mmwawmm wm? nu v. mm. . mg may av g; 323 ?rg{Ser i; Tia$352 ii; Lula; 1 {h .. Mr My?? *? r? k??f 6 a (Ian ?ghg aih?f @li?x? ?gar? mm {as} 1. m?mgugly?pa?s @2312: 1 mi afizglm w? insi3? wa?$gbia , . ~: ' , threats, in tion'8va.l ty 111d±yidulll1y or 12 1-,., .,() ""~ "'11' ~ w v~ e ti.on ,,,ith 'o.:r in con h U j rma was avai li:lbl(~ t b .. , role '" sot : € to y?, pa'rol 'f t:n 18 ' dal:G:' ull that 19 \ Sl. r'han Catc, r:Lsk: Hi n rant 'fir'ld' 10 Sirha~ 2J conE 8uitableor t~ of establish a cal :L1 to ::' 1, ,. ,. I . ,"r-~' , ; , . ' . ' s;,-First Mr. Tr~p? outset, I would have the'} ". 1 and has been Gonducted. ma'nncr 'in \;Jh ch this cipilted in'8 ried' I , . ',: \"Here so many 1y, 0 so much • 3' ,., in sucn time. I think thnt everyone '.invol v\?d, Mr. McKi sac~. a batt , "i. It's you sQmal and who s It !} • like • lflake Chat are . ;, , \ . ,, ')" r' .; ." that-indeed, city and· ible for thescts which S!IOU 1 accord of not ha [) h~r eOlTlm hus C. 01l11ll i"t: t cd ; y. , ·that ever s tl b{~en a d1agnostl.c study ,t'hat: f !:om any Conn .. ts we have seen 11 icate s(j:ne :lnd a.of cour.Be ~. 4 1" indica clear. :i.on I • 'I..i;.''',: ~~ ~3 . . '.'~ . J '1/' . • : . ~", . s",me time, ,: we have 'erle . to ·1 of these tha t we· I \ver~ 1 this, outset :Lon ,,~hich through to [he :l.n tllis c e through s 19ators, has invest ticular \vitncs ses The 11 into ,. the OUX'. () inal estil11l:1t that: all and that it should c:5wmLned. th:L s· :Lnie , ar1.£:l we can the t +666 most s .particular - discretioh and most of which which is unassailable. nt out at the very that I say, noth that ,ve have ~ a )~:l throughout: the many months that i.ntenoed date. be c~nstrued as, an attacR upon the Prison Terms or the Communi y, .ho\vever· Release Board or wish to c~aracterize s. those panels cnd~d tt:l .in to i our s anY,one, of t.hese people. know r hear ,. .good .mm ww$w a. 5%w?kw . a.a . a. gm {mmw Mam ?aw wl?g A ?gmwm WE mg ngw# . maxwm . my . raw wag? amnga . wym?.?nmm . a wquun .w ??mw ?rm a. . {ziwwm . is; gag; ththa?r?f and th?' . i%u yr?pa? Ectg'xa mfy? d? If em Qa?? g- h?g a Unith Aa? a3 9? i?,?thayj a??gaf it; aayr Stat am {aaig w, .1 "gi?ini?? mw egg 23% 1?31?ay as mm a i3 t?a i?g gwa??a? 3 ?3 mg. 1a;mg 20 33$ a?yW$f?? 459? dida?f;* Than ghmuly I wi?h 1@Q?ing 56? $1 ram?r? ma?a thi? 4a ?gwa?mm ii??iiu ?g g: %aauag *5 meow? the .o ,,­ '. terms though gone-en 'bane ,b:, t,Jilson from seeing him is anality that would te y some kind of i Now, ing he chd" ~tr. wh8Xwas not discussed here Ne son his son Uni So, a . 15 had in front of but L: ~ timon)" \"e('~k go the think has the story t: son, I e that can ana , ts 1, to exon~rate And I himself entire ~!ntire as Mr. Nel~on trying make hirns If lorik like in his lation-· ion of jC\.Jelry that narcotics :L to 'I 1748 in '·th:ls case. in I 1 upon his testimony because 7 ' of to say, tr I thtnk inion him is that same as an inmate, only he My it t60 much at the time. tha i t seems to me an at the cavalie into elle h S rd. part es fox bIs ". 11 11 8 adult as <') , . to an.ayerage t v.,''!Is his own preserve, be holding barbeque He might as Whether. or not he has read else, just as a 3 or ; am count . there nre