January 30, 2016 Revised Report - FINAL Economic Impacts of Medicaid and the Proposed Medicaid Expansion in Idaho Supported by Federal Government Funding By Steven Petersoni Clinical Assistant Professor Economics University of Idaho January 30, 2016 Overview This is an updated economic impact assessment of the federal portion of the FY 2014 Medicaid expenditures in Idaho and the proposed Medicaid expansion based on Option 3.5 (Healthy Idaho Plan) as outlined in the Governor’s Workgroup on Medicaid Expansion. It was sponsored by the Idaho Hospital Association and completed in January, 2016. Methodology The focus of this analysis was to estimate the short-run and near-term economic impacts of Medicaid expansion in Idaho supported by federal dollars. Total Medicaid spending in Idaho in FY 2015 was $2.03 billion (not including the proposed expansion). Approximately, 76% was supported by federal dollars ($1.54 billion) and the balance of $0.53 billion was paid by Idaho. This does not include indirect and implicit support of Medicaid from hospitals and other health care providers by their acceptance of reduced reimbursements associated with the Medicaid programs.    Total federal expenditures for Option 3.5 were evaluated based on data supplied in December, 2015. This January 2016 report is an ongoing and updated analysis of the Governor’s Workgroup on Medicaid Expansion and reflects updated numbers from the Milliman report. We analyzed only a single scenario, Option 3.5, in contrast to earlier reports which included several scenarios. The economic impacts were estimated using a 2011 IMPLAN economic input/output model of the State of Idaho. The expenditures were adjusted to constant 2015 dollars (for the model inputs) but reported in current year’s dollars for the model outputs. The Medicaid expenditures were entered into the economic model to the appropriate health care sector within the model. Results Total Economic Impacts of Option 3.5 (Figure 1): The direct expenditures were entered into the economic model to estimate the total economic impacts including the multiplier effects from the backward linkages of health care expenditures circulating throughout the economy. The total gross economic activity in 2017 was $0.98 billion, which in turn supported $574 million in GSP, $439 million in total compensation, and 11,787 jobs, including the multiplier effects. Tax revenues created from this economic activity includes $16.2 million in sales/excise taxes, $8.7 million in property taxes, $12.4 million in personal/corporate income taxes, for a grand total of $37.3 million. These include the multiplier effects (direct, indirect, and induced effects). These taxes were adjusted to account for the tax exempt status of many Idaho hospitals.ii The economic impacts were calculated for each year from 2017 to 2026 and reported in Figure 1. January 30, 2016 Revised Report - FINAL Assumptions of the Analysis Federal dollars represent new monies coming into Idaho’s economy. In the short-run and near term, they are mostly non-substitutable. A one dollar reduction in federal Medicaid expenditure will result in a one dollar reduction in economic activity in Idaho. In the absence of the federal dollars, these health care expenditures will be pulled from elsewhere in Idaho’s economy displacing private spending, and reducing economic activity elsewhere in the state. For example there will be greater cost shifting from Medicaid to employers and individuals with private health care plans, increasing their premiums which, in turn, reduces consumer spending throughout Idaho’s economy. Over time, the displacement may decrease if there is a corresponding reduction in federal tax payments leaving Idaho. However, there can be very long lags to this process, perhaps decades. Further the relationship between federal dollars entering Idaho versus federal dollars leaving Idaho is very complex and it is possible there may be no adjustment, creating a long-term dollar-for-dollar displacement for federal Medicaid dollars. Terms: The following economic model outputs are reported: 1) Gross economic activity: Reflects the total transactions from all sources in dollars by direct, indirect, and induced economic activity (i.e. including the multiplier effects). The technical term for gross economic activity is sales or output. 2) Gross state product (GSP or value added): A subset of transactions. It is a measure of the net increase in the economy resulting from an increase in expenditures. It includes, wage and salary earnings (payroll), proprietors’ income, other property income, and indirect business taxes. 3) Total Compensation (payroll): A subset of gross domestic product and includes wage, salary, and other proprietors’ income payments and includes fringe benefits to workers. 4) Employment: Represents the total employment resulting from economic activity. 5) Indirect business taxes: Includes all taxes except personal income taxes and corporate income taxes. i These are the results and conclusions solely of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Idaho or any other individuals or organizations. ii Note that is analysis is not a formalized tax forecast model and thus should be interpreted carefully. The tax economic impacts are proportional to the economic activity created by the federal Medicaid dollars coming into the state in long-term equilibrium. January 30, 2016 Revised Report - FINAL Figure 1: Projected Economic Impact of Healthy Idaho Plan (Medicaid Expansion Option 3.5) FY 2017 $ 2018 $ 2019 $ 2020 $ 2021 $ 2022 $ 2023 $ 2024 $ 2025 $ Nominal Federal 577,200,000 602,200,000 635,800,000 664,300,000 698,100,000 745,900,000 797,500,000 853,100,000 913,100,000 977,900,000 Sales Transactions $ 979,502,039 $ 1,021,926,763 $ 1,078,945,593 $ 1,127,309,779 $ 1,184,668,007 $ 1,265,784,080 $ 1,353,348,711 $ 1,447,701,298 $ 1,549,520,637 $ 1,659,485,523 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ GSP 574,087,443 598,952,631 632,371,442 660,717,756 694,335,489 741,877,727 793,199,473 848,499,650 908,176,099 972,626,665 Total Compensation $ 438,985,884 $ 457,999,479 $ 483,553,751 $ 505,229,249 $ 530,935,630 $ 567,289,623 $ 606,533,684 $ 648,819,919 $ 694,452,547 $ 743,735,786 2026 $ total $ 7,465,100,000 $ 12,668,192,430 $ 7,424,844,374 $ 5,677,535,551 * Jobs are reported on an annual basis only Jobs 11,787 12,057 12,453 12,708 13,049 13,626 14,240 14,887 15,622 16,403 * Sales/Excise $ 16,223,115 $ 16,925,780 $ 17,870,160 $ 18,671,198 $ 19,621,200 $ 20,964,694 $ 22,414,994 $ 23,977,719 $ 25,664,114 $ 27,485,420 $209,818,394 Idaho Taxes Property Income $ 8,689,169 $ 12,349,800 $ 9,065,519 $ 12,884,701 $ 9,571,334 $ 13,603,609 $ 10,000,373 $ 14,213,396 $ 10,509,198 $ 14,936,583 $ 11,228,779 $ 15,959,314 $ 12,005,566 $ 17,063,350 $ 12,842,568 $ 18,252,970 $ 13,745,808 $ 19,536,733 $ 14,721,307 $ 20,923,197 $112,379,622 $159,723,653 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 37,262,085 38,876,000 41,045,103 42,884,967 45,066,981 48,152,787 51,483,909 55,073,258 58,946,655 63,129,925 $ 481,921,669