gmm. 51. Ax,R?l?h Eigarxa misc mag?m - 3' 3? lk a ?mnaid ?egutya?iatriC? ?tt?fi??mmi?g, Saigg?g 1 A A 1 .R?Enmn?} Ag?bcd?mxm? -wf . to .. {733? if: A: a my 5.1L -. G) <6 0 {3:31.3: ?Orr123? t) U254 *r?f ?9 ?30. rm MM start, go any fu s da is 198-0. loca tl) E~ The iog i a o 4. B number is re,f till": ribed those t"1;)Om that p(')i to d W<1lY ar.ound the I' m a t ~l. California, Helen do c~nducted·· of the Board of· to the isonTerms exert tion tl1e, v i t11 of post-conviction i be bel:21v ior ""from thee; per;.iqd of time 97 9 f to not the paxole 1 tion. ne 1 Y (Ot~ Q in of, he 1n9 r from ior. i in tIle work 1 the \IV 1>1r 11 n 31. know at we· t ve to , . well i refused to is, 1eh s appeat"~;m~e, ~ome ia,uh 1 t abSBn p~isoners ., t.hEiil we conduct one do wa1we and has dec hear: . vdl1 conduct an absentia Mr. HernanGe gi in­ ieu of his attendance fa uh, I::ing hformed a o th hi . I .Llh no for his refu~al to will n'view the into the recQrd, documen \V'i The . t not to He \v1 thout his be t a' trdnsd ibed twiLl i~ ... t a copy of thi the our and, of· r t.o based or on tha sion dec . ion tha t: s is a.1. 1n t 'f Mr. Cha CROW ,": ' course., of· his,.uh a rsonal t ion's on h -a.ny . ,own his.' ,form tha is 1f lout also to uh / hearing ,coday. The Li upon for which h~ him' adyis ,to ma,ke this hear, 9 1 upon he was, ress o. by h t:s, uh i ,to this i f rnand Mr. 55 ri t '~O pre~ent t':o th , Mr. Sirhan exercised his constitutional at this hearing to waive his presence Uh, I 'b<; Hear;ing on ,as ;yo~ ~ave indicated advised us tha would'not uh r Uh, we have a was: berved oh 8/7/198 . '. hi 1 of , h'im under ike to ask Mr. Hernandez and I reea ,:'!lso t th at uh, is Li:ke to, uhf and I, me, since DING REPRESENTnTIVE CRQW: ~~1Ei"lB.E:H CORONADO; - He wi l PRES DING be te CROW; fi hand the t Uy i Rlds your -right 'to teLL the truth C'l:nd matters in this hearing this ? CORREc'r I ONAL Uh Mt'. Hernande , . correct you then went. uh I ' uh i ,- ask i f he would. s his f " appearance, and ived his' s f went and spoke'to him and what was then senceoi that conversat that you had with him? ,COUNSELOR HERNANDEZ : informed metha that h~ a Mr. Sirhanwcil.s, , today was his hearing, and I had r iel not wish to r before the Board of that thi ison was true. I asked him i f he said he just did n~t wish ht to e' ined to him the form which'i to t, I under~tand of Pr Ron Terms hear appaa ti so '.untie on my and I am OWI'l f, and that I dono!: wish .to at tand that the e ,." a· 1. vcr of Terms hearing, and read it to ' 0:1", Pri "The statemen eI. I am soheduled for a and haifa the right to en~itlcd to be sent and to ask questions of the Board. my Board bearing! be conducted,. and the es i but· ed to' ign,. 'MEMBEH CORONADO '. it, uh, uh~ the, f : that, were of I' ,to make COONSEI.rOH ,..... se one ' tlHit he And s on th is' to the' news med to, samet , Okay, ',,, u. 'l'hank no I flU? '. PHES DING.' (Ini'wdible) 'l'hank you', I have I CO .HERNANDEZ. ~i~~llf uh ,';l this uled 1 then~abou1;:5 questiOrl. Ye COllUtlGmt actually. Hr. n9 was originally continued or f CORRI~CTIONAL HERNANDEZUh-huh. PI uh , Mt t he, File. At we could find no " . that '. is it' not? Is that :. That is correct. COUNSELOR r.U~'~mER PIZARRO: been, uh t f that were So any. of the caused encountered I ."or f and tl1 been f th~ continuance have now uh f mel::' or faced rand -:­ 'fhey"have been' COUNSELOR ved t . yes. have then. That's all NEMBER PIZARRO: IVE CROW: Pi r , and Mr. Coronado? hear Cort~ections i on the of tens Hr. ; let me information that :3 4 into the ~ead5 us up 9 froln .Los r 1rst and of He l~DW 1 , 1 , uh, on with intent to That Adult 7~. f of two hundred On uh, Case No.' made his, an appearance e suitab;ll .t toddY's tment of It Authori RevieW Commi ~o was ieee ved in the commit murder, five Chairmanls \,. t:hs and set a 17, 1976, a excuse me, i80n W • .moved. th.F Hearing under .'T irmed, that date date ","as ·was ." being. ~ conducted a The Community Release Boa Mi that ~ime hear Sirhan waived.hi~ Board under the new Communi matr a par ' . had under the guideline~ prior to LTu .1,1977 ect prior to·Ju lines in e it granted ., . J , u ..,. I • eiines shall advance th those , ·7 '1-' icleli , "'",-­ gui ines tCll::tha t ring, the u ~ I mean, para f granting, ttl ined. era to f\vo months was ~ those , re II . such·thdt that Ive go 1 ionall for be , exceptional· tablis is t Lire not The t r f the :if soner kllo\'I \'Ia3, he in except id no til commen uh, no time t HlJ t PIZAfmo: anit ument is t F UG any comments. cjon'.t have CROW had' th at I . uh thdl1 'I'he we, available . tten bv­ -, ez? is it· t is . 4 I am: amigt a . . SGHN Tiygmg??m am? U@g&ting th? "a f; ?pi ?zia KquEie? 1 ??t??niha 3f tha 1&?t h??fi?a?zmg . I 1? ?f 3 ?uiy rim; Eh 1 taixiug . a? ?&bwu?g f??i%wi?g tha fim? that . . rim gari?a a ?g Qniy i?iking aani ?r??igr-t?@ Lf9~ frag ih? @g?umamthava?it imiig?a%? ?ig hag aw b? @g?g I ,l?hav? gig?? Jiva Exam ?th3 Fw?g??t g?lg??ha?iryy?g?am; w?i? 11 cular rsOn " ional 'l'i1e ~3 t t k t () t f f' l)b f t / rn i t t()n the J?() 1. t. on hi tlet if"? 3: ta t?a: ?g Ck" h?vg gara i? rig; f?ifiy ggarif mm Ix m?ig at?zt?? I a igga w?g . a . g?yag :vg E?ah? aan t?aag i??ygf arg z?$??ii?iiy fr?? ih?i lava ha?* tk? havg 3 G?$Ki?wk 7 . 14:; it: 1 .W M, .433 $39 gag1W3 {Pawn g? if r? w? ?2m(git?giga 14%;in if ?had th? if .v gw?x Ef wayrg B??t??t?e ?aa: ?gm? - - mg?! ?hgi ti?? axa I 3 w"?k $33 aha tim? .: a?uggag ?g ig gxg??gg a t??g y?uf u?g s??z?gg th Sf aha . u, ?30 caa$$aa i? l? i?lS '31 (a 3. km (3 mix? had) 2,1 1% invaiw . tag?? th?m mi ?hi? a&tUEw? {Ea TQHVEQE g? The Rat my; 2 ?g q?t t?ay ma ??ia immwg -Wh??;gwwui?i am i1@ 4 3% ymu hava any a5 mm thare, . . i thiak h???gfg? aad $514?g?, w?lmh ywui? iiga?ify thaz'?g EQQR, uhg ia thig ygaya t?i?k ah; u?y t?i?kr??Q gag ?w?ih?r C?fa?? compos t? have sp, uh t just , seInes .lllSt uctor in9 h 1f, or in ,!In w th in\] 11;;,d in ~he V \. go Hal ect some sort? By Feds? 1 college rONAL COUNSELOR courses r uh, uh. either Basic Educational which i Bene Hartnell called BEOG. or Veterari's in uni receiver is uhf checkS for any of and . Sta tas armed money for going to 00119g • to he them pay· -for 1. t ion f· books and CORONADO; . Hr. So if we, uh, ruled out is not HERNANDEZ: CORIU.:CTIONAL MENrmH CORONADO: Then r Un-huh. we to i'lSSlJlnethat , (;j tiol) in courses a~e bei~g BLOR HERNANDEZ. CORONADO: So i COUNSElLOR seither Z: paid Either·the BEaG the Fed That correct. I have no further quest Pizarro in, the ,wit.h un -if -- rae I ae '~-.t, of an ... c ,thoug};lt I somewhere that when pri s~st~m tha~ mean rate' some_ Corre6tiona, or. h~ came 1:8 to~ the been to ~olreger uh" some, he had a1 six units', uh, those fif prior. to com or 'he got, but I -being si tO,the Department of ixun~ts re these fif of what th~t which he earned here.? HERNANDE'Z: CORRECTIONAL those \1n~ts Hartne11 those lege involved lnthe col l MEMBER PIZARRO I have no idea how he was te program, to I don!t even know t, uh" I uh -­ HERNANDEZ; its that ,all he has earned here through our r the I bel t I believe all were earned to 'saw , . man. attends sessions to br '\ EST trai Protective Housi COUNSELOR that is Unit. j:vl1a t kind of RNANDEZ; traini PIZARRO: id t PRESIDING MEMBER PLZARRO= capital 1'. £-5-'1'. tha t 1iOmewhere I lDI~G EST. CRmv: ital E, there, I REPRESENTATIVE CROW: tal SF ht. I Can you CORRECTIONAL COUNSELOR e page, '? PIZARRO; No sir, I cannot. A chrono7 CORRECTIONAL,COUNSBLOR pRESIDING REPRESENTATIVE CROW: From Mr. S CORRECTIONAL COUNSELOR HERNAN DE Departmen c I. i'm uhf 'find. 't:h j<'lu-gon wh Oh, that 13 I ci:tnnot, uhf I sorry. PIZARRO ticn. I 's a ahrono. Okay. I read , .that Y0U conduct One, one oth,er c,Ommen t: f or re somewhe 'Counsel * too, sir .and Dh-huh that USSOffie . idea how much:. involved • • Sirhan COUNSELOR HERNANDEZ sel£-he~p discuss t may lor ti) in ar The inmates, 9 It I s a ..... group cpunsel em!? f ' problems; uhuh • . on ty as com to prison, t 1erns with t.h . fOl:' thH' futu tho~e been in fe p~ ' son, \vi1at thai . tn, uh, ted, once .they are uh And, uh inmates who may be repeater • who son before and have Fome back ·the i r tion; inpu t prlmari to ut 1 z :ce led, uh F I too much, I· 115ed too. much narcotics .. group. / of the ..' inmates. is I And it IS. to, llh F sh F shoot'lng up on I ir groupw that alBO contribute, I I guide i can d pr us or ( cUh ... , , . a break dut' Uh r I ", ./ n enrolled "in the 9ro 'I th , my, t ~as- the , now. about the middle of June, summer and then we s you co~nent rt agin in as to his COUNSELOR HERNANDEZ: tic I " doe quit(:',i:l bit. ,;.~: 1 1 (I " . ibIe) PRES CROW': Mr. Coronado I , hi I I'd j us t r-e renees, making were. he and '. n keto co in s tha t'. was ' , out 'what Uy an art class that Life Career Planning 'couts.. in Your Consti 8io further tions the Ann. 1 to Mr. Sirhan's, uh, J , from the th'ere' noth further '1 cons , ask the documents i ,Dis t this time n?gardin<] pm; the pa,st, uh, redi pr saner ther~ is no doubt that he hi f Yes, we~te Thank do. ttend",d for this h<~ve ,tbat I ~nd conviction fourteen months DEPUTY DISTH,.IC'l' A'fTORNI:;Y ROSi,,: Th i f he has • Ross, f commt':nts to make you. iments In aware abundn.nt the t in,·i.96S' until the present., he c reschel violated. PizarrO imed S, had been ·knows of that, of t my abil.i. ,. th~s hearing was In fact, to re te the fact that the ,p,risoner htH) beh·aved himself in the last year I yet he to hold both this 'Bo8:,,:d and the entir.e American cant tern of criminal the'~ te of Cali committ Board re·-set ustice in F th of the District the t t ,to have request was 'Of the \. and is not be granted average ored it; no more. to 'fhe )l:lsoner will way it-is. any unju tif 1. t would be bo , , ,supported. i~)Oner low him 11 and' not I ts from ? nothing I COHONADO PHES we'v No, no no co~ment. REPRESENTATIVE CROW; asked you a number .Mr. Herna r Is there que/cit Ltl ink we should cons ide missed CORREcrIONAI, '(Inaudiblt~). COUNS}~LOR HERNANDI:;Z: No si r, ' REPRESENTATIVE At tb time we, if wo have made some real severe your, nly it is the prisonet' ", I sir. clear the room rei recess I uh nutes to deliberation. oi.clo~k room was cleared and the hearing 'the Board of i50n Terms recessed for • ,~f tion the Board) It1s about ,the on S1 previa , are back in the room. , identi in the absence of the ~iscussed,uh , ther we feel His M~~ this'mo:cn to was not s r Si , this af The panel the fact , equately ~ tba All the minutes tected. rnoon, did not, ainst him in any respect consider the the action ba ad on the mt\de comments abou Hr. Si up tha panel, aqted I th labIa to us, uh, the prev t when' unde!~ ly the, uh above to Ju les 2 92(e) which record, concerning 1, 1977. who had Based on parole , ub, states that Mr. Sirhan has continued to in his academic exc~llent ram, received as tanding work raporta while he was clerk; reccrd appear before us. for those established prior record before us this mat&rial, but he BOi:u:-d of Priso.n Terms post~c6nviction· receive fused t"s missing was he ha.s' ea.r disc i . and he has unit. alcohol can, Hernandez discus and, lih wi rhan 8, of thi after t he 1 see r should PRESIDING Cj\OW Board of Pr 20 CORONA IX) : IIU:I't!BER PI ZARHO: I 2050 Uh, 2050. I.'m have no' further commen tes to' the hear the Board of Prison ourned 0, . no comments. I ing at was 2250~ o. PRESIDING REPRESENTATIVE CROW , ..I I:ms Rules ? • te have the that that he doe CORONADO: .It'~ ur€iS is .transcribed in our of P.rhwn comments from . sorry. uh, Te~m. :50 p.m.) With t we wil TJcm STATI~ OF·CALIFORNIA, PRISON· HEREBY ClmTIFY THAT THE F'OREGCiING nOAHD OF WAS ':r.Apr~ AND 'l'HEREAI!'TER TRANSCRIBED BY filE INfI'O I NOT OF FURTHER CER'l'IFY . FO.R ANY OF 'l'HE TO D HEf\RING r OR ATTOHNE;Y NOR IN ANY SAID HEAH IN' HAVE: HEHIWNTO SET MY· HAND frUIS IN WI'rN1:JSS. 1980 • 14:I'H DAY .\