Julym? Section 3-4 0 PURPOSE: To provide police of?cers with guidelines on the use of deadly and nomdeadly force. POLICY: The use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by a police of?cer is the ultimate discourtesy and misconduct. Brutality is the use of force where it is not required. The justi?able use of force where it is authorized under the law in making an arrest. in preventing the escape of a criminal or in protecting the life of the of?cer or of another person is not brutality. Of?cers will use physical force only when the exercise of pasuasion, advice and warning is found to be insuf?cient to obtain cooperation and will use only the minimum degree of such physical force necessary on any particular occasion. This should not be interpreted to mean any of?cer should hesitate to act or retreat from the performance of his sworn duty when immediate physical response is required- It therefore is the policy of this department that police of?cers shall use only the force that is reasonably necessary to effectively bring an incident under control while protecting the lives of the of?cer or another person. DEFINITIONS: DEADLY FORCE is de?ned as the force which is applied under circumstances that would cause a reasonable and prudent person to consider such circumstances as capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. NON-DEADLY FORCE is de?ned as any force other than that which is considered deadly force. USE OF NON-DEADLY FORCE: Where deadly force is not authorized, of?cers should assess the incident in order to determine which non-deadly technique or weapon will best de-escalate the incident and bring it under control in a safe manner. Police o?icers are authorized to use department approved non-deadly force techniques and issued equipment for resolution of incidents as follows: a. To protect themselves or another from physical harm or b. To restrain or subdue a resistant individual or c. To bring an unlawful situation safel and effectively under control. 22 I ?nal Authority Police Department to provide each officer with a ballistic vest at no cost to the officer. NON-DEADLY FORCE WEAPONS AND METHODS: l. A police officer is not permitted to use non-deadly weapons unless they have been trained by a quali?ed instructor in its pro?cient use as determined by training procedures. 2. The following non-deadly weapons are authorized: swoop-.0 9'9? OFF DUTY WEAPONS: Night Stick ASP Tactical Police Baton Tactical 0C Aerosol Taser X261X2 40mm less lethal launcher Flash Diversionary Devices Shotgun Impact] Oleresin Capsicum munitions 40 mm launchahle gas/smoke The Taser shall not be used on pre-teen children or pregnant wonwn. Taserin thearea of the head and neck of a suspect. The Taser shall not be deployed in close proximity to ?ammable liquids. The Taser shall be bolstered on the o?'icers non gun side and shall be yellow or distinctively marked not to look like a service weapon Taser care. Probes will be removed by quali?ed medical personnel on the scene of the incident or at the hospital. All suspects that have been tasered by either a ?drive stun or probe deployment will be treated at a hospital. The probe impact sight or drive stun sight will be photographed and the photos added to the case ?le. After every Taser deployment, the DPM will be downloadede theprintout will beplaced in the oase?le. The Port Authority Police Department does not require of?cers to carry an off duty weapon. therefore there is no established policy on off duty weapons. O?icers are required to meet MPOET ?rearm quali?cations with all of their duty weapons every year. 23 Markusde Juana]: REPORTING DISCHARGE 0F FIREARM: Each discharge of ?rearm will be reported to the member?s immediate supervisor whether or not someone is injured by such discharge. A written report on the appropriate form will be made as soon as time and circumstances permit but in no event later than the end ofhis or her current tour of duty. lfa member is incapacitated as a result ofa shooting incident, the of?cer?s immediate supervisor will submit the report. For purposes of reporting a discharged of ?rearm, each discharge will be classi?ed in one of three categories: A. The following report procedures will apply: 1. The of?cer involved will immediately report the incident to his or her immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor will notify the Chief of Police and the Lieutenant in charge of the shift. The officer involved will make all the usual reports for the incident in question. The officer involved will make a Weapon Discharge Report. The Lieutenant and [or Chief of Police will conduct an investigation into the circumstances surroundingthe whether or not the discharge was justi?ed and consistent with Port Authority Police Policy. The Lieutenant will sign the back of the Weapon Discharge Report in the appropriate space, along with his or her conclusion and recommendation. This report will then be forwarded to the Chief. All reports will then be forwarded to the Chief of Police. who will personally review all incidents. 2. 11:14:: ail-1.1.1.. A. When a firearm is discharged and the result is injury or death to another person, the following procedures will apply: 1. The officer will determine the physical condition of the injured party and render ?rst aid when appropriate. Medical assistance will be called immediately. Communications will be noti?ed of the incident and location in order that the proper officials may be noti?ed. 24 3. The shift supervisor will respond immediately and secure the scene pending ?diegheny? County). 4. All discharge weapons and ammunition will be con?scated by the immediate supervisor and be submitted for testing. 5. The appropriate Homicide Unit (Pittsburgh or Allegheny County) will be the investigation body in charge of all shootings resulting in death or injury. 6. The of?cer involved will not discuss the case with anyone except his supervisor, homicide investigators, his attorney, or other internal investigative personnel. 7. The of?cer involved will make all the usual reports for the incident in question. 8. The of?cer involved will make a Weapon Discharge Report. 9. All reports will be forwarded through the chain of command to the Chief of Police. who will personally review all such incidents. Whenaweapon isdischarged todestroyananimal. theWeapon Discharge Report will be ?lled out and distributed through channels to the Chief of Police. Officers will receive approval from shift supervisor prior to destroying animal. When a shooting has occurred which results in the death of a person. the of?cer involved in such a shooting will as soon as possible after the incident be scheduled to undergo an emotional debrie?ng with the Employee Assistance Program (BAP). All debrie?ng sessions will remain con?dential. counseling will also be extended to family members of the of?cer or of?cers involved. if requested. Any officer involved in a shooting in which he or she takes the life of another person will be placed on administrative leave directly upon completion of the primary report of the event. This leave will be without loss of pay or bene?ts, pending the result of the investigation. An assignment to administrative duty may also be in order but will not be interpreted to imply or indicate that the of?cer has acted improperly. A procedural debrie?ng will be held at a later date for of?cers involved in any discharge of ?rearm whether or not there are injuries. The procedural debrie?ng will not be interpreted to imply or indicate any wrongdoing or violation of policy by participating of?cers. The Chief of Police will schedule such debrie?ng when appropriate.