Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 2 of 65. PageID #: 649 Cleveland Police Monitoring Team First-Year Monitoring Plan: February 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017 February 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 3 of 65. PageID #: 650 General Note: For all deadlines established below, the Monitor and Parties agree that the deadlines might, in some instances, need to be extended by a brief interval to allow or accommodate unforeseen circumstances or unexpected, minor delays. Accordingly, if and only if all of the Monitor, United States, and the City of Cleveland agree that an extension for any of the deadlines outlined below is warranted and acceptable, the deadline may be extended by an interval of seven (7) calendar days without petitioning the Court for an extension of the deadline. No deadline may be extended by more than seven (7) calendar days without approval of the Court. The extension of any specific deadline, or deadlines, will not change or otherwise affect any other deadline. I. Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Mission Statement Deliverable Deadline CPD will ensure that its mission statement reflects its commitment to community oriented policing. (¶ 27). ¶ 28 CPC will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to the CPD mission statement from across Cleveland's diverse communities into a single, written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "CPC Mission Statement Work Product"). CPC will distribute the document to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor. CPC Written Summary of Community Input March 10, 2016 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to CPD's mission statement. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Mission Statement Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD will submit a first draft of the revised and updated mission statement that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Work Product and the CPD Officer Work product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether CPC and CPD officer work product consistent with those requirements and objectives has been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input March 10, 2016 CPD Submission of First Draft March 25, 2016 Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft 1 April 1, 2016 April 15, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 4 of 65. PageID #: 651 Community Police Commission The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment May 13, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft May 27, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 3, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the mission statement to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 10, 2016 CPC will "assess CPD's community activities, and make recommendations for additional strategies for CPD to consider to increase community engagement with and community confidence in CPD." (¶ 17(c)). CPC will complete a plan for conducting an assessment on community engagement and public confidence in CPD (the "Community Engagement Assessment Plan"). CPC will submit to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor a draft Community Engagement Assessment Plan that outlines the process to conduct an assessment on an ongoing basis of CPD's community engagement and the community’s confidence in CPD. CPC Submission of Draft Community Engagement Assessment Plan May 14, 2016 CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor will provide written and/or in-person feedback on the Community Engagement Assessment Plan. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Feedback June 13, 2016 2 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 5 of 65. PageID #: 652 CPC will revise the Community Engagement Assessment Plan to reflect stakeholder feedback, where appropriate, and submit a Final Community Engagement Assessment Plan to the public, Parties, and Monitor. CPC Submission of Final Community Engagement Assessment Plan July 5, 2016 CPC will issue an Annual Report that summarizes "any recommendations for improvement, related to each activity that it undertakes " with respect to CPD. (¶ 20). The Annual Report will include a summary of CPC’s progress toward implementing the Community Engagement Assessment Plan and the results of any assessment(s) conducted to date. CPC will submit to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor a draft Annual Report. CPC Submission of Draft Annual Report August 15, 2016 CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor will provide written and/or in-person feedback on the draft Annual Report. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team CPC Submission of Feedback on Draft Annual Report August 29, 2016 Submission of Final Draft of Annual Report September 8, 2016 CPD Submission of Written Responses to CPC Recs. in Annual Report October 10, 2016 CPC will revise the Annual Report to reflect stakeholder feedback, where appropriate, and submit a Final Draft of the Annual Report to the public, Parties, and Monitor. "The City will consider and timely respond in writing to the Commission's recommendations for improvements”; posting those responses to the City's website. (¶ 21). Community and Problem-Oriented Policing “CPD will develop and implement a comprehensive and integrated community and problem-oriented policing model”. (¶ 27). The Plan will, among many other things, detail how the City and CPD will partner to address the Consent Decree requirements associated with the District Policing Committees. (¶¶ 24–26). ¶¶ 27-34 CPD will develop a comprehensive Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan. CPC will issue its Annual Report summarizing the results of its Community Engagement Assessments to date. 3 CPC Submission of Written Summary of Community Input October 10, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 6 of 65. PageID #: 653 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize an alternative form of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to community and problem-oriented policing. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Community Policing Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD will submit a first draft of a Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Annual Report, and the CPD Officer Community Policing Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Written Summary of Officer Input CPD Submission of First Draft The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether CPC Annual Report and CPD Officer Community Policing Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft of a Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan (“Proposed Final Draft”) to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft January 16, 2017 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 23, 2017 4 October 10, 2016 November 7, 2016 November 21, 2016 December 7, 2016 December 21, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 7 of 65. PageID #: 654 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 30, 2017 CPD Beginning of Community and ProblemOriented Policing Work Plan January 31, 2017 CPD will implement the Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan. Upon approval, CPD will begin to implement the Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Work Plan according to the deadlines set forth in the Plan. 5 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 8 of 65. PageID #: 655 II. Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Officer Use of Force Policy ¶¶ 45, 46, 49, 50, 52-55, 57-59, 61, 62-74, 77-79, 80, 81 Use of Force-Related Policies Deliverable Deadline CPD will develop a policy on officer use of force ("Officer Use of Force Policy") that revises and/or replaces current GPO 2.1.01 and complies with applicable law, advances the goals of ¶ 45 of the Settlement Agreement, and is consistent with the use of force principles in ¶¶ 46–54 of the Agreement. CPD will also develop sub-policies relating to the use of all specific force instruments or weapons that CPD currently authorizes CPD officers to carry, use, or deploy, including but not limited to firearms, Electronic Control Weapons ("ECWs" or "Tasers"), and Oleoresin Capsicum Spray ("OC Spray" or "pepper spray"). The sub-policies will revise and/or replace GPO 2.1.01, 2.1.02, 2.1.05, and 2.1.06, and will comply with applicable law, advances the goals of ¶ 45 of the Settlement Agreement, and is consistent with the principles and requirements of ¶¶ 46–83 of the Agreement. Note: The Officer Use of Force Policy refers to CPD's policy governing when officers are and are not authorized to apply force to subjects in the field. It addresses issues related to the application of force, not the reporting, investigation, review, or administrative adjudication of force. Accordingly, no forms, reports, procedures, processes, or requirements related to force reporting or administrative investigations are involved. Forms for reporting force, what information or data is collected, and how such force is investigated and reviewed are addressed by major topic areas addressed below. CPC will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to the use of force policy, reporting and training from across Cleveland's diverse communities into a single, written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "CPC Use of Force Work Product"). CPC will distribute the document to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor. CPC Written Summary of Community Input March 17, 2016 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize an alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to officer use of force policy, reporting and training. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input March 17, 2016 CPD will submit a first draft of the officer use of force policy that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Use of Force Work Product and the CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft April 5, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether CPC Use of Force Work Product and CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, inperson feedback, or both. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft April 14, 2016 6 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 9 of 65. PageID #: 656 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft of Officer Use of Force Policy (“Proposed Final Draft”) that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft April 28, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment May 13, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft May 31, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. City, Department of Justice Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 7, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Officer Use of Force Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 17, 2016 Note: When approved, the Officer Use of Force Policy does not become effective, and officers are neither expected to conform to its requirements or be subject to discipline or any employment action pursuant to it, until the Parties and Monitor have certified that training on the policy and its core concepts has been sufficiently completed. Use of Force Reporting ¶¶ 47, 56, 73, 87–92 CPD will develop a single, uniform policy, process, procedure, and system for reporting the use of force consistent with the principles and requirements of paragraphs 87–92 of the Agreement (the "Use of Force Reporting Policy"). This will include: (i) a policy governing the requirements of officers and supervisors with respect to reporting force; and (ii) a single, uniform force reporting instrument, which will replace GPO 2.1.01 Attachment A and whatever equivalent or related reports are currently in use by CPD officers, and will enable the collection of data required by paragraph 259 of the Agreement. CPD will submit a first draft of both (i) a policy governing the requirements of officers and supervisors with respect to reporting force; and (ii) a single, uniform force reporting instrument to both the Parties and Monitor. It must be responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and, where appropriate, take into consideration and incorporate the CPC Use of Force Work Product and the CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft April 5, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Use of Force Work Product CPC, and CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives, have been incorporated, where appropriate The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft April 19, 2016 7 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 10 of 65. PageID #: 657 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft of the Use of Force Reporting Policy (“Proposed Final Draft”) that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft May 6, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment June 6, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft June 13, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval to the Monitor. City, Department of Justice Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 20, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Use of Force Reporting Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 24, 2016 Note: When approved, the Use of Force Reporting Policy and use of force reporting instruments or forms do not become effective, and officers are neither expected to conform to their requirements or be subject to discipline or any employment action pursuant to them until the Parties and Monitor have certified that training on the policy and its core concepts has been sufficiently completed. Use of Force Investigations ¶¶ 47, 75, 93–101, 110–123 CPD will concurrently develop two (2) individual policies, including any sub-policies and/or related policy manuals, addressing: (i) chain of command investigations of lower-level Level 1 and Level 2 force (the "Chain of Command Investigations Policy"; and (ii) Force Investigation Team ("FIT") investigations of Level 3 and other uses of force outlined in ¶ 111 of the Agreement (the "FIT Investigations Policy"). These sets of policies will include a revision or replacement of current portions of General Police Orders 2.1.01–06 that relate to the investigation of use of force; the creation, revision, or replacement of any operative policies or manual related to FIT (¶ 123); and any Memorandum of Understanding or equivalent agreement established between CPD and any outside agency to conduct criminal investigations of uses of force (¶ 110). CPC will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to the internal, administrative investigations and subsequent review of force from members across Cleveland's diverse communities into a written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "CPC Use of Force Investigations and Review Work Product"). CPC will distribute the document to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor. 8 CPC Written Summary of Community Input May 2, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 11 of 65. PageID #: 658 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize an alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to the investigation and subsequent review of use of force. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Use of Force Investigations and Review Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input May 2, 2016 CPD will submit a first draft of both (i) the Chain of Command Investigations Policy and (ii) the FIT Investigations Policy. Both must be responsive to the requirements of the Agreement, and to the CPC Use of Force Investigations Work Product and the CPD Officer Use of Force Investigations Work Product (the "First Draft"), where appropriate. CPD will submit the First Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft May 23, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Use of Force Investigations Work Product and CPD Officer Use of Force Investigations Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft May 30, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft of both (i) the Chain of Command Investigations Policy and (ii) the FIT Investigations Policy (“Proposed Final Draft”) that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft June 13, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment July 13, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft of both (i) the Chain of Command Investigations Policy and (ii) the FIT Investigations Policy to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft August 10, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft August 17, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Chain of Command Investigations Policy and the FIT Investigations Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policies adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft August 24, 2016 Note: When approved, the Chain of Command does not become effective, and officers are neither expected to conform to their requirements or be subject to discipline or any 9 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 12 of 65. PageID #: 659 employment action pursuant to them, until the Parties and Monitor have certified that training on the policies and their core concepts have been sufficiently completed by appropriate personnel. Similarly, the FIT Investigation policies do not become effective until FIT Team members have been identified and trained. Use of Force Review CPD will concurrently develop a policy related to the review of use of force. This will include review of chain of command investigations of lower-level Level 1 and Level 2 force as well as consideration of force incidents by the Force Review Board ("FRB"). The FRB policy will include a description of the composition of the Board and the process that it uses to analyze force investigations. ¶¶ 101–09, 124–30 CPD will submit a first draft of policies addressing both (i) chain of command review of lower-level force and (ii) review of force by the Force Review Board. Both must be responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and take into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Use of Force Investigations and Review Work Product, and the CPD Officer Use of Force Investigations and Review Work Product (the "First Draft"). CPD will submit the first draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft June 10, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Use of Force Review Work Product and CPD Officer Use of Force Review Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft June 20, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft Use of Force Investigations and Review Policy (“Proposed Final Draft”) that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft July 7, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment August 6, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft August 27, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft September 2, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of Use of Force Review Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft September 9, 2016 10 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 13 of 65. PageID #: 660 Note: When approved, the policies related to the Review of Use of Force do not become effective, and officers are neither expected to conform to their requirements or be subject to discipline or any employment action pursuant to them, until the Parties and Monitor have certified that training on the policies and its core concepts has been sufficiently completed; and FRB members have been identified and trained. The FRB will begin to meet to review all FIT investigations, Level 2 investigations where there was force-related misconduct, and a sample of all other Level 2 investigations. (¶ 124). The Monitoring Team and Parties will meet with the members of the Force Review Board, outlining expectations, answering questions, and clarifying understandings. City, CPD, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Stakeholder Meeting September 19, 2016 Upon certification of the Monitor that the FRB policy is ready to be implemented, the FRB will begin to hold regular force review meetings. Members of the Monitoring Team and the Parties will regularly attend. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Commencement of Regular Meetings On or after October 3, 2016 11 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 14 of 65. PageID #: 661 III. Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Officer Training Deliverable Deadline General Note: Consistent with the Agreement (¶¶ 271(d), 280), CPD will construct all training provided on topics covered by and related to the Settlement Agreement utilizing a standard Instructional Systems Design Model ("ISDM"), or an equivalent format that the Parties and Monitor agree address the same requirements, that, among other things, sets forth: (1) the goals for each training element; (2) the learner characteristics that should receive attention during planning; (3) the content and task components that are related to the stated goals; (4) the instructional objectives for the learner; (5) a description of how content will be logically structured and sequenced; (6) a description of the instructional strategies employed and how they are geared toward officers mastering the training's objectives; (7) a detailed and exhaustive description of instructor techniques, messaging, content, and delivery methods; (8) an evaluation instrument for assessing whether the objectives of the training were met; and (9) a description of resources that are supporting or instructing the learning activities. See Jerold Kemp, Instructional Design: A Plan for Unit and Course Development (1977); G.R. Morrison, et al, Designing Effective Instruction (4th ed. 2004); Kent Gustafson & Robert Branch, Instructional Design Models (1997). Training Committee CPD will revise or replace existing General Patrol Order 1.1.35, Section II. It will develop a new policy governing the Training Review Committee (currently referred to as the "In-service Training Review Committee") that "expand[s] the scope and membership" of the committee in accordance with ¶ 270 of the Agreement. ¶ 270 CPD will submit a first draft of a policy governing the scope and membership of the Training Review Committee (the "First Draft"). That policy will include guidelines for the composition of the Board. CPD Submission of First Draft March 2, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft March 9, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft March 16, 2016 12 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 15 of 65. PageID #: 662 Establishment of District Training Coordinators The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft March 23, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of Training Review Committee Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft March 30, 2016 CPD will provide the names, experience, and performance histories of CPD officers designated as training coordinators to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 276. CPD List of Proposed Training Coordinators March 15, 2016 If the Parties and Monitor identify any objections to the Proposed Training Coordinators, CPD will work with the Parties and Monitor to resolve such objections. After working to resolve such objections, CPD will appoint the training coordinators. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Any Objections March 22, 2016 CPD's Commander responsible for training will convene a District Training Coordinator orientation meeting. The meeting will include each Coordinator's Commander, the Training Review Committee, Parties, and Monitor. It will identify mechanisms by which each District coordinator will "maintain communications" with each District Commander "to ensure that all officers complete training as required and that documentation of training is provided to the Commander responsible for training." (¶ 276.) CPD Meeting re: District Training Coordinator Orientation March 29, 2016 “CPD will designate a single training coordinator in each District.” (¶ 276). ¶ 276 Review of InService Training Instructor Policy CPD will revise General Patrol Order 1.1.35, Section I to include express, minimum, standard qualifications for in-service training instructors. ¶ 269, 277, 280, 281 13 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 16 of 65. PageID #: 663 CPD and the Training Review Committee, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize an alternative form of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to the in-service training instruction. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD In-Service Training Instructor Policy Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input April 11, 2016 CPD, and its Training Review Committee, will submit a First Draft In-Service Training Instructor Policy (“First Draft”) that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and, where appropriate, the CPD In-Service Training Instructor Policy Work Product. CPD Submission of First Draft May 2, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPD In-Service Training Instructor Policy Work Product has been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft May 16, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft May 31, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 14, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of In-Service Training Instructor Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 21, 2016 14 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 17 of 65. PageID #: 664 CPD will review personnel currently certified to serve as in-service instructors and the process used to identify and select such instructors. CPD will revise the requirements for in-service instructors and the process for selection as necessary. (¶¶ 280, 281.) Training Plan: InService Training The Commander responsible for training will submit concurrently to the Training Committee, Department of Justice, and Monitoring Team a list of all CPD personnel currently certified to provide in-service training at CPD. CPD Submission of CPD Personnel Certified to Provide InService Training April 1, 2016 The Training Review Committee will review the qualifications and performance histories of each identified in-service instructor. The Committee will make an express recommendation to the Chief of Police as to whether each instructor should continue to serve as an in-service instructor and will provide a list of proposed outside instructors to supplement the skills of CPD’s in-house training staff. The Committee will communicate their findings in writing. The Parties and Monitor may participate in meetings on the subject but will not contribute to any final determinations or to the formal recommendations regarding individual instructors. The Chief of Police will make final determinations as to inservice instructors. Submission of Recommendatio ns re: In-Service Instructors Submission of Recs. re: InService Instruction May 16, 2016 The Training Review Committee will develop a written training plan for CPD's in-service training. (¶ 271.) ¶¶ 269–281 CPD will develop a Training Plan that will address how CPD will be implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Consent Decree through December 31, 2016 (the “2016 Training Plan”). The Training Review Committee will submit a written, First Draft of the In-Service Training Plan for the remainder of 2016 that addresses the requirements of the Agreement (¶ 271) and this Monitoring Plan to the Parties and the Monitor. ` CPD Submission of Frist Draft InService Training Plan May 2, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will provide written comments, questions, issues, or concerns to the First Draft of the In-Service Training Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments on First Draft of InService Training Plan May 16, 2016 15 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 18 of 65. PageID #: 665 The Training Review Committee will revise the In-Service Training Plan according to the written responses of the Parties and the Monitor. The Committee will submit its Final Proposed Draft to the Chief of Police. CPD Submission of Final Proposed Draft of InService Training Plan to Chief of Police June 6, 2016 The Chief of Police will approve the In-Service Training Plan. If the original Final Proposed Draft is not satisfactory to the Chief, the Training Committee will work with the Chief and/or the Chief's designee(s) to generate a Training Plan that can meet with the Chief's approval. In any event, a version of the Training Plan must be approved by the Chief by this date certain. CPD Approval of Disapproval by Chief of Police June 20, 2016 CPD will submit the In-Service Training Plan to the Parties and Monitor. (¶ 273.) CPD Submission of Approved InService Training Plan June 21, 2016 The Monitor will provide the Parties with written comments based on its review of the InService Training Plan. (¶ 273.) Monitoring Team Submission of Written Feedback re: InService Training Plan July 11, 2016 The Department of Justice will review the In-Service Training Plan to determine whether the proposed training is adequate in quantity, scope and type, determine whether the Plan is consistent with the requirements of this Agreement, and to provide comments. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice Submission of Written Feedback re: InService Training Plan July 25, 2016 CPD will attempt to resolve any objections or issues raised by the Department of Justice or Monitor. (¶ 273.) It will submit a revised In-Service Training Plan, as necessary, to the Department of Justice and Monitor. CPD Submission of Revised InService Training Plan, If Necessary August 12, 2016 If the Department of Justice or Monitor maintains any objections, the Monitor will resolve the objection. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Deadline for Resolution of Objections, If Necessary August 26, 2016 The In-Service Training Plan will be implemented upon resolution of any outstanding objections. If either Party disagrees with the Monitor's resolution of the objection, either party may ask the Court to resolve the matter. (¶ 273.) City, Department of Justice Implementation of Training Plan N/A 16 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 19 of 65. PageID #: 666 CPD will develop a Training Plan that will address how CPD will be implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Consent Decree through December 31, 2017 (the “2017 Training Plan”). The Training Review Committee will submit a written, First Draft of the In-Service Training Plan for January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 that addresses the requirements of the Agreement (¶ 271) and this Monitoring Plan to the Parties and the Monitor. ` CPD Submission of Frist Draft InService Training Plan September 1, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will provide written comments, questions, issues, or concerns to the First Draft of the In-Service Training Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments on First Draft of InService Training Plan September 15, 2016 The Training Review Committee will revise the In-Service Training Plan according to the written responses of the Parties and the Monitor. The Committee will submit its Final Proposed Draft to the Chief of Police. CPD Submission of Final Proposed Draft of InService Training Plan to Chief of Police October 7, 2016 The Chief of Police will approve the In-Service Training Plan. If the original Final Proposed Draft is not satisfactory to the Chief, the Training Committee will work with the Chief and/or the Chief's designee(s) to generate a Training Plan that can meet with the Chief's approval. In any event, a version of the Training Plan must be approved by the Chief by this date certain. CPD Approval of Disapproval by Chief of Police October 17, 2016 CPD will submit the In-Service Training Plan to the Parties and Monitor. (¶ 273.) CPD Submission of Approved InService Training Plan October 18, 2016 The Monitor will provide the Parties with written comments based on its review of the InService Training Plan. (¶ 273.) Monitoring Team Submission of Written Feedback re: InService Training Plan October 28, 2016 The Department of Justice will review the In-Service Training Plan to determine whether the proposed training is adequate in quantity, scope and type, determine whether the Plan is consistent with the requirements of this Agreement, and to provide comments. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice Submission of Written Feedback re: InService Training Plan November 11, 2016 CPD will attempt to resolve any objections or issues raised by the Department of Justice or Monitor. (¶ 273.) It will submit a revised In-Service Training Plan, as necessary, to the Department of Justice and Monitor. CPD Submission of Revised InService Training Plan, If Necessary November 23, 2016 17 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 20 of 65. PageID #: 667 Training Plan: Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training ¶¶ 271, 273, 282– 287 If the Department of Justice or Monitor maintains any objections, the Monitor will resolve the objection. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Deadline for Resolution of Objections, If Necessary November 30, 2016 The In-Service Training Plan will be implemented upon resolution of any outstanding objections. If either Party disagrees with the Monitor's resolution of the objection, either party may ask the Court to resolve the matter. (¶ 273.) City, Department of Justice Implementation of Training Plan January 1, 2017 The Training Review Committee will develop a written training plan for CPD's recruit academy and probationary field training . (¶¶ 271, 277, 282–287.) The Training Plan should address how CPD will be implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Consent Decree through December 31, 2017. Note: The deadlines set forth here replace the deadline of "180 days of the Effective Date" for "develop[ing] recruit and in-service curricula that comport with CPD's training plan . . . . " (¶ 277.) The Training Review Committee will submit a written, First Draft of the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan that addresses the requirements of the Agreement (¶ 271) and this Monitoring Plan to the Parties and the Monitor. ` CPD Submission of First Draft October 3, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will provide written comments, questions, issues, or concerns to the First Draft of the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments re: First Draft October 17, 2016 The Training Review Committee will revise the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan according to the written responses of the Parties and the Monitor. The Committee will submit its Final Proposed Draft to the Chief of Police. CPD Submission of Final Draft to Chief of Police November 7, 2016 The Chief of Police will approve the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan. If the original Final Proposed Draft is not satisfactory to the Chief, the Training Committee will work with the Chief and/or the Chief's designee(s) to generate a Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan that can meet with the Chief's approval. In any event, a version of the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan must be approved by the Chief by the this date certain. CPD Approval of Training Plan by Chief of Police November 17, 2016 CPD will submit the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan to the Parties and Monitor. (¶ 273.) CPD Submission of Training Plan to Parties and Monitor November 18, 2016 18 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 21 of 65. PageID #: 668 Training Plan: Supervisor Training The Monitor will provide the Parties with written comments based on its review of the Training Plan. (¶ 273.) Monitoring Team Submission of Comments December 12, 2016 The Department of Justice will review the Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan to determine whether the proposed training is adequate in quantity, scope and type determine whether the Plan is consistent with the requirements of this Agreement, and to provide comments. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice Submission of Comments and/or Approval January 6, 2017 CPD will attempt to resolve any objections or issues raised by the Department of Justice or Monitor. (¶ 273.) It will submit a revised Plan, as necessary, to the Department of Justice and Monitor. CPD Submission of Revised Plan, if necessary January 20, 2017 If the Department of Justice or Monitor maintains any objections, the Monitor will resolve the objection. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Resolution of Any Objections January 30, 2017 The Recruit Academy & Probationary Field Training Plan will be implemented upon resolution of any outstanding objections. If either Party disagrees with the Monitor's resolution of the objection, either party may ask the Court to resolve the matter. (¶ 273.) City, Department of Justice Implementation of Training Plan First recruit class of 2017 The Training Review Committee will develop a written training plan for CPD's supervisors. (¶¶ 322–325.) The Supervisor Training Plan should address how CPD will be implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Consent Decree through December 31, 2017. ¶¶ 322–325 The Training Review Committee will submit a written, First Draft of the Supervisor Training Plan that addresses the requirements of the Agreement (¶ 271) and this Monitoring Plan to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft March 18, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will provide written comments, questions, issues, or concerns to the First Draft of the Supervisor Training Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments re: First Draft March 28, 2016 The Training Review Committee will revise the Supervisor Training Plan according to the written responses of the Parties and the Monitor. The Committee will submit its Final Proposed Draft to the Chief of Police. CPD Submission of Final Draft to Chief of Police April 15, 2016 19 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 22 of 65. PageID #: 669 Training re: 2016 Initial Supervisor Training The Chief of Police will approve the Supervisor Training Plan. If the original Final Proposed Draft is not satisfactory to the Chief, the Training Committee will work with the Chief and/or the Chief's designee(s) to generate a Supervisor Training Plan that can meet with the Chief's approval. In any event, a version of the Supervisor Training Plan must be approved by the Chief by this date certain. CPD Approval of Training Plan by Chief of Police April 18, 2016 CPD will submit the Supervisor Training Plan to the Parties and Monitor. (¶ 273.) CPD Submission of Training Plan to Parties and Monitor April 19, 2016 The Monitor will provide the Parties with written comments based on its review of the Supervisor Training Plan. (¶ 273.) Monitoring Team Submission of Comments May 6, 2017 The Department of Justice will review the Supervisor Training Plan to determine whether the proposed training is adequate in quantity, scope and type determine whether the Supervisor Training Plan is consistent with the requirements of this Agreement, and to provide comments. (¶ 273.) Department of Justice Submission of Comments and/or Approval May 23, 2017 CPD will attempt to resolve any objections or issues raised by the Department of Justice or Monitor. (¶ 273.) It will submit a revised Supervisor Training Plan, as necessary, to the Department of Justice and Monitor. CPD Submission of Revised Plan, if necessary June 10, 2017 If the Department of Justice or Monitor maintains any objections, the Monitor will resolve the objection. (¶ 273.) If the Monitor has no objections, the Monitor will file the Supervisor Training Plan with the Court. Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Resolution of Any Objections, if necessary / Filing of Plan with Court June 22, 2017 CPD will design training, consistent with the Supervisor Training Plan, that introduces supervisors to upcoming requirements of the Consent Decree (the “2016 Initial Supervisor Training”). ¶¶ 84-86, 269–281 CPD will submit a first draft of the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training ISDM that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Use of Force Work Product and the CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. 20 CPD Submission of First Draft April 11, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 23 of 65. PageID #: 670 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft April 25, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft May 9, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment June 9, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft June 30, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft July 14, 2015 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft August 5, 2016 CPD will conduct the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training according to the approved ISDM. 21 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 24 of 65. PageID #: 671 Training re: Officer Use of Force Policy CPD will conduct and complete introductory "train-the-trainer" events that provide inservice instructors with (1) the opportunity to complete the relevant in-service and/or electronic-based training, from start to finish and (2) specific instructional content on providing the course per the ISDM. CPD Completion of "Train-theTrainer" Sessions August 15, 2016 CPD will begin to provide officers with training on the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training ISDM. CPD Training Sessions Begin August 22, 2016 CPD will provide the Parties and the Monitor with weekly updates on the numbers and percentage of individual officers who have completed the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training. CPD Weekly Submission of Training Update to Parties, Monitoring Team August 22, 2016 – October 31, 2016 CPD will complete training of all CPD officers on the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training. CPD Training Sessions End October 21, 2016 The City will certify to the Court that all CPD officers have completed the 2016 Initial Supervisor Training. City, CPD Filing of Certification with Court re: Completion of Officer Use of Force Training October 31, 2016 CPD will design training on the revised Officer Use of Force Policy, along with force-instrument-specific sub-policies (the "Officer Use of Force Policy ISDM"). ¶¶ 84-86, 269–281 CPD will submit a first draft of the Officer Use of Force Policy ISDM that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Use of Force Work Product and the CPD Officer Use of Force Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. 22 CPD Submission of First Draft July 5, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 25 of 65. PageID #: 672 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Officer Use of Force Work Product and CPD Officer Use of Force Training Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft July 29, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft August 12, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment September 9, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft September 23, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft September 30, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Officer Use of Force Training Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft October 7, 2016 CPD will conduct training on the revised Officer Use of Force Policy according to the approved ISDM. 23 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 26 of 65. PageID #: 673 Training re: Force Reporting Policy, Process, and Procedure CPD will conduct and complete introductory "train-the-trainer" events that provide inservice instructors with (1) the opportunity to complete the relevant in-service and/or electronic-based training, from start to finish and (2) specific instructional content on providing the course per the ISDM. CPD Completion of "Train-theTrainer" Sessions October 28, 2016 CPD will begin to provide officers with training on the Officer Use of Force ISDM. CPD Training Sessions Begin October 31, 2016 CPD will provide the Parties and the Monitor with weekly updates on the numbers and percentage of individual officers who have completed the Officer Use of Force training. CPD Weekly Submission of Training Update to Parties, Monitoring Team October 31, 2016 – December 30, 2016 CPD will complete the training of all CPD officers on the Officer Use of Force training. CPD Training Sessions End December 31, 2016 The City will certify to the Court that all CPD officers have completed the Officer Use of Force training. City, CPD Filing of Certification with Court re: Completion of Officer Use of Force Training January 17, 2017 CPD will design training on the revised Use of Force Reporting Policy (the "Use of Force Reporting ISDM"). ¶¶ 84-86, 269–281 CPD will submit a first draft of the Use of Force Reporting Policy ISDM that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Force Work Product, and the CPD Officer Force Work Product (the “First Draft”) to the Parties and the Monitor. 24 CPD Submission of First Draft October 14, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 27 of 65. PageID #: 674 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Force Reporting Training Work Product and CPD Officer Force Reporting Training Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft October 28, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft November 11, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment December 11, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft December 31, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 7, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Use of Force Reporting Training ISDM Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 14, 2017 CPD will conduct training on the revised Use of Force Reporting Policy according to the approved ISDM. 25 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 28 of 65. PageID #: 675 Training re: Chain of Command Investigations CPD will conduct and complete introductory "train-the-trainer" events that provide inservice instructors with (1) the opportunity to complete the relevant in-service and/or electronic-based training, from start to finish; and (2) provides specific instructional content on providing the course per the ISDM. CPD Completion of "Train-theTrainer" Sessions January 30, 2017 CPD will begin to provide officers with training on the Use of Force Reporting ISDM. CPD Training Sessions Begin January 31, 2017 CPD will provide the Parties and the Monitor with bi-weekly updates on the numbers and percentage of individual officers who have completed the Use of Force Reporting training. CPD Bi-Weekly Submission of Training Update to Parties, Monitoring Team January 31, 2017 – May 1, 2017 CPD will complete the training of all CPD officers on the Use of Force Reporting training. CPD Training Sessions End May 1, 2017 The City will certify to the Court that all CPD officers have completed the Use of Force Reporting training. City, CPD Filing of Certification with Court re: Completion of Officer Use of Force Training May 6, 2017 CPD will design training on the revised Chain of Command Force Investigations Policy (the "Chain of Command Force Investigations ISDM"). ¶¶ 84-86, 93–123, 269–281, 322-325 CPD will submit a first draft of the Chain of Command Force Investigations ISDM that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Force Investigations and Review Work Product and the CPD Force Investigations and Review Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. 26 CPD Submission of First Draft October 14, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 29 of 65. PageID #: 676 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Force Investigations and Review Work Product and CPD Force Investigations and Review Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft October 28, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft November 18, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment December 16, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft January 13, 2017 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 27, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Chain of Command Force Investigation Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft February 3, 2017 CPD will conduct training on the revised Chain of Command Force Investigations Policy according to the approved ISDM. 27 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 30 of 65. PageID #: 677 Training Documentation Plan CPD will conduct and complete introductory "train-the-trainer" events that provide inservice instructors with (1) the opportunity to complete the relevant in-service and/or electronic-based training, from start to finish and (2) specific instructional content on providing the course per the ISDM. CPD Completion of "Train-theTrainer" Sessions February 24, 2017 CPD will begin to provide identified supervisors with training on the Chain of Command Force Investigations ISDM. CPD Training Sessions Begin February 27, 2017 CPD will provide the Parties and the Monitor with bi-weekly updates on the numbers and percentage of officers who have completed the Chain of Command Force Investigations training. CPD Bi-Weekly Submission of Training Update to Parties, Monitoring Team February 27, 2017 – May 28, 2017 CPD will complete the training of all CPD supervisors on the Chain of Command Force Investigations training. CPD Training Sessions End May 29, 2017 The City will certify to the Court that all CPD supervisors have completed the Chain of Command Force Investigations training. City, CPD Filing of Certification with Court re: Completion of Officer Use of Force Training May 30, 2017 CPD will develop a plan for "implement[ing] a system that will allow the Training Section to electronically track, maintain, and produce complete and accurate records of current curricula, lesson plans, training delivered, and other training materials in a centralized electronic file system" (the "Training Documentation Plan") (¶ 289). ¶¶ 288-290 CPD will submit a draft Training Documentation Plan to the Parties and the Monitor. 28 CPD Submission of Draft Training Documentation Plan March 31, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 31 of 65. PageID #: 678 Recruitment & Hiring The Parties and Monitor will separately provide comments on the Training Documentation Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments on draft Training Documentation Plan April 28, 2016 CPD will revise the draft Training Documentation Plan in light of the submissions by the Parties and Monitor and will submit a Proposed Final Training Documentation Plan. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Training Documentation Plan May 19, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 2, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Training Documentation Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 9, 2016 "CPD will develop a recruitment policy and a strategic recruitment plan that includes clear goals, objectives, and action steps for attracting qualified applicants from a broad cross-section of the community." (¶¶ 300–311). ¶¶ 300-311 CPD will provide a draft Recruitment Policy and Strategic Recruitment Plan (the "First Draft"), taking into consideration the input of the CPC, to the Monitor and DOJ. CPD Submission of First Draft February 15, 2016 The Parties and the Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and values of the community. The Parties, Monitor, and CPC will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft March 14, 2016 29 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 32 of 65. PageID #: 679 CPD revises the First Draft to take into consideration and incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and CPC, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD submits a Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft April 11, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment May 9, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, CPC, and community stakeholders and members. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD submits a Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft June 6, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 13, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Recruitment Policy and Strategic Recruitment Plan to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the plan adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 20, 2016 CPD will implement the recruitment policy and strategic recruitment plan approved by the Monitor, "consult[ing] with the [Community Police] Commission and other community stakeholders on strategies to attract a diverse pool of applicants." (¶ 305). CPD will provide semi-annual, in-person updates to the Community Police Commission on the status of implementation of the recruitment policy and strategic recruitment plan. 30 CPD Quarterly Status Updates Provided Ongoing, Beginning September 20, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 33 of 65. PageID #: 680 CPD will prepare a public report on its recruitment activities and outcomes that covers the areas outlined in paragraphs 300–311 in the Agreement. 31 CPD Report Filed with Court and Released Publicly December 30, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 34 of 65. PageID #: 681 IV. Crisis Intervention Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Work Plan & Crisis Intervention Needs Assessment ¶¶ 132–136, 143159 Deliverable Deadlines CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will create a Work Plan that includes a Crisis Intervention Needs Assessment & Work Plan. Results from the Needs Assessment will be used to develop policies to address gaps in resources, knowledge, training, and infrastructure and outline a plan covering the period of the first-year monitoring plan, as well as providing for general timelines for complying with other provisions of the Agreement in subsequent years. (¶ 135.) The Work Plan will specifically address the process for complying with the remainder of the crisis intervention-related deadlines set forth in this Monitoring Plan. Note: The City has chosen to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (“ADAMHS”) Board of Cuyahoga County to assist it in forming the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee under the Consent Decree. That MOU contains some provisions that add obligations to the Committee beyond that which the Consent Decree sets forth. The Court oversees only those obligations advanced by the Consent Decree. CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will submit a First Draft of a Crisis Intervention Work Plan ( the “First Draft”) that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of First Draft March 14, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft of the Crisis Intervention Work Plan to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, inperson feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft March 28, 2016 CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee, revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and Monitor. CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Proposed Final Draft April 18, 2016 The Parties review the Proposed Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Proposed Final Draft April 25, 2016 32 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 35 of 65. PageID #: 682 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Crisis Intervention Work Plan to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the Work Plan adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Crisis Intervention Policies Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft May 2, 2016 CPD will revise its policies and procedures related to responding to individuals experiencing a behavioral crisis. The outcomes of the Needs Assessment will be utilized in the revision process. ¶¶ 153-159 Through a Needs Assessment, the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to the CPD’s crisis intervention from across Cleveland's diverse communities into a single, written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "Community Crisis Intervention Work Product"). Outcomes of the Needs Assessment will be used to revise Crisis Intervention Policies. Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Written Summary of Community Input March 31, 2016 As part of the Needs Assessment, CPD, in collaboration with the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee, Monitor, and leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize an alternative form of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to crisis intervention issues. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Crisis Intervention Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. Outcomes of the Needs Assessment will be used to revise Crisis Intervention Policies. CPD Submission of Written Summary of Officer Input March 31, 2016 CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee, will submit first draft(s) of revised policies and procedures related to crisis intervention (the “First Draft”). CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of First Draft April 29, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the feedback of the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee has been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft May 13, 2016 33 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 36 of 65. PageID #: 683 Crisis Intervention Training: General CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee revise the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and Mental Health Advisory Committee. In consultation with the Monitor, Parties, and Mental Health Advisory Committee, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and Monitor. CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Proposed Final Draft May 31, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment June 29, 2016 CPD and the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee revise the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and community stakeholders and members. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD submits a Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Final Draft August 8, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft August 15, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Crisis Intervention Policies to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft August 22, 2016 CPD will provide training, approved by the Mental Health Advisory Committee and the Monitor, to all of its officers according to the requirements of paragraph 143 of the Agreement. ¶ 143 34 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 37 of 65. PageID #: 684 CPD will collaborate with the Mental Health Response Advisory Committee on the scope, content, and curriculum to be used during training and submit a first draft of a Crisis Intervention Instructional System Design Model (ISDM) (the "First Draft") that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of First Draft August 19, 2016 The Parties, Monitor, and Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the input of the Mental Health Advisory Committee has been adequately addressed. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Mental Health Response Advisory Committee, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft September 9, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and Mental Health Advisory Committee, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and Mental Health Advisory Committee. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft September 30, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or In-Person Summary of Community Comment October 30, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and community stakeholders and members. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD submits a Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft November 20, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft November 27, 2016 35 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 38 of 65. PageID #: 685 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of General Crisis Intervention Training to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Annual Crisis Intervention Analysis Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft December 4, 2016 The Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will conduct an analysis of crisis intervention incidents to determine whether CPD has a sufficient number of specialized CIT officers, whether they are deployed effectively, and whether officers and dispatchers are appropriately responding to people in crisis – and to recommend changes to policies, procedures, and training regarding the same. ¶ 135 The Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will submit to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor a draft Annual Crisis Intervention Analysis. Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Draft Annual Report December 16, 2016 CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor will provide written and/or in-person feedback on the draft Annual Crisis Intervention Analysis. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitor Submission of Feedback on Draft Annual Report January 6, 2017 The Mental Health Response Advisory Committee will revise the Annual Crisis Intervention Analysis Report to reflect stakeholder feedback, where appropriate, and submit the final report to the public, Parties, and Monitor. Mental Health Response Advisory Committee Submission of Final Draft of Annual Report to Public, Parties, and Monitor January 27, 2017 36 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 39 of 65. PageID #: 686 V. Accountability Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Internal Affairs Deliverable Deadline CPD, with input from the Parties, Monitor, and CPC, will accept applications for, interview, and select a civilian head of the Department's Internal Affairs division. ¶ 178 Internal Affairs Policy Manual CPD will provide a draft job description for the Internal Affairs leadership position to the Parties and Monitor. The description will aim to ensure that the individual selected can be approved by each of CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor as sufficiently "qualified" under paragraph 178. CPD Submission of Draft Job Description to Parties, Monitor February 1, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will provide any comments, suggestions, edits, or proposed changes to the draft job description to CPD. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Comments re: Job Description to CPD February 29, 2016 CPD will advertise, post, and accept applications related to the job description widely, including in national forums. Advertisement of the position will aim to attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates. CPD Job Posted and Applications Accepted March 14, 2016 The candidate selected to lead Internal Affairs will commence work in the position. CPD Selected Head of Internal Affairs Begins Work August 26, 2016 CPD will update its Internal Affairs policy manual (currently called the "Internal Affairs Policies and Procedures" document dated January 2014), Inspections Unit manual, and any implicated General Police Orders, including policies on CPD employees reporting misconduct and on preventing retaliation against CPD employees who report misconduct (¶¶ 189–92), to reflect the requirements of paragraphs 176–192. ¶¶ 176–192 CPC will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to the CPD's internal affairs investigations, including those relating to reporting misconduct and making complaints, from across Cleveland's diverse communities into a single, written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "CPC Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product"). CPC will distribute the document to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor. 37 CPC Written Summary of Community Input August 26, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 40 of 65. PageID #: 687 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to internal affairs investigations, including those relating to reporting misconduct and making complaints. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input August 26, 2016 CPD will submit a first draft of the Internal Affairs Policy Manual, and related policies on anti-retaliation and reporting misconduct, that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product and the CPD Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product (the “First Draft”) to the Parties and the Monitor. The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product and CPD Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. CPD Submission of First Draft October 17, 2016 Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft November 7, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft November 28, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment December 28, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft January 18, 2017 38 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 41 of 65. PageID #: 688 Office of Professional Standards (OPS) The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 25, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Internal Affairs Policy Manual, and policies related to anti-retaliation and reporting misconduct, to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the manual adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft February 1, 2017 OPS, working with the City, will establish for OPS a budget that "affords sufficient independence and resources, including sufficient staff and training to meet the terms of th[e] Agreement." (¶ 199). ¶¶ 193–229. OPS and/or the City will submit to the Monitor OPS' proposed budget for the 2016 budget year. OPS/City Submission of Proposed 2016 Budget to Monitor January 1, 2016 The Monitor will analyze the budget and advise the Parties and Court as to whether it is sufficient under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. Monitoring Team January 29, 2016 OPS and/or the City will submit to the Monitor OPS' proposed budget for the 2017 budget year. OPS/City Written Submission re: Sufficiency of Budget Submission of Proposed 2016 Budget to Monitor The Monitor will analyze the budget and advise the Parties and Court as to whether it is sufficient under the terms of the Settlement Agreement. Monitoring Team January 2, 2017 Written January 23, Submission re: 2017 Sufficiency of Budget OPS will develop a revised operations manual. (¶ 200). This will include revisions of the OPS complaint form and the translation of the form into both English and Spanish. (¶ 208). 39 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 42 of 65. PageID #: 689 OPS will submit a revised Operations Manual (“First Draft”) to the Parties, Monitor, and the CPC. OPS Submission of First Draft of Revised Operations Manual February 1, 2016 CPC will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately reflects community interests, values, experiences, and concerns. CPC March 17, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft Written Feedback re: First Draft OPS revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, and CPC. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, OPS will produce a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. OPS submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. OPS Submission of Proposed Final Draft April 14, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with OPS and CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment and proposed changes to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide OPS, CPD, and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, OPS, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment May 12, 2016 OPS revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. OPS Submission of Final Draft June 9, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 23, 2016 40 March 17, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 43 of 65. PageID #: 690 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Operations Manual to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the manual adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 30, 2016 CPD will revise or create policies necessary to strengthen CPD's cooperation with the OPS and Internal Affairs processes including: (a) policies governing the submission and receipt of civilian complaints (¶¶ 201 –209); (b) policies governing mandatory cooperation with OPS and Internal Affairs investigations (¶¶ 219, 221–222, 240); and (c) policies governing the submission of relevant evidence to Internal Affairs or OPS Investigators and PRB (¶ 219, 221–222, 240). The Parties, CDP and the Monitor will review the current status of cooperation between OPS and Internal Affairs. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Written Summary of Community Input August 1, 2016 CPD will submit a first draft of the policies governing submission and receipt of civilian complaints that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate the Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product and the CPD Officer Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties, the Monitor, and OPS. CPD Submission of First Draft September 2, 2016 The Parties, Monitor, and OPS will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Internal Affairs Investigations Work and CPD Internal Affairs Investigations Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team, OPS Written Feedback re: First Draft September 16, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, OPS, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft September 30, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment October 28, 2016 41 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 44 of 65. PageID #: 691 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft November 11, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft November 29, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of policies governing submission and receipt of civilian complaints to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policies adequately comply with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporate feedback of the Parties, and reflect the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft December 6, 2016 "[T]he City and CPD, in consultation with OPS and the CPC, will develop and implement a program to promote awareness throughout the Cleveland community about the process for filing complaints with OPS. (¶ 201)" and to enhance access to the complaint process. This will include a plan to post information about the civilian complaint process (¶ 203), a plan to ensure that all CPD officers carry complaint forms in their vehicles (¶ 205), a plan to make OPS complaint forms and other materials widely available at public locations (¶ 206), and a plan for ensuring that civilian complaints submitted to the city via other existing systems are forwarded to OPS immediately (¶ 209). The Parties, CPD, OPS, and CPC will meet to develop general strategies for improving access to and promoting awareness of the OPS system and process. City, CPD, CPC, OPS, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team First Stakeholder Meeting Convened October 29, 2016 The City and CPD will submit a First Draft plan for a program to promote awareness of the OPS process and comply with paragraph 201 of the Agreement (the "OPS Awareness Plan"). City, CPD Submission of Draft OPS Awareness Plan December 13, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether CPC, OPS, and other recommendations have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties, CPC, OPS, and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team, OPS, CPC Written Feedback re: First Draft December 27, 2016 42 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 45 of 65. PageID #: 692 Police Review Board CPD revises the Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor, Parties, CPC, and OPS. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD submits a Final Draft plan that incorporates the feedback of the Parties, CPC, OPS, and the Monitor where appropriate. CPD Submission of Final Draft January 17, 2017 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 24, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final OPS Awareness Plan to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the plan adequately addresses with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 31, 2017 The City, CPD, OPS and any other involved stakeholders will implement the OPS Awareness Plan according to the deadlines set forth in the Plan. The deadlines outlined there will be incorporated into this Monitoring Plan by reference and subsequent Monitoring Plans expressly. City, CPD, OPS Implementation of Plan Begins February 1, 2017 "The Monitor will analyze PRB's budget and advise the Parties and the Court as to whether it affords sufficient independence and resources, including sufficient staff and training to meet the terms of this Agreement." (¶ 232). ¶¶ 230–239, 244 PRB, with OPS, will submit the budget for PRB for the calendar year 2016 to the Monitor for review. OPS, PRB Submission of PRB Budget to Monitor February 1, 2016 The Monitor will provide written analysis to OPS, PRB, and the City as to whether the contemplated PRB budget for 2016 is sufficient to meet the terms of the Agreement. Monitoring Team Submission of Written Analysis re: PRB Budget February 8, 2016 PRB, with OPS, will submit the budget for PRB for the calendar year 2017 to the Monitor for review. OPS, PRB Submission of PRB Budget February 1, 2017 43 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 46 of 65. PageID #: 693 The Monitor will provide written analysis to OPS, PRB, and the City as to whether the contemplated PRB budget for 2017 is sufficient to meet the terms of the Agreement. Monitoring Team Submission of Written Analysis re: PRB Budget February 8, 2017 In consultation with CPC, the City will work to develop an ordinance to place a Charter Amendment on the ballot that satisfies the requirements of paragraph 230. (¶ 230). The City will circulate comments on the CPC’s proposed changes to the Charter Amendment. City The Parties, CPC, Monitor, and other stakeholders that all of the Parties, CPC, and Monitor agree should be included, will meet to discuss the proposed changes to the Charter Amendment. City, CPC, Department of Justice, Monitor A proposed ordinance to place a Charter Amendment on the November 2016 will be provided to City Council for introduction and debate. City Submission of Written Comments re: CPC Proposed Changes Ongoing Discussions Begin February 16, 2016 Submission of Bill to City Council June 1, 2016 No later than March 30, 2016 The Monitor will review data and information on the PRB, and its relationship to the disciplinary process, and will issue a report that "assess[es] whether PRB is achieving its mission." (¶ 244). Transparency The Monitor will provide the Parties, OPS, and PRB with a draft report of an annual assessment of PRB (the "PRB Annual Assessment"). Monitor Submission of Draft PRB Annual Assessment November 1, 2016 The Parties, OPS, and PRB will provide written comments, questions, issues, or proposed changes to the draft PRB Annual Assessment. City, Department of Justice, OPS, PRB Submission of Written Feedback to Monitor November 22, 2016 The Monitor will incorporate the feedback of the Parties, OPS, and PRB where appropriate and will file a finalized PRB Annual Assessment with the Court. Monitor Filing of Final PRB Annual Assessment with Court December 13, 2016 CPD will post its policies and procedures, training plans, community policing initiatives, community meeting schedules, budgets, and internal audit reports on its website. (¶ 268). ¶ 268 44 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 47 of 65. PageID #: 694 CPD will identify personnel to initially post the information and documents identified in paragraph 268 on its website and to keep such posted information and documents up-todate and current. CPD Identification of Personnel to Maintain Information and Documents on Website February 8, 2016 CPD's identified personnel will post its current policies and procedures, training plans, community policing initiatives, community meeting schedules, budgets, and internal audit reports on its website. (¶ 268). This includes all materials submitted to the Court by the Monitor as part of this Monitoring Plan. The manner of posting on the website will seek to make all information and documentation accessible, clear, and readily identifiable. CPD Initial Posting of Current Information and Documents on Website Ongoing CPD's identified personnel will post revisions, changes, updates, or new information and documents as they are approved to take effect. (¶ 268). This includes all materials submitted to the Court by the Monitor as part of this Monitoring Plan. The manner of posting on the website will seek to make all information and documentation accessible, clear, and readily identifiable. CPD Maintenance of Current Information and Documents on Website Ongoing 45 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 48 of 65. PageID #: 695 VI. Equipment & Resources Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Equipment & Resource Study Deliverable Deadline CPD will complete a comprehensive equipment and resource study that assesses its current needs and priorities to perform the functions necessary for it to fulfill its mission and satisfy the requirements of this Agreement (the "Equipment and Resources Study") (¶¶ 292, 314). ¶¶ 291–299 Equipment & Resource Plan CPD will complete and submit to the Parties and Monitor an Equipment and Resource Study that assess its current needs and priorities to perform the functions necessary for CPD to fulfill its mission and satisfy the requirements of the Agreement. (¶ 292). CPD Submission of CPD Equipment & Resources Study April 21, 2016 The Monitor Team will conduct an Equipment and Resource Gap Analysis that attempts to identify the current state of CPD technology, equipment, and related resources and identifies what will be necessary for CPD to comply with the Settlement Agreement, submitting a written, public report on its findings. Monitoring Team Filing of Monitoring Team Gap Analysis with Court June 13, 2016 The Monitor will convene an Equipment and Resources Summit with all implicated stakeholders from CPD, the City (including the Mayor's Office and City Council), CPC, community organizations, the Department of Justice, and the Monitoring Team. The Summit will address the contents of both CPD Equipment and Resource Study and the Monitor's Equipment and Resource Gap Analysis and will be geared toward making initial infrastructure, financial, and other decisions that will allow CPD to craft a comprehensive Equipment and Resource Plan for providing officers with the equipment and technology necessary to comply with paragraph 293 of the Agreement and to effectuate safe, effective, and constitutional policing. Various Stakeholders Meeting Held June 15, 2016 CPD Submission of Draft Equipment and Resource Plan June 20, 2016 CPD will complete an Equipment and Resource Plan (¶¶ 292, 295). ¶¶ 291–299 CPD will submit a Draft Equipment and Resource Plan that conforms to the objectives, discussions, and decisions of the Equipment and Resources Summit to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. 46 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 49 of 65. PageID #: 696 IAPro/OIP ¶¶ 291–299, 326336 The Parties, Monitor, CPC, and other community stakeholders will provide comments and feedback on the Draft Equipment and Resource Plan, as appropriate. City, Department of Justice, CPC, Monitoring Team Submission of Written Comments on Draft Equipment and Resource Plan July 25, 2016 CPD will revise the Draft Equipment and Resource Plan to reflect the comments and feedback of stakeholders and submit a Final Draft Equipment and Resource Plan. CPD Submission of Final Draft Equipment and Resource Plan. August 19 , 2016 The Monitor "will assess the Final Draft Equipment and Resource Plan and report to the Parties whether it is appropriate, effective, and consistent with the requirements of the[e] Agreement." The Department of Justice will "independently review and assess whether the . . . Plan is appropriate, effective, and consistent with the requirements of the[e] Agreement." (¶ 295.) Monitoring Team, Department of Justice Filing of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft Equipment and Resource Plan with Court September 9, 2016 The Monitor will report to the Parties whether the City and CPD are using best efforts to implement the Equipment and Resource Plan. Monitoring Team Filing of Equipment and Resource Status Report with Court November 28, 2016 CPD will fully and effectively implement IAPro, an “off-the-shelf” relational database system, and its related platforms (including but not limited to BlueTeam and EIPro) “to collect, maintain, integrate, and retrieve data department-wide for each officer” regarding all data related to the areas identified in paragraph 328 of the Agreement. (¶¶ 326, 328). The City and CPD will designate an IAPro Implementation and Maintenance Team that includes the Data Collection and Analysis Coordinator, once named, and representatives of each of: CPD command staff, City IT specialists, CPD IT specialists, CPD Compliance Bureau personnel, and other relevant personnel (the “IAPro Implementation Team”). 47 CPD Designation of IAPro Implementation Team March 6, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 50 of 65. PageID #: 697 Until the Monitor certifies that IAPro collects information about each of the data areas CPD, City, Bi-Weekly outlined in paragraph 328, the IAPro Implementation Team will meet no less frequently Department of Meetings Begin than once per month prior to the start date of the Data Collection and Analysis Coordinator Justice, with representatives of the City, Department of Justice, and Monitoring Team to discuss Monitoring Team the current status of implementation. After the start of the Data Collection and Analysis Coordinator, the IAPro Implementation Team will meet no less frequently than once every two weeks with representatives of the City, Department of Justice, and Monitoring Team to discuss the current status of implementation. The City, CPD, and the IAPro Implementation Team will create and implement an IAPro Implementation Work Plan. On or after March 6, 2016 CPD will submit a work plan for implementing the use of IAPro, BlueTeam, and any other related officer performance tracking systems (the “IAPro Implementation Work Plan”). The deadlines and milestones in that plan will conform to the objectives, discussions, and decisions of the Agreement and the deadlines and sub-milestones reflected in this Monitoring Plan. CPD Submission of Draft IAPro Implementation Work Plan February 16, 2016 The Parties and the Monitor will provide comments and feedback on the IAPro Implementation Work Plan. City, Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Written Comments on IAPro Implementation Work Plan February 23, 2016 CPD will revise the IAPro Implementation Work Plan to reflect the comments and feedback of stakeholders and submit a Final Draft IAPro Implementation Work Plan. CPD Submission of IAPro Implementation Work Plan March 14, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft of IAPro Implementation Work Plan April 4, 2016 48 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 51 of 65. PageID #: 698 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the IAPro Implementation Work Plan. The determination will be based on the extent to which the plan adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Staffing ¶¶ 319–321 Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft of IAPro Implementation Work Plan April 11, 2016 CPD will complete a comprehensive staffing study addressing the appropriate number of personnel to perform the functions necessary for CPD to fulfill its mission and to satisfy the requirements of the Agreement (the “Staffing Study”) and will use it as a basis for completing a staffing plan that likewise satisfies the obligations of the Agreement (the “Staffing Plan”). (¶¶ 319, 322). CPD will submit the completed Staffing Study to the Monitor and Parties. (¶ 319). CPD Submission of Staffing Study June 1, 2016 As part of the Monitor's process of "assess[ing] the Staffing and reporting to the Parties whether it is appropriate, effective, and consistent with the requirements of the Agreement," (¶ 321), CPC will collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues related to CPD staffing levels from across Cleveland's diverse communities into a single, written document that fairly and accurately summarizes community input received (the "CPC Staffing Work Product"). CPC Written Summary of Community Input June 1, 2016 As part of the Monitor's process of "assess[ing] the Staffing and reporting to the Parties whether it is appropriate, effective, and consistent with the requirements of the Agreement," (¶ 321), CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussions, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to staffing and personnel resource issues. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Staffing Work Product") and submit the document to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Written Summary of Officer Input June 1, 2016 49 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 52 of 65. PageID #: 699 The Monitor and the Department of Justice will review the Staffing Study and input from the CPC, officers, and community and provide feedback to CPD on the Study to integrate into its Staffing Plan. Department of Justice, Monitoring Team Submission of Written and/or Oral Feedback re: Staffing Study June 22, 2016 CPD will submit a first draft of the Staffing Plan. CPD Submission of First Draft August 12, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft of the Staffing Plan (“First Draft”) to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Staffing Work Product and CPD Staffing Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Monitor and DOJ will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft August 26, 2016, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft September 19, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment October 19, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor CPD Submission of Final Draft November 4, 2016 50 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 53 of 65. PageID #: 700 Body-Worn Cameras ¶¶ 337-340 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft November 18, 2016 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Staffing Plan to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the plan adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft December 2, 2016 CPD "will provide clear guidance and training on the[] use [of body-worn cameras], and will implement protocols for testing equipment and preserve[ing] . . . Recordings to foster transparency, increase accountability, and build trust, while protecting the privacy rights of individuals." (¶ 337). To do so, CPD will codify a policy on the use of body cameras that conforms to the requirements of the Agreement and is sufficient to further the objectives of paragraph 337 of the Agreement. The Monitor will review and assess CPD’s current body-worn camera policies and practices. This will include the collection of input from community organizations and stakeholders, CPD officers, and others about CPD’s current body-worn camera policies and practices. Monitoring Team CPD revises the body-worn camera policies and practices to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City 51 Written Feedback re: Current BodyWorn Camera Policies & Practices Submission of Proposed Final Draft April 11, 2016 Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft May 20, 2016 May 6, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 54 of 65. PageID #: 701 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft Body Worn Cameras Policy to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. 52 Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft June 3, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 55 of 65. PageID #: 702 VII. Data Collection & Analysis Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Data Collection & Analysis Deliverable Deadline CPD will designate a Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator to ensure tracking related to use of force and allegations of misconduct. (¶ 258). This individual will also address and coordinates additional areas of data analysis and collection required by other provisions of the Agreement (stops, searches, and seizures; Officer Intervention Program; and others). ¶¶ 257-268 CPD will designate and identify the member of the Division who will serve as the Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator. CPD Designation of Coordinator & Identification of Coordinator to Stakeholders June 1, 2016 The Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator will meet with the Monitoring Team no less than once per month to talk about the current status of data collection efforts. CPD, Monitoring Team Commencement of Monthly Meetings June 1, 2016 The Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator "will develop a protocol to accurately analyze the data collected” and allow for the Agreement's required outcome assessments. (¶ 263). CPD and the Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator will draft a Data Analysis Protocol (the "First Draft") and submit it to the Parties and Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft August 3, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft August 24, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft 53 September 14, 2016 October 5, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 56 of 65. PageID #: 703 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Data Analysis Protocol to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the protocol adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft October 12, 2016 CPD and the Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator will conduct the assessments on all CPD activities pursuant to the plan identified in the assessment protocol. (¶¶ 265–266). CPD and the Data Collection & Analysis Coordinator will draft an assessment report, or topical assessment reports, as required by the assessment protocol (the "First Draft") and submit it, or them, to the Parties and Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft December 9, 2016 The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft December 22, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties , where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties and Monitor. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft January 13, 2017 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 20, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of the Assessment Report to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the report adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft January 27, 2017 54 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 57 of 65. PageID #: 704 VIII. Bias-Free Policing Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone CPC Bias-Free Policing Recommendations Deliverable Deadline CPC will conduct an assessment of CPD's bias-free policing policies, practices, and training, and make recommendations. (¶ 17). ¶ 17 CPC will submit to CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor a draft, written report on its assessment of CPD's bias-free policing policies, practices, and training, along with its recommendations (the "CPC Bias-Free Policing Report"). CPC Submission of Draft Bias-Free Policing Report to CPD, Parties, and Monitor CPD, the Parties, and the Monitor will provide written and/or in-person feedback on the Bias-Free Policing Report. CPD, City, Department of Justice, Monitor Submission of Feedback April 4, 2016 CPC will revise the CPC Bias-Free Policing Report to reflect stakeholder feedback, where appropriate, and submit a final draft of the Bias-Free Policing Report to the public, Parties, and the Monitor. CPC Submission of Final Draft of Bias-Free Policing Report to Public May 4, 2016 CPD Submission of Written Summary of Officer Input May 4, 2016 Note: The March 7, 2016 deadline reflects the revised deadline to which the Parties have previously agreed. (Dkt. 33). Bias-Free Policing Policy March 7, 2016 CPD will develop a bias-free policing policy. (¶ 38.) ¶ 38 CPD, in collaboration with the Monitor and the leadership of CPPA, FOP, and other police officer organizations, will convene a series of meetings and establish and publicize alternative forms of officer outreach (email, surveys, anonymous written submissions, roll call discussion, etc.) to collect the concerns, experiences, values, and issues of officers related to bias-free policing policies, practices, and training. The Monitor, DOJ, and City may collaborate and participate. CPD will generate a single, written document that summarizes the officer input received (the "CPD Officer Bias-Free Policing Work Product") and distribute the document to the Parties and the Monitor. 55 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 58 of 65. PageID #: 705 CPD will submit a first draft of a Bias-Free Policing Policy that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement and takes into consideration, as appropriate, the CPC Bias-Free Policing Report, and the CPD Officer Bias-Free Policing Work Product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Bias-Free Policing Report and CPD Officer Bias-Free Policing Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives have been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, inperson feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft CPC reviews the Proposed Final Draft. At minimum, CPC provides input, comment, and proposed changes in written form. Where feasible, CPC and/or CPC representatives meet with CPD representatives to discuss its input, comment, and proposed changes. CPC Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment September 9, 2016 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment September 9, 2016 CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft September 30, 2016 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft October 7, 2016 56 June 3, 2016 June 24, 2016 August 12, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 59 of 65. PageID #: 706 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Bias-Free Policing Policy to the Court. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Note: When approved, the Bias-Free Policing Policy does not become effective, and officers are neither expected to conform to its requirements or be subject to discipline or any employment action pursuant to it, until the Parties and Monitor have certified that training on the policy and its core concepts has been sufficiently completed. Bias-Free Training Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft October 14, 2016 CPD will develop training that “incorporates the principles of procedural justice and that is designed to ensure that police services are delivered free from bias.” (¶ 39). ¶¶ 35–44 CPD will submit a first draft of a Bias-Free Policing ISDM that is responsive to the requirements of the Agreement, the CPC Bias-Free Policing Report, and the CPD BiasFree Policing work product (the "First Draft") to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of First Draft The Parties and Monitor will review the First Draft to determine whether it adequately addresses the requirements and objectives of the Settlement Agreement and whether the CPC Bias-Free Policing Report and CPD Bias-Free Policing Work Product consistent with those requirements and objectives has been taken into consideration and incorporated where appropriate. The Parties and Monitor will provide written feedback, in-person feedback, or both. Department of Justice, City, Monitoring Team Written Feedback re: First Draft November 28, 2016 CPD revises the First Draft to incorporate the feedback and expectations of the Monitor and Parties, where appropriate. In consultation with the Monitor and Parties, CPD produces a Proposed Final Draft that adequately incorporates the feedback of the Parties and the Monitor. CPD submits its Proposed Final Draft to the Parties, Monitor, and CPC. CPD Submission of Proposed Final Draft December 26, 2016 57 October 31, 2016 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 60 of 65. PageID #: 707 The Monitor, working wherever possible with CPD, will engage in an affirmative, intensive effort to obtain CPC, community, officer, and other stakeholder input and comment to the Proposed Final Draft. The Monitor will provide CPD and the Parties with such input and highlight recurring issues or concerns. Monitoring Team, CPD Written and/or InPerson Summary of Community Comment CPD revises the Proposed Final Draft to incorporate the feedback, where appropriate, provided by the Monitor and/or community stakeholders and submits a Final Draft to the Parties and the Monitor. CPD Submission of Final Draft February 20, 2017 The Parties review the Final Draft and indicate their formal approval or disapproval, in writing, to the Monitor. Department of Justice, City Submission of Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft February 27, 2017 The Monitor recommends approval or disapproval of the Final Draft of Bias-Free Officer Training to the Court, either in whole or in part. The determination will be based on the extent to which the policy adequately complies with the requirements of the Agreement, incorporates feedback of the Parties, and reflects the values and specific input of community and Division stakeholders. Monitoring Team Filing of Memorandum to the Court re: Approval or Disapproval of Final Draft 58 January 30, 2017 March 6, 2017 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 61 of 65. PageID #: 708 IX. Compliance and Outcome Assessments & Reporting Responsible Stakeholder(s) Milestone Biennial Community Survey Deliverable Deadline The Monitoring Team "will conduct a reliable, comprehensive, and representative survey of members of the Cleveland community regarding their experiences with and perceptions of CPD and of public safety." (¶ 361.) ¶¶ 361–366 The Monitoring Team will complete a plan for conducting the Biennial Community Survey (the "Biennial Community Survey Plan"). The Monitoring Team will prepare and submit a draft Biennial Community Survey Plan (the "First Draft") to CPD, the Parties, and the CPC. Monitoring Team Submission of First Draft of Biennial Community Survey Plan CPD, the Parties, and the CPC will submit written, and/or oral, comments on the Survey plan. CPD, City, CPC, Department of Justice Submission of Comments The Monitoring Team will revise the Plan to reflect the comments of stakeholders and will file the Plan with the Court. Monitoring Team Submission of Final Draft of Biennial Community Survey Plan February 17, 2016 March 2, 2016 March 16, 2016 The Monitoring Team will conduct the survey according to the methodology, approach, and plan outlined in the Biennial Community Survey Plan. The Monitoring Team will begin to conduct the survey according to the timelines and requirements of the Biennial Community Survey Plan. 59 Monitoring Team Start of Community Survey TBD per Biennial Community Survey Plan Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 62 of 65. PageID #: 709 City Status Reports Semiannual Monitoring Reports The Monitoring Team will provide a draft report on the findings of the Biennial Community Survey Plan to the Parties and CPC for their comments and questions. Monitoring Team Submission of Draft Report on Biennial Community Survey TBD per Biennial Community Survey Plan The Monitoring Team will file a final report on the Biennial Community Survey Plan with the Court. Monitoring Team Submission of Final Biennial Community Survey Plan Report to Court TBD per Biennial Community Survey Plan The City will file its second status report with the Court, providing a copy to the Department of Justice and the Monitor. City Submission of Second Status Report June 6, 2016 The City will file its third status report with the Court, providing a copy to the Department of Justice and the Monitor. City Submission of Second Status Report December 5, 2016 The City will file status reports with the Court every six months. (¶ 387). The Monitor will file with the Court, every six months, written, public reports according to the requirements of paragraphs 375–376. The Monitoring Team will complete its First Semiannual Report. The Monitoring Team will provide a copy of the First Semiannual Report to the Parties in draft form. Monitoring Team Submission of Draft Report to Parties April 1, 2016 The Parties will informally comment on the draft report. City, Department of Justice Submission of Informal Comments on Draft Report April 16, 2016 The Monitor will consider the Parties' responses and make appropriate changes, if any, before filing the report with the Court and issuing the report publicly. Monitoring Team Filing of Final Report with Court May 1, 2016 The Monitor will discuss its report in public forums with community stakeholders, at town halls, before City Council whenever requested, and at a Press Roundtable. Monitoring Team Public Discussion Period Begins May 2, 2016 60 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 63 of 65. PageID #: 710 The Monitoring Team will complete its Second Semiannual Report. Baseline Assessments Second-Year Monitoring Plan The Monitoring Team will provide a copy of the Second Semiannual Report to the Parties in draft form. Monitoring Team Submission of Draft Report to Parties October 2, 2016 The Parties will informally comment on the draft report. City, Department of Justice Submission of Informal Comments on Draft Report October 16, 2016 The Monitor will consider the Parties' responses and make appropriate changes, if any, before filing the report with the Court and issuing the report publicly. Monitoring Team Filing of Final Report with Court November 1, 2016 The Monitor will discuss its report in public forums with community stakeholders, at town halls, before City Council whenever requested, and at a Press Roundtable. Monitoring Team Public Discussion Period Begins November 2, 2016 The Monitor will conduct baseline assessments, bearing on both metrics necessary for assessing compliance and outcomes. The Monitoring Team, with consultation from community stakeholders, will prepare and submit a draft Baseline Assessment Measurement Plan to CPD, the Parties, and the CPC. This will address: (i) what baseline measurements will be conducted; (ii) how the baselines assessments will be conducted; (iii) when the assessments will be conducted; and (iv) a general overview of the intended methodology for conducting such assessments. Monitoring Team Submission of First Draft of Baseline Assessment Measurement Plan CPD, the Parties, and the CPC will submit written, and/or oral, comments on the Baseline Assessment Measurement Plan. CPD, City, CPC, Department of Justice Submission of Comments The Monitoring Team will revise the Baseline Assessment Measurement Plan to reflect the comments of stakeholders and will file the Plan with the Court. Monitoring Team Submission of Final Draft of Baseline Assessment Measurement Plan February 17, 2016 March 2, 2016 March 16, 2016 The Monitor will submit a monitoring plan for the second year of monitoring, covering February 1, 2017 to January 30, 2018 (the "SecondYear Monitoring Plan"). 61 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 64 of 65. PageID #: 711 The Monitor will provide a Draft Second-Year Monitoring Plan to the Parties, CPC, CPD, and other community stakeholders. Monitoring Team Submission of Draft Second-Year Monitoring Plan December 15, 2016 The Parties, CPC, CPD, and community stakeholders will provide comments and feedback on the Draft Second-Year Monitoring Plan. City, CPC, CPD, Department of Justice Submission of Feedback on Draft Second-Year Monitoring Plan January 14, 2017 The Monitor will submit to the Court the Final Monitoring Plan for the Second Year. Monitoring Team Filing of SecondYear Monitoring Plan with the Court February 1, 2017 62 Case: 1:15-cv-01046-SO Doc #: 43-1 Filed: 02/01/16 65 of 65. PageID #: 712 Cleveland Police Monitoring Team Matthew Barge Monitor Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey (ret.) Deputy Monitor Chief Timothy Longo Director of Implementation Charles R. See Director of Community Engagement Christine Cole Director of Outcome Measures Dr. Modupe Akinola Chief Joseph Brann (ret.) Brian Center Dr. Randolph Dupont Kelli Evans Maggie Goodrich Ayesha Hardaway Victor Ruiz Captain Scott Sargent (ret.) Dr. Ellen Scrivner Sean Smoot Timothy Tramble Monitoring Team