ECT PEACE renames E.- 1015 PILLAH 1t MID Bee-tame mere accessible, ripent amine-pliable, and transparent with all aegrnents of nut- De?ne. educate and relhfarte justice as a guiding principle fer internal and external policies and practices tn guide nur interaetIa ns with the citizens we serve. Partner with the tiers Media and Eemrnunicatiens Department tn cenduet an annual surueu tn traeii and anaiste the level at trust that citizens have in per pelice department. Centinue ta aggrEssisreltr recruit. hirer and retain a tileerse werliferee that reflects the we same. Cellabamte with flat. and Immigrant ternmunities te itientifll.f and understand issues and cencerns In arr alien to determine ways at strengthening transparencyr credibility, trust and relatienships Timely cemmunicatlen 1niith the public related ta incidents er esre that masI have significant imp-a en the eemrnunittr- [eg scheei leciidewn. actl'ue sh peter] Hest cemrn'unitsr fprun'ls within the nest twelve menths, in each see-tar, to inform and receive fetid badt related tn department peiicias, training and areas that are of interest. use ef Farce, hlas based ete.) Ensuurage p?ltere tn attl'u'els' participate in nan-enforcement centacts within their assigned secte rs by engaging with cummunit'sI members in neighherhends, business districts, scheels, and enmmunitsr centers. Bu year end 2316, make all department pelicies available far public review and regularli.r past an the department?s website re pa rtetl crime and ether law enforcement data. tn include templath statistics. use at three and respcIrI-se time. Begin cemm unicatiens with the Df?ce pf EquitiiI and Human Rights within 5 menths t-Ei design. future PrcIj-eet Fe citimmunit-Il.r censrersaticln s. Meanlnginl ?i'euth Engagement AETIDH ITEMS Expand partnerships with Intel greups, schneis, and faith based erganiaatiens te enhance pesltiue, nun-enforcement activities and mentership with nur yeuth in and er te build meaningful relatlenships. Expand recrultmet'lt te all Segments of em ch-mmunit'llrte serve an the department's Esplerer Fest- Eellaberate with Tacpma F'u hll-I: Sch-eels tn etplp re the use at Echeel Fteseurce lelicers to educate students an pelice in the cum mu nitsr and engage In meaningful dlalngue- Begin cemrnunltatiens with the Urifice pf Equity and Human Flights within 6 menths te design future Ftp-jact Peace cpmmunltt.I censersatians with 1inn-uth in our cernmunit's'. meanness- Mull) DUESEIEHT Lucal Campaign Iere Implementatien AUIDH ITEM: Pursue implem entatinn ef tun-d1.I wern cameras within the nest 2~3 fears. Centlnue te research the use at bedsr cam eras and track state Ieglslatlen- I Engage the Eititen Felice ?iduiser'll.r Committee te preside input regarding any patential tied-Ir warn camera pregra rrI. - s?IJ-d Februa?l E, E?l? Project PEACE -Tacc ma Felice Prepesed Aetldn items Page 1 all Engage the and saline latter urith directly en the use ef hedu ca merasr specifically inquiring aheut their cencems resending the use at the cameras and what; if any, situatiens they weutd net want had? cameras used- Request necessaru' funding te suppert implem entatien and sustainability.l ef the beds werri ea-mera pregra m. PI 3: ITEMS Enhance and ahead the use ei scIcial media eutreach te share timely and uital infermatlen te cltlaens as well as Increase pesithae 'IntEractiens and with cemrnunits members. Request funding In re the helatiens Specialist eesitien. HLLAH 4 - seem Centinue te bread en eur current cemmunittr pelicing e?erts ei ce-ere-duciug public safety- bu reaching eut te all segments ef the cemmunit'y' te Id entlhu' erehle ms, tie-instep strategies and Implement selutiens th-gether. Enhance the Mental Health Ce?Hespender Pregram bu implementing a Crisis Int-eruentien Tea m- Review and enhance the Citizens' head emu Fragram. Develee an Interactive press ntatiun that can he used te educate and engage the eemmu nitu en the structure. geals and functien ef the pelice department. Seek te enhance and expand the Eem mu nitll.I Fellcing Diuisien tn,- adding Cemm unit'sI LIaIsen ??lcers. Frclacthre Unitsr Detective-5, Ether-Ii Heseurce ??lcers and ether urces te address cluall?tll.I at life Issues and crimes threugheu?t neighherheeds, business distrieu, and ether parts at the cemmunitu. - EH HAHEE i Cellaberate with the Citizen F'u-IIc-e advisers Cemmittee and ether .stahehelders te a Cemrnunitsr Trauma Hespense Team. Preside en E-heur Crisis intereentien Training by the end at te all etiicers te mere l?ESpu?d th individuals with mental health issues. By June EDIE, reevaluate the current training program te expand and addresses the tellewing areas: I Undeing In stltutienal Ftac?rsm I Implicit Elias I Cultural lEel-n eaten-cu,- - De-eScaletiun Mentai Health Crisis Training I Precedurai Justice I Esea nd and en hanee Healitu Based er Seen arle Based Training I - FFIEER ITEM: Engage the elficers threugh cemrn Llnicaticln and surveys te sh are cuncerns and issues Research law entercement best practices in the area of Ci?icer Wellness and SafetyI Research ways te enceurage health-Ir werkflife balance Februar'r 3- 3015 Pruitt! PEACE - Tacnma Pellet Prune-sud Action Items Page 1-: ef I