ADA RELATED . hr ALAMEDA COUNTY OFFICE INMATE IEVANCE FORM ]Santa Ritalail Glenn E. Dyer Detention Facility NAME: Darrell Punchline. DATE: 5- Only one grievance issue perform (Subject to refusal {ffo?ure to comply) DATE GRIEVANCE OCCURRED 1 Grievance Detailsheath. Emlyn' as. L}mm pi: "m lame (ERA Mai/11:. ominionenew? rekurnerk 3m meal have. ?namely laceifs-4 M- ?ggn ng? {a ?ag much pain Mrs. mammals: I. m'"1mi; gimme, imam Mme am new!? mainsand-I. I . . 4-.- .. -. .. . W. in 06m. ml we. her-?er Magda?: gm wage! a. 1's. . fa"? 1- We." I SIGNATURE: Ebem?m By signing form, you are consehtln to a search ofyour medical, dental, or mental health records for the purpose of this Investigation only. This acts as a waiver to your rights. 1! you disagree with this, you must indicate so In your grievance. WRITE ON BACK OF THIS FORM. USE ADDITIONAL GRIEVANCE FORMS IF I NOT WRITE BELOW THIS Received by Deputyr Badgel?-l Date: .0506 if ]\Resol\red at Deputy Level I Inmate Acceptance (Signature) Wannot be resolved agDeputv Level Grievance Tracking Number: [53? The Deputy who recelved the Inmate?s grievance shall ottochon Inmate Grievance Response Supplemental Form (MLFS )dctoillng how they resolved or attempted to resolve the ?rm: are?s grievance. - VCR. . - I I M'L?51lrev 10/14) Copies: White-Staff Plnk?lnmete