S W O R N S TAT E M E N T For usa of IhH form, sm AR 1KMS; ttio preponml agoncy Is PMG. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: TItIs 10. USC Section 301; Tllle 5. USC Section 2931; E.G. 9397 Social Security Numtwr (SSN). PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To document potenUal criminal activity Involving l^e U.S. Army, and to allow Army ofRcials to maintain dlaclpllne. law and order ttirougli InveaUgaUon of complalnta and Inddenta. Information provided may Iw further disclosed to federal, slate, tocaf. and fUralgn government taw enfbrcemant agencies, prosecutore. courts, child protective services, victims, witnasses, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and ROUTINE USES: the Office of Personnel Management. Information provided may be used for detennlnatlons regarding Judicial or non-judldal punishment, other administrative disdpllnary actions, security clearances, recruitment, retention, placement, and other personnel actions. Olsdosurs of your SSN and other Information Is voluntary. DISCLOSURE: 12.DA TEY (YYYMMDM I89ch MP CO. S2Sth Military Police BN 5. LAST NAME. FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NMST I 8. SSN 7 . G R A D E / S TAT U S 8.ORQANIZAhrO l NO^ADDRESS 189th MP CO. S2Sth Military Police Battalion JTF GTMO APO AE 09360 . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: •.fenolc. w..' ^ rtt. H k'.i d. CoJA C, AhosA. X vk*. »»*. I\4' CitN\ o,^ CoAc .-cr t. . Ufftr. UJW«_.£,.V X 4«,W0-*xc We-eO^'i"^ m.<—V 1^4 «. ^4V<- ♦ " S . r ^ s > o m u z - v. . t o * . ^ W i s c i e . ^ i V. * . f C e . ^ o'C' 10. EXHIBIT " —-— 11 INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PA G E 1 O F 1-OiHONAL PAlir.S .VliST CON ,A N ifc OlaOING 'STATi-.i.lENT OF TA K E N AT D AT E D THE BOTTOM OF EACH AODmCNM PACE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE INCICA TED OA FORM 2823, NOV 2006 IjOfqi^OBSOLETE ENCLOSURE ( b ) TA K E N AT STATEMENT OF D AT E D 9 . S TAT E M E N T ( C o n t l t t u e d ) A F F I D AV I T I. ^ . 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NOV 2C88 FOR S E O N LY ^^0 ^«^«ir Ji^1grONLY ^ sw8rn statement For use of this form, ass AR180-4S; ths proponent agency is PMQ. ~ PRIVACY ACT STATEIMEHT authority: Title 10. USC SecUon 301; Tite 5. USC Secticn 2951; E.G. 9397 Social Security Number (SSN) PRIWaPALPURPOSE:To document potenta i l crm in i alactvitiyn i vovln i g the U.S.Army,and to ao l wArmy offica i sl to man i tan i dslco ln le law and order through Investigation of complaints and Incidents. ' ROUIIKE USES: 1.'''?!^^''^'^^"'««« ««., ted. M to#:::, ..tototo, tew ^todnd pwsocutofs. auris. child protective services, victims, witnessee. the Department of Veterans Affairs, and *7"""' Management Infbrmatlon provided may ba used fbr determinations regarding Judicial or DISCLOSURE: Dlsdoauro of your SSN and other Infbrmation is voluntary. DISCLOSURE: ^^^YYYYMMDD) 9th MP CO, S25th Military Police BN Z o o f * s - 3 o FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NAMF ■^ ^ K i a t u s ' i MP TO, S2Sth Military Police Battalion JTF OTMO APO AE 09360 ^ ' WANT TO MAKE THE« FOLLOWINO STATEMENT UNDER OATH: »n4.y 3ou. S"-*" -V-tr ^ esO 4^ee foiic y4c^ A^ ^ t-ut c«j£_ 10. EXHIBIT fsy ^ ^ //• «>- ^ vwsv ,46s AC / *.-#«/ srVsa./^ >^se ®"«e»ccv ^tcL ^j- yti rwe c^c ACm ,.^-s-^, / te ^ ei^-y withheld entirely at this location. One or more of the following explain this decision: _Deleted under Refee i d to them for reve i w and dgovernment riect responsagen(?Ki e to yotes). Pages ranNn infoimation furnished by other govemmoit Comments: Deleted pages(s) No duplication fee for this page NAVAL CSIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s)_ wthheldentitely at this location. One or more of the following explain this decision: Deleted under exemption(s) .D tstooritghie nm atefdorwi othaer Rocui eferre^d retvhiew ndgovernment direct responsagenieu> ^ l>4 in the yearZ^^ at UCMJ(10U.S.C93<9AND5U.S.C.303 NCIS 558(V26 (1/2001) **"8® 2 of 2 NCISFORM 016/04-81) s(f(p naval criminal investigative'service DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s)_ Dee l ted under exempto i n(s) ated with other goverament agencvfieat Refered toorithgeinm forreve i w ard i dhectreap^se ^ ■f ®®®'™ °^'"'f< »™a' imisshed byofoth Bovemment agency(i es). We wiio l nf advi e you relereasati m?^^??^ • following consultation ation with with agency(ies). aB»byO,Camp no"®"! M be present ona ' e°My°m(?!^!sl ^ene^'^^ " "™™""'««» ' « "ere have been present in medical waste. TTie n»m wi cT» ^ and busy. Pieces may concerns of possible additional suicide attempts sTd ^'^'='='5'«'» h) the ^f^ty mate changes gesto or correcti ons.any TTiis statement is the or correction's^,IhavebeengivS? Signat Sworno t andsubscdbedbeo fremeh tsi S_daTo^ZT yearc.3c»g'7at AUTH: DERIVED UCMJ(10U.S.C.93QAND5U.S.C.303 NCIS558(W6 (1/2001) for Of^lSiC^ ONLY (FonneyrlNCS IFORM016W-81)^g^ 0023B/MPMP/ADLANT - "• s. CRIMINALIMVSSTIOATIVR SBRvciR *SMHTOPraVBSTIGATIOM(OPEN) death (II) V/ALOMARI ABDALR. "'"'"-"««'-»01S-7HMA «/«/PMRA/M//„i;ji,^^fJ^^H»PIR AL HILALA/CIV a/RLAMRI,AROOLrahmS^AS MWS at/mpgt/odaotahamo bay N A R R AT I V E SPECIAL AGENT - —in. "■ < = ^ n approRlS® "? "li. "Ubin-Bzl^: "a. peroonnel v/al 'aMayo?, by joIm Detentl™ A "*®- at S5S13-4C 1 OP 2 30MAY07-MPGT-0015-7HNA U . S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE V/AlOMMI,„0M.RAHHA.l M«U)I»DHAFIRM,HILRLR/CIV distribution NCISHQ; 002 38 INFO: MPMP/ADLANT secrejj^5porn - page 2 LASTHilp I A