FORD PARTS AND SERVICE DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN "Our goal: No unhappy owners? BULLETIN NUMBER 99 EXHIBIT I PRGDUCED BY FORD BULLETIN CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE GENERAL I284 1913 MODEL mono FLOAT PROGRAM.Igm ALI. ems acumen WITH AM-FM AMI-FM STEREO TAPE Ann AM-FM STEREU SIGNAL SEARCH 4 BODY . I255 coon TRIM FAMEL - BULGE mama moummc cAAcxs puu. HANIJLE AREA21975 roan MODELS EzL-sm. 5 1255 FRONT SEAT BACK ANGLE ADJUSTMENT?1975 II GRANADA EQUIFPED FLIGHT BENCH MOOELS 64H 5: I: a 128? HEADLAMP COVER ORNAMENT ASSEMELY- PLASTIC INSERT MISSING .4915 FDHDEALL VEHICLES so EDUIPFED 8 1m INSTRUMENT PANEL GLOVE aox anon REPAIR . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . a CHASSIS I259 RAKE ASBESTOS FIEEA DUST REMOVAL . . ALL YEARS- ALL LINES 1270 UPPER AND BALL JOINT INSPECTION PHOCEIJUFIE .ALL 1974- Im LINES 9 ELECTRICAL 12'? NC comomsen REFRIGEHANT LEAK.IETA, 75 a. 78 mama mo ELITE 11 1272 STEREO SEARCH HAotochIou . . . . . . . . AND ELITE so EQUIPPED '1 m: ANTI-THEFTALAFIM SYSTEM ITIAENDSISALI. VEHICLES so EOUIPFED 12 I214 "anAIcE" WARNING LIGHT FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 1275 noon AJAR WARNING LIGHT STAYS "on" ALL [mans 5mm: Am: LATCHED .msva ITonma TAXI AND MUSTANG IALI. so EQUIPPEDI 14 1273 COIL CAPACITOR WASHER MISSING1916 AND ELITEWITH :Ismmoucm ENGINES 14 ICuntinucd an Page 2I Suvic: Mama-r Pam Mina-am Scwitl wmu Tuimmiin mg; 013358 . I .- meow '5 rm waglmm? 5" m' BULLETIN N0. 99 OCTOBER 24. 19% BULLETIN CONTENTS [Continued] ARTICLE NO. . PAGE 337? INVEFIMITTENT DIAGNOSIS CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-973 GRANADA - 1978 MUSTANG IS ma REPAIR OF momma. uumnascmc up: PLAYER UNTIL necmaen 2975 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l97? uuAnnAsnmc TAPE PLAYER ?5 FDWEHTRAIN ma amcwosas PROCEDURE FCIR NOISY THERMACTOR PUMPS . AVAILABILITY OF NEW QUIET mammcma AIFI PUWIP . . . . . . . . . . . . anamms EQUIPPED WITH THERMACTOH ma PUP-1M 37 1230 ENGINE DETDNATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192575 PASSENGER cans WHICH HAVE 49 sure muanmoms 0N LY 13 I 1251 TRANSMISSION MOUNTED vuanmnou DAMPER MODIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . - . . . . CARS EQUIPPEDWITII A MDUNTEO vmna?nom DAMPER "3 uncommeacuazg GENERAL 1264 1978 MODEL mom Pan-cram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1975 ALL cans soumpeo mm MGNAUHAL, AM-FMWX. 5759: 50 TAPE mm AMFM STEREO SIGNAL 52 men 4 BODY was noon TRIM BULGE amazon 5 MDULDING CRACKS IN FULL HANDLE AREA . . . . . . . . . . . .1975 MERCURY MOBELS ESL-ESLTIK 1266 FROM SEAT BACK ANGLE ADJUSTMENT.Igm w; MDNAHCH enuwen mm FLIGHT 55mm SEAT - MODELS 54H 5. 6 CHASSIS use amme mags-ms FIBEH DUST REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL YEARS . ALL cm was 3 mo UFFER .mn Lowsn BALL. JOINT 9 INSPECTION PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ALL 1974 i 1375 CAH MINES CAPHII ELECTRICAL 1271 MC comoeusm nasmaenm?r LEAK1914.75 3. 7e MONTEGO acoucAn ?3 1272 mam SEARCH RADIO OFTIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . AWE IV. MERCURY AND coqun so acumen I I 1273 ALARM IMPROVED DIAGNDSIS. . . . . . ALL VEHICLES SO EUUIFPED 12 1274 WARNING LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ma. ALL can LINES ?3 [Continued on Page 3) Page 2 613359 PRODLICED BY FORD FAFDUBDDIEESD I'vrr. - . PH OCTOBER 24. 1975 BULLETIN NO. 99 BULLETIN CONTENTS (Continued! ARTICLE NO. PAGE 1275 DOOR AJAH WARNING LIGHT STAYS ALL DOORS OLOSED AND LATCHED . . . . . . . . I915 - 16 CONTINENTAL AND MARK Iv ?1 3 I275 IGNITION OOIL CAPACIYOR MIssmO.IOTII MERCURY. MONTEOO AND COUGAR WITH 35I 400 CID ENGINES 14 I277 INTERMITTENTWIFER DIAGNOSIS CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1973 ?5 IgTa REPAIR OF MOTOROLA OUADRASONIO TAPE PLAYER UNTIL DECEMBER :11. l9?.1973 LINOOLN CONTINENTAL AND MARI: Iv DUAORAEONIO TAPE PLAYER "5 POWERTHAIN ma DIAGNOSIS PROCEDURE FOR NOISY TH ERMACTUH PUMPS - AVAILAILITY OF NEW OUIET TNERMAOTOR AIR PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALI. TOTE MONAROHS EOIJIPPED THERNIAOTOR AIR sums ?7 12m: ENGINE DETONATION ISPARK KNOCK1975-73 PASSENGER OARs WHICH HAVE 49 CALIBRATIONS ONLY 13 ?231 TRANSMISSION MOUNTED VIBRATION DAMPER MDDIFICATION ALL PASSENGER DARE EDUIPPED WITH A TRANSMISSION MOUNTED VIBRATION DAMPER i3 TRUCKS GENERAL 125: I976 MODEL RADIO FLOAT PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1923 HOODED EOUIPPED WITH AM-ENI MULTIPLE: 4 BODY I232 REVISED ORDER AMERICAN ROAD SLEDE-IN CAMPER PARTS ROAD CAMPER 19 1233 WATER DRAINAGE RSEEWICE REFLAOEMENTTAILOATES.BRONOO *9 CHASSIS 125m .. . . . .-. . . . . . . . THROUGH 1975?: FSEFIIES LIGHT TRUCKS AND 1914 EOONOLINES 19 1269 ERAHE ASBESTOS FIBER DUST REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ALL YEARS- ALL OAR LINES 1234 BRAKE MOAN OR SHUODER IN DURINO LIOHT DRAKE APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515 Ewan so EOONDLINE 19 1:35 REPLACEMENT OF REAR IIRAONET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1987-75 AND SERIES 20 use STEERING SHAFT AND UNWERSAL . . . . SERIESTHUEKS 20 I231 POWER BRAKE OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . val. EIDOIIED INITH SINGLE DIAPHRAGM In INOHI 21 VACUUM BRAKE BOOSTER ASSEMBLY (Continued on Page 4! P393 3 013380 FAFDOG1 2951 PRODUCED FORD FAFDHUUBEEQSI. ?I-n-u . - BULLETIN NO. 39 Momma OCTOBER 24, 1975 BU LLETIN CONTENTS ARTICLE I D?ttnuedI PAGE POWEFITFIAIN I 775-5 TRANSMISSION COOLER LINE FILTER . I . . . ALL. THUG K5 WITH H.540 TRANSMISSION 23 924?s mmamosmw REAR sum-oar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197: our) man Lugoon WITH FULLER 510. HTOBSI: ANO DETROIT DIESEL ENGINES 23 I230 ENGINE DETDNATION KNOOKI . . . . . - TRUCKS UNDER. soon ovw HAVE ?9 STATE CALIBRATIONS now I 8 who REVISED CHOKE HOUSING NOTCH SETTING HTGH ALTITUDE opEnA-rrow ONLY rats FISOHSDISSD . semen CID ENGINE 23 use TRANSMISSION TD CLUTCH HOUSING INTERFERENCE . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1915 no WITH SPICEFI soar: SERIES TRANSMISSION mo 475cm ENGINE 24 GENERAL Article No. 1264 1976 MODEL RADIO FLOAT PROGRAM 1976 ALL CARS EOUIPPED WITH AIM-FM MONAUFIAL, AM-FM-MPX. AMIFM STEREO TAPE AND AMIFM STEREO SIGNAL SEARCH RADIOS .LINCDILN-MEHCOHY: 1975 ALL CARS EOUIPPED WITH AM-FM MONAURAL. AM-FHI-MPX. Afi'l-FM STEREO TAPE AND STEREO SIGNAL SEARCH RADIOS I975 EQUIPFED WITH MULTIPLEX RADIOS Page 4 PRODUCEII BY FORD The 1916 Radio Fioat Program was announcer: in September by a letter which was sum to alt dealers accompanied bv an order ?arm. The prirnary purpose of the ?oat program I: to give participating dealer: the ahilitv to provide one sron service to customcr$ with radro chassis mallunztions. If you am not aware ol this program. perhaps the original mailing was misplaced. Program details and additional order dorms can be obtained [tom the Ford Parts and Service Division District Of?ce. Currentty. only the more complex radiochaois manufactured Actonutronio-Ford Corporation is being offered in the ?oat program. Foilowing. is a list to the floor radio part num- bers and their appiicotioo to model war uoh?cius. These part numbers appear only on the shipping carton 013381 FAFDOO ?i 2952 :r .. "stay-1; I 'l 3'0? I Il'pu-lh OCTOBER 241.1915 BULLETIN ND. 99 Rldla Typo Canon PIN chassis PIN Model Year Vehielu Um: Appllulinn AMIFM Monaural 0613249305- l976 Mustang ll; BHF A6 Granada. Maverick. Monarch. Came: UBFZ-ISEOB- DEEA 19A17I- 197G Pinto, Bone-t BRF AB AMIFM Multipla: 1975 5 Ford. Martunr. BRF AC 1975 Torino. MOMISB. Mumng ll, Grimm. Monarch. Cnugtr. Haverink. Comm. . ?i'vBinl, Mark IV BMW-13806. usvmenza I- 19175 5: Llncaln, Mucm'v BFIF AE 1976 will: F'qu Antenna usamanzu. 1.575 Pinto. Bobcat DHF AA 1976 DBTZ-IBBOS- 19? ?001350 Truck ERF AA AMIFM Multiple: ossrx-rsmsa- II T?Blnl. Mark. IV, Stereo Tana CHF AD 1575 Ellie. Couglr. Combination Mammy new-i580!? DSVA-IQMGE- I975 5 Lincoln. Mercury AC I975 with Power Antenna. AMIFM Muhiplu DESAJQMEO- l9?l'5 a. Tam. Mark IV, Signal Search AHF AC 1976 Ellie. Gouger. ?nnrcurv DSVAJQAIBO- NE Lincoln. Mercury AHF AC with Power Antenna. The malfunctioning radio chassis mould be sent immediately to the local authmized Anrunutmnic-Ford remir shop or exchange station. Form PCS 1878. completely ?lled out. should accompany the radio chassis. Radio: can be shipped or'nared in the canon: In which the ?oat radios were packed. The Now AMIFM multiplex search radius can only he an- ehangld by your local authorized ?change nation a: lndi~ cited and lined on T85 Na. 83, dated February 7. 1575 in Arlicla 1003. WAHEANTY STATUS: Article No. 1265 BODY AREA DOOR PANEL - BULGE MOULDING CRACKS IN FULL HANDLE IE75 FORD MODELS 53L 60L 1935 MERCURY MODE-2E9 71K Door panel bulge in the pull handle area can be corrected by cutting off the excess length [1 to? threads above the nut! of the pull handle nuns as shown in Fig. on The following page. BY FORD Page 5 013382 BULLETIN no. 99 OCTOBEFI 24. 1975 - BODY [cont?dl Ti mm THE FULL Hm; If tho door trim panel mouldings have been damagad. they OLE To should ha removed and replaced by appropriate service pans THE noon THIM PA- as listed in Car Parts Master Catalog (basic numbm 20942- NEL. REMOVE EXCESS 33nd 255046 . Tm? THREADS raw EACH I To 2 WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable wlthin the provisions A- of the Warranty and Policy Manual. nova To PREVENT OPERATIO P42 9d -B-7 Cu ff MULDI a TEHFEHENCE 3 2 Bl Rage 5 PULL mums TIME: 0.4 Hr. DLH. CODENG: Basic Part Number 7022656 Code 60 NOTE: ENLARGED VIEW-ATTACHMENT AT ARROW mum BACK SIDE or PANEL. {a Article No. 1266 FRONT SEAT BACK ANGLE ADJUSTMENT 197515 GRANADA EQUIPPED WITH FLIGHT BENCH SEAT - MODELS 54H 51 LINCOLN MERCURY 1975K MONARCH EOUIPPED WITH FLIGHT BENCH SEAT MODELS 54H 8: Fourrdoor modal seat back angle can be decreased to par vide a more upright not back angle. Elongate The seat back ?Inching hole In the Eront seat bank Diva! BUT-EV as shown in Fig. 2 on opposio: pagi. WARRANTY Helm?umble within the Envision: 3' FRONT 50?? FANEL of the Warranty and Policy Manual. L. H. SYMMETRICALLY Ta . 3330 . A OPERATION: Am"! 1255 TIME: 0.9 Hr. On: Side - 1.5 Hrs. Both Sides om. cooma: Base PM No. 70518034 - Code 35 Page 6 013363 FAFDDO12954 PRODUCED 83! FORD FAFBDUBUIZQEJT OCTOBER 24. 1975 BULLETIN ND. 99 REMOVE SEAT BACK It TRIM TO GAIN ACCESS FDFI THE. OUTER SUPPORT REMOVAL HEWORK BY ELONGA- TING THE TOP ACHING HOLE FROM 0.325 DIAMETER HOLE TD 0.445 SLOT AS SHOWN. FRONT SEAT BACK Pl- VOT OUTER SUPPORT oveayzao ATTACH- ING HOLES AS- SEMBLING. PUSH THE SEAT BACK A5 FAR runwaan AS rosa- aus BEFORE C3 ATTACHING scams. Tau? A Fig. 2 - Artie?! No. I256 Paar: 7 013364 FAFDOO12955 PRODUCED BY FORD FAFIJEIDHOMQEE Mmcunv. l- It OCTOBER 24, 1975 BULLETIN nose [ct-mt, Article No. 1267 3. install Not 8-18 1(2" washar head screws Illrocurr: HEADLAMP COVER ORNAMENT ASSEMBLY roulwf? INSERT MISSING .- 4. install glove box door in vehicle and adjust door utii- izing the blond-out adjustment of the lock striker. HHS FORD - ALL VEHICLES 50 - WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions On vehicles encountered with the plastic insert of the Warranty and Policy Manual. missing lrom the headlamp door ornamnnt, the ornament anemblv mutt be replaced. thoold the Insert be Diagram-to?; 5p_05024_A.75 rotrievabltr. the port can be elirotiveiv racemontrd to 111% ornament housing uting prestunr activated vinyl Time; 93 Ht kit. part number Follow the on the label. DLR. CODING: Basic Part No. 7005024 - Coda 01 PARTNUMBEFI PART NAME Ornament Illumva Pre?um Activated Vinita ?3 Mm" Article No. 1259 WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable lilIIlI'lII?l the provltlons of tho Warranty and Policy Manual. BRAKE ASBESTOS FIBER DUST REMOVAL OPERATION: SPslala?uA-75 t; TIME: 0.3 Hr. - Replace Ornament. (1.2 Hr. Canton-t Drna- i?ll-L YEARS ALL CAR LINES men! Insert om. coomo: antic Part Number 7013A186 - Coda 33. ALL YEARS - ALL CAR LINES Article No. 1238 ALL YEAHS- ALL TRUCK SERIES PANEL GLOVE Box DOOR REPAIR The following Caution Note should be cross raforonovd in Group 12. Volume I of the Car and Truck Shop Manuals when parlornting wheel brain: repairs. 1974-75 MUSTANG CAUTION: [Just and din conditions present on whaal brake astumbilea and rotor: and drums, may contain aihuma ?bers that can raprrsent a potential health hazard when nude airbornt by cleaning with compressed air. The glove box door it retained to the door inner panel by integral plastic studs that are over. Glove box doors with broken stairan but no other damage can be satisfac- torily repaired by installation of mother homo mews. using me All wheel brake ammblie: should therefore be cleaned only with a vacuum cleaner suitable lor use with asbestos ?bers. This type of vacuum cleaner is available through the Rotunda D'ealbr Ett?uipment Catalog. Dust'and dirt irorwt?ne vacuum manor should be disposed of in a manner that prevents dust exposure. 1. Remove the glove box door from vehiclLand place on a clean work bench. 2. Using a hand held ml? drill [wrap tape over the i sharp edges of the ?utesl. ramuva the broken Plastic . a stakes. Ran-love sulliciant stud material to that tho washer AW I?m? Pad" head mm?, mg 8.18 Haul cm clamp the Inn? should be dona using properly exhaust ventilated eoumment. m" STATUS: Page 3 013365 FAFDODI 2956 PRODUCED BY FORD (tau? :3 3: a; MEFICUFIY v- LINCOLN OCTOBER 24,1975 BULLETIN ND. 99 Article N0. 1270 LOWER BALL JOINT INSPECTION UPPER AND LOWER BALL JOINT INSPECTION PROCEDURE I, Raise the vehicle and place lacks under the lower sus- pension arms as shown in Fig.4. This will unload the iowerbnii joints. ALL 1974-1976 CAR LINES LINCO LN-MEHC UFW ALL 1974-1973 CAR LINES (EXCEPT CAFHII This article revises the upper and lower bail gains inspectlm procedure in the 197-1 and 1975-76 Car Shop Manual. Group 14. 1., Prior to performing the bail joint inspection, adjust the wheat? hearing: as described in Group II of the 197d71975?75 Car Shop Manual? TOBINDIELITEIMO NTEGDICOUGAFI, THUNDEFIBIHDIMARK W, LINCOLN, MUSTANGJPINTO AND EOBCAT MAXIMUM TOLERANCE UPPER BALL JDINT INSPECTION MEASURING LOWER BALL JOINT I. Raise the vehicle and place ?oor lacks beneath the lower RADIAL PLAY 11,3351 . A Suspension armsi IFig. Flat, 4 Article No. 1270 2. Attach a dial Indicator to the lower suspension arm and posltlon the Indicator so that the plunger rests against the inner side ol the wheel rim adiacent to the lower ball iolnt. 3. Grasp the tire at the top and bottom and slowly move the tire in and out [Fig.4), Note the reading (radio! play] on the dial indicator. II the reading exceeds 0,250 inch. {Fit}. replace the lower suspension arm? BALLJOINTS - RADIAL PLAY SPECIFICATIONS Flldill HIV . hi I Mad I ?uorine! UPPER BALLJOINTINSPECTION mam, a Mu.AlIoweblu Fosdlercury Law-r Boll Joins 0.250 lnelt Fig" 3 Ankle Nu? 12"] Replace In. elm 2. Ask an assistant to grasp the lower edge of the tire and ??rl'gm??r'm upper enuolm I. move ?he Wheel in and DUI. I?b?quWPi?tof?obCIl ptruplibly tome nlnloco the elm 3. While the wheel is being moved. observe the upper Loler Joint rl tun lolnt I. loan end oi the spindle and me upper suspension arm. {Any up? 6mm? mm m? movement between the upper end of the spindle and upper suspension arm indicates abnormal ball joint weani Fig. 3. Honin- me um Blunl?dMannteh Lemur Ball Joint t1 lull Iain! ii pore-mitt? Icon Honor Ball Joint TB- 332! A 4. if any such movement is observed. Install new upper suspension arm. Fig. 5 Article No. 1270 Page 9 013366 FAFDOO12957 PRQHUCED BY FORD BULLETIN NO. 99 MAVERICKICDMET be LOWER BALL JOINT INSPECTION 1. Balsa the vehicle on a frame contact hois: or by floor ionic: pieced beneath the underbetiv. until the wheel tell: to the full dawn position. (Fig. El. -. LIMI- -- CHASSIS [cent?tl] LOWER BA LL. JOINT INSPECTIUN TB - A Fig. 5 - Article No. me 2. Ask an assistant to grasp the lower edge of the tire and mm the wheel in and out. 3. A: the wheel is being moved in and out. observe the lower End of the tpindle and the lower suspension arm. (Any movement between the lower end ol the spindle and the lower arm indicates abnormal ball loint weenl (Fig. 6). 4. If any such movement is observed. install new louver sut- penslon arm. UPPER BALL JOINT INSPECTION l. Raise the vehicle on a frame contact hoist or by floor jacks placed beneath the underbudv until the wheel falls to the full down positlon as Shown in Fig. 7. This will unload the matter ball loint. Page 10 PRODUCED BY FORE OCTOBER 24, 1975 MAXIMUM TOLERANCE FOR MAVERICKJCOMET ONLY MEASURING UPPER BALL JOINT RADIAL PLAY Fig. 7 Article No. me 2. Atteth a dial Indicator to the upper arm and position the indicator so that the plunger rem agalnSt the inner side oi the wheel rim adjacent to the upper suspension arm ball joint. 3. Grasp the tire at the top and bottom. and sfowlt' mm"? the the in and out {Fit}. 7). Note the reading [redial ntavl en the dial Indicator. Ii the reading exceeds 0.250 inch, [Fig. replace the upper suspension arm. UPPER BALL JOINT INSPECTION 1. Flaise the vehicle on a frame contact host: or by floor ieoks placed beneath the underbodv unti? the wheel tell: to the luli down position as thown in Fig. 7. 2. Ask an aLthe ton and betwrn. and slowly move the tire In and out (Fig. 71. 3. While the wheel is being moved. observe the um?! and of the solndle and the upper Suspension arm. [Any move; ment between the upper end of the spindle and the upper suspension arm indicates abnormal ball joint weanl Fig. 7. 013367 FAFDOO12958 12958 OCTOBER 24. 1975 4. ll any such movement is observed, lnStaiI new upper suspension arm. NOTE: GrenodelMooerch upper boll joints have: poly- ethylene liners and do not require lubrication; therefore. no rem fitting is provided. LOWER BALL JOINT INSPECTION I. Raise the vehicle on a frame contact hoist or by Iieer iacks placed beneath the underbodv, until the wheel ialls to the Iull down position IFig. El. 2. Ask no assistant to grasp the lower edge of the tire and move the wheel in end out. 3. As the wheel is being moved in and out. observe the lower oi the spindle and the lower suspension arm. [Any movement between the lower end at the spindle and the lower arm indicates abnormal bait Joint wear.) Fig. 6. 4. It any such movement is observed. install new lower suspennon arm .. WARRANTY STATUS: FORMATION ON ELECTRICAL Article No. 1271 AIC CONDENSER REFRIGERANT LEAK 1974. 75 8t 76 TORINO 8t ELITE 1974. 75 3t 76 MONTEGO Br COUGAR A loss of Ali: cooling due to a refrigerant leak at the conden- ser. may occur on vehicles equipped with power steering. Interference between the power steering oil cooler tube and the front surface ol the NC condenser may result In a leak without proper clearance. reler to Fin. 8, TO Prevent condenser damage, the power steering oil cooler bracket may be bent to provide inch clearance to the front surface of the NC condenser. Check and correct If necessary during vehicle predelitrerv or service. WARRANTY STATUS: COLN BULLETIN NO. 99 MOUNTING BRACKET I km?? Huh]! SEE VIEW A POWER OILCOOLER AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSER BRACKET POWER STEERING OIL COOLER is INCH CLEARANCE VIEW A Fig. 8 - Article No, 1271 Article No. 1272 STEREO SEARCH RADIO OPTION 1576 F0 RD. THUNDERBIRD AND ELITE SO EOUIPPED LINCOLN-MERCURY 1976 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL. MARK IV, MERCURY AND COUGAR SO EOUIPPED A ?oor-mounted, foot-operated remote tuning switch is provided as part of the AMIFMIMPX Stereo Search Radio option. The switch Is located to the right and forward of the head lamp dimmer switch. Page I 1 013363 BY F0 FAFDOD12959 i-?Ji -.- h'l BULLETIN ND. 99 Ev momentarily depressing the [not switch, scotch tuning can be aetlvated in the same manner as stone by usng the SEEK or SCAN button. It the radio is operating in the SEEK made. the loot switch will act its a SEEK button when It is momentariqr depressed. Similariy, If the radio is operating in the SCAN mode, the loot switch will also operate as a SCAN busters wiser: momentarily depressed. The resulting tuning operation is the same as described under SEEK and SCAN tuning in the 19315 Owner?s Manual and Radio Opera- ting Manual. NOTE: In some rurai areas where only weak stations are present. air signals may not he strong enough to trigger the stop-search circuitrtr in the radio. Activation of the SEEK or SEAN button will cause the radio to continually search the AM hand without Iaiecting or stopping on a station. The latch operation can be discontinued by turning the radio 0H. Turn the radio on to resume it: normni operation. WARRANTY STATUS: ON Article No. 1273 ANTI THEFT ALARM SYSTEM - IMPROVED DIAGNOSIS ALL VEHICLES SO EOUIPPED LINCO burlarsncunv ALL. VEHICLES 50 EGUIPPED T974 AND YEAH MODELS ?The vehicles have a time deiav of about two minutes after the system is armed heiore activation of a sensor would cause the born to sound. Page 12 RODUC EH BY FORD OCTOBER 24. 1535 1975 AME 1975 MODE L5 0 lite time drag is eliminated. When the system is tuned. the horn will sound immedv ietolv upon a system sensor being autil?tted. The actuator is not inteichongtiabie with prior year models. 0 Anti their system is not available on Mau- or Corner. 0 The lock switch travel angle was increased. This ieature helps to prevent accidental arming. .The alarm can be shut off at the door look as well as at the ignition switch. DIAGNOSIS PROCEDURE 1. Verify that the courtesy light circuit is working propeer 2. Verify that the horn blow: from the horn switch. 3. Verify that other system which receive power as share the some fuse or circuit breaker are functional. 4. Verify that the luggage compartment or tailgate door switch is operable. NOTE: The system cannot be disarmet?l or armed at this switch. 5. Dimonnecs anti-theft wiring to the left hand from door. Follow the operational procedure for the right hand door. II system lunctiont normalis- the oroitlern it in the Ielt hand door suing andror switch. To check the when and wiring. remove the door trim oanei. Turn the has to the uniocit oolstion and using an ohmmeter. cheers for continuity between the No. 23 tonftt. green and No. 25 dark bluei?green wires. With key returned to center position the ohmmeter should show over ?0,000 ohms. if not. trace crcuit through door switch and wiring. Repair or replace key turned to the lock position the same condition will exist between the No. 23 tart-fit. green and No. 24 dark blueloronge hash wires. Also check lor continuity from both dark bue wires to ground. The ohmmeter should show over soohno ohms. ll not, check wiring tar short to ground. 013369 2960 E?Rfi?ii?iil] 12950 OCTOBER 24. 1975 5. it system still malfunctions with wires disconnected as in Step 5. reconnect wires to left hand door and dis- . connect wires to right hand door and follow the opera- tional procedure for the hilt hand door. Ii the system operates normally the problem is in the right hand door switch andlor wiring. Repeat switch and continuity tests as outlined in Step 5. 7. ii any oi these systems are not working properly, repair or replace the lttaparative switch wires and then recheck the operation at the anti-theft alarm system before proceeding with the complete check out proce- dure as listed in the 1975176 Shop Manuals. Part 35-35. Pages 2, 3. 4 and 5. WARRANTY STATUS: Am'cia No. WARNING LIGHT FUNCTIONS 1978 a ALL CARLIN ES LINCOLNMERCU RY 1976 - ALL CARLINEE On all 1976 passenger vehicles. the "Brake" warning light should glow when the parking brake is engaged andior ii the hydraulic dual brake system malfunctions, when the ignition switch is in any position except or The ground side of the "Brake" warning light is Electrically connected in parallel. the parking brake and the dual brake warning system. If the switch in either system grounds. the "Brake" light will glow. ii the "Brake" light stays on, disconnect the lead to the ?Brake? warning light at the "dual brake warning light, switch." If the "Brake" light continues to stay on. the probthe iollowing: 1. Partial engagement of the parking brake. 2. Inoperative parking brake switch. 3. Wire pinched or shorted to the parking brake mechanism. BULLETIN NO. 99 It the "Brake" light goes out when the lead is disconnected at the "dual brake warning light switch" the probiem is either in the hydraulic brake system or the dual brake warning switch. NOTE: When pariorrning that than checks the ignition switch must be in any positinn ?up: 0' WARRANTY STATUS: Article No. 1275 DOOR AJAR WARNING LIGHT STAYS WITH ALL DOORS CLOSED AND LATCHED. THUNDERBIRD. i TORINO AND MUSTANG SO EOUIPFEDI LINCO 193?5-76 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL AND MARK iV ii the door trier warning light remains In the position with all doors closed and latched. this may be caused by latch assemth build variations. allowing the latch bolt to trespass the door aiar switch rotor. The procedure provided in the Diagnosis Chart on the follow- intl 9892. must be used to determine th specific cause and necessarv corrective action. NOTE: Flefar to the 1575 Car Shop Manual. Volume 4, Part 44413, for Door Latch and Door Aiar Switch Removal and installation instructions. PARTNUMSEH PAHTNAME CLASS 0502-14013-A Door Alar Switch A mezasztatm Flight Front Door Latch A Md?ziBu-A Lalt Front Door Latch A Flight Fleet Door Latch A LDII Rear Door Latch 5 WARRANTY srn?rus: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manual. OPERATION: Fleier to Service Labor Time Standards Manual for appropriate operation and time. DLR. CODING: Basic Part No. 14015 Code 36. Page 13 0133? PRODUCED ?1 FORD FAFD0012961 1 . BULLETIN NO. 99 ELECTRICAL lcont?d] OCTOBER 24, 1975 NI DOOR LIGHT STAYS ON VERIFY CONDITION WITH CLOSED AND LATCHED. LIGHT OFF ROAD TEST OAR AND OBSERVE THAT LIGHT DOES NOT FLICKEH OH COME ON. I LIGHT ON nofhu DISCONNECT ALL 0005 AME SWITCHES ONE AT A TIME AT LATCH TD ISOLATE GROUND. LIGHT SHOULD GO LIGHT STAYS ON ON ALL LIOHT GOES OUT ON ANY GROUND IN WIRING OE: TWEEN BULB AND SWITCH. CHECK SWITCH FOB SHORT. OI: I NOT OK REPLACE WITH NEW SNITOH AND NEW LATCH. NOTE: SUB-ASSEHELE NEWI SWITCH TO NEW LATCH ON BENCH. VERIFY PROPER RELATION- SHIP OF LATCH BOLT TO SWITCH HOTOH. REPLACE SWITC H. Article 610.1276 IGNITION COIL CAPACITOR WASHER MISSING 1975 FORD. TORINO AND ELITE CARS WITH 351 OH 400 CID ENGINES LINCOLN MERCURY 1575 MERCURY. MONTEGO AND COUGAR WITH 351 OH 400 CID ENGINES Page I4 PRODUCED 91? FORD Some early tuilt 1936 Ford. Mercury. Torlnu. Mantegn. Cougar and cm. 351M and 400 CID angina. encounter Inturierunce on tha AM band due to an inadtqunte ground It the capacitor mounted on the ignition call. This may be cautad try a tooth lock washer which thouid be under the machan screw or thl! cap~ Icitur mount. Install lock washer If necessary. If radio Interference ramains after performing the above. ruler to the ?Diagnosis 0! Radio Systems". CTP-1975-2 Boulder No. I of 2. WARRANTY STATUS: ON 0133? FAFD0012962 potoeea 24, 1975 Article No. 1277? 'w BULLETIN no. es hicies, The system oflers two new features: eiectricallv oo- CHART INTERMITTENT WIPER DIAGNOSIS ordinated wash and wipe action when the wiper switch is in the "off" posittan and the washes button I: deuressed lather systems meohanicattv move the wiper switch from "oil" to 1916 GRANADA AND MUSTANG 1975 MONAHCH the "on" position when the washer button is depresSedi. and. additionolty, extra wipe cycles previde for drying the windshioid after the washer button it released. The wiper system will then automatically shot all. To assist In understanding the new intermittent wiper system the foltowlng intermittent wiper diagnosis chart is supplied: A new coiumn mounted intermittent wiper system has been dQSIgned for the 1976 Granada. Monarch and Mustang veg WARRANTY STATUS: ON INTERMITTENT WIPER DIAGNOSIS BHANAOAMONAHCH 1976 ND INTERMITTENT WIPE. LDW SPEED AND I WIFE OVEHRIDE 2 HIGH SPEED OK INON DE- NO INTEHMITTENT DH LOW SPEED WIPE. I CHECK OF WIPEH SWITCH. NOT OK OK REPLACE CHECK CONTINUITV OF WIPER WIRING SWITCH SWITCH AND GOVERNOR AND WIPEH NOT cit 0" I REPAIR WIRING AS NECESSARY. REPLACE GOVERNOR PRESSED PARK-COLUMN SWITCHI. THE CONDITION ?l IS THERE LOW SPEED WIPE WHEN WASH BUTTON I5 DEPHESSED AND SWITCH I3 NU i I IS WASHER MOTOR I YES NO I CHECK WINDSHIELD WASHER CIRCUITS. CHECK OF mama BETWEEN AND ooveauon. DR OK REPAIR WIRING AS REPLACE GOVERNOR NECESSARY. WHEN WASH BUTTON IS PRODUCED BY RELEASED IS THERE 2 TD 6 CYCLES OF LOW SPEED AFTER Page 15 013372 FAFDOO12963 FORD BULLETIN NO. 99 Article No. 1278 REPAIR OF MOTOROLA OUADHASONIC TAPE PLAYER UNTIL DECEMBER 31.1975 1976 THunoenemo ounonnsomc TAPE PLAYER LINCO 1975 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL AND MARK IV WITH OUADRASONIC TAPE PLAYER Complex' repairs may be required for the new Motorola Ouadraaonle Taoa Player. To retain Customer satisfaction. the service procedures indicated below must be loltowed. ll repair work is necessary on the unit. it should be returned to Motorola for repair or to the nearest authorized exchange station for replacement. Alter December 31. 1975. repairs should be handled through authorized tervloe stations in the EECTRIBAL [cunt?d] OCTOBER 25. 1575 The Motorola Service Center for unit repair Motorola Servloe Corner 333 Northwest Ave. Nonhlake. ill. 60164 Mr. Hobart Hall ?The Motorola Exchange Station: are shown on the iollow n9 listing. A warranty repair tag {Form giving the failure dates and reason for the Ioliure mutt mompanv each returned unit. NOTE: All unlta ahlpoad directly to Motorola should he cara- fullv ploltad to prevent damage. Com for thinning unltt to ?u manufacturer Iltouid be anPIInd to the Repllr Order and lnlarrantv Claim {Form and aorta I'or return at the unlu will he abaorbed by the Manulaoturar. The Exchange Sta- tion! are not authorlaad to moire repairs on inop- unit: but to enhance them units repa1r~ Ill normal manner. ed at the tummy. WARRANTY STATUS: ARIZONA Jimmy?s Auto Radio 50-39 Seventh Avenu Phoenix. 85013 Millar Rotor Redlo 311 Em 7th Street Tucton. 35705 CALIFORNIA Auto Electric Radio 2503 ?andolnh Strut Huntington Park. 90255 Motorola Caiilornla Incorporated 16027 N. Carmenlta Carrltot. 90101 Wimp-r Jooa?aql? 1521 Sml'i Sacramento. 958M Handano?t Auto Fiadlo 345 5. Market San Jon. 95113 Pogo 16 COLORADO Downtown Radio 60? N. Union Blvd. Colorado Springs. 80909 Downtown Radio Sin-518 Eart 13th Avenue Denver. 5020?! FLORIDA Duval Auto Radio 4488 Phlliipt Hiuhwav Jacksonville. 32207 Elatarn Electronic: 9900 N.W. 27th Avenue Miami. 3314? Oooann Flodln, Inn. 2521 Etut South Street Orlando. 32803 GEORGIA Soaedornater Service Co. 950 Spring Street NJN. Atlanta. 30309 MOTOROLA AUTHORIZED EXCHANGE STATIONS Motorola Service Canter 1553 N. Edgington Strut Franklin Park. 50131 INDIANA National Auto Radio 303 5- Clinton smat Fort Wayne. 46002 KANSAS Aztlan Auto Radio 413 Tel-Jun thhl. 87214 KENTUCKY Scholar Radio a: w. 1011': smut 41001 Klnoholoo Rodin ?annel. Inc. 820 South 1at5mat Lnuiavilla. 40203 PRDEUCED HY FORD LOUISIANA Auto Fladlo Center 21211 Milton New Orloarra. 30122 Shloo Radio Service 423 Lalra SIreeI Shreveport. 1'110?2 MARYLAND Caron Radio and Emilee 19 Ingletlde Avnnua Baltimore. 21220 MASSACHUSETTS National Car Radio 65 N. Beacon Street Water-town. 02172 MICHIGAN Radio Frank 1404! Midiloan Avanua Durham. 013373 FAFDOD12964 FAFDBUEUIZBEM - h? - l2 . -- :I?ntw- I OCTOBER 211, 1975 E. Hunt Auto Radio "505 E. McNicnuls Barron, 46205 MINN ESOTA Soudornaler Radio. Inc. 198 Forbu 5t. Foul. 55102 MISSOURI Stout:an Motors 34o: groanan Kama: City. 541% Lcwia Radio 920i Munchcilur St. Louis, 5314:! NEBRASKA BK Aulo Radio Sonics 613 South 24th Street Omaha. ?3510 NEW JERSEY Eutem Electronics, Inc. 201 Essa Strut -: Quick Stop Car Radio 875 Awnue Irvingwn. 11 Moria Rodin Co. 8-40 50th Avenue PlainIield. 07062 NEW YORK Moulrn Radio 1 I2 Control Atrium: Albantr. 12206 Larch Inn. 3768 Boston Road Bronx. 19469 TV and Radio Service 56 Gardlnou Avenuo anluowl'l. Ante Sound, Inc. 440 5t.Paul51rm Hochettar. ?6&5 Uniml Radio Sorulcc 2949 Eric Blvd" E. 1322: 1- MOTOROLA AUTHORIZED EXCHANGE STATIONS (Continued) NORTH DAKOTA Eldcr'l Radio Survicc 55 Third Street Fargo. 55102 OHIO Whillow Electronic Corp. 2l50 Nubia Road Ciawinnd, 44111 Ace Hidio TV Sunrise 2? E. Gav Street Columbus. 43215 OREGON Ed's Service 215 S. E. Grunt! Avcnud at Auto Radio Service. inc. 11 E. Montgomow Avenue 190M) thlan Radio Ponn at Harrison BULLETIN NO. 99 Stewart's Speedometer ?05th Third Younawootl. 15397 TEXAS Harold Long?s, inc? 2500 McKinney al Routh Dollar, 15204 H. a H. Radio Sumac cm Airline Drwo Houston, 77022 Modal Auto Electronics 910 Norm Alamo San Antonio. 75215 VIRGINIA Hurley?s Auto Radio 925 Globe Rand Arlington. 2220:! Mail." Brothers 272?! W. Broad Stat-ct RIchmond. 23220 WASHINGTON Huck-mick. 975m 19124 Motorad?o Distributing cc 1231 West :iltc Avenue, No. Scuttle. 93109 Article No. 1279 0 Verify condition as tI'lE Customer describes it. DIAGNOSIS PROCEDURE FOR NOISY THERMACTOH PUMPS - AVAILABILITY OF NEW OUIET TH EHMACTOH AI FI PUMPS ALL. 1975 GRANADAS EOUIPPED WITH THERMACTDH PUMPS UNCO ALL 1975 MONARCHS EOUIPPED WITH AIR PUMPS lniiesl?igatlons oi the caum oi noisrconditions rel-ting to the Thermactor pumps have indicated there is more than one causal factor and not necessarily an inherently noisy pump. it is therefore necessary that an ordeer process of ation he pcrlormed helorc the new quiet Thermactor purnp is installed. PRODUCED 0 Chuck the air pump drive pulley [or signs of or wear. Replace the pulley if the holes are clongatci Be- the noise level if a replacement is made. 0 Check the torque on the drive pulley attaching hairs. The bolls should be torqued to l30-lBU in. lbs. (This is a revised specification; previous specification was 80-1 15 in. lbs.) all the aft pump attaching bolts for loosancss. Tighter: as necessary. 0 Check air pump drive belt lot proper tension- Use only Rotunda Tool 1' bell BGIUSIWEHI must be madedamage to the pump hunting mav occur. Draw: beat tension should be 40-60 It. lbs. Four..- 1? 013374 FAFD0012965 BY FORD ,s BU LI. NO. 99 a Verll?v all vacuum connections and hose routing: relating to the Thermactor system as shown on Page 12 and 13 of the 1975 Service Highlights Training Bookiet No. i. Heevaluate noise level after above checks. it still unac~ ceptabie. check the aluminum outlet elbow on the back of the pump ior ?ashing blockage or restriction. ll fiashlnu is present. remove the elbow and clean out the flashing. Reinstall the elbow. I It there was no flashing present. the replacement of the air pump is in order. 0 If there was flashing present. reevaluate the noise leVeI after correction has been made and if the noise it stiil unacceptebie. then replace the air pump with the NEW quiet purnp. Part Number PART NUMBER PART NAME GLASS Tharmactor Air Pump A WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions of the Warranty and Policy Manuai. Refer to the Service Labor Time Standards for appropriate time allowance. OLE. CODING: Basic Part No. 9A486 Code: 55 Article No. 1230 a" POWERTRAIN lcunt?tl] [enema DETONATION (SPARK ltrsoc Kl FORD. 1975-76 PASSENGER CARS WHICH HAVE 49 STATE CALIBRATIONS ON LY LINCOLN-MERCURY 191536 PASSENGER CARS WHICH HAVE 49 STATE CALIEHATIONS UN LY 3975-76 TRUCKS UNDER 6000 GVW WHICH HAVE 49 SKATE CALIBEATIONS ONLY Page 18 OCTOBER 24. 1975 Engine Detonation [Spark Knock) can be corrected or mini. mizad on the above vehicles by retarding the initial ignition timing up to 60 from the specified setting shown on the Engine Emission Decal. Reterding the timing should be done in increman of 20 per adiustmant until the complaint is eliminated or minimized to a satisfactory level. The engine curb idle speed must be readjusted to the speci?cation lndi~ cath on the decal with the heading, "Vehicle Emission Control Information". which is located within the engine compartment. each time the engine initial timing is retarded, In addition. each time the timing ls retarded. the Engine Fast Idle Speed must be re-adiusted to the specification shown in the 1976 Car or Truck Shop Mannals. and i935 Bar or Truck Service Speci?cations Manuals - - whichever is applicable. WARRANTY STATUS: Flaitnbursahle within the provisions oi the Warranty and Policy Manual. OPERATION: TIME: 0.3 Hr. DLFI. CODING: Basic Part No. D..C.T.A.N.E. Code: 07 Article No. 1281 TRANSMISSION MOUNTED VEBFIATION DAMPER MODIFICATION F0 RD ALL PASSENGER CARS EQUIPPED WITH A TRANSMISSION MOUNTED VIBRATION DAMPER ALL PASSENGER CARS EOUIFPED WITH A TH ANSMISSION MOUNTED VIBRATION DAMPER When correcting a vehicle vibration condition. do not modify the existing transmission mounted vibration damper by bolting or welding on additional weight. The original released vibration dampers are tuned fatigue tested for the specific car iine. The addition of weight could cause the damper to exceed the designed Iatigtie limits. STATUS: 013375 ?t FAFDOD12966 PRODUCED BY FORD - BULLETIN N0. 99 ooroeen 24,1975 Article No. 1282 Article No. 1255-5 REVISED ORDER PROCESSING - FRONT WHEEL SHIMMY AMERICAN ROAD SLIDE-IN CAMPER PARTS ALL 1973 THROUGH 1975 4:2 SERIES LIGHT AMERICAN ROAD CAMPER TRUCKS AND 1914 ECONDLINES The parts ordering instructions currently published in Ford Parts Catalog (PP-8096A lQ?iSfTIucls Series Mailer Catalog! and in American Road Camper Speel?ei Service Bulletin dated March l, should be revised as lollows: Revise ihe following in Article No. 1255 T53 N0. 97 dosed September 5, 19%: Page 8, item C, Dimension given is incorreol. Carlee! DELETE: Mobile Leisure Supply Co. dimension should read H32 inch for maximum movemen: Elkharl, indiena between spindle and axle. REPLACE Coach Lite Supply '20. Page 9, Step 7. Add number of lubricant: WITH: 9.0. Box 379 Middleburv, Indiana #6540 DLH. CODING: Basic Part No. 38203 is incorrect. Arm; non Gibson Correct Basic Part No. should he 33203. Phone: 219f82512102 WARRANTY STATUS: Article No. 1283 ARMS ND. 1234 BRAKE MOAN OR SHUDDEH EN TURNS ?gf?cgg?wf?l??gg? DURING LIGHT BRAKE APPLICATION - 40 In order Io ensure sdequm water drainage for service replace: a warm; 62:32::lvmazhfaof?gvgii: 2:53:33?. The ?rent tailgates. a diameter hole should be drilled in each i . i .er that om" a: the la" a? ?or paint and In?aman as shown is a low Irequencv moan noise in r" F. 9 at a speci?c turn radius and vehicle speed. Pruner wheel bearing end play ndiustment will eliminate the eendition. Minsunent is made in the following manner: Remove wheel and tire assembly. disc brake caliper and pads. dustcap, retainer. and cotter pin. Torque wheel re- tention nut to 22-25 ft. lbs. while rotating the disc brake rotor in the opposite direcrion. Back olf the wheel retention nut Vs turn and install retainer and cotter pin without addi~ tiunal movement of the wheel nur. Reinstall dustcap. caliper. pads and wheel and the assembly. This procedure will reduce bearing and play to below .005?. WARRANTY STATUS: L. H. SIDE WARRANTY smrus?: Reimbursaer??e wishinwei? Provisions TAILGATE ASSEMBLY I of the Warranty and Policy Manual. pm. DRAIN HOLE OPERATION: 2001 A TIME: LEI Hr. 13.3329 A DLH. CODING: Basic Par: Numbor 1201 Code: 07 Page 19 Fig. 9 Anicle No. 1283 013376 2967 HY FORD . r- .. BULLETIN NO. 95 CHASSIS [cant'd] Article No. 1285 - ?hi-I- REPLACEMENT 0F FRONT SPRING HEAR BRACKET 2 1957-75 AND SERIES A spring bracket repiacernent kit ?s now available lor service use on the subiect vehicles- The following procedure is ior the installation of the from spring rear bracket repiacament kit. Propeclure: Measure frame rail thickness and check for use of a 0.125" thick channel frame line: to determine proper fastener usage per the ioliowing: Ereier to Figure 'lCi ior fastener incatiom. OF VEHICLE NOTE: ONE WASHER GOES UNDER EACH EOLT HEAD: REMAINING GO UNDER NUT. BOLTS ND. 1. 2.. 3 AND 4 HAVE HEADS INSIDE NO. 5 84 6 HAVE OUTSIIJE FRAME. TB - 31328 - A Fig. 10-: Article No. 1285 All models with 0.125" liner and 0.230" frame uso 2 washen on all 6 bolts. 0 All 8 models with Caterpillar or Dorset magmas - use 3 monitors on all 6 bolts. 0 Gas powered 3 models with 0.125? liner and 0.250" irame - - use 2 washers on bolts No. and No. 2; use 3 washers on bolts NoGas powered models with 0.260? and 0.310" trarnes - - use 2 washers on both No. and No. 2mm: awashers on bolts NoPage 20 OCTOBER 24. 1975 0 Gas powered models with 0.250" and 0.250" frames - - use 2 washers on bolts No. 1 and No. 2:use 4 washers on beau Na. 3, No.4. No. 5 and No.6. 0 models with Caterpillar engines and 0.319? frame - use 2 washers on bolts Nobolts Nomodels with Dorset engines and 0.310" frame - - use washers on bolts No. t, No. 2 and No. Sum: 2 washers no bolts NoLine ream all 6 Mounting halts to 0.505 - diameter. Tighten bolls 75.105 it. lbs. from nut and and wait cotter pins, PART NUMBER PART NAME CLASS Spring Ericka! Kit WARRANTY STATUS: Article No. 1286 STEERING SHAFT one UNIVERSAL JOINT REPAIR PROCEDURES ALL SERIES TRUCKS The lollowinn repair procedures supplement Series Truck steering column service instructions that appear in the Truck Shop Manual. These procedures must be followed whenever steering gear. universal joint or intermediate steero ing shalt service is perlormad to maintain adequate clampan of nee-ring shalt and un?versal joint splines. GEAR 1. Mark steering gear input shaft and universa. ioint yoke in tine. 2. Remove cotter pin, remove bolt and nut and slide yoke all your input shaft. 3; Perform goat service. 4. Align marks on inpu: shaft and universal in yoke and slide on 5. Install hall and nut and torque to 31-42 it. Elan. Advance to next aastallatlan if neoessarv to install new cotter pin. 013377 PRODUCED BY F0 RD 2968 12968 octoeen 24, 1975 UNIVERSAL JOINT: 1. Mark steering gear input shall and intermediate shaft in line. 2. Remove cotter pins. nuts end bolts and slide intermediate shaftupwani. 3. Remove ioint. 4. install new joint to steering gear input shalt so that the marks previously made on the Input shaft and intermed- iete shalt are 5. install bolts and nuts and torque to 31 to 42 it. lies. Advance to next castellation it necessary to install new cotter pin. SHAFT: i. Merit intermediate shaft and universal joint yolte. 2. Remove cotter pin. remove nut and boil and slide inter- mediate shaft out oi yoke. 3. Perform intermediate shalt service as outlined in Truck Shop Manual. Volume one. Section 130?. Pages 7. 3 and 9. anti reassemble intermediate shaft. 4. Align marks on universal loint and intermediate shaft and slide together. 5. Install bolt and nut and torque to 31 to 42 ft. lbs. Ad- vance to next castellation il necessary to install new cotler pin. WAHRANTY STATUS: ON .e NO. 99 Article No. 1287 UNUSUAL POWER BRAKE OPERATION 1975 Film-250 GVWJ: END-150 WITH SINGLE DIAPHRAGM li?l VACUUM BRAKE BODSTEH ASSEMBLY Unusual power brake modulation, extreme operational sensia llvity. or excessive pedal lrevnl reported alter a Master Cylin~ der or Vacuum Booster Assembly Installation. may be caused by a dislodged rubber reaction disc in the Power Booster Assembly [See Figure It is possible to dislodge the retro tlon disc from its position in the cavity of the power piston if the matter cylinder push rod is accidentally pulled out of the booster assemny during removal ol the master cylinder. or ii for any reason the push rod is pulled partially or completely out oi the booster assembly during rernoval or installation ol the booster assembly. To determine if the above are the result ul a dis- lodged reaction disc. inspect the booster assembly as in?ows: 0 Remove mastr cylinder and power booster assembiil lrom dash panel. I Gently pull the master cylinder push rod and lront seat out of the booster assembly. 0 Examine the inner cavity in the power piston (see Figure to see if the reaction disc is in place. The disc is black rubber compared to a silver color metal plunger that will be exposed if the diet: is missing. 0 ll inspection reveals the reaction dis: is missing. [3?11th the trachea disc lrorn inside the booster assembly. Put a dent: oi petroleum jelly in the cavity in the power piston and install the reaction disc in its position in the cavity of the power_piston. Install the master cylinder push rod and front seal into position in the booster assem- biy. Reinstall the booster assembly in the vehicle. Page 21 013378 BY FORB 2969 FAFEUHBUEQQBQ BULLETIN N0. 99 OCTOBER 24, 1975 1 Reinstall matter onto brake booster assamh?y making sure the output rod is in proper Intuition at time NOTE: If the nacllan disc cannot bu remand from tha ofinstalIation_ or cannot be located. than ,the vacuum booster assembly mun be replaced before WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the provisions rI-Iuembly at mustur cylindar. Whanaver I warm? at the Warranty and Policy Mmual. urn trike it replaced under warranty for a dltlodgnd reaction disc, this infurmaijnn must be OPERATION: racordod on the ?5863 form and the part claim tag. TIME: 0 5 Hr. DLH. CODING: Emit: Part Number 2143 - Code 36 SINGLE DIAPHRAGM :11 men: vacuum SOOSTEH ASSEMBLY FRONT SEAL VAcuumcH CK VALVE DIAPHRAGM mas-ran CYLINDER neseavoms . . .. I ulna: VALVE PLUNGER 4 3 HEAH SEAL InEr? msrea . t: m, MASTER CYLINDER ., PUSH ROD newsman-nus POHT l: . - I?ll .. it: VALVE OPERATING HOD nuaasn HEACTION ms: rm rosmom 1 if 31. in. POWER sac-non TB ., 3326 - A Fig. ll - Article No. 1287 P395 22 013379 2970 PRODUCED BY FURD no . . 5:91;:iiza BULLETIN NO. 99 r4.? .5 OCTOBER 24. 1975 POWERTRAIN Article No. 775 - TRANSMISSION COOLER LINE FILTER ALL TRUCKS WITH TRANSMISSION Asticle WE. T83 72 describes the conditions under which an external ?lter in the cooler to transmission return all circuit for" MT transmissions should be used. These conditions now apply 6401650. WARRANTY STATUS: ON L'f? Article No. 924-8 TRANSMISSION HEAR SUPPORT Tnucks 1974 AND PRIOR WITH FULL RT-RTD 930. ETD-9513 AND DETROIT DIESEL SJIIBVTI ENGHNES The part number listed lor item 6 in Figure 12 of TSB No. 79 lfor the above vehicles :1an is incorrem. The mrrect part number for Item 6. Figure 12 is D4HZ-7A033-G. Piease make this currentlon to Figure 12? Articla 924. NOTE: All part nurnhars listed in Figure la for the 9000 Transmission roar support are entrant. WARRANTY STATUS: ON Articlo No. 1283 REVISED CHOKE HOUSING NOTCH SETTING - HIGH ALTITUDE OPERATION ON LY [4 J: 2i i935 FIEOIZBOISSO - SWISSOCIO ENGINE Approwl has been received lrom the Envimnmenml Protec- tion Agency and California Resources Board to aliow revised chaise housing notch settings on speci?ed vol-rider'engina com- bination: operating in high altitude areas only as shown in Chan below. On ranch venicieiengine combination listed, ooer sting in high altitude areas. it is permistahle to readiust the moire housing 3 notches leaner than the Sp?ifecalion shown on the vehicle emitsion control information decal that is attached to the an aim: valve cover. ENGINE TRANSMISSION CALIBFIATION APPLICATION VEHICLE Midi MZE Mam] 5-831 Hi. Fi? Californil Only ISO-IV Automatic 59? H5. FIE Californio Fl 5012501150 3904?! Minus! 537.1 Onlv F25Cli?355 3904?! Automatic H5. H7 California Only F150i250i?350 EEO-2V Manual 5-33 FIG 49 Slum F150i250i350 Automatic 5-54 BO 49 Mnu? 5-37 H3 ?9 FZSOISSD 390-4V Aulamulo 5-88 RD 49 States WARRANTY STATUS: Page 23 PRODUCED 13?! FORD i BULLETIN NO. 99 q: OCTOBER 24. 1975 POWERTRAIN [cunt'dl Article No. 1289 TRANSMISSION T0 CLUTCH HOUSING INTERFERENCE 1 19?5 080 WITH SFICER 5000 SERIES TRANSMISSION AND 475 CID ENGINE Npisy operation oi the transmission erratic clutch oper- ation on vehicles with clutch housings may be due to excess metal In the clutch housing lower cavity (see Figure_ WI, which Interleres with the Iron: caumeraheit bearing cap. This sandman prevents the transmission Irom mpunting llat against the clinch housing and may cause as s- alignment of the transmission Input shalt. If this candltipn exists. check this area and remove excess Metal from clutch hnusing as described In Figure 12. WARRANTY STATUS: Reimbursable within the Provisinns pl the Warranty and Policy Manual. OPERATION: 1003A TIME: Time as appropriate tor vehicle and engine combina~ lion as listed in the Service Labor Time Standard Manual plus 0.2 hr. for metal removal. DLR. CODING: Basic Part Number 7500 Code 14. MINIMUM WALL THICKRESS REMOVE MATERIAL FROM BHADED AREA TO A DEPTH OF 314 MAINTAIN A MINIMUM WALL. THICKNESS. SEE VIEW A VIEWA Ta . 33:7 . A Fig. 1'2- Article No. 1289 FORD PARTS AND SERVICE DIVISION 2550 E. GRAND BLVD. DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48211 013381 BRUBUE ED 051' FDRD 2972