October 20. 1.970 II. sm?m 3. Andersen crutch ?stand: V. Patroceln subject: Asbestos minions true Brake Lining in: I hive the auditing comet: relating to asbestos a health band and nab-Ital as product of brake lining weer. Sane n: then yon have seen heme. but I inciminq than in case they were airplane:35 law? A new:de in which the total. amount: of asbestos Horn Erna the brake lining in the (1.5. in estimated. A page: by Jeremie}: R. describing his chnezvntim at the mount of ?been: than: Appearing in Erika Lining veer aebril. bibliograahr an. thr. cucinaqenic effect: at ?helm an asbestos damn. it draft copy of e. aom-tn-be-mbuelwd Report a! Mmepiinhnanu from on: laboratory in which the result: of June preliminary duet Ialpiing experiments are practiced. we are prean to can-y an: additional mint-bu which hit}. provide lute quantitatively reliable results. Ray Genie: Chemical Engineering Department Scientific Research Stat! @8661 9 PRODUCED 5? 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