UNCLASSIFIED US. Case No. F-2013?13?106npoc No. (305745-703 Date: 1116/2015 NATIONAL AGENCY: RELEASE IN FULL REPORT RECEPTIBN AND PLACEMENT PROGRAM OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS BUREAU OF AND us. DEPARTMENT 01? STATE- 'Worl?d?clief LOCALLAFFILIATE: World ReliefGazdon Grove, LOCATION: Garden Grove, California Clarke Ellis, Senior Reviewer MONITORING DATES: January 1.6-1 2014 PRM Yanne-Thayer and June Glen Petoxso?g Af?liate Dixeowr- Jose Some, Case Manager Chung Adviser STAFF FINDINGS summary ofFindings MQnitOrsf found. qujl'd Ref-ief GardcanrOVZc-partially complianfcwithReception. a?ndPlac?mom Program requirements. Cere services and basicneed?s' support: appearedito be, ?prmiided in a_ timelymanner, although health screenings Were late; home visas 'Weie not-consistently ?documerxt?d, of: assistance with. registration for scl'ective service. Refugeeswisitediby- monitors were familiar-With o?entzition whon?thejir' be?e?tfs? Would end, ?C'ajso files and ?goancfai records Were not-consistently organized and documentation was-missing or incomplete. Case not?logs were cursory and incomplete. Housing visited. by'm?oni'tors appeared safe and affor?ability i?sfarco?ncem. for'the affiliate and refugees.- R&P?Pr?gmm Overview Werld Ro?lief Garden Grove, 3: member of the World Relief netwozk- of a?iiliatos, began re-mgeos in. According; to the: af?liate provided "to PRM, WR-Gard?n Grch'iha?s undergOne?" signi?cant recently: {honour oasis-manager was hixed in November of: 2013, and 't?Wo assistants. Were hired in October ?nd Decembe?z'of 20137. is transitioning to another job in WK. The a total of ,613?1?153, prQVide scrviCes funded by PRM. Staff languages 'inchide: Korean, Spanish? and Vietnamese. Intadd-ition to Garden Grove provides immigration services and, 'beginning?giq-January 20.14, will offer extended case management through a Preferred .Communi?cios? grantifroxn UNCLASSIFIED U18. Department Of State Case No. F-2013-13106 DOC No. C05745703 Date: 11/16/2015 REVIEW AUTHORITY: I UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case NO. DOC NO. 005745703 Date: 11/16/2015 the Of?chef Refugee Resettlement. Accordingte imports the?efugee ProceSSing Center, i? ?scal year (FY) 2013,. the a?iliiateyr?ettbd 64 re?lgee-caees. comprising 13.9 individeels endls?ix Speeia'l Immigrant of 1.1 individuals. As of 2014? casesrcomp?sing- 19 indiVidualrs and, M08117 2011.3: 'lhf??ireaSelead Was. percent "Iraqi, percent ?ve percent BunneseLa?dz included} small numbers of Paki?staniisend' Vietnamese; Ninety-mine percent of Fl: 201:3 arrivals :had US. ties. The. af?liate 28 velunteers leach werkin'g'an average?of twe, hours per; week and 20 interns waking, an average of six heme-per-Week assisted: Withj-R&P services ever the past year. Their tasks included providinghansportation and VhOSpitality meals,, conducting English language classes coaching, 'pmyiding shoppihg?sistancg locking for?apam?nentss clerical work, and cultural and-?nancial literacy mentoring?. Theaf?liate doesnot eurrently use nee?sponsors. WR Garden Grove- reports it quarterly meetings of the refugee fern'ms of Orange Ceunty and Les Angeile's County. Thesemeet-ings- include agencies, regienal'teptesent?atives designated by the-state refugee eeordi'nator? the State refugee health coordinatogset?al service agencies? healthe?are providers} andother stakeholders. The af?liate also meets at least quarterly with ethnic and Community groups, and-oucaSiena-Ily'with cengreseienal representatives and Staff, city of?cials, andeI-iee departments. The .af?I-i?ategrepoxts it. has addressed issees . regardingmedieal appointments,?htegpreter health, care-needs- with Orange County?health LossA-ngeles County health careprqx?iders- to reduce wait tim es-?rfor appointments-end streamline additional paperwork. requirements. Staff I Monitors: intewieWed 'the?af?tiate director-Who'was hired in formengeP manager fwho: was-hired in July 1993, andy?te cur;th case manager who Was hired in November 2013. The staff are. generally knoWIedgeahlei?about R8513 program requirements. Inicreased.?emphasis is. on staff training and technieal. assistance, including parti?eipzitidn in national Conferences and telephonic aed'webinar-' trainingsj - Home Visits. Monitor? visited three. refugeefamilies. .anct'T'speke by telephone?witgh a fourth family "who was unmiaitahle for the ?scheduted, visit due t'o~'a lesbm-i-nutemedical emergenc?The families er?veaebetweenzAugustand December .2013. Allfam-il-ies had ties; Three ofthe cases had family? members who were it). English. Pleasing aptieared335'ate and sanitary. Due. family told monitors they had not received any home visits WR Garden Grove staff duri?ngthe ?rst ten 'weekstheyrspentin. their U. "tie?s home-,- but were I 7 assisted the af?li?teto: move to their new apartment. the day before the" monitors"visit. lnene'cafsetcthe (LS, tie was paying-fell rent. Oneeoup'le, 121111611: received mittiimal sepport?'o?m' their tie, iWas placed tinea?rente??roem with shared kitchen privileges in another- femiily?s. trailer home, couple tegl'dgmonfitors they werewiSited ?equemty by UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2013-13106 Doc No. 005745703 Date: 11/16/2015 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. Doc No. 005745703 theii?cas??mttn3ger but they had understoed theatrangementwas ?temporary'and-they- Wanted?te move'to. apiece with more privacy: A?ili?atestaff?are wotkihg-?to locate another place ferfthe-eouple but stated that affordability was-an issue. Two ofthe families were talcen to fast food restaurants 1310.011 arrival 'foreiine'al before they were take?n?tio their: homes. Af?liate staff said some?lre'?igee?s indicated '?iey wanted American fast food for their arrival meal. They said some, arrivals atetakento an intemational'ma-rket to select for their ?rst. meals. Two, of the cases reteived all 'or the hulkfof their .R&ngraet check. They had Signed a Statement. acknowledging receipt of the funds, the right to use a Speci?c portion as pecket.money,,an.d a diise'leimet that?WR Garden Grove had no obligation ?to?p'rovide ?n?ther ?nding to the family. Health Screenings dance!? the families-were no expiaeatien in. the: ?les. The husband.lin one case was disabled by a stroke-a month after- arrival. The family attested, and documentatim shamed, that the af?liate had been. helpful it} arranging medical appeintments, waivers for the requirement to attend job classes. it: order to receive refegee cash assistance, application for Social Security income and in repayment of their travel loan? pending resolution of the SSI application. All families received orientationan?d knew orientation topics, how to contact emergency "Services, and When their Bene?ts Wouldl'end. Three of the families. did not have service plans in the-?les. Theage?appropriatemale in one-femily'did net.me about the; requirement to register for selectiveg'sertrice andi?the case ?le had norrecotd of his being assisted with this requirement. Documei?ation (DI-Services Monitors, reviewed?ZI case ?les. All requested ?les were available. The, ?les contained copies o?'AR?ll forms and 10M premssery?notes; The ?les?were not consistently-Well: organized and Celtic notes varied widely. Many of the were cursory er. incompletelacked dates and followuuneind did not thVide a detailed teCOfde care service. delivery. Financial record's were-incomplete; same but.n0t all expenditures were acknowledged by refugees. Some. ?les contained a- copy. of a check for all or the bulk of the 5Ezgtant with a statement signed byt'h'e re?ig?ees- acknowledging that WR had no obligatioh to provide further funds. I-94swere missing in. two ?les. The amount of cash assistance and"?foed stampswas sometimescite?d ins, case-note but the ?les did not contain-rewrite of?peblie .assistance'epptoval or deni'al;an'd start dates. Af?liatesme explained thatthe local publ?i?chene?tsof?ce mails: the approval letters directly to the. clients arid those idec-um'ents are not-putt}: thecase tiles. Health, screenings were not. documerited in. nine filesand were late without. explanation?in three ?les: Assistance with enrollment in employment Service-s Were not docdritente'd injtten files. AssistahceWith apply?ingifor food stamps and earth assistance were;th documented in: ?ve ?les. Ass?i-Stert?e with enrollment in English language? classes in seven ?les. Doeumentaticn of 'orie'ntatiOn was missing in three ?le's; Copies of service plans were'missing' in nine ?les and incompletein four ?les, First-home visits werelatZB in four- ?les and '?not,documented in four ?le's. second home Visits'were late int-?our file's and not documezited ineight ?les. In the two cases with males ofmilitary age, there was no record. 'assi-s?tertce with .regi'sttetiiOn fer the selective service. 1 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2013-13106 Doc No. C05745703 Date: 11/16/2015 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. Doc No. C05745703 Date: 11/16/2015 Outcomes RetugE ee is in ,a Safe, Stable-ngimnment interviewee-331d home visits documented that'refugees aremet at the airport ties! volunteers, or af?liate staff with ..approgriate language interpretatienuRe?igees are placed and provided basic neceSsiti?es and pecketl mcne'y; Access to-affc?able?housing ?isrpitoblematie in some cases._ The average rent for apartment is. $875; $1,050 for? two hedrcems; and $1,695 for three-bedmoms. Housing-arrangements Such/as placing a. coupleiin a Shared trailer" with anoiher family demonstrates thisidif?cultyi Retugzeev-CaniNaviggje Ajmropriatc and Relevant?izstems Casei?lereviews andghome visit-s demonstrate/:1 that refugees can access appropriate trans?portjatiOn, obtaintheir own food and basicaneceSSities, access .heallh?care, contact emergency :se'rViQes, and access interpretaticn as.eecded_._ Re?igees had ehtai?ed their social seemity cards identi?cation-5 refugee children were enrolled in Schodl within required 30 days, and refugees knew how? to: ?le paperwork to bring family member? to. the United IZStatesi Refuqu Connected to Oneang Support Heme visits; and case files con?'rmec'i that refugees were enrolled in. eligible- services and receiving food stamps and medica1_assistance{1{efugee families visited by monitcrs knew source cf their bene?ts and when?they'wouid end. On'efamily visited By monitors: had a-wcr'k-ing adult, and one was. being assisted by ?le-af?liate to enroll 'int'the SS?Ipregiram, One couple, Which wasiahout to-sia?rt English eiaSse's? setter: Weeks after arr-Wei, expressed concem about?how they would-reach self-suf?ciency by the time their bene?ts ended. Refuie'ge Understands Surroundings andSituaticm Refugees Visited by monitors housihg?andpersenai Safety isSues-yasiweiil as .cuitural orientation topics. REC'ewimehATteNs UnlessotherwiSeSpeci?eisthe belew'reeomrhendafims are to be implemented immediately;? Ci-tations-refer to theFY 2,0413 Cooperative Agreement. a?f?liate should emoll'meni in English. iaiiguage programs: and days cf and that- re?i-gees-?have a health ass?eSsment within 30 days of arrival,- as required bythe Couperative Agreement; Section, Li, and k. 22- The af?iiate should ensure that-refugees receive at least twofhemesvisits within 30? days Of'arrival, Which shall-l include an ass?sment cf the: welfare, livingconditions, any current._eri expected nee?ds-ef-therefiigee, rand-assistance with any basic needs, as required by the CooperatiVe Agreement/,1 Section. and it should. UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. Doc No. C05745703 Date: 11/16/2015 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case NO. DOC NO. (305745703 Date: 11/16/2015 enisuze?thatthe case ?le includes evidence that the af?liate hesconductedat least heme Visits within '30 days- of an'iMal,xas regeilcd by?th Cooperative Agreemen?, Seeder-3 3. af?liate should assistre?lgees with regiSte'rl-n'gxwith the select?lite sew-ice 30 days, as appropriate; as requiredEby'the Cooperative Agreement, section and ensure that case of-assi?stance with Selective sefvice regi-Stration: as required by Section 8.051612. 4.. The af?liate shall ensure that refugees are transported. to fumiShed-.Iivih.g quarters provided eatilqu, and {that theaf?liate :shall vi?it?refngees-with US. ties. within ?ve'eall'a?dar t0 ensusce that all 'impaediatenecds havebeen meyas required?by Section 81.05.13. (NOTE: this. reguirement'has been changed: inf-Y 52014 to visit all refugees, idol-wing those with 1-1.8; ties, the next calendar day after arrival "to ensure that all. immediatebas?ie needs have been met :and' Lo - provide I?refug?ees with. basic orientation regarding} begging and personal safety matters; including emergeney'ecmtaets: andprocedureg as 5. shall establish. andmaintain a_ case ?le for legibleeas'e mite log. which shows the date, mode, and. substance contact {throughout the R8613 period, a clear plain ol?ae?on-fer each-refugee, ine-ludjngehildren, based on ail-assessment of individual needs; and a detailed record-ef'baisic needs Supper! and ceresewie'e delivery,- as required by the Cheperative Agreement, Section The-af?liate should ensure that the case. ?le contain a record ofeash and in?kind support provided to meet the refugees." basicineeds for at least the-initial 30-day period, including Clear acknowledgment'by receipt ofca?sh and. in? suppon, as tequired'by the ..Coeperetive_ Agreement, Sectiorl affiliate should ensure-that the case?le-con-tain a, rece'rd'ofpublie assistance applied for-and received orjdenied, 9f asSistance' and start dale($) indl?udi?nge record pfal-l noti?cations from a state, comm-"or other lecal. welfare of?ce, that the re?zgee has applied andafee?ordt of all infomation the af?liate provided to-?s?tatel enemy, mother "lineal-welfare of?ces, and of'hll information provided bysueh. effi'ceste the af?liate, as required by the Ceiopetat?iv?e Agreement! Section. 8, The that" the ease ?le'ebnlaindocdmentation ofr'a'SSi'stanee With in? State?"administered assistanceand social semiee?programs, aser-v?ice plan ?whieh?indieates-Ihe initial assessment of employ??ielity'for each a, legible cepydf?the-ftont and back ofthe 11-94 formic: each .re?l?ge'e in thercaSe, as required. by the Cdeperative Agreement, {Section; and,? 1-5. UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. Doc No. 005745703 Date: 11/16/2015