From: To: Date: Subject: RYAN COOPER 4/13/2015 2:05 PM RE: Are you tracking AB 829? I will be out of the office until April 20th and will not have access to my e-mail. If you need my assistance please contact (213)486-5330 or email Page 1 of 1 Recipients: 3 Acknowledged: 3 KEITH GORDON Read LUZ FLORES Read MICHELLE PAGAN Read Attachments: User: 0, System: 2 Send Options: file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/55376B2FLAPDDomBP0B2100... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 Recipients: 5 Acknowledged 5 ARTURO SANDOVAL JORGE MARTINEZ Read KEITH GORDON LUZ FLORES Read MICHELLE PAGAN Read Attachments: Delegated Read User: 4, System: 2 Send Options: file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/553885CILAPDDomBPOB2100... 6/22/2015 921 I 1th Street, Suiteentot 916.4-13.2017 - April 9, 2015 ()Hi( l'ItS (.11Iti l< 1 (.. I 1.120 lityrrlid ( thinly irNi N ice President PATRICK 1. Alc6121111 Yuba Count( mid Vice Pre(ideot PI tNt \ I (N N, ( ,•Lut( Secretar(- Freasurer I ODD 0 RH'lir Ani.:(1(ir( ountN ..(cr(!eatitBIRL,I 1 i 1 ND Nii:12 `,0N,,...0 • •Hiv.( Immediate Past President 1)LAK 11. 111'I'u (‘:• BO: 0 URAL Riverside Coi LISA S. GREEN Kern Counts The Honorable Adrin Nazarian California State Assembly State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: AB 829 - Oppose Dear Assemblymember Nazarian: On behalf of the California District Attorneys Association(CDAA), I regret to inform you that we are opposed to your measure, AB 829, as amended on March 26, 2015. This bill would create a notification process for anyone whose name is placed in a law enforcement shared gang database, as well as three opportunities for appeal, during which law enforcement agencies would be required to share sensitive information with the suspected gang member. Under AB 829, once a suspected gang member is notified of his or her placement in a shared gang database, they can contest the designation (new PC 186.44). If the law enforcement agency denies that request, they must state the reasons for the suspect's inclusion in the database. This is tantamount to allowing a suspect to view sensitive intelligence that the law enforcement agency has collected. The suspect would then be able to request an administrative hearing(new PC 186.460), which the law enforcement agency would be required to grant. During that hearing (which could be considerably delayed in light of the two continuances that the agency would be required to grant), the suspect may subpoena officers, documents, and other sensitive information. If the hearing officer finds that the suspect should not be removed from the database, the suspect may request another review of that decision (new PC 186.472), which the law enforcement agency is again required to grant. In addition to the policy concerns that AB 829 raises, the cost of preparing and staffing these hearings would be overwhelming. DA VII) I IA R Nit kJ ( ANl1 ) NA \ I LI Akuile(1,1Cirunly NVLNI/1" PATRICK 41, I ri,•.,j() COLIFIty 11 ! I IhK; !.1\!/<1<.: (tr>> Alan Vernon 4/22/2015 3:38 PM >>> Ryan, Martin Vranicar requested I forward you this information for distribution to the CGNAC members. Thanks, Al From: Marty Vranicar [am annarlakcciaa orci] Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:44 PM To: Alan Vernon Subject: AB 829 Alan, Please send out to the CEB and the CGNAC members the above proposed legislation and CDAA's opposition letter for a discussion at the next Board meeting. This legislation will have a tremendous impact on the CalGang database if it passes. So far, CDAA is the only one in opposition and our testimony was insufficient to prevent it passing the Assembly Public Safety Committee. I will be at the CEB meeting to discuss. Thanks! Marty Vranicar Assistant CEO California District Attorneys Association 921 11th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.443,2017 I CDAA ths I Pic Ai it 'It'.I, ,U'N'( IAI ION CDAA file:///C:/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPgrpwise/553885D9LAPDDomBP0B2100... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Fwd: FW: AB 829 From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: RYAN COOPER 4/23/2015 5:48 AM Fwd: FW: AB 829 20150AB82998AMD (1).pdf; AB 829 APS.docx >>> Alan Vernon 4/22/2015 3:38 PM >>> Ryan, Martin Vranicarrequested I forward you this information for distribution to the CGNAC members, Thanks, Al From: Marty Vranicar [rnvranicarracdaa.012] Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:44 PM To: Alan Vernon Subject: AB 829 Alan, Please send out to the CEB and the CGNAC members the above proposed legislation and CDAA's opposition letter for a discussion at the next Board meeting. This legislation will have a tremendous impact on the CalGang database if it passes. So far, CDAA is the only one in opposition and our testimony was insufficient to prevent it passing the Assembly Public Safety Committee. I will be at the CEB meeting to discuss. Thanks! Marty Vranicar Assistant CEO California District Attorneys Association 921 11th Street, Suite 300 I Sacramento, CA 95814 916.443.2017 I I haps:// et 1:z' cr. s.• CDAA I . -that -tht infarn.afna. vnettl+entlangt. th...11.41th er oak)of the-minor: retain(I) A -ha.altithe Jateba,..,as(It Int 23.20(h)of TM,28 ofd,. Cal- of feel- tgaltniettn (g)--Nothing-Millis-seetietrahaH-rettuirea k)etti-ltrrettforeethent eta-,to ..ty intt nn4tiw prottvaed-untferSectien4040 er-4044-efilte-Eritlenet Code-or-Seetion-6264-efthe-Geventmeett Gede: SEC. 7. Section 186.34 is added to the Penal Code, to read. 186.34. (a) (I) For purposes of this section, "shared gang database"shall mean a database that satisfiesall ofthefollowing: (A) Allows accessfor any local law enforcement agency (B) Containspersonal.idetuifying informationin which aperson may be designated as a suspected gang member. associate. or 98 AB 829 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 affiliate orfor which entry ofa person in the database rejlecisa designation ofthat person as a suspectedgang member,associate. or affiliate. (C) Is subject to Part 23 of Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations.Iffederalfunding is no longer available to a database through thefederal Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968(42 U.S.C. Sec. 3711 et seq.). a database shall not have to satisfy this subparagraph to meet the definitionala "shun ed gang database." (2) A "shared gang database" does not include dispatch operator reports, information usedfor the administration ofjail or custodial facilities. criminal investigative reports. probation reports, or information required to he collectedpursuant to Section /86.30. (3) A "shared gang database" includes the CalGang system. operatedpursuant to Section 23 ofTitk 28 ofthe Code ofFederal Regulations. (b) A shared gang database. as definedin this section, shall retain records related to the gang activity ofthe individuals in the database consistent with the provisions contained in Section 23.20(h) ofTitle 28 ofthe Code ofFederal Regulations SEC 8. Section 186.36 is added to the Penal Code. to read: /86.36. (a) Beginning on December I. 2016, and annually on December I thereafter the Department ofJustice shall submit a report to the Ca/Gang Executive Board and to the Legislature that contains, by ZIP Code, referring agency. race. gender. and age. thefollowing information: (0 The number ofpersons added to the CalGang system during the immediately preceding 12 months. (2) The number of requestsfor removal ofa personfrom the Ca/Gang system received during the immediately preceding 12 months. (3) The number of requestsfor removal ofa personfrom the CalGang system that were granted during the immediately preceding 12 months. (4) The number of persons automatically removed from the CalGang system during the immediately preceding 12 months. (6) A reportsubminedto the Legislature pursuant to subdivision (a)shall comply with Section 9795 ofthe Government('ode. SEC 9. Section /86.38 is added to the Penal Code, to read: 98 AB 829 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 —10- 186.38. (a) To the extenta locallaw enforcement agency elects to utilize a shared gang database. as definedin Section 186.34. prior to the local law enforcement agency designating a person as a suspected gang member, associate, or affiliatein a shared gang database or submittinga documentto the Attorney GeneralS officefor the purpose ofdesignating a per son in a shared gang database. or otherwise identifying the person in a shared gang database. the local law enforcement agency shall provide written notice to the person. and. ifthe person is under 18 years of age. his or her parent or guardian, ofthe designation and the basisfor the designation. unless providing that notification would compromise an active criminal investigation or compromise the health or safety ofthe person if the person is under 18 years of age. (b) The notice described in subdivision (a)shall describe the processfbr the person. on ifthe person is under 18 years ofage. his or her parent or guardian. to contest the designation or identificationof the per son in the database. as applicable. The notice shall also inform the person of the reasonfor his or her designation in the database. (c) (1) A person to he designated as a suspectedgang member. associate. or affiliate, Or if the person is under 18 years ofage. his or her parent or guardian. may request information of a local law enforcement agency as to whether the person has been designated as a suspected gang member. associate. or affiliatein a shared gang database. and the local law enforcement agency shallprovide that information. unless doing so would compromise an active criminalinvestigation or compromise the health orsafeOr ofthe person ifthe person is under 18 years ofage. (2) A person requesting information pursuant to paragraph(1) shall make the request in writing. (3) The local law enforcement agency shall respond to a valid request pursuant to paragraph a1 in writing to the person making the request within 30calendar days ofreceipt ofthe request. (4) Ifthe person about whom information is requested is under 18yearsofage. the locallawenforcement agency may not disclose the location ofthe person to his or her parent or guardian ifthe agency determines disclosure ofthat information would endanger the health or safely ofthe person. gro — 11 — I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 AB 829 (d) Nothing in this section requires a local law enforcement agency to disclose any information protected under Section 1040 or 1041 ofthe Evidence Code or Section 6254 ofthe Government Code. SEC. 10. Section 186.40 is added to the Penal Code. to read: /86.40. (a) A law enforcement agency that elects to utilize and administer a shared gang database shall remove or cause to he removed a person who is designated as a suspected gang member,associate. or affiliatefr om a sharedgang database under one or more ofthefollowing circumstances: (I) The person is designated in the shared gang database. but has not been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime in thefive year period after initial entry in the database. (2) The person is designated in the database. and was subsequently arrestedfor, but not charged with or convicted of a crime in thefive-year period after the date ofarrest. (3) The person is designated in the database as the result ofan arrest, but was not charged with or convicted ofa crime in the five-year period after the date ofthe arrest. (4) Theperson is designatedin the database and issubsequently arrested and charged with a crime, but is not convicted ofa crime within thefive-year period after the date ofthe arrest. (b) A law enforcement agency that elects to utilize and administer a shared gang database shall remove or cause to he removed a person who is designated as a suspectedgang member. associate, or affiliate, and who is subsequently arrested for. charged with, and convicted ofa crime. ifthe person successfully completes his or her probation or parole and more thanfiveyear s have passed since the date ofthe last modificationto his or her entry in the database. (c) Subdivision (b) does not apply to a person convicted ofa victimfelony, as defined in subdivision(c) ofSection 667.5. (d) A law enforcement agency that removes a personfrom a shared gang database pursuant to this section shall give written notice ofthe removal to the person. and. lithe person is under 18 years ofage. his or her parent or guardian, within 30 calendar days after removal. The notice shall be mailed to the last known address ofrecordfor the person, and. ifthe person is under 18 years ofage, his or her parent or guardian. SEC 11. Section 186.42 is added to the Penal Code, to read. AB 829 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 — 12 — 186.42. (a) A person designated as a suspectedgang member. associate, or affiliate in a shar ed gang database or who has received a notice described in subdivision (a) ofSection 186.38. on ifthe person is under 18 years of age. his or her parent or guardian, may contest the designation in writing. (b) A person, or. ifthe person is under /8 years ofage. his or her parent or guardian. may contest his or her designation as a suspected gang member. associate. or affiliatein a .shared gang database on the ground that the person is not. and has never been. a member, associate, or affiliate ofa gang. (c) The person contesting the designation bears the burden of proving the groundsfor contesting the designation. (d) This section does not apply to a person designated in a shared gang database who has been convicted ofa violentfelony. as defined in subdivision(c) ofSection 667.5. SEC. 12. Section 186.44 is added to the Penal Code. to read' 186.44. (a) A person. or. if the person is under 18 years of age. his or her parent or guardian. may contest in writing the person's designation as a suspected gang member. associate. or affiliatein a shar ed gang database by mailing a written request for removalfmm the database to the law enforcement agency that created the designation. The written request shall set forth the groundfor contesting the designation and may include supporting documentation. (b) The law enforcement agencyshallreview the written request and supporting documentation. Ifthe agency determines that the groundfor removal is satisfiedthe a getayshallremove the person from the shared gang database. (c) The law enforcement agency shall give written notice ofits determination. and ifapplicable. the removal ofthe personfrom the sharedgang database to the person, and, lithe person is under 18 years of age, the person's parent or guardian. within 60 calendar days after receipt ofthe written request contesting the designation. (c0 Ifthelaw enforcementagency denies the requestfor removal the notice ofits determination shallstate the reasonfor the denial SEC. 13. Section 186460 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186460. Ifa law enforcement agency that elects to utilize a shared gang database denies a written requestfor removal ofa personfrom the database under Section 186.44, the person who 98 -13— I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 AB 829 made the initial request. may make a demand on the law enforcement agencyfor an administrative hearing to contest the denial. and the law enforcement agency shall grant the request for a hearing SEC. M. Section 186.462 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186.462. (a) When a law enforcement agency grants a hearing under this article, the agency shallfixa time and placefor the hearing and shall give no less than 10 calendar days'notice of the hearing to the person who requested the hearing. (b) The law enforcement agency shall. to the extent possible, fora placefor the hearing at a location close to the address of record for the person who requested the hearing. The law enforcement agency is not required tofora placefor the hearing outside ofthe geographic boundaries ofitsjurisdiction. (c) The notice ofthe hearing shall be in English. or one ofthe non-English languages described in paragraph(3)ofsubdivision (a)ofSection 1632 ofthe Civil Code. ifrequested. (4 The notice of the hearing skill contain the following information: (I) A description ofthe hearing process. (2) A statement ofthe discovery rights ofthe person requesting the hearing pursuant to Section 11507.6 ofthe Government Code (e) The person who requested the hearing may request a continuance ofthe hearing. which shall be granted A requestfor a continuance shall be in writing and may he served vialirst class mail. The person who requested the continuance shall serve the request no less than three calendar days before the date of the hearing. The person who requested the hearing may make no more than two requestsfor a continuance. SEC. IS. Section 186.464 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186464. (a) Any hearing grantedpursuantto Section 186.460 shall be conducted by an officeror employee ofthe a gencyselected by the head of the law enforcement agency that granted the hearing, who shall be the hearing ofjicerfor the purposes ofthis article. (b) The entire proceedings at any hearing may be recorded by a phonographic recorder or any mechanical. electronic, or other means capable ofreproduction or transcription. se AB 829 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 — 14 — (c) The person who requested the hearing may be accompanied by an advocate. The law enforcement agency shall permit the advocate to be present during the hearing. (d) The person who requested the hearing may request an interpreter. which the agency shall provide, or may bring his or her own interpreter to the hearing. SEC. 16. Section 186466 is added to the Penal Code. to read' 186.466. (a) Before a hearing granted pursuant to Section 186.460hascommenced the hearing officershallissuesubpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum. or both, at the request ofany parry. for attendance by a person at or production ofdocuments at the hearing. After the hearing has commenced the hearing officennay issue subpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum, or both (b) Notwithstanding Section 11450.20ofthe Government Code. subpoenas andsubpoenas duces tecum issued in conjunction with the hewing may be served byfirst-class mail SEC. /7. Section /86.468 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186468. (a) Ala hearinggrantedpursuantto Section /86.460. the hearing officershall consider the qfficialr ecords ofthe law enforcement agency that granted the hearing, and shall receive sworn testimony and documentary evidence as applicable (b) The hearing officershall permit the per. on who requested the hearing to submit evidence in support of grounds for the removal ofa personfrom the shared gang database. (c) Within 14 calendar days after the conclusion ofthe hearing. the person who requested the hearing may submit additional evidence in support ofhis or her groundsfor removal ofa person from the database. SEC. 18. Section 186.470 is added to the Penal Code, to read: 186.470. (a) Within 60 calendar days after the conclusion of a hearing grantedpursuant to Section 186.460. the hearing officer shall makefindingsand r ender a written decision on behalfofthe law enforcement agency that granted the hearing. (b) Ifthe hearing officerdetermines that a gr oundfor removal specYlecin Section 186.42is satisfiedthe law enfor cementagency shall remove the personfrom the shared gang database. (c) The law enforcement agency that granted the hearing shall give written notice ofthe decision. andf i applicable. the removal ofa personjkom a sharedgang database pursuantto that decision. 91 -15— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 AB 829 byfirst-class mail to the ponies to the hearing within 15 calendar days after the decision is rendered (d) The decision may be modified at any lime after issuance to correct mistakes or clerical errors. SEC. 19. Section 186.472 is added to the Penal Code, to read: 186.472. (a) The person to whom a hearing was ranted pursuant to Section 186.460 may request a review ofthe decision taken under Section 186.470 within 20 calendar days after the decision is mailed to the person A requestfor review shall be in writing and submitted to the law enforcement agency that issued the decision. (b) On receipt of a request for review, the law enforcement agency shall examine the decision. the hearing officer'sfindings. and the record of the hearing, including admitted documentary evidence and testimony. The hearing officer who conducted the original hearing may not participate in the review process. ft) Following the review. the law enforcement agency shall mail a written notice of its decision after review to the person who requested the review. (r0 The decision after review may he modifiedat any time after issuance to correct mistakes or clerical errors. SEC. 20. Section 186474 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186474. (a) All matters in a hearing granted pursuant to Section 186.460and notcovered by this chaptershall he governed as far as applicable. by Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500)ofPart 1 ofDivision 3 ofTitle 2ofthe Government Code. (b) Subdivision(a)ofSection 11425.30ofthe GovernmentCode does not apply to a proceeding to contest the designation ofa personas asuspectedgang member associate or affiliatgour suant to this chapter SEC. 21. Section 186.476 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186.476. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent a review or other action as may be permitted by the California Constitution and law of this state by a court of competent jurisdiction of any decision of a law enforcement agency with respect to the designation ofaperson as a suspectedgang member associate, or affiliate in a shared gang database. SEC. 22. Section 186.478 is added to the Penal Code. to read: 186.478. (a) An action brought in a court of competent jurisdiction to review a decision ofa law enforcement agency with 98 —16— AB 829 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 K 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 respect to the designation ofaperson as a suspectedgang member, associate. or affiliate in a shared gang database shall be commenced pursuant to Section 1094.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (b) Upon finalcompletion of all administrative appeals. the person who was granted a hearing pursuant to Section 186.460 shall be given written notice by the law enforcement agency that granted the hearing of his or her right to a review by a court pursuant to subdivision (a). SL:C11ON I. Se‘,1;an 13825.2 of IL. R..1 to-read: 13825.2. (a) llte-Gulifin..;a Cang, ....d Preventieri-Partnerohip-Pregreni-nhalt-be-ndininitteret/-Irthe Ikon...ea ofJeot;ee fa. th,.. p.rpe.o.of-reritteing-gartgreriniinal t...11,et....1 authorized pursuant to tiah;ey, ....d ga..g.;ale;To... this Jong,. in..I.J;ne., hui met 1' 'wdto,d.cea and of1.mane, Am.., S....a Long Lae A.gel-o. ,S Crtn. S.... Bernardino. Shit fri.k.e. Smite -MottiettrittitI-Vinike. ol.all etinsidee-eotaniunitits -thin Meet-one-or-mere-of-the-fellewing criteria, totod; 1-1-1.--Arn- at ;;ek ',path;.n. a Se.4;..... 13825.4, that L a;gn;ficentlythepsope....entne t th.. /oath ieepalutkn ofthat attn....tnity. (2) A ji.,.-n;1. th e3t .ate that *a 3;;epr.p.rti.n.t... to 11.,...-0.1at;an ofdud nth-I-nay. of (-3.)-Sigtrikantitzrenile-gang-problents or a 1.;bh *sc.& gene . off.f.a..J tt...s a 4.1..occ. (h) All a..1 )(kith Comp/a t/t. w... an• a.... an -through contertintii, had gernitis that-are.,p..r,.l:nr Thogreents funded under this chapter. 0 921 Ilth Sir 00 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916.413.201 11.\ April 9, 2015 Orli( IRS t'resident il! 1;1 121 11111,2! 1 /111RO CIIIPIL\ F ke President I'll /21( K 1 SleMRA 111 The Honorable Adrin Nazarian California State Assembly State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: AB 829 - Oppose Second ice President cfl.P111 \1/4 MIS 1 AE P6 Sun Ni ne,, l nunly Nec eial'‘ • I rcasiirc1,, (0111) 1 , 11 Rh 111 1..trica231- 11- ‘ri111, 1;11:1.1 i 11 51) \ .1 i2 urnii‘ Immediate Past President DFAN D FLIPPO Monti:it, County BOARD DUSI(1 !ORS It l l M I .1 t \1‘R S art ()Her; iS 1 s lit! 1 N D Al II) !I MOM Sioni.1,ii:s (Sees, On behalf of the California District Attorneys Association (CDAA), I regret to inform you that we are opposed to your measure, AB 829, as amended on March 26, 2015. This bill would create a notification process for anyone whose name is placed in a law enforcement shared gang database, as well as three opportunities for appeal, during which law enforcement agencies would be required to share sensitive information with the suspected gang member. Under AB 829, once a suspected gang member is notified of his or her placement in a shared gang database, they can contest the designation (new PC 186.44). If the law enforcement agency denies that request, they must state the reasons for the suspect's inclusion in the database. This is tantamount to allowing a suspect to view sensitive intelligence that the law enforcement agency has collected. The suspect would then be able to request an administrative hearing (new PC 186.460), which the law enforcement agency would be required to grant. During that hearing (which could be considerably delayed in light of the two continuances that the agency would be required to grant), the suspect may subpoena officers, documents, and other sensitive information. If the hearing officer finds that the suspect should not be removed from the database, the suspect may request another review of that decision (new PC 186.472), which the law enforcement agency is again required to grant. In addition to the policy concerns that AB 829 raises, the cost of preparing and staffing these hearings would be overwhelming. VICKI FIR i111-01SUit Re.snide C Dunn NsN( VI)NI ML 11,enec1.:i Dear Assemblymember Nazarian: V \\1 %Ls PN 11:1( It's hard to imagine any other instance in which we would let a suspect, during an investigation, invade police deliberations with a hearing (or, in this case, three) on whether he or she should continue to be a suspect. This is an unnecessary and costly intrusion into the investigative process that compromises gang intelligence operations. For these reasons we must respectfully oppose AB 829. 3111 uumly IR; I 'K1 Cistrie 1 mint:. I (131 I greatly appreciate your consideration of our concerns. If you would like to discuss these issues further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, 011.141 MR.HAI 1 I, S HACI-,RVRN Kern(-,'risen ceo Sean Hoffman Director of Legislation MARK 7AI IN1-1n Cc: Members and Staff of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety Gary Olson, Republican Consultant Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian From: RYAN COOPER To: Gonzalez, Jess Date: 4/23/2015 9:05 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazarian I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? >>> less Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 9:04 AM >>> I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies? As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill. Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: C2131 975-2130 Fax no.(213) 975-2082 ”"i"k“i'llisConfideiii „kitty Notice "iii'llkks"""i"swill""“ This mien- conic message ci insmission contains information from tiJE Of rice or the Los Angeles city Attorney, which may be confident di:t,iicitias or um of :chichi: of this information is prohibited. I You have received this commurdcat y file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538B5F5LAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian From: RYAN COOPER To: Gonzalez, Jess Date: 4/23/2015 9:14 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazanan hilffiffwww.leainfo.caffov/pub/15-16/ffill/asm/ab 0801-0850/ab 829 cfa 20150413 092743 asm comm.html Start at Page H >» less Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >» No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, RYAN COOPER <326.35ffilaortlacitmoro> wrote: I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? a>> Jess Gonzalez cjess.qonzalez(> 4/23/2015 9:04 AM a>> I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies? As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill. Jess 3. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: '213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 rr - thiormr.toon ibirch may be conf Jdenftal or protected by the attorney ro F rohtbtited. Tf you have received this corrtharrir from Ore dnt Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: (213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 rtr.t 1 tl vin, no, t. rat identra. r -110t1I, J: file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Loeal/Tenap/XPGrpWise/5538B7E4LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian From: To: Date: Subject: RYAN COOPER Gonzalez. less 4/23/2015 9:39 AM Re: AB 829•Naranan f njoy....Increase the font or you will go Wind"! »> Jess Gonzalez> anNtros ThankS! aye x» (h1Thu,A4r23,20150t934AM,4YAN COOPER <34A34414v1 likrevimm mole: hitlerllynwile0MALcasiadoubP5-1D2NaSitilab 06014450/ab 829 da 7014003 092743 aim commhing Start at Page H >>> tees Cannier 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >» No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. On Thu, Apr 23. 2015 at 9:05 A14, RYAN COOPER <32§2amapacitrarg> wrote: have read them all. Did you see the arguments in sugood of the tan »> less Gonzalez ckssganzakickapstag> 4/23/2015 9:04 AM >» 1 obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies'As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the BIB. less Gonzalez Supervising Assistant Oty Attorney Pubic Safety General Counsel Denson Poke Castaway Seals° OfAce Tel (2131978-71V Fax no./2131978-MP Confidentiality No This eiectronic message transmission contains information from the orrice of the Los Angeles City Attorney, 'Mich nay be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the wo: distribution or use of the content of this incarnation is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify less1 Gonzalez Supentiing Natant Ory Attorney Putt SAO/ General COOKS °Melon Police Discovery Section Ciflke Tel.:(2131978-213g Fax ro.(213197DM) Confidentiality Notice This electronic message transmission contains information from the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work distribution or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error. please notify us lemi).Gausleit apenisingaseltrantOryAttaney PutlicSektyGenemicounselONAmt PokeDiscoverySectka 011iteTel.“2131978-21"tg Faxax))liltrfil-50a) Confidentiality Noti This electronic message transmission contains information from the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may De confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work pi distribution or use of the content or this information is prohibiteo. If you nave received this communication in error, please notify us file:///C:/Users/32635/AppData/Localffemp/XPGrpWise/5538BDC3LAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian From: RYAN COOPER To: Gonzalez, less Date: 4/23/2015 9:39 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazarian Enjoy...Increase the font or you will go blind!!! >>> Jess Gonzalez 4/23/2015 9:24 AM >» Thanks! On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:14 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635/9Iaoctlacity.ora> wrote: http://www.leininfo.cawov/oub/15-16/bill/asm/ab 0801-0850/ab 829 cfa 20150413 092743 asm comm.html Start at Page H >>> less Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >>> No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. - On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635(1Iaud.lacity.orq> wrote: I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? >>> Jess Gonzalez laci .or 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >>> I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies? As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill, Jess ). Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(21310E2120 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 tram tt*-. /onfidential or protected by the effort. id-Idid prin.. Pited. If you have received than et 1' t ,t t Jess 1 Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel,: /213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 from the attire r /ad r Ito t i t re , hicich may be confidential or protected by the attorney-elient privilege and/or the work dietributtar or ice / f rrar :triter t crl this tatormation is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us Itt******"•**'''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''' t"tter less I. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: /2131 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 tr""rr.""'"Irdonficentialit cis •rdirir''''''•-•rt-ticrer. This electronic itessaee hralitirre h tee tht Info/ad on ' it !tit fled the -off ica '1 the lc_ tht , h conf]dential or protected ar cr act ticr control ot thir ant:roo t reh rb:•hibited. If you have receiv ••lart*••••“*•••*•••••er•""''''''''''''''r*'''''''''''''''' ''' the affair:etc-client pr. d J has communication in id: r, .. C WO: . ,ly Pr file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538BDC3LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 2 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian From: RYAN COOPER To: Gonzalez, less Date: 9/23/2015 10:29 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazarian Are you using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer? >>> Jess Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 10:04 AM >>> I will ask someone to show me how to increase the font. My computer goes back and forth between small font and BIG font. Nothing in between. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM, RYAN COOPER <> wrote: Enjoy...increase the font or you will go blind!!! >>> )ess Gonzalez - > 4/23/2015 9:24 AM >>> Thanks! On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:14 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635ffilanffilacity-org> wrote: http://www.leqinfo.caffov/pub/15-16/bilEasm/ab 0801-0850/ab 829 cfa 20150413 092743 asm comm.html Start at Page H >>> Jess Gonzalez less.qonzalflg> 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >>> No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635ffilapd.lacity.ora> wrote: I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? >>> less Gonzalez 4/23/2015 9:04 AM >» I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies' As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill. Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: (213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 I. the a__ this co less J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: (213)978-2130 Fax no.(213)978-2082 ''''''''" 11"' 'confidentiilit rd c sled; roh_ daritcji farwnd de ffkffyffyikiikviiiviiiiii cordiing IntOsmanin 'n dirt, yi who I. ma'; Icar cent coential rr protected by the dr. E n, received this filmy., j, Jess 1. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 wonfidential]ty Nitica '"•"“*""******f"/•I Dab, flegtrcruf settiis "rancrio cedar, rontain- information fr Tr, - r •I the dr knagiat. City Attorney, which may be ranfidenriel or protected by the attorney-client privilege- and/or the work dittiabuttan 01 use of the content of this information II f rahaditad. If you have received this communication in ercor, please notify us less]. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538C85ALAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 2 of 2 Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(213) 978-2130 Fax no. J213) 978-2082 '''''''''''' rotected by the at torte ee and/or the ceeth pr :ved this communication file:///C:/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538C85ALAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 2 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian RYAN COOPER From: To: Gonzalez, less Date: 4/23/2015 10:90 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazarian Awesome »> less Gonzalez> 9/23/2015 10:40 AM >» Now, my outgoing email has a larger font but my incoming is still as small as you said. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:29 AM, RYAN COOPER <3263501apd.lacity.ora> wrote: Are you using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer? »> less Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 10:04 AM »> I will ask someone to show me how to increase the font. My computer goes back and forth between small font and BIG font. Nothing in between. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635(SlaDdiacityffirg> wrote: Enjoy....1ncrease the font or you will go blind!!! >» Jess Gonzalez siess.gonzatez(ffilacity.oro> 9/23/2015 9:24 AM »> Thanks! On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:19 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635(> wrote: htfp://wwvv.leginfo.caciov/pub/15-16/bill/asmiab 0801-0850/ab 829 cfa 20150413 092743 arm commffitml Start at Page H »> less Gonzalez cjessffionzalez(Thlacity.orq> 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >>> No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635(> wrote: I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? »> less Gonzalez ffiess.gonzalez(Nacifficorg> 4/23/2015 9:04 AM >» I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies? As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill. less J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 ir"*""""if "dornidentsalst otice " r --""e"."'"fiftw" Thin electronic nsestsle transmission contains information from rise 01 the Lon City f„one„ which mac be sorer silent or protected by the attornei• distributing, or us, of rile rattent • his Lbssimarict, is prohibited. Ifyou have received this .7"TuTillTi LC """'•.".."••"''''''".“*.• • *'''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''' ie , I less ]. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(213) 978-2130 Fax no. 1213) 978-2082 if inft****"."'Calf nt Lel, ty Notice *••••"*"*"*""""`"**** This ultstrynin mien:is transmission contains information from the 011if t of the Lou Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-tile distribut inn or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communicatio "flint"'''''""••••••""f"'"iff", ""*"-"*"." 0"."*".."""•."4"• privilege and/or the n error, please notif Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(2111 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 "ff ' •'''''"• • I Jr( information Ero, o r the. Lou Angel orney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client pia " I r It . r OSP of frit c.nre-rit f s information is prohibited. If you have received this communication an ers •'''''''''''''"—rift''''''''''''''''itfl"."..."'""ir""`"" t"- -.WO , sty file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/I,ocal/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538CC28LAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 2 of2 301SZGAIllei SupliVIOngiMmIstireCZOOTOmley PublitSsfitiCkeneemICommelDwaien pals s oft OOti 4 &2 3Q faxcn' elg.(21311 O aUln22A2 Confidentiality Notice This electronic message transmission contains LafOrMat1011 from the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work distribution or use of the content of this information in prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, peeeee notify us Jas J. Gamin Supervising Assistant illy Money Pubic Safety General Counsel DMeon Police Discovery Section Office Tel.:(21314178-711g Fax no.(711)cr/R-70$117 nfidentiality Notice this electron:c message aaa neaa salon contains information from the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work pi distribution or use of the content of this Information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in Mori please notify us is file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Localfremp/XPGrpWise/5538CC28LAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 2 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829-Nazarian RYAN COOPER From: To: Gonzalez, less Date: 4/23/2015 10:47 AM Subject: Re: AB 829-Nazarian lot >>> Jess Gonzalez 4/23/2015 10:45 AM >» For you! I'm having our Systems people come by to check it out. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:40 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635(glaod.lacityorg> wrote: Awesome a>> less Gonzalez 4/23/2015 10:40 AM >>> Now, my outgoing email has a larger font but my incoming is still as small as you said. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:24 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635@a land Are you using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer? wrote: >>> less Gonzalez 4/23/2015 10:04 AM >>> I will ask someone to show me how to increase the font. My computer goes back and forth between small font and BIG font. Nothing in between. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM, RYAN COOPER <> wrote: Enjoy....lncrease the font or you will go blind!!! >>> Jess Gonzalez less.gonzalez(glacity.oro> 1/23/2015 9:24 AM a>> Thanks! On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:14 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635&11floThs wrote: 0801-0850/ab 829 cfa 20150413 092743 asm cornm.html Start at Page H >>> less Gonzalez> 4/23/2015 9:09 AM >>> No, I didn't receive the arguments pro or con. On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 9:05 AM, RYAN COOPER <32635alarxilacitY4101> wrote: I have read them all. Did you see the arguments in support of the bill? >>> less Gonzalez 4/23/2015 9:04 AM >>> I obtained three versions of the Bill. It was last amended in Public Safety Committee on March 26, 2015. Do you want copies? As we discussed, the procedural due process of having an administrative hearing not only to prevent inclusion in the shared data base but also to be taken out of the data base before the 5 year purge is burdensome, time consuming and costly. Where is the money coming from? I have requester updates on the Bill. less J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel,: (213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213)978-2082 Thos erect:L.1dt rdru,dr trtib to contains information from the Offr 0 of tht hco, TUVjeik, City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or distribution ot ore of the, ,..went et this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please n tettrt,ttt*r ............. ...... -less J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: (213) 978-2130 Fax no.(213) 978-2082 ........ T▪ his elec - sore . tiorarimr,t _mains information from the of Este ut the Los Angeier Cit., Attorney, which may be cnfidential or protected Oy the attorney-chent dirrrifid tort of the cordent it this information is prohibited. If you have received thin, coxesonira l:on in Alio iirri.............. ancinc not Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising Assistant City AttomeY Public Safety General Counsel Division Police Discovery Section Office Tel.: (213) 978-2130 file:///C:/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5538CDD7LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 2 of2 Fax no.()131 97&]087 Confidentiality Notice This electronic message trenemission contains information from the Office of the ice Angeles City Attorney, which say be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the. distribution or on of the content of this information is prohibited. If you hove received this communication In error, please notice Jess J. Gonzalez Supervising ftagstant City Attorney Public Safety General Counsel DMvon Police DilOyiey Section office Tel •(711)978213Q Fax no.(213)9782087 confidentiality Notice This electronic message transmission contains information from the office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the Nor notify distribution or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, Jess J. Gonzalez Sureivising Assistant Qty Aborrey Public Salary General Counsel Cryision Poke Discovery Section Office Tel.:(2131978-711Q Fax no.(213)978-7087 Confidentiality Notice This electronic message transmission contains information from the office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the at torney-cllent privilege and/or the work distribution or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this Communication in error, please notify us is J. Gonzalez Sucervaing Assistant Qty Attorney Public Safely General Camel Division Poke Discreet Section Office Tel.: C211127&2134 Fax no. L7111978-2087 Confidentialily Notice This electronic message transmission contains information from the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney, which may be confidential or protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the work pr notify us is distribution or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error. pa file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Localfremp/XPGrpWise/5538CDD7LAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: Fwd: AB 829 APS From: RYAN COOPER To: SANDOVAL, ARTURO Date: 4/27/2015 6:19 AM Subject: Re: Fwd: AB 829 APS Captain, Yes sir I have. It looks like the author of the Bill had no idea how the Cal Gangs system actually works. There is a sub-committee hearing this Wednesday that Lt. Al Vernon (CEB Chair) and Dennis Smiley (both Sonoma County Sheriffs Department) will be testifying at where this Bill will likely be discussed. The hearing is for funding but it sounds like this will be discussed as well. This Bill will definitely be discussed at the May CGNAC and CEB meetings. I will keep you updated on anything that comes up regarding it. Ryan >>> ARTURO SANDOVAL 4/23/2015 2:54 PM >>> Ryan. Have you seen this? Arturo Sandoval, Captain Assistant Commanding Officer Gang and Narcotics Division 1213)486-5320 Follow me on Twitter! @ASandovalLAPD >>> KEVIN McCARTHY 4/23/2015 2:40 PM >>> fyi KEVIN McCARTHY, Commander Detective Bureau Los Angeles Police Department (213)486-7620 >>> Marty Vranicar 4/22/2015 2:16 PM >>> Wayne and Kevin, Attached please find our letter in opposition to AB829(Nazarian) which would completely destroy the use of the CalGang database as a viable law enforcement tool in combatting criminal street gangs. So far, CDAA is alone in its opposition to the measure. Marty Vranicar Assistant CEO California District Attorneys Association 921 11th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.443.2017 mrvanicar@cdaa.orz I https://www.cdaaag CDAA Ai (IRMA %h! I \ I 1 t/I:1‘,/ \ 1,.\H ;‘, CDAA . tAi ii ()RN1A DISN21( ! A'i!)Fll ail AN*); )r file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DD4DCLAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page I of8 RYAN COOPER - RE: AB 829 Analysis as of 4/14/15 From: To: Date: Subtlest RYAN COOPER 'Room. Anthony'; Smiley, Dennis 4/27/2015 8:04 A64 RE: AB 829 esalyes as of 4/14/15 »> Dennis Smiley 4/27/2015 7:59 M4 >>> OK... From: Rivera, Anthony IARiveratiOlasd.orgl Sent Monday. Apia 27, 2015 7:58 AM TM Danish Smiley Subject Re: AB 829 Analysis as of 4114/15 Whole county won't be exact because of how other ()opts slat thou murders. If I give you IASCes and sou get LAMA from Ryan, you we be welly dose to the total number. On Apr 27, 2015,at 07:55, Dennis Smiley teennis.Snillevesonome-courittnorg> wrote: ISIsmisions From: MVP% Anthony ImailtoARherailasd.ossi Seat: M011811Y,APM 27,20157:54 AM To: Dennis Smiley Saltiest Re:AB 829 Analysis*,of4/14/15 Sorry. I mean to say d you wanted for LASO or for the whole county? On Apr 27.2015,at 07:49, Dennis SnaleY From: Miny Manual Maiko:mvrenicarfecdaa.orgl Sent: Wednesday, April 22.2015 2:49PM TO: Wendt Kathy;Cooper Mau Cobb Joat DSMiLEYOronome coon:volt; Rivera, Anthony Cc Hewitt, Bryan;Giovanni. Derek Subject RE:AS829 Analysis as of 4/14/1S Kathy. Thanks loi lending this out. l just sent Alan Vernon a copy of our oppose letter and the tall to put on the agenda for CEP i gust spoke with LASLeg advocate and who will be sending an oppose It, as well as the State Shenfls Assn I hove also sent a copy to my contact in LAPD Many %Nankai Assistant Li0 California District Attorneys Association 921 11th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.443.2017 I mrvan.careCid du.sig I httos:// omaitt010.ones cimage008.jpg> ern From: Wendt,Kathy imailto:Kathy file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Locatiremp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDonBPOB21... 6/22/2015 Page 2 of 8 Sent Tuesday, April 21, 2015 12:34 PM To: Marty Vranicar; Cooper Ryan (rcooper(; Cobb, Joel; DSMILEY@Sonoma-county,orp•ARiyeraPlasd.orr, Cc: Hewitt, Bryan; Giovanni, Derek Subject: AB 829 Analysis as of 4/14/1.S All, Bryan has a point. Shouldn't CGNAC be taking some action? Right now only the CDAA is shown in opposition? What about getting the Sherriff's and Chiefs of Police Associations to submit something in opposition? And having each Node send something to their Assembly person? And to the Chair of Public Safety? And I would think this would affect WSIN as well, Should someone reach out to Karen Aumond? Below is the Bill Analysls. 25. LI, file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page 3 of8 0 AB 829 Page A Date of Hearing: April 14, 2015 Counsel: Gabriel Caswell ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Bill Quirk, Chair AB 829 Ittetzarian/ - As Mended March 26, 2015 SULINAAY: Outlines procedural due process rights for persons designated for inclusion an a shared gang database. Specifically, this bill: liRequire a local law enforcement agency to provide written notice to a person. or if the person is under IS years ef age. his or her parent o: guardian• prior to making the gang designation. 2IAuthorizes a person or his or her parent or guardian, as applicable, to request information regarding the status of the person in a shared gang database, and would require the law enforcement agency to provide that int°aaaaa on, subject to speedier! except ions. 31Provides that • person, or his or her parent or guardian, as applicable, may contest a gang designation and request removal of information from the database in writing, on the ground that the person is not and has never been a gang member, associate, or affiliate. AB 829 Page FA 41Authorizes a person whose written request for removal is denied to appeal the decision at an admini Ig conducted by a hearing officer, as specified. SiPermits s person to request a review of an unfaveraofe aecision of the hearingofficer, and would authorize that person to commence an action to seek review of an unfavorable decision after review by a court of competent jurisdiction, as specified. 61Requires a local law enforcement agency remove a person designated in a ahareo gang database based on specified criterra, or it the designation is successfully contested, and Co notify the person and his or her parent or guardian, as applicable, upon removal. Tho grounds for removal are the following: a) The person is designated in the shared gang database. but has not been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime In the five-year period after initial entry in the database; bl The person is designated in the database, and was subsequently arrested for, but not charged with or convicted of. a crime in the five-year period after the date or arrest; el The person is designated in the database as the result Of an arrest. but was not charged with or 1:011V:Cted of a Cried in the eve-yea: period after the date of the arrest; or di The person Is designated in the database and is seuseciouialy arrestedand charged with a crime. but is not convicted of a eras* within the five-year period after the date of the arrest. ',States that a law enforcement agency shall remove or cause co bo removed a person who as designated as a suspected gong AB 829 Page C member, associate, or affiliate, and who is subsequently arrested tor, charged with, and convicted of a crime, if the person successfully completes his or her probation or parole and more than flue years have passed since the date of the last modification to his or her entry in the database. BIRequires the Department of Justice IDOJi annually report specified information relating to requests for removal and removal of persons from the CalGang shared gang database System. The report shall inClude: a) The number of persons added to the CalGang system during the immediately preceding 12 months; bi The number of requests for removal of a person from the CalGang system received during the immediately preceding I? months: el The number of approved requests for removal from the CalGang system during the preceding 12 months: and di The number of automatic removals from the CalGang apnea during the preceding 12 months. 91Prohiblts the Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board from denying an application for compensation on the basis of the applicant's membership in, association with, or affiliation with. a gang, or on the basis of the applicant's designation as a suspected gang member, associate. or affiliate in a shared gang database, as defined. EXISTING LAW: liDefines a 'criminal street gang' as any ongoing organization, association. or group of three or more persons . . . having as one of its primary activities the commission of one or more enumerated offenses, having a common name or identifying sign Or symbol, and whose members individually or collectively AB 829 Page D engage in a pattern of criminal gang activity. IPen. Code. S 106.22. subs!. If).) 2;Provides that any person who actively participates in a criminal street gang with knowledge that its members engage In or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity and who promotes, furthers, or assists in any felonious conduct by file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Loeal/TempaPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page 4 of8 members of the gang is guilty of an alternate felony-misdemeanor. (Pen. Code, S 186.22, subd. 3)Provides that any person who Is convicted of a felony committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with any criminal street gang, with the specific intent to promote. further, or assist in criminal conduct by gang members, shall receive a sentence enhancement, as specified. (Pen. Code, S 106.22. subd. 4)Provides that any person who is convicted of either a felony or misdemeanor that is committed for the benefit of, at the direction of. or in association with any criminal street gang. with the specific intent to promote. further. or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members. shall be punished by lesoisunment In the county jail for up to ono year or by 1, 2, or 3 years in atm(' prison. (Pen. Code. S 186.22, subd. Id).) Sillefines 'pattern of criminal gang activity' es the commission of two or more of enumerated offenses. provided at least one of the offenses occurred after the effective date of the statute and the last of the offenses occurred within three years after a prior offense, and the offenses were committed on separate occasions, or by two or more parsons. (Pen. Code, S 186.22, subd. lel.) 6iltequires any person who is convicted in criminal court or who has a petition sustained in a juvenile court of one of the specified criminal street gang offenses or enhancements to register with the local Police Chief or Sheriff within 10 days of release Iron custody or within 10 days of his or her arrival in any city, county, or city and county to reside AB 829 Page E there, whichever is first. cPen. Code. 5 100.30. sabds. le/ t (b:.1 >I Provides that when a minor has been tried as an adult and convicted in a criminal court or has had a petition sustained in a WMPUISO torsi for any cf the specified criminal street gang offenses or enhancements, a law enforcement agency shall notify the minor and his or her parent that the manor belongs to a gang Whose members engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal activity as described. (Pen. Code, 4 186.32 (e)11)110/.1 8/Requires the court, at the time of sentencing in adult court or dispositional hearing in juvenile court, to inform any person subject to registration detailed above of his or her duty to register and requires that the parole or probation officer assigned to that person to verify that the person has complied with the registration requirements. (Pen. Code. 5 106.31.1 4Requires local taw enforcement to notify a minor and his or her parent or guardian before designating that minor es a gang member. associate, of affil aate in a shared gang database and the basis fur the designation. (Pen. Code 5 186.34./ FISCAL EFFECT: Unknown COMMFATS: 1lAutnor's Statement: According to the author. 'Since the mid-1980s, law enforcement agencies, throughout California, have increasingly engaged in the collection of personal information to label and track people, overwhelmingly youth and yoong OdUit6 of color. as 'gang members.' This process lacks oversight and transparency. The policies and procedures governing the CalGang Database and other local databases are not clear, not consistent In their application, not widely shared, and not standardized across law enforcement AB 829 Page F departments and jurisdictions. AB 829 sheds light On the process of including individuals in gang databases. This bill does not prohibit nor limit law enforcement's use of a gang database. This bill simply ensures individuals are notifying and giden the opportunity to clear their name. 'Once information is captured by local law enforcement and entered onto either local and/oz the statewide CalGang database. a person is considered to be 'known as an active gang member.' Since the natabases are used as an internal surveillance tool, information about who is in the database is not shared. Persons under the age of 18 and their parents only won the right to notification, appeal, and removal with SB 458. Chapter 791, Statute of 2013. However, individual.s over the age of 17 who are added to CalGang, and Individuals of any age, including minors, who are added to other gang databases have no legal right to be notified, and have no opportunity to appeal their designation. "AB 829 sheds light on the process of including individuals in gang databases. This does not prohibit nor limit law enforcement's use of a gang database. This bill simply conforms to the due process afforded, to individuals, by the 14th and 5th Amendments by notifying and granting individuals the opportunity tO clear their 'Placement in a gang Database Can have drastic Immigration consequences, including limiting a person's ability to adjust immigration status for residency or citizenship. Specifically, when applying for DACA and the newly created OAPS program. Additionally. those in a gang databases face obstacles obtaining employment and social service benefits. One example of this occurs when a person is a victim of a crime such as robbery. sexual assault. child abuse and domestic violence. The victim would likely be denied the ability to access California's Victim Compensation Program because of their Inclusion in the gang database, keeping them from getting the care they need.' file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page 5 of8 AB 829 Page G ])General Effects of this Bill are co Include Due Process Rights for those Designated: In general this bill will do the following things as app/red to persons who are being added to a CalGang database: a) This nil will provide written notice, to people who are being designated and added to s CalGang database. Under existing law, the notification Is only provided to minors. This bill permits persons to request information 01 rounding their status. or the status of their dependents, subject to specif lea public safety exceptions. t) This bill authorizes people to submit w eeeeee requests for remove: loom a gang database. This bill permits a person to request administrative al review of a denied request, and an appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction. This bill outlines the process for grounds for removal from a gang database. f; This bill requires that DOS conduct an annual report on specified statistics related to who is included in gang databases, numbers or requests for removal, and statistics related co those removed. gl This bill additionally specifies that the Victims Compensation and Government Claims Board cannot deny an application on the basis of the person being included on a gang database. 31History of Shared Gang Databases: In 1907. the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department developed the Gang Repotting, Evaluation and Tracking System (GREAT), the nation's first gang database. "Before GREAT existed, police departments collected Information on gang members in locally maintained Ala 829 Page 0 files, but could not access information that had been collected by other law enforcement agencies.• (Stacey Leyton, The New Blacklists: The Threat to Civil Liberties Posed by Gang Databases ra chapter in Crime Control and Social Justice: The Delicate Balance, edited by Darnell F. Hawkins. Samuel L. Nyers Jr. and Randolph N. Stone, Westport, CT, 2003. The African American Experience. Greenwood Publishing Group, Mar. Using GREAT, local law enforcement could 27. 2013.0> collect, store, centre/32e, analyze. and disperse Information about alleged gang members. In 1985. the Legislature passed the Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention (STEP, Act, assestang California to be 'in a state of crisis? caused ty violent street gangs whose maroon threaten. Terrorize and commit a multitude of envies against the peaceful citizens of tnoir neighborhoods.' (Penal Code Section 186.21 119661.) The STEP Act established the nation's first fief:ninon. of •criminal street gang,' pattern of criminal gang activity,' and codified penalties for participation in a criminal Street gang. In 1997, less than a decade after the regional GREAT database was first created, the regional GREAT databases were integrated into a new unified statewide database, ColGeng, with the gone of making the database easier to use and less expensive to access.<2> CalGang operates pursuant to the 2960 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, which requires <1> < hti u:// Int...ssox?nleitimGM0790Fachapt. erlD•040790E-647loath•chunkbook 7, citing GREAT System Overview. Tne Eighth Annual Organized Crime and Criminal Intelligence Training Conference, August 23-26, 1994.1 <2> (Leyton. supra, et 113. citing Patrick Thibodeau. Cops Wield Database )n War on Street Gangs, Computerworld, Sept. 1. 1991, at 4: and Ray Dassault, Ganglion A New Too: in the War on Gangs. California Computer News. January 1997 g hctm://www.aowtech.pmmimaga ee ml?panom3 AB 829 Page I that 'ell criminal intelligence systems ? are utilized in conformance with the privacy and constitutional rights of indivlduals." 4)ReqUIred Parental Notification of a Minor's Duty to Reg e as a Gang Member: Prior to 2013, if a minor is convicted when tried as an adult, or had a petition sustained in a juvenile court, his or her parent or guardian was required to be notified of a requirement to register with a local sheriff's office upon release frail custody or moving to a new city or county. (Pen. Code, 6 186.32, sued. (8111)111).1 Parents were notified when a minor was designated in the CalGang database as a suspected gang member, associate. or affiliate. Although a conviction or declaration of wardship was no: required for a minor to be placed in LSO CalGang database. serious consequences to the minor could flow from that action. AR 456 (Wright,. Chapter 797. Statutes of 2013 required a local law enforcement agency to notify any Person under 16 years of age and his or her parent or guardian of the minor's designation in a shared gang database and the basis for the designation before the minor wag designated as a suspected gang member, associate or affiliate in a shared gang database, regardless of conviction status. S)Appllcation of Shared Gang Databases: Today, the CalGang system is accessed by over 6,000 law enforcement officers In file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page 6 of8 58 counties. The database tracks 200 data fields including name, address, physical information, social security number, and racial makeup and records all encounters police have with the individual. (Leyton, supra. al. 113.1 CalGang IS a web-based Intranet system accessible by police departments by way of computer. telephone, and web browser that allows law enforcement to check an individual'S record In real time. <3> (Criminal Intelligence Systeme, Operating Policies, 28 CFR Part 23, < http,/rwy , rorariBCFR Proacao/28(TR neSourcefaxecorderi2291 26CFRPerc23.pdf/ >.I AB 829 Page J Mild.) For example. qualified law enforcement personnel may sign on to the CalGeng database from a laptop in their petrol car and locate a source document regarding a specific individual about whole law enforcement seeks information. Concerns have been raised regarding the secrecy of the CalGang database and the accuracy of records entered into CalGang. For example. In 1999. then-Attorney General Bill Lockyer described the database as •eixlingl verified criminal history and gang affiliations with unverified intelligence and hearsay evidence, including reports on persons who have committed no crime.' "This database,' he wont on 'cannot and should not be used. In California or elsewhere, to decide whether or not a person is dangerous 01 should be detained.' (Ibid.1 Moreover, with 201.094 people currently listed on CalGang. community groups have expressed Concern about transparency. accountability, notification, release of information to policy makers and the public, and independent evaluations regarding the effectiveness of such snared databases in reducing Cc ime.44> Youth Justice Coalition states that CalGang •dramatically expands rim criminals Cation of individuals and communities" noting chat the database is used routinely to determine who should be served with civil gang injunctions, given gang enhancements during sentencing and targeted for saturation policing. With no notification system, community members Say, CalGang has become a •secret surveillance tool,• for Monitoring children. This system dramatically impacts the way those children are seen and treated by law enforcement without notifying families who may wish to intervene, move to a new neighborhood or place their child into an intervention program. Md.) Although the exact number of minors .4> (See Asia Mania ana Kim McGill, Tracked and Trapped: Youth of color. Gang Databases and Gang Injunctions. Youth Justice Coalition, Dec. 2012 < httv://x.iw.-.)utheluslice.ora/wo-conientfurloads:2012/12/Trackedot ndTrADoed.odI >.l AB 829 Page K designated is unknonah approximately 101 of those listed on the CalGang database are 19 years of ago or younger. (Id.) Law enforcement representatives, however. have emphasized that any records which are not modified by the addition of new criteria for floe years will be purged. Thus, a person need only avoid gang-qualifying criteria for five years to ensure that he or she will be stricken from the database. However, as a practical matter, It may be difficult for a minor living in a gang-heavy community to avoid qualifying criteria when tne list of behaviors includes items such as 'is in a pnotograph with known gang members.• •nave is On a gang document. hit list or gang-related graffiti' or 'corresponds with knowr gang markers or write! •nd/Cr receives correspondence.' In a media-heavy environment, replete with Camera phones and social network COMMents, it may bo challenging for a teenager aware of the exact parameters to avoid soch crilettn, let alone a teenager unaware of he or she is being held to such standards. 61Argdment in Support: According to Asian Americans Advancing Justice, 'Asian Law Caucus (AAAJ-A1C1 strongly supports AB 829. which sheds light on the process of including individuals in gang databases. This ball does not prohibit nor limit law enforcement's use of a gang database. He thank you for Introducing this proposal. The aaaa ion of AAA(-ALC is to promote, advance. and represent the legal and civil rights of Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Recognizing that social, economic, political and racial inequalities continue to exist In the united States, MAJ-ALC is committed co the pursuit of equality and justice for all sectors of our society with a specific focus directed toward addressing the needs of low-income, immigrant• and underserved APIs. •Since the mid-19806, law entorcement agencies throughout AB 82g Page L California hove increasingly engaged in the collection of persona! information to label and tract people overwhelmingly youth and young adults of color - as 'gang members.' Thie process lacks oversight and transparency. All 629 is a follow-up to Sb 458, Chapter 793. Statute of 2013, which required law enforcement to notify persons under the age of 18 and their parents if the minor was included in the CalGang database. SO 458 also provides for the right to appeal and co remove a name from CalGang. However, people over the age of 13 who are added to CalGang, and individuals of any age, including minors. who are added to local gang databases have no legal right to be notified, and nave no opportunity to appeal their designation. file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/LocalfTemp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0821... 6/22/2015 Page 7 of8 •Specifically, AB 829 accomplishes the following: Requires that all persons entered into the gang database be notified of their inclusion in the database. Allows individuals the opportunity to contest their inclusion In the database. Requires the notification to specify the petition process to remove the name of the individual, if he or she feels they have been wrongly identified. Requires law enforcement agencies to respond to all petitions within 6U days. Requires the state to report. by county, on the number of names added to the gang database each year, how many requests to remove were received and now many requests were approved. ' AR 629 grants individuals the basic fundamental right to ***** their name. Placement in a gang database Can have drastic immigration consequences, including limiting a person's ability to adjust (migration status for residency or citizenship; can eliminate a person's and even their family's access to public housing and Section 8; can limit access to employment and educational opportunities: and can lead to increasedpenalties, such es gang enhancements in court.' AB 829 Page M liArgument in Opposition: According to the California District Attorneys Association. 'This bill would create a notification process for anyone whose name is placed in a law enforcement shared gang database. as well as three opportunities for appeal, during which law enforcement agencies would be required to share sensitive information with the suspected gang member. 'Under AB 829, once a suspected gang member is notified of his or her placement .n a shared gang database. they can contest the designation blew PC 186.441. Jr the law enforcement agency denres that request, they must state the reasons for the suspect's inclusion in the database. This is tantamount to allowing a suspect Lo view sensitive ineeee Agana, that the law enforcement agency has collected. The subject would then be able to request en administrative hearing thew PC 186.4601. which the law enforcement agency would be required to grant. During that hearing (which would be considerably delayed in light of the two coneeeeences that the agency would be required to grant). the suspect may subpoena officers. documents, and other sensitive information. If the hearing officer finds that the suspect should not be removed fro. the database, the suspect may request another review of that decision :new PC 186.4721, which the law enforcement agency is again required to grant. ' In adcution to 'he policy concerns that AB 829 raises, the cost of preparing and staffing these he/nines would be overwnelorng. '"it's hard to imagine any other instance in winch we would :el a suspect. during an investigation, invade police deliberations with a hearing for, in tnis case, three) on whether he or she should continue to be a suspect.' 2)Prsor Legislation: al S8 458 Wright/. Chapter 797, Statutes of 2013. required local law enforcement to notify a minor and his or her AB 829 Page N parent or guardian before designating that minor as a gang member, associate, or affiliate in a shared gang database and the basis for the designation. AR 177 Mendoza). Chapter 258. Statutes of 2011. b) expended the authority of the juvenile court to order the ice parent or guardian of a minor to attend snLi-gang parenting classes. O S6 296 !weight), of the 2011-12 Legislative Session. would have created a process whereoy a person subject to gang injunction could petition for injunctive relief if the person met certain criteria. 50 296 was vetoed by the Governor. dl AB 130 iTranl. of the 2009-10 Legislative Session, would have established the Graffiti and Gang Technology Fund. in which vandalism fines were to be deposited, to be continuously appropriated to the Department of Justice exclusively for the costs of technological advancements for law enforcement in the identification and apprehension of vandals and gang members, as specified. AB 1392 was held on the suspense file of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations. O AB 1291 (Mendoza), chapter 457, Statutes of 2007, authorized anti-gang violence classes for parents of juveniles found in violation cl specified gang-related offenses. 0 AB WO Manner/, of the 2007-08 Legislative Session, would have required those who are convicted of a street gang crime and to annually register and re-register upon changing his or her residence. AB 1630 failed passage In this (MIMI flee. ci) AB 2562 ifUlleri. of the 2007-08 Legislative Session, would have increased the penalty from a misdemeanor to felony punishable by 16 months or two or three years In the AS 829 Page 0 state prison for failingto register as a member of a criminal street gang under specified circumstances. PA 2562 failed passage in this corimAttee. REGISTERED SUPPORT / OPPOSITION: file:///C/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 Page 8 of8 Support AlleriCSS Civil Liberties Union Asian Americans Advancing Justice California ACtOrlItyS tot Criminal Just caiifornia Immigrant Policy Center California Public Detendera Association :migrant Legal Resource Center Immigrant Youth Coalition Korean Resource Center Legal Services for P1'130110(3 with children National Day Laborer Organising Network National Imigration ban Cei:tet N61.010 Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Alliance Youth Justice Coalition opposition California District Attorneys Association AnalysiS Prepared Gabriel Caswell / PUB. S. / 19161 319-374i by: file:///C:/Users/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553DEDA9LAPDDomBP0B21... 6/22/2015 From: RYAN COOPER PAGAN To: Date: 4/28/2015 8:05 AM Subject: From: RYAN COOPER To: PAGAN Date: 4/28/2015 10:24 AM Subject: Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - AB 829 From: RYAN COOPER To: Date: Subject: ALBANESE, KIRK 4/28/2015 3:40 PM AB 829 CC: BC: LEFLER, SANDRA; CREW, DAVID; GORDON, KEITH; HEARN, CHARLES; SANDOVAL... FLORES, LUZ; MARTINEZ, JORGE; PAGAN Chief, AB 829 failed in the Assembly Judiciary Committee today. It could be restructured but according to the e-mails I received while I was meeting with you it appears dead in the water. I will have a copy of the failed vote tomorrow. Thank you for your help with this issue. Ryan Detective Ryan Cooper #32635 Los Angeles Police Department Gang and Narcotics Division (213)486-5330 32635@lapd.lacity.orq file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/553FA9E4LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: SB 829 Notes From: To: Date: Subject: RYAN COOPER CREW, DAVID 4/29/2015 5:46 AM Re: SB 829 Notes I gave them to Daisy after I made copies. >>> DAVID CREW 4/28/2015 5:10 PM >» Hello, Would I be able to get the Chiefs (Original Notes) from the SB 829 meeting from today. Thank you Crew file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5540703ELAPDDomBP0B2100... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of I RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829 From: RYAN COOPER To: ALBANESE, KIRK Date: 4/29/2015 5:58 AM Subject: Re: AB 829 You are welcome sir. Thanks for your guidance. Ryan >>> KIRK ALBANESE 4/28/2015 5:11 PM >>> Great news thanks Ryan. Also, great job briefing the Chief this afternoon. Thanks again, KA >>> RYAN COOPER 4/28/2015 3:40 PM >» Chief, AB 829 failed in the Assembly Judiciary Committee today. It could be restructured but according to the e-mails I received while I was meeting with you it appears dead in the water. I will have a copy of the failed vote tomorrow. Thank you for your help with this issue. Ryan Detective Ryan Cooper #32635 Los Angeles Police Department Gang and Narcotics Division (213)486-5330 32635© file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/554072F6LAPDDomBP0B2100... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - Re: AB 829 Response From: To: Date: Subject: RYAN COOPER Gomez, Ernie 5/13/2015 8:31 AM Re: AB 829 Response The bill "died" was the last I heard. Once I get thru all of these emails I am going to check on the status and make sure it is still dead. But thanks for volunteering!! >>> "Gomez, Ernie" 5/12/2015 3:29 PM >>> Hey Ryan, Did you ever get volunteers to draft an opposition letter? If not, I can be one of two. Your thoughts? Thank you, Ernie Gomez Supervising Investigator Gang Unit Orange County District Attorney's Office (714) 3474844 CON' ri)FN f Au Y N.: it lC r.r! teerfer,er:so risr r 1 s emnmuna:rroor y, h1 rs conleffis mn'e cce1r4rn cent-ernel:al ,rer. ire net 't n.Jov CO:), :aCt !ec ',/:!::(;• file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/55530BD6LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of 1 RYAN COOPER - RE: AB 829 Response From: RYAN COOPER To: Gomez, Ernie Date: 5/13/2015 8:44 AM Subject: RE: AB 829 Response Roger that....Despite what Jorge Martinez says you are a good guy!! Thanks >>> "Gomez, Ernie" 5/13/2015 8:32 AM >>> Well if something develops and we need to be ready to respond, I'm in. Ernie From: RYAN COOPER [3263501apd.lacity.orgj Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 8:31 AM To: Gomez, Ernie Subject: Re: AB 829 Response The bill "died" was the last I heard. Once I get thru all of these emails I am going to check on the status and make sure it is still dead. But thanks for volunteering!! >>> "Gomez, Ernie" 5/12/2015 3:29 PM >>> Hey Ryan, Did you ever get volunteers to draft an opposition letter? If not, I can be one of two. Your thoughts? Thank you, Ernie Gomez Supervising Investigator Gang Unit Orange County District Attorney's Office (714) 347-8844 4nd anC I')CU d, 0 IQ, 'd 1, ie,;ally senuu ar..J oc.!,....)y 611 •,. „r,' .0 I pola; ,a:.p1-„-i.,ble ,(Cit]:' ,t; Cepa-", CA file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/55530EHLAPDDomBPOB210... 6/22/2015 Page 1 of I RYAN COOPER - Re: Ab829 RYAN COOPER Cobb, Joel; Vranicar, Marty To: 6/4/2015 5:30 AM Date: Subject: Re: Ab829 Smiley, Dennis; Wendt, Kathy CC: From: Thanks Marty for keeping us updated. >>> Marty Vranicar 6/3/2015 2:55 PM >>> Good to hear. I am meeting with the author on Monday to try to convince him to not bring it up next year Sent from my iPhone On Jun 3, 2015, at 2:45 PM, Cobb, Joel wrote: Just thought I would pass this along while I recall... Talked with our Regional PORAC folks about this Assembly Bill. State PORAC lobbyists are apparently also all over it and are keeping an eye on it if it comes back up. Joel From: Wendt, Kathy [mailto:Kathy] Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 6:13 AM To: Dennis Smiley; Ryan Cooper; Cobb, Joel Subject: RE: Ab829 Attached is the analysis from the Judiciary. Kathryn A. Wendt, PMP c: 916.549.6014 o: 916.788.2669 e: kathv wendtsra.corn Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. Enduring Values. Inspired Performance.TM A Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail co onto of Mrs ]tormal c. r Y, pp-Pbbyp J. tno elector,: -bbbonabon mepor, pleb se nobly SCE pnmeUprely by calling 866-554-2143 From: Dennis Smiley [mailto:Dennis.Smiley@sonoma-county.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:02 PM To: Ryan Cooper; Joel Cobb; Wendt, Kathy Subject: Ab829 Rumor has it that 829 failed to pass the Judiciary Committee, 3 Reps, and I Dem against, 3 Dems for, and 3 Dems abstaining... They could still try to squeeze it into the Budget.. Sent rom my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID file:///ClUsers/32635/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/556FE285LAPDDomBP0B210... 6/22/2015