I 25?] 1-0? alappmximaicly . Of?cer QELGA. oun t?incg? Black Ma]: born 9 229. White Chew TEL 75511 '55 for in i ht whil: north n_ a (Mt 51. When ht turned run 1 dr'w [the China rm in an: ed for u: thrnugh the gran. U?l?l moving tLr: driver of the Chg-'3 gram. d? nurtl 35 bl?c withuut 51 nnl? in 2. Drum unit H1494.I driwr I: 63 handmcun? uln i tatut snlid Ilnwl {dcacribc ifother than callislm Of?cer MANUEL - Al'??s (manned the said msed at said 311mm! was. intuxicatcd henna upnn the follnwing conditiuns :xhibitcd by lh: said 11:: Clothing: Mussed Alcoholic Btu-Ia: E3121: Glassy Ballnce: Sway Speuh: Humbled. Slurred. Thick Tongucd knit-dc: Unm Walking: Swaying. Unsure. Turning: [Inusull?ctionm Laughing Drug Recognition Evaluation (DRE) ?t'cs No Dosoribc: Doscribc: .. Pro-Arrest Admissions by Accusod: Admitted to drinking at lengt 3 or 4 Dottie: Other Field Sobriety Test Adminismrodz?Signs of intoxication (other than those stat: what time it was. then stated that it was carlv. about 2:31]. The actual time was Was the motor vchinic occupicd by a child younger than i 5 years of age? [3 ch Tim? aka?: I 16 Time of intoxiivzon?PBT: int?xiiyzer Administered? [Ii Yos No Refused [f FBTifpreliminaIy breath test) Yos No Refusod ff Blood Tost Administered? Yes No Refused Previous Driving While Intoxicated Convictions??7zaf Af?ant in . On this, the day of . 2016. acknowiodgc that i have ova: probab can ccxists for I Issuance of - ?anantforthc individual aocussed th A I Magus l?ourt, Travis County, '[cxs Austin Poiicc Incidcn! Numb": - Gi'?cor: QELI Judge Erik E. Austin Municipal Court