0 02 3B/MPMP/AOIiANT U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTlOATIVB SBRVICB REPORT OP INVBSTIOATION (INTERIM)' D E AT H ( I I ] 25JX3N07 CONTROL: 30MAy07-MPaT-0015-7HNA V/M OMARI. ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV M/W/FNSA/N//11MAR72/3AUDI ARABIA «iWUA/CIV SUPP: DETAINEE BEING HELD AT JTP-GTMO A/AL UMARI, JABED AL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAPIR// A/AL AMRI, ABDUL RAHMAN MA'ATH THAPIR// COMMAND/JOINT TASK FORCE GUANTANAMO BAY,CUBA/3188S MADE AT/MPGT/GUANTANAHO BAY PECIAL AGENT EXHIBIT(S) (1) PPFORN OF 13 ili>l JUL 2 0 20Q7 M rOPORN 3 0 M AY 0 7 - M P Q T- 0 0 I 5 - 7 H N A SOBJ: V/AL UMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIOATIVB SERVICB N A R R AT I V E 1. (U) This ia a reactive inveatigation initiated to determine cauae and manner of death of V/AL UMARI. No determination of a apecific atatute can be made at thia time. 2. (U) Inveatigation waa initiated on 3QMav07. aubaequent to telephonic contact with USN, Staff Judge Mvocate (SJA), JTP-QTMO^aaviaing a detainee had apparently hung himaelf Inaide hia cell at Camp V and was deceaaed. C iV GRBp^2HtS pO OP 1 3(1)2. M 30MAY07-MPQT-0015-7HNA SBCRBT/NOFORN SUBJs V/AL UMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE 4. (U) On 30May07, NCISRA Guantanamo Bay retrieved photographs and video shot by JTP-GTMO personnel documenting the death scene and V/AL UMARI, prior to the arrival of NCISRA Guantanamo Bay on s c e n e a t C a m p V, e x h i b i t ( 2 ) p r o v i d e s d e t a i l s . PA G E 3 O P 1 3 SBCRBT/NOPORN 30MAY07-MPGT-0015-7HNA fOFORN SUB J: V/ALUMARI,ABDALRAHMAN MAADHADHAFIRALHILALA/CIV U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE L' 31May07, at approximately 1427,Team NCIS Southconsiatina Bast Field Office_(SBFO) Major Case Response (MCRT), o^jorenaic^Consi^^ Special Agents mmmm JUpper S oTier. f f rThe f ™team " conducted a death » scene examination, B r which svo included complete photographic coverage, death scene sketch processing and recovery of evidence from the death scene, kli documentation of the MCRT Death Scene examination will be provided upon its coitpletion and receipt. PA G B 4 O P 1 3 30MAY07-MTOT-0015-7HNA SUBJ:V/ALOMARI,ABDALRAHMANMAADHADHAFIRAI.HILALA/CIV U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIOATIVB SERVICB On 01iJun07, blU (itftfPOn 01JUn07, was interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PA USA e..te-»t. V^^dviaad on 30M5S^fp?^S:WaV^5t, SBCR^ProFORN PA i G E S O P 1 3 3 b S ' S PB*7M0P0RM 31DMAY07-MPGT-0015-7HKA S UBJ:V/ALUMAR,lABDALRAHMANMAADHADHAFIRALHILALA/CIV U. S. NAVMi CRIMINAL INVBSTIGATIVB SERVICB snowball was called^ t within, exhibit UOK Additional details are contained On 0lJun07, ^^Vwas interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PA sworn statement v .. ^ B ^ Va n d USN provided a a deep indentation arouni^1^^'^ anS nS^bref?Sng"° SSSlii^SSSlhrmedic"? tJL Cardio Pulmonar? HelSlSRS'tcPR)'oS approximately five minutes doctors arrived medical room. Medical effortsthree continued until had 5/2 niL? 1 in tL ■ ' 01JUn07, was interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PA a,^*SP^ SBC^^^^ORN PAG^^ OP 13 3OMAY07-MPQT-0015-7HNA S XJBJ,V/ALDMARI,ABDALRAHMANMAADHADHAFIRALHILALA/cV i U. 3. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIOATIVB SBRVICB re.p»„d«l to'ca-zp V, .t the Mldlo.'rS^:S effort. conducted ographs ofwithin v/AL OMA^J' Additional details arephot contained exhibitS(u)celT ^ H I B ^ O n at 0 NCISRAaTMObTp^^^^^EiiS^^^^"*^ 1JUnO7, DSN was ( interviewed provided a sworn statement. ?r,""re^of? includee* the S°" Senior""• Medical Officer ii^LS^to"" (Smo) to OIC of the Detention medications were given to LC Hospital the V/AL stated et X3,s. «ditloLx a.t.Ji^r^^i.JS^d-SfSfV.^rtlJr'^ On JUn07, qa wee interviewed at0 1»ei3h> om, br nPA eod I^SS^ the medical priced dead, additional detail. ara\:iSln°S"JlSSn exhibit fi i ^ ^ o n 0 i j u n 0 7 , « ^ShA RA ^ provl4.S^„ bower Block ^SSSK. At appr^W^HBsr reeponded to a Code Yallo. on Bravo upp,^ Bl^i.^J!^, the cell for V/AL UMARI was open and S^weo^rJS^S """-a V/M..B«A«I.. .—>a..i.ted gSfirv^;^ ccoo n tn a ifnc e d' ^w?i t'h' i^ n r e xA h i bdi td(l1t6l)S. f fi a eS c a^xii sr j a r e SS^ftgtmtQX PA G B 7 O F 1 3 31^1 30MAy07-MPaT-0015-7HNA S OBJ;VA / LUMAR,lABDALRAHMAMMAADHADHAPR I ALHL IAMC /V I U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIGATIVB SERVICB (SpetfT On 0iJun07, USN OTMO by RA and pr^ided 4 received notification regLdSg «IH»rupoiidad with his two Military Police IhveeSoato^ identified several persona who had seen the death scen^^S^aa obtain the Caep v Satchbill. Sjjii °T f are contained within exhibit (19) . Additional details Examiner „a. performed on v/«. S i n eautopsy i liM?°"? °™0- preliminary aitoS? re^S* Se fr^peSJ^'" and autlp^y pLS^rSS. PA G E 8 O F 1 3 3(oS SBIJJIWMTOPORH 30HRY07-MPQT-0015-7HNA SUBJ, V/AL UMARI,ABDAL RAHMAN MAADHADHAPIRAL HILALA/CIV U. a. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIGATIVB SBRVICB On 02Jun07, USA SSen; WRA GTMO by RA and provld;d a aworn •iSSS!Si^w!?iSS?®J at approximately contacted30MAY07. regarding a death Inalde Camo V 1345 ' ^^^^^^espo^d to Canqp V along with ^^^^^^■■•reportod entered JTP-GTMO, Camp v hia^xecutlve witniHftand ^^Vthey were joined byaa the he Commander asaiatMt, a SJA from JTP-QTMO, and the 525" MP Battalion Commander. They all reaponded up to V/Al UMARI'b cell where thev looked into the cell. ^BBIM^Bubaequently located tte^o block guards asaigned to Bravo Dpper Block. V^HBIAatated he remained with the two block guards until the I^ST^gtoo i?i-lni-in»i investigators arrived to interview the two StSJS details are contained within exhibit (20). 02Jun07, IHHMIBiHiHBiA uSA was interviewed^CISRrOOT^byir^^JLid provided a awm sta^ment. ^OMayO?, he was asaigned aa a while guard on ^arlie Block. ■■■Reported, at approximately 1240 moving a detainee he heard a Code Yellow go out over the radio for Bravo Block. ^jH^reaponded immediately to Bravo Upper Block v^er^e found l^^^and ^H^^n front of V/AL DMARI's other personnel present and after it^^^^explalned was determined thatguard V/AL UMARI waswere hanging, ^^Mwaa among the guards who entered V/AL UMARl's cell to aasla^^^^^M related he was able to help get V/AL UMARI down from where he^ST hanging and was among the guards who transported V/AL UMARI to can®. V Medical. After moving V/AL UMARI to medical^^SSLf stated he returned to his duties on Charlie Block. 'Additional details are contained within exhibit (21). SB^IpiffTNOPORN PA G E 9 O P 1 3 3 OMAYO 7-MPQT-OOlS-7HNA SUB J, V/ALUMARI,ABDALRAHMAN MAADHADHAPIRALHILAIA/CIV U. a. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIOATIVB SRRVICB ^"" more about the situation, she realized that V/AL UMARI was not wearing a tan shirt as she had earlier reported anrthaHhrias not sure if there was anything around V/AL UMARI's neck. This is til ® small sheet was Lseon the lower portion of v/AL UMARI's neck. VHHMIitelated thin was her first response to death and she was mistaken in her eSlblt details are contained within 02Jun07, USN Int.rvl.^da^CISl.rSSS^IlI^^g^ P^oviiSTZJi Statement. ^^H^^dvised on 30May07, between 1230-1250, she was assigned to Medical in Carnn VI and rennr,nH»,i a C o d e Ye l l o w i n s i d e C a n r o V. related upon arrival the medical personnel checked for respiration and pulse and began OPR. Additional medical personnel arrived and continued lifesaving efforts until v/AL «• contaln.d S^ppVfRDFORN PA O B 10 OF 13 31 o ■m 3 OMAY07-HPGT-0015-7HKA SUBJ: V/AL OMARI,ABDAL RAHMAN MAADHADHAPIRAL HILAIA/CIV U. 3. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIGATIVB SBRVICB 30. JMCRT) On 03Jun07, USN was interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PA WMbnd OMvIde^^worn 30May07, hd was traveling towards vehlcl^hen he heard about the Code Snowball ara'c^fLaed Un07, USN was Interviewed0 4atJ NCISRA GTMO by PA ^HPand provlde^^IIJIT thrsr^'tl 30May07, she was working Inside ®°®Pital, at Camp they a call from the 1 responders about V/AL Delta, UMARIwhen having no received nulse accompanied four (4) medical officer to Camp v. l^BliasslI^ ronounS dead Additional details are contained within exhibitp(27). xjsn, ^ ^■^ m B w a s Interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PAI^MMand orovlde^^^ at atement. WJ^advised on 30May07, he w„ oJ?^lS cSm^'^Hhen a guard called the nurse he was walking with that a code was In progress Inside Can®) V. WHH^observed other medical personnel re Binding to Cangv and went Inside to see If he could provide ^Baia^ce. I^H^stated CPR was In progress upon his arrival. w^^^^preported he assisted the doctors and nurses until* v/AL «« confined VflXDV€lLO PA G E 11 O P 1 3 3 11 SBCTiyinPORN 3 0 M AY 0 7 - M P G T - 0 0 1 5 - 7 H N A SOBJj V/AL UMARl, ABD AL RAHMAN HAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV U. S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVBSTIOATIVB SBRVICB On 05)Tun07, USN, l^^^was interviewed at NCISRA GTMO by PA l^^^and provideSi sworn statement. ^^HHi^advised on 30May07, he was called to Can^Must beforeat1300 dueVtotoV/AL found performing pulseless, ^^^^■■^ftrrived Caanp find UMARI medicalbeing personnel CPR on V/AL UMARI. VMH^^^tated V/AL UMARI was unresponsive, pulseless, without spontaneous breathing, eyes were open with fixed pupils. IHI^HMreported efforts continued to revive V/AL UMARI until ^■■■■Vt>ronounced him dead at 1336. Additional details are contained within exhibit (31). 06Jun07, contact was made with JTP-GTMO. ■ VBH^IH^^advised the medical records for V/AL UMARI would be maintained by JTF-GTMO, in accordance with the Federal Court preservation order an a codv would be nrnvlrieii «-« • ^^HHl^^^^HHndicated the medical records would be a v a i l a b l e a t a n y t i m e f o r N C I S r e v i e w. Commander JTF-GTMO and Chief of Staff (COS) JTP-QTMG were provided with an initial debrief by SSA VBBHi^ollowing the initial response t^Cam^^.SJA Throughout of this investigation BIMIHM JTF-GTMOthe hascourse been continually briefed. Investigation continues. PA G E 1 2 O F 1 3 ■ m SBQwenSroRN 3OMAYOT-MPGT-0015-7HNA SUB J: V/KL UMARI, ABD AL RAHMAN MAADHA DHAPIR AL HILALA/CIV U. 3. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE PA RT I C I PA N T ( S ) SA, NCISRA GuaAtanamo Bav. Cuba SA, NCISRA Guantanamo Bav. Cuba SSA, NCISRA Guantanamo Bav. Cuba Porenalc Consultant, NCISPO Mavnort. m. r SA, NCISRA Kings Bay, Cuba SA, NCISRA Jacksonville, PL > SA, NCISPO Mayport, PL SA, NCISRA Jacksonville. PL GTMO MPI Investigator JTP QT^ra MPI Investigator NAVSTA GTMO Security Command Investigator, NAVSTA GTMO Security ^■ H BH^^Co mnan^ Investigator, NAVSTABay, GTMO NCISRA Guantanamo CubaSecurity DISTRIBUTION NCISHQ: 0023B(M) INFO: MPMP(M)/ADLANT (M)/COMMANDER JTP GTMO (H)DERIVED PROM; OPNAVINST SS513-4C DECLASSIFY: PA G E 1 3 L A S T * XI NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE DELETED PAGE INFORJVUTION SHEET Page(s)_ devoir location. One or more of the folowing explain this _Deleted under exeniption(s) . .Documents originated wth other government agen(^(ies). Referred to them for review arid direct response to you. _Pages contain information furnished by other government agency(ies). We wil advise you of releasability of information following consultation with agency(ies). Comments: Deleted pages(s) No duplication fee for this page