I know any~ thi do th re I I I \ ,, that he 1 his, Dr. CO'I1dl1ct t I until J CASTRO: 2 And ", r ink that if him I was know, I I ti know 1 I'd have it, feel would you people feel i to go and you know; and 11 ,city that o I itt 10 12 IDING i'1E:1BER CASTRO: t to do harn to your town? IDING ,I 15 CASTRO your Thi aring, anything mbout yourself and oon­ t 11 -." i the fifth state, \ "drinK, , 10 - hours can handle 1 people INMATE SIRHAN; canl~, I I and ntJ'lver ink it I.NHA'l'E it ( , ' C,l.,l:tlID they recall how l' 10 11 never facts and the , Can yOl,f/_- presently would kill again? sir. 1'm only human. 7 at a human None aut be~ in9 and -­ I r II And I~ or "ki~l not a ~- ," or "death." I'm noE ing tp ~~- press you; that is the real Sirhan saying it. u. u ( PRESlDING l;'.!E~t:aER CASTRO: You had mentioned f to the pr t Ibout the things to the .qrime itself to do something -,r Hi 19 . it· was , as 21 5, the SiX-D~;Y " . ~. 33 ,- the · was I b t Hr. as an Arab and as'y. know', and -­ Ha~edf iod. sed aso know I .f, ISIrael, and ,,~ Ho 10· II ? ·u 1.3 Do you still feel PRESIDING J'.lEl'iDEF. elIS'I'RO sixteen ir~ ink I be' more ~HJ t lEH'l can 1 rationaliz my th ing than I wa PRESIDING MENBER ClIS'l'RO yO'l.l have that and reason and ,then. I'lna t ans did tel.' shoot to do could ,19 have k 1 it, be hones 10 " 11 U no .4' r ? Did whatever that if I d:l,dn't, I everybody !tUiS Lll;TE .;u to that, ir in the car ' r-' 4. l about i dous He talked you. go Let ,~ tremen­ of concern for f you have to your same feelings 1)m",? I felt, INHATE SIRHAN: at those .. 'my heart bled for those '9 10 who any other , just s ,,,auld f Palest WOll ~- and till your you fee lva f your ? rna laer mur~ Would you I ten years from now? now do,You still I?RBS 1 i re!i!pons i respon 50 dent out in mean. , Arab wor 6 i iticians in, I 9 u:1EMBER C1UiiTRO;: what if , Arab' world; you you 10 I to 1 INMATE f I would oppose my t I ,,,ould oppose destruct you're my ~- if you are ion and my ~. t , t 51 f"'. . I ..; .2 J -­ snitch man I Ted F.nd " and this country '" .5 I (i his rescissioo r 7 8 ".ds and live them on the radio -­ that he 9 '0 .11 f \. are .not j Il al U mllll for :.-, ....~.. my my And I I, don' It's all see anything on ity, it!g that you are punish to makllll an obs ion Carter 1" , , 19 10 -­ cltives 7 , "d""' that -­ f ...", 1 nationals-- 3 were ... in , were con- , s of "1 , that the , board ita You are . Hr. Va'n de me . .. Unruh and all the and 12 tate U .w I thi 5 iticians. in this have of my no any ian::; at I ~van t to go homE!. 16 17 All r follow 21 ing ".-: 1 ..-/ !¥ ~y,ant :I J 4. 5 liS ~ ,J' 1 SIRHAN: , you act dif­ . 1 SIRHAN: • at al. Surely, t my 0 to tt. But in --' in U just too II lim not out on You 1 16 ". fl} 1m not I want to I ,,,;ant it. Bel as an. 4% LL 3\ Maitwig hammini oi? L?y i 3: {a Kiarent ii In KIQDXXET an em! 3 g: {3 5.@224we?? ?an many? at? an: . 3.1. ., x. .. Gui?, may?? .33 ., $15 W3 33 rafm are, m: 6 A :2' . 3 SEAE-RIDGE: to like ! sa fairly ·Ted .' in knOli. -­ I would Ii ( i 14 S Hi You with Blacks and other or Robert, which? ;~ IN!''!ATE Robert. All of them, in that n 8 me , · ;u know, 15 .. 1'''0 ,c ~#' 1 c, :2 , '.5 4 , c'_ ., the , SIRHAN: I that ali Ameri-' i tude­ , can -the Pale Not, Ibu t that W,UlI an!.\. the at opinio~. \ " ~,,,,, 1 :z ~ S been so IS .. , I 6 it was, it 7 was-­ j a 9 traumat younger child- am. SEABRIDGE: And, I 1 am, in b~i:l me rVE 1'1,10 $ 6611Hili to lect I , ' that as: A hi. grwgra algai?? far 3 cgupla @?my?az?g t??w?gt I ?wfgi??&?g . w? W?f? W%iiwl?%%?r y?u $3333 ' ii. a: ?w MM??wm w&?W?w? writ 55 a: ?x ma; mm A ?ga wmw? MM 55!? 9 We?; wm? :5 m?a?m um?uw wm . .Egmm mam gem. kw - E?ag ??tif?iy faigam 5 mm wara A T?aj waxa 9 ma?yam Siygi?g?talmgm gag mm I . $3 y?mi ?g??hm?g ?uzir? Maxie ?1 I a 1 .3 Egg?k?mi im ??hgugry $Ram, i a: a?g?tiy, a a?a? mitm??t 33 rah"; . - 3? tiaa 3% "a 1,331 :3 ?55 21% 3 :4 35% jig-gt 213% FL: 14?" . a New a . ?new ?4 5? 4% mewwmr??rw; a wwxi aw ?g W?wmww? mag wm? . .. @%mw In amwgw wamhgma? ?wm?m ?g mg. wm?wgwmeam mam ww?m 3g :w??wm ha w; g: 5? 3 3% '3 33. 3?33} 3 \m ?ex-Hotel to San 6 ( , 1 Did you SEABFI.IDGE IS . that l\,,"nbafiil:Hldor Gold- t you about 11 'k.~ 10 S aU. i. f wi ) " 14 n i'\t l:JL\S that of .~. . Are your that time, he caue. and the Pales- his wel • 1 he served much bettel:,' than other of hi: HEARING REPRESENTATIVE is 10 a ate cohol s s that cor reo ? you o ho\v rnt~cll you, I d .in About .. I -~ I did drink a lot, I was at ·and I know, responses Hhat, over­ 7 SE.ll6RIDGE: you -­ , 51 --, I was than , - you I y f' no. I , I • . INMATE SIRHlUif: bacau can't liiay I 1 riemc in SEADRIDGE 1 21 .. But 1 ir, I oj,a not. General no . SEABRIDGE; is I .' ,. that 1I,nd you believe, 1 the time you of ident.? $ is in the t you football 1: tw ., t cident Itm of ,-lhen you the incident. · \ ir-, about stion, be.:­ Do you or or my or not, 1 to .71 1 .;", :2 what -- t.hatls J ., ," G Yes • it or not, <'I:' '1 tJJ , 0 11 to sound not it. REPRESENTA.TIVE SEABRIDGF;, 't. ~ You 1 - \lJ0ul (1 tl U don't 14 IS tG 11 n 19 t, L>le 333 W??a E1 . ?3:1 233%, gig@?gm i ?a MW?me ?mad My . 1 33% 2w.? a a; :9 i. sww?cw 4; . ,4 awmaga . mi my wgw?w mvm? @mw w?w :2 WM wag :w?wuu mm meg. wmw?k 30$ mama Wm wwdin-w W- 5% {my 9 *1 witm-?w-JE in; at? {35" 3:33 @153 mgtag? 4% m??"59(If: U, A (a $9 ?2wWig 535% ?13} [15% $4 ?53 0.9% Mr Mr ?uw .V m? t?i??m $32: h? 4M2 A :35 a . i ?k - #1 (12?3 .30. E3 454322 4.3 6:5 9i V?fgigg fem $53:35- 394$ Ac: {mic 3W am: Rx 15? $5.12 5 i a? am g? 63.? .3 it 2: i ?x that aimwm ti? ?g {233% $3 12a: @i rgt?mt mg a NW musy ??33Mia-L? 1 mew {331 a 333% mm? 1-2 39$25' Em? ?333:: if 33Wau?? ?avgang An a't 'vx ?hem 3 ta hava c? 3.331% a 1&3. mm mm mm 9. you academic pro-· J As s your par­ ere"l '" \ to your COnulUi!n t s I 9 - fi!ld is crew in I I u about Cfu ? t' 10 21 alii well; s ,"hieh is of Third Watch DisDid"you of time, yes. 7 COLLIER; , Okay. from the you wanted to start yo,r 10 '. , , Ye , ' the't.ime. $'I of t. per I think it was in the sulTtJl'iertime, .' ( i14 1 started nU·1ATE SIRHAN: fel Ive for me to and' ER: 20 ."o 21 the eommlillnts and the Then l August of on the ro crew a very er; with your like January , . /'" . .1 server. the record; Thi chrono ? ., -C-K. You that you Ire· comments courteau that to staff; and that 're to be done. tonal wo 19B reports; anothe Z:arch corrunent 1 7, dne? 119 same on.8. Same 82 . r i In toto, as 1 far as ! been . since you've S ian. 6 some cal 've mo t of your " I 19 , you took logy course; p tted (a) K. IL ) , In ( 1 ac h tart.ed in~ end The three 1 DOUr!!! a tax CaUl' Introduct got f 19 A ; 78 'a course in comment Account '79! you tOCJk fan d you received ,from the instructor . . took 1 five economics, I 50­ 2 ," No r 19 f 1980 And you con­ - not had you i,nt al I 1 or , l10rnic ,s the Pres for rna t of that 0, 1 . ,,/ on bav~ tclken acct~ ') 11. I have I 87 (INAUDIBLE) shows from in your know, transcr CellI.. se are that Hartnell . .' , and 6 '1 know, level I '9 iJ COLLIER t. now 1 n 1..ll1 ,1. ts And I no ,. 1i ob- COLI. I have obta to ob~o , / . There's a 1 note for You're BOARD ( iar ,dth Itllil also MENJ3ER nal Counselor, . Bert ( 10 it's USi C. ~T. (PHONETIC) , u n ion scntat cortll!:c to be ted two f 1>lr. \ on 1 YS Hi f 1 out VIe c 1 to !> 2W5: Eggkg-? ??gaxg?g 333% a w, .225 Em thg??y?uig??} gut. a *0 {it} wg?ing, aflm wh?t ar? 'ax ??uyla a3 baa: irwudi ram. h?V$ a% mm: $3 . 1% 3? gm? tg?k i?g $?i$hgw?a I g} ?g yaxtx?g aggr$?y w? $3 a gaurg? ahga ?t??t an ?hat all; ??uya? ?a may . t?ink 1 a p? gulyr iirgt ?tar?a?a ?g &W$whgur in?ividu {n wgm?$1lng f?ga a? ?5 M;me wam?t til} ta ra?g?ay tha wag an: hg ES a?mm%m? yaw ?ag th&n% ya?. {?333 Eigg?g Qf yaa t??k *xg?g ga? migativa ??grgga??zm m?gagx gianm ?t @?faxts 3' ?g t?a? 5 art Ma?a ,me? anuM?w . ?wm?m?m mawgw max? $33 Eli-? 5233 .' 90 ? a.ny one to knm'i f every Hon~ (there group -- 6 , '1 the:cE-; another Your t r Dr~ams, 8 9' I (di~n't) mention 10 U th \ 12 "'f f f 0. ~. f • 1t\11 t! 'd '/ ,J to staff, R,A. Smith, for about f above­ superv c. by SIRHAN: COLLIER on i you you fer about f yes, I bel Okubo, O-K-U-8-0? month .. and ated em, :tams I who had I re pol. t. eO~Jhent 8 11 that t have S, . 1 conscientious worker. (PHONE'l'IC) 1 f who supervisor 3 . and regu­ p job • '., . t tl 1 Ii -J.' t feel :1ike .a"Boy'"ScQut!, i,}; 1 I 1979 1 . was ~ of your instruc­ pr 1, he was the Project Soledad one of ",,' Pilat, P-I-L-A-T, Proj ct. an ex submit your tion i'm to just 1ve­ " .- i;J:.. ~ .. quitc 93 J?oint level. 1980, by Nt". INl'1.~TE 4 ,+, SIRHAN: 't~ •. Bellman, B-I-L-L-M-A-M; 5 \;faS your 1\5 housing comments t:o ,·the active unit 1 of 180, A.P. Roman (PHONETIC) SIRHAN: Yes ma'am. COLLIEE: ,. Officer same kind tow-a if, thi:1t you ,June t , L-A-N-D-E-S, that's o Correct ion. and work performance. for 10 inten~st cour n 19 Good attitude June J your proqrat:l into '80, r ch:cono re­ t the est thank her, ?} comment.s. most recent S 6 ., IF. Bower., ,~:Jne crew of , 1 B-O~W-E-R-S, led (INAUDIBLE)-~ did 'J,,;'}. that? 10 that. but I don't ink + 1) the -,­ I~1EN13ER rW1ATE IRHAN: COLLI Hr. Bowers. IER 1 I Then 83, T.D. liS the la corrunent or can ind ~n 83, 1 the file. there.'s I­ 5 6 1 Inmate S 8 9 reasons (tha.t to 10 11 tv.'o com­ ury to batan Inmate 12 ( were irhan i U on I i commended action." the 1 1;1jt , but I've D.. Oftedahl f was the relief officer this t omD OF T l\J? 1:: THO) ':~HP.EE} , I , CT!" Central f weire back BOARD IvIEHBER on and see if .3 related to the three any , a,reas . Castro? I Hr. s area HEARING REPRESENTATIVE SEABRIDGE: , You had of nell Col o l\,:rt ind that uni that you had taken at Hart­ that would you for an Associate a number you Yes, , I 0 but that you application r I it make appl send or request it, 19 10 btlt I l'-lell, why' 97 Hhat was your taking of .4 SIRHAN: -'courses? SIRHAN; cour J and o of micro~economicB -- ects fferent histor(ies) we had some I WaS te courses. Macro- a whole range of -­ (ies) -­ ieve it or not Polit al Eco­ nomy cour ite HEARING REPRESENTATIVE SEABRIDGE: 16 i HEARING 19 different 21 SI aeL 1.5 -­ I'm to or not. .~ earned I yes. I wi what on your an::hver I your ju tereats at th s ?­ now SIRHAN~ 1 and ve been I've been re­ an Arabic dai it -_. a lot ) to ~- you kno\y it SEABRIDGE: 'likt':! an ? And t new:sp,~pe 19 -- 10 11 what '. . f)~orn .. could HoW- ­ transcriber - never Thank you. s . t Midd e e" SEABRIDG t:ha London, And 1 1 you covered that -­ ion -- situation. I I to SIRHAN: <£ Yes. And \fhat decision? SIRIiAN: That the insis • 'B rO\'1n l nline, 12 n 14 I;: and he not t() you my t., you kn()w f 16 n f' yO'll parole t 10 you f yes," I' SIRHAN: r tl:li thi you know it'. th s ronrnen , t teen mO\lt!rtH]llt { the , t kno\v I 's been But hasn t ine, and your the . ;5 • And E; int. INNA'l'P; point. !U::t\RU!G 20 2! 1 would never been 1 3 . best. I s ' , -s (; , 8 got II " out (in another' may corne I l l l res 9 do you that. we've just I would Yike with what. . Mr. is~ ,", , ­ r 1 to' talk dismissed, <& l you I d -like I'd .3 ,. -­ 5 have SIRHAN: , of that? COLLIER "f I, that , ;;'} 7 ~J. ·S '. out on the after , . 10 1 .I had to come -. prisoners had p in the shower' othel~ holes feet, a Nery rea had some bathtub, -up the shower I rna I am f I .foot }., It was soon after the 'in and to shower. 9 ma'am two-' of water. thei.r clothes And the '''' to and . . 18 reta 20 water 11 as else who as v-,zas , and .them. TI1e t.o go back I <~ document: .' you n you 1 t b r t 1 k rnak <> my . .. t. 3.33in: wx?ggas ??mi '3 .79 . wgma ?gw? '253.11 i? is tax? 9% {9&9 .?i-nw 5 gm? ?ww "we mazk mark?. 233%, ?3 ?30 M2: 4 hey? Wham393117 . 43% raga v. CU Emmi i wag d~ aata? whatw mm. E. gin m, am $13? hi? 5?12 a? fl im*~ p523 r? gk ?.awk :??f?ltg may wax? mm W, 4,52; {:33 mag. ?at wig; ,n gig ?h?tg w?at a?a? paw{3i} 551 ?31 35% g?im w. i; ta b" 55x gym! .. -. he ected to the and - that was on. (You know,) that rubric 0 ,,' in re­ A-R-D, whi e , ~ h. 2 /' .3 " "1ATE S!RHAN; u U ,",# • , BOARD and - 20 it talks about ER: to make III II the ,were iul and and a c:lothiil!c!. 1\'1 th that you had t wri wri ts own throat with it. 21 , II , " " . tear~ on. You 1rvhich you 11 change, themselves equ duster. 18 9 • s hard to ff~, 16 11 that: the -- i F-O-R-D­ t . you out 0 SIRHANl suicide -­ I wanted to live, io . it) . say So you' r didn't that thoE s )? mir;cors to 9 10 II Iil­ 2 ne,d. U Th :'l 14Quldn' 1 i ) qn f1'.~l 1:11 t way and this waYI you to Kill me ( r~cords at the of made) , lfilct 00­ !' I I 10 1m j n -, i' :~, i 12 14 15 H§ 11 mu i t iii. if Wmm?wm??m 2% mw%mmw . z? E: am?gw 4 g; mm& w?mm @ma M?mm? I ?@wwaw?w wm MMW mg? a; ?m?w?w maw??w?%m ?M%m ?mwm%y?w ?@5u mwa?mm ,w t?w?mWmm? @w:mww ww? WM .5 wgg?w as mg awmmw??wam ?F525 ?vii i3; a? 'f my :1 was ?ra?me: waif. ?v ,1 Hm ?3 3&3- ?33 WW -W ma $133 @a by ?g $3 0 gigas?" ?i aha 49% 1w x\1< 4.: ,3 La i3 iha??} at 3% 1 u: a a i ?3 ?4 kw th'-i tim? aws?m??gw' 4 ea 7 3 a aim-ti .m X?i? 33%- ha i gi; .. i mmwag?agig ti? mama 63? ?dmg? m. 2V 2? .3. m. .A- :23; away; 5% ?i :v ?m i 33% cf] :3 kg, 33 ?rm 9f {281$ iS 0- mg n; 1?2: 3 235% mi@ kgas?? r? '33" {La 22$ gt: 15%? 9% mi: :33 W4 .641 it: 5.24; ?2 New ?a WE ELM gas355% 933? $9 waif-??- it? 5; w; ?we a w: ESE it? ?353 w-v? aw: gm? a: A {a 53-: Mai 2.5:15;: i: '4 mg gr; @521 2:32: Ema5a.; eat: ?333 age . WM .52; $41? a an {if ?if ?Sm? 9* mart mm mug3:3. $333 ?23: r-?s 5:22 . 23$5231 93w-r 9% W- as am? 53353{317 a; ,3 3&9 yg? if! ?ugi giait Eax% gga?aw; $?ng ta ihat. ??~gan ta a i?gt, yam k??wp mw wa. ccmmit gain t$a thia??d? af 49%?aad $5 ?i?n?t fh?mggaa .. 0 n0 W??xa gming x: h?y? am w?y mm . waking?a thtg?xf g?rio?}k $5 7 h@r&v W&f% ?hg?i? any?g?g ?ag Kan yam knaw mm gemgthing 7% ?ugt diraat this ggtaagaa wharg f?it 33kg gag VQT?gixgi??a 3 ". .. 5 't on is 1 IS S wrong \"ri th 9 (I INMr,\TE what :r n Jl U r genuin';1! , wh'::;'.t· ,un I do That Hi let me ask 17 18. 19 . ,. ". were tacticall "want to for 139 ,no.' must remenlber; sir, that I was But I could not under a I from Luke McKissack, wanted to t tter. to --'to if could tit. thad I was up there in a last ng)· tha"t booth, I was ';'Ii th taoavar, of , ever, you know -­ them listen to me, you 1 on gent that kind to make thout threat, was "Fuck you And do l'Ve know you're 'in I'l;~- what t S us. .. going to be killed, make if wa pay any .f to you,or not CASTRO; how you 19 10 That' r mUst how I !s how don't 1 now. Wall -­ let me '-­ let.mlill 15 .. .concoarn to me. you should What' SIRfL\.,"l PRESIDING wrong with that? I'm not mak CASTRO: your 10. that? U SIRHA.'l z ]\m. HCIUSSACK ~ ly you HS ., I t· that' \"a I asking you his purpose them understand to the mainline, & wa. to dramati e it . ,'tud INMATE Brown make the connection. think he in or 15 I, don I I don' whether Hr. of this case /' my :u hurt. or he real like -­ (if ~i"al). t . to go to But did you mean, go to the open HRUEER CASTRO: 7 you 8 INrt'!\'l'E SIRHAN: 9 IDING You know, 1 would l!t \~ I'm' or ,I, mean yes. f considered it. that I'm sdom 0 I mean, a hot case; WO~.11d he f custodiaJ, ta 1 ,you know,,n 1 CASTRO: r7 doub th your cOUr think I have you in allY of these' '1 9 10 I that 16 IS ,S it was there. i ~ ~,' 'I ~ I n 14 . - I had that CASTRO: 10 U that be wanted know, survival was my, is my mot. And whether bad if my mot or that's, ± think, is te you eVer 142 doubted your 1 of to what? SIPJiAN: The you· to me. any I n~ver . idents. HEMDER CASTRO a mi taka? INM.l\TE SIRHAN: 10 Suriii! (I I have. (IN­ here) I AUDIBLE) IDING MEMBER CASTRO: SIRHAN; PRES Whem \-J'as the 1 st l'U:z,u.IER CASTRO: ~ PRgSIDING pret i . ~J::MBER the the last -­ When mistake Dh-huh. what you in mi you inter­ 11, ell,s'rRO t ? it one way you found out t you we ry 0 s ) bt':l that you. can't mis­ take l ,25 but 'I MAf'!I~T.,( ~1O~.n'11 143 't. l asked -­ be I J ",'here you 4 ,,,rang or S that 5 correct: '1 - and you looked your or 1 j you didn't ,A,nd o you' I o § ed mi!':> 1y and you1ve: l, I t' mhown my, you n I s;;ubmitted r i '$ You don, th£'re. recall? st you. I'm thig particular gaug?i?a a "?-ia?kin? ?t th% 1212' c??y aha yaur?g?img t3 mainii?g ga?lt?g by ?rmwn 3??Qi?i?m an?s ?cauxr?? MW aka ?gx?aiivag?a??. a augw gv?iaatigm ?g ma?a ta ?atarmia? if Emmgtigm gm A ta par? uggr??imgt? Emw in my mia?; tk?k ?aum? ta ma ggn? yam ta a ?3 a, 8x0wn_9? l?k? as a?gbg?y a amt g?ntang . 3 think thit tag C?f? ?m thi?k it lag: y??f mm wag t?at b?aamgg gag h?mgigg, avarythimg was a ii?it??a Egg $@@1?ngt p$?ii?i??tg in up? y?ur a?ug??ian&l limit??; y?ur w?rk was limit? t?m gm gaaialig? mm 'aa? ta ?$?ialig? lika in tha ?utgi?g $aww?gm?g?'? 433 mwmam a . w?m Ma?a za wmw. . mammw WWwyu wm%m ga aww ?mwmm . . w?mwnm . ?mg ,4 . aw wmw?wyw aww Wm 9 422:? SH iZMagyam mwmm,mw ?mw a; ?aw g; 3mm w?w?ww?wm% Wm $3 wmm?m aa m?g ??a?mawmwau .Mwmm? w?armw yw Mm gm mg; ?ywaw gmam a .5 EM m?w?mu a ww?r ww?ww ?2 gm?, $3 a; w?ww Mm m??m Mu%mm@? w??w 5M %@?wgm ??wxww w??m ?ww ?aw %b%MM%m {a mmammw a mm?w?wmmw memMKM@Mm y: 7 ahig gat'??Emu 3335? sf? 3 i LE m? in} $35 ?32Eng 9dr? 3? 3 ?313 1? x. (a haw mugmg?ah?ti?aliyg Ea Wm ii?? ?wt?llg ?iff?f??t ihaxg ih?? wa $3 ?im?a?i?ai t?iili? 5w? ?g MM 3% 3iA??E$3?s an: th?fa A ?g ?ag? gi?ii&? tQ aha: ?gnaa y?m'va i3$? y?u*V% un?gr t?a ?Ni ?irijx? *g%w gua?g 3 -. 9* ?ama 3% Gkagq 9 a-gg Th?mk Egg ?ww aihax . ?51,254: ?g d?gma??t?g s document it: ,Just for the COLLIER~ Sirhan -- he 'prefer mat. conVt.ated he was and all {APPARENTLY RESUMING to nl 10 mat the in n 11 for no state- . IS the­ (I Soviet w;i.tl1 is 1 SEABRIDGE: HEARING REP Sir, I Ue 'l 10 MCKISSACK: Y.. lat's t 1 put the' have neve:'r" S RH1\.N t I would liance with i.nterpretati.on, Union, 1 I said to your want to call . Sacr&mento Hi con loc~'11 to .1S I Ik to a, and t' I them, WOll no objection' , too? If these with you , had ~- (INAUDIBLE) hava,made any have been just t.he t 8. I would fact I did' ,. sarile lk e -,­ . ., " . nd she Bsion srnHAN what. you that -.1 (this isn't it) ­ ~aid? :retations and own ht;1r M,', 19 . I that " - 6 that you say 'CO!TIIllent INHATE last She l'mMBER .COLI,IER;., I'm"not that. much of a ­ y,?u know, 'who 20 t Un'.iof) 21 MR as T ~ 'I to If ! 1 ou I th the th 'she write ,'"'" l 3 sive) that then -4 ch~ar to her " 5 IS was .an that he. . manti \lP for it to com­ ' remarks, and it cornment. COlTl­ wa~n!t just an impulsive But was to j HR. not treat it seriou 7 ..';. ,18 ~,.: 9 I Nl·t;VI' E S I ,I Ci tual 13, I WRS angry at the Board 11 I have fulfilled) all your r have you wanted, but yet from you know -- no"no'fair treatment wa U thl;1 B6,ucL . H BOA.H.D that , l-look reeted to' f4r. aatisf .. the 1a t document 13, 1971; thi s was be talin, dis~ And I ion last ,t.b, :' ER; . the (fact: made about on -­ on life 25 on 1 1 , B­ 01 i· COL,LIEf{ .2 NcKissack I on have do HI'" . docu­ ment? 5 6 MR. l'lCKISSACK: II "1 BOARD $ I don't n'!call stuck out .• in· COLLIER Sirhan, HI', ~ It' so ago, I don't -- t hal never, you know, mind. I'm not go og to tak BOARO MEMBER COLLIER 12 " I/jF~MBER ? , '" n No, not other than what u up· 14 that i ,yOU nowi r d b01 r r think atric p ions on that. r BOARD J:..1El", ''I/"ha t I think -,- it'. to sett what tudi.ed unCle how J st:r:ict: And you know I free ",\ son in been under these stressful, ion~, And-­ SEABRIDGE: in term. 16 an abnormal r real you people BEAHI S 5 ituation. It' the know, we're you know, i it i abnormal That" natural out r th n",lction no't And to blow that' this whole f the You feel ~- t, I think that's 17 18 9 iva or 20 2.1 U .u that's what W: ?13 3% $3 3% ?gmbt abgmg Wii? $53 ??ETg?z wm gizg?tianalt?gyi th? gg? why yaiatimm i3, 3 tr Riga $5 @gg Xanag?y a ?g whai? at Emu jug ??at axa ?aat v. 4 WM wag mm mha waui? aavgr hava that 1 w& iit?i? y?u kmawg ?hgt ?gmgh?g yam I m?mi? glw'fg wit? ?a3?ia ?n 3% a ??g?ii giaffy Wh@?V?r 5 ...... , the think ~ .2 t think that I have, 'J .. , th(~ Btl t ield Y()U t ,} to 1 d .1 -, , 1 it our you , when 15 chronos to wi your education, you were very astute l very. I .Cau ~- " CASTRO: . PRESIDING and " on. When it came when we. would ask 'You "Do the adversaria" '9 It 10 tive, " I you T .L , 1 , YOU know, in class t wa ·constructi ve} .. tted a Ivhatever 1 them? SI.RHAN: It I have never attached not. did you any 'lou haven t? SIRHAN - No, I haven't. You know, Now th:L this aying that you tha t' just , to say that 1d 1 myself, 20 ~ir 2 SIRHAN; I yes. J.I.l.EMEER CASTRO! ed. i And I ·INl'1ATE well (I 'person i.s en­ there) PRr~SIDING ~- MEMBER .CI\STRO. Doesn .' f t his mind when INNATE SIRHAN: n't fully. that: you have 1:' ~ ? SIRHAN: But . you kno\v" I what ~ to reach t PRE:S l:>1EMBER CASTRO the 11 a th 1 leave first. Thank you, , vou I 1 A TEMPORARILY) ~lENBER .' record and we 10 i twcn vJe 're back on all the who were present n()~v CASTRO: in the room to the lunch recess. minu after one The the afternoon. before lUnch, l I t o go into the information found in the file as it the p INMATE 16 I s;: BOARD you. have done with the 9 lO PRESIDING Collier. material that we atric of the p and , we'l go don!t mean to 15 11 2 to the Board, and j\ir well be of that in McKissack and Mr. Sirhan, as if there is Hr. ar re­ tha t you wish to make a cO!fu.'1'lsnt me and make 7 and the same thing f com,rlients feel free you want to make two fellow iee; '. fir.t evaluation that I can find is 10 ted f 11 cal evaluation -- and 1 80, f the documents, i 1 are located in The f document a Luther WIZHg were on.Condemned is Row. 16 been interevi ll,.nd hE! j u manner. that you had to behave in Ii that there 19 anti- , 168 the ,-vm,"';'" t te e that \"<;'I.S Oct.ober I I you were on that was also done condemn. Tha t "la s done Staff P I ttee c names are s David D,¢Schmidt. talked .about the you did not no or ) s, that to i.or or abnormal rns. Anc.i the d " l with s ... any 16 1 20 ,:U \. ! I would s the other the JO· I nmaier, K-L- . r II ," I J " s IS T , ,. was cOnu1mted to done Ju 1 97 rkman, B-I-R-K­ ! ~ M·-A~N ,;~ TO 11 i2 13 141 interview • ituatlon, I lectual th;fJl 7 out behavior., is of exercis ment, it be t contaminated paranoid i S rhan's drive 1 t:o be 1I\1i thin the nor- and described orientation ial.l1 about the ~u.todial ot t,hat you ems nat,ure of your 0 and II in o However, he i not aml;wao t the 1 nO:$ i9 report? Because mutat it, 25 171 that was his SIRHAN. But may I make an observation? COLLIER: Yeah. I don' S RHAN think I talked to very Mr. Bir'kman f t {And minute , 1 8 It was r you know, esponBive to his quest,ion Vh-huh. BOARD, pa:ranoic1 h thing r would bit. COLLIER: nostie: ' ion, And the d th hysterical INMA'l'E S I'don't know doni his them. think I 's '\ on, 11 I 21 and it from 1 record. you knoi4 he t have derived it from the think But I proj t h COLLI At that time ( .) " s another that was 6. 197 7 t tha l!I iva personali " a. so done Dr. Schmidt, ime was: J I yI 1 t me - - make. 1et 1 ,tlH~lj o you ca.n your of nsc prior. 21 11 ·n 25 I I i He .. " at"" ~ tS "I I 1 '%) He in the .desert. cruiliader; of truce,' [SIC \ ci 19 10 21 12 U 14 I zer tried to fit and Then .he goes on "'to talk , . ;that you ton} on the kinds .­ had Chloride ­ ! you wanted Ritalin, and ". at much 1 + to Dr. to t ain ; .about your re you made. threats to tioD I % in was repeated verbali.z )'1 of fifteen years, and I that it I,S fair 'to start of.f with this that " . where ,the" number of to 1 him hels done haS' not going of the . kill case "about to be person of or what know nothing. 1 with him ona routine if, , yea f , so -­ ,o,nc;e or f he he "S .: bound j institu taf 1 level level he!' don(;2 " n't mean . som",} kind' '0 inc to make tat:ion might: ,But on t f of <'!:lliance the union 20 that not particularly identi tarts em , wha t on an tar you know I th 1 more than ! the' Sovi,et 'm , to .', 1 tel up and 165 /", .. , 1 J what from outer 4 5 feel that he's And a those' kind ~ to be his of can 6 I m "that I 1 I a to occur. I the that he created, realist 10 think can' instanceS I 11 irhan to th 1 And I IS caveat bound Si'l:-nan IS J?ackground fanciful that the the 's j lome for but , in other fami which lly, in some -- and people really certain don't that for instances where it looks more than what h did. therefore, I think that in ju.t'a suming on que.tion the in­ rpretation that them, you i sheel of I ';ve I re go l''1EMBER hour of high noon; it is now tw.elve we'll take an hour recess back at ten minutes after one. . The 1 leave first. soner Thank you p Thank you, ladies and " (OFF HE~n3ER He I. re back on . all the record 10 CASTRO: TEMPORARILY) who were no,.; i in the room ior to the lunch recess tv-two minuteB aft~r one in the . Sirhan, we were about, r into the in The time fternoon. before lunch, t tion found in the fil as it " th 121 rns. INJc1A'I'E SIRHAN PRESIDING BOARD I ME~UmR Yea CI\STRO; !'EFl. Hi Coll er. . Thank you. As that we d('Jne with the p 10 11 that hava what I 't mean to l' But what go corr~ents in each to do is of interest that. to the Board, and ~1r. well - -- i f there .1 s Hr. ight McKissack and Mr. Sil::han, as re­ port that you wish to make a comment to , feel free comments you want to make me and make es to my two fellow and the same th members. The first evaluation that I can find i& ted i is Q \J , -- f t.hliUI , document t under The 14 -- 1 evaluation 19 and are s. rst document Lut.her" wh le you were on. Condemn(~d Grc~ bet ) " et.ed d D SCh:l1i.d . / s. II I 1 t: . ns ! wgn? ta h?miai??g~bua ??xg?yawa?ta? a? ?wati?a ta th? @iigh? fgiiaw c?a?t?ym?mg my Arah?; living in ?g a?mitt?? ha wag a gyaga?gr; @uh ha ma?it&a?? wait?? wi??aw {$133 ?t Hg gritim Qigm *lf?h? gaing kinds ..that you tried on. .-­ . They' had " eh wanted Ritalin r , . much 1 to' Dr. !; . to not threats to g~~ 11 totl1e ior1, and ; verbal .about your re . se 9 ?3th . 4 It kg 3 ?.wm am m?ntrmi m& i 9 . a' . ?ha y?u?gax f" . 3 b?ra ta?? t? w??t?tm'gx ha ?g hig,guiaf a?d gaa; him ?gall a 'f ?au?img majgg ?ig?u?hanaa y??iiaity and Qmmgitta? a mamw 9. ?f$mw. ?Va 3 SS ug??rgtam? ha gg i5 tgying ia g@t i?t? 3; m?artg ww?a gg wkatav&x wwi wiil ify gag?ivg gitug?iam within tha_n%x% ?gg mm?i? im?gi?? yam abaut g? A jag? m?k? ?ma mm j?gt %m .132 3- a .i I a ??wm?n thzgatgg ?g ?m?rl?an ?gd1a&; w. ?i?fgrg?a kin?? (3 . Wis . @f th?ggtg ?w W%g" .g?ina Q??i think gig Mam, $5196 $33 - ?g gag: thank you, ; t 'want ,peop the that Dr. t I had , m you i:U'ld last not I 1d h int~~re ' in 1 t11 ~ , t ) 25 -,­ that f ion 177 ,. '71 or '72. v/hat l And I might have, Row ; ~ . He BOARD HEMBER on the outs IER: Had you taken Ritalin in the free com.'IIuni t ? SIRHAN:" It ,,,as "I coun to me in the L Dh-huh. SIIll I (have) in rn')/ 1 v,.,~.h.c)l It th5 I (have) lj, that Ritalin .i t) , n,;:!l1. 16 70 tlnt D IS 1, 0 on ~~. kind 20 L :r ;L ( :5) , 7&1 4mw?ii1mm 3ww_@m gm m%%wdw@mw wm is ,v w,?th ?1 y, w; WM. ma ms .my?! 3353 4 ?3 a a 3 1:23{33All? ?4 I· i 181 with been able to get s without ffi­ .fr is ati 1 ~childhood , .~ the politics II i and. o the expo and ahock he exthe famil States as ~ fu­ if . 182 *6 ?g j? Q?y?hiatgig ?issx?ari farth?r - hava y: 4' ?i?g??m??mrity ?giing th?ggagt-twgi aggagr? iaw at thi?g ?Mw? gi? ?Mgiga ?nd g??ul? zam&uh?ai? mm: gubj??ta(Cw?mamtgl??g?g Etya vagg gmcuxa?ab 3 35? m? ii?a ii. that g?u ma?a 3 a; - a s set. 12th, COLLIER: Yes. The 51 , I just when there Boat"d :t ttl L z fore and coup of ng to et into "1 1 f 3 , " ~ Q i on a very super does' not become It') the many feall rather isolated; in their 1 to t:h "'" 1 " 1 3 ... 5 adj 6 '1 8 9 es.sness of ov~r 10 11. 2­ U saion s to requ it'e 1'10 the 14 17 18 19 20 :U ization ward, where he staff 15 16 the extent with inma •s an . On the remorse widow Idren. matters o se th And that id t to t covered, but I -­ into the record. Ok COLL 130ARD so of as "Other!' aaiong to th with your ( HO· tal San , so t " I I'l I some~ ion til and it had to hospital, Neumiller inc Mr. McKissack just that but ·it i thi th tranacr litt ts, be- i Cd\) another pa.l't tLat was' t. 0 20 2J .u: ted 111 On il 4 1 to r 1 1 state. You J 4 5' , 1 Dr. 8 he $ 9 fO anx ie, and two, l!1no~ Ho unt i t1iven that there you th 9 {) re there 1% mama Wir?h uni f?ymati?n ti?m, a??gm?axy :0 3? a wi?h?$??ylmii? ai??a?t? gf trgiisg ?c?ha axim? f?r whia? gtam?g ?m?vigtg?j thi? ig at v%r, ?ixw Ka??r??f which th hi?h h?g Eif? ftili ??mm a ?g wgii at a@ aig gn? 3 y??f aw): th? gga?gmig i ?g @r fa ir??~mthar sema $hw 3A ?a3?e?g? 1 as?? . M43599 i?gtit?ti?m, ggwig? ?hgt ait?mggh 33 1% th?t tkig T??w aba$m?i gximagily ??ti?f mmg?x?tgm?iag mf wi?k in Gm g?ggm? kg gaa? iat? mm a ?iacvsaiwn A an ?w in?irga? gn? t?a azim? .fmg-whimh y?m tel: that at aha timwg ik?z yam dig ?igh w?idhin?g?g that thi? %y mgny riataiy E: yiQ??g ha ?aig?.ahm?t fh? ieg? ymax al??h?g ?g txy Q?t ri? at ?'?amg ?f n' ?g i??3a? GE gig ww . - waigh im hi; garly ?ay? @f iatm .A a . amg anRang g? 3% m??w do: g: . "xwx{? if, i? kg awmh . Ema i??i Ma? . . wags" ?41; g} 1 yg -?atm&&t f??mmw 5 5 ?gg i3 mm gay? 1 catiam ?g . . . :3 gtgy it xag??t i?i? 3% gag ?a3w? ?231% f?gwy? Wm mm. 7.. 73- n-r ?25% $.17 ?i a& . gx f??ii? ?33 wi?? . ?g?it ?ggfig 1, 3 a? ??an3 3% 5% .P 3% am 19 kmwwa 13? g; a; $5.44! i? 3% ii?if, 2? an; ?3 A 4 15.a g??h?i Win. D4 @?32135?; ?3635!. mi ?a ?33 w? mw~h?t? agk ma ?cw am family; haw ig ww Qk&yq Ms M.) mm yam Jig Swim ?t ?w at I 1 haiiava $222 1%?ig gag mm M??wwmm w? mawwmw? mg mwxma @m 5&5 ?mmw a ww :2 ew?md? . w? w? mu?gm?m ??gamme; mex ?mwm ayam Hm MW ?mw?w an. ?i a {QWp?wmm mam ?w wax mmaxww ?meumwm gum aw " l 3 .. the mother­ rucker. PRES ING S Sirhan." CAS'I'RO: And' 1 I Hi not a didn't the iz / Now ~ ~1r. til,a ln 5S Vern Smi th ith him, !7 Hi , 19 20 1', f but 198 I don't -­ INMATE SIRHAN: :2 3­ x:\. PRESIDING HE~1BER CASTRO:, -'l'hat 1 s what I'm bothered by. " " l"laybe I could I"espond to that, MR., NCKI,SSACK: S because '6 came out 1 never found itself at an ta central file to be considered bY,the Board in April 9 of 1975, and I'm -­ " even a};; of the last' hearing f apparently it 10 sadventure, the letter PRESIDING ME!'>1BER ''11 U apprbpriate time into the C.AST~ Uh-huh. not sure that Mister ce in1y He. Sirhan had no r.e£uwn to think thd tit: 13 '. 14~ ; because that had alre Bolger's at;.t(w 15 posed of and the 115 had come down here; 17 had 15 Mr. Smith 'ei sh~ken hands, and each IDING r 20, " , had been an apology; been dl s·~ CASTRO: MR. MCKISSACK; Okay, let me ask Jl1r. Bolger I .' r'm not about it, but -­ ·,21 PRE:SID MEMBER CASTRO: Okay. -- I do havB BomB informa it "las brought­ the last 25 tt?ntion and ~onsidered at •• To the doctor? • .. "".,.~ MAD'!IN COUNTY ~n,-{'n7 19 Yes. so I'm just Sirhan's concerned, I don' -- ~ have come up because I mindful of fact that CAS'fRO: HCKISSACK ING the lam. s L~t,' CASTRO: 0 th!'lJ prior o ,verbal o .inly that. ace ,. chrono$ 5, e n that 5 result -- did you lk HES I lkinq CASTRO 130 11, you <'l.bout in pr son than I you lin bu ina:;; , mentali rt in the ttl the 1 th in 24­ 15 ,0#1 ust. ~ to '" ~ conclu ($ Yeah, 1 if Ii f you it !t ly, 9 1'RESI Ii can HE1I1BER CASTRO: COLLIER: 12 1, why can't answer COLLIER: 0 I Go '75 ­ ( INAlJDI PRES Ii AND COl~.L CONFEIUUNG m'F~ 14 IS .L i11:;tve no Could I to .1l of mentali t - -­ you 1 Wh".t do sess? .. have, ldn't handle from it, cUlt b::{ t.he ir i erent, 0 you knOiv with to what 16 la.t in pro ividuals r 20:2 backgr-ound? more passive. very -- much more artful, men- and much more more IffE.::I.IUNG REPRESENTA:rrVE SEABRIDGE: SIRHAN: ical Devious f ye:!!:. t~he more 'active prisoner •. just wanted to clari i I Okay. I th"I.nk you. On that 5ubject I would like MR. MCKISSACK; to add Devious ') 'I'han HEARING REPRESENTATIVE SEABRIDGE; 12 They're ~ornething.- In cour a the last hearing, I think a parade of inmat VC! ~ accusations, all coming unit. 16 '17 And I think form that it's a place (END OF TAPE FOUR) 21 6-15-83 MR 14 for ing that, the comments, I he he came ir m"n purposes. to o remembered } his I could posi, and he i011 them up so t could for some lc to Sir11an" this I uoi n stie life eu that y question think, ,"anit h i3an in and 18 19 Sirhan pointed out, ' WaS i1 genuine • l , but ! re Eu t think , or gone 'Over in that tb tri he makes, and -­ you t to him during the noon INl'lA'rE SIHH1..N; And I Dr. :J te I tun~ 35 and} ?g 5 xa?glt Qf i??t which bag?? aw ihraugh ?ay ?w?f?ggy?m?a??f?i? a? Sagtamhar g?g :a?gim?a?a ?g $5 mm af tham gartiaular 4 i ?hx?m a Hn?gr WW @im?ar ma??ar faar mm ?Hg its: gm, {3 if; magi, @f wki?h ?hg WW whgi HQ waatg? ?f ?i?g?a?ti? it av fmiiawgz fia?g ??at 1% nag: rgquagta? a1: $V$?yihi?g ?1 di$$i??ingxg ha gg? t?ai ggf?g?i ?wag ?ava 4t? . . 1 ?h?t 531%. Yh? {gimggam g~ ?gmgg3&gi i i a?g?hava that 3 133? iima i? ?aw, i? mm :23 ga mm Wm gitugii??gg am? tag Ega? th?t y?n biame? athaxg gar ggar th? mm aam?a; m? %&r?atgu \ifiagilyg wa @gkm? f?ilmwing: qam?ti? gtu?yAi? tw ha ??w?in??xw in ?nig af whiathgg ?at avai?abia ??wg?iatxi? gtaff ax th? iim? i? 2% grimy ra?a?tg WW a? ma a? ?im tim? h??h mi yfiar ragertg 7 Eamgl 1% w?th k?g r?f s5 g?x?hiatri?,xag?r?$ pf?m . $2 th? aha thr?at?g ?gmi?; mm Em mmgg? gig?g if h@ g??g?t thre&?$ mu . . mwamw . . ?wmm 2? 3% ?g . . wwaw wmwmeQWMF wmmamw mm . mm mwmm?amwm mm??w ww mam; ya ?a mwmm?m Mm . a; wmm?m ww?wgm a am 3% E5 3? tag! Emma a ?aliticgg?ag?agg??g . i$ xx -. t?m9n gaii?ig?i i litical a {yar?nth?tiaaglyf 3 a ?gg?i; 2 _v intei iawn ?im factg in hig haarimg? . Sizagn Slaim%? if th? mu??gx vimtim wax? $?il a 1 a m? i?x?thig . i Ea giga aw Qumtag i ?m g? g; $51k!- Fa?wm?g?si? - $33 ?wag 'gh?mi? wh? h&V% ?gguga?k ',. 1 ~"~ has been able 2: J .' .4 , .~ I, 1 " that thi$ i ! . to the --' .I 9 two 10 ie· evalua­ , H tion 12. INIl'IAL P rrh.ornson f 3 -E was ,. Board 0 15 Thi. document wa tiS but thi", 17 Terms Porens 82. One document. and I 'm ~:ro Mr. BrOWn, Mr. Est.ell, and we 19 't anliiwered the 20 22 of Prison to 11;1 21 ornate f ,l\meri,can T~H-O-M-S-O-N, that D::r:~ ions t.hat document. So we !;lim if would ,. ted 15,19.93, to r' IM;U'!~<::1:ro"TY "11.,71117 , , ',212 1 I'll go into some of Dr. Tho~son' He' indicates that he remarks i.e and c!.ll the iO:30 in the.morn 1 until 1:3 not k'now Dr evalua­ from about He interviewed you t 'rhom$;lon was re~ in the afternoon, but did not I te of that, you but in ap~ his ine .in have an your lk e t yOll y situa­ tive t that you I 't need to years in pri 10 that you t tuHonal you I ,. etcete.ra, . Indica.ted .' to \ - 2 the, the That your: father left home iV'hen you were teen years or four baek to a pre fore about your mother who is in her I believe o thi\t I'in not to go too that discussion little bit :so I iovol you k parole hlsto:ry I your Beu brothen;;; ~bout your you're no I which you ncerned in the '!~e Ived what of ') 've told u.s that f have told f there and ha starts ,in of your 968, with AI ) , A-(EI-E. done for mu t t That evalua­ court, is that cor­ ~? INl'lATE S 10 COLLIER: • BOARD so Dr, Thomson the court reoords that had to do with the 1 that. have n bad a , and a1 the him to take a look of pro9nosis 21 1 at that into [CONTINUING QUOTATION:] -~ from ." ink the -­ Oh, suife [RESUMING QUOTATION 10 In@s" 11 but th t. that Dr, f 1 216 .. 1 role other than to have ,2 reduced hi hesitation or. against then he weI the tion that about icated - that it occurred on the of the 19 7 Arab-Israeli War, and Sena I I to send Phantom j I further to state: He goc'es i is rv tIe evidence from to suggest that d ever 1 t: n in On the 6ther hand, t.he interview ia notoriou un­ of Mr. Sirhan hat!! h mark on hi. that to 217 e to fellow Arabs, even he denies bel act is ~iewed th&t his as heroic in the Arab world. He doe be- that would be weI comed were to return to almost any Arab countries. f He complain held ong~r he has been than other soners who have committed first ree murder; he a1 i ( unl th t he wi 1 the in He is retuon­ hi hi acement, at CTF.I' U fo r his inion. f sped 1 we we had asked. As to number one th lateral threat!:>., 1 '1 Would at that t of the death- and threats atric alter~he file? makes threat r p It appears he apa zep f \vanls, other-" w (' hi " \ 1, h to be 20 g? . an ?395aha 531$ t? agik g?mmg a; ill?? 1? ?amna?y_wa5 . yrimariiy axgsliticai.&mtf gh?Q?img vi?ti? vary ra?mi??a aamaiusi?ng Qf g?a ??y?hi?m :3 3f." 9. am??f??ra&rly avaluatiang, ?ithwuf f?xmai thes?yy mm ??iwmngi aga WW h% hag t? a aw 3 ii? m*2w% w% may? ?iagam?iga 3 Ea ?g w~ A ?grl s. {1 gm? *4 t?l?t?f acti?ma ?(git 5 Qr* ?QiiaM ta my: ?guy . mum .4. wwmme_wm?wmmw_ awam Wu mw??w nm ?W?w Ew?w ww?g? 5; ww?mw?w ?wmm m?mmww??_WKw wm?m ?wmw am ?wmwm gm 43:13:1? i cl l >. .. ' ~ ! in 4­ mo~t three. S 1 6 , 'J status of s.i ion of the 8 , th~ crimes to go . in the inst tution. Ii like 5 ~,s Staff 1­ Sirhan loner. 1 (I ~ 9 '1% l 12 I :U %4 .. ··i;ellow l '" used ,. in~ t J knows 4 soners kil be heroes '1'£ him,. just . , he is ,many in the hero·to world. He w.. 7 ilant and but he was ~ery sociable and iewer. t.o this wouJtd not fit the of ~. ical schi lj!! the a 16 11 u n bock .ki ~ r.,; 14· [p cormnents the book, is an exe ,-::arli€$!'/ by James 1'7. Cl I s 5 or . s teen kill a I and this IE! who have 1 ieal 22 ~. 1 ) .,rI Z '" rather I think ,1$ J ," i so much,.. '. '" , ing " 1; I 'you' to 'I} e Sl C0LLIER. S0.ARl:) II on Jl ) .' comments $ MR. ve Mr. T.RAPP~ rye , sentence of the the that s H ;5 ~ con­ 11$ 10 11 doctor ha~~ ::t in the It think the doctor's a person that the, ft'lct do~sn't even appear ly oriented, but is be the fferent hi led ot' itical f ted to kil I' is endorsing the would have said so. he s He the book. and that there are four dif­ ferent' f S assas 0 of Clark I ]\nd , and to the class! would put: Sirhan in the first group. do BO, he would to the extent fit there,'it would rule him out of groups and ( p four would be your t.he -divine. 1 God told three, ired person go kill the p that would , for exampl " tb, the.50cio­ 18$,13 to Sac • 10 11 that the struction of its own ev~n Clark and 15 without f those 226 . , .. ., would not seem .to be where .he would classi ,."I But do'n';t as" extent I ve read it, . because' 5 i everything, endors to come to really 1 a a book, a story of sixteen dir at assass etcetera, a'lot of sources, it relies I have read .. but the· There are some th f not the entire thing that re to Sirhan . that are accurate; there are some that are not; there are some things that are matters 0 mation~ IS op i t ' . all second-hand infor­ the author to Sirhan, nor ked Never 11 a~ked to. the attorney And in on the caso, is tclken from I An~ 20 f I must say, in all last hear and if f K serf I 22 f • Vleren' t s when it came to he . 227 1 such statements as: would "The FBI ./ 1 I ,3 know, he was Jj it 'out"he was, you know; very unharpy. hold of, The for he sat 1 you' , and when t 5 6 tent --" there 1 s ice are 'the is abou of timej t do any-. it, and then decided to, to S ? ~- But . any rate, .r don't think that 10 the --the book, and the portion. that I!ve read n Sirhan s to ical his a p as it is is the author's opinion [SIC] as to why certain offenses were adduced certa.i.n nd some tl1€3 f th",~ and \vhy manner tha t d appear Borne of the other $ not so much so. it has ,hi i 19 this sort. But I ion of Sen. s a from the idea , he says, '1 I 228 reference the conclusions means of ' has had access to none of mation 'I I So is I s r- a can' but resist that -- that " 5 conclus is i SIRHAN: this 8 9 Dr." Thomson never discussed MR. MCKISSACK say S t has never the way_ read 10 S RHAN: BOARD I haven1t COLLIER: th nq in thi ad it. Mr. Seabr ? HE;A!UNG noth I RJ;~PHESl::N'l'Afl'IV.E SEABRIDGE: :"10 f in thi HEHBER COLLI p from with 10 21 CAS'l'RO~ you e it .1 idn! .90 in the i t.h rime. sed it h I d you talk about and I l ions, my unders my· thep at is time, of ~~d that I >have murder. 5 CASTRO. 6 '1 That ·'1 That you t? .. . not it "murder. sholl MEMBER CASTRO 5 ,,,ith. h your And that it justice N~ilvrE t ~one there to y6u, otht:H" S R.HAN t uDIes i parole 15 rd CCHTect othe pr -.. been I I 1m reason 1 _4' me. lit l , 3 of the these 4 '" you ask MEMBER CASTRO: ? IN~~TE SIRHAN: How do you mean? " S <$ WeIll did you say r·1EMBER to 7 INMATE SIRHAN: !!I Oh f Sf • CASTRO: PRES I, I, yes, l i d . -~"s een " e 'l/l L' 10 11 IN!'1ATE SIRA.HN think he was aware of that, sir. Did he IDING , . your que to answer ? s is anlwar was it's up t6 t not hi J you know, n to D 11 him mabel that kind f ;E rem Un ited llother.' human 21 I I that wasn't '/ 1 I mean, you know, I .. INMATE larne.nt, you as the loss of I s you homicide im. if I had it in my And if _.- you power, I would raise him from death and I would e1 9' who l , you know, ki led violent But I'm PRESIDING Vi,OllS CASTRO: them, best he could, Lo had Dr. ill'? i 1 can't in ion . I- J t, C thi 12:\"'0 ~':' mm m% ?Vaugg?mwm ww%& ?wm. It? ?5,4 %3 mm 3% _?Hm%%wmm ?aw mam @m ?g %%me my] a? ?4 4mw?mvww?.wx mm g?mww?w?ww a NEE mam mew% a%x Wm wg?bm? @Ewwm? m?m _w mmau?% w? ?ww? m?w?m wm .;wng m% if mu?xm w??w 7 .r WW mam%g?aw @w . @gw away an! uww mag wax a m. 55mm ?aw? wba? aw ?sw m?wm?Q?E gw? w??w ?x w%%gg @?wmw?m?m ?4km $3 MM 4 ?wmm ymg? w??w gm. am am Ma?a mg? w%mg?w?wmm 3% a?wwmm?m w?w ww?wm??m km?gw wm?. {mu M?w?m m?g my ?wmw mamm?wgw ?magaw . a aamwa 8 . But have any or any, you know, I ( s ri I you know, donlt, I is did, and I'm 1 to her, rVE S I still received Did you, COl'lUTlen ts c:once:rn­ not to my 9 "",/ Z :I And my 4 much out-of :5 IS Were you '1 8 , the fact SLrhan, . McKissack ssack t that you I n 10 some ason I and -­ MR. that al I know A1 of t he ? I When th1 your Then, o At that your o,*'n , ' know I 'he. and REPru:SENTATIVE SEABRIDGE: Oh I D:Ld you make the no. remark, ? HE burt MeR! I t i.t vlOuJdn't. h made. don' j t tell them in 1 WQuldn't thi Ie. was '-: 1 'decision, or even to 1. matters. , you }::now I 3 So nomat.ter how If matter what I was your ed that. ~:- ... think Hell T hear~ the to pas I j When I ~1c f I waz.n ffect. '? to aOCUIDElllnt alked to Mr. you know, t Ivell, SEABRIDGE: id, thi t kind ? 16 j 1 mue, "'18 th And that's ~". , '} 20 SBASHIDG!: Do you you ? 2) 21 t , you "know. I I ve' n Did you lJse . " . , , 2 to your. .S 'i'l' She that , in her ask a BOA.RD El:\lten male J, . female? HR, MCKISSACK: ":"r COLLIER: BOA.RD report , Hale. So this flot 011 .. .. that's And 'you're saying; COLLIE . S1 , that you 16 SIRHAN 11 not e Mr. d not curse him, no. So he 'made INHA'l:E .5r 19 20 ten. 5f( f lem where th(" wlth r'ir, Esten, Vli~ you know, BOARD INHA'rE SIRHAN: angry f or m-l. as I i!a·id, 'He ·You know thi r then, have been you know, because, and to relate to these all· that "t' ' o 3 find out more, and And he more' you haven' some f here. so forth, . trying to' he wasn't what yourframe·of mind f, or be were gonna But we all knew In INMATE gonna lihow up, you HEARING .i and ti 1. REPRESENT,~'I'IVE didn't know SEABRIDGE: (1 It know 1 was HR. t until 1 there was to your ? I e that the 've the know. understand one -,/ 4 1 of the .2 that~had 3 you ,/ .. there And was just whatever it was S -,< that -­ some W;'3.S HEARING REPRESENTATIVE SEABRIDGE: c officials is notification to . MR MCKISSACK; Ne 1, emissary. to me even it not -- now knowing he had a problem to Mr. Sirhan what m(~thod notice of; namely, suppo~ f wouldn' hav;;~ Because .i MR. 16 304 I her name I .. law. red of this is my fault, the 1 -if it was I lab1 to go for the bearing. We'd June. to me yesterday, he saw 19 10 2.1 If and an He ,Hdn I t it. .l/iome way, is And he ibla) , that the my request 25 \. and business 5 And I reasons to that the 5i tuat·ion two was Sirhan and 1>15. And· cular • Sirhan's that it. And there ,,,ere circumstances . So HEARING S.EABRIDGE: Hs . lier, have . BOARD MEMBER COLLIER: lse PRES We're gonna fter three. take We 1 af 15 THE PRES TEMPORARI MEM.BER CAS'I'RO; have Cl. The 11.0'," is. .3 22 • 19 10 be informae 21 Ms. Co cated %2 on March 1983 25 a1 has some J. 2 of the in that covered live Sirhan. on record the prognoses on I think both of thoE> as follows on the to case factors and notori ., instant offens., extenaive post- sincere desire to leave the Arab Hi t I;\r:e not Gone However, i .at is ani'll wil fo n.l:'Jnent dev f re.1 current f 74 7 D. Bird, Correctional is strator; lor and . J. I and Parole Classi I indicated, there a supplemental II, 198 , also ubmitted byJ. E. Counselor I; s lor I ·:;itt:ator { who en- by A. Christen- D. Bird, program ~"hich a DOP., is a Dissent into that, o And ntana, Classi ic and Pa:r:ole p talks about the used s j .,", n And 5CU.S ticm concer~ her Iso, clarifica~ iort place- •s speaks of the t to fol f 21 expressed ng going the matter i to Board. t'\nd .t.hat., Sirhan's clarification overall· . 8 n,that Mr. nature I and 2 J ion 5 ing your 6 fa lows: a 1 ts ng the stress encountered ;luch role ate res recent communic t in present hea.ring and Now Mr. Bird of the 1 to was one in a Di sent ,. 9 i is . Birdfs a successful 1 ible from an Caseworke to address current rview • Castro, you o BOARD ons. ~vhich I one :rOU jus s TenTIs '9 ; D. 10 or •••nt, was o who are out- with that. matter; there 1y fleet is here and dissent \vas avai based on, is not ;¥> appropri reasons for the clash between Ms in the position to a very And 'v'el:y strong who' the last exposure rhan r ( \ would ..,1 the I repo B(}~:l a ion them to Officer able to bring to at on this, correction of IS; no ~nother r in ttH'l '9 the 10 21 cured. I done. here Let's 1 call Derrick, r Derrick.' to take the oath. Do " swear or the , YOll who, you truth, so he OFF , the ? God. CASTRO: I you identi '{our last name, and alhment f your rah r· ok. been I '2 1 two years. 1 ·of time, :I 4 for you I and in Has what you seen S DERRICK: his di The last I have been T our unit, r in,. Sirhan works on our unit, What of PHU-l now or so? on~ICER Prottiilct inmate. ion? How about How many J 4 . tvJO. ::i many 16 11 8 f9 20 :U cme of' the ix 1. ) ix. that \veax." :u duties, '3 280 OFFICER DERRICK: ' Serve the food; the set ~ ; can feeqthe population, the TheY' reel the serving have to serve the inmates food in there! s, ,a lot of to steal j, ause off line. " on the • MCKISSACK: 5 to s~Y'~ Do who want ·an 'that? t lDERIUCK; u l to snatch • NCKISSACK: Yes f S:;.) hm" have you abs rved :;.i; 14 ./ nd 15 ~ 16 . 17 th. '\ MCl. There was .and Sirhan. don!t I 1. knew Si 1 to ... ;, orne bad feelings She wasn! 'm the unit too often ure 1e and there 19 ngs but 1, real ttl 8very~ some Sirhan in the 10 Yei'}j, :r have. feel that was a very that MAl'lrif dCUN1'Y UlI.I':l'U 6 Mr. Sirhan / 2: DERRICK: , did she !YiR • .. \"rith :5 the same unit? . OFFICER DERRICK: . DERRICK: the reaso be And subs f it Well, r don't know of that trans MR. MCKISSACK: he form an Did she other as to rhan and the nmates? I don't know OFFICl~R mean, 01' transfer. personal" problems affected he.r I she transferred that what 0 , 10 SSACK: Yes" 't know whether not. it seem to be under pressure. her rllional But that -­ I have.a low· 16, 196 , Sirhan and It Seems to Mr. al 284 7 Yes. OFFICER 1 ) :I in Ol!r unit. 'Two inmates were 3 I There '\vas an fist inmates s one turned to the " them/' turn, inmate who, When Sirhan and another until other and "I alate Inmate would have hurt. I haVe RESIDING Col this other further. CASTRO; ques Ms, f ? BOARD MF;MBEE COLLIER; (Inaudible respons IDING MEMBER CASTRO: , , ,,.t HEARING' quas SEABRIDGE~ ? No. I t few. 7 I v. CounSel lor. I. A l' 8 immediate . ./ 1 ! you do? What my work" crew; Is CASTRO Yes. OFFICER DERRICK: . PRESIDING A$ a group . .ll.nd are you ever . CASTRO: for the' to As a group? asked ? DERRICK I have neVer made .~ the Board. PRESIDING MEMBER CASTRO: ? ~vhat You :lIay you kind of t V€I\ ;i~bat I here is your three years. ? at Sierra Con-­ 1 0 ali ad of go in , ,I ,9 I ING what Second CASTRO: you OFI:'ICER was j 10 year of col lIed? 'm not enrolled when Califor­ nia. IDING ago was that OFF'lCER Southern a wa approx~ How VOU ,4 1 HJ the I O!:]l. 'PRES 10 I ,~ I " and on. 2 But you attended one PRESIDING when Okay. M~~BER COL'rectio Now, Ms. Counselor I, was she 4Jf{f the ? And Christensen, II I is he DImRICK PRES I Sl ate Bird is. CASTHO what i role ld ? it, would Mr. Bird. id ask then f· U /1 1 'q , strator, program Mr-, , the C&PR' cont.ents of Did contents of some OFFICER of it made it it, PRES l\nd do you MENSER know i some in M,· ~ J.._,$.~ Sirhanj :some '" 10 U' '5 cor know her you know Mr. 2 1111 ask him CASTRO no other Have you of Jus .one Therets·a about Sirhan t 1 ust.ment I but bits marked thli'l encountered," man to ( CAs'rRO No thank you 3 ,,'(/' .,. 2<90 PRESIDING MEMBER CASTRO: 1 We re gonna have you ,.. taka. the the you1re this wbol·s btl ny • the truth( the you God? the lao. CASTHO: 17 ,MCKISSACK: Yes. could you Mr. on 8i t 'm a Correc~ couru"e lor. you f o nq nal 7 the 15 tCl1\ ,. )4 Jr , the work of the ) are did VJho worked nama you under you 1 B!RD: " Yes, I was her job? MR"'\CKISSACK counselor for MR. PHU~l; 10 ,there come in observed that there appeared and I re was~period o for chance to ew 1 5 , 1 of the word - 1 0' " .. . deal of . .. concern 5 s " what you know 1 TAPE 6) SE..l:\BRIDGE: number CTF Central r " . 6 18 I . .lOH, '. me correct, 1982, ,' ) \.. ...­ ~ -' #' ./ .. ,P" the · with ,.I r didn't 1 had not ;) it •.~ Sirhan that· counselor, I was sed sed her was sub- v and wal f~R nt .lOUS ly ~ubl 1 whether there was that. you an ,. chairs, 7 Did Ms. , in tanus of credibi expressed to me 7 jJ' from her· removed, I ~ 1 .~ .the tJ1' . ".POOU rtr in n 95 , to. some Mr. Sirhan Ms. about the .I~t him. can. I'd consider: f someth titer", ut th k rld 1% mm Im'b ?rm gm? #5 513*} Ea gaf&r&?ca 3% that Q?rigti??sgn gag gating $3 a sagarvi?ing at th@ ??agim y?agg? t?a x?y?xt? ?ha$ ?art @f a ma 1. $1 $33 ??gg?ga?ggA liaa gig fazma gig? *gx mm aggag ?hgt w&a: ?g Ci?fi??, 3% wm a?g? Eu? 9% ?g ??an ?h?g ?hw mm they 3V wwai? giva figa ta ??t?iug 3 ww w?a? mmaw mmem?ww?w . a u. .5. w? m??wm mw wmm?mw? 4 3m :u,7 ih?irw m??m . Raw ?wm ww ?wm ?mx?w? .r v;&m Exam ma . . .a a: mwrw?mwm??wmwk wm%? wm_% ?a wp?x aux aw?? mmwuwgm?w ma?a? mwa a mg mem.MmsEfm, w?m KWM ii immwm w%?w wm? wg imMm am? awm mm ?a g?am w?m .mgxm mm wwmw?w m??ww? ?rxwamm,%mw ma?a ma M%@wm% gigs: mm m. max W?m ?gm; - 3% 3:332; ?g?a . g? gig?" {gum ?mn 4r E??ai? ?ag 234$? ?f Kg ?nd than? . . a 1 LGQ: 5:33 it ha? thia gim?g gg?gxam?a?mf?i?tra%??g gig??t?f?e w, 3 a Am? $3t$ .- hav?gg with ?ixham; in raferanca ga? v?xy>magativg ?t?itm?? t?wax? ??rg attamptad ??xgri??i??ti?g :??t??eeam?t (K . g? g? i?t? aha mammunity . :5 . V, 4 a?gg a- 4 $xa?tly th? way :a&t g? taig tim?q? ta tha gff?at?rmw?n Hm w; {z . gaai? ult?i?i 3,73423$ q. @V?my?b?mwy~ gg? $h?t yag 4m ?15a: in 5 "if? 5 1'51 5 ,1 ?aig? %ag i? y?m ?ai a?ai?ga?g a with ?hig? its i ?alt ?hig ws a. '3 s29 ?g?ai? hava ??i?wta gag; hgyg?tai? 1% Sxagy; k; y?u? ?uamit ma anathar ragmrt; agtar aux . 1 a I an t?i? gnaw 5 1 . about ." 411/ do you "I CASTRO: MR .. f an- Mr. that I stated blocks. does thi 7, 19 .1 . You' should 6 one that with the , about 1 .. ;{ , eerned ING • a.rea that I ,vas con-' is the the CASTRO: . I was gonna go into >, '9 " DOP, reads your 10 and I you to a successful " Ie from an " Caseworker thi~ l.'l>t>lle fa Sirhan." , 10 11 " ' Other )0 -..., poss There was an in" fact, there were two inte:CV'iewsthat she' had him that ended up ~ with ,both And rather '6 I that $ k.1J .' cs ff '1 d " and my comment to her was, it would be not progno is was she had ,some I )ill 10 saw, on'the Is that bE.!cause CASTRO; Hr. Si.rhan 7 t.o f h;'lV8 no, no. the o:d I corn~ct report. to prognosi I . on that. She said, position of writ the case worker Or tell That that I s what; I ai'!l written." I the me back up 1 wo DOP f d i ,,:? how to write -what the fqr. She " bases her and that -~,on the vii th the 13 15 Yeah. ~nd you were s ldn't ns ? 1 1 ',8 's rny' p is that? t MR. knm"r the re,al , " rmation the Ire'll i 1 itivl2li hort, HUNG CAS'l'RO lve, and 11 Or it:her: not. I've in It I Ii: liey is .. should not 9 lude a If the no, that' is not ,,,hat CASTRO t.he inmate to HI ew • . from that tb nk 1 531%? a; bi 3am~ 32%, g; aizi??f? ?ix?a? wag 1 y? '4 {mg??am t?k??im? ngy, ba??i net saan't?? mi Eagaxt that Mg? graviausiv ?hi; 1% avg 1*m ?aa? it gayg ag? h?agz?g Ra? th?mf 6.: 1 ?xr {a ax} lining?; .n ?ha ?ag?ai?y Maw I Vi?w ??ay ?5 guag? ?04? MW mam Qua ?g 4f ih?f?g ig? av th&*3&mi xa?f'?t ma?i& intar? 3 :aq? a??at, ?ha amly we. E?t 5 Eig?angg 9 f. 'i?gtii ?ar gan?r&i aha ?aard g; g?t mm W$ll, mat mu gm 2g??k with ??aia wagi? $$3am Kg igll iata at 3 $34 hay 9% g??t sm gixha? mm: 3% we; ma 5% yum ii?i that ?ai i?f?raam? ?at ?Wm it mm. i. 11. gm.? mg: mm WE min $59; mm. "33% mg $355 a; ?gg? gm gag?g aga a gym: 2w lira? 2? w. :55: 5w? )wmx.? kg rm gig fa: gay?a? 3% amt ?umharw?g i guy gag aig??alm? a; i whgt?y ?iv& g?$i?mm nggu? ?a havg? .wm aw%?mw?? am w? J. WE. u. ?aw. NY a ??ww ?aw; . 335% mug %W@m ww? ?lw mw?m .axa at?g haga?=an Shaar f? la kn??g ma wi ?n a j?ctiv? ravi?w 3 A a? tag fii?wk Ema th? ??ax?'ig v%;y gba?t tha?w i a 5 my Em?gti?a wag ga?y ta jam, if h?f? i? a h?twg? Sirhan V?m? gaaiigg? kg was hg? ta ?m r@$@rig wavi? i? . a . ?Eaaivgiy 5 3 Egg: ?3 m2 tmzci 1' $3 ?g ma vary 3% 3&3? g? a ?g wa h?g? 1% ?gmgt @gxg?g than i?f max? ?x l??gg Yau aa; a ;314 7 11 -- s are~ 11 that f I have a MEMBER k. REl?RESE~"TATl:VE on do, Mr# . BIRD; HEARING Sure. Yeah. 5EABRIDGE. curious I' manU(i rt i It know i , , 'SI counlilelo It t is, ' 8 make A Blank stat€),.­ HEARING ion upon not .q. correct? ,. That ',s correct" IS " Now, NG REPRESENT}\TI:VE j t DOFf you S " ,an unSllcces fu]" t4tmes i 's true. So wh task in an ins ution. !rn sure, (' based on my I SEABRIDGE. , - ,BIRD: 3, Based on and HEARING REPRESENTATIVE SEABRIDGE: r have ~lR. lse " It,' no. Okay, I just to be ition le) . I , i I not a S PRES!DING Are we ? I' i we are. YOU,", You I 19 f if then~ no other , we're gonna re ing 'to f t into- a comment l-one. about the the offense i " And as far as tIts v alL 10 How much wi 11 , a f:r: om 1 that I have met h~r ., of t 011 th~~ didn't you that avoided n~? well, . CASTRO: But ,. 'I'wiae f now. conceded. time. And Mr. .SEABRIDGE: , propose to do do la to HI to basically ; and J\nd any meal. ric that 1 And '11 some we're gonna the to do, thlllt I think ca~ to note that there be proces to any Arab count or other you. for you f p :Ill 1 41 want to i if you some to look from the of out and you had first corne the of ret Gll :2 , ance Schaufel, ans any it. • . not nurnbered in was did not you were institu-' s in did at that time via your i ~ , " , it s the 9 I n t' at San autho 10 1 -''''' I ::l n Para • ansI s express U 975 your s U 14 You i ion to nce-rneci, , if i to YOU.!: b(~ w~ere n . .. =-. ff, 13 %4 and not 4· corne back. you had been born American citizenship. in rue: That is sirll SEABRIDGE j Your ? ;I> at the S 8 , t.hat EARRIDGE: fO n I Nl',ti\T S 1 tJ , , Caus HEPIU~SEN'rA'l'I:VE . (Jon I with ng ur th your at lC indicated. her I It,rho :5 with your mother. to res to Jordan after release. that the at.tached upon lease on parole. lor th/:1t . case was being yOUl:' him to leave the u.s. ng r you \,qant to r 't f ~- 1 that. DGE: ay. !loth! more about I l1umbe,r 6· members continue for the you received by Mr. no a rmo:id job that· you e. WO\lld,::r:n 7 mission f is that correct? to JOrdan when 6 "7 my i 9 (PHONETIC) ;(J 10 EABRIDGr:~ ) . Nus and l)n Sta.tes not,ori &tt that 1/ {:23 ?mm me 5% 933' f?m thaa timg. ?urf??t ?ear? R??axt a 1 a Aggtgaaiiwn, iatg? 3 3 him $22 *3 ?wa?agmg: iraw?nt; A iiat?a what wag (mi. 31 g?aviwug?y at 32f?3* Ei?nad bv 6f t?a @thai Ea?? rafar?m?? tag ?nd A i! :E?ix 1 ??ait ahai: ?Sma i9 ?g . ?Qiim?; Ea?tg?gg ?QtQEi??y ?f ?mti?ig?t?? in?a??gtg Santiauag am Unii?? g?gtaa gag Egm gag farm$iiz$ti?m ?g ?aia??w Ehat ?i aha at ?hi? ii??a ?35 ta?li?h K) ai?g a; 3i?. ?iamglan?? E?m '1 f?ii?wimg @??a?ligmt HQ: im?t?d B: Qf hat. by 9 seen at " cal more liar-­ A. Weathers, to I -H And t tatement seVf:u'a 14 15 is no of you to ' ubmi l' I have '1 , and a document' .' ~. 11 '0 HEARING 1 Yeah J:.lehdi. Dr. Mehd! ? It's M-E-H-D-I? And rts. that And he sent had , and It s ur And you i W9U ld you b~~ S1. 1 ted And that document: 1 til up. and brings. plann area, 328 ·1 I'd like to know what '·are Ire th~ same. "'" same •. . "' , r ,. if I had Ie here, or to the . But i r fulfill my parole, rule in ad fulfill my You know, ti 't:hat res once iulfi ) tal.kecl pre I , would Now, we'Ve COLLI . led~ ensive about· to paro Southern Cali , Jordan ... Buti not, rn! a.bout a j How yo gonna, you know, yourself? lurAN; know I I' ve abOtlt you. BOARD I mean, know it' hard gonna do? J ! "MilliN CCHJNTY )$;l! • 1717 , 1 .. Just one second. is As . All SIRHAN .. .,. ng to know" us 3 i'11 person a ,~ '~ fS gonna do '" we / IS YOtf he, about what not gonna better. to let him I,et me pas then, know; I '" But you are aware, MEl-tIlER thdt we a t .; And me out . .me et' 0 And if tomorrow, w¢:~nt work wpuld you looking for? work " what 7· lega , with Hr, McKi k me be !1R. we've tal BOARD ,y01.;l about it be So I s one kind of use the ? Certainly, " 1 I could. courses that have taken. -.- I that I could the i the -­ to , I 1 fornia. you know l 's your 'I f COLLIER We underst that., you you INMA'l'E kn(l\¥ • you re gonna have to yes, I But I think about ' i 16 able to parole to that COLLIER. That 11, Thatls the­ 7 18 19 That i5 1 you don't have an 20 21 ,INMAT.E 51 Once I have one, sir. I you don't now. don t have any 3 4 INM...:l'I.TESIRHAN: have relatives in Jordan I I •• Have you with them, or Sl.r . corn'lS , " with INMATE 81 some them this year . . Yeah, but l'ou haven I '1 8 parole ~ not be not, I I t-~ no in f my IDING 0 1) lams to you' to Jordan t but o CASTRO ~'\fe 1, you I your reI re ives or whoever full house, I think I'lL you a the whole ? sir. But you havenlt had card you say have not. haven t. PRESIDING CASTRO: Who did you '. t SIRHAN: PRESIDING From CASTRO; S RH.AN: El 1 1 ,':tl1ce first St?t? 3f gtates; . 3 9 '?th&tft?? ?mii?ww I 1% ?ritimal*ta A a I ?uc??agfu? xgintagra?iga mf aha . 1 .f 3% gigan?er ?wci?tyg ?nd ta bQSitiVpublig 3 ?g g?faty ta gravi?a gurv?illamaa a . . 4 t3 @?uaawibai 'gag th?y?va 05 occasiorvs J' . . Board may waiv.e parole • Oll1t ·res.ponsibilit es directive; at forth revit!H'<'. .\ 'And a1 line. to establish i , ..J that you do not fit . an ildminis the Board t .1 I ) 20 4llA~Ii!'l:10\JNl'¥ lHU, 07 .1 .seen , , ;. IS . '7 III " \",i 11 t(;111 y(}t:. known as known to source de) ri t 1 Mm mm ?a ?sag 3 ?g i?g? by a 15.5.2; i?imk.ii was tut?lly a the ,gm ?m?at Eh?tw Eu: 1 think that, xiaz af tha B?&rd? >34 ?g ?aa??ax Qg?ntxya {$hfy i$?rgg An? ha i: ta . mm amath?r 13 gut amtuaiiy t@li VQQ what tha 3 a ?gg, t? a a Mu. M1 gkaai :hmml? a! r! ?gg ?a?bajg 25.1% ?53Sim-.3 ?2 am g3 g1in, ?avg ?3 a erM@9&3; #3 i? $23 ?s gum part? A ahav, ?f If 32% if frem thwgi?n 3! .7. j, .95 {23; a ?1 5% t. a rm wmw? ya ??wax M?wpgw Jaw my ?mw?wm? ??wwm?,mm %&Mng a: ww g; wm?? ?x ?g a a?wam?? WW 3% wy? ?gw?n? 5% wma?w 3 Mn I / 12 Eastern countries to one him. turbulent. knows I him, This i IS I don't East, nothinq tttutional tht:11 I him 0 1,3 to h1.m.· \,.;here know we live . teach(~r f and you of that, you , the man has man~al. '1 my own. far lked ') hous tion " 1I 11 J.. 1m not so ,convinced about the IJ . , account COUt'S He he i Q But I hous courses; business could do c ricial wo ; he could J4 the world. n that ., 6 l'l i7 B 19 . ' wa~, I mecHl, you know complex where l'1ho las a1 7 , ai survive in the ~ 360 14 ,,' he's' an , " know I Bu.t I think that the ." have'in that that you the it of jobs would be more ·0 ment., is really 1 ce)uId. be I mean, Dr. i don I t know \..hat he s f egram., CQuld be certain could deal with it that the Bo f thi t bi t paro o { I (lon! 20 it is I haven't 11m just 119 to 0 no r is a you know, too much. my Ei hink. asked to s that I think that ing i Bnt he aw 11 think lsBwhere. I ati YOti haven't an but I think the it can 2,1 :l 23 24 15 there.1 he may 361 15 . l that U s lot of pres l ! ,. in once .a 1 like". .. t a CQupl~ 5 , 6 I 1 ~ 8 , doni the So, my feel 10 'n areas. in some SUCCeSS I don!t not that Iton. , job-wiIB,lthat it seems-to a to 1' . jectB to answer, It seems the State of don t know s soci from it. on the out thi 0 ;. \. 16 . 362 you ever were allowed ,to to there and to ~ may you I 1 '7 be 'rhat could rl'hat' one that the answer, SBABRIDGE: And } . woul(~ woul.d C) that you o pE:1.0plliZ! hate me, , let' ")11 sorry, 363 . " lay. Well, I'll , , state agree no hatred Well, itis off the n::lason don' kl'!.owing him, face it. Ie; let' words I like thaL he tends think ins no tutionally r~a90n an i that ei does that. 't mean it INMA1'E in Seabr SEABRIDGE: unde,rstand. ust want it to I hate 20 to thirik dont CASTRO: clear. Well f you're you. ? the hea losing . . haSt on he started M....,.'f'li"cOt/NT ... JU.i7lU 18 enta­ make your in on Mr Mr. acWitional record rJ for 11 McI\is ack ,-vi 11 o 1 on, It have to po CASTRO: lo~ till· tomorrow mo MCKISSAC1\:$ ' t knowhovJ On e1' No. I No po And then fl. at nine I'm wond will bEL 0' lock, 5 19 of you. ro6 1 On t 1 returned one cQu.nt , and counts in the with Int.ent ·to Sirhan OVt31.r in tual IHllt 1'.'u 19 that j xi? ?u??ianti . u% 9% mm . ?we? ha? ta ag a ?g Mam ?mi; u, ag? I a @mr?m? :hig'ggr?i?miar ??ai?y @tagmyt? iig g?a?g?gyg in waii a& mg mitigati?g f?amaxg ia ?Exf? a tata; ,4 my 3: 3?i?3? mmag mg wa@?w 35mm kw . MW a 4w? sax: Mr ?am?s'i ?ew? {g a a Jr M??w @m a %MMmm w?mw ?mmg? .?wmm??wg wme V@M%mmw% . 3 ?ix ?1 ?zx nailg fr?a ?5 sir-t? Wat-'51 a a ?g ??amiiag? gmg?mite exgha?ting xa?ga ?g?m?ing; with @gim? GE tim?f Sirhaa hi5 W$air EKJH: 91$ 3: x?i?g wag. 25 371 I he of even years[ any events. to end prosecutor to murder. other Ltc man's c:cime itat: on 26 expressed in this , it has been -little, too the Consider the of 8, 197 , a ated. t.ime for served more () And 10 f course I for betCln 1. q ix 2 Dr; T .. • datto Sirhan had on an interview with 1 80, ~ that he was vi po}'it.ical us ice n finel1:1ent. ained "Who r this> Union treat- 27 1 1984, release who 1 statements murder remorse the year 1 such.staternents as: " have " elected. " and " yea the autho.r Robert Kaiser: t. 2 mejTIory f s recorded on In that and his for Robert I he continued claim no recollection by the attacks upon IS ful llownes of responsibili his t a l , any tot :;'\tatei has " 375 of unconsciousness have been Sirhan'Sl c ected' his current a atric the subject offense, and is of toward it l it "seems , attitude take to met which describes him as: a comfort ttle outbursts tbat: .1 of murder h whi .J ,pi 14 .. it: he was i W(;t~ lat.ed not the madman, polit t:be the Hidd of p di ed i <. ' to In anger. 'I 30 comfort in tl'~e Dr.. was so s of documents re the the Board r to be of a s. Board of :ilion Terms to the formal, j t.i ab , overall con!; " WOU s .,' fer no prognosis , 'is 17 0 Thi m,,,t;: its review of the llowing materials tar in 1 which 10na1 Officer , rn Smith resolved; his 25 his the Soviet, 377 31 Union his two to him out th.reats to his Arab friends loose I I 11'18 about to go over the which Board raotionwith paro "1 res cone threats and conduct did for the better. had many to It cone saw ion could be that a one U5 la.ter. the tatement rlote~ that he had an ( I would refer en Mr. Mehti and and used tha st $ and has proven thi 1 with the Palestinian nation has a t~ f \.jord stable PJ~ocess and in which of , to the drunoc:ratic under~ 32 -assassinat.ion rl:;warded must never freedom. I IDING MEMBER CASTRO Thank you, Mr. . MoRis ack. SSACK: ~ Thank you. I donI have a we 1 on the think that a. have I to all candor, what a I of didn' \vould. be the outset this le more di It it' ex{:~cuted can , n cult, but l thl were one ye 19 4. And each to that, the hear ng las year, the Di ice would ourney whether a 20 :U '5 r words parole of I tel.ll1. ~.;hether that and was 33 1 known at re.scission stems from , of 1982,' of te 1 841 ion r he n~corder there to 1 f or t: , nt r \ ' id the the th21t Edwa:::d Zenc, 34 aboard heretofore rhan, and t.hat he out, the democrat something and And no I W<1£l n had to nrnate 1 t urn i that he he ., 35 never even been in for four ant'1 Mr. Sirhan the general population in who s buddi discussed And and vani hed \';arden Pax).;: to no s forth to rnakil'ii deci ford to, 10 today .ll uch choose 36 would make the headlines? between and fact that this threat that Sirhan al hould t Or would lk about what Sirhan the your itution; ana would , t mind, would SE!nator ·thos~:. Now, nCj 90 to and nat.ura we 1, o pos tion u know, that wasn't our nSf i t t houldn't 975. tion didn't Or rni fol Or in there 21 the ~sc sbu.. of t stage, clos that should have been the to addressed. out that ,., 3 37 And that, of course :f not was in response to had to in Because. there were less and letters and actual tions in the unknown Sirhan, than name 0 Archie F'ain. # "1 with a statement on television about what ." Sirhan had done natural it was to kind of !Stick a n j lution to the 1 slature t:h~t. testified -- he was on the Board Hr. in 1975. r l\fter hav the courage the Hans iV(;;18 of the ion Gonune him I, held. Now with the fact that ex:' found g the ju,r:y C)f that haa not I .38 However, 1 ng as to what. 1 And what the And the pos Ofi the than the 7 positi~n asserted would take many, many hours I 'to do can't do so. And ion the fact that, at the the I But I need two. pages I 8 pa·ges trial data; 0 October 8, 1981, in :E:xhibit "A" which I haven't t time. But I recall was in· t. .. And when Los to take trial in not case where the man bent po tical ass is WelS hel1~ in b 9) , C'1'F f 39 1 so J up. , But 3 I ", so that as - s 10\¥ as I But rate, as I that was initial ay, the the District At was ass tted· . was in Dr. llock I and the jurill'lt, Herber 10 21 U U 14 sin who s The jo 19 not that of a !ll , (~en the at\ position pres€! to it the ndic 7-year-old to fbil of at 40 . 1 know, was .' Ant'1 so that the 1 j had the ury not ~~ not been ~tartad"that proces I ury selection -~ , nsofar as the o ncerned. ' thH Btl i f i ~aB that it I , I.I started not -­ or Dr. Pollock, got in of the c se aslith the :i:act the ,\'1e! the fact that he any rst there are not mult no Thllrre l- that to , will tances. are he be &i He 11 U 1 f that he is I be ago, led otit could werl ,the Board .. it .could have '\ 75 Boa Lllt Hoov~r 1 """'!',.,.,. the attention of t and Iso f look cannot con­ told th 21 U .9 ve 1 treatment, Hels ,. So 01Xt of-this c;;ase, the fact the marshals to your j there in many reasonable person the s to feel s case;> in ,'and there'S y who that t esntt dO~18 it for whe',t talk about-embellishing it ~ith act nell aid, "Ne an'L jud his was a the J. idn't have t.O Z(' that thi " Thi n 14 iii appellate knt)\4 to bf~ '. Thi is Now. who led. an ! f the asue look at Sirhan and look is~ we can discount the There s no IS'been stated the over over I f' years ago, actor, It's co.rne out 9 c . 10 j like he doesn't things we Di has talked ict ci t'll€:" viet of think rhan' t. he' ng that: think 7 had the'>. ust had ife jovial ne. 1 ' a lSome way; that hasn't been commented on of a -~ other 'l'he houlSe Id. en almost haft served . 0,0 who used it. the lities; or electz.':i.c on water, nor was there . tiles on the ... ,> , !HlmS gasoline''-soaked i in thi;;1 Ie heat. ,. reli f was communally toilet anitatibn was ,almost characteri i6 d by death, traumatic horror wex'e bui in \..;hi ing in front childS found both . ' ,. ,-~ 1 the l -killed i.n ~.~ Munir, 3 of "' ',­ S while 4f ($ not sugges And I ($ you know I ..., I" tortures on He 0 ,- ul1- o III lJ' weren't soldier cut off the breasts wonHU1 • 11 in the • t() .. .treat, caused him two weeks. to a tree fear 19 saw' • older gm Wits?swag Rae ,Ex?ll?? a s-e :1 Zn b? 5?32? Maw ii I i ?ay WitWham i i: a ?bna v? ., 4w 9 ?l i? 3.1 54.3? m3p2?. 9? .wbmm??am??w v. ?g mm m: 9% 1vsz fin. ?mum Emir .77w .w.yv WA ?x ?mgww ?g 9 . .. W?gyWM?ammw?. Km A. ?mw @Mw3.wm MM wu m< . a mawwmuma?w?wm wm? a, . V, as?anqaydui wt 3 a Pha in} 1mg; ayigmg?i a 3 ??y?haai as. . ?w a. W95 21:3 ?x a? 4:5 z: ?31} if. W1, . 31?s it? :263?1? ?0 3 3 w: 2% 5.1% as; w: 4.: .312?4?13 {5,13% if? 5% 1:5; Ema my; mi {3 {1,4 .933 33f?yr-Q my: . 1 a. my ,gws . (fig: .16 .73 . . mime . . l>c mm w?w 5. Km r: ?g?m w?w??w w, mw w%%m sass R?ww ?a %3 5m WW2 km??wan mwuu wag aw aw ?g 3w w??nw??m ?wwm 1 wax nw??gmm??, _%?w?ww%mw mmww?% Jinx gwgm? wm?a ?g aw ?aw a ?aw .wmame memww WW . :gy? kg? asi?s m?'fk 3 Eg? ??gg a ?ak? 5 tharm gmii gag th?y ha? gang gamgg? hav@* ??ut ??avar ?ai? mm ??gg tima; aimi?ily, gu?gtigu Eat My. Ea?var an 4: a ma ?agagga ?iff?r@mw? ka?w? ?er a 1; *a i} 1.9 · ..... ;' in effect, that.. that 'l'hat pos ., f ' of ion that the ultability had with ltlbl 1 i olv ,;;.bo 11 t. n I would hi~va , .' So af 'is if we con­ ". sider. that was to then" a year of is approj?r that 'the be the quest n't follow rescinded { t,hat before wa~l !kiard didn It con­ (l to r: I all conion. , is of for the And if the COUrt 's favor I I r BCH1.J;Cl., on the' then, ·down and Mr. ·.HoovaF s . it. } .I and 15" 1'5 could have 17 is Jif 151 there 20 w~re 11 c , < :u 13 14 that I.. J I see it. not' able that it sh'Ould ly erase it. . on l:/omethingi , had some val ,not, to just take it is not cons 1i. ,,.." the That you earlier 1. easonab to consider .j So of ,,' /' , i , \,' . ,. of . to . ',' ! mean~t , "\ Mi'*tN4e~HjNTY ~'~.I"U ;' ' -; 'and then we say t with the Sovi€t . '" tics aside f 'and can .. ' f or someone, press person about' yo~ , . C It s know, , , .r 0 " 11 that '" ! (£) f Mt,'. came on" the rhan felt that, in " U' way you're gonna 14 to go 15 ,in lation, 0 16 studied , nion, to be , 1 \ 0 . tion of, you about ment that the i 1'1r. ~, Lrh i1 ;D than. et jtlst ,. If iean just r I t they d q Of '. Sirhan and don't in the , " what about that? and fall over flies, .A.nd Lehan c say, t when man.y years ~ 1 15 () It ",,71'1 y,. . t o count ?W?y m- g??iiguy-7 ?9 1?3 in 35? ?hi? w?il axitiaia?ag ?g?akg ?hink ki?? af a mg &m i hgv? t?wyay? ?aa Ng?ayif @5 HP hag gr a @gg?i?k?ii gig? ??igm? .5: a. ?as?n karm;? g3 E?m {3 ii413:3 ?33. au?g ?nd ?g Fa fax ??in 1t wam @hazg ara Q??gle Eateff ?i?ifjf?? mg ta ?h?w <1 3? a1 jU??ww? ta gig: mat; it: that h?g? dang im th? it ??$11y ?iit?? jaltagg m2 thai: 4 9% t?i?k th? Wha A a?iak ggfg? ff?? th? w?y ,5 fa: ?h?gg i? that ?awag 3% ii; . . . i?g?k 3 am?gigtaaiiyg t?xamghemt a a Egargg 3a khi? ahil?iyh g? w?igh iafgrr?? t? 1i?th? gia?z? u??U?ilf I g? ?g a?mm? Eh? giami $11 gig L: :2 ,i y?a gam?t?g?t 3% my gigg?gtuXQ ?4 *w a: ?ki?g ix 3* g'g ?ag: mi?mimm ??mw Wt y?m mwm?wmmw Qua mm? a .3. ?g m??wm :wwhm m3% wm% mw??w A w?ww?wa? mmw?up, mm. m; . e?w?m wwn?g??w 39w w??gwgw m?mmw . hmww.wmw Em??mw Egret a ?@mm?hw?wha. . . qm1m_ %ww@wwa mwmw??a 325 4 an; ma mmk,w%m$ @mw w??u wwgwWis mam am?$Mwmw m. {jg 509w??w 9mm aww ?g wam?m w??a Mmgu @??wuww?w mam mg mw?j QM W%wm ww? mm??wam m?wm3? am d. ?gmm me?? v. @mm R. i {\ , Mr. Sirhan l do you of vwrds. As much and a you woul,d, let me We \vi1' k in the rOQ 1 hou nOI¥" >. " OF TAPE 10) back in )" hear on o "l, " tual IWeI like t.O be f ack, as well as have you HI r:om f.1r. ~ his is Dr. , Hehdi? have. '1'hi5 i And I've just d you it? ., . _mm &M%wWw%wwm%Ww m?m?wmm?mms Hm.m14gw?. ammwm??mqm?wm on me ,0 m, 4 Ewmmwam am -i A ,Mm . .K. ?m?m?waawmm . wv ?g manmm??w ma a ?w m%?ymm . ;n_?mm_&wmmw MW ,w.m @mm? A . MM mgaw ma?a?? a . ~... . ,~ 2 j .. ,< 5 (; , Dr ' : ,­ MR. SSACX: I would ke Thank you. I take it this is INtvll\TE _s r HR. ) j . a- moment. 14 S 6 11 8, 9 %0 21 %2 ',J lJ 14 ,- 1 'another , ) , 4 assurance that' Mr. 'S jail'f he to you the of Jordan would not • ob~ " I are aware'that that was .. na.'llt~i '. COllumin.i. fonner f.' 'Board . . thia i .f Nm.;' And as I I 1 va £.1,150 wanted to; in t 11 ,I f 0\'>'11 cDllunents. bellal . .aythank you for the way in tion, in def-ense ~f Mr. .m'" S tand are l1 at of the presence, see she,would .". t -. -just like thanks for ~ , .... of what -7 last ,l­ are both to ance , on recprd as 10 s f f here at in prepara­ \_. ' our t .:i how very ated all, ,IS ~ 14 '0 Fi IS Hi' '" 11 11 be bx:J ,of 'Prison for 14 ( if I I" 2281{C) to circumstances the of the Board of Prison I in states, as ion .. soner~ that the would pos to the fol lie 1e found uns 1e circwnstcll1CeS, t wl£\lre invol.ved the 11 the conscienc(:;~ of th.., wor ld 0 iz the crime. 1 Sirhan due to his expressed to the: the fact, and a I· ·S, citizens l U.S. Constitu-;­ freedom 0 ion to s the first opportunity f J hi fs. took approx­ 'r'hs cal ix months. Senator l"rom the the 1e of 1 6 to Isi:"aeI f in revea ,. hi Phantom 0 personal ~otebook II " Robert 131 15 Hi Sirhan attOJ:neys • S entric~s 11 reve"ded ion for the Ui' i9 .20 ly, On not remember what ~t . ? I ,S ; :, I Alvin Cl Ie! a I in to shoot that he was Acco had the' Robert fOre June, r \'laS to die. 1968; the first I raeli War between conflict. J June for Ca winn 968, was also the fornia, with the election. Hotel, the would Ehe 15 laction. eel And sys ieal ·what direction the victim would 11 11 in wait 5 th e times his weapon I , " ,gun in the \ \ , lince the victim was ther of age; the suffered im.'11easurab of their The ticm, were ly r • and devoted because able to d who had' 1 vot61d And Robert he States: But the t . it be~~ause the voi.ce of w .. to vcry foundation o S tJle our at ,: 19 .20 the e.tnO tiona 1 21 for the consider circum­ es ish 1 rule the or combination of the panel. to Case Summary, m,dergonE'; ident. Prisoner IS' rhan had become iat '" outbursts­ and les tolerant 15 6 liable 7 indicated that war with the United .. on Senator executed two I sinCE';! of .. of 1983. by cant, qontinuing of sOn~ inabilit.y recorded acts of to himse . . tes simi the CDC .:i s fie in 1 ; 443 if this 1 " 3 -4 r 20, 1 2 "'" . ,CDC 1288. over staf verbal " S to second screen to 3. 9 o the screen In I iona1 chro!1()<. t1Discus trike ng en Al W. Not<:1tion on 'chrono strike December" 10. ncar-cerated. 1970. ! ...." . Rules 1 on CDC 11 , _ Inmate 19 which ~ 1 1;0 tUrn ng < \ 1 ~ ·:1 , .~ 3 .. Mr • L otf about me on the his fa it lik.e 12 didn ' 3 .,) . 15 you or :2) bitch, t.o .i to lJ 11 that tf you son of a ife." let:ter hi 61..11c insisted him. 20 11 Doni me , 6. i1 19 "Don t t ·.r 16 18 and He Section 1,15 . .,,"/ 2 3 4 5 to. t» '1 live ,~ 8 9 ~11 10 n 4' , your are over the street. 1974. 9. Correct 1 Documented a would not d.o Mr. J. S. Hare, H-A-R-E, statemt~nt Sirhan that someone the Parole Authority) did 1.1e inferred 15 ackintj_ 16 f his a.H::'€ 11 In chrono. 19 20 ""QUill over-the very· di of :2 fT:om 'that. a~ \~ant the losl of my assured you to ng to kill you, And my " You t i ct." B. i .' l.eed Custodial COUDS B-O~Y·" . .' ... BOOr i I dlii1ad or not • to li Vel under the pr.f\\IIHmt Gondi of. con 1 83. 14 """ '~ wi h rega :Lnter-; 1 Counselor J, M. Esten! 15 ns ." to ·5 11 18 19 " Q '!' 20 ., ( 21 n " ,I!;r I - to See him son. out of not to It was a ack did not want to he would cheduled , went on to tate: use I heard S 10 pro thlll\ that he In my paranoid, irhan has become hi r3 for hi the him. I is c~ to get , convinced that hlll\ will never 1i If out son, and wants to tel the world him the 11 u be Sirhan could ent ,. . 1 atric/ 3. ~, the soner, on to hiz o lone iness and iao~ation i Di iVf). 5 prior' thi , he. had no to believe that he wo f la. m: staf? . ?E,W@mk? cancuriwiwhi??fig?icat?? maturity . hi? Rig agyaarg ta kg lawg Th$r% i? m9 mami?a?ta? mantal '1 at thig tim?g Am? gimna 1% tr?atm?nt a: ?hgxg ig ma @gyahkatxia ti?m ta 9 whiia tag failmwimg ragartg t?n? ta in?iaat? Vi?l?l?? low? it 15 grigm?ar?? . 3a gh? ?gmm?mity ?ag?m? ?ha ability gtr??g??l a?mtxai hig amatim: 314% f: 33 Eigkm?n; gtaff g, w, ayyaran? that ?mitg hg a cami? ?at tha m??icaw yxaacxiptian Qf hi? wanti?ga, an? tamggx tantruma, ah??iVQW m? *g FaQ?u??y iggag?. ?it?hail: a i??y$hig?xi$tp ., gammt f9 aangui?. -r"':"/" .<" ,?""­ if 1 t.""! remain at ·t'his to too mu'ch not 1 'J "5 Bo S Q Dr .• i :"-" \$ depression " to tl traits. _ Conclus II ,,,i.thin the U .. ""' -Mr. Sirhan w6uld appear be an individual who had matured. 12 ")~. ~ive/aggressive , with only mild' elements 9 J(l staff psych- titution. H­ i5 that. 1i'5 17 HI 19 20 21 ,, the ad ?2 i ?am? g? 5? ?ViW$?g gxgvi?gg avid?maeu $33' a ?t Eirh&m??ag $?fl??lc @Kgi??iva wham ha i3 $3 thf??t? 1% it}: ??ui h& ig ?uxr?m?lyigmffaring 1 fr?m a m??gf y?yahiatxim ill??x ?r we ?t th? ha ?apxagg??a cm Qf 3% was aa? ma: ayp?ar 3} Mm?f? m??m?mg Ra?h?xf 53' am my 455 ctor Dr. on. concerns Term.s· rescission 1 " seem revi aqnosis ic. ies ledad, ent 19 much <11~ i f "r../ ;2 .. .3 retro- . ... I S Of be most no concern to is the to Ie stressful was Panel not result of of the numerous incidents ~ ther Until eInot i overtly' otLH~rs, or control ) wi. 1 of , i manner, to be to himself and HS 1 4 • commended '\ hi.s D in the area of ry c1'1ron05 ,10 noted, exper~ "" in the of Prison educational s 7 stressful s prpgram . than ticms ih. a mOr!1l! pos 41 10 (2) ( been of the Penal Code, next parole no sooner than -12 11m of S o.rder. You wi 1 1.011. i you you it 19 20 to , '. that in cer Landress, facts, 1. not upon that '''!l> nbte that it appears that the if baaisfor maintaining Mr. Sirhan in 5 Ie item that anyone has eVer ly. upon Nr. Sirhan r s bear ~ , And hi"iS anyone of thQse'items, il ( 'Out that ohnvthinq sai.d in , ~~ ~ most recent '. ,;;no t:hat Dr,'· ,} l to to the' ,scenario son. He \ . just mentiory.ed ' transfer was try'l~g to and the als \.' unwise decision '. ing that;. he· , ' ion. awareness program,_ I would th'i.nk , ? .­ theoretical sens~~ ~it IS lable ,now; in- S in this is that: .;!.n rt be ,p..res . " '460' ~there ,, 2 l' same may be course, 1"" , ed on the' the .1 , are ther'e. a:m.ount of space r,' there So I, ,in the ions a the furtherance So I o.ffort , \ ask that look "in to tha t a CallS , ~5j overall~- I'm 'Il1o for " wish that I state II rem~ndouB pressure on the ~res.ure on anyone 15 that'! in unfortunate 'iii " HI 19 " ,­ . the nature 0 the peraon £l$l!l , it nated tha,t is 1 lO have not cd \ 2~ ~ 21 , unt 1 the f 1 0 that the of 'him r 4 , 24 ,15 sbner. ' 461 And these incidents that are to, many of some of,thE'Jn are are from the these were s Were We to say then I and wonder Because, . 1O' it do think t~) t. 11' s a r reques ind! he i Board that I would just say, tha't I ~ S to at least quartered, that if the 1d bEl in a l!Ielf-awa::'eness program. to PRESIDING 4 all of theSe his education. at 1 . sqner, model Of course, that ',s not the Board I s chore. CI06 ng for ., 0 wa,s. fair to I n 2.0 as have been well &ware '9 ner r Sf 13 .er every other to I ssack And thank And 'l'hat if that is, a feasible you, Mr, $3 (w w; $3 m?l Q35. @Thag?ag?hv?hi?uheaxi?g bafare the ?5 ?aat?vaf ?zi??n?faxma a?joa?aTha timm $and , , ASSOCIATES, do transcriber for WM. E. That t that iSUll 247 pages 1 of t.he fore- 5 Terms lee 10 the 5 in the WHEREOF, thi tape reeo pro­ am not a counselor I attorney for any way i by son Te I ·U t o hearing; nor in aid have hereunto sat my hand 1983