Subject. It's Now or Never 7 Tell Your Legislalarlo VOTE NO on the Tobacco Tax Hike Dear- We know you've heard from us a lot this year on the Governor's tobacco tax, but adult tobacco consumers in Kansas are still being targeted. That's why we have to keep fighting back. We've made progress. Legislators are taking notice. But Kansas Citizens for Tobacco Rights must keep the pressure on. Governor Brownback continues to push his plan to: - Nearly the excise tax rate on cigarettes to sue/pack - INCREASE the tax rate on dip nearly 150% Enough is enoughl Use Facebookto tell legislators that hardworking Kansans deserve real solutions, NOT higherlaxest Click below to leave a message on your legislatoi's Facebook wall. Facewa your log slatoro and to them you already pay more than your sharol STOP spending money the state doesn't have! FOCUS on REAL SOLUTIONS -- NOT HIGHER TOBACCO TAXES. The state needs to learn to live within its means. Just as taxpayers do. Tell your legislator: You will be following issue and you will remember how they vote Please send your legislator a message on Facebook and tell them to VOTE NO on the tobacco tax hike. Be polite and professional: Avoid using emotional arguments or impolite language. Being professional helps your message stand out from the crowd. Sincerely, Kansas Cl'tizensfor Tobacco Rights Pald for by Alma client Servlces Inc. on behalf of Morris USA and u. s. Smokeless Tobacco Company Altria client Semices 5501 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23230 lfyou feel you received this message in error or do not wish to recelve emails from citizens farTobzcca --2fi