Case: 1.14-cv--02034 Document 1-1 Filed: 03/21/14 Page 8 of 22 PageID #:17 US. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Chicnga District omee sun wen Mists>>. steer sun :uoo Chicaw. IL 642551 in "Hunt? r2, twain FAX (3 11) Hall-I220 EEOC Chatge Nmnbets 440-2009-0632l 440-1010-00639, 440-2009-00756, 2lE--2009-00205. 2132009431945, and 2113-2009-0346} Mona Gamer Charging Parcy v. ClearStafi'. Incl 7501 S. Lamont Road Woodridge, lL 50517 Respondent DETEIUVHNATION Under the nuthdrity vested in me by the Commission, I issue the following detetnrinntinn on the merits afthe subjeet charge filed under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. as amended (Title Vll), the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, as amended (ADEA), and the Amelicans with Disabilities Act of ~90, as amended (ADA) lire Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Tide Vll, the ADEA, and the ADA, and all nther requirements for coverage have been met. The Charging Party alleges that she was subjected to harassment based on her sex, remale, and lace. American Indian, and Age, 5] (Dale of Birth: October 6, 1957), in violation of Title VII and the ADEA, and that she was denied rcasunable accommodation because of disability, in violation of the ADA. Charging Party alleges that she was retaliated against for engaging in protected activity, in that she was subjected to harassan discipline, discharge, and different terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to. commission splits, removal of accounts, transfer, denial of medical assistance, denial of access to office equipment, denial of {equesle accommodation. and denial of training, in violation of Title VII, the ADEA, and ADA. I have dctmined that the evidence obmincd in the invesdgation establishes reasonable cause to believe that the Respondent discriminated ngninst Chalging Party on the basis of disability by failing to provide her a reasonable accommodalicn in violation of the ADA. I have also detennined the evidence obtained in the tin>> reasonable cause tn believe that, Respundenl discriminated against an employee based on her sex, female, by subjecting her tn sexual harassment, in violation uf Title VII. Case; Document File-d; 03/21/14 Page. 9 Of 22 PagelD #:18 - .. .. '449-2@09-00755, 2-1-2009a90205, 218-- .eo.-9..-0194s, anti . - - - . -Page2 . - Like to the allege?i-eris in. the charge; and arising; during. 'fhe --ec313r'se of the investigatian, I have determined that the evidence .ehtained- in the. imastigation establishes . .. reasenable cause to believe that the Respmdent discriminated against applicants andempioyeies "based on their race Black, gender, male and female, and: . ?ationel Beige, newHispanie, in . I recruihnent? referral? hiring, and assignment, {in Viola-?aunt? Title . . Like. rei-eied' ie. jihe- a?ega?iene it; the :Chaig?,' eel-3mg .emg zhe' course .. investigation, I have further determined that the evi-de?ee. obtained in the investigatien. - establishes _reaseneb'le. cause to: believe. that: the Respondent .diseziminated against applicants and employees baSEd on iheir national-origin, 'HiSpanie; by paying them less than nan-Hispanics for - similarly senate-d. jobs, in. violation 01? me . .. This-determination. is ?nah-When the Commits-Sim finds that violation-s asserted; it attempts'te - - eliminate uniaw??- practices. by inform-a1 metheds 9f conei'li-ati'en, 'Thexefore, Iinvite the parties; - - . to jein the. Commission in reaching a just regulation of this matter. Disclosure- of infomation- - obtained: by me. Comissien- during. the canei?ation process be made. oniy- in. ace-exclanee - I withthe Cemiss'ionj?s Procedural Part 1601263.. I'f'Re'spondeaniShes. fro-accept this imitation to participate-in eene?ia?en efferts,._ it may-dew at - this time by p-repesing tennis: fer a cencil?ietien agreementgithat proposal. sheuld be. _pmvided te' .. the Commission. representative 14 days. ef the time of the date ?of this determinaiion. The; . remedies f3: violatiens. {31? the statutes we enfbree- are designed. to make. the identi?ed victim-s:- - whale. and 1:0 provide cerreetiee. en? grexereniive relief. These rem-e??iee' may i?neiude-g as -- appropriate; an :agreemen; by Respendem to net engage. in unlawful empi-eyment practices,- . . .. placement of identi?ed Victims in pasiziens they would. have held; but for {he discriminatory actions, back pay, restemtiou 0f lest bene?t-s, inj-?unetive relief, c-empensa-tory andfer punitive - -- . damages; and-neti-ee to employee-5- ef'the vieiationand theresolutio? ofthe- claim.-_ - . - enema "Respondent {have regardi?g'meconciliatgon' mfg-egg "or the Genoa-_xiatian I - - .. terms. it would like to prepose, we encoerage- it. it: contact the assigzzed C0mn?ssien~ - representative. ISheul?d there be. me response from Respondent in '14 days, we may ca?nelude. -- ??mher: wquid be ?ltile . - . ex; gamma Cami?53m, John-P. Rowe - Date