UNCLASSIFIED I N V E S T I G AT I V E A C T I O N 21DEC07 CONTROI.! 30MAY077MPGT-0015-7HNA V/AL UMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN RESULTS OP EVIDENCE ANALYSIS BY USACIL (U) 1. (U) On 24Sep07, Participating Special Agent (SA) M^Mubmitted items seized during the death scene examination of V/AL UMARI to the United States Azrny Criminal Investigations Laboratory (USACIL) for analysis, enclosure (A) provides details. The items submitted consisted of a white sheet discovered inside the cell pf v/AL UMARI an improvised rope (believed to be made from strips torn or cut from the white sheet). a metal grate/vent where the improvised rope was attached (the metal grate/vent still had pieces of the ln5)rovised rope attached), and a small, apparently broken, razorblade found inside the cell of V/AL UMARI (possibly used to cut the strips of sheet). in addition, a sample sheet and disposable razorblade were obtained from the detention facility and submitted to the USACIL as control sairoles to aid in the analysis' arid comparison. 2. (U) SA OHBI^eguested that the USACIL attempt to determine whether the white sheet had been ripped or cut (with the razor blade). If it had been ripped/cut, ^/g/mzeqneatsd that the. usACiL .attempt to reconstruct a full sheet (compared to the control sample) from the sheet-like materials submitted. SA P mPLLBo requested, that the USACIL identify if/how the improvised rope was attached to the metal g r a t e . 3. (U) Additionally, fm^equested that the USACIL compare the broken razorblade to the razorblade inside the submitted control Ban5>le. The purpose of this request was an attempt to determine the origin of the razorblade found inside V/AL UMARI'a cell. • 4. (U) On 21NOV07, Reporting Agent (RA) received the results of the evidence analysis, enclosure (B) pertains. In the findings report produced by the USACIL,-paragraph 4 (page 2) mentions a telephone call with RA. In the telephone call between RA and Forensic Chemist USACIL, ^HHlMidnformed RA that it appeared a small piece(s) of the sheet was missing, preventing a full reconstruction of the sheet. At this time RA advised that subsequent to submission to USACIL, it was determined that an additional small piece of sheet was also in evidence (MPOT Log number 034-07, Item D). This small piece of sheet had been "used to bind the hands of V/AL UMARI. Additionally, RA informed HHI^^H^that a second small piece of sheet, similar in size to the hand binding, was reportedly discarded with medical waste items, prior to NCIS' arrival on scene. opined that those two pieces could have completed the sheet. 5. (U) Paragraph 6 (page 2) in the USACIL findings report also mentioned another telephone call between ■^■^■■pand RA. called WV after discovering a piece of clear plastic .tape attache^^^ the improvised rope. l^^^HH^was concerned because the tape was not mentioned in the NCIS Evidence Custody Document or in the lab request and he was unclear as to whether it should be examined. RA informed U N C L A S S I F f fi D . Exmsirao UNCLASSIFIED HBHpthat of tape was the rope at the time of its seithe zurepiece and was placed onnot the on rope, byimprovised the SEPO Maj or Case Response Team, to prevent the threads from unraveling, ra informed ^■^^^^no additional examination of the tape was required. 6. (U) This report was generated to document results of the evidence analysis by the OSACIL and to detail the telephone conversations het«en the OSACIL Braniner and RA during the evidence analysis. PARTICIPANT(S) Special Agenti MCISRA Quantanamo Bay, Cuba ENCLOSURE(S) (A) Naval Criminal Investigative service Forensic Examination Reque8t/24SBP07 (B) Memorandum for Special Agent in Charge, Naval Criminal Investigative Service Resident Agency, PSC 1005, Box 42 Quantanamo Bay, Cuba, PPG AE 09593/Subject: Trace Evidence Branch- Pinal Report, USACIL Case Number: 2007-CID131-2001 S u b m i t t e r C a s e N u m b e r ; 3 0 M AY 0 7 - M P G T- 0 0 1 5 - 7 H N A ' REPORTED BY: SPECIAL AGENT OFFICE: . NCISRA QUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA UNCLASSIFIED u c NAV ^,.a^^M1NAL INVESTIGATIVE SI F ^SICEXAMlNAT[ONREQUES. To : U S A C E L 4930 North 31'^ Street Forest Paris; OA 30297-5025 Fronii NdSRAGuflnlBiianioBay,Cuba (Addna) PSCIOOSBax42 FPOAE 09593 Attn ; Trace Evidence SeeAttEtthment TypeofOfteise: [DEATH Snsnectfrt v/alumabiabdalrahmaw «0I7 of Evidenco Custody Ooctiment enclosed? felYre TTno Ofbere^enrepravioiulirsiibiiiltted Jf Yes, list Laboratray Rqxat No.: for this caw? nYes Hno Agency Case Control Nomben 30MAY07.MPOT-0015-7HNA B-AfaUAddress : fm gnds OlIIc.Td,,A0»(O«mfl)ffll):0U.5»WI40 FuNaiiiba> , 011-S39SMI30 : 011-5399^130 Pfajw^lla oBRtBini of evidence ana^ysta/lconiQ parfaon: □ aftMRuaiQttRn, FonnnltouiiaierMlelaiat Cmrtdwedpriort^rofMqmtodnMitaltHK,)! Diiortto. HitasMoMpwIbl. DOrgenf Signatare of Snpcrvfrer Sigiuitaraof NCIS 558009 (01/2002) Ue OataofRcqnest: Sqitember24,2007 (Fomatly NISPORM 012/07-80) ENCLOSURE (fir) A. 20f2 2.2 V/ALUMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAFIR AL HILALA 30MAY07-MPGT-0015-7HNA Oa 30J^Y07. a detan i ee was found hangn i gn i sd i e hsi assg i ned ceU at Camp V,Bravo Block, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Members of the 525th MP Battalion discovered the detainee insi^ his locked ceU, B-211. The scene was veiy similar to 3 hmging. that ocqmred within Camp Delta in Jun06. f I*®" containing one whits cloth sheet maiiced with cc T rope marked Log J# 03S3 7-07, IteAm (JJ^.OnI?? e whtieSS* boK con^braided tBn in i gOTe j svliwB i cloth zor ba l de m akied wM i cc Log # 042-07, Item G-), One box ocmtainig white grate from cell wall mniirA^ cc One brown paper bad containing one orange shaving razor (Control Lo^ 051-07, Item One brown paper bag containmg one white sheet (Control Sample) #051^^'^)"^^detan ieesn i CampVforuseasaControlSampe l,Log Examinations Remieated Trace Evidence 1. C^aie^th^^fi^Ix>g#037-07,Item(C)totheControlSamplesheetsubnuttBdunder Ug 1^51-07. Item (B). Detennine the amount ofcloth that is missing. Detennine if the amount A (QLog is consistent thedieamount contained in fre V*® InaMedfoan cli^ rope. # 037-07, Itemwith (D) and cloth imnainof ingcloth in die grat a Loa #042-07 Item^). Dt^tfae amount of cloth from these three items equal the amount ofcloth from the coDtrol sample? LI'f® from LoSample g #0037-07sheet , hem (Dand ) anddetennine matnial cloth froifmitthis e gconsistait rate. Log #04with 2-07, Iteswatches m (L). 3. Comi^ Log #037-07, Item (H) to the Control Sample razca blade submited under Loa #05107, hem (AX to C FOR 0FFIC1 PWTJNLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3 of 3 1 5 6 02 3B/MPMP/ADLANT U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIQATIVS SERVICB i REPORT OP INVBSTIOATIOM (INTERIM) D E AT H (II) 21NOV07 COM T H o r . , aOMAyOT-MPOT-OOlS-THNA CONTROL: V/M DMWa, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV M/W/PNSA/H//11MAR72/SADDI ARABIA SUPPi DETAINEE BBINO HELD AT JTP-GTMO A/AL DMARI, JABBD AL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAFIR// A/AL AMRI, ABDUL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAPIR// IjL COMMAND/OOINT TASK FORCE OUANTANAMO BAT, CUBA/3ia86 MADE AT/HPQT/qUAMTANAMO BAY CUBAjM^B^B^^^^^^ SPECIAL AGENT REPBRBNCE(S) <» DISTRIBUTION NCISHQ: 0023B{M) INFO: MPMP (M)/ADLANT (M)/COMMANDER JTF GTMO (H)/SJA OTP OTMO (H) PORN «3B2 OP : 2 L A S T, DERIVED FROM: OPNAVINST S5513-4C DECLASSIFY: XI 29 M 0023B/MPMP/ADLANT U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIOATIVB SBRVICK REPORT OP INVESTIGATION (INTERIM) 17SBP07 D E AT H ( l i ) (li) CONTROL; 30MAY07-MPaT-0015-7HNA DEATH V/AL DMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV M/W/PMSA/N//11MAR72/SAUDI ARABIA SDPP; DBTAINEB BEING HELD AT JTP-GTMO ' A/AL UMARI, JABBD AL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAPIR// A/AL AMRI, ABDUL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAPIR// COMMAND/JOINT TASK PORCE GUANTANAMO BAY, CyBA/31886 MADEAT/MPGT/GUANTANAMO BAY CUBA/MMBI^H^^^BSPBCIAL^I^ i-uMJB, Ax/ncui/uuAMXiuuwiu BAY CUBA/^HH^mm^^pSPECIAL AGQIT REPERENCB(S) (A) NCISRA Guantanatno Bay ROI (IN^IM)/25Jun07^(Contains exhibits 1(B) NCISRA Guantanarao Bay ROI (INTERIM)/17Aug07-.(Contains exhibits 32- EXHIBIT(S) (44) (45) 9Aug07-.(Copy All) ^^P/l7Sep07^(Copy All) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PA G E 1 OP 2 3 0 OCT OS 2007 30MAY07-MPOT-0015-7HMA SOBJ: V/AL UMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAFIR AL HILALA/CIV N A R R AT I V E 1. (U) Thla is a reactive investigation initiated to determine cause and manner of death of V/AL UMARI. No determination of a specific statute can be made at this time. PA R T I C I PA N T ( S ) SA, NCISRA Guantanamo Bay, Cuba NCISRA Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ss;u DISTRIBUTION 9^^ l i f t ■' 1 NCISHQ: 0023B(M) INFO: MPMP{M)/ADLANT (M)/COMMANDER OTP GTMO (H)/SJA JTF aTMO(H) D E R I V E D F R O M ; . O P N AV I N S T S 5 S 1 3 - 4 C DECLASSIFY: XI 31 NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s)_ withheld entirely at this location. One or more of the following explain this decision: .Deleted under exemption(s) Referred to them for review arid dirgovenunent ect responseagen4(i to you.es). _Pages contmn information furnished by other govemm«it agrac)^ies). We wil advise you of releasability of information following consultation with agency(ies). WAjve^uO Deleted pages(s) No duplication fee for this page