[Ob-Agmm? ?Hwy ?rum. - mm?. 3??T?q5 E3 {a .WA"Em lapgitinf-amQn?idexat xx 3 ?r V: 4 Mi Ni}. 3 a $33236 a writ?w p, VA . r?wg.i?ingf??m??x??_ flan A :7 g?r; Cargg??,1m? FRESg??ngr Eama%a_3i%haa Si?haml fax Enm??e ?irhanEg?ifiayf Unite? @r?gag ?guaghyV&PZ; -Xvar?. 1 3a ?g 54% or ?3agzt?zy mm 323:; 1 w* @h?grvar (a 1' 1? - A?na.gamixazgN?lag?ifi?ati?n am? ?&E?la Eg Rahgl? Rags; Qa?uty Eigtrict A?td?n?ys - DistXigi?Aktmraay?g QEficga . ?gs; {mi . mwm??w Mm? gum . .mmw . V. am. Hg. a . a ?mf ?w?mg?mwmm?mw g?g?m . (A 4. . xww?w??m?w. mg? . ammym?g? 33% a '. Dame is conducted .at Soledad. is :2 0 24th, 197 , and tMe is room at the time p~m. sent in , . II~li' 1. ,member of name is Brown, I'm q ttl",; .at ,the Frank '1'0 who j to hi COlll'llUni is Rob(u:t. Board .. Ros tii iet I.HiCh from .",,' pursuant t:o P€ m al of the to \ponsider 1. have Adult Authori \'Ile I a para you will decide to date. It is cond \lct the t~his sllltun~ 1 persons t lu::e Qan v??batim ?fimg; E?,gmimal?y ta ;If gag ?g y?gx Qf?i?i?h?? with a . 54 $h??h?axi?g i; im?t??pf?llawi?g ??xmiag?gt? gag gxanta??by? 1 g??hgri?y, ?ag Qfl%h? 0f thig? h?a?img i??ay gig; bg ?x ?ai t??t y?rai? ?atg a 3% g? aw ??y?mc?d Qf.ymu? ?ga?ugt an? activi?iaa ?gg th? iagtwtim??g?m ma?a @gxmi? d?ta a E: fzga wili 3% at gag? ??tw?gn 31% b% advamea?g A 3% i9 whgi?ar mm: :hat ?gt? yam t? ??dmmyatati?n ?giaa?? Eaar? Y?i??a a ?igma ?g Ma$ ?e a ig ma?? ?g i? W?f?i$ -itagifi?ya IS fig?iag?i? ahat y?u $mit?hi? ih? th?? ig ?3m?utagiwm 335$ - I ?m ?f ??gxiagg i3 t?g gvant i Th 3 IL. #31 ?g Egi??g??g?ax? za3@?; . i: g? w?ul? ?atg?g a- wa?i? i ?gwg?? y?ag ?a3?3? 1a of four areas: fact,brS themselves Cl:r1~a for f ch you r Short ::Lon , or a factor which ,,,,Quid have a not an wi 1 ", be an for the inmate to' follmved' At the end of st,atements, a.nd the order will the followed i ,9 COUnse In the' closing to make a recowmendation as to the what the ition of thii case in discuss 'wi 1 oath~ truth the' \.. hole that lk'to the go to 6 time .. the way s. . , Let's hold ections list of Have you had a 'd lik.e doctlmElnts that. "'i'e{:'o . to have. that One i ~u:t of you' oftha last hearing. . ROBERTS : I PRESIDING MEloiBER that. Befor~;: Communi v Re f91 , and the next who \.;as Do you ? , MR~ ROB1:':.RTS r t? a li the of t:he you s case r 00. ri Raise , ROBERTS: to the address a . Is any ffiet-ub'er present or " or , of its s? No, l'm nett, BOARD CORONADO: No. ~: REPRESENTATIVE No, BROWN; I . Just:. so you former membor 0 f, but not the LoS wil3h t,o fi di the' i l'1r; Sirhan a ng of Board see a copy of- that, COUDae ? that this .$ time r·ir. Brown panel. MEMBER BROiiN: '" Would exp a.n issue: so 8 that case, :not· i' 6 -""exists of that member in i.n al littliC':. ;, to go ,. , if ·that so r under it. We have 90 . Can we nt out that in on O· Mr. 's was· that this w:i:th the general is him that· panel We· -" the case' Sirhan's '·1 f ' .. f '., is {nvblvem'Emt , ' ·of it. I think SIRHAN: ." ROBERTS :, ~"hat One a my Adult Authori ,'I"ho from the 197 5 he of the Adu1t communi'ty Re of interest: in • ;0" 1 on this pane~.. " ruled ch effect at the ,lIl Adult .. '. MEMBER l;}ROWN; . whati t wer~ 'you're . :l ~ I'm hot ur,e I did not hear was, when that I have '. SIRHAN:. ,. You:t-"answer to my the. 1 , BROWN., ? I raised i$;;sue rig- gg ., m? 533% ?33 @?igt th?* 3 A ?ggi? gt'ygu ma?a . 4" wkag i;-x 7 3 gay :;?ugt 2% . ?mxf?cma??m%??VT?i$ 1% 3 gax?aant ta @f mfl?gvii w?imh $gag k?aw Wh?th?$ ihig??am?l vs ?it Em: wi??mg? d??mg g?m? an i? mm gam$$ b? a? i q. z: Eaaily @itggut ggitimg ?myth E5 4r o. ?y 'that ?aun?gl? . . ?g ?Et 1% gtary ?i?gu?i?f??a?i?m $?wwava?? a 9 ??ggi ig mat with th?t ,9 @ctgal 1 gaxtiguia? it i% ?lg? @n ?a Q?g?a a3 a i ?gdi?ata? ta tha?gan?iy ?xa(fyf?n 1 a I . - 55!. i (N a ?gimk ??gli ?g ?$zmt ?$~wavii? 9 ?gmwen; .m ?1 gmgv?g?as ??wmm - ym gnaamgww mim 3 1 - 7?4: magsmma agar? i Qggaagaa a A .9 . m?m??m mag.? gig? . ?Emm??gm wawmm??uw? .. m? ,w?m (gum xix. mwm?g . gig? a?m??xw mg?. {t .m . . .c wmwaw m?xygw Wm . w, . ,wa mw ?gw?mw gay. 4 ?a %m a . @w?xm w& mm mam ww?w%m m?w ?wmw w?gw MMwwawxam ?ag. . . A Wmm?mww mw 9 gm ma m?mw? Wm m??m wwma? mwmg?a??m Wm gw M?gw wag Mwm%% ?gmww?? ??wwm?m s. k?umm Mg mwg?, mexgw m%m* mm if ?2?5 {5/3 M1 3 45.} k- 45* alde w%wmwag w?mw?wmm?g:wm$ 9 gw?ww gm ww %{xa wawmw?g @mu w$ ?M?ww g??m . . ?wam way wwmw??wlm?a?wl?a? A a%mma?u g?g aw .6, . magmme ygw?mw a?am 7 . ,Mfw* . 4 mm ?gm?m . mw??w mm ?amwmm mm?g wme ,mw? Ma?a am ww?wg Mm w?mmw@mm ??mww wwm? ?g m?wwzw%?w w? mm w% 3m@%%wm ww mm . ww W?w ww?wm ?m ., . 4 wmym? Via ?u T9 3 mm %wmm? Wym?w? m?wa?m mwg?m aawmw??mwmw Wm w? ,me% w? mw% My?ww?ww??ww?m 3% m??wwm?mw?? mm ww?m m?aw& w? a? 6 m?a ?waw wm mw%m%aw? mwmm?3mm?, . Mm mgwwamga. m?wm?m? . L, . amwm??mw @me . m??mww?ak wm?mwm mwa ?aw.w?ma . w??ww wa??m ww?wm%m nm?w?w ., %w%wm wmm? mg ma @Mx?k @w?mw 1% %m?gg?a?a? w@ a mmw,@w %M@mm mam? a 4? aw?ww. k; m??a ?w ma wm?ww ?aw Mm %m?wm%wm%wmm% E?m ?m mw?? . wm?w?m @mmw?w W, g?m?w 1. mm??ag W?m?m?m?m u?mmwm $3 Ww?w?? M?w?w I. am. w?w m9 Mk?mm mw 5 . amwmw? .. .3 awm?? ii; my: :2in ?anwt? gag? I ?Mi; a ?13 $33 I 45:: 1m"; em! J, 123:3 ininvia? M: I ti -. i exag?if? arm69': W: - a? 323? ?a . . ?3 i? "gm32?12$506; I @1 Mk . u??m?aagkg?m?g??wi?m./ ww 3% mag 2&3 g??m mwp? ?w . m?w?g? xx? mm ,wwm pf &Mw 5W5 @wa?m Wm?m ?n wm ??mm aw Mg?wmw gww? ?ww% mw ma w?mw mw?w ?g @wm?u MM wamaw Maw waw??w gmw? ww?w 4? MM w?w. w??w mm m6 ?w?w am m??mwm?mwmwmemehw me w?m??w w?mw kwM%mwmw ?@mma w??w mg .W@@Q$mm ?g 4 %M?w ?me%@mw aw mm wwmw??w JEEQ WW gm agg?g??; 3M maww%%mww ?xw MM. 5% m?gmw mmawm? QM MM gammg?m?at @?fangas . aagaxigticn??f g?gxiing Ga Saii?agmgg ?guf?wV th? trial it mn?ia??t?? that ?gf?n?ant In a gh?? th?t g?a?i?f Ra.w?t ?gnn??yg ?auat I, 1 ?g ?nfafmati?? xm?o t?a m: ?w w% a% ;wg3? ?f thia h??fi?ga what g? ha?w?? a ravi?w ff yau_ar@ ih?g ginff inta g3 hgya Ear ih? bamgfi? m5 tag grgga iha? i?i% 1 ??ink i?h? a im?i?atig? at ?ghw??f a??aim?? ??xha?q E??g?z ?g :E?f in all wk?? igf?what intm h? hy am faxthat: M- g???fi?gf ?ag? ?h?faf?xag ga'xa "_lly ?aa??ai??g ?f 3% gming i?t? th?g mm $3 w?a? gg?? imglyi?g h?ga? am ,Y?@m?g Wag az?alm?? mm' a me%?wm .v .w%wg?m 1 m?mm? ?ww wm??mw 9. kg mm?g mg mm, w?mg?wmww ?ww?q 4 wt? . ?g w? mw?gwm??mmw? ?Mg MW . mu. gw.%wg%%wiwiggmy g?w %M%mw?w A ??wm mmwau mw wmw?? ?gw 0 wa?wmww .amww . mm?g mg m@w% a mwm?w way ww? mg? m%m$mwmm .ym?wmg w??m g?m%mw?maw 28 a ??ana?yg g?hruaxy Qf . 1 f?ll?w @mglayam 1 wag: my in?? if? av ?f fi?n? ik? g. t: $12222: M: iih? gtgt%? $3 $3 ?ag? wiak it w?i was #1 ?at? mm if? 9 ?33 @?mi?ag a? E??t gaj?g i??w th??a it m?wi? ??il a ?aga? Eig?? ?hg. a? gag? ?i?y ?g?gw?ary wh?g? ?u?igg ih?i 3% ?g i 51% mm; 35mm am? mm 4 53?! 2% ?g wag; . I 3'1? . A A 3% ia,$ gh? ?gmAva ?agwxwaga to come know. a:. half m which "'vas then thQ '1' 11. lin. n in and t . soner " guo he on June 6th the 1968. sur.geon,Pt the cause of woUnd ,to ch mas The also received two and another. arm that the gun f " less' or 's head with him or the other ratinos ltlere inflicted. a At this ',8 \"8 that will turn then , we will now turn been a 'Of this Case' about ins ustment 7 and we ,vi B 8 talk· the ,s 'c 1 .. to ROBElRTS~ " to the 'fhank you, Mr ~ which ",<,,1.1 ;U Mr. Sirhan! liP one~year be on behalf conclui\\dve in and e~cellent, ,inmates in. group"! has been far the standards the other rather is an excre.llent' credit. People's, MEMBER BROWN; PRESID~NG ..... ::­ ? ROSS'; this time. Thank y~., t urn then' to PRESIDING ,the institutional adjustment. the you,hri ',. I .; PATTERSON: HEARING from J ", 14 .1978 IS liS For 18th to I no di chronoSi sand " that correct? 17 !l INMATE SIRHAN: 'I don't undel: S 10 128 Counseling' 11 21"' what, , :mean. counae le:ils than a 1 none in'the record., them'. you HEARING '/ .15 ·1 -I to reeoi:d no !;,ou.nse , Okay. have One .' communfcat.i,.on sessio'ns you have been Hartnel Col That is correct. 8Q-ur6e~i;. the r:fcea n-·· I have' no carers .... 11 HE.ARING PATTERSON, Strai PAT'l'ERSON : Do you· have IS? Yes. INMA'ItE S , " that? SIRHAN \.' 23 wi that the unit iod hort Also that you were class, but in order to becom€;l invo 'fhen t,he in HObell1 , that your no to the 1978 m&et with the you needed' time to~become i.nvo You apparent academic have done sir .have. ?~24v . aagfwhaig gza?pgz :3 2y y?u ?g %i%h t?arayy - . 4i. gma thing far vgaation i gag ta ?g a??t%im? aba?t t??tw Mir Ea k?g am? w? m?mmamtg m?k? i? I ?i?limk Ma tag? weml? Qan?iu?g ih? famarkg? ??ta 1 gai??a?g i?ifmh?l? pragram, mg di?afyiiaaxi??g,an$ p$yahi?tfi?fzgwart which ig fa?mrahi? Em thi?k 3% r?g? gait mi thig ini??tka ?aawyd w?mmagt mad? ?g 3 ?t Qi.yggx - ?h?t wag: yaw ?mva? gmta iga ta ra?? :Eiagi ?g ??ga ?umbgr f, ?s I A an?mng gig? w: knit: gig/"Emma? . . . at ga?r; f, iika t? @?ik t3 yam a, WEE-gag a?mw?w mamgg?m a -rm mm mw?gw?a that i.t 1. 1 you HOO COll~(l1l TOWl< ORl\Ic. lIun'~ MCillAM!!:NHl, C',AUi'Oi'lNI ... _ 'f~U!lJ>IiONIE lilHI} Mo,_l " thing I'd Soledad is 1 s two-­ f 1. , .i !! tOWN OI!+VI!. $MRA.~I!iNro. ,CAllI'1!mN1A lIlIti$ rgl.l*""'i1M' (!i~") ~II$·~I of that .' to I that is the to the c~~unity. for Mr,' Sirhan. it will take me~ cornro uni co. ted Mr. Sirharr employment will upon 'his release. ' have told me letter to that both from the Government" the Board ,in S , but I have not done so I wish to hr ., for of the panel to of the record. MFMBER BROWN l don t the file at this time. MR. , I don't have i L ' have one <:;:h is' re offense into have any to of the facts of the record at the of these \vants. to in these . Sirhan'was l!UITE~' :ilAClFlI'MI!f>HQ, llt!Illil 1I!tl£l"lfONI!. (91®) ,363-3001 \"'~s' being fired has taken offense of the fact counts or bi weapon is eU3sault with a that that unfort·unat.e INMATE . bullets hit Senator ,Upon hand v,as bullet This, I believe, is fot you .in Thcl't'S all I have, your Honor. MR. PRESIDING l.'lEN13ER BROWN: . ROBERTS, I would like to. ob] hear ' Betore·Mr, to him into any as PRESIDING ME:MBER BROWN:. • JIIr. Ross. You'11 bE'! overruled. ROfJs. CORONADO: • Chainuan, before , is the you have made' , 20 21 that f to th~ . reference. that. Mr. and I suppose you're re ha$ made' the lease Board not 1. of the 'refer to what panel you' to? .., .. , s the' '75. which the eRE. 1 5 it was at the 1975 . where fact that to ... WEare S that c6nsidered at that 1. control t.he gun, o aS8esS him time for those SIRHAN: .\ Mowever r Yes, did. did Ho~ever, 1 ' bullets, to the.Robert ts made contact with the Senator, . and he Id very some rnonster-s Zt1d 'and very men after' the first lim not. Ul 19 te for is.what BOARD MEMBER CORONADO: 10 the Senator and 11 11 his Are og that first time that your to the it was . three other INMATE. ? know what direction I was in a ~- I don •. What It m saying is .. -~ .and $' and it's' in headlock after , let was 'fired. the first I ask some fact. ~ '. MEMBER BROWN: 'I'his' is to' the shots not at the other SIRHAN; , sir, A melee 'so I don't rea MEMBER' BROWN; knmv what We discus fic intent other kinds of Yes, I INMATE: S 14 not address mY$slf to the finements of the .. but tl'lat is all that I know that esthere, what t:he record I dod't feel 10 I'm thaL f to be rE::sponsible ing me as you' are BOARD hav~ of been convicted the courts ,'have you not?, the counts Or ", YeS CORONADO: . you convi ." 17,00 COLll!(i!l!:'TOWN DRIVE. SUlT'!!, _ SACM'MIiNTP, CAlIFORNIA.!I!I600 ~~'"''MV'.''' {"16j 363·~ ,. I the 4 credits, 1.f 'DOW '0 S any, IIhould be . CS to Section 2290. The o~r of office and partie in . " ion may be the term under' some" 10 of our office would II S of this fee ofho\\1 fee 9tat~ to that. or how the citizeni sonal . . TJul.t. law i \"rell set forth'in Section 2290, Lt:'is for 5! if r:l,ny f in be ;that Evidence has tieen programs 18 ., is preaei1ted here' 7 However, were available to , Some- mcist be addressed 19 or a't some other time -­ . cannot f 'it's Sirhan, how j'n a con i' is f he ng,to tha,t will have t.O be' ... However, are to be po .req11e.st.1 do he ha:iS of the Qecause of his' is~ in some in and his'time to God than the other . You my ~ se on that. -­ which is his,'only ,so, ;"''''~ fur:ther. I have BROWN: ' 14 's'pqW the f0r closing 1(1 t.hat ? ~, 11 ROSS.: I \ .. \"es, it was. . 113 IDING 'll'go to state - ,/ ment r inmateUs, MR. aouns~ .'­ Re just amount - \, " to in are housed and we looked-at last year but years find int.his 1,~st. twelve come up to Mr. soners t.hat· would consi the i.ncumbent upon thi t wi L .1 Mr. Sirhan because th~\t shall amo , \ for that exoeeds the Ii: is that Mr. self-,' 41: .Oave:r~age. list in the past!.. 1 list.ed c) • year, _could ' 59 of. a' would award a di 1'13 remarks last year when cipation, he needed educational structured. academic -­ in structured academics which he . said he' has shoW"D. you, or this shown you, and where this he any 1 was none in the unit. st of the P al11l adena that \ \ units of 001 \ don.' t. think o 16 5 for months 't CORON}(DO: ' 'that were ,to indicated that in JOrda11, believe, at that time, ,Now, you have that the has take ymL And cated that like to ask you; Government's intere inyout sm i l' INMATE S gU ",8;. 7 sir. is thusf'Y' , that I contacted Dr, T Mehdi, Chl'l this American"':Arab 19 the Arab 'Governments to me when 'm re .. a let.ter from the of mt;), The Government of as . \ 'acceptance' in ' include ! somewhere! sir. to"hbuse BOARD ,the Government: IS C '. If? INMATE sador stwasmade in New 'to that Ambass<1tdor In fact, I have sed letter here. " MR. the ~ . " can-~. f' 1:. lmits. ,in al which cpu.rses, x:i~cord II of Document,s 3' s case fact .. , Two. this 9. 7/ J Three. in ,. sa a workshop COUrse 'four ual courses. Four,~ You in -, j 1/22 clas W€t If-awareness noted S. . v 68 encomp",:sses .2 this . \,;h:1.ch panel was .. This I"have docum~nt will indicate the decision this The record·! Ii your 0 etion on . you .a has new parole release fore, no . panel' can ll\ecom,"~ fin·a1 I ( ision of this till 60 al· condit to add one and.that's to tot a and this is of the Ui:,e of abstain your O\,;n stat.ement.' you' at~ the Mr •.. Corondao .. CORONADO. I P'atterson~ '. comment~s. . . ','i> ?rig,? 3% a . gamma- gymxmlaa, ?v . 1 5i." I A ifhermman? Em 238%?an ?af?f? thigh"? . ~?Qmmunity Egsr? 9; x: a a A $18?wwm??:25GQLLEQE [mam mg ?4223 A 3? sm?amwm. cmma?ag 3 ?a va? gm ghait??m? by may ?g ?g?ag?xfb?? inzg tygasxi?ing, V.. ?m dgginp?r?gte? garawn haxeingmuug?l 3 am up ?f ?gi? hagrimg? h?rauat$J?Q% my .57?max?qhaaxxng wag I?g? lwaginga SQK 3r.? I me- ta? a ?feg &ay QE t?a gar?i?? ?g . W?l?i??i?if?f? ?ag $1 ?ugumam 232: $3374 ??ftifi?? Ragartwr ?v {mm . a Liaa?g? ?lg?bva?aW?m :?gm '?gm xx ma maha? 36w?; ahwasy?mw, I I -