-x, r A i - l ! zvY 4"Y 0,tt',\. tNITeD STr:TriS ATOMIC EliEITGYCC:,ii:I.SSICII Washingron /5, D. C. No. Tel. B-L 4 9 llAzelwood7-7831 '3446 ExE. (N0TETo EDrroRs & coPs.ESpcNDENTS: For your i.nforna- t i o n , E h e f o l l o w i n g a n n o u n c e D e e n. d! a s l s s u e d f o : a . m . p a p e rs o f S a cu rd ay, August 29, by AEonlcs Inter n a ti o n a l , a D i vi si on o.f Nor th Am er ican Avlacion, r nc. C a n o g a P a rk, C a l i .for nia. ) FUEL Ei-EMENTFAILUBI Al THE scDITJi'l P€ACTORExPERnfiNT D u ri n g l n sp e ctL on of fuel elecnents on "Iuly 26 ax Lhe s o d i u c r B -e a ctc: E xp e ri n e n f,, ope::ated fo: the Aconic in"=gy Counission aL Santa Susana, Callfcrnia by Aicnics Inien,eEicnal, a D i v l s L o n o f N l o rth A me ri can Av' ,acion, r nc., a par tei fuel eiec ent tJas obsenred. T h e fu e L e L e rsen! Canage ls ;r or an indlcation of unsai e reactor conditlons' IIo release of radioaccive naterials to :he p L a n c o r L ts e n vi ro n s o ccur r ed, and oper acing Der sonnel r ver e n or e x p o s e 'J to h a r-rn fu Lco n d i Eions. The o' :cur r ence is j- npor tanL fr oC I a E e c h n i c a l s r a n d p o i . n ca n c a c e t a i L e d s E u d y i s u n c e r w a y i o d e E e r u i n e th e p re cl se ca u se of Ehe daaage. T h e fu e l e l e rn e nt of the SP€ is a cLusier of seve1l s tai nless steel Cubes, each aporoximateLy 3/4 inches in dlarnecer anci s f e e L 1 on g . E .:.chi u b e co ntains a coluum of six- inch long ur ani ur n n e t a l s l u g s . T h e s e t u b e s a r e c a n p e d .a t l h e l w o e n C s . T h e e l e n e : r i s a r e s u s p e n d e c l n :h e co re of the r eaccor by r Deansof hanger r c d,s fron plugs in Ehe upper shielC. (nore ) 2 T c d ,a te , 3 4 of the 43 elenents coopr j.sr - ng'Ehe fue l i oai l n g o f th e cre h a ve b een ei:am lned by oeans of' tir e fuel ha ndi i - ng cask telev. ;icn sysEen. IE has been noced chat five acidisional eleoenEs h: e only an upDer half actacheC Eo Ehe hanger rod. In each case, :11 seven cubes of Ehe fuel elemenL clusEer we=e parcei a n d a p o rti o n o f th e l ower half of Ehe fueL elecoenEr enalned i n the core. : PreLioinary indications are chac Ehe danage cculd have been caused, by restricEions in che coolanE passages resulting fron lnadvertent introduccion of an or3anic roaEerial incc thc reaccor. could have come from lealcs in Ehe pricnary coolanE Thts rnaterlal pumps where Eef;ralin, an organic compound, is used in seals to el-ioinate sodi"n lcakage inro the purnp bearings and drive. Preliminary invesEiga:ion of Ehe srainless f u e l sceel claiCing of one element inCicares che elernenE was danageC through fo:naEion of a uranium-lron a!-loy in ihe cladding :.n the a:ea of Ehe failure. t' The SRE is the firsc expe=inent in the Cominissionts prcgr4m to develog a sodiun graph;te react,or, one of ihe F:-ve ori3j-nel reactot concepEs in Ehe Cocomissionts 1954 Flve Year C:-.ril!an Po,;e: Program. I; cras ; i n u r ns t e a n E e n p e x a ture of I,C00 d,egrees Fahrenheic. This sieain Eeciperaf,ure !s believed to be the h:-ghest ever produced'oy a nucLear reaclor. Tle fuel loading, nearing the enC of its useful lirer was schedulec ic be removed in the near future. and replaceC rvich a second core lca,;lng of thorj-un-uraniun alloy fuel elernencs. -30