. Office of the Mayor, Ethan K. Strimling January 29, 2016 Honorable Angus S. King, Jr. United States Senator E33 Hart Building Washington, DC. 20510 Dear Senator King: As you know, the City of Portland has a very strong interest in continuing ferry service between Portiand and Nova Scotia. In recent years the government of Nova Scotia provided a subsidy for the service which is criticain important to Maine?s economy. The City of Portland has made a significant investment in a ferry pier, terminal, and related infrastructure to support this unique ferry service. Resumption of service means that Portland will continue in its role as a traveler?s gateway to the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Ali ferry passengers, both to and from Canada, are exposed to our city, its waterfront, restaurants, hotels and other tourist sites. In short, this ferry service results in a massive diversion of visitors travelling in both directions to Portland. It is aiso important to note that this is the only ferry connection between Eastern Canada and the United States, so this makes Portiand a key entry point for Canadian visitors to the United States. The proposed service wiil aiso hopefuiiy bring direct and immediate bene?ts to our community including: The operator estimates that in the order of ?fty new jobs will be created in the Portland area in the ferry operation itself. This will be a combination of ship's crew positions and in terminal, marketing, stevedoring and many other categories. 0 Certain ship's supplies will be purchased in Greater Peltiand. Based on past approaches, the operator wiil contract with a wide range of local suppliers of goods and services which could range from technical/1T companies to marketing agencies to machinists and mechanical and structural contractors. The large marketing campaigns wiil inevitably result in direct expenditure to media companies in Greater Portiand and Southern Maine. Finally, the City of Portland itseif will receive important facility revenue as a result of this service, and we are excited about the possibitities. We know that you are working hard to assist in securing a vessei, and we very much appreciate the effort you are making. If the effort is successful, it will bring very signi?cant benefits to our state and the Portland area. cry truly yo I . .. .wm -- Ethan? Strinliing Mayor, City of Portlahd 389 Congress