Page 1 of 2 Shaun Sumner - Status Update: HEVP Phase 1 (10-20-10) From: Shaun Sumner To: Dirk Mathiasen; Irene McCorrnack; Randa Coniglio Date: 1oxzorzo1o 11:05 PM Subject: Status Update: Phase 1 (10.20.10) Celia Brewer; Darlene Nicandro; John Helmer; Karen Weymann; Linda Scott; CC: Ronald Powell; Wayne Darbeau Attachments: NEVP Public Outreach Presentation 10.23.10 (revised 10.20.10).pdf All: Following is a status update regarding Darlene's recent conversations with Diana Lilly of the Coastal Commission, the Charles Black contract, and the October 23rd Waterfront Workshop. (.11 Seam! lush-to Coastal has revaed Lane Field's letter contending that their CDP is vested. Their attorneys should be sending a letter to either Lane Field or the Port soon letting them know that Coastal believes the CDP is NOT VESTED. Despite this determination, Lane Field's remediation project should result in a vested permit according to Coasters interpretation. During Dariene?s latat discussion with Diana on 10i19f10, Diana requested that Darlene send her the draft Coastal Development Permit language on how we propose to link the Lane Field Setback Park with the NEW Phase 1 Project. Diana stated that we should not think that the lane Field Setback Park will "be the last part of it," that the Coastal Commission will be looldng for the waterside component referred to in the April 2010 Coastal staff report. Diana said that she has reoehred several emails from Scott Andrews stating that he is not on-board wins the Navy Broadway Complex Coalition (NBCC) and she believes it is safe to assume that he will appeal the permit to the Coasial Commission. Diana also aid that she has communicated with Corey Briggs, representing NBCC, and that he has said that while he is happy with the progress the Port has made with the Lane Field Setback Park, the NBCC Coaslal Commission that the Lane Field Setback Park is just part 1. When of the Navy Pier Park would count as the waterside component, Diana stated ppmved and I apparendv "mitigation" for the permanent berthing of the sation, Diana reiterated to Darlene that the Coastal Commission will want they want the waterside component. document containing the proposed revised NEW Phase 1 Project - Special Conditions, and 3 ?Lane Field Setback Park Plan to meet with Coastal staff (Sherilyn, Deborah, and Diana) on meat with them attheir earliest convenience. Darlene will keep the staff. to do but we are still not that far apart, and that we should .7 V, and appellant concerns in an effort to ?nd a compromise. it may result in a delay to our anticipated and twist you accordingly. - log any further before engaging Charles, if we or we move forward with Phase 1 in November, atlng the process after whatever direction we him and thank him for his time and imam Update? ,?r'P?Phase 1 motifs)? a sun ?fm'nherTStatus Pagan From: To Shaun Sumner Dirt: Mathiasen; Irene McCormacit; Randa Cont . I cc. Celia Brewor; Darlene Nicandro; gm I mummy: 6:13 PM 10"? "Hitter: Karen Weymnn: Linda 5191- Flam Update: new Phase 1 (10.15.10) All: ?5 a 5?3? Update regarding [1)tt'le new man Senior Staff - meeting today, Coastal Commission outreach, the ?mt? 33'? Waterfront workshop. (41 the Unites Blade contact. and discussions with Corey Briggs. Also, 1 called midterm Cushman and prodded him with a What update WET voloemail la? "ti-rursday, but I have not heard bad: Senior Staff Meeting Todai Port staff met with cone (Frank Alessi and Gang Bosse} and the on (em Anderson and Howard Greensteln} to bring ?3 to speed on our recommendattors regarding NEVP Phase 1 at this time. The main issues we discussed were timing and funding for the sedeaek park on Lane Field and the waterfront on October 23rd {addressed below}. it was dehennlned, as we have dimmed up to this point, that we would continue with our current recommendation unless we received new Infamtatlm from the public. Coastal, or the appellants. The October 23rd worshop may.r provide that Intonation. its you know, our current reoommendation ls: Phase Broadmyponsiniciion Phase Phase Broadway Pierforeoou-t dedgn and ooan Phase1D:Lane?eidsetbaclc parkdesign and construction Uriess we tear otherwise from the publlc, Coastal, or the appellants. we are planning Wm WM sent over our basic recommendation along with a sketch of Phase and D. We?re -, am setf-Bnposed deadine earn;r next week, and by no later than Weber 29m. pimning workshop organized by C3 and The Organizers have 'aomted. Ourpresentalion wiiltaioe piacefrorn9:4Damto loam, it the walking tour following the meeting. The design team loads from Him Potter, will nuke the bulk of the praentatlon regarding HEW. Other - .n presentatlon. We will be counting . . Briggs (appellants). It'lorellr said he'd be sendng we are now with the design based on - thaT Phase r? P351272w 3165 Paci?c Highwav San Diego. CA 92101 519.602.2869 meme 519.696.6469 of?ce 519.695.6292 fax it?dfdj Shaun surhnar - Slams ubdate: M. 1 F'haEa 1 meme} l. 15596?14 . Shaun Swnner Ha?iasen; Irene Randa- Canlglio CC: Cele Brews: Darlene Nleandro: Jar-n Karen Ween-mu; um; Data: llf?l?? 10 5:41 PM Sum Status Update: 1 (11.04.10) W: DRAFT 1 mu {11.03.10}; NEVP Phase 1 Permit Publlt HUUOES All: Following is a status update regar?lng Emma: of the Phase 1 on November 91h and the DRAFT memorandum of with the Ceal'm'en. EDP on New. 91h reqmernents. stakeholders, including Lane ?eld andthe appellants,lt Webelleve,ruwever,matme matweopen?'re public hearing, take testimony to allow museums: havemmedawntomemee?ngthemencem speak, and re-m?celhehearlng atu'reapmupriate tlrne. msmiddlangebesedmnewinrorma?m. Asan museum EDP. Ihaveatladvedaeapveflhemtine. which we belleve was law?sl. (2) WehadMat-Memmtwasamme mt. - than. Irma .. .. .5 i Pagezofl (31qu Pulse ?Nd I draft presentation for the Oct. 23nd public workshop. TorriorroiuI we are meeti no to ?nalize the "mutation. and to discuss the presentation with the design team. We will need to identify an appropriate Port Slaff per-son in provide the Ininute Introduction. The 15 minute HEVP presentation will be gwen by Matt Johnson and Marty Fairlei- from the NEW design team. I have an unavoidable oon?ict and will not be in attendance that day; however. I beiierrel have set In motion everything we need for a successful event. Please coil with questions. Unless omemlse directed, I will proceed as outlined above. Shaun D. Sumner sun Diego, on 92161 619.662.2669 mobile 619.666.6460 of?oe 619.696.6297 fax Mutilation )5 m" nee'63" . ll?ldnmown. Sumner - Fi?? home; "he a gram: Shaun Sumner a; Dirk Ma?'liosen' Iren cc: Celia Brewer john a mug Rama Ganglia i lonuz?m 5:52 PM either, Karen Wevmann, Wayne Darbeau Status Update NEVP Phase 1 1i] . . .11.1D Attachments. NEW Phase 1 Project igrg martiidf All: I - - our meeting today with Coley Briggs, the outoorne of today's junior JPA staff meeo'no led need or a senior staff meeting, and a request for axe-muse I've also attached a pro organizabon chart which I will re?ne and redistribute in the coming days. mm Today ml? ?"11 cm? W995 (representing the appellanls}. Also present was Commissioner Corey a" for relocating Harbor Drive to the east, mapping around the proposed 150' setbadt park. He asked that we e?fpl?im hlmj? Of the ISSUES we aw with this proposal. Listening, and 1ililitt'l an open mind, we discussed many P'annm mimic: and Dh?r?sical obstacles to such a plan, not the least of which is a near total redesign of new Phase 1. Although we belle-re he left the meeting understanan that lime and were signi?cant obstacles, he still that We would Present II: as an alternative to the public at the October 23rd outreach meeting. He acknowledged that such a If oouid result In a Pb?: Master Plan Amendment for the idea which would then preclude us from issuing a Phase . We advised that If he had further questions to please call me or Celia. Dvorall, I found the rneeti no productive, but there?s more to oome on this issue. At 9 am this meaning, Scott. and I met as the NEW Phase 1 project team which includes Gary Bosse (CODE), Home! as m; - Lisa Lewedt (PDC - Design Team]. We believe we have a consensus In lillo'llieml'.Ilerr at least at this time. If we receive either from old change the recommendation. But for now, our recommendation is: park. IflheBoardapomiiesitaspartof blic. 'i'hebestwairtodothatislineup leceptlvetodiscussing It. - sum"? . slat?uruaa?aa; N. Imam (11.04.10) 9 From: Sham To: Mathiasen; Irene McCormadt; Randal Dc: Cella Brewer: Darlene chandro; Jol1n Holman Karm Welrrnann; Linda Date: 5:41 PM Subject: Stews Update: Phase 1 (11.04.10) NEVP H1552 1 [11.03.10]; NEW Phase 1 Publlc Noam AI: 1 Following is a status update regarding lssuanoe of lire NEW Phase 1 EDP on November 9m and the memorandum of understanding with the Coalition. Illuanoe of the GDP on Nov. 9th A?crbl'la?ng Phase 1 Mthour remiemenls. In subsequent stall? and staketddas, mdudlng Lane Field and me it became clear that there was we support for a December public hearing. That sald, as of today, we lntend to hold the public hearing on made-1r and to be prepared should the Board declde to lssue the CDP. We belleve. War, that the Board may condme lt and at thus tlme we remnmend that we open the publlr: hearing, take testian to allow those who have come down to the meeting the meme to speak. continue to December, and re-nptice the hearing atthe approp?ate lime. COP. lhaveattadledacopvofthenp?oe, whld't we belleve was law. Mu with the mutton meellmonmytolronoutwnahmissues opium than. )iTui?U {11.03.10}.pdf MEMORANDUM OF UNBERSTANDING Earth Emhamdem Visionary Plan Phase I, North Emhamadero Port Master Ame-lune?. and Lane Field iject This Mauritian-a of Undeteth is watered inia as of this day of Number, by Md among the SAN DIEGO NAVY EROHDWAY COALITION, corporation {Coalition}; LANE FIELD SAN DIEGO DENEMFERS, ll?, aDelaware limited liability mrpon?an and me SAN DIEGO UNIFIED PDRT DISTRICT, amunieipal (Dist-int) {in ?'ieParties). RECITALS of ihia MOU, lhe Coalition hieludea Ian Trowbridg as eta-chair. Don Wood as ham-d member, and Unite HERE as a memben - enmity yeupa and members of?ie public. I Thalia 0035M Camission denied a Coastal Nam: Engine-calm Vishnu-y Plan Phase 1. . - additional public eunuch and me provision of an @3113 North Embarcedem. _andl.FSDEl bmiae ?IeNE?ii"? Phasel approval The Dian-in -eammentand humederwill Fieklaite. Whig land wnmily L'a? ISO-foot sewed: fi-em Neath I 2 and ?ler .IPhaeea?) limugh ?ue new North - an Impact Report (live mm- in the event certain Faga1 NEVP Phi o?mou _15age In order to resolve any potential legal nation. litigation or o??ier action challenging the NEVP Phase 1 Project, tho Dtrict wishes to obtain tho Coalition?s support for approval of tho Project and the Coalition wish? to obtain For public access as part of the NEW th I Project and to obtain miditional to study public access and park options both cast and west ofcxisting Harbor Drive. F. This MDU is applitabic onlyr to the NEW Phase 1 prelim. the North Embarcadcro PMPA. Futurc NEVP Phases, acquisition of 1220 Paci?c Highway, and the Lanc Field project, and it no way affect: (I) the Coalition?s rights and claims in the civil proceeding as San Diego Nata: Emotion}! Complex Coalition V. Son Diego Uni?ed Port District oi oi, San Diego Count}.r Superior Court case no. CTL or (2) the Coalition's rights and claims relating in any way to the USS Midway Mourns, the Navy Pier, or the: Broadway Pics. now. moronic. Fort rsLuoBLt-z Ton nouns ?mommies. rooms-mas sons}: AS FoLLows: I. ti immideroson ?n the from the Coalition in .. .- belowmustbeaa?s?od. inuataohicve labor on the Lane Fiold project, fully mouthed prior to issuanoc of a Coastal The Parties acloiowlodge this condition mu. EDD must establish a ?ll-foot setback tion of?? Street to Broadway. desing permit, and construct a ?pm ofthc Phase I project carlicr. Prior to the earlier or the opening of ?rst hotel to Setback ParkiPlaza must be wallocate ?md?ltg suf?cient to on Highway. forth: Setback Parkile . will activate both the toit, andsockpublic - ?iepmposoddmigns. mner- DRA I-?r new: in. L1 Mou {11.03.10}.pdr Page aj The District must adopt an appropriate land use designation fer the Setback Periclle and. to the extent i'eible incorporate the Setback Pan-klle into the Comic] Walk. The cf the Setback Parkl'Plaza may be mwilinear or other'ttnae stimulated so long as the gross land area within the setback is the same as if the eastern bounda'y were drawn as a straight line. The Coalition has the right to comment cn any selected designs for the Setback Parklle before they are fmalized. has the right to develop an arm extending approximater 25 feet west train the eastern boundary of the setback liar uses ancillary to the Lam Field project 'lhe planning and design of this area must occur through a public process and public access must not be excluded in the area any more than is to comply with laws governing the proposed thrihe area by has the right to develop undergron starch-red parking beneath in project site which may extend under the Setback Parietle to the extant required, if necesaanr, to accommodate all project parking requirements plus the 300 public parking spaces required by the North Enba'cadero li?iaionarggI Plan hhater EIR. ccnaietent the District?s for public parks. ?hasl?lerighttooccupy mduaetheSethack um: ofita Lane Field project. staging trill be 'in ughtheDiatn'ct's Wrigllt?fm?'y agreement or such . .-. astheDisu'ictmleSDD determme' . ., TheDiau-iet mustmalse agoodihi?tef?mtoacquie that the Ian-Mm entire Navy?s at 1220 -- it into theSetbaclt Parkile - .. Trim and public funding options petunia Memo Paci?c Highway. if; . - -L w: Ph?e l, the District Mahatma! itattire We . Highway, and the t. dano?ahed, the District umner- Decrease. .irivam?asaipa must continence commotion to incorporate the vacated leasehold area within the [SCI-foot setback into the Setback Parkl?Plaza. North Emhaleaitcro PMPA. In the North Embarcadero the District must stud}r at least one alternative for an average IGS-foot settiack on North Harbor Drive from Hawthorn to the prolongation of Street, and at least one alternative for the realignment of North Harbor Drive to the eat of its present location up to the western edge of the 205-foot setback, along with other altematives to be evaluated by the District The purpose of the EDS-foot setback under these alternatives is the same as the Setback ParidFlaza The project description and the HOP for the North Embarcadero PMPA must also be revised to include the study.?r of these alternatives. These alternatives must be studied on at equal with other alternatives to be studied by the District, which may include an economic analysis of the handing, feasibility, and intpacts of the eastern boundary of the setback may be curvilinear or otherwise i: later! so long as the gross land area within the setback is the same as boundary were drawn as a straight line. istrict must request them the City of San Diego that funds be set aside for Future NEVP Phases identified through Embarcadem PMPA. reserves the right to consider other alternatives in the North including those without a205-foot setback. ibiwd in this MOU, the Coalition has the right to fullyr public environmental review and public processes for the at i m. in the North Embarcadero must consider . connectivity within, to, and from the waterfran and that prioritize pedestrians over cars. for satisfaction of the conditions described in u; titecommitments below. m?na1ly support and activer advocate for, in in person or orally: all approvals of NEVP ii that Paci?c Highway, (3) ?md'ng for Future . ?a revised Lane Field project. This includes at Port Conunissioncrs, the Centre City Diego Redeveloth Agmw, and the to judicial, administelive, and mner - NEVP ?hh -e 1 moo mastoipdt The Coalition must take no onion whatsoever, directly I I or indirectly. whether in writing, orally?or otherrnse, to oppose anyr governmental approval or funding request which is or may be required for: all approvals of NEW Phase l; (2) the acquisition of l220 Paci?c Highway; Funding for Future NEVP Phases; all approvals of a revised Lane Field project; and (5) subsequent studies associated with the North Ernbaroadero PWA. This applies to judicial, administrative, and legislative The Coalition must provide no assistance whatsoever, directly or indirectly, whedter t'utancial, legal or otherwise, to any person, organization or other entity to Oppose any governmental approval for: all approvals of NEVP Phase the acquisition of 1229 Paci?c Highway; (3) funding For Future Phases; (4) all approst of a revised Lane Field project; and (5) subsequent studies associated with the North Embarcadero FMPA. This applies tojudicial. administrative, and legislative proceedings. Pursuant to its existing option agreements 1with the District, intends to remediation of the ourrently defined Lane Field project site prior to 20]] in order to vest its existing Lane Field CUP for the Lane Field -. i as designed and entitled. The Coalition stipulates that it has no objection I not object through administrative or legal proceedings to in this manner. .r to execution of an amended. restated, and combined Lane Field cm'rently planned to occur by December 2010, will ign of the revised Lane Field project and will diligently exert its in the ?ling of an to its Lane Field CDP no later titan The Coalition stipulates that it has no objection and will not object or legal proceedings to prooeedhtg in the manner. - 2, The Parties adinowledge the following: JV and received ample input from stakeholders concerned . cmmnunity bene?ts, and the legal adequacy of NEW alone and in concert with has incorporated 'iifi'li conditions into NEVP Phase I, and through :5 or option agreements, and through agreement to study 'atives as part ofthe North Embarcadero PMPA. The ilite additional public outreach and this have - Ph?e and improved study of Future NEVP support of the Coalition and its members. District's sole and absolute discretion with in? required by (3an for the North Mitts its sole and absolute discretion to for the PMPA in addition to those outlive, and adopt mitigation measures i. 1 mner DRAFT NEVP sh. J1 MOUTH .as?omm3?? 311d cm mg mm'mwns which It determrnes gilt: contents of this MOU notwithstanding. District reserves its sole and absolute Isaiah?? to approve 01' 3? actions which require by law the exercise of discretion 'and which District cannot law?rlly be committed to by contract. ofdiscnetion 1Will apply to all contemplated legislative and quasi- Judtclal actions including, without limitation, approval of land use entitlements, CEQA compliance, the exercise of eminent domain, code enforcement and the making of findings and determinations required by law. C. This MOU may be used by District, Coalition or as a full and complete dcfeme to and may be used as the basis for an injunction against any action, suit, claim or other proceeding of any type which may be prosecuted, initiated or attempted in violation of the terms hereof. D. party signing this MUD represents and warrants that it has full authority to the party or parties on whose behalf it is signing and that no further or militarization is necessary to escort: this Mill! on behalf of such party. constitutes the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the no of this MOU and may not be modi?ed except by a written -v by both parties. If any part cfthis MUU is held by acourt jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, such decision will "validity of any remaining portion of this and the remainder -. j; force and effect. construed and covered by the laws of the State of California. 3 inding upon and will inureto the bene?t of the parties hereto beneficiaries, elected and appointed of?cials, officers, meys, agents, successors, af?liates, heirs and assigns of . the advocacy of the Coalition, the Coalition will a most likely to achieve its goals. The Coalition is 35-; a manner that it deems in its sole discretion to run sit. or to errcecd its ?nancial or other resources. guzz- must, at a minimum, advocate in writing or other to evidence its support for the issue at hand and .. in San Diego County. 1'31; ALLY LEFT BLANK .. I - DRAFT NEVP Phat 1 MOU }.pch?f 3? I. If: the evmt the NEW Phase 1 pmjact is approved, the Coalition resmes the ?ght to objed to an}' matu'ial failure. In the NET Phase 1 project in compliance with this WU. In the event the NEVP Phase I NOW is approved, this MDU mma?cally IN WES WHEREF, this MDU is executed on ?re dais) set forth below. Sum? it Public Noticee From- Da?ene Hiram 119: Shaun Sumner cc: Anna Buzaitis' mm.m: Candice - - hi: magnum 425? PM Magnus, Celia Brew, Dirk 5n act: NEVP Phase 1 Permit Public Notices Public Nouae l?-Z?-l?pdf Hi Shaun, Fur ?13 Wid- here's a recap of how we have nouned the public of the Nov 9111 Board of Port Commissioners mee?ng regarding the proposed NEVP Phase 1 Appealabie Consul Development Permit: 1.) Anan to athendees at the Marin Port Master Pian Armament EIR Scoping Meetings (Oct 2? and 23} 2.) Published in the San Diego Lilian Tribune and Dally Transcript (Oct 29) 1) Malle?i awm 2000 postcards in a ?uxuf agenda, residents, business owners, and Interested parti?s De? 5035*? Develupment Permit Regulations (Oct 28 Pushed on (011?- .rJij.? 53" mam mmaEm?ceattadr than I andcummumcahu? ns. Big thankstuall M10 assisted NOTICE of a PUBLIC HEARING AN 0 APPEALABLE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PE RMIT BY THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS At 1:99 pm: on Tuesday. November 9. 2m in the Board Room of the Port District Administration Building. 3165 Pacific Hwy, San Diego. CA 92101. EM Earth Embarcadero Visionary Plan Phase 1 Coastal Access Features reject North Harbor Drive and West Broadway. San Diego. California San Diego Uni?ed Port District {Port}. Engineering Department 8. Centre City.?t Development Corporation - t. - as 510 zary Plan Phase 1 Coastal Access Features Protect . Phse 1A - West Broadway; Phase 13 - North Harbor ,,_Forecourt; and Phase 10 - Lane Field Setback Park. Phase -v 1 traf?c improvements to West Broadway from North Harbor . -4 no. 13 would realign North Harbor Drive from the Street - its present location and transition to existing alignments at -- roll road would enable construction of an approximately 105 south edge of the Street Pier to the north edge of the do would include a continuous beyfront promenade along . ant system. a runningrwallting path. restrooms, kiosks. i architecture. and a public plaza at the foot of West -t rdens. Phase 1C would include design features and 52.000 square foot Broadway Pier Forecourt. located the Broadway Pier facility building. Phase ?10 would of 150 feet from the North Harbor Drive right-of-way on 4. -. missionars (BPC) meeting. the BPC will conduct a the relationship of the NEVP Phase 1 Project he protect is within the California Coastal Zone. -. tAppealable Coastal Development Permit. he. the Port is notifying the adjacent interested parties and those who adopting a Resolution ?nding that . .- Impact Report for the NEVP. 15-51;? Permit process or the project . ':Uee Planning at (619} 686-6283. . ?i I Page 1 of2 ?nal," Sumner - Status Update: new Phase 1 (1o 30 10) From: Shaun Sumner T0: Dirk Mathiasen- I re . . . Date: 10/30/2010 4:02 pile Mama?s? Rama Subject: Status Update: NEVP Phase 1 (10.30.10) cc: Celia Brewer- . . arlene Nicandro- . . . Ronald Powell; Wayne Darbeaur Jahn He'mer' Karen weymann? L'nda 5mm All: Follow? stat" - . mnwgu?n: with 5 ?Wailers? (1) ?suanoe of the NEVP Phase 1 cos on November 9th, recent {303513 atus the North Embar em PMPA :Nm Ops. emorandum of agreement with the Coalition, and (4) the recent Gilliam Staff briefed Commissioners Bushman, Peters, and Valderrama regarding our efforts to issue a new CDP for NEVP Phase_1 on November 9th. Also, this week we properly noticed the CDP hearing thanks to Darlene and the Land Use Planning Team. The pennit's structure is as follows: Phase 1A: West Broadway Phase 13: North Harbor Drive Rhase 1C: Broadway Pier Forecourt Design - waifan Lane Field I, w. Essing issues regarding the Broadway Pier forecourt design. We have an internal iities at the head of Broadway Pier, and staff led by Rita Vandergaw will be loanrogramming to the Board on November 9th. There are several .wim Coastal and was advised that the CDP would very likely be rews. Regardless, we believe we have a CDP that reflects the wishes 1 2- Complex Coalition, satis?es the Coastal Commission?s . us. a way forward boged1er. We will be meeting with Diana, {Hal?s of?ces for of?cial comment. We will be discussing who 1 lg PMPA workshops this week were In response tosomeofthese ground and context on previous planning Zthis next week we'll be dimming the . u- '1 . i i Page 2 of 2 rule of the Citizens Advisory Committee and geiIing ready to make 3 recommend anon to executive staff. We also pmpose to take the CAC through the JPA, so that we can have a fuli, transparent, and vetting process With our partners and the public. Your input and suggestions on the or me process are weioome. Unless otherWise directed, I will prooeed as outlined above. In the event the NEVP Phase 1 CUP IS 0' be postponed, we would then aim for a December Board meeting. In either event, we remain hopeful be heard by the Coastal Commission In February 201 1 if appealed. Regards, Shaun D. Sumner Area Manager. North Embarcadero Real Estate Department PORT OF SAN DIEGO 3165 Paci?c Highway San Diego, CA 92101 p: 619.686.6460 --'r-url {ion?32616} Shaun Sumner - Status Update:l ?ag; From: Shaun Stunner To: Dirk Mathiasen: Irene Hosannado Renae Conigllo DC: Celia BrewH; Darlene Nicandro; Duane Bennett: John Helmer; Karen Date: 1or13i2o1o 5:41 PM Subject: stems Update: HEW Phase 1 (10-13-10) All: Following '5 a status update regarding my meeting with Charles Black today and a separate meeting with Jen-inr Trarnmer regarding Lane Field, a request for an update on the settlement disorssions, (4) a process update on NEVP Phase I, and noti?cation of a request for Commissioner brie?ngs. WW I met with Charles Black this momlng. We had a productive hour-long discussion in which I ?lled him In on the NEVP and Lane Field project: backgrounds. He believes he oould be helpful in relationship management, particularlyr with the Utv and CCDC, and our upcoming Redevelopment lltgencvr approval for the l?lE?v?P funding agreement. He could also serve as an advisor on structuring future agreements; however, Real Estate staff would maintain a lead role in document drafting and negotiatlon. Illicit and I have the expertise we need in this regard. [asked him to submit a proposal for discussion. I am awaiting his submittal and will have a reoornmendation once I review it. Nidt and Imet with Jeov Trammer today. He oontinues to suppo? the 150? setback, and has agreed in oonoept to extend that up to Street if we acquire 122i} Paci?c Highwav. As such. we can include that in the NEVP Phase 1 EDP oonditions of approval. Knowing that we don?t have the monejir to acquire 1220 at this point, this is about this issue wtthout new Infonha?on. We continue to negotiate terms of the amended, restated, and combined option to lease for Lane Field. I need Information hum-Celia as to where we are with llore?,I Bdgge. Please advise via voioemail, or let's schedule an outing to diatom, - NEW Phase 1 John and lit input and Linda's rovievir, and Uncle will be providing me with a tirneline for on rt design. Our esteem reoommendatton remains to move forward with a receive